[Robast-commits] r1195 - branches/robast-1.2
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Mon Mar 4 18:38:37 CET 2019
Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2019-03-04 18:38:36 +0100 (Mon, 04 Mar 2019)
New Revision: 1195
wrong date ...
Deleted: branches/robast-1.2/20180304DraftReleases_2.8+1.2.txt
--- branches/robast-1.2/20180304DraftReleases_2.8+1.2.txt 2019-03-04 17:35:40 UTC (rev 1194)
+++ branches/robast-1.2/20180304DraftReleases_2.8+1.2.txt 2019-03-04 17:38:36 UTC (rev 1195)
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-### distr release 2.8 ###
-Updates for the packages of the distr family are now avaialable on CRAN in
-version >= 2.8.0.
-The most important changes are enhancements as to
-- implementation of distributions
-- generic integration/expectation
-- plotting
-- minimum criterion estimators
-For some details see points D-1 to D-4 below, for more details please see the
-NEWS files in the packages, available as NEWS("<pkgname>").
-### RobASt release 1.2 ###
-Updates for the packages of the RobASt family are now avaialable on CRAN in
-version >= 1.2.0
-The most important changes are enhancements as to
-- generic integration/expectation
-- argument digestion
-- diagnostics and timings
-For some details see points R-1 to R-3 below, for more details please see the
-NEWS files in the packages, available as NEWS("<pkgname>").
-Best regards from the main developpers & maintainers,
-Peter Ruckdeschel (peter.ruckdeschel at uni-oldenburg.de) &
-Matthias Kohl (matthias.kohl at stamats.de)
-Some details
-### distr release 2.8 ###
-D-1. enhanced implementation of distributions:
-+ Function liesInSupport() gains an argument checkFin which in case of
- DiscreteDistributions, implements information on the finiteness of
- the support.
-+ We revised the code determine the quantile function when there are gaps in
- the support of a distribution with non-trivial (abs.) continuous part.
- This fixes an issue recently raised at the introduction of staged installation.
-D-2. enhanced integration/expectation:
-+ The return values of distrExIntegrate and all E()-methods gain an optional
- attribute "diagnostic" for information on integration accuracy etc; this
- comes with functionality to inspect/access this information through functions
- showDiagnostic, getDiagnostic and the S3method for print for S3class
- DiagnosticClass
-+ We introduce filter functions to warrant some safety when digesting "..."
- args for distrExIntegrate(), E(), integrate(), GLIntegrate(), quantiles
- and IQR
-+ We enhance method .qtlIntegrate to integrate w.r.t. the quantile
- function for expectations (e.g. for Weibull, GPD, GEVD, Gamma)
-D-3. enhanced plotting:
-+ Our plot methods gain a return object of S3 class c("plotInfo","DiagnInfo"),
- containing the information needed to (re)produce the respective plot, which
- at a later stage could be used by different graphic engines (like, e.g. ggplot)
- to produce the plot in a different framework. A more detailed description
- will follow in a subsequent version.
-+ For diagnostic plots to be displayed in several windows, we enhance our helper
- function devNew() to react on the opening of two many devices: in interactive
- mode it now asks the user to shut some devices after reaching a certain
- threshold of opened devices; in non-interactive mode, when this threshold is
- reached, it shuts the first 15 open devices; see ?devNew
-D-4. enhanced minimum criterion estimators
-+ cleverer parsing of "..." args in M[L,C,D]Estimator:
- (where: ML = MaxLikelihood, MC = MinCriterion, MD = MinDistance)
- We actively filter out arguments causing clashes with formals in optim/optimize
- and calling arguments; from the remaining ones only [exactly] _named_ arguments
- of the optimizer (optim/optimize) and those matching either exactly arguments
- of the criterion or all remaining ones (if "..." is a formal of the criterion)
- are passed on.
-+ For diagnostic purposes, MCEstimate-class gains a slot 'optimReturn' which is
- filled by the return value of the optimizer in "mceCalc" -- it has a
- corresponding accessor
-+ For Cramer von Mises MD-Estimator, we distinguish 3 cases
- selected by argument muDatOrMod = c("Dat","Mod", "Other"):
- * in case "Dat", we integrate w.r.t the emp. cdf (default),
- * in case "Mod", we integrate w.r.t. the current best fit model distribution,
- * and in case "Other" one has to supply an integration probability mu.
- The provided asymptotic covariances reflect this choice.
-+ We add some theory/references to help file to MD estimators.
-### RobASt release 1.2 ###
-R-1. enhanced integration/expectation:
-E methods for RandVariables gain argument diagnostic (like E()-methods in
-distrEx v 2.8.0).
-R-2. enhanced argument digestion
-roptest and its wrappers RMX|OBR|MBR|OMSEstimator can now also digest args
-startCtrl, startICCtrl, and kStepCtrl; additional functionality is provided to
-be able to control with more granularity where particular parts of "..." go to.
-R-3. diagnostics and timings
-Several functions gain optional diagnostics on integration and optimization
-accuracy and timings -- the latter in order to spot where the code spends its
-time; this concerns functions robest, roptest, wrappers RMX|OBR|MBR|OMSEstimator,
-kStepEstimator, getStartIC for asGRisk, asBias, RMX, and asAnscombe as well as
-the particular checkIC/makeIC methods for ContIC.
Copied: branches/robast-1.2/20190304DraftReleases_2.8+1.2.txt (from rev 1194, branches/robast-1.2/20180304DraftReleases_2.8+1.2.txt)
--- branches/robast-1.2/20190304DraftReleases_2.8+1.2.txt (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-1.2/20190304DraftReleases_2.8+1.2.txt 2019-03-04 17:38:36 UTC (rev 1195)
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+### distr release 2.8 ###
+Updates for the packages of the distr family are now avaialable on CRAN in
+version >= 2.8.0.
+The most important changes are enhancements as to
+- implementation of distributions
+- generic integration/expectation
+- plotting
+- minimum criterion estimators
+For some details see points D-1 to D-4 below, for more details please see the
+NEWS files in the packages, available as NEWS("<pkgname>").
+### RobASt release 1.2 ###
+Updates for the packages of the RobASt family are now avaialable on CRAN in
+version >= 1.2.0
+The most important changes are enhancements as to
+- generic integration/expectation
+- argument digestion
+- diagnostics and timings
+For some details see points R-1 to R-3 below, for more details please see the
+NEWS files in the packages, available as NEWS("<pkgname>").
+Best regards from the main developpers & maintainers,
+Peter Ruckdeschel (peter.ruckdeschel at uni-oldenburg.de) &
+Matthias Kohl (matthias.kohl at stamats.de)
+Some details
+### distr release 2.8 ###
+D-1. enhanced implementation of distributions:
++ Function liesInSupport() gains an argument checkFin which in case of
+ DiscreteDistributions, implements information on the finiteness of
+ the support.
++ We revised the code determine the quantile function when there are gaps in
+ the support of a distribution with non-trivial (abs.) continuous part.
+ This fixes an issue recently raised at the introduction of staged installation.
+D-2. enhanced integration/expectation:
++ The return values of distrExIntegrate and all E()-methods gain an optional
+ attribute "diagnostic" for information on integration accuracy etc; this
+ comes with functionality to inspect/access this information through functions
+ showDiagnostic, getDiagnostic and the S3method for print for S3class
+ DiagnosticClass
++ We introduce filter functions to warrant some safety when digesting "..."
+ args for distrExIntegrate(), E(), integrate(), GLIntegrate(), quantiles
+ and IQR
++ We enhance method .qtlIntegrate to integrate w.r.t. the quantile
+ function for expectations (e.g. for Weibull, GPD, GEVD, Gamma)
+D-3. enhanced plotting:
++ Our plot methods gain a return object of S3 class c("plotInfo","DiagnInfo"),
+ containing the information needed to (re)produce the respective plot, which
+ at a later stage could be used by different graphic engines (like, e.g. ggplot)
+ to produce the plot in a different framework. A more detailed description
+ will follow in a subsequent version.
++ For diagnostic plots to be displayed in several windows, we enhance our helper
+ function devNew() to react on the opening of two many devices: in interactive
+ mode it now asks the user to shut some devices after reaching a certain
+ threshold of opened devices; in non-interactive mode, when this threshold is
+ reached, it shuts the first 15 open devices; see ?devNew
+D-4. enhanced minimum criterion estimators
++ cleverer parsing of "..." args in M[L,C,D]Estimator:
+ (where: ML = MaxLikelihood, MC = MinCriterion, MD = MinDistance)
+ We actively filter out arguments causing clashes with formals in optim/optimize
+ and calling arguments; from the remaining ones only [exactly] _named_ arguments
+ of the optimizer (optim/optimize) and those matching either exactly arguments
+ of the criterion or all remaining ones (if "..." is a formal of the criterion)
+ are passed on.
++ For diagnostic purposes, MCEstimate-class gains a slot 'optimReturn' which is
+ filled by the return value of the optimizer in "mceCalc" -- it has a
+ corresponding accessor
++ For Cramer von Mises MD-Estimator, we distinguish 3 cases
+ selected by argument muDatOrMod = c("Dat","Mod", "Other"):
+ * in case "Dat", we integrate w.r.t the emp. cdf (default),
+ * in case "Mod", we integrate w.r.t. the current best fit model distribution,
+ * and in case "Other" one has to supply an integration probability mu.
+ The provided asymptotic covariances reflect this choice.
++ We add some theory/references to help file to MD estimators.
+### RobASt release 1.2 ###
+R-1. enhanced integration/expectation:
+E methods for RandVariables gain argument diagnostic (like E()-methods in
+distrEx v 2.8.0).
+R-2. enhanced argument digestion
+roptest and its wrappers RMX|OBR|MBR|OMSEstimator can now also digest args
+startCtrl, startICCtrl, and kStepCtrl; additional functionality is provided to
+be able to control with more granularity where particular parts of "..." go to.
+R-3. diagnostics and timings
+Several functions gain optional diagnostics on integration and optimization
+accuracy and timings -- the latter in order to spot where the code spends its
+time; this concerns functions robest, roptest, wrappers RMX|OBR|MBR|OMSEstimator,
+kStepEstimator, getStartIC for asGRisk, asBias, RMX, and asAnscombe as well as
+the particular checkIC/makeIC methods for ContIC.
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