[Robast-commits] r1185 - in pkg/ROptEst: . R inst inst/scripts man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sat Mar 2 17:06:03 CET 2019

Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2019-03-02 17:06:02 +0100 (Sat, 02 Mar 2019)
New Revision: 1185

preparation for release of 1.2: merged back ROptEst from branch 1.2 to trunk

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/ROptEst/DESCRIPTION	2019-03-02 16:05:00 UTC (rev 1184)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/DESCRIPTION	2019-03-02 16:06:02 UTC (rev 1185)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 Package: ROptEst
-Version: 1.1.0
-Date: 2018-08-01
+Version: 1.2.0
+Date: 2019-03-01
 Title: Optimally Robust Estimation
 Description: Optimally robust estimation in general smoothly parameterized models using S4
         classes and methods.
-Depends: R(>= 2.14.0), methods, distr(>= 2.5.2), distrEx(>= 2.5), distrMod(>= 2.5.2),
-        RandVar(>= 0.9.2), RobAStBase(>= 1.0)
+Depends: R(>= 2.14.0), methods, distr(>= 2.7.0), distrEx(>= 2.8.0), distrMod(>= 2.8.0),
+        RandVar(>= 1.1.0), RobAStBase(>= 1.2.0)
 Imports: startupmsg, MASS, stats, graphics, utils, grDevices
 Suggests: RobLox
 Authors at R: c(person("Matthias", "Kohl", role=c("cre", "cph"),
@@ -19,4 +19,4 @@
 Encoding: latin1
 LastChangedDate: {$LastChangedDate$}
 LastChangedRevision: {$LastChangedRevision$}
-VCS/SVNRevision: 1081
+VCS/SVNRevision: 1178

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/ROptEst/NAMESPACE	2019-03-02 16:05:00 UTC (rev 1184)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/NAMESPACE	2019-03-02 16:06:02 UTC (rev 1185)
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
 importFrom("stats", "complete.cases", "dnorm", "na.omit", "optim",
              "optimize", "pnorm", "qnorm", "uniroot")
-importFrom("utils", "read.csv", "read.table", "str", "write.table")
+importFrom("utils", "read.csv", "read.table", "str", "write.table", 
+           "getFromNamespace")
 importFrom("graphics", "abline")
 importFrom("MASS", "ginv")
@@ -38,7 +39,8 @@
 exportMethods("updateNorm", "scaleUpdateIC", "eff", 
               "get.asGRisk.fct", "getStartIC", "plot",
-			  "comparePlot", "getRiskFctBV", "roptestCall")
+			  "comparePlot", "getRiskFctBV", "roptestCall",
+			  "checkIC", "makeIC", "kStepTimings")
        "asAnscombe", "asL1", "asL4", 
 	   "getReq", "getMaxIneff", "getRadius")

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/R/AllGeneric.R
--- pkg/ROptEst/R/AllGeneric.R	2019-03-02 16:05:00 UTC (rev 1184)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/R/AllGeneric.R	2019-03-02 16:06:02 UTC (rev 1185)
@@ -93,3 +93,6 @@
     setGeneric("roptestCall", function(object) standardGeneric("roptestCall"))
+    setGeneric("kStepTimings", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("kStepTimings"))

Copied: pkg/ROptEst/R/CheckMakeContIC.R (from rev 1178, branches/robast-1.2/pkg/ROptEst/R/CheckMakeContIC.R)
--- pkg/ROptEst/R/CheckMakeContIC.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/R/CheckMakeContIC.R	2019-03-02 16:06:02 UTC (rev 1185)
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+## faster check for ContICs
+setMethod("checkIC", signature(IC = "ContIC", L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"),
+    function(IC, L2Fam, out = TRUE, forceContICMethod = FALSE, ..., diagnostic = FALSE){
+        D1 <- L2Fam at distribution
+        if( dimension(Domain(IC at Curve[[1]])) != dimension(img(D1)))
+            stop("dimension of 'Domain' of 'Curve' != dimension of 'img' of 'distribution' of 'L2Fam'")
+         res <- .prepareCheckMakeIC(L2Fam, w = IC at weight, forceContICMethod, ..., diagnostic = diagnostic)
+         ## if it pays off to use symmetry/ to compute integrals in L2deriv space
+        ## we compute the following integrals:
+        ## G1 = E w, G2 = E Lambda w, G3 = E Lambda Lambda' w
+        ## we want to compute:
+        ## Delta1 = E (A Lambda-a) w, Delta2 = E (A Lambda-a) Lambda' w
+        ## where A = stand(IC), a=cent(IC)
+        ## hence Delta1 = A G2 - a G1, Delta2 = A G3 - a G2'
+        ### otherwise the return value is NULL and we use the standard method
+        if(is.null(res))
+           return(getMethod("checkIC", signature(IC = "IC",
+                              L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"))(IC,L2Fam, out = out, ..., diagnostic = diagnostic))
+        A <- stand(IC);  a <- cent(IC)
+        G1 <- res$G1;  G2 <- res$G2;  G3 <- res$G3
+        Delta1 <- A%*%G2- a*G1
+        Delta2 <- A%*%G3 - a%*%t(G2)
+        Delta2 <- Delta2 - trafo(L2Fam)
+        if(out)
+            cat("precision of centering:\t", Delta1, "\n")
+        if(out){
+            cat("precision of Fisher consistency:\n")
+            print(Delta2)
+            cat("precision of Fisher consistency - relative error [%]:\n")
+            print(100*Delta2/trafo)
+            if(diagnostic){
+               print(attr(res$G1, "diagnostic"))
+               print(attr(res$G2, "diagnostic"))
+               print(attr(res$G3, "diagnostic"))
+            }
+        }
+        prec <- max(abs(Delta1), abs(Delta2))
+        names(prec) <- "maximum deviation"
+        if(diagnostic) attr(prec, "diagnostic") <- c(attr(res$G1, "diagnostic"),
+           attr(res$G2, "diagnostic"), attr(res$G3, "diagnostic"))
+        return(prec)
+    })
+## make some L2function a pIC at a model
+setMethod("makeIC", signature(IC = "ContIC", L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"),
+    function(IC, L2Fam, forceContICMethod = FALSE, ..., diagnostic = FALSE){
+        D1 <- L2Fam at distribution
+        if( dimension(Domain(IC at Curve[[1]])) != dimension(img(D1)))
+            stop("dimension of 'Domain' of 'Curve' != dimension of 'img' of 'distribution' of 'L2Fam'")
+        dims <- nrow(trafo(L2Fam))
+        if(dimension(IC at Curve) != dims)
+           stop("Dimension of IC and parameter must be equal")
+        res <- .prepareCheckMakeIC(L2Fam, w = IC at weight, forceContICMethod, ..., diagnostic = diagnostic)
+        if(diagnostic &&!is.null(res)){
+               print(attr(res$G1, "diagnostic"))
+               print(attr(res$G2, "diagnostic"))
+               print(attr(res$G3, "diagnostic"))
+        }
+        ## if it pays off to use symmetry/ to compute integrals in L2deriv space
+        ## we compute the following integrals:
+        ## G1 = E w, G2 = E Lambda w, G3 = E Lambda Lambda' w
+        ## we want to compute:
+        ## Delta1 = E (A Lambda-a) w, Delta2 = E (A Lambda-a) Lambda' w
+        ## where A = stand(IC), a=cent(IC)
+        ## hence Delta1 = A G2 - a G1, Delta2 = A G3 - a G2'
+        ### otherwise the return value is NULL and we use the standard method
+        if(is.null(res))
+           return(getMethod("makeIC", signature(IC = "IC",
+                              L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"))(IC,L2Fam,..., diagnostic = diagnostic))
+        G1 <- res$G1;  G2 <- res$G2;  G3 <- res$G3
+        trafO <- trafo(L2Fam at param)
+        nrvalues <- nrow(trafO)
+        dims <- ncol(trafO)
+        cent0 <- c(G2/G1)
+        stand1 <- trafO%*%distr::solve(G3-cent0%*%t(G2))
+        cent1 <- c(stand1%*%cent0)
+#        print(list(stand1,stand(IC),cent1,cent(IC)))
+        L2.f <- as(diag(nrvalues) %*% L2Fam at L2deriv , "EuclRandVariable")
+        D1 <- L2Fam at distribution
+        IC1.f <- function(x){ indS <- liesInSupport(D1,x,checkFin=TRUE)
+                              Lx <- sapply(x, function(y) evalRandVar(L2.f,y))
+                              indS* (stand1%*%Lx-cent1) * weight(IC at weight)(Lx)}
+        IC1.l <- vector("list",nrvalues)
+        for(i in 1:nrvalues){
+            IC1.l[[i]] <- function(x){}
+            body(IC1.l[[i]]) <- substitute( c((IC1.s(x))[i,]), list(IC1.s=IC1.f, i=i))
+        }
+        IC1.c <- EuclRandVariable(Map = IC1.l, Domain = Domain(IC at Curve[[1]]),
+                                Range = Reals())
+        cIC1 <- new("ContIC")
+        cIC1 at name <- IC at name
+        cIC1 at Curve <- EuclRandVarList(IC1.c)
+        cIC1 at Risks <- IC at Risks
+        cIC1 at Infos <- IC at Infos
+        cIC1 at CallL2Fam <- L2Fam at fam.call
+        cIC1 at clip <- IC at clip
+        cIC1 at cent <- cent1
+        cIC1 at stand <- stand1
+        cIC1 at lowerCase <- IC at lowerCase
+        cIC1 at neighborRadius <- IC at neighborRadius
+        cIC1 at weight <- IC at weight
+        cIC1 at biastype <- IC at biastype
+        cIC1 at normtype <- IC at normtype
+        cIC1 at modifyIC <- IC at modifyIC
+        addInfo(cIC1) <- c("IC<-",
+                           "generated by affine linear trafo to enforce consistency")
+        if(diagnostic) attr(cIC1, "diagnostic") <- c(attr(res$G1, "diagnostic"),
+           attr(res$G2, "diagnostic"), attr(res$G3, "diagnostic"))
+        return(cIC1)
+    })
+.prepareCheckMakeIC <- function(L2Fam, w, forceContICMethod, ..., diagnostic = FALSE){
+        dims <- length(L2Fam at param)
+        trafo <- trafo(L2Fam at param)
+        nrvalues <- nrow(trafo)
+        z.comp <- rep(TRUE,dims)
+        A.comp <- matrix(rep(TRUE,dims^2),nrow=dims)
+        to.comp.i <- (dims+1)*(dims+2)/2
+        to.comp.a <- (dims+1)*nrvalues
+        L2deriv <- as(diag(dims) %*% L2Fam at L2deriv, "EuclRandVariable")
+        z.comp <- rep(TRUE,dims)
+        A.comp <- matrix(TRUE, dims, dims)
+#        print(list(z.comp,A.comp))
+        # otherwise if  nrvalues > 1 # formerly: trafo == unitMatrix #
+        #           may use symmetry info
+        if(dims>1){
+            comp <- .getComp(L2deriv, L2Fam at distrSymm, L2Fam at L2derivSymm, L2Fam at L2derivDistrSymm)
+            z.comp <- comp$"z.comp"
+            A.comp <- comp$"A.comp"
+            t.comp.i <- sum(z.comp)+sum(A.comp)+1
+        }
+        if(to.comp.a < to.comp.i && !forceContICMethod) return(NULL)
+        res <- .getG1G2G3Stand(L2deriv = L2deriv, Distr = L2Fam at distribution,
+                               A.comp = A.comp, z.comp = z.comp, w = w, ...,
+                               diagnostic = diagnostic)
+        return(res)
+.getG1G2G3Stand <- function(L2deriv, Distr, A.comp, z.comp, w, ..., diagnostic = FALSE){
+        dotsI <- .filterEargs(list(...))
+        if(is.null(dotsI$useApply)) dotsI$useApply <- FALSE
+        w.fct <- function(x){
+            weight(w)(evalRandVar(L2deriv, as.matrix(x)) [,,1])
+        }
+        integrand2 <- function(x, L2.i){
+            return(L2.i(x)*w.fct(x))
+        }
+        diagn <- if(diagnostic) vector("list", sum(z.comp)+sum(A.comp))
+        if(diagnostic) dotsI$diagnostic <- TRUE
+        Eargs <- c(list(object = Distr, fun = w.fct), dotsI)
+        res1 <- do.call(E,Eargs)
+        k <- 0
+        nrvalues <- length(L2deriv)
+        res2 <- numeric(nrvalues)
+        for(i in 1:nrvalues){
+            if(z.comp[i]){
+                 Eargs <- c(list(object = Distr, fun = integrand2,
+                                 L2.i = L2deriv at Map[[i]]), dotsI)
+                 res2[i] <- buf <- do.call(E,Eargs)
+                 if(diagnostic){k <- k + 1; diagn[[k]] <- attr(buf,"diagnostic")}
+            }else{
+                res2[i] <- 0
+            }
+        }
+        if(diagnostic) {k1 <- k; attr(res2, "diagnostic") <- diagn[(1:k1)]}
+        cent <- res2/res1
+        integrandA <- function(x, L2.i, L2.j, i, j){
+            return((L2.i(x) - cent[i])*(L2.j(x) - cent[j])*w.fct(x = x))
+        }
+        nrvalues <- length(L2deriv)
+        erg <- matrix(0, ncol = nrvalues, nrow = nrvalues)
+        for(i in 1:nrvalues){
+            for(j in i:nrvalues){
+                if(A.comp[i,j]){
+                    Eargs <- c(list(object = Distr, fun = integrandA,
+                                   L2.i = L2deriv at Map[[i]],
+                                   L2.j = L2deriv at Map[[j]], i = i, j = j), dotsI)
+                    erg[i, j] <- buf <- do.call(E,Eargs)
+                    if(diagnostic){k <- k + 1; diagn[[k]] <- attr(buf,"diagnostic")}
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        erg[col(erg) < row(erg)] <- t(erg)[col(erg) < row(erg)]
+        if(diagnostic) {k1 <- k; attr(erg, "diagnostic") <- diagn[-(1:k1)]}
+        return(list(G1=res1,G2=res2, G3=erg))
+    }

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/R/L1L2normL2deriv.R
--- pkg/ROptEst/R/L1L2normL2deriv.R	2019-03-02 16:05:00 UTC (rev 1184)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/R/L1L2normL2deriv.R	2019-03-02 16:06:02 UTC (rev 1185)
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
 setMethod("getL1normL2deriv", signature(L2deriv = "RealRandVariable"),
     function(L2deriv, cent, stand, Distr, normtype, ...){
+        dotsI <- .filterEargsWEargList(list(...))
+        if(is.null(dotsI$useApply)) dotsI$useApply <- FALSE
         integrandG <- function(x, L2, stand, cent){
             X <- evalRandVar(L2, as.matrix(x))[,,1] - cent
             Y <- apply(X, 2, "%*%", t(stand))
@@ -15,6 +19,7 @@
             return((res > 0)*res)
-        return(E(object = Distr, fun = integrandG, L2 = L2deriv,
-                  stand = stand, cent = cent, useApply = FALSE))
+        return(do.call(E, c(list(object = Distr, fun = integrandG, L2 = L2deriv,
+                  stand = stand, cent = cent),dotsI)))

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/R/LowerCaseMultivariate.R
--- pkg/ROptEst/R/LowerCaseMultivariate.R	2019-03-02 16:05:00 UTC (rev 1184)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/R/LowerCaseMultivariate.R	2019-03-02 16:06:02 UTC (rev 1185)
@@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
 .LowerCaseMultivariate <- function(L2deriv, neighbor, biastype,
              normtype, Distr, Finfo, trafo, z.start = NULL,
              A.start = NULL, z.comp = NULL, A.comp = NULL, maxiter, tol,
-             verbose = NULL){
+             verbose = NULL, ...){
+        dotsI <- .filterEargsWEargList(list(...))
+        if(is.null(dotsI$useApply)) dotsI$useApply <- FALSE
         if(missing(verbose)|| is.null(verbose))
            verbose <- getRobAStBaseOption("all.verbose")
         w <- new("HampelWeight")
         if(is.null(z.start)) z.start <- numeric(ncol(trafo))
-        if(is.null(A.start)) A.start <- trafo%*%solve(as.matrix(Finfo))
+        if(is.null(A.start)) A.start <- trafo%*%distr::solve(as.matrix(Finfo))
            A.comp <- matrix(TRUE, nrow = nrow(trafo), ncol = ncol(trafo))
@@ -59,8 +62,8 @@
                w <<- w0
-            E1 <- E(object = Distr, fun = abs.fct, L2 = L2deriv, stand = A,
-                     cent = z, normtype.0 = normtype, useApply = FALSE)
+            E1 <- do.call(E,c(list(object = Distr, fun = abs.fct, L2 = L2deriv, stand = A,
+                     cent = z, normtype.0 = normtype), dotsI))
             stA <- if (is(normtype,"QFNorm"))
                        QuadForm(normtype)%*%A else A
 #            erg <- E1/sum(diag(stA %*% t(trafo)))
@@ -101,15 +104,18 @@
 .LowerCaseMultivariateTV <- function(L2deriv, neighbor, biastype,
              normtype, Distr, Finfo, trafo,
              A.start = NULL,  maxiter, tol,
-             verbose = NULL){
+             verbose = NULL, ...){
+        dotsI <- .filterEargsWEargList(list(...))
+        if(is.null(dotsI$useApply)) dotsI$useApply <- FALSE
         if(missing(verbose)|| is.null(verbose))
            verbose <- getRobAStBaseOption("all.verbose")
         w <- new("BdStWeight")
         k <- ncol(trafo)
-        if(is.null(A.start)) A.start <- trafo%*%solve(Finfo)
+        if(is.null(A.start)) A.start <- trafo%*%distr::solve(Finfo)
         pos.fct <- function(x, L2, stand){
             X <- evalRandVar(L2, as.matrix(x))[,,1]
@@ -124,8 +130,8 @@
             p <- 1
             A <- matrix(param, ncol = k, nrow = 1)
          #   print(A)
-            E1 <- E(object = Distr, fun = pos.fct, L2 = L2deriv, stand = A,
-                    useApply = FALSE)
+            E1 <- do.call(E, c(list( object = Distr, fun = pos.fct,
+                       L2 = L2deriv, stand = A), dotsI))
             erg <- E1/sum(diag(A %*% t(trafo)))
@@ -144,10 +150,10 @@
                   Y <- as.numeric(A %*% X)
-        p.p   <- E(object = Distr, fun = pr.fct, L2 = L2deriv,
-                   useApply = FALSE, pr.sign =  1)
-        m.p   <- E(object = Distr, fun = pr.fct, L2 = L2deriv,
-                   useApply = FALSE, pr.sign = -1)
+        p.p   <- do.call(E, c(list( object = Distr, fun = pr.fct, L2 = L2deriv,
+                   pr.sign =  1), dotsI))
+        m.p   <- do.call(E, c(list( object = Distr, fun = pr.fct, L2 = L2deriv,
+                   pr.sign = -1), dotsI))
         a <- -b * p.p/(p.p+m.p)

--- pkg/ROptEst/R/RMXEOMSEMBREOBRE.R	2019-03-02 16:05:00 UTC (rev 1184)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/R/RMXEOMSEMBREOBRE.R	2019-03-02 16:06:02 UTC (rev 1185)
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-RMXEstimator <- function(x, L2Fam, fsCor = 1, initial.est,
-                    neighbor = ContNeighborhood(), steps = 1L,
-                    distance = CvMDist, startPar = NULL, verbose = NULL,
-                    OptOrIter = "iterate",
-                    useLast = getRobAStBaseOption("kStepUseLast"),
-                    withUpdateInKer = getRobAStBaseOption("withUpdateInKer"),
-                    IC.UpdateInKer = getRobAStBaseOption("IC.UpdateInKer"),
-                    withICList = getRobAStBaseOption("withICList"),
-                    withPICList = getRobAStBaseOption("withPICList"),
-                    na.rm = TRUE, initial.est.ArgList, ..., withLogScale = TRUE,
-                    ..withCheck=FALSE, withTimings = FALSE, withMDE = NULL,
-                    withEvalAsVar = NULL, withMakeIC = FALSE,
-                    modifyICwarn = NULL){
-   mc <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
-   dots <- mc$"..."
-   gsANY <- selectMethod("getStartIC", c(model="ANY",risk="ANY"))@defined
-   clsL2Fam <- c(class(L2Fam))
-   gsCUR <- selectMethod("getStartIC", c(model=clsL2Fam, risk="interpolRisk"))@defined
-   risk0 <- asMSE()
-   if(!all(all.equal(gsANY,gsCUR)==TRUE)) risk0 <- RMXRRisk()
-   roptestArgList <- list(x = x, L2Fam = L2Fam, fsCor = fsCor,
-                       neighbor = neighbor, risk = risk0, steps = steps,
-                       distance = distance, startPar = startPar, verbose = verbose,
-                       OptOrIter = OptOrIter, useLast = useLast,
-                       withUpdateInKer = withUpdateInKer, IC.UpdateInKer = IC.UpdateInKer,
-                       withICList = withICList, withPICList = withPICList, na.rm = na.rm,
-                       withLogScale = withLogScale, ..withCheck = ..withCheck,
-                       withTimings = withTimings, withMDE = withMDE,
-                       withEvalAsVar = withEvalAsVar, withMakeIC = withMakeIC,
-                       modifyICwarn = modifyICwarn)
-   if(!is.null(dots)) roptestArgList <- c(roptestArgList, dots)
-   if(!missing(initial.est)) roptestArgList$initial.est <- initial.est
-   if(!missing(initial.est.ArgList)) roptestArgList$initial.est.ArgList <- initial.est
-   res <- do.call(roptest, roptestArgList)
-   res at roptestCall <- quote(res at estimate.call)
-   res at estimate.call <- mc
-   return(res)
-OMSEstimator <- function(x, L2Fam, eps =0.5, fsCor = 1, initial.est,
-                    neighbor = ContNeighborhood(), steps = 1L,
-                    distance = CvMDist, startPar = NULL, verbose = NULL,
-                    OptOrIter = "iterate",
-                    useLast = getRobAStBaseOption("kStepUseLast"),
-                    withUpdateInKer = getRobAStBaseOption("withUpdateInKer"),
-                    IC.UpdateInKer = getRobAStBaseOption("IC.UpdateInKer"),
-                    withICList = getRobAStBaseOption("withICList"),
-                    withPICList = getRobAStBaseOption("withPICList"),
-                    na.rm = TRUE, initial.est.ArgList, ..., withLogScale = TRUE,
-                    ..withCheck=FALSE, withTimings = FALSE, withMDE = NULL,
-                    withEvalAsVar = NULL, withMakeIC = FALSE,
-                    modifyICwarn = NULL){
-   if(!is.numeric(eps)||length(eps)>1||any(eps<0))
-      stop("Radius 'eps' must be given, of length 1 and non-negative.")
-   mc <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
-   dots <- mc$"..."
-   gsANY <- selectMethod("getStartIC", c(model="ANY",risk="ANY"))@defined
-   clsL2Fam <- c(class(L2Fam))
-   gsCUR <- selectMethod("getStartIC", c(model=clsL2Fam, risk="interpolRisk"))@defined
-   risk0 <- asMSE()
-   if(!all(all.equal(gsANY,gsCUR)==TRUE)&& abs(eps-0.5)<1e-3) risk0 <- OMSRRisk()
-   roptestArgList <- list(x = x, L2Fam = L2Fam, eps = 0.5, fsCor = fsCor,
-                       neighbor = neighbor, risk = risk0, steps = steps,
-                       distance = distance, startPar = startPar, verbose = verbose,
-                       OptOrIter = OptOrIter, useLast = useLast,
-                       withUpdateInKer = withUpdateInKer, IC.UpdateInKer = IC.UpdateInKer,
-                       withICList = withICList, withPICList = withPICList, na.rm = na.rm,
-                       withLogScale = withLogScale, ..withCheck = ..withCheck,
-                       withTimings = withTimings, withMDE = withMDE,
-                       withEvalAsVar = withEvalAsVar, withMakeIC = withMakeIC,
-                       modifyICwarn = modifyICwarn)
-   if(!is.null(dots)) roptestArgList <- c(roptestArgList, dots)
-   if(!missing(initial.est)) roptestArgList$initial.est <- initial.est
-   if(!missing(initial.est.ArgList)) roptestArgList$initial.est.ArgList <- initial.est
-   res <- do.call(roptest, roptestArgList)
-   res at roptestCall <- quote(res at estimate.call)
-   res at estimate.call <- mc
-   return(res)
-OBREstimator <- function(x, L2Fam, eff=0.95, fsCor = 1, initial.est,
-                    neighbor = ContNeighborhood(), steps = 1L,
-                    distance = CvMDist, startPar = NULL, verbose = NULL,
-                    OptOrIter = "iterate",
-                    useLast = getRobAStBaseOption("kStepUseLast"),
-                    withUpdateInKer = getRobAStBaseOption("withUpdateInKer"),
-                    IC.UpdateInKer = getRobAStBaseOption("IC.UpdateInKer"),
-                    withICList = getRobAStBaseOption("withICList"),
-                    withPICList = getRobAStBaseOption("withPICList"),
-                    na.rm = TRUE, initial.est.ArgList, ..., withLogScale = TRUE,
-                    ..withCheck=FALSE, withTimings = FALSE, withMDE = NULL,
-                    withEvalAsVar = NULL, withMakeIC = FALSE,
-                    modifyICwarn = NULL){
-   if(!is.numeric(eff)||length(eff)>1||any(eff<0|eff>1))
-      stop("Efficiency loss (in the ideal model) 'eff' must be given, of length 1 and in [0,1].")
-   mc <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
-   dots <- mc$"..."
-   risk0 <- asAnscombe(eff)
-   roptestArgList <- list(x = x, L2Fam = L2Fam, fsCor = fsCor,
-                       neighbor = neighbor, risk = risk0, steps = steps,
-                       distance = distance, startPar = startPar, verbose = verbose,
-                       OptOrIter = OptOrIter, useLast = useLast,
-                       withUpdateInKer = withUpdateInKer, IC.UpdateInKer = IC.UpdateInKer,
-                       withICList = withICList, withPICList = withPICList, na.rm = na.rm,
-                       withLogScale = withLogScale, ..withCheck = ..withCheck,
-                       withTimings = withTimings, withMDE = withMDE,
-                       withEvalAsVar = withEvalAsVar, withMakeIC = withMakeIC,
-                       modifyICwarn = modifyICwarn)
-   if(!is.null(dots)) roptestArgList <- c(roptestArgList, dots)
-   if(!missing(initial.est)) roptestArgList$initial.est <- initial.est
-   if(!missing(initial.est.ArgList)) roptestArgList$initial.est.ArgList <- initial.est
-   res <- do.call(roptest, roptestArgList)
-   res at roptestCall <- quote(res at estimate.call)
-   res at estimate.call <- mc
-   return(res)
-MBREstimator <- function(x, L2Fam, fsCor = 1, initial.est,
-                    neighbor = ContNeighborhood(), steps = 1L,
-                    distance = CvMDist, startPar = NULL, verbose = NULL,
-                    OptOrIter = "iterate",
-                    useLast = getRobAStBaseOption("kStepUseLast"),
-                    withUpdateInKer = getRobAStBaseOption("withUpdateInKer"),
-                    IC.UpdateInKer = getRobAStBaseOption("IC.UpdateInKer"),
-                    withICList = getRobAStBaseOption("withICList"),
-                    withPICList = getRobAStBaseOption("withPICList"),
-                    na.rm = TRUE, initial.est.ArgList, ..., withLogScale = TRUE,
-                    ..withCheck=FALSE, withTimings = FALSE, withMDE = NULL,
-                    withEvalAsVar = NULL, withMakeIC = FALSE,
-                    modifyICwarn = NULL){
-   mc <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
-   dots <- mc$"..."
-   gsANY <- selectMethod("getStartIC", c(model="ANY",risk="ANY"))@defined
-   clsL2Fam <- c(class(L2Fam))
-   gsCUR <- selectMethod("getStartIC", c(model=clsL2Fam, risk="interpolRisk"))@defined
-   risk0 <- asBias()
-   if(!all(all.equal(gsANY,gsCUR)==TRUE)) risk0 <- MBRRisk()
-   roptestArgList <- list(x = x, L2Fam = L2Fam, fsCor = fsCor,
-                       neighbor = neighbor, risk = risk0, steps = steps,
-                       distance = distance, startPar = startPar, verbose = verbose,
-                       OptOrIter = OptOrIter, useLast = useLast,
-                       withUpdateInKer = withUpdateInKer, IC.UpdateInKer = IC.UpdateInKer,
-                       withICList = withICList, withPICList = withPICList, na.rm = na.rm,
-                       withLogScale = withLogScale, ..withCheck = ..withCheck,
-                       withTimings = withTimings, withMDE = withMDE,
-                       withEvalAsVar = withEvalAsVar, withMakeIC = withMakeIC,
-                       modifyICwarn = modifyICwarn)
-   if(!is.null(dots)) roptestArgList <- c(roptestArgList, dots)
-   if(!missing(initial.est)) roptestArgList$initial.est <- initial.est
-   if(!missing(initial.est.ArgList)) roptestArgList$initial.est.ArgList <- initial.est
-   res <- do.call(roptest, roptestArgList)
-   res at roptestCall <- quote(res at estimate.call)
-   res at estimate.call <- mc
-   return(res)

Copied: pkg/ROptEst/R/RMXEOMSEMBREOBRE.R (from rev 1178, branches/robast-1.2/pkg/ROptEst/R/RMXEOMSEMBREOBRE.R)
--- pkg/ROptEst/R/RMXEOMSEMBREOBRE.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/R/RMXEOMSEMBREOBRE.R	2019-03-02 16:06:02 UTC (rev 1185)
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+RMXEstimator <- function(x, L2Fam, fsCor = 1, initial.est,
+                    neighbor = ContNeighborhood(), steps = 1L,
+                    distance = CvMDist, startPar = NULL, verbose = NULL,
+                    OptOrIter = "iterate",
+                    useLast = getRobAStBaseOption("kStepUseLast"),
+                    withUpdateInKer = getRobAStBaseOption("withUpdateInKer"),
+                    IC.UpdateInKer = getRobAStBaseOption("IC.UpdateInKer"),
+                    withICList = getRobAStBaseOption("withICList"),
+                    withPICList = getRobAStBaseOption("withPICList"),
+                    na.rm = TRUE, initial.est.ArgList, ..., withLogScale = TRUE,
+                    ..withCheck=FALSE, withTimings = FALSE, withMDE = NULL,
+                    withEvalAsVar = NULL, withMakeIC = FALSE,
+                    modifyICwarn = NULL, E.argList = NULL,
+                    diagnostic = FALSE){
+   mc <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
+   dots <- mc$"..."
+   gsANY <- selectMethod("getStartIC", c(model="ANY",risk="ANY"))@defined
+   clsL2Fam <- c(class(L2Fam))
+   gsCUR <- selectMethod("getStartIC", c(model=clsL2Fam, risk="interpolRisk"))@defined
+   risk0 <- asMSE()
+   if(!all(all.equal(gsANY,gsCUR)==TRUE)) risk0 <- RMXRRisk()
+   roptestArgList <- list(x = x, L2Fam = L2Fam, fsCor = fsCor,
+                       neighbor = neighbor, risk = risk0, steps = steps,
+                       distance = distance, startPar = startPar, verbose = verbose,
+                       OptOrIter = OptOrIter, useLast = useLast,
+                       withUpdateInKer = withUpdateInKer, IC.UpdateInKer = IC.UpdateInKer,
+                       withICList = withICList, withPICList = withPICList, na.rm = na.rm,
+                       withLogScale = withLogScale, ..withCheck = ..withCheck,
+                       withTimings = withTimings, withMDE = withMDE,
+                       withEvalAsVar = withEvalAsVar, withMakeIC = withMakeIC,
+                       modifyICwarn = modifyICwarn, E.argList = E.argList,
+                       diagnostic = diagnostic)
+   if(!is.null(dots)) roptestArgList <- c(roptestArgList, dots)
+   if(!missing(initial.est)) roptestArgList$initial.est <- initial.est
+   if(!missing(initial.est.ArgList)) roptestArgList$initial.est.ArgList <- initial.est
+   res <- do.call(roptest, roptestArgList)
+   res at roptestCall <- res at estimate.call
+   res at estimate.call <- mc
+   return(res)
+OMSEstimator <- function(x, L2Fam, eps =0.5, fsCor = 1, initial.est,
+                    neighbor = ContNeighborhood(), steps = 1L,
+                    distance = CvMDist, startPar = NULL, verbose = NULL,
+                    OptOrIter = "iterate",
+                    useLast = getRobAStBaseOption("kStepUseLast"),
+                    withUpdateInKer = getRobAStBaseOption("withUpdateInKer"),
+                    IC.UpdateInKer = getRobAStBaseOption("IC.UpdateInKer"),
+                    withICList = getRobAStBaseOption("withICList"),
+                    withPICList = getRobAStBaseOption("withPICList"),
+                    na.rm = TRUE, initial.est.ArgList, ..., withLogScale = TRUE,
+                    ..withCheck=FALSE, withTimings = FALSE, withMDE = NULL,
+                    withEvalAsVar = NULL, withMakeIC = FALSE,
+                    modifyICwarn = NULL, E.argList = NULL,
+                    diagnostic = FALSE){
+   if(!is.numeric(eps)||length(eps)>1||any(eps<0))
+      stop("Radius 'eps' must be given, of length 1 and non-negative.")
+   mc <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
+   dots <- mc$"..."
+   gsANY <- selectMethod("getStartIC", c(model="ANY",risk="ANY"))@defined
+   clsL2Fam <- c(class(L2Fam))
+   gsCUR <- selectMethod("getStartIC", c(model=clsL2Fam, risk="interpolRisk"))@defined
+   risk0 <- asMSE()
+   if(!all(all.equal(gsANY,gsCUR)==TRUE)&& abs(eps-0.5)<1e-3) risk0 <- OMSRRisk()
+   roptestArgList <- list(x = x, L2Fam = L2Fam, eps = 0.5, fsCor = fsCor,
+                       neighbor = neighbor, risk = risk0, steps = steps,
+                       distance = distance, startPar = startPar, verbose = verbose,
+                       OptOrIter = OptOrIter, useLast = useLast,
+                       withUpdateInKer = withUpdateInKer, IC.UpdateInKer = IC.UpdateInKer,
+                       withICList = withICList, withPICList = withPICList, na.rm = na.rm,
+                       withLogScale = withLogScale, ..withCheck = ..withCheck,
+                       withTimings = withTimings, withMDE = withMDE,
+                       withEvalAsVar = withEvalAsVar, withMakeIC = withMakeIC,
+                       modifyICwarn = modifyICwarn, E.argList = E.argList,
+                       diagnostic = diagnostic)
+   if(!is.null(dots)) roptestArgList <- c(roptestArgList, dots)
+   if(!missing(initial.est)) roptestArgList$initial.est <- initial.est
+   if(!missing(initial.est.ArgList)) roptestArgList$initial.est.ArgList <- initial.est
+   res <- do.call(roptest, roptestArgList)
+   res at roptestCall <- res at estimate.call
+   res at estimate.call <- mc
+   return(res)
+OBREstimator <- function(x, L2Fam, eff=0.95, fsCor = 1, initial.est,
+                    neighbor = ContNeighborhood(), steps = 1L,
+                    distance = CvMDist, startPar = NULL, verbose = NULL,
+                    OptOrIter = "iterate",
+                    useLast = getRobAStBaseOption("kStepUseLast"),
+                    withUpdateInKer = getRobAStBaseOption("withUpdateInKer"),
+                    IC.UpdateInKer = getRobAStBaseOption("IC.UpdateInKer"),
+                    withICList = getRobAStBaseOption("withICList"),
+                    withPICList = getRobAStBaseOption("withPICList"),
+                    na.rm = TRUE, initial.est.ArgList, ..., withLogScale = TRUE,
+                    ..withCheck=FALSE, withTimings = FALSE, withMDE = NULL,
+                    withEvalAsVar = NULL, withMakeIC = FALSE,
+                    modifyICwarn = NULL, E.argList = NULL,
+                    diagnostic = FALSE){
+   if(!is.numeric(eff)||length(eff)>1||any(eff<0|eff>1))
+      stop("Efficiency loss (in the ideal model) 'eff' must be given, of length 1 and in [0,1].")
+   mc <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
+   dots <- mc$"..."
+   risk0 <- asAnscombe(eff)
+   roptestArgList <- list(x = x, L2Fam = L2Fam, fsCor = fsCor,
+                       neighbor = neighbor, risk = risk0, steps = steps,
+                       distance = distance, startPar = startPar, verbose = verbose,
+                       OptOrIter = OptOrIter, useLast = useLast,
+                       withUpdateInKer = withUpdateInKer, IC.UpdateInKer = IC.UpdateInKer,
+                       withICList = withICList, withPICList = withPICList, na.rm = na.rm,
+                       withLogScale = withLogScale, ..withCheck = ..withCheck,

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/robast -r 1185

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