[Robast-commits] r1320 - in pkg/RandVar: . inst man tests/Examples
noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
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Sun Jan 12 01:01:20 CET 2025
Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2025-01-12 01:01:19 +0100 (Sun, 12 Jan 2025)
New Revision: 1320
[RandVar] version on trunk ready for submission
Modified: pkg/RandVar/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/RandVar/DESCRIPTION 2024-09-04 15:07:40 UTC (rev 1319)
+++ pkg/RandVar/DESCRIPTION 2025-01-12 00:01:19 UTC (rev 1320)
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
Package: RandVar
-Version: 1.2.4
-Date: 2024-09-02
+Version: 1.2.5
+Date: 2025-01-12
Title: Implementation of Random Variables
Description: Implements random variables by means of S4 classes and methods.
Depends: R(>= 3.4), methods, distr(>= 2.8.0), distrEx(>= 2.8.0)
-Imports: startupmsg
+Imports: startupmsg(>= 1.0.0)
Authors at R: c(person("Matthias", "Kohl", role=c("cre", "cph", "aut"),
- email="Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de"), person("Peter", "Ruckdeschel",
- role=c("aut","cph")))
+ email="Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de", comment = c(ORCID =
+ "0000-0001-9514-8910")), person("Peter", "Ruckdeschel",
+ role=c("aut", "cph"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0001-7815-4809")))
ByteCompile: yes
LazyLoad: yes
License: LGPL-3
@@ -15,5 +16,4 @@
URL: https://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/robast/
LastChangedDate: {$LastChangedDate$}
LastChangedRevision: {$LastChangedRevision$}
-VCS/SVNRevision: 1261
+VCS/SVNRevision: 1319
Modified: pkg/RandVar/inst/CITATION
--- pkg/RandVar/inst/CITATION 2024-09-04 15:07:40 UTC (rev 1319)
+++ pkg/RandVar/inst/CITATION 2025-01-12 00:01:19 UTC (rev 1320)
@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@
bibtype = "Manual",
- title = "RandVar: Implementation of random variables",
- author = c(person("Matthias", "Kohl"), person("Peter", "Ruckdeschel")),
+ title = "RandVar: Implementation of random variables",
+ author = c(person("Matthias", "Kohl", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0001-9514-8910")),
+ person("Peter", "Ruckdeschel", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0001-7815-4809"))),
language = "English",
year = year,
note = note,
Modified: pkg/RandVar/inst/NEWS
--- pkg/RandVar/inst/NEWS 2024-09-04 15:07:40 UTC (rev 1319)
+++ pkg/RandVar/inst/NEWS 2025-01-12 00:01:19 UTC (rev 1320)
@@ -9,6 +9,22 @@
+version 1.2.5
+under the hood:
++ adapted reference output for new startupmsg
++ converted encoding to UTF-8
++ transformed CITATION file to new format, i.e., bibentry() instead of citEntry(),
+ c(as.person( .... ), as.person( .... ), ...), instead of
+ as.personList(....)
++ fixed some broken URLs and changed URLs from http to https where possible
++ changed encoding to UTF-8 and updated URL for r-forge project homepage
+user-visible CHANGES:
++ CITATION file now uses bibentry.
version 1.2
Modified: pkg/RandVar/man/0RandVar-package.Rd
--- pkg/RandVar/man/0RandVar-package.Rd 2024-09-04 15:07:40 UTC (rev 1319)
+++ pkg/RandVar/man/0RandVar-package.Rd 2025-01-12 00:01:19 UTC (rev 1320)
@@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
-Implementation of Random Variables
-Implementation of random variables by means of S4 classes and methods.
-Package: \tab RandVar \cr
-Version: \tab 1.2.4 \cr
-Date: \tab 2024-09-02 \cr
-Depends: \tab R(>= 3.4), methods, distr(>= 2.8.0), distrEx(>= 2.8.0) \cr
-Imports: \tab startupmsg \cr
-ByteCompile: \tab yes \cr
-License: \tab LGPL-3 \cr
-URL: \tab https://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/robast/\cr
-VCS/SVNRevision: \tab 1261 \cr
-Peter Ruckdeschel \email{peter.ruckdeschel at uni-oldenburg.de},\cr%
-Matthias Kohl \email{Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de}\cr
-Maintainer: Matthias Kohl \email{matthias.kohl at stamats.de}}
- M. Kohl (2005). Numerical Contributions to the Asymptotic Theory of Robustness.
- Dissertation. University of Bayreuth.
- See also https://www.stamats.de/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/ThesisMKohl.pdf
-\code{\link[distr:0distr-package]{distr-package}}, \code{\link[distrEx:0distrEx-package]{distrEx-package}}
-\section{Package versions}{
-Note: The first two numbers of package versions do not necessarily reflect
- package-individual development, but rather are chosen for the
- RobAStXXX family as a whole in order to ease updating "depends"
- information.
+Implementation of Random Variables
+Implementation of random variables by means of S4 classes and methods.
+Package: \tab RandVar \cr
+Version: \tab 1.2.5 \cr
+Date: \tab 2025-01-12 \cr
+Depends: \tab R(>= 3.4), methods, distr(>= 2.8.0), distrEx(>= 2.8.0) \cr
+Imports: \tab startupmsg(>= 1.0.0) \cr
+ByteCompile: \tab yes \cr
+License: \tab LGPL-3 \cr
+URL: \tab https://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/robast/\cr
+VCS/SVNRevision: \tab 1319 \cr
+Peter Ruckdeschel \email{peter.ruckdeschel at uni-oldenburg.de},\cr%
+Matthias Kohl \email{Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de}\cr
+Maintainer: Matthias Kohl \email{matthias.kohl at stamats.de}}
+ M. Kohl (2005). Numerical Contributions to the Asymptotic Theory of Robustness.
+ Dissertation. University of Bayreuth.
+ See also https://www.stamats.de/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/ThesisMKohl.pdf
+\code{\link[distr:0distr-package]{distr-package}}, \code{\link[distrEx:0distrEx-package]{distrEx-package}}
+\section{Package versions}{
+Note: The first two numbers of package versions do not necessarily reflect
+ package-individual development, but rather are chosen for the
+ RobAStXXX family as a whole in order to ease updating "depends"
+ information.
Modified: pkg/RandVar/tests/Examples/RandVar-Ex.Rout.save
--- pkg/RandVar/tests/Examples/RandVar-Ex.Rout.save 2024-09-04 15:07:40 UTC (rev 1319)
+++ pkg/RandVar/tests/Examples/RandVar-Ex.Rout.save 2025-01-12 00:01:19 UTC (rev 1320)
@@ -1,2466 +1,2397 @@
-R version 4.3.2 Patched (2024-01-28 r85841) -- "Eye Holes"
-Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
-Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
-R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
-You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
-Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
- Natural language support but running in an English locale
-R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
-Type 'contributors()' for more information and
-'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
-Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
-'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
-Type 'q()' to quit R.
-> pkgname <- "RandVar"
-> source(file.path(R.home("share"), "R", "examples-header.R"))
-> options(warn = 1)
-> base::assign(".ExTimings", "RandVar-Ex.timings", pos = 'CheckExEnv')
-> base::cat("name\tuser\tsystem\telapsed\n", file=base::get(".ExTimings", pos = 'CheckExEnv'))
-> base::assign(".format_ptime",
-+ function(x) {
-+ if(!is.na(x[4L])) x[1L] <- x[1L] + x[4L]
-+ if(!is.na(x[5L])) x[2L] <- x[2L] + x[5L]
-+ options(OutDec = '.')
-+ format(x[1L:3L], digits = 7L)
-+ },
-+ pos = 'CheckExEnv')
-> ### * </HEADER>
-> library('RandVar')
-Loading required package: distr
-Loading required package: startupmsg
-:startupmsg> Utilities for Start-Up Messages (version 0.9.6)
-:startupmsg> For more information see ?"startupmsg",
-:startupmsg> NEWS("startupmsg")
-Loading required package: sfsmisc
-:distr> Object Oriented Implementation of Distributions (version
-:distr> 2.9.3)
-:distr> Attention: Arithmetics on distribution objects are
-:distr> understood as operations on corresponding random variables
-:distr> (r.v.s); see distrARITH().
-:distr> Some functions from package 'stats' are intentionally masked
-:distr> ---see distrMASK().
-:distr> Note that global options are controlled by distroptions()
-:distr> ---c.f. ?"distroptions".
-:distr> For more information see ?"distr", NEWS("distr"), as well as
-:distr> https://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/distr/
-:distr> Package "distrDoc" provides a vignette to this package as
-:distr> well as to several extension packages; try
-:distr> vignette("distr").
-Attaching package: ‘distr’
-The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
- df, qqplot, sd
-Loading required package: distrEx
-:distrEx> Extensions of Package 'distr' (version 2.9.2)
-:distrEx> Note: Packages "e1071", "moments", "fBasics" should be
-:distrEx> attached /before/ package "distrEx". See
-:distrEx> distrExMASK().Note: Extreme value distribution
-:distrEx> functionality has been moved to
-:distrEx> package "RobExtremes". See distrExMOVED().
-:distrEx> For more information see ?"distrEx", NEWS("distrEx"), as
-:distrEx> well as
-:distrEx> http://distr.r-forge.r-project.org/
-:distrEx> Package "distrDoc" provides a vignette to this package
-:distrEx> as well as to several related packages; try
-:distrEx> vignette("distr").
-Attaching package: ‘distrEx’
-The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
- IQR, mad, median, var
-:RandVar> Implementation of Random Variables (version 1.2.2)
-:RandVar> For more information see ?"RandVar", NEWS("RandVar"), as
-:RandVar> well as
-:RandVar> https://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/robast/
-:RandVar> This package also includes a vignette; try
-:RandVar> vignette("RandVar").
-> base::assign(".oldSearch", base::search(), pos = 'CheckExEnv')
-> base::assign(".old_wd", base::getwd(), pos = 'CheckExEnv')
-> cleanEx()
-> nameEx("0RandVar-package")
-> ### * 0RandVar-package
-> flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
-> base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
-> ### Name: RandVar-package
-> ### Title: Implementation of Random Variables
-> ### Aliases: RandVar-package RandVar
-> ### Keywords: package
-> ### ** Examples
-> library(RandVar)
-> #vignette("RandVar")
-> base::assign(".dptime", (proc.time() - get(".ptime", pos = "CheckExEnv")), pos = "CheckExEnv")
-> base::cat("0RandVar-package", base::get(".format_ptime", pos = 'CheckExEnv')(get(".dptime", pos = "CheckExEnv")), "\n", file=base::get(".ExTimings", pos = 'CheckExEnv'), append=TRUE, sep="\t")
-> cleanEx()
-> nameEx("EuclRandMatrix-class")
-> ### * EuclRandMatrix-class
-> flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
-> base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
-> ### Name: EuclRandMatrix-class
-> ### Title: Euclidean random matrix
-> ### Aliases: EuclRandMatrix-class
-> ### coerce,EuclRandMatrix,EuclRandVarList-method Dim
-> ### Dim,EuclRandMatrix-method Dim<- Dim<-,EuclRandMatrix-method
-> ### [,EuclRandMatrix-method ncol,EuclRandMatrix-method
-> ### nrow,EuclRandMatrix-method dimension,EuclRandMatrix-method
-> ### evalRandVar,EuclRandMatrix,numeric,missing-method
-> ### evalRandVar,EuclRandMatrix,matrix,missing-method
-> ### evalRandVar,EuclRandMatrix,numeric,Distribution-method
-> ### evalRandVar,EuclRandMatrix,matrix,Distribution-method
-> ### t,EuclRandMatrix-method show,EuclRandMatrix-method
-> ### %*%,matrix,EuclRandMatrix-method %*%,numeric,EuclRandMatrix-method
-> ### %*%,EuclRandMatrix,matrix-method %*%,EuclRandMatrix,numeric-method
-> ### %*%,EuclRandMatrix,EuclRandMatrix-method
-> ### Arith,numeric,EuclRandMatrix-method
-> ### Arith,EuclRandMatrix,numeric-method
-> ### Arith,EuclRandMatrix,EuclRandMatrix-method Math,EuclRandMatrix-method
-> ### E,UnivariateDistribution,EuclRandMatrix,missing-method
-> ### E,AbscontDistribution,EuclRandMatrix,missing-method
-> ### E,DiscreteDistribution,EuclRandMatrix,missing-method
-> ### E,MultivariateDistribution,EuclRandMatrix,missing-method
-> ### E,DiscreteMVDistribution,EuclRandMatrix,missing-method
-> ### E,UnivariateCondDistribution,EuclRandMatrix,numeric-method
-> ### E,AbscontCondDistribution,EuclRandMatrix,numeric-method
-> ### E,DiscreteCondDistribution,EuclRandMatrix,numeric-method
-> ### Keywords: classes arith math
-> ### ** Examples
-> L1 <- list(function(x){x}, function(x){x^2}, function(x){x^3}, function(x){x^4},
-+ function(x){x^5}, function(x){x^6})
-> L2 <- list(function(x){exp(x)}, function(x){abs(x)},
-+ function(x){sin(x)}, function(x){floor(x)})
-> R1 <- new("EuclRandMatrix", Map = L1, Dim = as.integer(c(3,2)),
-+ Domain = Reals(), Range = Reals())
-> dimension(R1)
-[1] 6
-> R1[1:2, 2]
-An object of class “EuclRandVariable”
-length of Map: 2
-Domain: Real Space with dimension 1
-Range: Real Space with dimension 1
-> R1[1:2, 1:2]
-An object of class “EuclRandMatrix”
-Dim of Map: 2 2
-Domain: Real Space with dimension 1
-Range: Real Space with dimension 1
-> Map(R1[1,2])
-function (x)
- x^4
-> Map(t(R1)[2,1])
-function (x)
- f <- function (x)
- {
- x^4
- }
- t(f(x))
-<environment: 0x55c95b22a3f0>
-> R2 <- EuclRandMatrix(Map = L2, ncol = 2, Domain = Reals(), dimension = 1)
-> dimension(R2)
-[1] 4
-> (DL <- imageDistr(R2, Norm()))
-An object of class "DistrList"
- [[1]] Distribution Object of Class: AbscontDistribution
- [[2]] Distribution Object of Class: AbscontDistribution
- [[3]] Distribution Object of Class: AbscontDistribution
- [[4]] Distribution Object of Class: AbscontDistribution
-Warning in (new("standardGeneric", .Data = function (object) :
- arithmetics on distributions are understood as operations on r.v.'s
-see 'distrARITH()'; for switching off this warning see '?distroptions'
-Warning in (new("standardGeneric", .Data = function (object) :
- slots d,p,q have been filled using simulations; for switching off this warning see '?distroptions'
-> plot(DL)
-> Map(gamma(R2)) # "Math" group
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- exp(x)
- }
- gamma(f1(x))
-<environment: 0x55c95d6d7470>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- abs(x)
- }
- gamma(f1(x))
-<environment: 0x55c95d6d7470>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- sin(x)
- }
- gamma(f1(x))
-<environment: 0x55c95d6d7470>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- floor(x)
- }
- gamma(f1(x))
-<environment: 0x55c95d6d7470>
-> ## "Arith" group
-> Map(2/R1)
-function (x)
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- x
- }
- 2/f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95c41c688>
-function (x)
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- x^2
- }
- 2/f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95c41c688>
-function (x)
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- x^3
- }
- 2/f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95c41c688>
-function (x)
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- x^4
- }
- 2/f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95c41c688>
-function (x)
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- x^5
- }
- 2/f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95c41c688>
-function (x)
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- x^6
- }
- 2/f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95c41c688>
-> Map(R2 * R2)
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- exp(x)
- }
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- exp(x)
- }
- f1(x) * f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95c4a1428>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- abs(x)
- }
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- abs(x)
- }
- f1(x) * f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95c4a1428>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- sin(x)
- }
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- sin(x)
- }
- f1(x) * f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95c4a1428>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- floor(x)
- }
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- floor(x)
- }
- f1(x) * f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95c4a1428>
-> base::assign(".dptime", (proc.time() - get(".ptime", pos = "CheckExEnv")), pos = "CheckExEnv")
-> base::cat("EuclRandMatrix-class", base::get(".format_ptime", pos = 'CheckExEnv')(get(".dptime", pos = "CheckExEnv")), "\n", file=base::get(".ExTimings", pos = 'CheckExEnv'), append=TRUE, sep="\t")
-> cleanEx()
-> nameEx("EuclRandMatrix")
-> ### * EuclRandMatrix
-> flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
-> base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
-> ### Name: EuclRandMatrix
-> ### Title: Generating function for EuclRandMatrix-class
-> ### Aliases: EuclRandMatrix
-> ### Keywords: classes
-> ### ** Examples
-> L1 <- list(function(x){x}, function(x){x^2}, function(x){x^3}, function(x){x^4},
-+ function(x){x^5}, function(x){x^6})
-> L2 <- list(function(x){exp(x)}, function(x){abs(x)},
-+ function(x){sin(x)}, function(x){floor(x)})
-> R1 <- EuclRandMatrix(Map = L1, nrow = 3, Domain = Reals(), dimension = 1)
-> R1[1:2, 2]
-An object of class “EuclRandVariable”
-length of Map: 2
-Domain: Real Space with dimension 1
-Range: Euclidean Space with dimension 1
-> R1[1:2, 1:2]
-An object of class “EuclRandMatrix”
-Dim of Map: 2 2
-Domain: Real Space with dimension 1
-Range: Euclidean Space with dimension 1
-> Map(R1[1,2])
-function (x)
- x^4
-> Map(t(R1)[2,1])
-function (x)
- f <- function (x)
- {
- x^4
- }
- t(f(x))
-<environment: 0x55c95fcbaf50>
-> R2 <- EuclRandMatrix(Map = L2, ncol = 2, Domain = Reals(), dimension = 1)
-> (DL <- imageDistr(R2, Norm()))
-An object of class "DistrList"
- [[1]] Distribution Object of Class: AbscontDistribution
- [[2]] Distribution Object of Class: AbscontDistribution
- [[3]] Distribution Object of Class: AbscontDistribution
- [[4]] Distribution Object of Class: AbscontDistribution
-Warning in (new("standardGeneric", .Data = function (object) :
- arithmetics on distributions are understood as operations on r.v.'s
-see 'distrARITH()'; for switching off this warning see '?distroptions'
-Warning in (new("standardGeneric", .Data = function (object) :
- slots d,p,q have been filled using simulations; for switching off this warning see '?distroptions'
-> plot(DL)
-> Map(gamma(R2)) # "Math" group
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- exp(x)
- }
- gamma(f1(x))
-<environment: 0x55c95e640c10>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- abs(x)
- }
- gamma(f1(x))
-<environment: 0x55c95e640c10>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- sin(x)
- }
- gamma(f1(x))
-<environment: 0x55c95e640c10>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- floor(x)
- }
- gamma(f1(x))
-<environment: 0x55c95e640c10>
-> ## "Arith" group
-> Map(2/R1)
-function (x)
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- x
- }
- 2/f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95e6192f8>
-function (x)
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- x^2
- }
- 2/f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95e6192f8>
-function (x)
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- x^3
- }
- 2/f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95e6192f8>
-function (x)
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- x^4
- }
- 2/f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95e6192f8>
-function (x)
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- x^5
- }
- 2/f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95e6192f8>
-function (x)
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- x^6
- }
- 2/f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95e6192f8>
-> Map(R2 * R2)
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- exp(x)
- }
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- exp(x)
- }
- f1(x) * f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95e5d2620>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- abs(x)
- }
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- abs(x)
- }
- f1(x) * f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95e5d2620>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- sin(x)
- }
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- sin(x)
- }
- f1(x) * f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95e5d2620>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- floor(x)
- }
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- floor(x)
- }
- f1(x) * f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95e5d2620>
-> ## The function is currently defined as
-> function(Map = list(function(x){1}), nrow = 1, ncol = 1,
-+ Domain = NULL, dimension = 1) {
-+ if (missing(nrow))
-+ nrow <- ceiling(length(Map)/ncol)
-+ else if (missing(ncol))
-+ ncol <- ceiling(length(Map)/nrow)
-+ if(missing(Range))
-+ return(new("EuclRandMatrix", Map = Map, Domain = Domain,
-+ Range = EuclideanSpace(dimension = dimension),
-+ Dim = as.integer(c(nrow, ncol))))
-+ else
-+ return(new("EuclRandMatrix", Map = Map, Domain = Domain,
-+ Range = Range, Dim = as.integer(c(nrow, ncol))))
-+ }
-function (Map = list(function(x) {
- 1
-}), nrow = 1, ncol = 1, Domain = NULL, dimension = 1)
- if (missing(nrow))
- nrow <- ceiling(length(Map)/ncol)
- else if (missing(ncol))
- ncol <- ceiling(length(Map)/nrow)
- if (missing(Range))
- return(new("EuclRandMatrix", Map = Map, Domain = Domain,
- Range = EuclideanSpace(dimension = dimension), Dim = as.integer(c(nrow,
- ncol))))
- else return(new("EuclRandMatrix", Map = Map, Domain = Domain,
- Range = Range, Dim = as.integer(c(nrow, ncol))))
-> base::assign(".dptime", (proc.time() - get(".ptime", pos = "CheckExEnv")), pos = "CheckExEnv")
-> base::cat("EuclRandMatrix", base::get(".format_ptime", pos = 'CheckExEnv')(get(".dptime", pos = "CheckExEnv")), "\n", file=base::get(".ExTimings", pos = 'CheckExEnv'), append=TRUE, sep="\t")
-> cleanEx()
-> nameEx("EuclRandVarList-class")
-> ### * EuclRandVarList-class
-> flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
-> base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
-> ### Name: EuclRandVarList-class
-> ### Title: List of Euclidean random variables
-> ### Aliases: EuclRandVarList-class numberOfMaps
-> ### numberOfMaps,EuclRandVarList-method dimension,EuclRandVarList-method
-> ### evalRandVar,EuclRandVarList,numeric,missing-method
-> ### evalRandVar,EuclRandVarList,matrix,missing-method
-> ### evalRandVar,EuclRandVarList,numeric,Distribution-method
-> ### evalRandVar,EuclRandVarList,matrix,Distribution-method
-> ### imageDistr,EuclRandVarList,Distribution-method
-> ### t,EuclRandVarList-method show,EuclRandVarList-method
-> ### Arith,numeric,EuclRandVarList-method
-> ### Arith,EuclRandVarList,numeric-method
-> ### Arith,EuclRandVarList,EuclRandVarList-method
-> ### Math,EuclRandVarList-method %m%
-> ### %m%,EuclRandVarList,EuclRandVarList-method
-> ### %*%,matrix,EuclRandVarList-method %*%,EuclRandVarList,matrix-method
-> ### E,UnivariateDistribution,EuclRandVarList,missing-method
-> ### E,AbscontDistribution,EuclRandVarList,missing-method
-> ### E,DiscreteDistribution,EuclRandVarList,missing-method
-> ### E,MultivariateDistribution,EuclRandVarList,missing-method
-> ### E,DiscreteMVDistribution,EuclRandVarList,missing-method
-> ### E,UnivariateCondDistribution,EuclRandVarList,numeric-method
-> ### E,AbscontCondDistribution,EuclRandVarList,numeric-method
-> ### E,DiscreteCondDistribution,EuclRandVarList,numeric-method
-> ### Keywords: classes
-> ### ** Examples
-> L1 <- list(function(x){x}, function(x){x^2}, function(x){x^3}, function(x){x^4},
-+ function(x){x^5}, function(x){x^6})
-> L2 <- list(function(x){exp(x)}, function(x){abs(x)},
-+ function(x){sin(x)}, function(x){floor(x)})
-> R1 <- new("EuclRandVariable", Map = L2, Domain = Reals(), Range = Reals())
-> R2 <- EuclRandMatrix(Map = L1, ncol = 2, Domain = Reals(), dimension = 1)
-> R3 <- EuclRandMatrix(Map = L2, ncol = 2, Domain = Reals(), dimension = 1)
-> (RL1 <- new("EuclRandVarList", list(R1, R2, R3)))
-An object of class “EuclRandVarList”
-Domain: Real Space with dimension 1
-length of Map: 4
-Range: Real Space with dimension 1
-Dim of Map: 3 2
-Range: Euclidean Space with dimension 1
-Dim of Map: 2 2
-Range: Euclidean Space with dimension 1
-> dimension(RL1)
-[1] 14
-> as(R1, "EuclRandVarList")
-An object of class “EuclRandVarList”
-Domain: Real Space with dimension 1
-length of Map: 4
-Range: Real Space with dimension 1
-> as(R2, "EuclRandVarList")
-An object of class “EuclRandVarList”
-Domain: Real Space with dimension 1
-Dim of Map: 3 2
-Range: Euclidean Space with dimension 1
-> Map(exp(RL1)[[1]]) # "Math" group
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- exp(x)
- }
- exp(f1(x))
-<environment: 0x55c95b94ff38>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- abs(x)
- }
- exp(f1(x))
-<environment: 0x55c95b94ff38>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- sin(x)
- }
- exp(f1(x))
-<environment: 0x55c95b94ff38>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- floor(x)
- }
- exp(f1(x))
-<environment: 0x55c95b94ff38>
-> ## "Arith" group
-> Map((1 + RL1)[[1]])
-function (x)
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- exp(x)
- }
- 1 + f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95d392188>
-function (x)
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- abs(x)
- }
- 1 + f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95d392188>
-function (x)
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- sin(x)
- }
- 1 + f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95d392188>
-function (x)
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- floor(x)
- }
- 1 + f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95d392188>
-> Map((RL1 * 2)[[2]])
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- x
- }
- f1(x) * 2
-<environment: 0x55c95b8be630>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- x^2
- }
- f1(x) * 2
-<environment: 0x55c95b8be630>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- x^3
- }
- f1(x) * 2
-<environment: 0x55c95b8be630>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- x^4
- }
- f1(x) * 2
-<environment: 0x55c95b8be630>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- x^5
- }
- f1(x) * 2
-<environment: 0x55c95b8be630>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- x^6
- }
- f1(x) * 2
-<environment: 0x55c95b8be630>
-> Map((RL1 / RL1)[[3]])
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- exp(x)
- }
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- exp(x)
- }
- f1(x)/f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95b757da8>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- abs(x)
- }
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- abs(x)
- }
- f1(x)/f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95b757da8>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- sin(x)
- }
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- sin(x)
- }
- f1(x)/f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95b757da8>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- floor(x)
- }
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- floor(x)
- }
- f1(x)/f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95b757da8>
-> base::assign(".dptime", (proc.time() - get(".ptime", pos = "CheckExEnv")), pos = "CheckExEnv")
-> base::cat("EuclRandVarList-class", base::get(".format_ptime", pos = 'CheckExEnv')(get(".dptime", pos = "CheckExEnv")), "\n", file=base::get(".ExTimings", pos = 'CheckExEnv'), append=TRUE, sep="\t")
-> cleanEx()
-> nameEx("EuclRandVarList")
-> ### * EuclRandVarList
-> flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
-> base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
-> ### Name: EuclRandVarList
-> ### Title: Generating function for EuclRandVarList-class
-> ### Aliases: EuclRandVarList
-> ### Keywords: classes
-> ### ** Examples
-> L1 <- list(function(x){x}, function(x){x^2}, function(x){x^3}, function(x){x^4},
-+ function(x){x^5}, function(x){x^6})
-> L2 <- list(function(x){exp(x)}, function(x){abs(x)},
-+ function(x){sin(x)}, function(x){floor(x)})
-> R1 <- new("EuclRandVariable", Map = L2, Domain = Reals(), Range = Reals())
-> R2 <- EuclRandMatrix(Map = L1, ncol = 2, Domain = Reals(), dimension = 1)
-> R3 <- EuclRandMatrix(Map = L2, ncol = 2, Domain = Reals(), dimension = 1)
-> (RL1 <- EuclRandVarList(R1, R2, R3))
-An object of class “EuclRandVarList”
-Domain: Real Space with dimension 1
-length of Map: 4
-Range: Real Space with dimension 1
-Dim of Map: 3 2
-Range: Euclidean Space with dimension 1
-Dim of Map: 2 2
-Range: Euclidean Space with dimension 1
-> is(R1, "EuclRandVarList")
-[1] FALSE
-> as(R1, "EuclRandVarList")
-An object of class “EuclRandVarList”
-Domain: Real Space with dimension 1
-length of Map: 4
-Range: Real Space with dimension 1
-> is(R2, "EuclRandVarList")
-[1] FALSE
-> as(R2, "EuclRandVarList")
-An object of class “EuclRandVarList”
-Domain: Real Space with dimension 1
-Dim of Map: 3 2
-Range: Euclidean Space with dimension 1
-> Map(exp(RL1)[[1]]) # "Math" group
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- exp(x)
- }
- exp(f1(x))
-<environment: 0x55c95f5f9210>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- abs(x)
- }
- exp(f1(x))
-<environment: 0x55c95f5f9210>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- sin(x)
- }
- exp(f1(x))
-<environment: 0x55c95f5f9210>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- floor(x)
- }
- exp(f1(x))
-<environment: 0x55c95f5f9210>
-> ## "Arith" group
-> Map((1 + RL1)[[1]])
-function (x)
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- exp(x)
- }
- 1 + f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95efcb610>
-function (x)
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- abs(x)
- }
- 1 + f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95efcb610>
-function (x)
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- sin(x)
- }
- 1 + f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95efcb610>
-function (x)
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- floor(x)
- }
- 1 + f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95efcb610>
-> Map((RL1 * 2)[[2]])
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- x
- }
- f1(x) * 2
-<environment: 0x55c95b95b770>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- x^2
- }
- f1(x) * 2
-<environment: 0x55c95b95b770>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- x^3
- }
- f1(x) * 2
-<environment: 0x55c95b95b770>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- x^4
- }
- f1(x) * 2
-<environment: 0x55c95b95b770>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- x^5
- }
- f1(x) * 2
-<environment: 0x55c95b95b770>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- x^6
- }
- f1(x) * 2
-<environment: 0x55c95b95b770>
-> Map((RL1 / RL1)[[3]])
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- exp(x)
- }
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- exp(x)
- }
- f1(x)/f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95d200d90>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- abs(x)
- }
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- abs(x)
- }
- f1(x)/f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95d200d90>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- sin(x)
- }
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- sin(x)
- }
- f1(x)/f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95d200d90>
-function (x)
- f1 <- function (x)
- {
- floor(x)
- }
- f2 <- function (x)
- {
- floor(x)
- }
- f1(x)/f2(x)
-<environment: 0x55c95d200d90>
-> ## The function is currently defined as
-> function(...){
-+ new("EuclRandVarList", list(...))
-+ }
-function (...)
- new("EuclRandVarList", list(...))
-> base::assign(".dptime", (proc.time() - get(".ptime", pos = "CheckExEnv")), pos = "CheckExEnv")
-> base::cat("EuclRandVarList", base::get(".format_ptime", pos = 'CheckExEnv')(get(".dptime", pos = "CheckExEnv")), "\n", file=base::get(".ExTimings", pos = 'CheckExEnv'), append=TRUE, sep="\t")
-> cleanEx()
-> nameEx("EuclRandVariable-class")
-> ### * EuclRandVariable-class
-> flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
-> base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
-> ### Name: EuclRandVariable-class
-> ### Title: Euclidean random variable
-> ### Aliases: EuclRandVariable-class
-> ### coerce,EuclRandVariable,EuclRandMatrix-method
-> ### coerce,EuclRandVariable,EuclRandVarList-method
-> ### Range<-,EuclRandVariable-method [,EuclRandVariable-method evalRandVar
-> ### evalRandVar,EuclRandVariable,numeric,missing-method
-> ### evalRandVar,EuclRandVariable,matrix,missing-method
-> ### evalRandVar,EuclRandVariable,numeric,Distribution-method
-> ### evalRandVar,EuclRandVariable,matrix,Distribution-method imageDistr
-> ### imageDistr,EuclRandVariable,Distribution-method
-> ### dimension,EuclRandVariable-method t,EuclRandVariable-method
-> ### %*%,matrix,EuclRandVariable-method
-> ### %*%,numeric,EuclRandVariable-method
-> ### %*%,EuclRandVariable,matrix-method
-> ### %*%,EuclRandVariable,numeric-method
-> ### %*%,EuclRandVariable,EuclRandVariable-method
To get the complete diff run:
svnlook diff /svnroot/robast -r 1320
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