[Robast-commits] r1307 - in branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobAStBase: inst man tests/Examples

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Thu Aug 29 18:43:37 CEST 2024

Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2024-08-29 18:43:37 +0200 (Thu, 29 Aug 2024)
New Revision: 1307

[RobAStBase] ported changes from trunk to devel branch robast-1.3

Modified: branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobAStBase/inst/NEWS
--- branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobAStBase/inst/NEWS	2024-08-29 16:14:00 UTC (rev 1306)
+++ branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobAStBase/inst/NEWS	2024-08-29 16:43:37 UTC (rev 1307)
@@ -14,6 +14,23 @@
 + changed encoding to UTF-8 and updated URL for r-forge project homepage
+version 1.2.6
+under the hood:
+with the help of K. Hornik identified spurious, platform dependent LF/CR issue
+and capsulated calls to infoShow() in Rd files by 
+version 1.2.4
+user-visible CHANGES:
++ CITATION file now use bibentry
 version 1.2.3

Modified: branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobAStBase/man/0RobAStBase-package.Rd
--- branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobAStBase/man/0RobAStBase-package.Rd	2024-08-29 16:14:00 UTC (rev 1306)
+++ branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobAStBase/man/0RobAStBase-package.Rd	2024-08-29 16:43:37 UTC (rev 1307)
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 Package: \tab RobAStBase \cr
 Version: \tab 1.3.0 \cr
-Date: \tab 2019-04-07 \cr
+Date: \tab 2024-08-29 \cr
 Depends: \tab R(>= 3.4), methods, rrcov, distr(>= 2.8.0), distrEx(>= 2.8.0),
     distrMod(>= 2.8.1),RandVar(>= 1.2.0) \cr
 Suggests: \tab ROptEst(>= 1.2.0), RUnit(>= 0.4.26) \cr
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 Encoding: \tab  latin1 \cr
 License: \tab LGPL-3 \cr
 URL: \tab https://robast.r-forge.r-project.org/\cr
-VCS/SVNRevision: \tab 1205 \cr
+VCS/SVNRevision: \tab 1305 \cr

Modified: branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobAStBase/man/RobAStBaseMASK.Rd
--- branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobAStBase/man/RobAStBaseMASK.Rd	2024-08-29 16:14:00 UTC (rev 1306)
+++ branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobAStBase/man/RobAStBaseMASK.Rd	2024-08-29 16:43:37 UTC (rev 1307)
@@ -18,7 +18,9 @@
 \author{Peter Ruckdeschel \email{peter.ruckdeschel at uni-oldenburg.de}}

Modified: branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobAStBase/man/internal_plots.Rd
--- branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobAStBase/man/internal_plots.Rd	2024-08-29 16:14:00 UTC (rev 1306)
+++ branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobAStBase/man/internal_plots.Rd	2024-08-29 16:43:37 UTC (rev 1307)
@@ -1,222 +1,224 @@
-\title{Internal / Helper functions of package RobAStBase for plot functions}
-These functions are internally used helper functions for \code{\link{plot}},
-\code{\link{infoPlot}} \code{\link{comparePlot}} in package \pkg{RobAStBase}.}
-.rescalefct(x, fct, scaleX = FALSE, scaleX.fct, scaleX.inv,
-         scaleY = FALSE, scaleY.fct = pnorm,
-         xlim, ylim, dots)
-.plotRescaledAxis(scaleX, scaleX.fct, scaleX.inv, scaleY,scaleY.fct,
-                  scaleY.inv, xlim, ylim, X, ypts = 400, n = 11,
-                  finiteEndpoints = rep(FALSE,4),
-                  x.ticks = NULL, y.ticks = NULL, withbox = TRUE)
-.legendCoord(x, scaleX, scaleX.fct, scaleY, scaleY.fct)
-.SelectOrderData(data, fct, which.lbs, which.Order, which.nonlbs = NULL)
-.cexscale(y, y1=y, maxcex=4,mincex=0.05,cex, fun=NULL)
-.getX.vec(distr, dims0, lty, x.vec, scaleX, scaleX.fct, scaleX.inv, xm, xM)
-.getXlimYlim(dots,dotsP, dims0, xlim, ylim)
-.prepareTitles(withSubst, presubArg2, presubArg3, dots, mainText,
-               L2Fam, inner, dims0, dims, to.draw, trafO, obj, type, bmar, tmar)
-.getToDraw(dims, trafO, L2Fam, to.draw.arg, Abs=NULL)
-.preparePanelFirstLast(with.automatic.grid , dims0, pF.0, pL.0,
-            logArg, scaleX, scaleY, x.ticks, y.ticks, scaleX.fct, scaleY.fct)
-  \item{scaleX}{logical; shall X-axis be rescaled (by default according to the cdf of
-          the underlying distribution)?}
-  \item{scaleY}{logical; shall Y-axis be rescaled (by default according to a probit scale)?}
-  \item{scaleX.fct}{an isotone, vectorized function mapping the domain of the IC
-            to [0,1]; if \code{scaleX} is \code{TRUE} and \code{scaleX.fct} is
-            missing, the cdf of the underlying observation distribution.}
-  \item{scaleX.inv}{the inverse function to \code{scale.fct}, i.e., an isotone,
-            vectorized function mapping [0,1] to the domain of the IC
-            such that for any \code{x} in the domain,\cr
-            \code{scaleX.inv(scaleX.fct(x))==x}; if \code{scaleX} is \code{TRUE}
-            and \code{scaleX.inv} is
-            missing, the quantile function of the underlying observation distribution.}
-  \item{scaleY.fct}{an isotone, vectorized function mapping for each coordinate the
-            range of the respective coordinate of the IC
-            to [0,1]; defaulting to the cdf of \eqn{{\cal N}(0,1)}{N(0,1)}.}
-  \item{scaleY.inv}{an isotone, vectorized function mapping for each coordinate
-            the range [0,1] into the range of the respective coordinate of the IC;
-            defaulting to the quantile function of  \eqn{{\cal N}(0,1)}{N(0,1)}.}
-  \item{fct}{for \code{.rescalefct}: (vectorized) function from reals to reals: function to produce y values.
-  for \code{.SelectOrderData}: (vectorized) function from data to reals:
-    function to produce the ordering.}
-  \item{xlim}{for one-panel plots: numeric vector of length 2: limits of the plotted x region (in original
-              scale), for multi-panel plots: can be matrix valued (with two columns and as many rows as panels).}
-  \item{ylim}{for one-panel plots: numeric vector of length 2: limits of the plotted y region (in original
-              scale), for multi-panel plots: can be matrix valued (with two columns and as many rows as panels).}
-  \item{finiteEndpoints}{a logical of length 4: are the  unscaled \code{xlim[1]},
-                         \code{xlim[2]}, \code{ylim[1]}, \code{ylim[2]} finite? }
-  \item{x.ticks}{numeric: coordinates in original scale of user-given ticks on x-axis.}
-  \item{y.ticks}{numeric: coordinates in original scale of user-given ticks on y-axis.}
-  \item{n}{integer: number of default ticks in x and y axis.}
-  \item{X}{numeric: x-values on [0,1]-scale from which to produce range of x axis.}
-  \item{ypts}{integer: number of y-points to be generated on [0,1] range to
-              produce y-axis.}
-  \item{dots}{dots argument for later calls to \code{plot} which is manipulated
-           when using rescaling.}
-  \item{x}{coordinates of the legend placement to be rescaled when using a
-      scale transformation.}
-  \item{data}{numeric or data.frame containing numerics; observations to be plotted into
-     a graph.}
-  \item{which.lbs}{either an integer vector with the indices of the observations
-          to be plotted into graph or \code{NULL} --- then no observation is excluded}
-  \item{which.Order}{indices of the observations after ordering which are to be
-    plotted into the graph; more speficically, the indices are obtained after
-    a possible thin-out by \code{which.lbs} and after ordering in descending order
-    of the remaining observations. If this argument is \code{NULL} then no
-    (further) observation is excluded.}
-  \item{which.nonlbs}{indices of the observations which should be plotted but
-        not labelled; either an integer vector with the indices of the observations
-          to be plotted into graph or \code{NULL} --- then all non-labelled
-          observations are plotted.}
-  \item{withbox}{logical of length 1. If \code{TRUE}, even if \code{scaleX} and
-   \code{scaleY} are both \code{FALSE} and, simultaneously, \code{x.ticks} and
-   \code{y.ticks} are both \code{NULL}, a respective box is drawn around the
-   panel; otherwise no box is drawn in this case. }
-  \item{y}{input at which to compute \code{cex}-values (for these \code{y} values)}
-  \item{y1}{secondary input of \code{y}-values which is also used for
-         computaiton but not plotted itself at this \code{cex} value.}
-  \item{maxcex}{maximal value for \code{cex}}
-  \item{mincex}{minimal value for \code{cex}}
-  \item{cex}{basic factor for \code{cex}}
-  \item{fun}{(optional) function to compute the \code{cex}-values acc. to the
-              \code{y} and \code{y1}-values.}
-\item{to.draw.arg}{resp. argument from the user-interface of \code{comparePlot}, \code{infoPlot}, and the
-\code{plot}-method for ICs, i.e., either \code{NULL} (default;
-everything is plotted) or a vector of either integers (the indices of the
-subplots to be drawn) or characters --- the names of the subplots to be drawn:
-these names are to be chosen either among the row names of the trafo matrix
-\code{rownames(trafo(eval(x at CallL2Fam)@param))} or if the last expression is
-\code{NULL} a vector \code{"dim<dimnr>"}, \code{dimnr} running through
-the number of rows of the trafo matrix.}
-\item{panelFirst}{the \code{panel.first} expression to be extended}
-\item{distr}{underlying distribution of the observations}
-\item{dims0}{number of panels to be plotted}
-\item{lty}{the \code{lty} argument used in the user interface}
-\item{x.vec}{the resp. argument from the user interface.}
-\item{xm}{minimal x-value}
-\item{xM}{maximal x-value}
-\item{dots}{the internal \code{dots}-variable to be changed}
-\item{dotsP}{the internal \code{dotsP}-variable to be changed (taking up
-  additional arguments for the calls to \code{plot})}
-\item{withSubst}{should substitutions be made in titles?}
-\item{presubArg2}{title part}
-\item{presubArg3}{title part}
-\item{mainText}{text to be used for \code{main}}
-\item{inner}{the resp. argument from the user interface.}
-\item{dims}{the dimension of the pIC}
-\item{to.draw}{the actual numbers / names of the plotted panels.}
-\item{trafO}{the parameter transformation of  \code{L2fam at param}.}
-\item{obj}{the object from which to draw the name (of the plot).}
-\item{type}{for which type of plot should the titles be produced -- \code{"info"},
-\code{"all"} or \code{compare}.}
-\item{bmar}{resp. argument from the user-interface of \code{comparePlot}, \code{infoPlot}, and the
-\code{plot}-method for ICs.}
-\item{tmar}{resp. argument from the user-interface of \code{comparePlot}, \code{infoPlot}, and the
-\code{plot}-method for ICs.}
-\item{Abs}{additional text template used in \code{infoPlot}.}
-\item{pF.0}{the \code{panel.first} expression given by rhe user}
-\item{pL.0}{the \code{panel.last} expression  given by rhe user}
-\item{logArg}{a character vector with \code{log}-arguments for  \code{plot}
-for each of the plotted panels.}
-\code{.rescalefct} rescales, if necessary, x and y axis for use in plot
-   functions. More specifically, if \code{scaleX} is \code{TRUE} rescales x,
-   if \code{scaleY} is \code{TRUE} rescales fct(x) (otherwise leaves them
-   unchanges); to this end uses trafos \code{scaleX.fct} with inverse
-   \code{scaleX.inv}, resp. \code{scaleY.fct}; it respects \code{xlim}
-   and  \code{ylim} (given in orig. scale), thins out the scaled values if
-   necessary and accordingly modifies  slots \code{xaxt}, \code{yaxt}, and
-   \code{axes} of argument \code{dots} to indicate the new axes have to be drawn;
-   using the  paradigm small letters to denote values on original scale and
-    capital letters on transformed scale, its return value is a list with
-    (thinned out) values of x and y, X and Y and modified dots.
-\code{.plotRescaledAxis} plots rescaled axes according to logicals
-\code{scaleX}, \code{scaleY}; to this end uses trafos \code{scaleX.fct} with
-inverse \code{scale.inv}, resp. \code{scaleY.fct}, \code{scaleY.inv};
- it respects \code{xlim} and \code{ylim}. By default, ot produces the x axes according
- to the values in argument \code{X}, and the y axes as an equidistant grid of
- length \code{ypts} on [0,1] (on transformed scale); each of these axes, again
- by default will have \code{n} tick values; these are however thinned out if
- the come to lie too close to each other on transformed scale.
- Instead of producing automatically chosen tick values, the user may explicitly
- require x-ticks and y-ticks values on the axes, using arguments \code{x.ticks}
- and \code{y-ticks}. This function has no return value.
-\code{.legendCoord} produces, if needed (i.e., if coordinates are not
-given as strings like \code{"bottomright"}), rescaled coordinates for the
-placement of a legend.
-\code{.SelectOrderData}, for data to be plotted into the graph,
- performs two optional selections: a first selection on the unordered (original)
- data (acc. to argument \code{which.lbs}) and a second selection according to
- \code{which.Order} on the data remaining after the first selection and ordered
- according to argument \code{fct}; the return value is a list with elements
-\code{data}, ie., the selected/thinned out data, \code{y}, ie., the
-values of  \code{fct(data)}, \code{ind}, ie., the indices of the selected data
-in the original data (after possibly two selections), and \code{ind1} the
-indices of the data selected by \code{which.lbs} in the original data; in 
-addition also the non selected data, \code{data.ns}, the respective
-y-values \code{y.ns} and the corresponding index elements \code{ind.ns} are
-returned as list items.
-\code{.makedotsP} and \code{.makedotsLowLevel} manipulate the \code{\dots}
-argument, deleting certain items and selecting items which can be digested by
-\code{plot}, returning the manipulated list.
-\code{.cexscale}{rescales the point sizes of the points to be plotted;
-     the unscaled sizes are given in argument \code{y}, \code{y1} in
-     case of several lines of points to be plotted may contain the
-     vector of the sizes of all points to be plotted in (e.g., including
-     those of the other lines of points). \code{maxcex} and \code{mincex}
-     are maximum and minimum of the raw rescaled sizes; \code{cex} is
-     a factor drawn from argument \code{cex.pts} by which the raw sizes
-     are rescaled before being returned. \code{fun} is the function
-     by which the rescaling is done; by default this argument is \code{NULL}
-     and in this case the function \code{log(1+abs(x))} is used.
-\code{.getDimsTD}{returns the number of different coordinates to be plotted.}
-\code{.producePanelFirstS}{for each graphical panel inserts
-                           (if needed) x and y tickmarks for user-specific axes
-                           into a \code{panel.first} expression.}
-\code{.getX.vec}{produces the x-grid (on original scale) for each of the panels
-                 and decides whether to plot lines or points.}
-\code{.getXlimYlim}{produces panel-wise \code{xlim} and \code{ylim} arguments
-                    as well as left and right endpoints of the x-scalas.}
-\code{.prepareTitles}{produces the titles for the panels}
-\code{.getToDraw}{computes which panels are to be drawn}
-\code{.preparePanelFirstLast}{prepares the \code{panel.first} and \code{panel.last}
-      expressions for each of the panels.}
+\title{Internal / Helper functions of package RobAStBase for plot functions}
+These functions are internally used helper functions for \code{\link{plot}},
+\code{\link{infoPlot}} \code{\link{comparePlot}} in package \pkg{RobAStBase}.}
+.rescalefct(x, fct, scaleX = FALSE, scaleX.fct, scaleX.inv,
+         scaleY = FALSE, scaleY.fct = pnorm,
+         xlim, ylim, dots)
+.plotRescaledAxis(scaleX, scaleX.fct, scaleX.inv, scaleY,scaleY.fct,
+                  scaleY.inv, xlim, ylim, X, ypts = 400, n = 11,
+                  finiteEndpoints = rep(FALSE,4),
+                  x.ticks = NULL, y.ticks = NULL, withbox = TRUE)
+.legendCoord(x, scaleX, scaleX.fct, scaleY, scaleY.fct)
+.SelectOrderData(data, fct, which.lbs, which.Order, which.nonlbs = NULL)
+.cexscale(y, y1=y, maxcex=4,mincex=0.05,cex, fun=NULL)
+.getX.vec(distr, dims0, lty, x.vec, scaleX, scaleX.fct, scaleX.inv, xm, xM)
+.getXlimYlim(dots,dotsP, dims0, xlim, ylim)
+.prepareTitles(withSubst, presubArg2, presubArg3, dots, mainText,
+               L2Fam, inner, dims0, dims, to.draw, trafO, obj, type, bmar, tmar)
+.getToDraw(dims, trafO, L2Fam, to.draw.arg, Abs=NULL)
+.preparePanelFirstLast(with.automatic.grid , dims0, pF.0, pL.0,
+            logArg, scaleX, scaleY, x.ticks, y.ticks, scaleX.fct, scaleY.fct)
+  \item{scaleX}{logical; shall X-axis be rescaled (by default according to the cdf of
+          the underlying distribution)?}
+  \item{scaleY}{logical; shall Y-axis be rescaled (by default according to a probit scale)?}
+  \item{scaleX.fct}{an isotone, vectorized function mapping the domain of the IC
+            to [0,1]; if \code{scaleX} is \code{TRUE} and \code{scaleX.fct} is
+            missing, the cdf of the underlying observation distribution.}
+  \item{scaleX.inv}{the inverse function to \code{scale.fct}, i.e., an isotone,
+            vectorized function mapping [0,1] to the domain of the IC
+            such that for any \code{x} in the domain,\cr
+            \code{scaleX.inv(scaleX.fct(x))==x}; if \code{scaleX} is \code{TRUE}
+            and \code{scaleX.inv} is
+            missing, the quantile function of the underlying observation distribution.}
+  \item{scaleY.fct}{an isotone, vectorized function mapping for each coordinate the
+            range of the respective coordinate of the IC
+            to [0,1]; defaulting to the cdf of \eqn{{\cal N}(0,1)}{N(0,1)}.}
+  \item{scaleY.inv}{an isotone, vectorized function mapping for each coordinate
+            the range [0,1] into the range of the respective coordinate of the IC;
+            defaulting to the quantile function of  \eqn{{\cal N}(0,1)}{N(0,1)}.}
+  \item{fct}{for \code{.rescalefct}: (vectorized) function from reals to reals: function to produce y values.
+  for \code{.SelectOrderData}: (vectorized) function from data to reals:
+    function to produce the ordering.}
+  \item{xlim}{for one-panel plots: numeric vector of length 2: limits of the plotted x region (in original
+              scale), for multi-panel plots: can be matrix valued (with two columns and as many rows as panels).}
+  \item{ylim}{for one-panel plots: numeric vector of length 2: limits of the plotted y region (in original
+              scale), for multi-panel plots: can be matrix valued (with two columns and as many rows as panels).}
+  \item{finiteEndpoints}{a logical of length 4: are the  unscaled \code{xlim[1]},
+                         \code{xlim[2]}, \code{ylim[1]}, \code{ylim[2]} finite? }
+  \item{x.ticks}{numeric: coordinates in original scale of user-given ticks on x-axis.}
+  \item{y.ticks}{numeric: coordinates in original scale of user-given ticks on y-axis.}
+  \item{n}{integer: number of default ticks in x and y axis.}
+  \item{X}{numeric: x-values on [0,1]-scale from which to produce range of x axis.}
+  \item{ypts}{integer: number of y-points to be generated on [0,1] range to
+              produce y-axis.}
+  \item{dots}{dots argument for later calls to \code{plot} which is manipulated
+           when using rescaling.}
+  \item{x}{coordinates of the legend placement to be rescaled when using a
+      scale transformation.}
+  \item{data}{numeric or data.frame containing numerics; observations to be plotted into
+     a graph.}
+  \item{which.lbs}{either an integer vector with the indices of the observations
+          to be plotted into graph or \code{NULL} --- then no observation is excluded}
+  \item{which.Order}{indices of the observations after ordering which are to be
+    plotted into the graph; more speficically, the indices are obtained after
+    a possible thin-out by \code{which.lbs} and after ordering in descending order
+    of the remaining observations. If this argument is \code{NULL} then no
+    (further) observation is excluded.}
+  \item{which.nonlbs}{indices of the observations which should be plotted but
+        not labelled; either an integer vector with the indices of the observations
+          to be plotted into graph or \code{NULL} --- then all non-labelled
+          observations are plotted.}
+  \item{withbox}{logical of length 1. If \code{TRUE}, even if \code{scaleX} and
+   \code{scaleY} are both \code{FALSE} and, simultaneously, \code{x.ticks} and
+   \code{y.ticks} are both \code{NULL}, a respective box is drawn around the
+   panel; otherwise no box is drawn in this case. }
+  \item{y}{input at which to compute \code{cex}-values (for these \code{y} values)}
+  \item{y1}{secondary input of \code{y}-values which is also used for
+         computaiton but not plotted itself at this \code{cex} value.}
+  \item{maxcex}{maximal value for \code{cex}}
+  \item{mincex}{minimal value for \code{cex}}
+  \item{cex}{basic factor for \code{cex}}
+  \item{fun}{(optional) function to compute the \code{cex}-values acc. to the
+              \code{y} and \code{y1}-values.}
+  \item{L2Fam}{L2-Family},
+  \item{to.draw.arg}{resp. argument from the user-interface of \code{comparePlot},        
+        \code{infoPlot}, and the \code{plot}-method for ICs, i.e., either \code{NULL} 
+        (default; everything is plotted) or a vector of either integers (the indices 
+        of the subplots to be drawn) or characters --- the names of the subplots 
+        to be drawn: these names are to be chosen either among the row names of 
+        the trafo matrix \code{rownames(trafo(eval(x at CallL2Fam)@param))} or if 
+        the last expression is \code{NULL} a vector \code{"dim<dimnr>"}, \code{dimnr} 
+        running through the number of rows of the trafo matrix.}
+  \item{distr}{underlying distribution of the observations}
+  \item{dims0}{number of panels to be plotted}
+  \item{lty}{the \code{lty} argument used in the user interface}
+  \item{x.vec}{the resp. argument from the user interface.}
+  \item{xm}{minimal x-value}
+  \item{xM}{maximal x-value}
+  \item{dotsP}{the internal \code{dotsP}-variable to be changed (taking up
+        additional arguments for the calls to \code{plot}); see also Details 
+        section.}
+  \item{withSubst}{should substitutions be made in titles?}
+  \item{presubArg2}{title part}
+  \item{presubArg3}{title part}
+  \item{mainText}{text to be used for \code{main}}
+  \item{inner}{the resp. argument from the user interface.}
+  \item{dims}{the dimension of the pIC}
+  \item{to.draw}{the actual numbers / names of the plotted panels.}
+  \item{trafO}{the parameter transformation of  \code{L2fam at param}.}
+  \item{obj}{the object from which to draw the name (of the plot).}
+  \item{type}{for which type of plot should the titles be produced -- \code{"info"},
+  \code{"all"} or \code{compare}.}
+  \item{bmar}{resp. argument from the user-interface of \code{comparePlot}, 
+        \code{infoPlot}, and the \code{plot}-method for ICs.}
+  \item{tmar}{resp. argument from the user-interface of \code{comparePlot}, 
+        \code{infoPlot}, and the \code{plot}-method for ICs.}
+  \item{Abs}{additional text template used in \code{infoPlot}.}
+  \item{with.automatic.grid}{generate a grid automatically. }
+  \item{pF.0}{the \code{panel.first} expression given by rhe user}
+  \item{pL.0}{the \code{panel.last} expression  given by rhe user}
+  \item{logArg}{a character vector with \code{log}-arguments for \code{plot}
+        for each of the plotted panels.}
+\code{.rescalefct} rescales, if necessary, x and y axis for use in plot
+   functions. More specifically, if \code{scaleX} is \code{TRUE} rescales x,
+   if \code{scaleY} is \code{TRUE} rescales fct(x) (otherwise leaves them
+   unchanges); to this end uses trafos \code{scaleX.fct} with inverse
+   \code{scaleX.inv}, resp. \code{scaleY.fct}; it respects \code{xlim}
+   and  \code{ylim} (given in orig. scale), thins out the scaled values if
+   necessary and accordingly modifies  slots \code{xaxt}, \code{yaxt}, and
+   \code{axes} of argument \code{dots} to indicate the new axes have to be drawn;
+   using the  paradigm small letters to denote values on original scale and
+    capital letters on transformed scale, its return value is a list with
+    (thinned out) values of x and y, X and Y and modified dots.
+\code{.plotRescaledAxis} plots rescaled axes according to logicals
+\code{scaleX}, \code{scaleY}; to this end uses trafos \code{scaleX.fct} with
+inverse \code{scale.inv}, resp. \code{scaleY.fct}, \code{scaleY.inv};
+ it respects \code{xlim} and \code{ylim}. By default, ot produces the x axes according
+ to the values in argument \code{X}, and the y axes as an equidistant grid of
+ length \code{ypts} on [0,1] (on transformed scale); each of these axes, again
+ by default will have \code{n} tick values; these are however thinned out if
+ the come to lie too close to each other on transformed scale.
+ Instead of producing automatically chosen tick values, the user may explicitly
+ require x-ticks and y-ticks values on the axes, using arguments \code{x.ticks}
+ and \code{y-ticks}. This function has no return value.
+\code{.legendCoord} produces, if needed (i.e., if coordinates are not
+given as strings like \code{"bottomright"}), rescaled coordinates for the
+placement of a legend.
+\code{.SelectOrderData}, for data to be plotted into the graph,
+ performs two optional selections: a first selection on the unordered (original)
+ data (acc. to argument \code{which.lbs}) and a second selection according to
+ \code{which.Order} on the data remaining after the first selection and ordered
+ according to argument \code{fct}; the return value is a list with elements
+\code{data}, ie., the selected/thinned out data, \code{y}, ie., the
+values of  \code{fct(data)}, \code{ind}, ie., the indices of the selected data
+in the original data (after possibly two selections), and \code{ind1} the
+indices of the data selected by \code{which.lbs} in the original data; in 
+addition also the non selected data, \code{data.ns}, the respective
+y-values \code{y.ns} and the corresponding index elements \code{ind.ns} are
+returned as list items.
+\code{.makedotsP} and \code{.makedotsLowLevel} manipulate the \code{\dots}
+argument, deleting certain items and selecting items which can be digested by
+\code{plot}, returning the manipulated list.
+\code{.cexscale} rescales the point sizes of the points to be plotted;
+     the unscaled sizes are given in argument \code{y}, \code{y1} in
+     case of several lines of points to be plotted may contain the
+     vector of the sizes of all points to be plotted in (e.g., including
+     those of the other lines of points). \code{maxcex} and \code{mincex}
+     are maximum and minimum of the raw rescaled sizes; \code{cex} is
+     a factor drawn from argument \code{cex.pts} by which the raw sizes
+     are rescaled before being returned. \code{fun} is the function
+     by which the rescaling is done; by default this argument is \code{NULL}
+     and in this case the function \code{log(1+abs(x))} is used.
+\code{.getDimsTD} returns the number of different coordinates to be plotted.
+\code{.producePanelFirstS} for each graphical panel inserts
+                           (if needed) x and y tickmarks for user-specific axes
+                           into a \code{panel.first} expression.
+\code{.getX.vec} produces the x-grid (on original scale) for each of the panels
+                 and decides whether to plot lines or points.
+\code{.getXlimYlim} produces panel-wise \code{xlim} and \code{ylim} arguments
+                    as well as left and right endpoints of the x-scalas.
+\code{.prepareTitles} produces the titles for the panels.
+\code{.getToDraw} computes which panels are to be drawn.
+\code{.preparePanelFirstLast} prepares the \code{panel.first} and \code{panel.last}
+      expressions for each of the panels.
+\author{Peter Ruckdeschel \email{peter.ruckdeschel at uni-oldenburg.de}}

Modified: branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobAStBase/man/internals.Rd
--- branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobAStBase/man/internals.Rd	2024-08-29 16:14:00 UTC (rev 1306)
+++ branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobAStBase/man/internals.Rd	2024-08-29 16:43:37 UTC (rev 1307)
@@ -1,73 +1,74 @@
-\title{Internal / Helper functions of package RobAStBase}
-These functions are used internally by package RobAStBase.}
-.eq(x,y = 0*x, tol = 1e-7)
-.msapply(X, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
-.fixInLiesInSupport(IC, distr)
-  \item{x}{a (numeric) vector}
-  \item{y}{a (numeric) vector}
-  \item{tol}{numeric --- tolerance}
-  \item{L2fam}{object of class \code{L2ParamFamily}}
-  \item{list0}{a list}
-  \item{X}{like \code{sapply}: a vector (atomic or list) or an \code{expression} object. Other objects
-  (including classed objects) will be coerced by \code{base::as.list}.}
-  \item{FUN}{like \code{sapply}: the function to be applied to each element of \code{X}. See also \code{\link[base:lapply]{sapply}}}
-  \item{\dots}{like \code{sapply}: optional arguments to \code{FUN}.}
-  \item{simplify}{like \code{sapply}: logical or character string;
-  should the result be simplified to a vector, matrix or higher dimensional array if possible? See also \code{\link[base:lapply]{sapply}}}
-  \item{USE.NAMES}{like \code{sapply}: logical; if \code{TRUE} and if \code{X} is character,
-  use \code{X} as names for the result unless it had names already.}
-  \item{IC}{an object of class \code{IC}, i.e., it expects a slot \code{Curve} like an IC.}
-  \item{distr}{a distribution}
-  \item{dots}{a list, obtained by \code{list(...)}.}
-\code{.eq} checks equality of two vectors up to a given precision;
-\code{.getDistr} produces a string with the class of the family and its parameter value;
-\code{.evalListRec} recursively goes through the entries of a list, evaluating
-   each entry.
-\code{.msapply} like \code{base::.sapply} but catches \code{NULL}/zero-length arguments \code{X}.
-\code{.fixInLiesInSupport} inserts a check into the function(s) in the \code{Map} slot of
-the influence curve (IC), whether the arguments at which the IC is to be evaluated lie
-in the support of the distribution and accordingly either returns the function value
-of the IC, or \code{0}; the check is done via  calling \code{\link[distr]{liesInSupport}}.
-\code{.filterEargsWEargList} calls \code{distrEx::.filterEargs} to filter out of \code{dots} 
-all relevant arguments for the integrators, \code{integrate}, \code{GLIntegrate},
-and \code{distrExIntegrate}; in addition, \code{.filterEargsWEargList} 
-checks if an argument "E.argList" is hidden in the \code{dots} argument 
-and if so, filters in its entries; in case of collisions with entries filtered
-from \code{distrEx::.filterEargs}, it overwrites existing entries. In the 
-end it returns a list with the filtered items.
-\item{.eq}{(a vector of) \code{logical}.}
-\item{.evalListRec}{a list.}
-\item{.msapply}{as \code{base::sapply}.}
-  Peter Ruckdeschel \email{peter.ruckdeschel at uni-oldenburg.de}
-  }
+\title{Internal / Helper functions of package RobAStBase}
+These functions are used internally by package RobAStBase.}
+.eq(x,y = 0*x, tol = 1e-7)
+.msapply(X, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
+.fixInLiesInSupport(IC, distr)
+  \item{x}{a (numeric) vector}
+  \item{y}{a (numeric) vector}
+  \item{tol}{numeric --- tolerance}
+  \item{L2Fam}{object of class \code{L2ParamFamily}}

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/robast -r 1307

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