[Robast-commits] r1116 - in branches/robast-1.2/pkg: . 20080808RobAStBaseDeadEnd

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Fri Aug 10 01:54:33 CEST 2018

Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2018-08-10 01:54:33 +0200 (Fri, 10 Aug 2018)
New Revision: 1116


Added: branches/robast-1.2/pkg/20080808RobAStBaseDeadEnd/AllClass.R
--- branches/robast-1.2/pkg/20080808RobAStBaseDeadEnd/AllClass.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-1.2/pkg/20080808RobAStBaseDeadEnd/AllClass.R	2018-08-09 23:54:33 UTC (rev 1116)
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+.onLoad <- function(lib, pkg){
+#    require("methods", character = TRUE, quietly = TRUE)
+#    require("distr", character = TRUE, quietly = TRUE)
+#    require("distrEx", character = TRUE, quietly = TRUE)
+#    require("distrMod", character = TRUE, quietly = TRUE)
+#    require("RandVar", character = TRUE, quietly = TRUE)
+.onAttach <- function(library, pkg){
+    unlockBinding(".RobAStBaseOptions", asNamespace("RobAStBase"))
+    msga <- gettext(
+    "Some functions from pkg's 'stats' and 'graphics' are intentionally masked ---see RobAStBaseMASK().\n"
+                   )
+    msgb <- gettext(
+    "Note that global options are controlled by RobAStBaseoptions() ---c.f. ?\"RobAStBaseoptions\"."
+                   )
+    buildStartupMessage(pkg = "RobAStBase", msga, msgb,
+                        library = library, packageHelp = TRUE
+        #                    , MANUAL="http://www.uni-bayreuth.de/departments/math/org/mathe7/DISTR/distr.pdf"
+        #                    , VIGNETTE = gettext("Package \"distrDoc\" provides a vignette to this package as well as to several related packages; try vignette(\"distr\").")
+        )
+    invisible()
+RobAStBaseMASK <- function(library = NULL)
+    infoShow(pkg = "RobAStBase", filename = "MASKING", library = library)
+## neighborhood
+            representation(type = "character",
+                           radius = "numeric"), 
+            contains = "VIRTUAL")
+## unconditional (errors-in-variables) neighborhood
+setClass("UncondNeighborhood", contains = c("Neighborhood", "VIRTUAL"))
+## unconditional convex contamination neighborhood
+setClass("ContNeighborhood", contains = "UncondNeighborhood",
+            prototype = prototype(type = "(uncond.) convex contamination neighborhood",
+                                  radius = 0))
+## unconditional total variation neighborhood
+setClass("TotalVarNeighborhood", contains = "UncondNeighborhood",
+            prototype = prototype(type = "(uncond.) total variation neighborhood",
+                                  radius = 0))
+## robust model
+            representation(center = "ProbFamily",
+                           neighbor = "Neighborhood"),
+            contains = "VIRTUAL")
+## robust model with fixed (unconditional) neighborhood
+            prototype = prototype(center = new("ParamFamily"),
+                                  neighbor = new("ContNeighborhood")),
+            contains = "RobModel",
+            validity = function(object){
+                if(!is(object at neighbor, "UncondNeighborhood"))
+                    stop("'neighbor' is no unconditional neighborhood")
+                if(any(object at neighbor@radius < 0 || object at neighbor@radius > 1))
+                    stop("neighborhood radius has to be in [0, 1]")
+                else return(TRUE)
+            })
+## robust model with infinitesimal (unconditional) neighborhood
+            prototype = prototype(center = new("L2ParamFamily"),
+                                  neighbor = new("ContNeighborhood")),
+            contains = "RobModel",
+            validity = function(object){
+                if(!is(object at neighbor, "UncondNeighborhood"))
+                    stop("'neighbor' is no unconditional neighborhood")
+                if(any(object at neighbor@radius < 0))
+                    stop("'radius' has to be in [0, Inf]")
+                else return(TRUE)
+            })
+## Weights
+setClass("RobAStControl", representation(name ="character"),
+          contains = "VIRTUAL")
+setClass("RobWeight", representation(name = "character", weight = "function"), 
+          prototype(name = "some weight", weight = function(x) 1))
+setClass("BoundedWeight", representation(clip = "numeric"), 
+          prototype(clip = 1), contains = "RobWeight")
+setClass("BdStWeight", representation(stand = "matrix"), 
+          prototype(stand = matrix(1)), contains = "BoundedWeight")
+setClass("HampelWeight", representation(cent = "numeric"), 
+          prototype(cent = 0), contains = "BdStWeight")
+## Influence curve/function with domain: EuclideanSpace
+            representation(name = "character", 
+                           Curve = "EuclRandVarList", 
+                           Risks = "list",
+                           Infos = "matrix"),
+            validity = function(object){
+                if(!is(Domain(object at Curve[[1]]), "EuclideanSpace"))
+                    stop("The domain of 'Curve' has to be a Euclidean space")
+                if(!is.character(object at Infos))
+                    stop("'Infos' contains no matrix of characters")
+                for(char in names(object at Risks))
+                    if(!extends(char, "RiskType"))
+                        stop(paste(char, "is no valid 'RiskType'"))
+                if(ncol(object at Infos)!=2)
+                    stop("'Infos' must have two columns")
+                else TRUE
+            })
+## partial incluence curve
+setClass("IC", representation(CallL2Fam = "call",
+                              modifyIC = "OptionalFunction"),
+            prototype(name = "square integrable (partial) influence curve",
+                      Curve = EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(Map = list(function(x){x}), 
+                                               Domain = Reals())),
+                      Risks = list(),
+                      Infos = matrix(c(character(0),character(0)), ncol=2,
+                                dimnames=list(character(0), c("method", "message"))),
+                      CallL2Fam = call("L2ParamFamily"),
+                      modifyIC = NULL),
+            contains = "InfluenceCurve",
+            validity = function(object){
+                L2Fam <- eval(object at CallL2Fam)
+                trafo <- trafo(L2Fam at param)
+                if(nrow(trafo) != dimension(object at Curve))
+                    stop("wrong dimension of 'Curve'")
+                if(dimension(Domain(L2Fam at L2deriv[[1]])) != dimension(Domain(object at Curve[[1]])))
+                    stop("dimension of 'Domain' of 'L2deriv' != dimension of 'Domain' of 'Curve'")
+                return(TRUE)
+            })
+## internal class
+setClass(".fastIC", representation(.fastFct = "OptionalFunction"),
+           prototype(.fastFct = NULL), contains="IC")
+## HampIC -- common mother class to ContIC and TotalVarIC 
+            representation(stand = "matrix",
+                           lowerCase = "OptionalNumeric",
+                           neighborRadius = "numeric",
+                           weight = "RobWeight",
+                           biastype = "BiasType",
+                           normtype = "NormType"),
+            prototype(name = "IC of total-var or contamination type",
+                      Curve = EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(Map = list(function(x){x}), 
+                                                    Domain = Reals())),
+                      Risks = list(),  weight = new("RobWeight"),
+                      Infos = matrix(c(character(0),character(0)), ncol=2,
+                                dimnames=list(character(0), c("method", "message"))),
+                      CallL2Fam = call("L2ParamFamily"),
+                      modifyIC = NULL,
+                      stand = as.matrix(1),
+                      lowerCase = NULL,
+                      neighborRadius = 0, 
+                      biastype = symmetricBias(), 
+                      NormType = NormType()),
+            contains = ".fastIC",
+            validity = function(object){
+                if(any(object at neighborRadius < 0)) # radius vector?!
+                    stop("'neighborRadius' has to be in [0, Inf]")
+                if(!is.null(object at lowerCase))
+                    if(length(object at lowerCase) != nrow(object at stand))
+                        stop("length of 'lowerCase' != nrow of standardizing matrix")
+                L2Fam <- eval(object at CallL2Fam)
+                if(!identical(dim(trafo(L2Fam at param)), dim(object at stand)))
+                    stop(paste("dimension of 'trafo' of 'param' != dimension of 'stand'"))
+                return(TRUE)
+            })
+## (partial) influence curve of contamination type
+            representation(clip = "numeric",
+                           cent = "numeric"), 
+            prototype(name = "IC of contamination type",
+                      Curve = EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(Map = list(function(x){x}), 
+                                                    Domain = Reals())),
+                      Risks = list(),
+                      Infos = matrix(c(character(0),character(0)), ncol=2,
+                                dimnames=list(character(0), c("method", "message"))),
+                      CallL2Fam = call("L2ParamFamily"),
+                      modifyIC = NULL,
+                      clip = Inf, cent = 0, stand = as.matrix(1),
+                      lowerCase = NULL,
+                      neighborRadius = 0, weight = new("HampelWeight"),
+                      biastype = symmetricBias(), NormType = NormType()),
+            contains = "HampIC",
+            validity = function(object){
+                if(length(object at cent) != nrow(object at stand))
+                    stop("length of centering constant != nrow of standardizing matrix")
+                if((length(object at clip) != 1) && (length(object at clip) != length(object at Curve)))
+                    stop("length of clipping bound != 1 and != length of 'Curve'")
+                if(!is(weight,"HampelWeight")) 
+                    stop("Weight has to be of class 'HampelWeight'")
+                return(TRUE)
+            })
+## (partial) influence curve of total variation type
+            representation(clipLo = "numeric",
+                           clipUp = "numeric"),
+            prototype(name = "IC of total variation type",
+                      Curve = EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(Map = list(function(x){x}),
+                                                               Domain = Reals())),
+                      Risks = list(),
+                      Infos = matrix(c(character(0),character(0)), ncol=2,
+                                dimnames=list(character(0), c("method", "message"))),
+                      CallL2Fam = call("L2ParamFamily"),
+                      modifyIC = NULL,
+                      clipLo = -Inf, clipUp = Inf, stand = as.matrix(1),
+                      lowerCase = NULL,
+                      neighborRadius = 0, weight = new("BdStWeight"),
+                      biastype = symmetricBias(), NormType = NormType()),
+            contains = "HampIC",
+            validity = function(object){
+                if((length(object at clipLo) != 1) && (length(object at clipLo) != length(object at Curve)))
+                    stop("length of lower clipping bound != 1 and != length of 'Curve'")
+                if((length(object at clipLo) != 1) && (length(object at clipLo) != length(object at Curve)))
+                    stop("length of upper clipping bound != 1 and != length of 'Curve'")
+                if(!is(weight,"BdStWeight")) 
+                    stop("Weight has to be of class 'BdStWeight'")
+                return(TRUE)
+            })
+## ALEstimate
+setClassUnion("OptionalCall", c("call","NULL"))
+setClassUnion("OptionalInfluenceCurve", c("InfluenceCurve", "NULL"))
+setClassUnion("OptionalInfluenceCurveOrCall", c("InfluenceCurve", "NULL", "call"))
+setClassUnion("StartClass", c("numeric", "matrix", "function", "Estimate"))
+          prototype = prototype(list()),
+            contains = "list",
+            validity = function(object){
+                nrvalues <- length(object)
+                if(nrvalues){
+                for(i in 1:nrvalues)
+                    if(!is(object[[i]], "OptionalInfluenceCurve"))
+                        stop("element ", i, " is no 'OptionalInfluenceCurve'")
+                }
+                return(TRUE)
+            })
+setClassUnion("OptionalpICList", c("pICList", "NULL"))
+         representation(pIC = "OptionalInfluenceCurveOrCall", #"OptionalInfluenceCurve",
+                        asbias = "OptionalNumeric"),
+         prototype(name = "Asymptotically linear estimate",
+                   estimate = numeric(0),
+                   samplesize = numeric(0),
+                   estimate.call = call("{}"),
+                   asvar = NULL,
+                   asbias = NULL,
+                   pIC = NULL,
+                   nuis.idx = NULL,
+                   trafo = list(fct = function(x){
+                                      list(fval = x, mat = matrix(1))},
+                                mat = matrix(1)), ### necessary for comparison with unit matrix
+                   Infos = matrix(c(character(0),character(0)), ncol=2,
+                                  dimnames=list(character(0), c("method", "message"))),
+                   completecases = logical(0),
+                   untransformed.estimate = NULL,
+                   untransformed.asvar = NULL),
+         contains = "Estimate")
+         representation(pIC = "OptionalInfluenceCurveOrCall",
+                        asbias = "OptionalNumeric"),
+         prototype(name = "Minimum criterion estimate (which is asy. linear)",
+                   asbias = NULL,
+                   pIC = NULL),
+         contains = c("ALEstimate","MCEstimate")
+         representation(steps = "integer",
+                        pICList = "OptionalpICList",
+                        ICList = "OptionalpICList",
+                        start = "StartClass",
+                        startval = "matrix",
+                        ustartval = "matrix",
+                        ksteps = "OptionalMatrix",
+                        uksteps = "OptionalMatrix",
+                        robestCall = "OptionalCall"),
+         prototype(name = "Asymptotically linear estimate",
+                   estimate = numeric(0),
+                   samplesize = numeric(0),
+                   completecases = logical(0),
+                   estimate.call = call("{}"),
+                   steps = integer(0),
+                   asvar = NULL,
+                   asbias = NULL,
+                   pIC = NULL,
+                   pICList = NULL,
+                   ICList = NULL,
+                   ksteps = NULL,
+                   uksteps = NULL,
+                   start = matrix(0),
+                   startval = matrix(0),
+                   ustartval = matrix(0),
+                   nuis.idx = NULL,
+                   trafo = list(fct = function(x){
+                                      list(fval = x, mat = matrix(1))},
+                                mat = matrix(1)), ### necessary for comparison with unit matrix
+                   Infos = matrix(c(character(0),character(0)), ncol=2,
+                                  dimnames=list(character(0), c("method", "message"))),
+                   untransformed.estimate = NULL,
+                   untransformed.asvar = NULL,
+                   robestCall = NULL),
+         contains = "ALEstimate")
+         representation(Mroot = "numeric"),
+         prototype(name = "Asymptotically linear estimate",
+                   estimate = numeric(0),
+                   samplesize = numeric(0),
+                   completecases = logical(0),
+                   estimate.call = call("{}"),
+                   Mroot = numeric(0),
+                   asvar = NULL,
+                   asbias = NULL,
+                   pIC = NULL,
+                   nuis.idx = NULL,
+                   trafo = list(fct = function(x){
+                                      list(fval = x, mat = matrix(1))},
+                                mat = matrix(1)), ### necessary for comparison with unit matrix
+                   Infos = matrix(c(character(0),character(0)), ncol=2,
+                                  dimnames=list(character(0), c("method", "message"))),
+                   untransformed.estimate = NULL,
+                   untransformed.asvar = NULL),
+         contains = "ALEstimate")
+## "cutoff" class
+setClass("cutoff", representation = representation(name = "character",
+                                                   fct = "function",
+                                                   cutoff.quantile = "numeric"),
+                   prototype = prototype(name = "empirical",
+                                         fct = function(data) quantile(data),
+                                         cutoff.quantile = 0.95))
+# new risk classes
+setClass("interpolRisk", representation = representation(samplesize="numeric"),
+                         contains = c("VIRTUAL", "RiskType"))
+setClass("OMSRRisk", contains = "interpolRisk", prototype=prototype(type=".OMSE", samplesize=100))
+setClass("RMXRRisk", contains = "interpolRisk", prototype=prototype(type=".RMXE", samplesize=100))
+setClass("MBRRisk", contains = "interpolRisk", prototype=prototype(type=".MBRE",samplesize=100))

Added: branches/robast-1.2/pkg/20080808RobAStBaseDeadEnd/AllGeneric.R
--- branches/robast-1.2/pkg/20080808RobAStBaseDeadEnd/AllGeneric.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-1.2/pkg/20080808RobAStBaseDeadEnd/AllGeneric.R	2018-08-09 23:54:33 UTC (rev 1116)
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+    setGeneric("radius", function(object) standardGeneric("radius"))
+    setGeneric("radius<-", function(object,value) standardGeneric("radius<-"))
+    setGeneric("center", function(object) standardGeneric("center"))
+    setGeneric("center<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("center<-"))
+    setGeneric("neighbor", function(object) standardGeneric("neighbor"))
+    setGeneric("neighbor<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("neighbor<-"))
+    setGeneric("Curve", function(object) standardGeneric("Curve"))
+    setGeneric("Risks", function(object) standardGeneric("Risks"))
+    setGeneric("Risks<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("Risks<-"))
+    setGeneric("addRisk<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("addRisk<-"))
+    setGeneric("CallL2Fam", function(object) standardGeneric("CallL2Fam"))
+    setGeneric("CallL2Fam<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("CallL2Fam<-"))
+    setGeneric("generateIC", function(neighbor, L2Fam, ...) standardGeneric("generateIC"))
+    setGeneric("checkIC", function(IC, L2Fam, ...) standardGeneric("checkIC"))
+    setGeneric("evalIC", function(IC, x) standardGeneric("evalIC"))
+    setGeneric("evalIC.v", function(IC, x) standardGeneric("evalIC.v"))
+    setGeneric("makeIC", function(IC, L2Fam, ...) standardGeneric("makeIC"))
+    setGeneric("clip", function(x1, ...) standardGeneric("clip"))
+    setGeneric("clip<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("clip<-"))
+    setGeneric("cent", function(object) standardGeneric("cent"))
+    setGeneric("cent<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("cent<-"))
+    setGeneric("stand", function(object) standardGeneric("stand"))
+    setGeneric("stand<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("stand<-"))
+    setGeneric("lowerCase", function(object) standardGeneric("lowerCase"))
+    setGeneric("lowerCase<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("lowerCase<-"))
+    setGeneric("neighborRadius", function(object) standardGeneric("neighborRadius"))
+    setGeneric("neighborRadius<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("neighborRadius<-"))
+    setGeneric("clipLo", function(object) standardGeneric("clipLo"))
+    setGeneric("clipLo<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("clipLo<-"))
+    setGeneric("clipUp", function(object) standardGeneric("clipUp"))
+    setGeneric("clipUp<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("clipUp<-"))
+#    setGeneric("oneStepEstimator",
+#        function(x, IC, start, ...) standardGeneric("oneStepEstimator"))
+#    setGeneric("kStepEstimator",
+#        function(x, IC, start, ...) standardGeneric("kStepEstimator"))
+    setGeneric("locMEstimator", function(x, IC, ...) standardGeneric("locMEstimator"))
+    setGeneric("infoPlot", function(object,...) standardGeneric("infoPlot"))
+    setGeneric("optIC", function(model, risk, ...) standardGeneric("optIC"))
+    setGeneric("weight",
+        function(object, ...) standardGeneric("weight"))
+    setGeneric("weight<-",
+        function(object, value) standardGeneric("weight<-"))
+    setGeneric("clip<-",
+        function(object, value, ...) standardGeneric("clip<-"))
+    setGeneric("stand",
+        function(object, ...) standardGeneric("stand"))
+    setGeneric("stand<-",
+        function(object, value, ...) standardGeneric("stand<-"))
+    setGeneric("cent",
+        function(object, ...) standardGeneric("cent"))
+    setGeneric("cent<-",
+        function(object, value, ...) standardGeneric("cent<-"))
+    setGeneric("getweight",
+        function(Weight, neighbor, biastype, ...) standardGeneric("getweight"))
+    setGeneric("minbiasweight",
+        function(Weight, neighbor, biastype, ...) standardGeneric("minbiasweight"))
+    setGeneric("generateIC.fct", function(neighbor, L2Fam, ...) standardGeneric("generateIC.fct"))
+    setGeneric("getRiskIC", 
+        function(IC, risk,  neighbor, L2Fam, ...) standardGeneric("getRiskIC"))
+    setGeneric("getBiasIC", 
+        function(IC, neighbor, ...) standardGeneric("getBiasIC"))
+    setGeneric(".evalBiasIC", 
+        function(IC, neighbor, biastype, ...) standardGeneric(".evalBiasIC"))
+    setGeneric("comparePlot", function(obj1,obj2,...) standardGeneric("comparePlot"))
+    setGeneric("pIC", function(object) standardGeneric("pIC"))
+    setGeneric("asbias", function(object) standardGeneric("asbias"))
+    setGeneric("steps", function(object) standardGeneric("steps"))
+    setGeneric("ksteps", function(object,...) standardGeneric("ksteps"))
+    setGeneric("uksteps", function(object,...) standardGeneric("uksteps"))
+    setGeneric("start", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("start"))
+    setGeneric("startval", function(object) standardGeneric("startval"))
+    setGeneric("ustartval", function(object) standardGeneric("ustartval"))
+    setGeneric("ICList", function(object) standardGeneric("ICList"))
+    setGeneric("pICList", function(object) standardGeneric("pICList"))
+    setGeneric("robestCall", function(object) standardGeneric("robestCall"))
+    setGeneric("Mroot", function(object) standardGeneric("Mroot"))
+    setGeneric("modifyIC", function(object) standardGeneric("modifyIC"))
+    setGeneric("cutoff.quantile", function(object) standardGeneric("cutoff.quantile"))
+    setGeneric("cutoff.quantile<-", function(object,value)
+                standardGeneric("cutoff.quantile<-"))
+    setGeneric("ddPlot", function(data, dist.x, dist.y, cutoff.x, cutoff.y,...)
+                                  standardGeneric("ddPlot"))
+    setGeneric("kStepEstimator.start",
+                function(start,...) standardGeneric("kStepEstimator.start"))
+    setGeneric("radius", function(object) standardGeneric("radius"))
+    setGeneric("samplesize<-",
+        function(object, value) standardGeneric("samplesize<-"))
+    setGeneric("getRiskFctBV", function(risk, biastype) standardGeneric("getRiskFctBV"))
+    setGeneric("moveL2Fam2RefParam", function(L2Fam, ...)
+                standardGeneric("moveL2Fam2RefParam"))
+    setGeneric("moveICBackFromRefParam", function(IC, L2Fam, ...)
+               standardGeneric("moveICBackFromRefParam"))
+    setGeneric("rescaleFunction", function(L2Fam, ...)
+               standardGeneric("rescaleFunction"))
+    setGeneric("getFiRisk", 
+        function(risk, Distr, neighbor, ...) standardGeneric("getFiRisk"))
+    setGeneric("getPIC", function(estimator) standardGeneric("getPIC"))

Added: branches/robast-1.2/pkg/20080808RobAStBaseDeadEnd/ContIC.R
--- branches/robast-1.2/pkg/20080808RobAStBaseDeadEnd/ContIC.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-1.2/pkg/20080808RobAStBaseDeadEnd/ContIC.R	2018-08-09 23:54:33 UTC (rev 1116)
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+## Generating function
+ContIC <- function(name, CallL2Fam = call("L2ParamFamily"),
+                   Curve = EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(Map = c(function(x){x}), 
+                                           Domain = Reals())), 
+                   Risks, Infos, clip = Inf, cent = 0, stand = as.matrix(1), 
+                   lowerCase = NULL, neighborRadius = 0, w = new("HampelWeight"),
+                   normtype = NormType(), biastype = symmetricBias(),
+                   modifyIC = NULL, .fastFct = NULL){
+    if(missing(name))
+        name <- "IC of contamination type"
+    if(missing(Risks))
+        Risks <- list()
+    if(missing(Infos))
+        Infos <- matrix(c(character(0),character(0)), ncol=2,
+                    dimnames=list(character(0), c("method", "message")))
+    if(any(neighborRadius < 0)) # radius vector?!
+        stop("'neighborRadius' has to be in [0, Inf]")
+    if(length(cent) != nrow(stand))
+        stop("length of centering constant != nrow of standardizing matrix")
+    if((length(clip) != 1) && (length(clip) != length(Curve)))
+        stop("length of clipping bound != 1 and != length of 'Curve'")
+    if(!is.null(lowerCase))
+        if(length(lowerCase) != nrow(stand))
+            stop("length of 'lowerCase' != nrow of standardizing matrix")
+    L2Fam <- eval(CallL2Fam)
+    if(!identical(dim(trafo(L2Fam at param)), dim(stand)))
+        stop(paste("dimension of 'trafo' of 'param' != dimension of 'stand'"))
+    contIC <- new("ContIC")
+    contIC at name <- name
+    contIC at Curve <- Curve
+    contIC at Risks <- Risks
+    contIC at Infos <- Infos
+    contIC at CallL2Fam <- CallL2Fam
+    contIC at clip <- clip
+    contIC at cent <- cent
+    contIC at stand <- stand
+    contIC at lowerCase <- lowerCase
+    contIC at neighborRadius <- neighborRadius
+    contIC at weight <- w
+    contIC at biastype <- biastype
+    contIC at normtype <- normtype
+    contIC at modifyIC <- modifyIC
+    contIC at .fastFct <- .fastFct
+    return(contIC)
+#    return(new("ContIC", name = name, Curve = Curve, Risks = Risks, Infos = Infos,
+#               CallL2Fam = CallL2Fam, clip = clip, cent = cent, stand = stand, 
+#               lowerCase = lowerCase, neighborRadius = neighborRadius))
+setMethod("generateIC", signature(neighbor = "ContNeighborhood", 
+                                  L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"),
+    function(neighbor, L2Fam, res){
+        A <- res$A
+        a <- res$a
+        b <- res$b
+        d <- res$d
+        normtype <- res$normtype
+        biastype <- res$biastype
+        w <- res$w
+        L2call <- L2Fam at fam.call
+        L2call$trafo <- trafo(L2Fam)
+        return(ContIC(
+                name = "IC of contamination type", 
+                CallL2Fam = L2call,
+                Curve = generateIC.fct(neighbor, L2Fam, res),
+                .fastFct = generateIC.fast.fct(neighbor, L2Fam, res),
+                clip = b,
+                cent = a,
+                stand = A,
+                lowerCase = d,
+                w = w,
+                neighborRadius = neighbor at radius,
+                modifyIC = res$modifyIC,
+                normtype = normtype,
+                biastype = biastype,
+                Risks = res$risk,
+                Infos = matrix(res$info, ncol = 2, 
+                            dimnames = list(character(0), c("method", "message")))))
+    })
+## Access methods
+setMethod("clip", "ContIC", function(x1) x1 at clip)
+setMethod("cent", "ContIC", function(object) object at cent)
+setMethod("neighbor", "ContIC", function(object) ContNeighborhood(radius = object at neighborRadius) )
+## replace methods
+setReplaceMethod("clip", "ContIC", 
+    function(object, value){ 
+        stopifnot(is.numeric(value))
+        L2Fam <- eval(object at CallL2Fam)
+        w <- object at weight
+        clip(w) <- value
+        weight(w) <- getweight(w, neighbor = ContNeighborhood(radius = object at neighborRadius), 
+                               biastype = object at biastype, 
+                               normW = object at normtype)
+        res <- list(A = object at stand, a = object at cent, b = value, d = object at lowerCase,
+                    risk = object at Risks, info = object at Infos, w = w,
+                    normtype = object at normtype, biastype = object at biastype,
+                    modifyIC = object at modifyIC)
+        object <- generateIC(neighbor = ContNeighborhood(radius = object at neighborRadius), 
+                             L2Fam = L2Fam, res = res)
+        addInfo(object) <- c("clip<-", "The clipping bound has been changed")
+        addInfo(object) <- c("clip<-", "The entries in 'Risks' and 'Infos' may be wrong")
+        object
+    })
+setReplaceMethod("cent", "ContIC", 
+    function(object, value){ 
+        stopifnot(is.numeric(value))
+        L2Fam <- eval(object at CallL2Fam)
+        w <- object at weight
+        cent(w) <- as.vector(solve(object at stand) %*% value)
+        weight(w) <- getweight(w, neighbor = ContNeighborhood(radius = object at neighborRadius), 
+                               biastype = object at biastype, 
+                               normW = object at normtype)
+        res <- list(A = object at stand, a = value, b = object at clip, d = object at lowerCase,
+                    risk = object at Risks, info = object at Infos, w = w,
+                    normtype = object at normtype, biastype = object at biastype,
+                    modifyIC = object at modifyIC)
+        object <- generateIC(neighbor = ContNeighborhood(radius = object at neighborRadius), 
+                             L2Fam = L2Fam, res = res)
+        addInfo(object) <- c("cent<-", "The centering constant has been changed")
+        addInfo(object) <- c("cent<-", "The entries in 'Risks' and 'Infos' may be wrong")
+        object
+    })
+setReplaceMethod("stand", "ContIC", 
+    function(object, value){ 
+        stopifnot(is.matrix(value))
+        L2Fam <- eval(object at CallL2Fam)
+        w <- object at weight
+        stand(w) <- value
+        weight(w) <- getweight(w, neighbor = ContNeighborhood(radius = object at neighborRadius), 

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/robast -r 1116

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