[Robast-commits] r1128 - in branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase: . R inst man

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Sun Aug 12 02:07:24 CEST 2018

Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2018-08-12 02:07:24 +0200 (Sun, 12 Aug 2018)
New Revision: 1128

[RobAStBase] branch 1.2
+ particular checkIC methods are now documented in documentation 
  object checkIC (and no longer with class IC); there argument out
  is documented
+ checkIC and makeIC now both use helper function .preparedirectCheckMakeIC
  which allows for extra arguments for E() and integrates coordinate wise with
  useApply = FALSE to gain speed (code has moved from file IC.R to file CheckMakeIC.R)
+ several methods (getRiskIC, getBiasIC, getBoundedIC, makeIC, checkIC, modifyIC) 
  gain argument "..." to pass on arguments to E()
+ new internal constant ..IntegrateArgs which contains the names of all arguments 
  used for integration, i.e., currently, c("lowerTruncQuantile", "upperTruncQuantile",
  "IQR.fac", "subdivisions", "rel.tol", "abs.tol", "stop.on.error", "order", "useApply")
+ getboundedIC now uses coordinate-wise integration with useApply = FALSE and 
  only computing the upper half of E LL'w 

Modified: branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/NAMESPACE
--- branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/NAMESPACE	2018-08-11 14:59:35 UTC (rev 1127)
+++ branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/NAMESPACE	2018-08-12 00:07:24 UTC (rev 1128)
@@ -89,4 +89,4 @@
 export("InfoPlot", "ComparePlot", "PlotIC")
\ No newline at end of file
+export(".fixInLiesInSupport", "..IntegrateArgs")
\ No newline at end of file

Added: branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/R/CheckMakeIC.R
--- branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/R/CheckMakeIC.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/R/CheckMakeIC.R	2018-08-12 00:07:24 UTC (rev 1128)
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+## new helper function for make and check IC to speed up things
+.preparedirectCheckMakeIC <- function(L2Fam, IC, ...){
+        dims <- length(L2Fam at param)
+        trafo <- trafo(L2Fam at param)
+        nrvalues <- nrow(trafo)
+        Distr <- L2Fam at distribution
+        dots <- list(...)
+        dotsI <- list()
+        for(item in ..IntegrateArgs) dotsI[[item]] <- dots[[item]]
+        if(!is.null(dotsI$useApply)) dotsI$useApply <- FALSE
+        IC.v <- as(diag(nrvalues) %*% IC at Curve, "EuclRandVariable")
+        L2deriv <- as(diag(dims) %*% L2Fam at L2deriv, "EuclRandVariable")
+        res <- numeric(nrvalues)
+        for(i in 1:nrvalues){
+            Eargs <- c(list(object = Distr, fun = IC.v at Map[[i]]), dotsI)
+            res[i] <- do.call(E, Eargs)
+        }
+        integrandA <- function(x, IC.i, L2.j){
+            return(IC.i(x)*L2.j(x))
+        }
+        erg <- matrix(0, ncol = nrvalues, nrow = nrvalues)
+        for(i in 1:nrvalues)
+            for(j in 1:nrvalues){
+                  Eargs <- c(list(object = Distr, fun = integrandA,
+                                  IC.i = IC.v at Map[[i]], L2.j = L2deriv at Map[[j]]),
+                                  dotsI)
+                  erg[i, j] <- do.call(E, Eargs)
+            }
+        return(list(E.IC=res,E.IC.L=erg))
+## check centering and Fisher consistency
+setMethod("checkIC", signature(IC = "IC", L2Fam = "missing"),
+    function(IC, out = TRUE, ...){
+        L2Fam <- eval(IC at CallL2Fam)
+        getMethod("checkIC", signature(IC = "IC", L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"))(
+              IC = IC, L2Fam = L2Fam, out = out, ...)
+    })
+## check centering and Fisher consistency
+setMethod("checkIC", signature(IC = "IC", L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"),
+    function(IC, L2Fam, out = TRUE, ...){
+        D1 <- L2Fam at distribution
+        if(dimension(Domain(IC at Curve[[1]])) != dimension(img(D1)))
+            stop("dimension of 'Domain' of 'Curve' != dimension of 'img' of 'distribution' of 'L2Fam'")
+        trafo <- trafo(L2Fam at param)
+        res <- .preparedirectCheckMakeIC(L2Fam, IC, ...)
+        cent <- res$E.IC
+        if(out)
+            cat("precision of centering:\t", cent, "\n")
+        consist <- res$E.IC.L - trafo
+        if(out){
+            cat("precision of Fisher consistency:\n")
+            print(consist)
+            cat("precision of Fisher consistency - relative error [%]:\n")
+            print(100*consist/trafo)
+        }
+        prec <- max(abs(cent), abs(consist))
+        names(prec) <- "maximum deviation"
+        return(prec)
+    })
+## make some L2function a pIC at a model
+setMethod("makeIC", signature(IC = "IC", L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"),
+    function(IC, L2Fam, ...){
+        dims <- length(L2Fam at param)
+        if(dimension(IC at Curve) != dims)
+           stop("Dimension of IC and parameter must be equal")
+        D1 <- L2Fam at distribution
+        if(dimension(Domain(IC at Curve[[1]])) != dimension(img(D1)))
+            stop("dimension of 'Domain' of 'Curve' != dimension of 'img' of 'distribution' of 'L2Fam'")
+        trafo <- trafo(L2Fam at param)
+        res <- .preparedirectCheckMakeIC(L2Fam, IC, ...)
+        IC1 <- as(diag(dimension(IC at Curve)) %*% IC at Curve, "EuclRandVariable")
+        cent <- res$E.IC
+        stand <- trafo %*% distr::solve(res$E.IC.L, generalized = TRUE)
+        Y <- as(stand %*% (IC1 - cent), "EuclRandVariable")
+        modifyIC <- IC at modifyIC
+        if(!is.function(IC at modifyIC))
+            modifyIC <- function(L2Fam, IC, withMakeIC = FALSE, ...)
+                                 return(makeIC(IC,L2Fam, ...))
+        CallL2Fam <- L2Fam at fam.call
+        return(IC(name = name(IC),
+                  Curve = EuclRandVarList(Y),
+                  Risks = list(),
+                  Infos=matrix(c("IC<-",
+                                 "generated by affine linear trafo to enforce consistency"),
+                               ncol=2, dimnames=list(character(0), c("method", "message"))),
+                  CallL2Fam = CallL2Fam,
+                  modifyIC = modifyIC))
+    })
+## make some L2function a pIC at a model
+setMethod("makeIC", signature(IC = "IC", L2Fam = "missing"),
+    function(IC, ...){
+        L2Fam0 <- eval(IC at CallL2Fam)
+        getMethod("makeIC", signature(IC = "IC", L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"))(
+              IC = IC, L2Fam = L2Fam, ...)
+    })
+setMethod("makeIC", signature(IC = "list", L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"),
+    function(IC, L2Fam, forceIC = TRUE, name, Risks, Infos, modifyIC = NULL,...){
+        mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)), expand.dots = FALSE)[-1]
+        mc0 <- as.list(mc)
+        mc0$IC <- NULL
+        mc0$L2Fam <- NULL
+        mc0$forceIC <- NULL
+        if(!all(as.logical(c(lapply(IC,is.function)))))
+           stop("First argument must be a list of functions")
+        IC.1 <- lapply(IC, function(IC.2)
+                  if(length(formals(IC.2))==0) function(x) IC.2(x) else IC.2)
+        mc0$Curve <- EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(Map = IC.1, Domain = Reals()))
+        mc0$CallL2Fam <- substitute(L2Fam at fam.call)
+        IC.0 <- do.call(.IC,mc0)
+        if(forceIC) IC.0 <- makeIC(IC.0, L2Fam,...)
+        return(IC.0)
+    })
+setMethod("makeIC", signature(IC = "function", L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"),
+    function(IC, L2Fam, forceIC = TRUE, name, Risks, Infos, modifyIC = NULL,...){
+        mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)), expand.dots = FALSE)[-1]
+        mc0 <- as.list(mc)
+        mc0$IC <- NULL
+        mc0$L2Fam <- NULL
+        mc0$forceIC <- NULL
+        IC.1 <- if(length(formals(IC))==0) function(x) IC(x) else IC
+        mc0$Curve <- EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(Map = list(IC.1),
+                         Domain = Reals()))
+        mc0$CallL2Fam <- substitute(L2Fam at fam.call)
+        print(mc0)
+        IC.0 <- do.call(.IC,mc0)
+        print(IC.0)
+        if(forceIC) IC.0 <- makeIC(IC.0, L2Fam,...)
+        return(IC.0)
+    })
+## comment 20180809: reverted changes in rev 1110
+..IntegrateArgs <- c("lowerTruncQuantile", "upperTruncQuantile",
+           "IQR.fac", "subdivisions", "rel.tol", "abs.tol", "stop.on.error",
+           "order", "useApply")

Modified: branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/R/IC.R
--- branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/R/IC.R	2018-08-11 14:59:35 UTC (rev 1127)
+++ branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/R/IC.R	2018-08-12 00:07:24 UTC (rev 1128)
@@ -38,6 +38,10 @@
+# alias to generator function IC needed in functions makeIC in file CheckMakeIC.R
+.IC <- IC
 ## access methods
 setMethod("CallL2Fam", "IC", function(object) object at CallL2Fam)
 setMethod("modifyIC", "IC", function(object) object at modifyIC)
@@ -49,42 +53,8 @@
-## check centering and Fisher consistency
-setMethod("checkIC", signature(IC = "IC", L2Fam = "missing"), 
-    function(IC, out = TRUE, ...){
-        L2Fam <- eval(IC at CallL2Fam)
-        checkIC(IC, L2Fam, out = out, ...)
-    })
-## check centering and Fisher consistency
-setMethod("checkIC", signature(IC = "IC", L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"), 
-    function(IC, L2Fam, out = TRUE, ...){
-        D1 <- L2Fam at distribution
-        if(dimension(Domain(IC at Curve[[1]])) != dimension(img(D1)))
-            stop("dimension of 'Domain' of 'Curve' != dimension of 'img' of 'distribution' of 'L2Fam'")
+## moved checkIC and makeIC methods in file CheckMakeIC.R in rev 1128
-        trafo <- trafo(L2Fam at param)
-        IC1 <- as(diag(dimension(IC at Curve)) %*% IC at Curve, "EuclRandVariable")
-        cent <- E(D1, IC1, ...)
-        if(out)
-            cat("precision of centering:\t", cent, "\n")
-        dims <- length(L2Fam at param)
-        L2deriv <- as(diag(dims) %*% L2Fam at L2deriv, "EuclRandVariable")
-        consist <- E(D1, IC1 %*% t(L2deriv), ...) - trafo
-        if(out){
-            cat("precision of Fisher consistency:\n")
-            print(consist)
-            cat("precision of Fisher consistency - relative error [%]:\n")
-            print(100*consist/trafo)
-        }
-        prec <- max(abs(cent), abs(consist))
-        names(prec) <- "maximum deviation"
-        return(prec)
-    })
 ## evaluate IC
 setMethod("evalIC", signature(IC = "IC", x = "numeric"), 
     function(IC, x){ 
@@ -114,110 +84,3 @@
             return(evalRandVar(Curve, x)[,,1])
-## make some L2function a pIC at a model
-setMethod("makeIC", signature(IC = "IC", L2Fam = "missing"), 
-    function(IC){ 
-        L2Fam <- eval(IC at CallL2Fam)
-        makeIC(IC, L2Fam)
-    })
-## make some L2function a pIC at a model
-setMethod("makeIC", signature(IC = "IC", L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"), 
-    function(IC, L2Fam){ 
-        dims <- length(L2Fam at param)
-        if(dimension(IC at Curve) != dims)
-           stop("Dimension of IC and parameter must be equal")
-        D1 <- L2Fam at distribution
-        if(dimension(Domain(IC at Curve[[1]])) != dimension(img(D1)))
-            stop("dimension of 'Domain' of 'Curve' != dimension of 'img' of 'distribution' of 'L2Fam'")
-        trafo <- trafo(L2Fam at param)
-        IC1 <- as(diag(dimension(IC at Curve)) %*% IC at Curve, "EuclRandVariable")
-        cent <- E(D1, IC1)
-        IC1 <- IC1 - cent
-        L2deriv <- as(diag(dims) %*% L2Fam at L2deriv, "EuclRandVariable")
-        E10 <- E(L2Fam, IC1 %*% t(L2deriv))
-        E1 <- matrix(E10, dims, dims)
-        stand <- trafo %*% distr::solve(E1)
-        Y <- as(stand %*% IC1, "EuclRandVariable")
-        #ICfct <- vector(mode = "list", length = dims)
-        #ICfct[[1]] <- function(x){Y(x)}
-        if(!is.function(IC at modifyIC))
-            IC at modifyIC <- function(L2Fam, IC, withMakeIC = FALSE) return(makeIC(IC,L2Fam))
-#              modifyIC <- ..modifnew
-#           }else{
-#              .modifyIC <- IC at modifyIC
-#              if(!is.null(attr(IC at modifyIC,"hasMakeICin.modifyIC"))){
-#                  modifyIC <- .modifyIC
-#              }else{
-#                  modifyIC <- function(L2Fam, IC){ IC. <- .modifyIC(L2Fam, IC)
-#                                         return(makeIC(IC., L2Fam)) }
-#              }
-#           }
-#        }
-#        attr(modifyIC,"hasMakeICin.modifyIC") <- TRUE
-        CallL2Fam <- L2Fam at fam.call
-        return(IC(name = name(IC),
-                  Curve = EuclRandVarList(Y),
-                  Risks = list(), 
-                  Infos=matrix(c("IC<-", 
-                                 "generated by affine linear trafo to enforce consistency"), 
-                               ncol=2, dimnames=list(character(0), c("method", "message"))), 
-                  CallL2Fam = CallL2Fam,
-                  modifyIC = IC at modifyIC))
-    })
-# alias to IC needed here:
-.IC <- IC
-setMethod("makeIC", signature(IC = "list", L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"),
-    function(IC, L2Fam, forceIC = TRUE, name, Risks, Infos, modifyIC = NULL){
-        mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)), expand.dots = FALSE)[-1]
-        mc0 <- as.list(mc)
-        mc0$IC <- NULL
-        mc0$L2Fam <- NULL
-        mc0$forceIC <- NULL
-        if(!all(as.logical(c(lapply(IC,is.function)))))
-           stop("First argument must be a list of functions")
-        IC.1 <- lapply(IC, function(IC.2) 
-                  if(length(formals(IC.2))==0) function(x) IC.2(x) else IC.2)
-        mc0$Curve <- EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(Map = IC.1, Domain = Reals()))
-        mc0$CallL2Fam <- substitute(L2Fam at fam.call)
-        IC.0 <- do.call(.IC,mc0)
-        if(forceIC) IC.0 <- makeIC(IC.0, L2Fam)
-        return(IC.0)
-    })
-setMethod("makeIC", signature(IC = "function", L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"),
-    function(IC, L2Fam, forceIC = TRUE, name, Risks, Infos, modifyIC = NULL){
-        mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)), expand.dots = FALSE)[-1]
-        mc0 <- as.list(mc)
-        mc0$IC <- NULL
-        mc0$L2Fam <- NULL
-        mc0$forceIC <- NULL
-        IC.1 <- if(length(formals(IC))==0) function(x) IC(x) else IC
-        mc0$Curve <- EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(Map = list(IC.1),
-                         Domain = Reals()))
-        mc0$CallL2Fam <- substitute(L2Fam at fam.call)
-        print(mc0)
-        IC.0 <- do.call(.IC,mc0)
-        print(IC.0)
-        if(forceIC) IC.0 <- makeIC(IC.0, L2Fam)
-        return(IC.0)
-    })
-## comment 20180809: reverted changes in rev 1110
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/R/getBiasIC.R
--- branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/R/getBiasIC.R	2018-08-11 14:59:35 UTC (rev 1127)
+++ branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/R/getBiasIC.R	2018-08-12 00:07:24 UTC (rev 1128)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
                                  neighbor = "UncondNeighborhood"),
     function(IC, neighbor, L2Fam, biastype = symmetricBias(),
              normtype = NormType(), tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25,
-             numbeval = 1e5, withCheck = TRUE){
+             numbeval = 1e5, withCheck = TRUE, ...){
         misF <- FALSE
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
         Bias <- .evalBiasIC(IC = IC, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype,
                             normtype = normtype, x = x, trafo = trafo(L2Fam at param))
-        if(withCheck) if(misF) .checkICWithWarning(IC, tol=tol) else .checkICWithWarning(IC, L2Fam, tol=tol)
+        if(withCheck) if(misF) .checkICWithWarning(IC, tol=tol, ...) else .checkICWithWarning(IC, L2Fam, tol=tol, ...)
         return(list(asBias = list(distribution = .getDistr(L2Fam),
                     neighborhood = neighbor at type, value = Bias)))

Modified: branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/R/getRiskIC.R
--- branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/R/getRiskIC.R	2018-08-11 14:59:35 UTC (rev 1127)
+++ branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/R/getRiskIC.R	2018-08-12 00:07:24 UTC (rev 1128)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-.checkICWithWarning <- function(IC, L2Fam, tol){
+.checkICWithWarning <- function(IC, L2Fam, tol, ...){
-             prec <- checkIC(IC, L2Fam, out = FALSE)
+             prec <- checkIC(IC, L2Fam, out = FALSE, ...)
-             prec <- checkIC(IC, out = FALSE)
+             prec <- checkIC(IC, out = FALSE, ...)
           if(prec > tol)
             warning("The maximum deviation from the exact IC properties is ", prec,
@@ -16,27 +16,27 @@
                                  risk = "asCov",
                                  neighbor = "missing",
                                  L2Fam = "missing"),
-    function(IC, risk, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, withCheck = TRUE){
+    function(IC, risk, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, withCheck = TRUE, ...){
         if(missing(withCheck)) withCheck <- TRUE
         return(getRiskIC(IC = IC, risk = risk,  L2Fam = eval(IC at CallL2Fam),
-                  tol = tol, withCheck = withCheck))
+                  tol = tol, withCheck = withCheck, ...))
 setMethod("getRiskIC", signature(IC = "IC",
                                  risk = "asCov",
                                  neighbor = "missing",
                                  L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"),
-    function(IC, risk, L2Fam, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, withCheck = TRUE){
+    function(IC, risk, L2Fam, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, withCheck = TRUE, ...){
         if(dimension(Domain(IC at Curve[[1]])) != dimension(img(L2Fam at distribution)))
             stop("dimension of 'Domain' of 'Curve' != dimension of 'img' of 'distribution' of 'L2Fam'")
         if(missing(withCheck)) withCheck <- TRUE
         IC1 <- as(diag(dimension(IC at Curve)) %*% IC at Curve, "EuclRandVariable")
-        bias <- E(L2Fam, IC1)
-        Cov <- E(L2Fam, IC1 %*% t(IC1))
+        bias <- E(L2Fam, IC1, ...)
+        Cov <- E(L2Fam, IC1 %*% t(IC1), ...)
-        if(withCheck) .checkICWithWarning(IC, L2Fam, tol)
+        if(withCheck) .checkICWithWarning(IC, L2Fam, tol, ...)
         return(list(asCov = list(distribution = .getDistr(L2Fam), value = Cov - bias %*% t(bias))))
@@ -48,26 +48,26 @@
                                  risk = "trAsCov",
                                  neighbor = "missing",
                                  L2Fam = "missing"),
-    function(IC, risk, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, withCheck = TRUE){
+    function(IC, risk, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, withCheck = TRUE, ...){
         if(missing(withCheck)) withCheck <- TRUE
         return(getRiskIC(IC = IC, risk = risk,  L2Fam = eval(IC at CallL2Fam),
-                  tol = tol, withCheck = withCheck))
+                  tol = tol, withCheck = withCheck, ...))
 setMethod("getRiskIC", signature(IC = "IC",
                                  risk = "trAsCov",
                                  neighbor = "missing",
                                  L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"),
-    function(IC, risk, L2Fam, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, withCheck = TRUE){
+    function(IC, risk, L2Fam, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, withCheck = TRUE, ...){
         if(dimension(Domain(IC at Curve[[1]])) != dimension(img(L2Fam at distribution)))
             stop("dimension of 'Domain' of 'Curve' != dimension of 'img' of 'distribution' of 'L2Fam'")
         if(missing(withCheck)) withCheck <- TRUE
-        trCov <- getRiskIC(IC, risk = asCov(), L2Fam = L2Fam, withCheck = withCheck)$asCov
+        trCov <- getRiskIC(IC, risk = asCov(), L2Fam = L2Fam, withCheck = withCheck, ...)$asCov
         trCov$value <- sum(diag(as.matrix(trCov$value)))
-        if(withCheck) .checkICWithWarning(IC, L2Fam, tol)
+        if(withCheck) .checkICWithWarning(IC, L2Fam, tol, ...)
         return(list(trAsCov = trCov))
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
                                  risk = "asBias",
                                  neighbor = "UncondNeighborhood",
                                  L2Fam = "missing"),
-    function(IC, risk, neighbor, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, withCheck = TRUE){
+    function(IC, risk, neighbor, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, withCheck = TRUE, ...){
              if(missing(withCheck)) withCheck <- TRUE
@@ -90,11 +90,11 @@
                                  risk = "asBias",
                                  neighbor = "UncondNeighborhood",
                                  L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"),
-    function(IC, risk, neighbor, L2Fam, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, withCheck = TRUE){
+    function(IC, risk, neighbor, L2Fam, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, withCheck = TRUE, ...){
              if(missing(withCheck)) withCheck <- TRUE
              getBiasIC(IC = IC, neighbor = neighbor, L2Fam = L2Fam,
                        biastype = biastype(risk), normtype = normtype(risk), 
-                       tol = tol, withCheck = withCheck)
+                       tol = tol, withCheck = withCheck, ...)
 ## asymptotic MSE
@@ -103,18 +103,18 @@
                                  risk = "asMSE",
                                  neighbor = "UncondNeighborhood",
                                  L2Fam = "missing"),
-    function(IC, risk, neighbor, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, withCheck = TRUE){
+    function(IC, risk, neighbor, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, withCheck = TRUE, ...){
         if(missing(withCheck)) withCheck <- TRUE
         L2Fam <- eval(IC at CallL2Fam)
         getRiskIC(IC = IC, risk = risk, neighbor = neighbor,
-                  L2Fam = L2Fam, tol = tol, withCheck = withCheck)
+                  L2Fam = L2Fam, tol = tol, withCheck = withCheck, ...)
 setMethod("getRiskIC", signature(IC = "IC",
                                  risk = "asMSE",
                                  neighbor = "UncondNeighborhood",
                                  L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"),
-    function(IC, risk, neighbor, L2Fam, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, withCheck = TRUE){
+    function(IC, risk, neighbor, L2Fam, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, withCheck = TRUE, ...){
         if(dimension(Domain(IC at Curve[[1]])) != dimension(img(L2Fam at distribution)))
             stop("dimension of 'Domain' of 'Curve' != dimension of 'img' of 'distribution' of 'L2Fam'")
@@ -122,10 +122,10 @@
         rad <- neighbor at radius
         if(rad == Inf) return(Inf)
-        trCov <- getRiskIC(IC = IC, risk = trAsCov(), L2Fam = L2Fam, withCheck = FALSE)
-        Bias <- getRiskIC(IC = IC, risk = asBias(), neighbor = neighbor, L2Fam = L2Fam, withCheck = FALSE)
+        trCov <- getRiskIC(IC = IC, risk = trAsCov(), L2Fam = L2Fam, withCheck = FALSE, ...)
+        Bias <- getRiskIC(IC = IC, risk = asBias(), neighbor = neighbor, L2Fam = L2Fam, withCheck = FALSE, ...)
-        if(withCheck) .checkICWithWarning(IC, L2Fam, tol)
+        if(withCheck) .checkICWithWarning(IC, L2Fam, tol, ...)
         nghb <- paste(neighbor at type, "with radius", neighbor at radius)
         return(list(asMSE = list(distribution = .getDistr(L2Fam),

Modified: branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/R/getboundedIC.R
--- branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/R/getboundedIC.R	2018-08-11 14:59:35 UTC (rev 1127)
+++ branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/R/getboundedIC.R	2018-08-12 00:07:24 UTC (rev 1128)
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
-getBoundedIC <- function(L2Fam, D=trafo(L2Fam at param)){
+getBoundedIC <- function(L2Fam, D=trafo(L2Fam at param),...){
+        dots <- list(...)
+        dotsI <- list()
+        for(item in ..IntegrateArgs) dotsI[[item]] <- dots[[item]]
+        if(!is.null(dotsI$useApply)) dotsI$useApply <- FALSE
         FI <- FisherInfo(L2Fam)
         bm <- sum(diag(distr::solve(FI)))
         w <- new("BoundedWeight", clip = bm, weight = function(x){
@@ -13,7 +19,7 @@
         L2deriv <- as(diag(dims) %*% L2Fam at L2deriv, "EuclRandVariable")
         ICfct <- vector(mode = "list", length = dims)
-        L.fct <- function(x) evalRandVar(L2deriv,x)
+        L.fct <- function(x) evalRandVar(L2deriv,as.matrix(x))[,,1]
         for(i in 1:dims){
                 ICfct[[i]] <- function(x){}
@@ -26,10 +32,24 @@
                                          Range = L2deriv at Range)
         D1 <- L2Fam at distribution
-        cent <- E(D1,L2w)
+        cent <- numeric(dims)
+        stand.0 <- matrix(0,dims,dims)
+        for(i in 1:dims){
+            fun <- function(x) {Lx <- L.fct(x); wx <- weight(w)(Lx); return(Lx[i,]*wx)}
+            Eargs <- c(list(object=D1, fun=fun), dotsI)
+            cent[i] <- do.call(E,Eargs)
+        }
+        for(i in 1:dims)
+           for(j in i:dims){
+            fun <- function(x) {Lx <- L.fct(x); wx <- weight(w)(Lx)
+                                return((Lx[i,]-cent[i])*(Lx[j,]-cent[j])*wx)}
+            Eargs <- c(list(object=D1, fun=fun), dotsI)
+            stand.0[i,j] <- do.call(E,Eargs)
+           }
+        stand.0[row(stand.0)>col(stand.0)] <- t(stand.0)[row(stand.0)>col(stand.0)]
+        stand <- as.matrix(D %*% distr::solve(stand.0, generalized = TRUE))
         L2w0 <- L2w - cent
-        E1 <- matrix(E(D1, L2w0 %*% t(L2deriv-cent)), dims, dims)
-        stand <- as.matrix(D %*% distr::solve(E1, generalized = TRUE))
         return(as(stand %*% L2w0, "EuclRandVariable"))
-        }

Modified: branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/R/kStepEstimator.R
--- branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/R/kStepEstimator.R	2018-08-11 14:59:35 UTC (rev 1127)
+++ branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/R/kStepEstimator.R	2018-08-12 00:07:24 UTC (rev 1128)
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 .ensureDim2 <- function(x){
     d <- dim(x)
     if(length(d)==3L && d[3]==1L) dim(x) <- d[1:2]
+    if(length(d)==4L && d[2]==1L && d[4] == 1L) dim(x) <- d[c(1,3)]
     x }
 ### no dispatch on top layer -> keep product structure of dependence
@@ -45,13 +46,16 @@
                            withPICList = getRobAStBaseOption("withPICList"),
                            na.rm = TRUE, startArgList = NULL, ...,
                            withLogScale = TRUE, withEvalAsVar = TRUE,
-                           withMakeIC = FALSE){
+                           withMakeIC = FALSE, E.argList = NULL){
         if(missing(IC.UpdateInKer)) IC.UpdateInKer <- NULL
 ## save call
         es.call <- match.call()
         es.call[[1]] <- as.name("kStepEstimator")
+        if(is.null(E.argList)) E.argList <- list()
+        if(is.null(E.argList$useApply)) E.argList$useApply <- FALSE
 ## get some dimensions
 ##-t-##        syt <- system.time({
         L2Fam <- eval(CallL2Fam(IC))
@@ -148,13 +152,17 @@
         pICList <- if(withPICList) vector("list", steps) else NULL
         ICList  <- if(withICList)  vector("list", steps) else NULL
-        cvar.fct <- function(L2, IC, dim, dimn =NULL){
+        cvar.fct <- function(L2, IC, dim, dimn =NULL){}
+        body(cvar.fct) <- substitute({
+                EcallArgs <- c(list(L2, IC %*% t(IC)), E.argList0)
+                Eres <- do.call(E,EcallArgs)
-                   return(matrix(E(L2, IC %*% t(IC)),dim,dim))
+                   return(matrix(Eres,dim,dim))
-                   return(matrix(E(L2, IC %*% t(IC)),dim,dim, dimnames = dimn))
+                   return(matrix(Eres,dim,dim, dimnames = dimn))
-        }
+        }, list(E.argList0 = E.argList))
 ##-t-##    updStp <- 0
         ### update - function
@@ -178,12 +186,14 @@
 ##-t-##        sytm <<- .addTime(sytm,syt,paste("modifyModel-PreModif-",updStp))
 #                   print(L2Fam)
 ##-t-##        syt <- system.time({
-                   IC <- modifyIC(IC)(L2Fam, IC, withMakeIC = FALSE)
+                   modifyICargs <- c(list(L2Fam, IC, withMakeIC = FALSE), E.argList)
+                   IC <- do.call(modifyIC(IC),modifyICargs)
 ##-t-##        })
 ##-t-##        sytm <<- .addTime(sytm,syt,paste("modifyIC-PreModif-",updStp))
                    if(steps==1L && withMakeIC){
 ##-t-##        syt <- system.time({
-                      IC <- makeIC(IC, L2Fam)
+                      makeICargs <- c(list(IC, L2Fam),E.argList)
+                      IC <- do.call(makeIC, makeICargs)
 ##-t-##        })
 ##-t-##        sytm <<- .addTime(sytm,syt,paste("modifyIC-makeIC-",updStp))
 #                      IC at modifyIC <- oldmodifIC
@@ -216,7 +226,8 @@
                                warning("'IC.UpdateInKer' is not of class 'IC'; we use default instead.")
 ##-t-##        syt <- system.time({
-                                 IC.tot2 <- getBoundedIC(L2Fam, D = projker)
+                                 getBoundedICargs <- c(list(L2Fam, D = projker),E.argList)
+                                 IC.tot2 <- do.call(getBoundedIC, getBoundedICargs)
 ##-t-##        })
 ##-t-##        sytm <<- .addTime(sytm,syt,paste("getBoundedIC-",updStp))
@@ -247,6 +258,7 @@
                      if(!IC.tot2.isnull) IC.tot <- IC.tot1 + IC.tot2
 ##-t-##        syt <- system.time({
                      indS <- liesInSupport(distribution(L2Fam),x0,checkFin=TRUE)
+#                     print(str(evalRandVar(IC.tot, x0)))
                      correct <- rowMeans(t(t(.ensureDim2(evalRandVar(IC.tot, x0)))*indS), na.rm = na.rm)
 ##-t-##        })
 ##-t-##        sytm <<- .addTime(sytm,syt,paste("Dtau-not-Unit:correct <- rowMeans-",updStp))
@@ -327,7 +339,8 @@
 ##-t-##        sytm <<- .addTime(sytm,syt,paste("modifyModel-PostModif-",updStp))
 #                   print(L2Fam)
 ##-t-##        syt <- system.time({
-                   IC <- modifyIC(IC)(L2Fam, IC, withMakeIC = withMakeIC)
+                   modifyICargs <- c(list(L2Fam, IC, withMakeIC = withMakeIC), E.argList)
+                   IC <- do.call(modifyIC(IC),modifyICargs)
 ##-t-##        })
 ##-t-##        sytm <<- .addTime(sytm,syt,paste("modifyIC-PostModif-",updStp))
 #                   print(IC)
@@ -364,7 +377,10 @@
                   IC <- upd$IC
                   L2Fam <- upd$L2Fam
 ##-t-##        syt <- system.time({
-                  if((i==steps)&&withMakeIC) IC <- makeIC(IC,L2Fam)
+                  if((i==steps)&&withMakeIC){
+                      makeICargs <- c(list(IC, L2Fam),E.argList)
+                      IC <- do.call(makeIC, makeICargs)
+                  }
 ##-t-##        })
 ##-t-##        sytm <- .addTime(sytm,syt,paste("makeIC-",i))
 #                     IC at modifyIC <- modif.old
@@ -412,7 +428,10 @@
               Infos <- rbind(Infos, c("kStepEstimator",
                "computation of IC, trafo, asvar and asbias via useLast = TRUE"))
 ##-t-##        syt <- system.time({
-              if(withMakeIC) IC <- makeIC(IC, L2Fam)
+              if(withMakeIC){
+                  makeICargs <- c(list(IC, L2Fam),E.argList)
+                  IC <- do.call(makeIC, makeICargs)
+              }
 ##-t-##        })
 ##-t-##        sytm <- .addTime(sytm,syt,"makeIC-useLast")
@@ -456,14 +475,15 @@
         ## some risks
 #        print(list(u.theta=u.theta,theta=theta,u.var=u.var,var=var0))
-           if("asCov" %in% names(Risks(IC)))
-                if(is.matrix(Risks(IC)$asCov) || length(Risks(IC)$asCov) == 1)
-                    asVar <- Risks(IC)$asCov
-                else
-                    asVar <- Risks(IC)$asCov$value
-           else
+           if("asCov" %in% names(Risks(IC))){
+              asVar <- if(is.matrix(Risks(IC)$asCov) || length(Risks(IC)$asCov) == 1)
+                       Risks(IC)$asCov else Risks(IC)$asCov$value
+           }else{
 ##-t-##        syt <- system.time({
-                asVar <- getRiskIC(IC, risk = asCov(), withCheck = FALSE)$asCov$value
+                getRiskICasVarArgs <- c(list(IC, risk = asCov(), withCheck = FALSE),E.argList)
+                riskAsVar <- do.call(getRiskIC, getRiskICasVarArgs)
+                asVar <- riskAsVar$asCov$value
+           }
 ##-t-##        })
 ##-t-##        sytm <- .addTime(sytm,syt,"getRiskIC-Var")

Modified: branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/R/move2bckRefParam.R
--- branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/R/move2bckRefParam.R	2018-08-11 14:59:35 UTC (rev 1127)
+++ branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/R/move2bckRefParam.R	2018-08-12 00:07:24 UTC (rev 1128)
@@ -109,6 +109,6 @@
 setMethod("moveICBackFromRefParam", signature(IC = "HampIC",
            L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"), function(IC, L2Fam, ...){
               IC <- moveICBackFromRefParam(as(IC,"IC"), L2Fam,...)
-              IC at modifyIC(L2Fam, IC, withMakeIC = FALSE)
+              IC at modifyIC(L2Fam, IC, withMakeIC = FALSE, ...)

Modified: branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/R/oneStepEstimator.R
--- branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/R/oneStepEstimator.R	2018-08-11 14:59:35 UTC (rev 1127)
+++ branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/R/oneStepEstimator.R	2018-08-12 00:07:24 UTC (rev 1128)
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
                              useLast = getRobAStBaseOption("kStepUseLast"),
                              withUpdateInKer = getRobAStBaseOption("withUpdateInKer"),
                              IC.UpdateInKer = getRobAStBaseOption("IC.UpdateInKer"),
-                             na.rm = TRUE, startArgList = NULL, withMakeIC = FALSE, ...){
+                             na.rm = TRUE, startArgList = NULL, withMakeIC = FALSE, ...,
+                             E.argList = NULL){
         es.call <- match.call()
         es.call[[1]] <- as.name("oneStepEstimator")
@@ -17,7 +18,8 @@
             erg <- kStepEstimator(x = x, IC = IC, start = start, steps = 1L,
                            useLast = useLast, withUpdateInKer = withUpdateInKer,
                            IC.UpdateInKer = IC.UpdateInKer, na.rm = na.rm,
-                           startArgList = startArgList, withMakeIC = withMakeIC, ...)
+                           startArgList = startArgList, withMakeIC = withMakeIC, ...,
+                           E.argList = E.argList)
             Infos(erg) <- gsub("kStep","oneStep", Infos(erg))
             erg at estimate.call <- es.call

Modified: branches/robast-1.2/pkg/RobAStBase/R/optIC.R

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/robast -r 1128

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