[Robast-commits] r1037 - in pkg/RobLoxBioC: . R man

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Mon Jul 23 22:31:11 CEST 2018

Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2018-07-23 22:31:10 +0200 (Mon, 23 Jul 2018)
New Revision: 1037

[RobLoxBioC] merged branch 1.1 into trunk 

Modified: pkg/RobLoxBioC/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/RobLoxBioC/DESCRIPTION	2018-07-23 20:29:47 UTC (rev 1036)
+++ pkg/RobLoxBioC/DESCRIPTION	2018-07-23 20:31:10 UTC (rev 1037)
@@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
-Package: RobLox
+Package: RobLoxBioC
 Version: 1.1.0
 Date: 2018-07-17
-Title: Optimally Robust Influence Curves and Estimators for Location and Scale
+Title: Infinitesimally Robust Estimators for Preprocessing -Omics Data
 Description: Functions for the determination of optimally robust influence curves and
-        estimators in case of normal location and/or scale.
-Depends: R(>= 2.14.0), stats, distrMod(>= 2.5.2), RobAStBase(>= 0.9)
-Imports: methods, lattice, RColorBrewer, Biobase, RandVar(>= 0.9.2), distr(>= 2.5.2)
-Suggests: MASS
-Authors at R: c(person("Matthias", "Kohl", role=c("cre", "cph"),
-        email="Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de"), person("Peter", "Ruckdeschel", role=c("aut",
-        "cph")))
+        estimators for preprocessing omics data, in particular gene expression data.
+Depends: R(>= 2.14.0), methods, distr(>= 2.5.2), affy
+Imports: Biobase, BiocGenerics, beadarray, RobLox(>= 0.9.2), distrMod(>= 2.5.2), lattice,
+        RColorBrewer, AnnotationDbi
+Suggests: affydata, hgu95av2cdf, beadarrayExampleData, illuminaHumanv3.db
+Authors at R: person("Matthias", "Kohl", role=c("aut", "cre", "cph"), email="Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de")
 ByteCompile: yes
 License: LGPL-3
-Encoding: latin1
 URL: http://robast.r-forge.r-project.org/
+Encoding: latin1
 LastChangedDate: {$LastChangedDate$}
 LastChangedRevision: {$LastChangedRevision$}
 VCS/SVNRevision: 940

Modified: pkg/RobLoxBioC/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/RobLoxBioC/NAMESPACE	2018-07-23 20:29:47 UTC (rev 1036)
+++ pkg/RobLoxBioC/NAMESPACE	2018-07-23 20:31:10 UTC (rev 1037)
@@ -1,48 +1,23 @@
-importFrom("Biobase", "rowMedians")
+import("methods", "distr")
-importFrom("distr", "p", "q", "r", "q.l", "Reals")
-importFrom("RandVar", "EuclRandVarList", "RealRandVariable")		 
-importClassesFrom("RandVar", "EuclRandVarList", "RealRandVariable")		 
-importFrom("distrMod", "NormLocationFamily", "NormLocationScaleFamily", "symmetricBias", "NormType")
-importClassesFrom("distrMod", "L2LocationFamily", "NormLocationFamily", "NormLocationScaleFamily")
-importMethodsFrom("distrMod", "distribution", "main", "addInfo<-", "Infos", "Infos<-",
-                  "normtype", "biastype","normtype<-","biastype<-", "estimate")
-importFrom("RobAStBase","generateIC","ContNeighborhood", "IC")
+importFrom("AnnotationDbi", "revmap")
+importMethodsFrom("Biobase", "rowMedians", "featureNames", "sampleNames", 
+           "phenoData", "experimentData", "exprs", "exprs<-", "assayData","assayData<-",
+		   "featureData<-", "phenoData<-")
+importFrom("affy","bg.correct.mas","getCdfInfo", "tukey.biweight")
+importMethodsFrom("AnnotationDbi", "mappedkeys")
+importFrom("RobLox", "rowRoblox", "finiteSampleCorrection")
 importFrom("grDevices", "dev.new")
-importFrom("graphics", "abline", "boxplot", "curve", "layout",
-             "legend", "par", "plot")
-importFrom("methods", "is", "new")
-importFrom("stats", "approx", "complete.cases", "dnorm", "integrate",
-             "mad", "median", "na.omit", "optim", "optimize", "pnorm",
-             "qnorm", "rbinom", "rnorm", "uniroot")
-importClassesFrom("RobAStBase", "HampelWeight", "ALEstimate", "kStepEstimate", "ContNeighborhood")
-importMethodsFrom("RobAStBase", "clip", "cent", "stand", "weight", "clip<-", "cent<-", "stand<-", "weight<-", 
-         "getweight", "makeIC", "CallL2Fam", "CallL2Fam<-", "neighborRadius", "modifyIC", "addInfo<-")
-       rlsOptIC.AL, 
-       rlsOptIC.M, 
-       rlsOptIC.BM,
-       rlsOptIC.Hu1, 
-       rlsOptIC.Hu2a, 
-       rlsOptIC.Hu2, 
-       rlsOptIC.Hu3, 
-       rlsOptIC.HuMad, 
-       rlsOptIC.Ha3,
-       rlsOptIC.Ha4, 
-       rlsOptIC.HaMad, 
-       rlsOptIC.An1,
-       rlsOptIC.An2, 
-       rlsOptIC.AnMad, 
-       rlsOptIC.Tu1,
-       rlsOptIC.Tu2, 
-       rlsOptIC.TuMad, 
-       rlsOptIC.MM2,
-       rlOptIC,
-       rsOptIC,
-       roblox,
-       rowRoblox,
-       colRoblox,
-       showdown)
+importFrom("graphics", "abline", "curve", "layout", "legend", "par")
+importFrom("stats", "optim", "pnorm", "qnorm", "rbinom", "rnorm",
+             "uniroot")
+importFrom("utils", "packageDescription")
+exportMethods("robloxbioc", "KolmogorovMinDist")
+export("AffySimStudy", "IlluminaSimStudy")

Modified: pkg/RobLoxBioC/R/AffySimStudyFunction.R
--- pkg/RobLoxBioC/R/AffySimStudyFunction.R	2018-07-23 20:29:47 UTC (rev 1036)
+++ pkg/RobLoxBioC/R/AffySimStudyFunction.R	2018-07-23 20:31:10 UTC (rev 1037)
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-## Function to perform simulation study comparing Tukey's biweight with
-## rmx estimators
-AffySimStudy <- function(n, M, eps, seed = 123, eps.lower = 0, eps.upper = 0.05, 
-                         steps = 3L, fsCor = TRUE, contD, 
-                         plot1 = FALSE, plot2 = FALSE, plot3 = FALSE){
-    stopifnot(n >= 3)
-    stopifnot(eps >= 0, eps <= 0.5)
-    if(plot1){
-        from <- min(-6, q(contD)(1e-15))
-        to <- max(6, q(contD)(1-1e-15))
-        curve(pnorm, from = from, to = to, lwd = 2, n = 201, 
-              main = "Comparison: ideal vs. real", ylab = "cdf")
-        fun <- function(x) (1-eps)*pnorm(x) + eps*p(contD)(x)
-        curve(fun, from = from, to = to, add = TRUE, col = "orange", 
-              lwd = 2, n = 201, ylab = "cdf")
-        legend("topleft", legend = c("ideal", "real"), 
-              fill = c("black", "orange"))
-    }
-    set.seed(seed)
-    r <- rbinom(n*M, prob = eps, size = 1)
-    Mid <- rnorm(n*M)
-    Mcont <- r(contD)(n*M)
-    Mre <- matrix((1-r)*Mid + r*Mcont, ncol = n)
-    ind <- rowSums(matrix(r, ncol = n)) >= n/2
-    while(any(ind)){
-        M1 <- sum(ind)
-        cat("Samples to re-simulate:\t", M1, "\n")
-        r <- rbinom(n*M1, prob = eps, size = 1)
-        Mid <- rnorm(n*M1)
-        Mcont <- r(contD)(n*M1)
-        Mre[ind,] <- (1-r)*Mid + r*Mcont
-        ind[ind] <- rowSums(matrix(r, ncol = n)) >= n/2
-    }
-    rm(Mid, Mcont, r, ind)
-    if(plot2){
-        ind <- if(M <= 20) 1:M else sample(1:M, 20)
-        if(plot1) dev.new()
-        M1 <- min(M, 20)
-        print(
-          stripplot(rep(1:M1, each = n) ~ as.vector(Mre[ind,]), 
-                    ylab = "samples", xlab = "x", pch = 20,
-                    main = ifelse(M <= 20, "Samples", "20 randomly chosen samples"))
-        )
-    }
-    ## ML-estimator: mean and sd
-    Mean <- rowMeans(Mre)
-    Sd <- sqrt(rowMeans((Mre-Mean)^2))
-    ## Median and MAD
-    Median <- rowMedians(Mre)
-    Mad <- rowMedians(abs(Mre - Median))/qnorm(0.75)
-    ## Tukey 1-step + MAD
-    Tukey <- apply(Mre, 1, function(x) tukey.biweight(x))
-    Tukey <- cbind(Tukey, Mad)
-    ## Radius-minimax estimator
-    RadMinmax <- estimate(rowRoblox(Mre, eps.lower = eps.lower, 
-                                    eps.upper = eps.upper, k = steps,
-                                    fsCor = fsCor))
-    if(plot3){
-        Ergebnis1 <- list(Mean, Median, Tukey[,1], RadMinmax[,1])
-        Ergebnis2 <- list(Sd, Mad, RadMinmax[,2])
-        myCol <- brewer.pal(4, "Dark2")
-        if(plot1 || plot2) dev.new()
-        layout(matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3), ncol = 2))
-        boxplot(Ergebnis1, col = myCol, pch = 20, main = "Location")
-        abline(h = 0)
-        boxplot(Ergebnis2, col = myCol[c(1,2,4)], pch = 20, main = "Scale")
-        abline(h = 1)
-        op <- par(mar = rep(2, 4))
-        plot(c(0,1), c(1, 0), type = "n", axes = FALSE)
-        legend("center", c("ML", "Med/MAD", "biweight", "rmx"),
-               fill = myCol, ncol = 4, cex = 1.5)
-        on.exit(par(op))
-    }
-    ## ML-estimator
-    MSE1.1 <- n*mean(Mean^2)
-    ## Median + MAD
-    MSE2.1 <- n*mean(Median^2)
-    ## Tukey
-    MSE3.1 <- n*mean(Tukey[,1]^2)
-    ## Radius-minimax
-    MSE4.1 <- n*mean(RadMinmax[,1]^2)
-    empMSE <- data.frame(ML = MSE1.1, Med = MSE2.1, Tukey = MSE3.1, "rmx" = MSE4.1)
-    rownames(empMSE) <- "n x empMSE (loc)"
-    relMSE <- empMSE[1,]/empMSE[1,4]
-    empMSE <- rbind(empMSE, relMSE)
-    rownames(empMSE)[2] <- "relMSE (loc)"
-    ## ML-estimator
-    MSE1.2 <- n*mean((Sd-1)^2)
-    ## Median + MAD
-    MSE2.2 <- n*mean((Mad-1)^2)
-    ## Tukey
-    MSE3.2 <- MSE2.2
-    ## Radius-minimax
-    MSE4.2 <- n*mean((RadMinmax[,2]-1)^2)
-    empMSE <- rbind(empMSE, c(MSE1.2, MSE2.2, MSE3.2, MSE4.2))
-    rownames(empMSE)[3] <- "n x empMSE (scale)"
-    relMSE <- empMSE[3,]/empMSE[3,4]
-    empMSE <- rbind(empMSE, relMSE)
-    rownames(empMSE)[4] <- "relMSE (scale)"
-    empMSE <- rbind(empMSE, c(MSE1.1 + MSE1.2, MSE2.1 + MSE2.2, MSE3.1 + MSE3.2, 
-                              MSE4.1 + MSE4.2))
-    rownames(empMSE)[5] <- "n x empMSE (loc + scale)"
-    relMSE <- empMSE[5,]/empMSE[5,4]
-    empMSE <- rbind(empMSE, relMSE)
-    rownames(empMSE)[6] <- "relMSE (loc + scale)"
-    empMSE
+## Function to perform simulation study comparing Tukey's biweight with
+## rmx estimators
+AffySimStudy <- function(n, M, eps, seed = 123, eps.lower = 0, eps.upper = 0.05, 
+                         steps = 3L, fsCor = TRUE, contD, 
+                         plot1 = FALSE, plot2 = FALSE, plot3 = FALSE){
+    stopifnot(n >= 3)
+    stopifnot(eps >= 0, eps <= 0.5)
+    if(plot1){
+        from <- min(-6, q.l(contD)(1e-15))
+        to <- max(6, q.l(contD)(1-1e-15))
+        curve(pnorm, from = from, to = to, lwd = 2, n = 201, 
+              main = "Comparison: ideal vs. real", ylab = "cdf")
+        fun <- function(x) (1-eps)*pnorm(x) + eps*p(contD)(x)
+        curve(fun, from = from, to = to, add = TRUE, col = "orange", 
+              lwd = 2, n = 201, ylab = "cdf")
+        legend("topleft", legend = c("ideal", "real"), 
+              fill = c("black", "orange"))
+    }
+    set.seed(seed)
+    r <- rbinom(n*M, prob = eps, size = 1)
+    Mid <- rnorm(n*M)
+    Mcont <- r(contD)(n*M)
+    Mre <- matrix((1-r)*Mid + r*Mcont, ncol = n)
+    ind <- rowSums(matrix(r, ncol = n)) >= n/2
+    while(any(ind)){
+        M1 <- sum(ind)
+        cat("Samples to re-simulate:\t", M1, "\n")
+        r <- rbinom(n*M1, prob = eps, size = 1)
+        Mid <- rnorm(n*M1)
+        Mcont <- r(contD)(n*M1)
+        Mre[ind,] <- (1-r)*Mid + r*Mcont
+        ind[ind] <- rowSums(matrix(r, ncol = n)) >= n/2
+    }
+    rm(Mid, Mcont, r, ind)
+    if(plot2){
+        ind <- if(M <= 20) 1:M else sample(1:M, 20)
+        if(plot1) dev.new()
+        M1 <- min(M, 20)
+        print(
+          stripplot(rep(1:M1, each = n) ~ as.vector(Mre[ind,]), 
+                    ylab = "samples", xlab = "x", pch = 20,
+                    main = ifelse(M <= 20, "Samples", "20 randomly chosen samples"))
+        )
+    }
+    ## ML-estimator: mean and sd
+    Mean <- rowMeans(Mre)
+    Sd <- sqrt(rowMeans((Mre-Mean)^2))
+    ## Median and MAD
+    Median <- rowMedians(Mre)
+    Mad <- rowMedians(abs(Mre - Median))/qnorm(0.75)
+    ## Tukey 1-step + MAD
+    Tukey <- apply(Mre, 1, function(x) tukey.biweight(x))
+    Tukey <- cbind(Tukey, Mad)
+    ## Radius-minimax estimator
+    RadMinmax <- estimate(rowRoblox(Mre, eps.lower = eps.lower, 
+                                    eps.upper = eps.upper, k = steps,
+                                    fsCor = fsCor))
+    if(plot3){
+        Ergebnis1 <- list(Mean, Median, Tukey[,1], RadMinmax[,1])
+        Ergebnis2 <- list(Sd, Mad, RadMinmax[,2])
+        myCol <- brewer.pal(4, "Dark2")
+        if(plot1 || plot2) dev.new()
+        layout(matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3), ncol = 2))
+        boxplot(Ergebnis1, col = myCol, pch = 20, main = "Location")
+        abline(h = 0)
+        boxplot(Ergebnis2, col = myCol[c(1,2,4)], pch = 20, main = "Scale")
+        abline(h = 1)
+        op <- par(mar = rep(2, 4))
+        plot(c(0,1), c(1, 0), type = "n", axes = FALSE)
+        legend("center", c("ML", "Med/MAD", "biweight", "rmx"),
+               fill = myCol, ncol = 4, cex = 1.5)
+        on.exit(par(op))
+    }
+    ## ML-estimator
+    MSE1.1 <- n*mean(Mean^2)
+    ## Median + MAD
+    MSE2.1 <- n*mean(Median^2)
+    ## Tukey
+    MSE3.1 <- n*mean(Tukey[,1]^2)
+    ## Radius-minimax
+    MSE4.1 <- n*mean(RadMinmax[,1]^2)
+    empMSE <- data.frame(ML = MSE1.1, Med = MSE2.1, Tukey = MSE3.1, "rmx" = MSE4.1)
+    rownames(empMSE) <- "n x empMSE (loc)"
+    relMSE <- empMSE[1,]/empMSE[1,4]
+    empMSE <- rbind(empMSE, relMSE)
+    rownames(empMSE)[2] <- "relMSE (loc)"
+    ## ML-estimator
+    MSE1.2 <- n*mean((Sd-1)^2)
+    ## Median + MAD
+    MSE2.2 <- n*mean((Mad-1)^2)
+    ## Tukey
+    MSE3.2 <- MSE2.2
+    ## Radius-minimax
+    MSE4.2 <- n*mean((RadMinmax[,2]-1)^2)
+    empMSE <- rbind(empMSE, c(MSE1.2, MSE2.2, MSE3.2, MSE4.2))
+    rownames(empMSE)[3] <- "n x empMSE (scale)"
+    relMSE <- empMSE[3,]/empMSE[3,4]
+    empMSE <- rbind(empMSE, relMSE)
+    rownames(empMSE)[4] <- "relMSE (scale)"
+    empMSE <- rbind(empMSE, c(MSE1.1 + MSE1.2, MSE2.1 + MSE2.2, MSE3.1 + MSE3.2, 
+                              MSE4.1 + MSE4.2))
+    rownames(empMSE)[5] <- "n x empMSE (loc + scale)"
+    relMSE <- empMSE[5,]/empMSE[5,4]
+    empMSE <- rbind(empMSE, relMSE)
+    rownames(empMSE)[6] <- "relMSE (loc + scale)"
+    empMSE

Modified: pkg/RobLoxBioC/R/IlluminaSimStudyFunction.R
--- pkg/RobLoxBioC/R/IlluminaSimStudyFunction.R	2018-07-23 20:29:47 UTC (rev 1036)
+++ pkg/RobLoxBioC/R/IlluminaSimStudyFunction.R	2018-07-23 20:31:10 UTC (rev 1037)
@@ -1,128 +1,128 @@
-## Function to perform simulation study comparing Illumina's default method 
-## with rmx estimators
-IlluminaSimStudy <- function(n, M, eps, seed = 123, 
-                             eps.lower = 0, eps.upper = 0.05, 
-                             steps = 3L, fsCor = TRUE, contD, 
-                             plot1 = FALSE, plot2 = FALSE, plot3 = FALSE){
-    stopifnot(n >= 3)
-    stopifnot(eps >= 0, eps <= 0.5)
-    if(plot1){
-        from <- min(-6, q(contD)(1e-15))
-        to <- max(6, q(contD)(1-1e-15))
-        curve(pnorm, from = from, to = to, lwd = 2, n = 201, 
-              main = "Comparison: ideal vs. real", ylab = "cdf")
-        fun <- function(x) (1-eps)*pnorm(x) + eps*p(contD)(x)
-        curve(fun, from = from, to = to, add = TRUE, col = "orange", 
-              lwd = 2, n = 201, ylab = "cdf")
-        legend("topleft", legend = c("ideal", "real"), 
-              fill = c("black", "orange"))
-    }
-    set.seed(seed)
-    r <- rbinom(n*M, prob = eps, size = 1)
-    Mid <- rnorm(n*M)
-    Mcont <- r(contD)(n*M)
-    Mre <- matrix((1-r)*Mid + r*Mcont, ncol = n)
-    ind <- rowSums(matrix(r, ncol = n)) >= n/2
-    while(any(ind)){
-        M1 <- sum(ind)
-        cat("Samples to re-simulate:\t", M1, "\n")
-        r <- rbinom(n*M1, prob = eps, size = 1)
-        Mid <- rnorm(n*M1)
-        Mcont <- r(contD)(n*M1)
-        Mre[ind,] <- (1-r)*Mid + r*Mcont
-        ind[ind] <- rowSums(matrix(r, ncol = n)) >= n/2
-    }
-    rm(Mid, Mcont, r, ind)
-    if(plot2){
-        ind <- if(M <= 20) 1:M else sample(1:M, 20)
-        if(plot1) dev.new()
-        M1 <- min(M, 20)
-        print(
-          stripplot(rep(1:M1, each = n) ~ as.vector(Mre[ind,]), 
-                    ylab = "samples", xlab = "x", pch = 20,
-                    main = ifelse(M <= 20, "Samples", "20 randomly chosen samples"))
-        )
-    }
-    ## ML-estimator: mean and sd
-    Mean <- rowMeans(Mre)
-    Sd <- sqrt(rowMeans((Mre-Mean)^2))
-    ## Median and MAD
-    Median <- rowMedians(Mre)
-    Mad <- rowMedians(abs(Mre - Median))/qnorm(0.75)
-    ## Illumina method
-    ind <- (Mre < (Median - 3*Mad)) | (Mre > (Median + 3*Mad))
-    x.ill <- Mre
-    x.ill[ind] <- NA
-    Illum.mean <- rowMeans(x.ill, na.rm = TRUE)
-    n.ill <- rowSums(!is.na(x.ill))
-    n.ill[n.ill < 1] <- NA
-    Illum.sd <- sqrt(rowSums((x.ill - Illum.mean)^2, na.rm = TRUE)/(n.ill-1))
-    Illum <- cbind(Illum.mean, Illum.sd)
-    ## Radius-minimax estimator
-    RadMinmax <- estimate(rowRoblox(Mre, eps.lower = eps.lower, 
-                                    eps.upper = eps.upper, k = steps,
-                                    fsCor = fsCor))
-    if(plot3){
-        Ergebnis1 <- list(Mean, Median, Illum[,1], RadMinmax[,1])
-        Ergebnis2 <- list(Sd, Mad, Illum[,2], RadMinmax[,2])
-        myCol <- brewer.pal(4, "Dark2")
-        if(plot1 || plot2) dev.new()
-        layout(matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3), ncol = 2))
-        boxplot(Ergebnis1, col = myCol, pch = 20, main = "Location")
-        abline(h = 0)
-        boxplot(Ergebnis2, col = myCol, pch = 20, main = "Scale")
-        abline(h = 1)
-        op <- par(mar = rep(2, 4))
-        plot(c(0,1), c(1, 0), type = "n", axes = FALSE)
-        legend("center", c("ML", "Med/MAD", "Illumina", "rmx"),
-               fill = myCol, ncol = 4, cex = 1.5)
-        op$cin <- op$cra <- op$csi <- op$cxy <-  op$din <- NULL
-        on.exit(par(op))
-    }
-    ## ML-estimator
-    MSE1.1 <- n*mean(Mean^2)
-    ## Median + MAD
-    MSE2.1 <- n*mean(Median^2)
-    ## Illumina's default method
-    MSE3.1 <- n*mean(Illum[,1]^2)
-    ## Radius-minimax
-    MSE4.1 <- n*mean(RadMinmax[,1]^2)
-    empMSE <- data.frame(ML = MSE1.1, Med = MSE2.1, Illumina = MSE3.1, "rmx" = MSE4.1)
-    rownames(empMSE) <- "n x empMSE (loc)"
-    relMSE <- empMSE[1,]/empMSE[1,4]
-    empMSE <- rbind(empMSE, relMSE)
-    rownames(empMSE)[2] <- "relMSE (loc)"
-    ## ML-estimator
-    MSE1.2 <- n*mean((Sd-1)^2)
-    ## Median + MAD
-    MSE2.2 <- n*mean((Mad-1)^2)
-    ## Illumina's default method
-    MSE3.2 <- n*mean((Illum[,2]-1)^2)
-    ## Radius-minimax
-    MSE4.2 <- n*mean((RadMinmax[,2]-1)^2)
-    empMSE <- rbind(empMSE, c(MSE1.2, MSE2.2, MSE3.2, MSE4.2))
-    rownames(empMSE)[3] <- "n x empMSE (scale)"
-    relMSE <- empMSE[3,]/empMSE[3,4]
-    empMSE <- rbind(empMSE, relMSE)
-    rownames(empMSE)[4] <- "relMSE (scale)"
-    empMSE <- rbind(empMSE, c(MSE1.1 + MSE1.2, MSE2.1 + MSE2.2, MSE3.1 + MSE3.2, 
-                              MSE4.1 + MSE4.2))
-    rownames(empMSE)[5] <- "n x empMSE (loc + scale)"
-    relMSE <- empMSE[5,]/empMSE[5,4]
-    empMSE <- rbind(empMSE, relMSE)
-    rownames(empMSE)[6] <- "relMSE (loc + scale)"
-    empMSE
+## Function to perform simulation study comparing Illumina's default method 
+## with rmx estimators
+IlluminaSimStudy <- function(n, M, eps, seed = 123, 
+                             eps.lower = 0, eps.upper = 0.05, 
+                             steps = 3L, fsCor = TRUE, contD, 
+                             plot1 = FALSE, plot2 = FALSE, plot3 = FALSE){
+    stopifnot(n >= 3)
+    stopifnot(eps >= 0, eps <= 0.5)
+    if(plot1){
+        from <- min(-6, q.l(contD)(1e-15))
+        to <- max(6, q.l(contD)(1-1e-15))
+        curve(pnorm, from = from, to = to, lwd = 2, n = 201, 
+              main = "Comparison: ideal vs. real", ylab = "cdf")
+        fun <- function(x) (1-eps)*pnorm(x) + eps*p(contD)(x)
+        curve(fun, from = from, to = to, add = TRUE, col = "orange", 
+              lwd = 2, n = 201, ylab = "cdf")
+        legend("topleft", legend = c("ideal", "real"), 
+              fill = c("black", "orange"))
+    }
+    set.seed(seed)
+    r <- rbinom(n*M, prob = eps, size = 1)
+    Mid <- rnorm(n*M)
+    Mcont <- r(contD)(n*M)
+    Mre <- matrix((1-r)*Mid + r*Mcont, ncol = n)
+    ind <- rowSums(matrix(r, ncol = n)) >= n/2
+    while(any(ind)){
+        M1 <- sum(ind)
+        cat("Samples to re-simulate:\t", M1, "\n")
+        r <- rbinom(n*M1, prob = eps, size = 1)
+        Mid <- rnorm(n*M1)
+        Mcont <- r(contD)(n*M1)
+        Mre[ind,] <- (1-r)*Mid + r*Mcont
+        ind[ind] <- rowSums(matrix(r, ncol = n)) >= n/2
+    }
+    rm(Mid, Mcont, r, ind)
+    if(plot2){
+        ind <- if(M <= 20) 1:M else sample(1:M, 20)
+        if(plot1) dev.new()
+        M1 <- min(M, 20)
+        print(
+          stripplot(rep(1:M1, each = n) ~ as.vector(Mre[ind,]), 
+                    ylab = "samples", xlab = "x", pch = 20,
+                    main = ifelse(M <= 20, "Samples", "20 randomly chosen samples"))
+        )
+    }
+    ## ML-estimator: mean and sd
+    Mean <- rowMeans(Mre)
+    Sd <- sqrt(rowMeans((Mre-Mean)^2))
+    ## Median and MAD
+    Median <- rowMedians(Mre)
+    Mad <- rowMedians(abs(Mre - Median))/qnorm(0.75)
+    ## Illumina method
+    ind <- (Mre < (Median - 3*Mad)) | (Mre > (Median + 3*Mad))
+    x.ill <- Mre
+    x.ill[ind] <- NA
+    Illum.mean <- rowMeans(x.ill, na.rm = TRUE)
+    n.ill <- rowSums(!is.na(x.ill))
+    n.ill[n.ill < 1] <- NA
+    Illum.sd <- sqrt(rowSums((x.ill - Illum.mean)^2, na.rm = TRUE)/(n.ill-1))
+    Illum <- cbind(Illum.mean, Illum.sd)
+    ## Radius-minimax estimator
+    RadMinmax <- estimate(rowRoblox(Mre, eps.lower = eps.lower, 
+                                    eps.upper = eps.upper, k = steps,
+                                    fsCor = fsCor))
+    if(plot3){
+        Ergebnis1 <- list(Mean, Median, Illum[,1], RadMinmax[,1])
+        Ergebnis2 <- list(Sd, Mad, Illum[,2], RadMinmax[,2])
+        myCol <- brewer.pal(4, "Dark2")
+        if(plot1 || plot2) dev.new()
+        layout(matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3), ncol = 2))
+        boxplot(Ergebnis1, col = myCol, pch = 20, main = "Location")
+        abline(h = 0)
+        boxplot(Ergebnis2, col = myCol, pch = 20, main = "Scale")
+        abline(h = 1)
+        op <- par(mar = rep(2, 4))
+        plot(c(0,1), c(1, 0), type = "n", axes = FALSE)
+        legend("center", c("ML", "Med/MAD", "Illumina", "rmx"),
+               fill = myCol, ncol = 4, cex = 1.5)
+        op$cin <- op$cra <- op$csi <- op$cxy <-  op$din <- NULL
+        on.exit(par(op))
+    }
+    ## ML-estimator
+    MSE1.1 <- n*mean(Mean^2)
+    ## Median + MAD
+    MSE2.1 <- n*mean(Median^2)
+    ## Illumina's default method
+    MSE3.1 <- n*mean(Illum[,1]^2)
+    ## Radius-minimax
+    MSE4.1 <- n*mean(RadMinmax[,1]^2)
+    empMSE <- data.frame(ML = MSE1.1, Med = MSE2.1, Illumina = MSE3.1, "rmx" = MSE4.1)
+    rownames(empMSE) <- "n x empMSE (loc)"
+    relMSE <- empMSE[1,]/empMSE[1,4]
+    empMSE <- rbind(empMSE, relMSE)
+    rownames(empMSE)[2] <- "relMSE (loc)"
+    ## ML-estimator
+    MSE1.2 <- n*mean((Sd-1)^2)
+    ## Median + MAD
+    MSE2.2 <- n*mean((Mad-1)^2)
+    ## Illumina's default method
+    MSE3.2 <- n*mean((Illum[,2]-1)^2)
+    ## Radius-minimax
+    MSE4.2 <- n*mean((RadMinmax[,2]-1)^2)
+    empMSE <- rbind(empMSE, c(MSE1.2, MSE2.2, MSE3.2, MSE4.2))
+    rownames(empMSE)[3] <- "n x empMSE (scale)"
+    relMSE <- empMSE[3,]/empMSE[3,4]
+    empMSE <- rbind(empMSE, relMSE)
+    rownames(empMSE)[4] <- "relMSE (scale)"
+    empMSE <- rbind(empMSE, c(MSE1.1 + MSE1.2, MSE2.1 + MSE2.2, MSE3.1 + MSE3.2, 
+                              MSE4.1 + MSE4.2))
+    rownames(empMSE)[5] <- "n x empMSE (loc + scale)"
+    relMSE <- empMSE[5,]/empMSE[5,4]
+    empMSE <- rbind(empMSE, relMSE)
+    rownames(empMSE)[6] <- "relMSE (loc + scale)"
+    empMSE

Modified: pkg/RobLoxBioC/R/robloxbiocBeadLevelData.R
--- pkg/RobLoxBioC/R/robloxbiocBeadLevelData.R	2018-07-23 20:29:47 UTC (rev 1036)
+++ pkg/RobLoxBioC/R/robloxbiocBeadLevelData.R	2018-07-23 20:31:10 UTC (rev 1037)
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
                 rownames(eMat) <- rownames(varMat) <- rownames(nObs) <- as.character(IlluminaIDs)
                 status <- rep("Unknown", length(probeIDs))
                 annoPkg <- paste("illumina", annoName, ".db", sep = "")
-                annoVers <- packageDescription(annoPkg, field = "Version")
+                annoVers <- packageDescription(annoPkg, fields = "Version")
                 message(paste("Annotating control probes using package ", annoPkg, " Version:", annoVers, "\n", sep = ""))
                 mapEnv <- as.name(paste("illumina", annoName, "REPORTERGROUPNAME", sep = ""))
                 t <- try(eval(mapEnv), silent = TRUE)

Modified: pkg/RobLoxBioC/man/0RobLoxBioC-package.Rd
--- pkg/RobLoxBioC/man/0RobLoxBioC-package.Rd	2018-07-23 20:29:47 UTC (rev 1036)
+++ pkg/RobLoxBioC/man/0RobLoxBioC-package.Rd	2018-07-23 20:31:10 UTC (rev 1037)
@@ -12,15 +12,15 @@
 Package: \tab RobLoxBioC \cr
-Version: \tab 0.9 \cr
-Date: \tab 2013-09-12 \cr
-Depends: \tab R(>= 2.14.0), methods, Biobase, affy, beadarray, distr, RobLox,
-lattice, RColorBrewer \cr
-LazyLoad: \tab yes \cr
+Version: \tab 1.1.0 \cr
+Date: \tab 2018-07-17 \cr
+Depends:\tab R(>= 2.14.0), methods, distr(>= 2.5.2), affy \cr
+Imports:\tab Biobase, BiocGenerics, beadarray, RobLox(>= 0.9.2), distrMod(>= 2.5.2), lattice, RColorBrewer \cr
+Suggests:\tab affydata, hgu95av2cdf, beadarrayExampleData, illuminaHumanv3.db \cr
 ByteCompile: \tab yes \cr
 License: \tab LGPL-3 \cr
 URL: \tab http://robast.r-forge.r-project.org/\cr
-SVNRevision: \tab 696 \cr
+VCS/SVNRevision: \tab 940 \cr
 Encoding: \tab latin1 \cr
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
   Rieder, H., Kohl, M. and Ruckdeschel, P. (2008) The Costs of not Knowing
   the Radius. \emph{Statistical Methods and Applications} \bold{17}(1) 13-40.
-  Extended version: \url{http://www.stamats.de/RRlong.pdf}
+  Extended version: \url{http://r-kurs.de/RRlong.pdf}
 \code{\link[RobLox]{roblox}}, \code{\link[RobLox]{rowRoblox}}

Modified: pkg/RobLoxBioC/man/robloxbioc.Rd
--- pkg/RobLoxBioC/man/robloxbioc.Rd	2018-07-23 20:29:47 UTC (rev 1036)
+++ pkg/RobLoxBioC/man/robloxbioc.Rd	2018-07-23 20:31:10 UTC (rev 1037)
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
   Rieder, H., Kohl, M. and Ruckdeschel, P. (2008) The Costs of not Knowing
   the Radius. \emph{Statistical Methods and Applications} \bold{17}(1) 13-40.
-  Extended version: \url{http://www.stamats.de/RRlong.pdf}
+  Extended version: \url{http://r-kurs.de/RRlong.pdf}
 \author{Matthias Kohl \email{Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de},
@@ -147,13 +147,13 @@
 robloxbioc(X, eps = 0.05)
 robloxbioc(X, eps = 0.05, steps = 5)
-## Don't run to reduce check time on CRAN
+## \donttest to reduce check time
 ## the function is designed for large scale problems
 X <- matrix(rnorm(50000*20, mean = 1), nrow = 50000)
-## using Affymetrix-Data
+## using Affymetrix data
 ## confer example to generateExprVal.method.mas
 ## A more worked out example can be found in the scripts folder
 ## of the package.
@@ -167,13 +167,15 @@
 points(concentrations, rl[,1], pch = 20, col="orange", type="b")
 legend("topleft", c("MAS", "roblox"), pch = c(1, 20))
+## Affymetrix dilution data
 eset <- robloxbioc(Dilution)
 ## Affymetrix scale normalization
 eset1 <- robloxbioc(Dilution, normalize = TRUE)
-## "Not run" just because of computation time
+## Illumina bead level data
 res <- robloxbioc(exampleBLData, eps.upper = 0.5)

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