[Robast-commits] r1005 - in branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobExtremes/inst/AddMaterial: . LDE4Pareto

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Fri Jul 20 14:56:24 CEST 2018

Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2018-07-20 14:56:24 +0200 (Fri, 20 Jul 2018)
New Revision: 1005

[RobExtremes] branch 1.1 additional material: Code for LDE-type estimators in Pareto case

Added: branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobExtremes/inst/AddMaterial/LDE4Pareto/DEstimator.R
--- branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobExtremes/inst/AddMaterial/LDE4Pareto/DEstimator.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobExtremes/inst/AddMaterial/LDE4Pareto/DEstimator.R	2018-07-20 12:56:24 UTC (rev 1005)
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+## optional file if one wants analoga to LDEstimators in ParetoCase.
+.DMatch <- function(x.0,disp.est.0, disp.fctal.0, ParamFamily.0,
+                    disp.est.ctrl.0 = NULL, disp.fctal.ctrl.0=NULL,
+                    q.lo.0 =0, q.up.0=Inf, log.q.0 =TRUE, ..., vdbg=FALSE
+                        ){
+    dots <- list(...)
+    disp.emp <- do.call(disp.est.0, args = .prepend(x.0,disp.est.ctrl.0, dots))
+    q.f <- function(xi){
+       distr.new <- ParamFamily.0 at modifyParam(xi)
+       sc.th <- do.call(disp.fctal.0, args = .prepend(distr.new,disp.fctal.ctrl.0, dots))
+       val <- if(log.q.0) log(sc.th) - log(disp.emp) else
+                        sc.th-disp.emp
+       if(vdbg) print(val)
+       return(val)
+    }
+    xi.01 <- try(uniroot(q.f,lower=q.lo.0,upper=q.up.0), silent=TRUE)
+    if(is(xi.01, "try-error")) stop("Error in calculating LD-estimator: 'uniroot' did not converge.")
+    xi.0 <- xi.01$root
+    names(xi.0) <- c("shape")
+    distr.new.0 <- ParamFamily.0 at modifyParam(xi)
+    val <-   c(xi.0, disp.emp)
+    names(val) <- c("shape", "disp")
+    return(val)
+DEstimator <- function(x, disp.est, disp.fctal, ParamFamily,
+                        disp.est.ctrl = NULL, disp.fctal.ctrl=NULL,
+                        q.lo =1e-3, q.up=15, log.q =TRUE,
+                        name, Infos, asvar = NULL, nuis.idx = NULL,
+                        trafo = NULL, fixed = NULL, asvar.fct  = NULL, na.rm = TRUE,
+                        ..., .withEvalAsVar = FALSE, vdbg = FALSE){
+    param0 <- main(param(ParamFamily))
+    name.est <- "DEstimator"
+    es.call <- match.call()
+    if(missing(name))
+        name <- "Some estimator"
+    Dname <- paste("Dispersion:",
+                     paste(deparse(substitute(disp.fctal))))
+    DMval <- NULL
+    estimator <- function(x,...){
+         DMval <<- .LDMatch(x.0= x,
+                         disp.est.0 =  disp.est,
+                         disp.fctal.0 =  disp.fctal,
+                         ParamFamily.0 = ParamFamily,
+                         disp.est.ctrl.0 = disp.est.ctrl,
+                         disp.fctal.ctrl.0 = disp.fctal.ctrl,
+                         q.lo.0 = q.lo,
+                         q.up.0 = q.up,
+                         log.q.0 = log.q, vdbg = vdbg)
+         return(LDMval[1])
+    }
+    asvar.fct0 <- asvar.fct
+    asvar.0 <- asvar
+    nuis.idx.0 <- nuis.idx
+    trafo.0 <- trafo
+    if(is.null(fixed)) fixed <- fixed(ParamFamily)
+    fixed.0 <- fixed
+    na.rm.0 <- na.rm
+    estimate <- Estimator(x, estimator, name, Infos,
+                      asvar = asvar.0, nuis.idx = nuis.idx.0,
+                      trafo = trafo.0, fixed = fixed.0,
+                      asvar.fct = asvar.fct0,
+                      na.rm = na.rm.0, ...,
+                      .withEvalAsVar = .withEvalAsVar,
+                      ParamFamily = ParamFamily)
+    estimate at estimate.call <- es.call
+    if(missing(Infos))
+        Infos <- matrix(c("DEstimator", Dname),
+                           ncol=2, dimnames=list(character(0), c("method", "message")))
+    else{
+        Infos <- matrix(c(rep("DEstimator", length(Infos)+1), c(Dname,Infos)),
+                          ncol = 2)
+        colnames(Infos) <- c("method", "message")
+    }
+    estimate at Infos <- Infos
+    estim <- new("DEstimate")
+    sln <- names(getSlots(class(estimate)))
+    for( i in 1:length(sln))
+        slot(estim, sln[i]) <- slot(estimate, sln[i])
+    rm(estimate)
+    estim at dispersion <- DMval["disp"]
+    return(.checkEstClassForParamFamily(ParamFamily,estim))
+kMADShapeEstimator <- function(x, ParamFamily, k=1, q.lo =1e-3, q.up=15, nuis.idx = NULL,
+                        trafo = NULL, fixed = NULL, asvar.fct = NULL, na.rm = TRUE,
+                        ..., .withEvalAsVar = FALSE, vdbg = FALSE){
+      es.call <- match.call()
+      if(missing(k)) k <- 1
+      if (is.null(asvar.fct)){asvar.fct <- asvarkMAD
+                              asvar <- asvarkMAD(ParamFamily, k=k)}
+      es <- LDEstimator(x, disp.est = kMAD, disp.fctal = kMAD,
+                     ParamFamily = ParamFamily,
+                     disp.est.ctrl = list(k=k, na.rm = na.rm),
+                     disp.fctal.ctrl=list(k=k),
+                     q.lo =q.lo, q.up=q.up, log.q=TRUE,
+                     name = "kMADShEst", Infos="kMADShEst",
+                     asvar = asvar, nuis.idx = nuis.idx, trafo = trafo, fixed = fixed,
+                     asvar.fct = asvar.fct, na.rm = na.rm, ...,
+                      .withEvalAsVar = .withEvalAsVar, vdbg = vdbg)
+      es at estimate.call <- es.call
+      return(.checkEstClassForParamFamily(ParamFamily,es))
+                     }
+QnShapeEstimator <- function(x,  ParamFamily, q.lo =1e-3, q.up=15, nuis.idx = NULL,
+                        trafo = NULL, fixed = NULL, asvar.fct = NULL, na.rm = TRUE,
+                        ..., .withEvalAsVar = FALSE){
+    es.call <- match.call()
+    es <- LDEstimator(x, disp.est = Qn, disp.fctal = Qn,
+                     ParamFamily = ParamFamily,
+                     disp.est.ctrl = list(constant=1,na.rm = na.rm),
+                     disp.fctal.ctrl = NULL,
+                     q.lo =q.lo, q.up=q.up, log.q=TRUE,
+                     name = "QnShEst", Infos="QnShEst",
+                     asvar = NULL, nuis.idx = nuis.idx, trafo = trafo, fixed = fixed,
+                     asvar.fct = asvar.fct, na.rm = na.rm, ...,
+                      .withEvalAsVar = .withEvalAsVar)
+      es at estimate.call <- es.call
+      return(.checkEstClassForParamFamily(ParamFamily,es))
+                     }
+SnShapeEstimator <- function(x, ParamFamily, q.lo =1e-3, q.up=10, nuis.idx  = NULL,
+                        trafo = NULL, fixed = NULL, asvar.fct = NULL, na.rm = TRUE,
+                        accuracy = 100, ..., .withEvalAsVar = FALSE){
+      es.call <- match.call()
+      es <- LDEstimator(x, disp.est = Sn, disp.fctal = Sn,
+                     ParamFamily = ParamFamily,
+                     disp.est.ctrl = list(constant=1,na.rm = na.rm),
+                     disp.fctal.ctrl = list(accuracy=accuracy),
+                     q.lo =q.lo, q.up=q.up, log.q=TRUE,
+                     name = "SnShEst", Infos="SnShEst",
+                     asvar = NULL, nuis.idx = nuis.idx, trafo = trafo, fixed = fixed,
+                     asvar.fct = asvar.fct, na.rm = na.rm, ...,
+                      .withEvalAsVar = .withEvalAsVar)
+      es at estimate.call <- es.call
+      return(.checkEstClassForParamFamily(ParamFamily,es))
+      }
+kMADhybrShapeEstimator <- function(x, ParamFamily, k=1, q.lo =1e-3, q.up=15,
+                        KK=20, nuis.idx = NULL,
+                        trafo = NULL, fixed = NULL, asvar.fct = NULL, na.rm = TRUE,
+                        ..., .withEvalAsVar = FALSE){
+ i <- 1
+ es <- try(kMADShapeEstimator(x, ParamFamily = ParamFamily, k = k,
+                            q.lo = q.lo, q.up = q.up,
+                            nuis.idx = nuis.idx, trafo = trafo,
+                            fixed = fixed, asvar.fct = asvar.fct, na.rm = na.rm,
+                             ..., .withEvalAsVar = FALSE),
+                             silent=TRUE)
+ if(! any(is.na(estimate(es))) && !is(es,"try-error"))
+   {return(.checkEstClassForParamFamily(ParamFamily,es))}
+ k1 <- 3.23
+ while(i<KK){
+      i <- i + 1
+      es <- try(kMADShapeEstimator(x, k = k1, ParamFamily = ParamFamily,
+                            q.lo = q.lo, q.up = q.up,
+                            nuis.idx = nuis.idx, trafo = trafo,
+                            fixed = fixed, asvar.fct = asvar.fct, na.rm = na.rm,
+                             ..., .withEvalAsVar = FALSE), silent=TRUE)
+      k1 <- k1 * 3
+      if(! any(is.na(es)) && !is(es,"try-error"))
+         {if(!missing(asvar.fct)) if(!is.null(asvar.fct)) if(.withEvalAsVar){
+             if(is.call(es at asvar)) es at asvar <- eval(es at asvar)
+             if(is.call(es at untransformed.asvar))
+                es at untransformed.asvar <- eval(es at untransformed.asvar)
+             }
+          return(.checkEstClassForParamFamily(ParamFamily,es))}
+      }
+ return(c("scale"=NA,"shape"=NA))
+setMethod("dispersion", "DEstimate", function(object) object at dispersion)
+setMethod("location", "LEstimate", function(object) object at location)
+medShapeEstimator <- function(x, ParamFamily, q.lo =1e-3, q.up=10, nuis.idx  = NULL,
+                        trafo = NULL, fixed = NULL, asvar.fct = NULL, na.rm = TRUE,
+                        accuracy = 100, ..., .withEvalAsVar = FALSE){
+      es.call <- match.call()
+      if (is.null(asvar.fct)){asvar.fct <- asvarMedShape
+                              asvar <- asvarMedShape(ParamFamily)}
+    Lname <- paste("Location: Median")
+    LMval <- NULL
+    estimator <- function(x,...){
+         LMval <<- .DMatch(x.0= x,
+                         disp.est.0 =  median,
+                         disp.fctal.0 =  median,
+                         ParamFamily.0 = ParamFamily,
+                         disp.est.ctrl.0 = list(na.rm = na.rm),,
+                         disp.fctal.ctrl.0 = NULL,
+                         q.lo.0 = q.lo,
+                         q.up.0 = q.up,
+                         log.q.0 = log.q, vdbg = vdbg)
+         return(LMval[1])
+    }
+    asvar.fct0 <- asvar.fct
+    asvar.0 <- asvar
+    nuis.idx.0 <- nuis.idx
+    trafo.0 <- trafo
+    if(is.null(fixed)) fixed <- fixed(ParamFamily)
+    fixed.0 <- fixed
+    na.rm.0 <- na.rm
+    estimate <- Estimator(x, estimator, name, Infos,
+                      asvar = asvar.0, nuis.idx = nuis.idx.0,
+                      trafo = trafo.0, fixed = fixed.0,
+                      asvar.fct = asvar.fct0,
+                      na.rm = na.rm.0, ...,
+                      .withEvalAsVar = .withEvalAsVar,
+                      ParamFamily = ParamFamily)
+    estimate at estimate.call <- es.call
+    if(missing(Infos))
+        Infos <- matrix(c("DEstimator", Lname),
+                           ncol=2, dimnames=list(character(0), c("method", "message")))
+    else{
+        Infos <- matrix(c(rep("DEstimator", length(Infos)+1), c(Lname,Infos)),
+                          ncol = 2)
+        colnames(Infos) <- c("method", "message")
+    }
+    estimate at Infos <- Infos
+    estim <- new("LEstimate")
+    sln <- names(getSlots(class(estimate)))
+    for( i in 1:length(sln))
+        slot(estim, sln[i]) <- slot(estimate, sln[i])
+    rm(estimate)
+    estim at location <- LMval[2]
+    estim at estimate.call <- es.call
+    return(.checkEstClassForParamFamily(ParamFamily,estim))
+    }
+         representation(dispersion = "numeric"
+                        ),
+         prototype(name = "Disp estimate",
+                   estimate = numeric(0),
+                   samplesize = numeric(0),
+                   completecases = logical(0),
+                   asvar = NULL,
+                   estimate.call = call("{}"),
+                   location = 0,
+                   dispersion = 1,
+                   Infos = matrix(c(character(0),character(0)), ncol=2,
+                                  dimnames=list(character(0), c("method", "message"))),
+                   nuis.idx = NULL,
+                   trafo = list(fct = function(x){
+                                      list(fval = x, mat = matrix(1))},
+                                mat = matrix(1))
+                   ),
+         contains = "Estimate")
+         representation(location = "numeric",
+                        ),
+         prototype(name = "Loc estimate",
+                   estimate = numeric(0),
+                   samplesize = numeric(0),
+                   completecases = logical(0),
+                   asvar = NULL,
+                   estimate.call = call("{}"),
+                   location = 0,
+                   dispersion = 1,
+                   Infos = matrix(c(character(0),character(0)), ncol=2,
+                                  dimnames=list(character(0), c("method", "message"))),
+                   nuis.idx = NULL,
+                   trafo = list(fct = function(x){
+                                      list(fval = x, mat = matrix(1))},
+                                mat = matrix(1))
+                   ),
+         contains = "Estimate")
+setClass("ParetoEstimate", contains="Estimate")
+setClass("ParetoDEstimate", contains=c("DEstimate", "ParetoEstimate"))
+setClass("ParetoLEstimate", contains=c("LEstimate", "ParetoEstimate"))
+setClass("ParetokStepEstimate", contains=c("kStepEstimate", "ParetoEstimate"))
+setClass("ParetoMCEstimate", contains=c("MCEstimate", "ParetoEstimate"))
+asvarkMADShape <- function(model, k=1){
+  xi <- main(model at param)
+  beta <- fixed(model at param)
+  M <- kMAD(model at distribution, k=k)
+  m <- q.l(model)(.5)
+  x1.0 <- m - M
+  x2.0 <- m + k * M
+  ## joint Variance of median and kMAD, see Serfling Mazumder
+  dmm <- d(model)(x1.0)
+  dmp <- d(model)(x2.0)
+  dm <-  d(model)(m)
+  alpha <- p(model)(m-M)+p(model)(m+k*M)
+  betA <- dmm-dmp
+  ceta <- dmm+k*dmp
+  eta <- betA^2 + 4*(1-alpha)*betA*dm
+  V <- 1/4/ceta^2*(1+eta/dm^2)
+   psi_kMad <- function(x){
+       cp <- k*dmp+dmm
+       cm = dmp-dmm
+       return((0.5-((x<=m+k*M)&(x>=m-M)))/cp + cm/cp*((x<=m)-0.5)/dm)
+   }
+   L2d <- model at L2deriv[[1]]
+   L_xi.f = function(x) evalRandVar(L2d,x)[2,]
+   E12 <- E(distribution(model),fun=function(x) psi_kMad(x) * L_xi.f(x))
+  ASV_Med <- PosSemDefSymmMatrix(V/E12^2)
+  dimnames(ASV_Med) <- list(shapename(model),shapename(model))
+  return(ASV_Med)
+asvarMedShape <- function(model){
+  m <- q.l(model)(.5)
+  dm <-  d(model)(m)
+  V <- 1/4/dm^2
+   psi_med <- function(x) (0.5-(x<=m))/dm
+   L2d <- model at L2deriv[[1]]
+   L_xi.f = function(x) evalRandVar(L2d,x)[2,]
+   E12 <- E(distribution(model),fun=function(x) psi_med(x) * L_xi.f(x))
+   D <- 1/E12
+  ASV_Med <- PosSemDefSymmMatrix(V/E12^2)
+  dimnames(ASV_Med) <- list(shapename(model),shapename(model))
+  return(ASV_Med)

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