[Robast-commits] r1221 - in branches/robast-1.3/pkg: . RobAStRDA RobAStRDA/R RobAStRDA/inst/AddMaterial/interpolation RobExtremesBuffer
noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sat Apr 13 11:09:55 CEST 2019
Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2019-04-13 11:09:54 +0200 (Sat, 13 Apr 2019)
New Revision: 1221
[RobAStRDA] (and RobExtremesBuffer) in branch 1.3.0: deleted 2.x. branches in Rda file and compressed the rda file in version 3.0 (hence need R>=3.5.0)
Modified: branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobAStRDA/DESCRIPTION
--- branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobAStRDA/DESCRIPTION 2019-04-07 10:38:45 UTC (rev 1220)
+++ branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobAStRDA/DESCRIPTION 2019-04-13 09:09:54 UTC (rev 1221)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Title: Interpolation Grids for Packages of the 'RobASt' - Family of Packages
Description: Includes 'sysdata.rda' file for packages of the 'RobASt' - family of packages; is
currently used by package 'RobExtremes' only.
-Depends: R(>= 3.4)
+Depends: R(>= 3.5.0)
Authors at R: c(person("Matthias", "Kohl", role=c("aut", "cph")), person("Bernhard",
"Spangl",role="ctb", comment="contributed smoothed grid values of the Lagrange
multipliers"), person("Sascha", "Desmettre", role="ctb", comment="contributed
Modified: branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobAStRDA/R/sysdata.rda
(Binary files differ)
Modified: branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobAStRDA/inst/AddMaterial/interpolation/interpolationscripts.R
--- branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobAStRDA/inst/AddMaterial/interpolation/interpolationscripts.R 2019-04-07 10:38:45 UTC (rev 1220)
+++ branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobAStRDA/inst/AddMaterial/interpolation/interpolationscripts.R 2019-04-13 09:09:54 UTC (rev 1221)
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+## add 20190413: We thin out the rda file, deleting pre-3.7.0 interpolators
+## to be able to better compress file sizes
### merge and thin out results on rdafile
@@ -13,10 +15,10 @@
oldwd <- getwd()
-.basepath <- "C:/rtest/RobASt/branches/robast-1.1/pkg"
+.basepath <- "C:/rtest/RobASt/branches/robast-1.3/pkg"
.myFolderFrom <- file.path(.basepath,"RobExtremesBuffer")
-myRDA0 <- file.path(.basepath,"RobExtremesBuffer/sysdata.rda")
-#myRDA <- file.path(.basepath,"RobExtremesBuffer/sysdata.rda")
+myRDA0 <- file.path(.basepath,"RobExtremesBuffer/sysdataOnlyGridsOnlyR-3.7.0dev.rda")
+#myRDA <- file.path(.basepath,"RobExtremesBuffer/sysdata1.rda")
#myRDA0 <- file.path(.basepath,"RobAStRDA/R/sysdata0.rda")
myRDA <- file.path(.basepath,"RobAStRDA/R/sysdata.rda")
CSVFiles <- grep("\\.csv$", dir(.myFolderFrom), value=TRUE)
@@ -28,13 +30,17 @@
.computeInterpolators(myRDA0, myRDA,withSmoothFct = TRUE)
+## as a result, at check time the installed size of the package is~6.3MB instead of 11.3MB
+## the price to pay: we need R>=3.5.0
+### the lines 34+ in this file interpolationscripts.R before v 1.3.0 can be skipped
# (1) load package in R>3.0
- .basepath <- "C:/rtest/RobASt/branches/robast-1.1/pkg"
+ .basepath <- "C:/rtest/RobASt/branches/robast-1.3/pkg"
.myFolderFrom <- file.path(.basepath,"RobExtremesBuffer")
(myRDAg30 <- file.path(.basepath,"RobExtremesBuffer/sysdataOnlyGridsOnlyR-3.5.1rc.rda"))
(myRDAg3 <- file.path(.basepath,"RobExtremesBuffer/sysdataWithInterpOnlyR-3.5.1rc.rda"))
@@ -62,7 +68,7 @@
- .basepath <- "C:/rtest/RobASt/branches/robast-1.1/pkg"
+ .basepath <- "C:/rtest/RobASt/branches/robast-1.3/pkg"
.myFolderFrom <- file.path(.basepath,"RobExtremesBuffer")
myRDAs30 <- file.path(.basepath,"RobExtremesBuffer/sysdataOnlyGridsOnlyR-2.15.1.rda")
myRDAs3 <- file.path(.basepath,"RobExtremesBuffer/sysdataWithInterpOnlyR-2.15.1.rda")
Added: branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/WriteUpReturnValuesPlots.txt
--- branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/WriteUpReturnValuesPlots.txt (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/WriteUpReturnValuesPlots.txt 2019-04-13 09:09:54 UTC (rev 1221)
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+plotInfo distr / plot-distribution
+ plotInfo <- list(call = mc, dots=dots,
+ args = list(width = width, height = height,
+ withSweave = withSweave,
+ xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ngrid = ngrid,
+ verticals = verticals, do.points = do.points,
+ main = main, inner = inner, sub = sub,
+ bmar = bmar, tmar = tmar, cex.main = cex.main,
+ cex.inner = cex.inner, cex.sub = cex.sub,
+ col.points = col.points, col.vert = col.vert,
+ col.main = col.main, col.inner = col.inner,
+ col.sub = col.sub, cex.points = cex.points,
+ pch.u = pch.u, pch.a = pch.a, mfColRow = mfColRow,
+ to.draw.arg = to.draw.arg, withSubst = withSubst),
+ to.draw=to.draw, panelFirst = pF,
+ panelLast = pL)
+ plotInfo$to.draw <- to.draw
+ plotInfo$panelFirst <- pF
+ plotInfo$panelLast <- pL
+ plotInfo$dplot$plot <- c(list(x = grid, dxg, type = "l",
+ ylim = ylim1, ylab = ylab0[["d"]], xlab = xlab0[["d"]], log = logpd),
+ dots.lowlevel)
+ plotInfo$dplot$usr <- par("usr")
+ plotInfo$dplot$title <- list(main = inner.d, line = lineT,
+ cex.main = cex.inner, col.main = col.inner)
+ plotInfo$pplot$plot <- c(list(x = grid, pxg, type = "l",
+ ylim = ylim2, ylab = ylab0[["p"]], xlab = xlab0[["p"]], log = logpd),
+ dots.lowlevel)
+ plotInfo$pplot$usr <- par("usr")
+ plotInfo$pplot$title <- list(main = inner.p, line = lineT,
+ cex.main = cex.inner, col.main = col.inner)
+ plotInfo$qplot$plot <- c(list(x = po, xo, type = "n",
+ xlim = ylim2, ylim = xlim, ylab = ylab0[["q"]], xlab = xlab0[["q"]],
+ log = logq), dots.lowlevel)
+ plotInfo$qplot$usr <- par("usr")
+ plotInfo$qplot$title <- list(main = inner.q, line = lineT,
+ cex.main = cex.inner, col.main = col.inner)
+ plotInfo$qplot$vlines <- c(list(x=pu[o], y=xu[o],
+ col = col.vert), dots.without.pch0)
+ plotInfo$qplot$vpoints.l <- c(list(x=pu1, y=gaps(x)[,1],
+ pch = pch.a, cex = cex.points, col = col.points),
+ dots.for.points)
+ plotInfo$qplot$vpoints.r <- c(list(x=pu1, y=gaps(x)[,2],
+ pch = pch.a, cex = cex.points, col = col.points),
+ dots.for.points)
+ plotInfo$mainL <- list(text = main, side = 3, cex = cex.main, adj = .5,
+ outer = TRUE, padj = 1.4, col = col.main)
+ plotInfo$subL <- list(text = sub, side = 1, cex = cex.sub, adj = .5,
+ outer = TRUE, line = -1.6, col = col.sub)
+ plotInfo <- list(call = mc, dots=dots,
+ args = list(width = width, height = height,
+ withSweave = withSweave,
+ xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, verticals = verticals,
+ do.points = do.points, main = main, inner = inner,
+ sub = sub, bmar = bmar, tmar = tmar, cex.main = cex.main,
+ cex.inner = cex.inner, cex.sub = cex.sub,
+ col.points = col.points, col.hor = col.hor,
+ col.vert = col.vert, col.main = col.main,
+ col.inner = col.inner, col.sub = col.sub,
+ cex.points = cex.points, pch.u = pch.u,
+ pch.a = pch.a, mfColRow = mfColRow,
+ to.draw.arg = to.draw.arg, withSubst = withSubst))
+ plotInfo$to.draw <- to.draw
+ plotInfo$panelFirst <- pF
+ plotInfo$panelLast <- pL
+ plotInfo$dplot$plot <- c(list(x = supp, dx, type = "h", pch = pch.a,
+ ylim = ylim1, xlim=xlim, ylab = ylab0[["d"]], xlab = xlab0[["d"]],
+ log = logpd), dots.without.pch)
+ plotInfo$dplot$usr <- par("usr")
+ plotInfo$dplot$title <- list(main = inner.d, line = lineT,
+ cex.main = cex.inner, col.main = col.inner)
+ plotInfo$dplot$points <- c(list(x = supp, y = dx, pch = pch.a,
+ cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
+ plotInfo$pplot$plot <- c(list(x = stepfun(x = supp1, y = psupp1),
+ main = "", verticals = verticals,
+ do.points = FALSE,
+ ylim = ylim2, ylab = ylab0[["p"]], xlab = xlab0[["p"]],
+ col.hor = col.hor, col.vert = col.vert,
+ log = logpd), dots.without.pch)
+ plotInfo$pplot$usr <- par("usr")
+ plotInfo$pplot$points.u <- c(list(x = supp, y = psupp1[1:ngrid], pch = pch.u,
+ cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
+ plotInfo$pplot$points.a <- c(list(x = supp, y = psupp1[2:(ngrid+1)], pch = pch.a,
+ cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
+ plotInfo$pplot$title <- c(main = inner.p, line = lineT,
+ cex.main = cex.inner, col.main = col.inner)
+ plotInfo$pplot$points <- c(list(x = supp,
+ y = c(0,p(x)(supp[-length(supp)])), pch = pch.u,
+ cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
+ plotInfo$qplot$plot <- c(list(x = stepfun(c(0,p(x)(supp)),
+ c(NA,supp,NA), right = TRUE),
+ main = "", xlim = ylim2, ylim = c(min(supp),max(supp)),
+ ylab = ylab0[["q"]], xlab = xlab0[["q"]],
+ verticals = verticals, do.points = do.points,
+ cex.points = cex.points, pch = pch.a,
+ col.points = col.points,
+ col.hor = col.hor, col.vert = col.vert,
+ log = logq), dots.without.pch)
+ plotInfo$qplot$usr <- par("usr")
+ plotInfo$qplot$title <- c(main = inner.q, line = lineT,
+ cex.main = cex.inner, col.main = col.inner)
+ plotInfo$qplot$lines <- c(list(x = c(0,p(x)(supp[1])), y = rep(supp[1],2),
+ col = col.vert), dots.without.pch0)
+ plotInfo$qplot$points.u <- c(list(x = p(x)(supp[-length(supp)]),
+ y = supp[-1], pch = pch.u, cex = cex.points,
+ col = col.points), dots.for.points)
+ plotInfo$qplot$points.a <- c(list(x = 0, y = supp[1], pch = pch.u,
+ cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
+ plotInfo$qplot$vlines <- c(list(x = rep(p(x)(supp[1]),2), y = c(supp[1],supp[2]),
+ col = col.vert), dots.without.pch0)
+ plotInfo <- list(call = mc, dots=dots, args=args0)
+ plotInfo$to.draw <- to.draw
+ plotInfo$panelFirst <- pF
+ plotInfo$panelLast <- pL
+ plotInfo$pplot$plot <- c(list(x = grid, pxg, type = "l",
+ ylim = ylim2, ylab = ylab0[[1]][["p"]], xlab = xlab0[[1]][["p"]], log = logpd),
+ dots.lowlevel)
+ plotInfo$pplot$usr <- par("usr")
+ plotInfo$pplot$points.u <- c(list(x = supp, y = pxg.d, pch = pch.a,
+ cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
+ plotInfo$pplot$points.a <- c(list(x = supp-del, y = pxg.d0, pch = pch.u,
+ cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
+ plotInfo$pplot$vlines <- c(list(x = xv, y = pxv, col = col.vert),
+ dots.v)
+ plotInfo$pplot$title <- list(main = inner.p, line = lineT,
+ cex.main = cex.inner, col.main = col.inner)
+ plotInfo$qplot$plot <- c(list(x = po, xo, type = "n",
+ xlim = ylim2, ylim = xlim, ylab = ylab0[[1]][["q"]], xlab = xlab0[[1]][["q"]],
+ log = logq), dots.without.pch)
+ plotInfo$qplot$usr <- par("usr")
+ plotInfo$qplot$title <- c(main = inner.q, line = lineT,
+ cex.main = cex.inner, col.main = col.inner)
+ plotInfo$qplot$lines <- c(list(x=po, y=xo), dots.for.lines)
+ plotInfo$qplot$vlines <- c(list(pu[o], xu[o],
+ col = col.vert), dots.v)
+ plotInfo$qplot$points.u <- c(list(x = pu1, y = gaps(x)[,1], pch = pch.a,
+ cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
+ plotInfo$qplot$points.a <- c(list(x = pu1, y = gaps(x)[,2], pch = pch.u,
+ cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
+ plotInfo$qplot$points0 <- c(list(x = 0, y = q.l(x)(0), pch = pch.u,
+ cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
+ plotInfo$mainL <- list(text = main, side = 3, cex = cex.main, adj = .5,
+ outer = TRUE, padj = 1.4, col = col.main)
+ plotInfo$subL <- list(text = sub, side = 1, cex = cex.sub, adj = .5,
+ outer = TRUE, line = -1.6, col = col.sub)
+ plotInfo$ac <- do.call(plotC, c(list(acPart(x)),mc.ac), envir = parent.frame(2))
+ plotInfo$di <- do.call(plotD, c(list(discretePart(x)),mc.di), envir = parent.frame(2))
+ plotInfo <- list(call = mc, dots=dots, args=args0)
+ qqplotInfo <- list(xy.0=xy, y.0=y,
+ withConf.pw=withConf.pw,
+ withConf.sim=withConf.sim,
+ alpha.CI=alpha.CI ,
+ col.pCI = col.pCI , lty.pCI = lty.pCI ,
+ lwd.pCI = lwd.pCI , pch.pCI = pch.pCI,
+ cex.pCI = cex.pCI ,
+ col.sCI = col.sCI , lty.sCI = lty.sCI ,
+ lwd.sCI = lwd.sCI , pch.sCI = pch.sCI,
+ cex.sCI = cex.sCI ,
+ n = n ,
+ exact.sCI = exact.sCI, exact.pCI = exact.pCI,
+ nosym.pCI = nosym.pCI, with.legend = with.legend,
+ legend.bg = legend.bg, legend.pos = legend.pos,
+ legend.cex = legend.cex, legend.pref = legend.pref,
+ legend.postf = legend.postf, legend.alpha = legend.alpha, debug = debug,
+ args.stats.qqplot = mcl
+ )
+ qqb <- .confqq(xy, y, datax=TRUE, withConf.pw, withConf.sim, alpha.CI,
+ col.pCI, lty.pCI, lwd.pCI, pch.pCI, cex.pCI,
+ col.sCI, lty.sCI, lwd.sCI, pch.sCI, cex.sCI,
+ n, exact.sCI = exact.sCI, exact.pCI = exact.pCI,
+ nosym.pCI = nosym.pCI, with.legend = with.legend,
+ legend.bg = legend.bg, legend.pos = legend.pos,
+ legend.cex = legend.cex, legend.pref = legend.pref,
+ legend.postf = legend.postf, legend.alpha = legend.alpha,
+ debug = debug)
+ ret <- do.call(stats::qqplot, args=mcl)
+ qq.usr <- par("usr")
+ qqb <- qqbounds(sort(unique(xy)),y,alpha.CI,n,withConf.pw, withConf.sim,
+ exact.sCI,exact.pCI,nosym.pCI,debug)
+ qqplotInfo <- c(plotInfo, ret=ret, usr=qq.usr, qqplotInfo=qqplotInfo, qqb=qqb)
+"plot", signature(x = "ParamFamily", y = "missing"),
+ function(x, ...){
+ mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
+ dots <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)),
+ expand.dots = FALSE)$"..."
+ args0 <- list(x=x)
+ plotInfo <- list(call = mc, dots=dots, args=args0)
+ plotInfo$distribution <- plot(e1,...)
+ class(plotInfo) <- c("plotInfo","DiagnInfo")
+"plot", signature(x = "L2ParamFamily", y = "missing"),
+ mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
+ dots <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)),
+ expand.dots = FALSE)$"..."
+ args0 <- list(x=x, withSweave = withSweave,
+ main = main, inner = inner, sub = sub,
+ col.inner = col.inner, cex.inner = cex.inner,
+ bmar = bmar, tmar = tmar, mfColRow = mfColRow,
+ to.draw.arg = to.draw.arg, withSubst= withSubst)
+ plotInfo <- list(call = mc, dots=dots, args=args0)
+ plotInfo$to.draw <- to.draw
+ plotInfo$panelFirst <- pF
+ plotInfo$panelLast <- pL
+ lis0 <- c(list(e1, withSweave = withSweave,
+ main = main, inner = innerD, sub = sub,
+ col.inner = col.inner, cex.inner = cex.innerD),
+ dots, mfColRow = mfColRow)
+ lis0$to.draw.arg <- todrw
+ lis0[["panel.first"]] <- pF[plotCount+(0:2)]
+ lis0[["panel.last"]] <- pL[plotCount+(0:2)]
+ plotInfo$distr <- do.call(plot, args = lis0)
+ plotInfo$distr$List <- lis0
+ plotInfo$parArgs <- parArgs
+ plotInfo$L2derivPlotUsr <- plotInfo$L2derivPlotArgs <- vector("list",dims0)
+ plotInfo$L2derivPlotLines <- plotInfo$L2derivPlotTitle <- vector("list",dims0)
+ plotInfo$L2derivPlotArgs[[i]] <- c(list(x=x.vec,
+ y=sapply(x.vec, L2deriv at Map[[indi]]),
+ type = plty, lty = lty, xlab = "x",
+ ylab = expression(paste(L[2], " derivative"))),
+ dots)
+ plotInfo$L2derivPlotUsr[[i]] <- par("usr")
+ plotInfo$L2derivPlotLines[[i]] <- c(list(x.vec1, sapply(x.vec1,
+ L2deriv at Map[[indi]]), lty = "dotted"),dots)
+ plotInfo$L2derivPlotTitle[[i]] <- c(list(main = innerT[i]), dotsT,
+ line = lineT, cex.main = cex.inner,
+ col.main = col.inner)
+ plotInfo$mainL <- list(text = main, side = 3, cex = cex.main, adj = .5,
+ outer = TRUE, padj = 1.4, col = col.main)
+ plotInfo$subL <- list(text = sub, side = 1, cex = cex.sub, adj = .5,
+ outer = TRUE, line = -1.6, col = col.sub)
+ "qqplot", signature(x = "ANY", y = "UnivariateDistribution"),
+ plotInfo <- list(call = mc, dots=dots, args=args0)
+ qqplotInfo <- list(xy.0=xy, y.0=y, datax = datax,
+ withConf.pw=withConf.pw,
+ withConf.sim=withConf.sim,
+ alpha.CI=alpha.CI ,
+ col.pCI = col.pCI , lty.pCI = lty.pCI ,
+ lwd.pCI = lwd.pCI , pch.pCI = pch.pCI,
+ cex.pCI = cex.pCI ,
+ col.sCI = col.sCI , lty.sCI = lty.sCI ,
+ lwd.sCI = lwd.sCI , pch.sCI = pch.sCI,
+ cex.sCI = cex.sCI ,
+ n = n ,
+ exact.sCI = exact.sCI, exact.pCI = exact.pCI,
+ nosym.pCI = nosym.pCI, with.legend = with.legend,
+ legend.bg = legend.bg, legend.pos = legend.pos,
+ legend.cex = legend.cex, legend.pref = legend.pref,
+ legend.postf = legend.postf, legend.alpha = legend.alpha,
+ debug = debug,
+ args.stats.qqplot = mcl,
+ withLab = withLab,
+ lbprep = lbprep
+ )
+ ret <- do.call(stats::qqplot, args=mcl)
+ qq.usr <- par("usr")
+ qqb <- .confqq(xy, y, datax=datax, withConf.pw, withConf.sim, alpha.CI,
+ col.pCI, lty.pCI, lwd.pCI, pch.pCI, cex.pCI,
+ col.sCI, lty.sCI, lwd.sCI, pch.sCI, cex.sCI,
+ n, exact.sCI = exact.sCI, exact.pCI = exact.pCI,
+ nosym.pCI = nosym.pCI, with.legend = with.legend,
+ legend.bg = legend.bg, legend.pos = legend.pos,
+ legend.cex = legend.cex, legend.pref = legend.pref,
+ legend.postf = legend.postf, legend.alpha = legend.alpha, debug = debug)
+ qqplotInfo <- c(plotInfo, ret=ret, usr=qq.usr, qqplotInfo=qqplotInfo, qqb=qqb)
+ "qqplot", signature(x = "ANY", y = "ProbFamily")
+ mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
+ dots <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)),
+ expand.dots = FALSE)$"..."
+ args0 <- list(x = x, y = y,
+ n = if(!missing(n)) n else length(x),
+ withIdLine = withIdLine, withConf = withConf,
+ withConf.pw = if(!missing(withConf.pw)) withConf.pw else if(!missing(withConf)) withConf else NULL,
+ withConf.sim = if(!missing(withConf.sim)) withConf.sim else if(!missing(withConf)) withConf else NULL,
+ plot.it = plot.it, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
+ retv <- do.call(getMethod("qqplot", signature(x="ANY", y="UnivariateDistribution")),
+ args=mcl)
+ retv$call <- mc
+ retv$args <- args0
+ retv$dots <- dots
+ "qqplot", signature(x = "ANY", y = "Estimate")
+ mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
+ dots <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)),
+ expand.dots = FALSE)$"..."
+ args0 <- list(x = x, y = y,
+ n = if(!missing(n)) n else length(x),
+ withIdLine = withIdLine, withConf = withConf,
+ withConf.pw = if(!missing(withConf.pw)) withConf.pw else if(!missing(withConf)) withConf else NULL,
+ withConf.sim = if(!missing(withConf.sim)) withConf.sim else if(!missing(withConf)) withConf else NULL,
+ plot.it = plot.it, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
+ retv <- do.call(getMethod("qqplot", signature(x="ANY", y="ProbFamily")),
+ args=mcl)
+ retv$call <- mc
+ retv$args <- args0
+ retv$dots <- dots
+ return(invisible(retv))
+ "plot",signature(x = "Dataclass", y="missing"),
+ args0 <- list(x=x, obs0=obs0, dims0=dims0, runs0=runs0)
+ mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
+ dots <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)),
+ expand.dots = FALSE)$"..."
+ plotInfo <- list(call = mc, dots=dots, args=args0)
+ plotInfo$dotsMatplot <- vector("list",lrun0)
+ plotInfo$usrMatplot <- vector("list",lrun0)
+ plotInfo$dotsMatplot[[i]] <- dots
+ do.call("matplot", args = dots)
+ plotInfo$usrMatplot[[i]] <- par("usr")
+ plotInfo$dotsEnd <- dots
+ plotInfo$usrEnd[[i]] <- par("usr")
+ "plot",signature(x="Contsimulation", y="missing"),
+ args0 <- list(x=x, obs0=obs0, dims0=dims0, runs0=runs0)
+ mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
+ dots <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)),
+ expand.dots = FALSE)$"..."
+ plotInfo <- list(call = mc, dots=dots, args=args0)
+ plotInfo$dotsMatplot <- vector("list",lrun0)
+ plotInfo$usrMatplot <- vector("list",lrun0)
+ plotInfo$dotsCMatpoints <- vector("list",lrun0)
+ plotInfo$dotsMatplot[[i]] <- dots
+ do.call("matplot", args = dots)
+ plotInfo$usrMatplot[[i]] <- par("usr")
+ plotInfo$dotsMatpoints[[i]] <- dots
+ do.call("matpoints", args = dots)
+ plotInfo$dotsEnd <- dots
+ plotInfo$usrEnd[[i]] <- par("usr")
+ args0 <- list(x=x, runs0=runs0, dims0=dims0)
+ mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
+ dots <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)),
+ expand.dots = FALSE)$"..."
+ plotInfo <- list(call = mc, dots=dots, args=args0)
+ plotInfo$boxplot <- boxplot(result(x)[runs0,dims0[1:ldim0]],...)
+ plotInfo$usr <- par("usr")
+{ args0 <- list(x=x, runs0=runs0, dims0=dims0, evals0=evals0)
+ mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
+ dots <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)),
+ expand.dots = FALSE)$"..."
+ plotInfo <- list(call = mc, dots=dots, args=args0)
+ plotInfo$boxplot <- plotInfo$usr <- plotInfo$bpdots <-vector("list",resdim0)
+ plotInfo$bpdots[[i]] <- dots
+ plotInfo$boxplot[[i]] <- do.call("boxplot", args = dots)
+ plotInfo$usr[[i]] <- par("usr")
Added: branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/sysdata.rda
(Binary files differ)
Property changes on: branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/sysdata.rda
Added: svn:mime-type
+ application/octet-stream
Added: branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/sysdataOnlyGridsOnlyR-3.7.0dev.rda
(Binary files differ)
Property changes on: branches/robast-1.3/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/sysdataOnlyGridsOnlyR-3.7.0dev.rda
Added: svn:mime-type
+ application/octet-stream
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