[Robast-commits] r1199 - branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Mon Mar 11 09:10:35 CET 2019

Author: stamats
Date: 2019-03-11 09:10:35 +0100 (Mon, 11 Mar 2019)
New Revision: 1199

Documentation of a missing argument, some editing

Modified: branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/man/comparePlot.Rd
--- branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/man/comparePlot.Rd	2019-03-10 18:17:06 UTC (rev 1198)
+++ branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/man/comparePlot.Rd	2019-03-11 08:10:35 UTC (rev 1199)
@@ -1,370 +1,370 @@
-\title{Compare - Plots}
-  Plots 2-4 influence curves to the same model.
-comparePlot(obj1, obj2, ... )
-\S4method{comparePlot}{IC,IC}(obj1, obj2, obj3 = NULL, obj4 = NULL, data = NULL,
-                 ..., withSweave = getdistrOption("withSweave"),
-                 forceSameModel = FALSE, main = FALSE, inner = TRUE,
-                 sub = FALSE, col = par("col"), lwd = par("lwd"), lty,
-                 col.inner = par("col.main"), cex.inner = 0.8,
-                 bmar = par("mar")[1], tmar = par("mar")[3],
-                 with.automatic.grid = TRUE, with.legend = FALSE,
-                 legend = NULL, legend.bg = "white",
-                 legend.location = "bottomright", legend.cex = 0.8,
-                 withMBR = FALSE, MBRB = NA, MBR.fac = 2, col.MBR = par("col"),
-                 lty.MBR = "dashed", lwd.MBR = 0.8, x.vec = NULL,
-                 scaleX = FALSE, scaleX.fct, scaleX.inv, scaleY = FALSE,
-                 scaleY.fct = pnorm, scaleY.inv = qnorm, scaleN = 9,
-                 x.ticks = NULL, y.ticks = NULL, mfColRow = TRUE,
-                 to.draw.arg = NULL,
-                 cex.pts = 1, cex.pts.fun = NULL, col.pts = par("col"),
-                 pch.pts = 19, cex.npts = 1, cex.npts.fun = NULL,
-                 col.npts = par("col"), pch.npts = 20, jitter.fac = 1,
-                 with.lab = FALSE, cex.lbs = 1, adj.lbs = c(0, 0),
-                 col.lbs = col.pts, lab.pts = NULL, lab.font = NULL,
-                 alpha.trsp = NA, which.lbs = NULL, which.Order = NULL,
-                 which.nonlbs = NULL, attr.pre = FALSE, return.Order = FALSE,
-                 withSubst = TRUE)
-  \item{obj1}{ object of class \code{"InfluenceCurve"} }
-  \item{obj2}{ object of class \code{"InfluenceCurve"} to be compared with \code{obj1}}
-  \item{obj3}{ optional: object of class \code{"InfluenceCurve"} to be compared with \code{obj1}}
-  \item{obj4}{ optional: object of class \code{"InfluenceCurve"} to be compared with \code{obj1}}
-  \item{data}{optional data argument --- for plotting observations into the plot;}
-  \item{withSweave}{logical: if \code{TRUE} (for working with \command{Sweave})
-        no extra device is opened}
-  \item{forceSameModel}{logical; shall we check / enforce that the model
-      of the ICs \code{obj1}, \code{obj2}, \code{obj3}, and \code{obj4}
-      be the same? }
-  \item{main}{logical: is a main title to be used? or \cr
-              just as argument \code{main} in \code{\link[graphics]{plot.default}}.}
-  \item{col}{color[s] of ICs in arguments \code{obj1} [,\ldots,\code{obj4}].}
-  \item{lwd}{linewidth[s] of ICs in arguments \code{obj1} [,\ldots,\code{obj4}].}
-  \item{lty}{line-type[s] of ICs in arguments \code{obj1} [,\ldots,\code{obj4}].}
-  \item{inner}{logical: do panels have their own titles? or \cr
-               character vector of / cast to length 'number of plotted 
-               dimensions';
-               if argument \code{to.draw.arg} is used, this refers to 
-               a vector of length \code{length(to.draw.arg)}, the 
-               actually plotted dimensions. For further information, see also 
-               description of argument \code{main} in \code{\link[graphics]{plot.default}}.} 
-  \item{sub}{logical: is a sub-title to be used? or \cr
-              just as argument \code{sub} in \code{\link[graphics]{plot.default}}.}
-  \item{tmar}{top margin -- useful for non-standard main title sizes}
-  \item{bmar}{bottom margin -- useful for non-standard sub title sizes}
-  \item{cex.inner}{magnification to be used for inner titles relative
-          to the current setting of \code{cex}; as in 
-          \code{\link[graphics]{par}}}
-  \item{col.inner}{character or integer code; color for the inner title}              
-  \item{with.automatic.grid}{logical; should a grid be plotted alongside
-      with the ticks of the axes, automatically? If \code{TRUE} a respective
-      call to \code{grid} in argument \code{panel.first} is ignored. }
-  \item{with.legend}{logical; shall a legend be plotted?}
-  \item{legend}{either \code{NULL} or a list of length (number of plotted panels)
-                of items which can be used as argument \code{legend} in
-                command \code{legend}.}
-  \item{legend.location}{a valid argument \code{x} for \code{\link{legend}} ---
-                         the place where to put the legend on the last issued
-                         plot}
-  \item{legend.bg}{background color for the legend}
-  \item{legend.cex}{magnification factor for the legend}
-  \item{withMBR}{logical; shall horizontal lines with min and max of MBRE be plotted for
-                 comparison?}
-  \item{MBRB}{matrix (or \code{NA}); coerced by usual recycling rules to a
-              matrix with as many rows as plotted panels and with first column
-              the lower bounds and the second column the upper bounds for the
-              respective coordinates (ideally given by the MBR-IC).}
-  \item{MBR.fac}{positive factor; scales the bounds given by argument \code{MBRB}}
-  \item{col.MBR}{color for the MBR lines; as usual \code{col}-argument;}
-  \item{lty.MBR}{line type for the MBR lines; as usual \code{lty}-argument;}
-  \item{lwd.MBR}{line width for the MBR lines; as usual \code{lwd}-argument;}
-  \item{x.vec}{a numeric vector of grid points to evaluate the influence curve;
-               by default, \code{x.vec} is \code{NULL}; then the grid is
-               produced automatically according to the distribution of the IC.
-               \code{x.vec} can be useful for usage with a rescaling of the
-               x-axis to avoid that the evaluation points be selected too
-               unevenly (i.e. on an equally spaced grid in the original scale,
-               but then, after rescaling non-equally).
-               The grid has to be specified in original scale; i.e.; when used
-               with rescaling, it should be chosen non-equally spaced. }
-  \item{scaleX}{logical; shall X-axis be rescaled (by default according to the cdf of
-          the underlying distribution)?}
-  \item{scaleY}{logical; shall Y-axis be rescaled (by default according to a probit scale)?}
-  \item{scaleX.fct}{an isotone, vectorized function mapping the domain of the IC
-            to [0,1]; if \code{scaleX} is \code{TRUE} and \code{scaleX.fct} is
-            missing, the cdf of the underlying observation distribution.}
-  \item{scaleX.inv}{the inverse function to \code{scale.fct}, i.e., an isotone,
-            vectorized function mapping [0,1] to the domain of the IC
-            such that for any \code{x} in the domain,\cr
-            \code{scaleX.inv(scaleX.fct(x))==x}; if \code{scaleX} is \code{TRUE}
-            and \code{scaleX.inv} is
-            missing, the quantile function of the underlying observation distribution.}
-  \item{scaleY.fct}{an isotone, vectorized function mapping for each coordinate the
-            range of the respective coordinate of the IC
-            to [0,1]; defaulting to the cdf of \eqn{{\cal N}(0,1)}{N(0,1)};
-            can also be a list of functions with one list element for each
-            of the panels to be plot. }
-  \item{scaleY.inv}{an isotone, vectorized function mapping for each coordinate
-            the range [0,1] into the range of the respective coordinate of the IC;
-            defaulting to the quantile function of  \eqn{{\cal N}(0,1)}{N(0,1)};
-            can also be a list of functions with one list element for each
-            of the panels to be plot. }
-  \item{scaleN}{integer; defaults to 9; on rescaled axes, number of x
-                and y ticks if drawn automatically;}
-  \item{x.ticks}{numeric; defaults to NULL; (then ticks are chosen automatically);
-                 if non-NULL, user-given x-ticks (on original scale);}
-  \item{y.ticks}{numeric; defaults to NULL; (then ticks are chosen automatically);
-                 if non-NULL, user-given y-ticks (on original scale);
-                 can be a list with one (numeric or NULL) item per panel}
-  \item{mfColRow}{shall default partition in panels be used --- defaults to \code{TRUE}}
-  \item{to.draw.arg}{Either \code{NULL} (default; 
-                          everything is plotted) or a vector of either integers 
-                         (the indices of the subplots to be drawn) or characters 
-                         --- the names of the subplots to be drawn: these
-                         names are to be chosen either among the row names of 
-                         the trafo matrix 
-                         \code{rownames(trafo(eval(obj1 at CallL2Fam)@param))} 
-                         or if the last expression is \code{NULL} a 
-                         vector \code{"dim<dimnr>"}, \code{dimnr} running through 
-                         the number of rows of the trafo matrix.
-                         }
-  \item{withSubst}{logical; if \code{TRUE} (default) pattern substitution for
-        titles and lables is used; otherwise no substitution is used. }
-  \item{col.pts}{color of the points of the \code{data} argument plotted;
-     can be a vector or a matrix. More specifically, if argument \code{attr.pre}
-     is \code{TRUE}, it is recycled to fill a matrix of dimension \code{n} by
-     \code{nIC} (\code{n} the number of observations prior to any selection and
-     \code{nIC} the number of ICs plotted) where filling is done in order column
-     first. The columns are used for possibly different colors for the different
-     ICs from arguments \code{obj1}, \code{obj2}, and, possibly \code{obj3} and
-     \code{obj4}. The selection done via \code{which.lbs} and
-     \code{which.Order} is then done afterwards and on this matrix; in this case,
-     argument \code{col.npts} is ignored. If \code{attr.pre} is \code{FALSE},
-     \code{col.pts} is recycled to fill a matrix of dimension \code{n.s} by
-     \code{nIC} where \code{n.s} is the number of observations selected for
-     labelling and refers to the index ordering after the selection.
-     Then argument \code{col.npts} deteremines the colors of the shown but
-     non-labelled observations as given in argument \code{which.nonlbs}.}
-  \item{pch.pts}{symbol of the points of the \code{data} argument plotted
-                 (may be a vector of length \code{nIC} or a matrix, see \code{col.pts}).}
-  \item{cex.pts}{size of the points of the \code{data} argument plotted
-                 (may be a vector of length \code{nIC} or a matrix, see \code{col.pts}).}
-  \item{cex.pts.fun}{rescaling function for the size of the points to be plotted;
-        either \code{NULL} (default), then \code{log(1+abs(x))} is used for each of
-        the rescalings, or a function which is then used for each of the
-        rescalings, or a list of functions; if it is a function or a list of
-        functions, if necessary it is recylced to length \code{nIC * dim}
-        where \code{dim} is the number of dimensions of the pICs to be plotted; 
-        in the index of this list, \code{nIC} is incremented first; 
-        then \code{dim}.}
-  \item{col.npts}{color of the non-labelled points of the \code{data} argument
-     plotted; (may be a vector of length \code{nIC} the number of plotted pICs,
-     i.e., one value for each pIC in arguments \code{obj1}, \code{obj2}, and,
-     if available, \code{obj3} and \code{obj4}, or it can be a matrix
-     \code{nnlb <- sum(which.nonlbs)} by \code{nIC},
-     \code{nnlb} the number of non-labelled observations.}
-  \item{pch.npts}{symbol of the non-labelled points of the \code{data} argument
-         plotted (may be a vector of length \code{nIC} or a matrix,
-         see \code{col.npts}).}
-  \item{cex.npts}{size of the non-labelled points of the \code{data} argument
-                 plotted (may be a vector of length \code{nIC} or a matrix, see
-                 \code{col.npts}).}
-  \item{cex.npts.fun}{rescaling function for the size of the non-labelled points
-  to be plotted; either \code{NULL} (default), then \code{log(1+abs(x))}
-  is used for each of the rescalings, or a function which is then used
-  for each of the rescalings, or a list of functions; if it is a
-  function or a list of functions, if necessary it is recylced
-  to length \code{nIC * dim} where \code{dim} is the number of dimensions of
-  the pICs to be plotted;  in the index of this list,
-  \code{nIC} is incremented first; then \code{dim}.}
-  \item{lab.pts}{character or NULL; labels to be plotted to the observations;
-                 can be a vector of length \code{n}, \code{n} the number of 
-                 all observations prior to any selection with \code{which.lbs},
-                 \code{which.Order}; if \code{lab.pts} is \code{NULL}, 
-                 observation indices are used.}
-  \item{with.lab}{logical; shall labels be plotted to the observations?
-                 (May be a vector of length \code{nIC}, see \code{col.pts}
-                 -- but not a matrix).}
-  \item{cex.lbs}{size of the labels; can be vectorized to an array
-                 of dim nlbs x \code{nIC} x npnl where npnl
-                 is the number of plotted panels and nlbs the number of
-                 plotted labels; if it is a vector, it is recylced in order
-                 labels then plotted ICs then panels.}
-  \item{col.lbs}{color of the labels; can be vectorized to a matrix
-                 of dim nlbs x \code{nIC} as \code{col.pts}.}
-  \item{adj.lbs}{adjustment of the labels; can be vectorized to an array of
-                 dim 2 x \code{nIC} x npnl, npnl the number of plotted panels;
-                 if it is a vector, it is recycled in order (x,y)-coords
-                 then ICs then panels.}
-  \item{lab.font}{font to be used for labels (may be a vector of length
-                  \code{nIC}, see \code{with.lab}).}
-  \item{alpha.trsp}{alpha transparency to be added ex post to colors
-        \code{col.pch} and \code{col.lbl}; if one-dim and NA all colors are
-        left unchanged. Otherwise, with usual recycling rules \code{alpha.trsp}
-        gets shorted/prolongated to length the data-symbols to be plotted.
-        Coordinates of this vector \code{alpha.trsp} with NA are left unchanged,
-        while for the remaining ones, the alpha channel in rgb space is set
-        to the respective coordinate value of \code{alpha.trsp}. The non-NA
-        entries must be integers in [0,255] (0 invisible, 255 opaque).}
-  \item{jitter.fac}{jittering factor used in case of a \code{DiscreteDistribution}
-                    for plotting points of the \code{data} argument in a jittered 
-                    fashion (may be a vector of length 2, see \code{with.lab}).}
-  \item{attr.pre}{logical; do graphical attributes for plotted data refer
-                  to indices prior (\code{TRUE}) or posterior to selection
-                  via arguments \code{which.lbs}, \code{which.Order}, \code{which.nonlbs}
-                  (\code{FALSE})? }
-  \item{which.lbs}{either an integer vector with the indices of the observations
-          to be plotted into graph or \code{NULL} --- then no observation is excluded.}
-  \item{which.Order}{for each of the given ICs, we order the observations (descending)
-           according to the norm given by the corresponding \code{normtype(object)};
-           then \code{which.Order} either is an integer vector with the indices of the \emph{ordered}
-           observations (remaining after a possible reduction by argument \code{which.lbs})
-           to be plotted into graph or \code{NULL} --- then no (further) observation
-           is excluded.}
-  \item{which.nonlbs}{indices of the observations which should be plotted but
-        not labelled; either an integer vector with the indices of the observations
-          to be plotted into graph or \code{NULL} --- then all non-labelled
-          observations are plotted.}
-  \item{return.Order}{logical; if \code{TRUE}, a list of length maximally four
-    with order vectors is returned --- one for the ordering w.r.t. each of
-    the given ICs; more specifically, the order of the (remaining) observations
-    given by their original index is returned (remaining means: after a possible
-    reduction by argument \code{which.lbs}, and ordering is according to the norm given by
-           \code{normtype(object)});
-   othervise we return \code{invisible()} as usual.}
-  \item{\dots}{further arguments to be passed to \code{plot}}
-\value{An S3 object of class \code{c("plotInfo","DiagnInfo")}, i.e., a list
-  containing the information needed to produce the
-  respective plot, which at a later stage could be used by different
-  graphic engines (like, e.g. \code{ggplot}) to produce the plot
-  in a different framework. A more detailed description will follow in
-  a subsequent version.
-Any parameters of \code{plot.default} may be passed on to this particular
-\code{plot} method. 
-For main-, inner, and subtitles given as arguments \code{main}, 
-\code{inner}, and \code{sub}, top and bottom margins are enlarged to 5 resp. 
-6 by default but may also be specified by \code{tmar} / \code{bmar} arguments. 
-If \code{main} / \code{inner} / \code{sub} are 
-logical then if the respective argument is \code{FALSE} nothing is done/plotted, 
-but if it is \code{TRUE}, we use a default main title taking up the calling 
-arguments in case of \code{main}, default inner titles taking up the
-class and (named) parameter slots of arguments in case of \code{inner},
-and a "generated on <data>"-tag in case of \code{sub}.
-Of course, if \code{main} / \code{inner} / \code{sub} are \code{character}, this
-is used for the title; in case of \code{inner} it is then checked whether it
-has correct length. If argument \code{withSubst} is \code{TRUE}, in all title 
-and axis lable arguments, the following patterns are substituted:
-\item{\code{"\%C1"},\code{"\%C2"},[\code{"\%C3"},][\code{"\%C4"}]}{class of argument 
-      \code{obj<i>}, i=1,..4}
-\item{\code{"\%A1"},\code{"\%A2"},[\code{"\%A3"},][\code{"\%A4"}]}{deparsed argument  
-      \code{obj<i>}, i=1,..4}
-\item{\code{"\%D"}}{time/date-string when the plot was generated}
-If argument \code{\dots} contains argument \code{ylim}, this may either be
-as in \code{plot.default} (i.e. a vector of length 2) or a vector of 
-length 2*(number of plotted dimensions); in the case of longer length, 
-these are the values for \code{ylim} for the plotted dimensions of the IC, 
-one pair for each dimension.
-In addition, argument \code{\dots} may contain arguments \code{panel.first},
-\code{panel.last}, i.e., hook expressions to be evaluated at the very beginning
-and at the very end of each panel (within the then valid coordinates).
-To be able to use these hooks for each panel individually, they may also be
-lists of expressions (of the same length as the number of panels and
-run through in the same order as the panels).
-  Kohl, M. (2005) \emph{Numerical Contributions to the Asymptotic Theory of Robustness}. 
-  Bayreuth: Dissertation.
-\author{Peter Ruckdeschel \email{peter.ruckdeschel at uni-oldenburg.de}}
-         \code{\link{IC-class}}, \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}}
-N0 <- NormLocationScaleFamily(mean=0, sd=1) 
-N0.Rob1 <- InfRobModel(center = N0, neighbor = ContNeighborhood(radius = 0.5))
-IC1 <- optIC(model = N0, risk = asCov())
-IC2 <- optIC(model = N0.Rob1, risk = asMSE())
-set.seed(12); data <- r(N0)(20)
-comparePlot(IC1, IC2, data=data, with.lab = TRUE,
-            which.lbs = c(1:4,15:20),
-            which.Order = 1:6,
-            return.Order = TRUE)
-## don't test to reduce check time on CRAN
-## selection of subpanels for plotting
-comparePlot(IC1, IC2 ,mfColRow = FALSE, to.draw.arg=c("mean"),
-            panel.first= grid(),ylim=c(-4,4),xlim=c(-6,6))
-## matrix-valued ylim
-comparePlot(IC1, IC2, panel.first= grid(),ylim=c(-4,4,0,4),xlim=c(-6,6))
-x <- c(data,-12,10)
-comparePlot(IC1, IC2, data=x, which.Order=10,
-            panel.first= grid(), ylim=c(-4,4,0,4), xlim=c(-6,6))
-Y <- Chisq(df=1)* DiscreteDistribution(c(-1,1))
-comparePlot(IC1, IC2, data=x, which.Order=10,
-            scaleX = TRUE, scaleX.fct=pnorm, scaleX.inv=qnorm,
-            scaleY = TRUE, scaleY.fct=p(Y), scaleY.inv=q.l(Y),
-            panel.first= grid(), ylim=c(-4,4,0,4), xlim=c(-6,6))
-comparePlot(IC1, IC2, data=x, which.Order=10,
-            scaleX = TRUE, scaleX.fct=pnorm, scaleX.inv=qnorm,
-            scaleY = TRUE, scaleY.fct=p(Y), scaleY.inv=q.l(Y),
-            x.ticks = c(-Inf, -10, -1,0,1,10,Inf),
-            y.ticks = c(-Inf, -5, -1,0,1,5,Inf),
-            panel.first= grid(), ylim=c(-4,4,0,4), xlim=c(-6,6))
-## with use of trafo-matrix:
-G <- GammaFamily(scale = 1, shape = 2)
-## explicitely transforming to
-## MASS parametrization:
-mtrafo <- function(x){
-     nms0 <- names(c(main(param(G)),nuisance(param(G))))
-     nms <- c("shape","rate")
-     fval0 <- c(x[2], 1/x[1])
-     names(fval0) <- nms
-     mat0 <- matrix( c(0, -1/x[1]^2, 1, 0), nrow = 2, ncol = 2,
-                     dimnames = list(nms,nms0))                          
-     list(fval = fval0, mat = mat0)}
-G2 <- G
-trafo(G2) <- mtrafo
-G2.Rob1 <- InfRobModel(center = G2, neighbor = ContNeighborhood(radius = 0.5))
-system.time(IC1 <- optIC(model = G2, risk = asCov()))
-system.time(IC2 <- optIC(model = G2.Rob1, risk = asMSE()))
-system.time(IC2.i <- optIC(model = G2.Rob1, risk = asMSE(normtype=InfoNorm())))
-system.time(IC2.s <- optIC(model = G2.Rob1, risk = asMSE(normtype=SelfNorm())))
-comparePlot(IC1,IC2, IC2.i, IC2.s)
+\title{Compare - Plots}
+  Plots 2-4 influence curves to the same model.
+comparePlot(obj1, obj2, ... )
+\S4method{comparePlot}{IC,IC}(obj1, obj2, obj3 = NULL, obj4 = NULL, data = NULL,
+                 ..., withSweave = getdistrOption("withSweave"),
+                 forceSameModel = FALSE, main = FALSE, inner = TRUE,
+                 sub = FALSE, col = par("col"), lwd = par("lwd"), lty,
+                 col.inner = par("col.main"), cex.inner = 0.8,
+                 bmar = par("mar")[1], tmar = par("mar")[3],
+                 with.automatic.grid = TRUE, with.legend = FALSE,
+                 legend = NULL, legend.bg = "white",
+                 legend.location = "bottomright", legend.cex = 0.8,
+                 withMBR = FALSE, MBRB = NA, MBR.fac = 2, col.MBR = par("col"),
+                 lty.MBR = "dashed", lwd.MBR = 0.8, x.vec = NULL,
+                 scaleX = FALSE, scaleX.fct, scaleX.inv, scaleY = FALSE,
+                 scaleY.fct = pnorm, scaleY.inv = qnorm, scaleN = 9,
+                 x.ticks = NULL, y.ticks = NULL, mfColRow = TRUE,
+                 to.draw.arg = NULL,
+                 cex.pts = 1, cex.pts.fun = NULL, col.pts = par("col"),
+                 pch.pts = 19, cex.npts = 1, cex.npts.fun = NULL,
+                 col.npts = par("col"), pch.npts = 20, jitter.fac = 1,
+                 with.lab = FALSE, cex.lbs = 1, adj.lbs = c(0, 0),
+                 col.lbs = col.pts, lab.pts = NULL, lab.font = NULL,
+                 alpha.trsp = NA, which.lbs = NULL, which.Order = NULL,
+                 which.nonlbs = NULL, attr.pre = FALSE, return.Order = FALSE,
+                 withSubst = TRUE)
+  \item{obj1}{ object of class \code{"InfluenceCurve"} }
+  \item{obj2}{ object of class \code{"InfluenceCurve"} to be compared with \code{obj1}}
+  \item{obj3}{ optional: object of class \code{"InfluenceCurve"} to be compared with \code{obj1}}
+  \item{obj4}{ optional: object of class \code{"InfluenceCurve"} to be compared with \code{obj1}}
+  \item{data}{optional data argument --- for plotting observations into the plot;}
+  \item{withSweave}{logical: if \code{TRUE} (for working with \command{Sweave})
+        no extra device is opened}
+  \item{forceSameModel}{logical; shall we check / enforce that the model
+      of the ICs \code{obj1}, \code{obj2}, \code{obj3}, and \code{obj4}
+      be the same? }
+  \item{main}{logical: is a main title to be used? or \cr
+              just as argument \code{main} in \code{\link[graphics]{plot.default}}.}
+  \item{col}{color[s] of ICs in arguments \code{obj1} [,\ldots,\code{obj4}].}
+  \item{lwd}{linewidth[s] of ICs in arguments \code{obj1} [,\ldots,\code{obj4}].}
+  \item{lty}{line-type[s] of ICs in arguments \code{obj1} [,\ldots,\code{obj4}].}
+  \item{inner}{logical: do panels have their own titles? or \cr
+               character vector of / cast to length 'number of plotted
+               dimensions';
+               if argument \code{to.draw.arg} is used, this refers to
+               a vector of length \code{length(to.draw.arg)}, the
+               actually plotted dimensions. For further information, see also
+               description of argument \code{main} in \code{\link[graphics]{plot.default}}.}
+  \item{sub}{logical: is a sub-title to be used? or \cr
+              just as argument \code{sub} in \code{\link[graphics]{plot.default}}.}
+  \item{tmar}{top margin -- useful for non-standard main title sizes}
+  \item{bmar}{bottom margin -- useful for non-standard sub title sizes}
+  \item{cex.inner}{magnification to be used for inner titles relative
+          to the current setting of \code{cex}; as in
+          \code{\link[graphics]{par}}}
+  \item{col.inner}{character or integer code; color for the inner title}
+  \item{with.automatic.grid}{logical; should a grid be plotted alongside
+      with the ticks of the axes, automatically? If \code{TRUE} a respective
+      call to \code{grid} in argument \code{panel.first} is ignored. }
+  \item{with.legend}{logical; shall a legend be plotted?}
+  \item{legend}{either \code{NULL} or a list of length (number of plotted panels)
+                of items which can be used as argument \code{legend} in
+                command \code{legend}.}
+  \item{legend.location}{a valid argument \code{x} for \code{\link{legend}} ---
+                         the place where to put the legend on the last issued
+                         plot}
+  \item{legend.bg}{background color for the legend}
+  \item{legend.cex}{magnification factor for the legend}
+  \item{withMBR}{logical; shall horizontal lines with min and max of MBRE be plotted for
+                 comparison?}
+  \item{MBRB}{matrix (or \code{NA}); coerced by usual recycling rules to a
+              matrix with as many rows as plotted panels and with first column
+              the lower bounds and the second column the upper bounds for the
+              respective coordinates (ideally given by the MBR-IC).}
+  \item{MBR.fac}{positive factor; scales the bounds given by argument \code{MBRB}}
+  \item{col.MBR}{color for the MBR lines; as usual \code{col}-argument;}
+  \item{lty.MBR}{line type for the MBR lines; as usual \code{lty}-argument;}
+  \item{lwd.MBR}{line width for the MBR lines; as usual \code{lwd}-argument;}
+  \item{x.vec}{a numeric vector of grid points to evaluate the influence curve;
+               by default, \code{x.vec} is \code{NULL}; then the grid is
+               produced automatically according to the distribution of the IC.
+               \code{x.vec} can be useful for usage with a rescaling of the
+               x-axis to avoid that the evaluation points be selected too
+               unevenly (i.e. on an equally spaced grid in the original scale,
+               but then, after rescaling non-equally).
+               The grid has to be specified in original scale; i.e.; when used
+               with rescaling, it should be chosen non-equally spaced. }
+  \item{scaleX}{logical; shall X-axis be rescaled (by default according to the cdf of
+          the underlying distribution)?}
+  \item{scaleY}{logical; shall Y-axis be rescaled (by default according to a probit scale)?}
+  \item{scaleX.fct}{an isotone, vectorized function mapping the domain of the IC
+            to [0,1]; if \code{scaleX} is \code{TRUE} and \code{scaleX.fct} is
+            missing, the cdf of the underlying observation distribution.}
+  \item{scaleX.inv}{the inverse function to \code{scale.fct}, i.e., an isotone,
+            vectorized function mapping [0,1] to the domain of the IC
+            such that for any \code{x} in the domain,\cr
+            \code{scaleX.inv(scaleX.fct(x))==x}; if \code{scaleX} is \code{TRUE}
+            and \code{scaleX.inv} is
+            missing, the quantile function of the underlying observation distribution.}
+  \item{scaleY.fct}{an isotone, vectorized function mapping for each coordinate the
+            range of the respective coordinate of the IC
+            to [0,1]; defaulting to the cdf of \eqn{{\cal N}(0,1)}{N(0,1)};
+            can also be a list of functions with one list element for each
+            of the panels to be plot. }
+  \item{scaleY.inv}{an isotone, vectorized function mapping for each coordinate
+            the range [0,1] into the range of the respective coordinate of the IC;
+            defaulting to the quantile function of  \eqn{{\cal N}(0,1)}{N(0,1)};
+            can also be a list of functions with one list element for each
+            of the panels to be plot. }
+  \item{scaleN}{integer; defaults to 9; on rescaled axes, number of x
+                and y ticks if drawn automatically;}
+  \item{x.ticks}{numeric; defaults to NULL; (then ticks are chosen automatically);
+                 if non-NULL, user-given x-ticks (on original scale);}
+  \item{y.ticks}{numeric; defaults to NULL; (then ticks are chosen automatically);
+                 if non-NULL, user-given y-ticks (on original scale);
+                 can be a list with one (numeric or NULL) item per panel}
+  \item{mfColRow}{shall default partition in panels be used --- defaults to \code{TRUE}}
+  \item{to.draw.arg}{Either \code{NULL} (default;
+                          everything is plotted) or a vector of either integers
+                         (the indices of the subplots to be drawn) or characters
+                         --- the names of the subplots to be drawn: these
+                         names are to be chosen either among the row names of
+                         the trafo matrix
+                         \code{rownames(trafo(eval(obj1 at CallL2Fam)@param))}
+                         or if the last expression is \code{NULL} a
+                         vector \code{"dim<dimnr>"}, \code{dimnr} running through
+                         the number of rows of the trafo matrix.
+                         }
+  \item{withSubst}{logical; if \code{TRUE} (default) pattern substitution for
+        titles and lables is used; otherwise no substitution is used. }
+  \item{col.pts}{color of the points of the \code{data} argument plotted;
+     can be a vector or a matrix. More specifically, if argument \code{attr.pre}
+     is \code{TRUE}, it is recycled to fill a matrix of dimension \code{n} by
+     \code{nIC} (\code{n} the number of observations prior to any selection and
+     \code{nIC} the number of ICs plotted) where filling is done in order column
+     first. The columns are used for possibly different colors for the different
+     ICs from arguments \code{obj1}, \code{obj2}, and, possibly \code{obj3} and
+     \code{obj4}. The selection done via \code{which.lbs} and
+     \code{which.Order} is then done afterwards and on this matrix; in this case,
+     argument \code{col.npts} is ignored. If \code{attr.pre} is \code{FALSE},
+     \code{col.pts} is recycled to fill a matrix of dimension \code{n.s} by
+     \code{nIC} where \code{n.s} is the number of observations selected for
+     labelling and refers to the index ordering after the selection.
+     Then argument \code{col.npts} deteremines the colors of the shown but
+     non-labelled observations as given in argument \code{which.nonlbs}.}
+  \item{pch.pts}{symbol of the points of the \code{data} argument plotted
+                 (may be a vector of length \code{nIC} or a matrix, see \code{col.pts}).}
+  \item{cex.pts}{size of the points of the \code{data} argument plotted
+                 (may be a vector of length \code{nIC} or a matrix, see \code{col.pts}).}
+  \item{cex.pts.fun}{rescaling function for the size of the points to be plotted;
+        either \code{NULL} (default), then \code{log(1+abs(x))} is used for each of

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