[Robast-commits] r943 - branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man
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Fri Jul 13 01:57:56 CEST 2018
Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2018-07-13 01:57:56 +0200 (Fri, 13 Jul 2018)
New Revision: 943
[RobAStBase] branch 1.1: manuals
Modified: branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/0RobAStBase-package.Rd
--- branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/0RobAStBase-package.Rd 2018-07-12 23:57:08 UTC (rev 942)
+++ branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/0RobAStBase-package.Rd 2018-07-12 23:57:56 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
Package: \tab RobAStBase \cr
-Version: \tab 1.0 \cr
-Date: \tab 2016-09-01 \cr
+Version: \tab 1.1.0 \cr
+Date: \tab 2018-07-08 \cr
Depends: \tab R(>= 2.14.0), methods, rrcov, distr(>= 2.5.2), distrEx(>= 2.5), distrMod(>= 2.5.2),
RandVar(>= 0.9.2) \cr
Suggests: \tab ROptEst, RUnit (>= 0.4.26)\cr
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
ByteCompile: \tab yes \cr
License: \tab LGPL-3 \cr
URL: \tab http://robast.r-forge.r-project.org/\cr
-SVNRevision: \tab 874 \cr
+SVNRevision: \tab 940 \cr
Modified: branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/HampIC-class.Rd
--- branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/HampIC-class.Rd 2018-07-12 23:57:08 UTC (rev 942)
+++ branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/HampIC-class.Rd 2018-07-12 23:57:56 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
@@ -89,6 +90,8 @@
\item{neighborRadius<-}{\code{signature(object = "HampIC")}:
replacement function for slot \code{neighborRadius}. }
+ \item{neighborRadius}{\code{signature(object = "ANY")}:
+ returns \code{NULL}. }
Modified: branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/comparePlot.Rd
--- branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/comparePlot.Rd 2018-07-12 23:57:08 UTC (rev 942)
+++ branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/comparePlot.Rd 2018-07-12 23:57:56 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -14,20 +14,23 @@
..., withSweave = getdistrOption("withSweave"),
forceSameModel = FALSE, main = FALSE, inner = TRUE,
sub = FALSE, col = par("col"), lwd = par("lwd"), lty,
- col.inner = par("col.main"), cex.inner = 0.8, bmar =
- par("mar")[1], tmar = par("mar")[3],
+ col.inner = par("col.main"), cex.inner = 0.8,
+ bmar = par("mar")[1], tmar = par("mar")[3],
with.automatic.grid = TRUE, with.legend = FALSE,
- legend = NULL, legend.bg = "white", legend.location =
- "bottomright", legend.cex = 0.8, withMBR = FALSE, MBRB
- = NA, MBR.fac = 2, col.MBR = par("col"), lty.MBR =
- "dashed", lwd.MBR = 0.8, x.vec = NULL, scaleX = FALSE,
- scaleX.fct, scaleX.inv, scaleY = FALSE, scaleY.fct =
- pnorm, scaleY.inv = qnorm, scaleN = 9, x.ticks = NULL,
- y.ticks = NULL, mfColRow = TRUE, to.draw.arg = NULL,
+ legend = NULL, legend.bg = "white",
+ legend.location = "bottomright", legend.cex = 0.8,
+ withMBR = FALSE, MBRB = NA, MBR.fac = 2, col.MBR = par("col"),
+ lty.MBR = "dashed", lwd.MBR = 0.8, x.vec = NULL,
+ scaleX = FALSE, scaleX.fct, scaleX.inv, scaleY = FALSE,
+ scaleY.fct = pnorm, scaleY.inv = qnorm, scaleN = 9,
+ x.ticks = NULL, y.ticks = NULL, mfColRow = TRUE,
+ to.draw.arg = NULL,
cex.pts = 1, cex.pts.fun = NULL, col.pts = par("col"),
- pch.pts = 1, jitter.fac = 1, with.lab = FALSE, lab.pts
- = NULL, lab.font = NULL, alpha.trsp = NA, which.lbs =
- NULL, which.Order = NULL, return.Order = FALSE,
+ pch.pts = 1, cex.npts = 1, cex.npts.fun = NULL,
+ col.npts = par("col"), pch.npts = 2, jitter.fac = 1,
+ with.lab = FALSE, lab.pts = NULL, lab.font = NULL,
+ alpha.trsp = NA, which.lbs = NULL, which.Order = NULL,
+ which.nonlbs = NULL, attr.pre = FALSE, return.Order = FALSE,
withSubst = TRUE)
@@ -142,7 +145,7 @@
\code{n} by \code{nIC}, \code{n} the number of observations prior to any
selection, in which case it assigns observation-specific colors to the
observations; in this case this overrides settings in the respective
- \code{col.nonlbl} argument.}
+ \code{col.npts} argument.}
\item{pch.pts}{symbol of the points of the \code{data} argument plotted
(may be a vector of length \code{nIC} or a matrix, see \code{col.pts}).}
\item{cex.pts}{size of the points of the \code{data} argument plotted
@@ -155,16 +158,35 @@
where \code{dim} is the number of dimensions of the pICs to be plotted;
in the index of this list, \code{nIC} is incremented first;
then \code{dim}.}
- \item{with.lab}{logical; shall labels be plotted to the observations?
- (May be a vector of length \code{nIC}, see \code{col.pts}
- -- but not a matrix).}
- \item{lab.pts}{character or NULL; labels to be plotted to the observations;
+ \item{col.npts}{color of the non-labelled points of the \code{data} argument
+ plotted; (may be a vector of length \code{nIC} the number of plotted pICs,
+ i.e., one value for each pIC in arguments \code{obj1}, \code{obj2}, and,
+ if available, \code{obj3} and \code{obj4}, or it can be a matrix
+ \code{nnlb <- sum(which.nonlbs)} by \code{nIC},
+ \code{nnlb} the number of non-labelled observations.}
+ \item{pch.npts}{symbol of the non-labelled points of the \code{data} argument
+ plotted (may be a vector of length \code{nIC} or a matrix,
+ see \code{col.npts}).}
+ \item{cex.npts}{size of the non-labelled points of the \code{data} argument
+ plotted (may be a vector of length \code{nIC} or a matrix, see
+ \code{col.npts}).}
+ \item{cex.npts.fun}{rescaling function for the size of the non-labelled points
+ to be plotted; either \code{NULL} (default), then \code{log(1+abs(x))}
+ is used for each of the rescalings, or a function which is then used
+ for each of the rescalings, or a list of functions; if it is a
+ function or a list of functions, if necessary it is recylced
+ to length \code{nIC * dim} where \code{dim} is the number of dimensions of
+ the pICs to be plotted; in the index of this list,
+ \code{nIC} is incremented first; then \code{dim}.}
+ \item{lab.pts}{character or NULL; labels to be plotted to the observations;
can be a vector of length \code{n}, \code{n} the number of
all observations prior to any selection with \code{which.lbs},
\code{which.Order}; if \code{lab.pts} is \code{NULL},
observation indices are used.}
- \item{lab.font}{font to be used for labels (may be a vector of length
+ \item{with.lab}{logical; shall labels be plotted to the observations?
+ (May be a vector of length \code{nIC}, see \code{col.pts}
+ -- but not a matrix).}
+ \item{lab.font}{font to be used for labels (may be a vector of length
\code{nIC}, see \code{with.lab}).}
\item{alpha.trsp}{alpha transparency to be added ex post to colors
\code{col.pch} and \code{col.lbl}; if one-dim and NA all colors are
@@ -177,6 +199,10 @@
\item{jitter.fac}{jittering factor used in case of a \code{DiscreteDistribution}
for plotting points of the \code{data} argument in a jittered
fashion (may be a vector of length 2, see \code{with.lab}).}
+ \item{attr.pre}{logical; do graphical attributes for plotted data refer
+ to indices prior (\code{TRUE}) or posterior to selection
+ via arguments \code{which.lbs}, \code{which.Order}, \code{which.nonlbs}
+ (\code{FALSE})? }
\item{which.lbs}{either an integer vector with the indices of the observations
to be plotted into graph or \code{NULL} --- then no observation is excluded.}
\item{which.Order}{for each of the given ICs, we order the observations (descending)
@@ -185,6 +211,10 @@
observations (remaining after a possible reduction by argument \code{which.lbs})
to be plotted into graph or \code{NULL} --- then no (further) observation
is excluded.}
+ \item{which.nonlbs}{indices of the observations which should be plotted but
+ not labelled; either an integer vector with the indices of the observations
+ to be plotted into graph or \code{NULL} --- then all non-labelled
+ observations are plotted.}
\item{return.Order}{logical; if \code{TRUE}, a list of length maximally four
with order vectors is returned --- one for the ordering w.r.t. each of
the given ICs; more specifically, the order of the (remaining) observations
@@ -194,11 +224,12 @@
othervise we return \code{invisible()} as usual.}
\item{\dots}{further arguments to be passed to \code{plot}}
- The function returns invisibly a list of elements containing the information
- needed to compute the respective diagnostic plot.
- The return value allows to recover all information used to produce the plot
- for later use in enhanced graphics (e.g. with ggplot).
+\value{An S3 object of class \code{c("plotInfo","DiagnInfo")}, i.e., a list
+ containing the information needed to produce the
+ respective plot, which at a later stage could be used by different
+ graphic engines (like, e.g. \code{ggplot}) to produce the plot
+ in a different framework. A more detailed description will follow in
+ a subsequent version.
Any parameters of \code{plot.default} may be passed on to this particular
@@ -281,11 +312,11 @@
Y <- Chisq(df=1)* DiscreteDistribution(c(-1,1))
comparePlot(IC1, IC2, data=x, which.Order=10,
scaleX = TRUE, scaleX.fct=pnorm, scaleX.inv=qnorm,
- scaleY = TRUE, scaleY.fct=p(Y), scaleY.inv=q(Y),
+ scaleY = TRUE, scaleY.fct=p(Y), scaleY.inv=q.l(Y),
panel.first= grid(), ylim=c(-4,4,0,4), xlim=c(-6,6))
comparePlot(IC1, IC2, data=x, which.Order=10,
scaleX = TRUE, scaleX.fct=pnorm, scaleX.inv=qnorm,
- scaleY = TRUE, scaleY.fct=p(Y), scaleY.inv=q(Y),
+ scaleY = TRUE, scaleY.fct=p(Y), scaleY.inv=q.l(Y),
x.ticks = c(-Inf, -10, -1,0,1,10,Inf),
y.ticks = c(-Inf, -5, -1,0,1,5,Inf),
panel.first= grid(), ylim=c(-4,4,0,4), xlim=c(-6,6))
Modified: branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/ddPlot-methods.Rd
--- branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/ddPlot-methods.Rd 2018-07-12 23:57:08 UTC (rev 942)
+++ branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/ddPlot-methods.Rd 2018-07-12 23:57:56 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -140,7 +140,8 @@
-a list (returned as \code{invisible()}) with items
+If argument \code{doplot} is \code{FALSE}:
+A list (returned as \code{invisible()}) with items
\item{id.x}{the indices of (possibly transformed) data (within subset \code{id.n}) beyond the \code{x}-cutoff}
\item{id.y}{the indices of (possibly transformed) data (within subset \code{id.n}) beyond the \code{y}-cutoff}
\item{id.xy}{the indices of (possibly transformed) data (within subset \code{id.n}) beyond the \code{x}-cutoff and the \code{y}-cutoff}
@@ -148,6 +149,16 @@
\item{qty}{the quantiles of the distances of the (possibly transformed) data in \code{y} direction}
\item{cutoff.x.v}{the cutoff value in \code{x} direction}
\item{cutoff.y.v}{the cutoff value in \code{y} direction}
+If argument \code{doplot} is \code{TRUE}:
+An S3 object of class \code{c("plotInfo","DiagnInfo")}, i.e., a list
+ containing the information needed to produce the
+ respective plot, which at a later stage could be used by different
+ graphic engines (like, e.g. \code{ggplot}) to produce the plot
+ in a different framework. A more detailed description will follow in
+ a subsequent version.a list (returned as \code{invisible()}) with items;
+ one item is \code{retV} which is the return value in case \code{doplot} is \code{FALSE}.
Peter Ruckdeschel \email{peter.ruckdeschel at uni-oldenburg.de}
Modified: branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/infoPlot.Rd
--- branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/infoPlot.Rd 2018-07-12 23:57:08 UTC (rev 942)
+++ branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/infoPlot.Rd 2018-07-12 23:57:56 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -9,20 +9,31 @@
infoPlot(object, ...)
-\S4method{infoPlot}{IC}(object, data = NULL, ...,
-withSweave = getdistrOption("withSweave"), col = par("col"), lwd = par("lwd"),
-lty, colI = grey(0.5), lwdI = 0.7 * par("lwd"), ltyI = "dotted", main = FALSE,
-inner = TRUE, sub = FALSE, col.inner = par("col.main"), cex.inner = 0.8,
-bmar = par("mar")[1], tmar = par("mar")[3], with.automatic.grid = TRUE,
-with.legend = TRUE, legend = NULL, legend.bg = "white",
- legend.location = "bottomright", legend.cex = 0.8, x.vec = NULL,
- scaleX = FALSE, scaleX.fct, scaleX.inv,scaleY = FALSE, scaleY.fct = pnorm,
- scaleY.inv = qnorm, scaleN = 9, x.ticks = NULL, y.ticks = NULL,
- mfColRow = TRUE, to.draw.arg = NULL, cex.pts = 1, cex.pts.fun = NULL,
- col.pts = par("col"), pch.pts = 1, jitter.fac = 1, with.lab = FALSE,
- lab.pts = NULL, lab.font = NULL, alpha.trsp = NA, which.lbs = NULL,
- which.Order = NULL, return.Order = FALSE, ylab.abs = "absolute information",
- ylab.rel = "relative information", withSubst = TRUE)
+\S4method{infoPlot}{IC}(object, data = NULL,
+ ..., withSweave = getdistrOption("withSweave"),
+ col = par("col"), lwd = par("lwd"), lty,
+ colI = grey(0.5), lwdI = 0.7*par("lwd"), ltyI = "dotted",
+ main = FALSE, inner = TRUE, sub = FALSE,
+ col.inner = par("col.main"), cex.inner = 0.8,
+ bmar = par("mar")[1], tmar = par("mar")[3],
+ with.automatic.grid = TRUE,
+ with.legend = TRUE, legend = NULL, legend.bg = "white",
+ legend.location = "bottomright", legend.cex = 0.8,
+ x.vec = NULL, scaleX = FALSE, scaleX.fct, scaleX.inv,
+ scaleY = FALSE, scaleY.fct = pnorm, scaleY.inv=qnorm,
+ scaleN = 9, x.ticks = NULL, y.ticks = NULL,
+ mfColRow = TRUE, to.draw.arg = NULL,
+ cex.pts = 1, cex.pts.fun = NULL, col.pts = par("col"),
+ pch.pts = 1,
+ cex.npts = 1, cex.npts.fun = NULL, col.npts = grey(.5),
+ pch.npts = 2,
+ jitter.fac = 1, with.lab = FALSE, lab.pts = NULL,
+ lab.font = NULL, alpha.trsp = NA,
+ which.lbs = NULL, which.Order = NULL, which.nonlbs = NULL,
+ attr.pre = FALSE, return.Order = FALSE,
+ ylab.abs = "absolute information",
+ ylab.rel= "relative information",
+ withSubst = TRUE)
\item{object}{object of class \code{"InfluenceCurve"} }
@@ -126,12 +137,12 @@
\item{withSubst}{logical; if \code{TRUE} (default) pattern substitution for
titles and lables is used; otherwise no substitution is used. }
- \item{col.pts}{color of the points of the \code{data} argument plotted; (may
+ \item{col.pts}{color of the points of the \code{data} argument plotted; (may
be a vector of length 2, one value for the classical IC, one for the IC
- in argument \code{object}, or it can be a matrix \code{n} by 2, \code{n} the
- number of observations prior to any selection, in which case it assigns
- observation-specific colors to the observations; in this case this
- overrides settings in the respective \code{col.nonlbl} argument.}
+ in argument \code{object}, or it can be a matrix \code{n} by 2, \code{n} the
+ number of observations prior to any selection, in which case it assigns
+ observation-specific colors to the observations; in this case this
+ overrides settings in the respective \code{col.npts} argument.}
\item{pch.pts}{symbol of the points of the \code{data} argument plotted
(may be a vector of length 2 or a matrix, see \code{col.pts}).}
\item{cex.pts}{size of the points of the \code{data} argument plotted
@@ -141,11 +152,32 @@
the rescalings, or a function which is then used for each of the
rescalings, or a list of functions; if it is a function or a list of
functions, if necessary it is recylced to length \code{2 * dim}
- (where 2 is for the two pICs plotted, i.e., the classically optimal one and
- argument \code{IC}, and \code{dim} is the number of
- dimensions of the pICs to be plotted; in the index of this list,
- the index for classical vs. \code{IC} is incremented first;
+ where \code{2} is for the classical IC and the IC in argument \code{object}
+ and \code{dim} is the number of dimensions of the pICs to be plotted;
+ in the index of this list, \code{2} is incremented first;
then \code{dim}.}
+ \item{col.npts}{color of the non-labelled points of the \code{data} argument
+ plotted; (may be a vector of length 2, or it can be a matrix
+ \code{nnlb <- sum(which.nonlbs)} by \code{2},
+ \code{nnlb} the number of non-labelled observations.}
+ \item{pch.npts}{symbol of the non-labelled points of the \code{data} argument
+ plotted (may be a vector of length \code{2} or a matrix,
+ see \code{col.npts}).}
+ \item{cex.npts}{size of the non-labelled points of the \code{data} argument
+ plotted (may be a vector of length \code{2} or a matrix, see
+ \code{col.npts}).}
+ \item{cex.npts.fun}{rescaling function for the size of the non-labelled points
+ to be plotted; either \code{NULL} (default), then \code{log(1+abs(x))}
+ is used for each of the rescalings, or a function which is then used
+ for each of the rescalings, or a list of functions; if it is a
+ function or a list of functions, if necessary it is recylced
+ to length \code{2 * dim} where \code{dim} is the number of dimensions of
+ the pICs to be plotted; in the index of this list,
+ \code{2} is incremented first; then \code{dim}.}
+ \item{attr.pre}{logical; do graphical attributes for plotted data refer
+ to indices prior (\code{TRUE}) or posterior to selection
+ via arguments \code{which.lbs}, \code{which.Order}, \code{which.nonlbs}
+ (\code{FALSE})? }
\item{with.lab}{logical; shall labels be plotted to the observations?
(may be a vector of length 2, see \code{col.pts} --
but not a matrix)}
@@ -175,6 +207,10 @@
observations (remaining after a possible reduction by argument \code{which.lbs})
to be plotted into graph or \code{NULL} --- then no (further) observation
is excluded.}
+ \item{which.nonlbs}{indices of the observations which should be plotted but
+ not labelled; either an integer vector with the indices of the observations
+ to be plotted into graph or \code{NULL} --- then all non-labelled
+ observations are plotted.}
\item{return.Order}{logical; if \code{TRUE}, a list of length two with order vectors
is returned --- one for ordering w.r.t. the given IC, one for ordering w.r.t.
the classically optimal IC; more specifically, the order of the (remaining) observations
@@ -186,11 +222,12 @@
\item{ylab.rel}{character; label to be used for y-axis in relative information panel}
\item{\dots}{further parameters for \code{plot}}
- The function returns invisibly a list of elements containing the information
- needed to compute the respective diagnostic plot.
- The return value allows to recover all information used to produce the plot
- for later use in enhanced graphics (e.g. with ggplot).
+\value{An S3 object of class \code{c("plotInfo","DiagnInfo")}, i.e., a list
+ containing the information needed to produce the
+ respective plot, which at a later stage could be used by different
+ graphic engines (like, e.g. \code{ggplot}) to produce the plot
+ in a different framework. A more detailed description will follow in
+ a subsequent version.
Absolute information is defined as the square of the length
Modified: branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/internal_plots.Rd
--- branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/internal_plots.Rd 2018-07-12 23:57:08 UTC (rev 942)
+++ branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/internal_plots.Rd 2018-07-12 23:57:56 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
finiteEndpoints = rep(FALSE,4),
x.ticks = NULL, y.ticks = NULL, withbox = TRUE)
.legendCoord(x, scaleX, scaleX.fct, scaleY, scaleY.fct)
-.SelectOrderData(data, fct, which.lbs, which.Order)
+.SelectOrderData(data, fct, which.lbs, which.Order, which.nonlbs = NULL)
.cexscale(y, y1=y, maxcex=4,mincex=0.05,cex, fun=NULL)
@@ -75,6 +75,10 @@
a possible thin-out by \code{which.lbs} and after ordering in descending order
of the remaining observations. If this argument is \code{NULL} then no
(further) observation is excluded.}
+ \item{which.nonlbs}{indices of the observations which should be plotted but
+ not labelled; either an integer vector with the indices of the observations
+ to be plotted into graph or \code{NULL} --- then all non-labelled
+ observations are plotted.}
\item{withbox}{logical of length 1. If \code{TRUE}, even if \code{scaleX} and
\code{scaleY} are both \code{FALSE} and, simultaneously, \code{x.ticks} and
\code{y.ticks} are both \code{NULL}, a respective box is drawn around the
Modified: branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/outlyingPlotIC.Rd
--- branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/outlyingPlotIC.Rd 2018-07-12 23:57:08 UTC (rev 942)
+++ branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/outlyingPlotIC.Rd 2018-07-12 23:57:56 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@
-a list (returned as \code{invisible()}) with items
+If argument \code{doplot} is \code{FALSE}:
+A list (returned as \code{invisible()}) with items
\item{id.x}{the indices of (possibly transformed) data (within subset \code{id.n}) beyond the \code{x}-cutoff}
\item{id.y}{the indices of (possibly transformed) data (within subset \code{id.n}) beyond the \code{y}-cutoff}
\item{id.xy}{the indices of (possibly transformed) data (within subset \code{id.n}) beyond the \code{x}-cutoff and the \code{y}-cutoff}
@@ -84,6 +85,16 @@
\item{qty}{the quantiles of the distances of the (possibly transformed) data in \code{y} direction}
\item{cutoff.x.v}{the cutoff value in \code{x} direction}
\item{cutoff.y.v}{the cutoff value in \code{y} direction}
+If argument \code{doplot} is \code{TRUE}:
+An S3 object of class \code{c("plotInfo","DiagnInfo")}, i.e., a list
+ containing the information needed to produce the
+ respective plot, which at a later stage could be used by different
+ graphic engines (like, e.g. \code{ggplot}) to produce the plot
+ in a different framework. A more detailed description will follow in
+ a subsequent version.a list (returned as \code{invisible()}) with items;
+ one item is \code{retV} which is the return value in case \code{doplot} is \code{FALSE}.
Modified: branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/plot-methods.Rd
--- branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/plot-methods.Rd 2018-07-12 23:57:08 UTC (rev 942)
+++ branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/plot-methods.Rd 2018-07-12 23:57:56 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -21,10 +21,15 @@
scaleN = 9, x.ticks = NULL, y.ticks = NULL,
mfColRow = TRUE, to.draw.arg = NULL,
withSubst = TRUE)
-\S4method{plot}{IC,numeric}(x, y, ..., cex.pts = 1, col.pts = par("col"), pch.pts
- = 1, jitter.fac = 1, with.lab = FALSE, lab.pts = NULL,
+\S4method{plot}{IC,numeric}(x, y, ...,
+ cex.pts = 1, cex.pts.fun = NULL, col.pts = par("col"),
+ pch.pts = 1,
+ cex.npts = 1, cex.npts.fun = NULL, col.npts = par("col"),
+ pch.npts = 2,
+ jitter.fac = 1, with.lab = FALSE, lab.pts = NULL,
lab.font = NULL, alpha.trsp = NA, which.lbs = NULL,
- which.Order = NULL, return.Order = FALSE)
+ which.Order = NULL, which.nonlbs = NULL, attr.pre = FALSE,
+ return.Order = FALSE)
\item{x}{object of class \code{"IC"}: IC to be plotted }
@@ -125,13 +130,33 @@
titles and lables is used; otherwise no substitution is used. }
\item{cex.pts}{size of the points of the second argument plotted, can be a vector;
if it has the same length as the number of observations prior to any
- selection then it overrides argument \code{cex.nonlbl} and assigns
+ selection then it overrides argument \code{cex.npts} and assigns
individual sizes to each of the points; otherwise it is recycled to
the length of selected observations.}
+ \item{cex.pts.fun}{rescaling function for the size of the points to be plotted;
+ either \code{NULL} (default), then \code{log(1+abs(x))} is used for each of
+ the rescalings, or a function which is then used for each of the
+ rescalings, or a list of functions; if it is a function or a list of
+ functions, if necessary it is recylced to length \code{dim}
+ where \code{dim} is the number of dimensions of the pICs to be plotted.}
\item{col.pts}{color of the points of the second argument plotted, can
be a vector as in \code{cex.pts}.}
\item{pch.pts}{symbol of the points of the second argument plotted, can
be a vector as in \code{cex.pts}.}
+ \item{col.npts}{color of the non-labelled points of the \code{data} argument
+ plotted; (may be a vector).}
+ \item{pch.npts}{symbol of the non-labelled points of the \code{data} argument
+ plotted (may be a vector).}
+ \item{cex.npts}{size of the non-labelled points of the \code{data} argument
+ plotted (may be a vector).}
+ \item{cex.npts.fun}{rescaling function for the size of the non-labelled points
+ to be plotted; either \code{NULL} (default), then \code{log(1+abs(x))}
+ is used for each of the rescalings, or a function which is then used
+ for each of the rescalings, or a list of functions; if it is a
+ function or a list of functions, if necessary it is recylced
+ to length \code{dim} where \code{dim} is the number of dimensions of
+ the pICs to be plotted.}
\item{with.lab}{logical; shall labels be plotted to the observations?}
\item{lab.pts}{character or NULL; labels to be plotted to the observations; if \code{NULL}
observation indices;}
@@ -146,6 +171,10 @@
entries must be integers in [0,255] (0 invisible, 255 opaque).}
\item{jitter.fac}{jittering factor used in case of a \code{DiscreteDistribution}
for plotting points of the second argument in a jittered fashion.}
+ \item{attr.pre}{logical; do graphical attributes for plotted data refer
+ to indices prior (\code{TRUE}) or posterior to selection
+ via arguments \code{which.lbs}, \code{which.Order}, \code{which.nonlbs}
+ (\code{FALSE})? }
\item{which.lbs}{either an integer vector with the indices of the observations
to be plotted into graph or \code{NULL} --- then no observation is excluded}
\item{which.Order}{we order the observations (descending) according to the norm given by
@@ -154,6 +183,10 @@
observations (remaining after a possible reduction by argument \code{which.lbs})
to be plotted into graph or \code{NULL} --- then no (further) observation
is excluded.}
+ \item{which.nonlbs}{indices of the observations which should be plotted but
+ not labelled; either an integer vector with the indices of the observations
+ to be plotted into graph or \code{NULL} --- then all non-labelled
+ observations are plotted.}
\item{return.Order}{logical; if \code{TRUE}, an order vector
is returned; more specifically, the order of the (remaining) observations
given by their original index is returned (remaining means: after a possible
@@ -162,11 +195,12 @@
otherwise we return \code{invisible()} as usual.}
\item{\dots}{further parameters for \code{plot}}
- The function returns invisibly a list of elements containing the information
- needed to compute the respective diagnostic plot.
- The return value allows to recover all information used to produce the plot
- for later use in enhanced graphics (e.g. with ggplot).
+\value{An S3 object of class \code{c("plotInfo","DiagnInfo")}, i.e., a list
+ containing the information needed to produce the
+ respective plot, which at a later stage could be used by different
+ graphic engines (like, e.g. \code{ggplot}) to produce the plot
+ in a different framework. A more detailed description will follow in
+ a subsequent version.
Any parameters of \code{plot.default} may be passed on to this particular
Modified: branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/qqplot.Rd
--- branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/qqplot.Rd 2018-07-12 23:57:08 UTC (rev 942)
+++ branches/robast-1.1/pkg/RobAStBase/man/qqplot.Rd 2018-07-12 23:57:56 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -128,10 +128,10 @@
qqplot(rnorm(40, mean = 15, sd = sqrt(30)), Chisq(df=15))
RobM <- InfRobModel(center = NormLocationFamily(mean=13,sd=sqrt(28)),
neighbor = ContNeighborhood(radius = 0.4))
+## \donttest to reduce check time
x <- rnorm(20, mean = 15, sd = sqrt(30))
qqplot(x, RobM)
-## \donttest to reduce check time
qqplot(x, RobM, alpha.CI=0.9, add.points.CI=FALSE)
## further examples for ANY,kStepEstimator-method
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