[Robast-commits] r849 - branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer
noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Thu Nov 5 11:12:59 CET 2015
Author: bspangl
Date: 2015-11-05 11:12:59 +0100 (Thu, 05 Nov 2015)
New Revision: 849
Aenderung wegen Funktion "get0"
Modified: branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/utilities.R
--- branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/utilities.R 2015-11-05 10:06:54 UTC (rev 848)
+++ branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/utilities.R 2015-11-05 10:12:59 UTC (rev 849)
@@ -1,324 +1,327 @@
-ranges.to.indicies <- function(ranges, values){
- if (is.null(ranges))
- return(NULL)
- closest <- function(y)which.min(abs(y-values))
- indices <- sapply(ranges, closest)
- indices <- unique(indices)
- return(indices)
-ranges.to.grid <- function(ranges, values){
- # converts a list of ranges to grid vector
- idx <- sapply(ranges, function(x)ranges.to.indicies(x, values), simplify=FALSE, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
- seq.generator <- function(x){ # generate the sequence for ranges. It may happen that the same grid value is
- # used for an range. I.e. there is only one range. So we do not need the sequence, but just the value itself.
- if(length(x)==2)return(seq(x[1], x[2], by=1))
- else return(x)
- }
- res <- sapply(idx, seq.generator, simplify=FALSE, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
- res <- unlist(res, use.names=FALSE)
- res <- as.vector(res)
- return(-res) # NOTE: take care about the Minus sign!!!
-list.to.matrix <- function(lst){
- ## converts a list of vectors of equal length to a matrix
- ##
- ## list entries are mapped to rows
- return(do.call(rbind, lst))
-matrix.to.list <- function(mtx){
- ## converts a matrix to a list of vectors
- ##
- ## splits by rows
- result <- split(mtx, c(row(mtx)))
- names(result) <- NULL
- return(result)
-create.list.of.empty.lists <- function(length){
- ## Create an list of size length which contains empty lists.
- res <- vector("list", length)
- for(i in 1:length){
- res[[i]] <- list()
- }
- return(res)
-updateRanges <- function(ranges, new.entry, round.digits=0){
- # add rounded if they differs
- # new.entry <- round(new.entry, digits=round.digits) # < we do not apply rounding here
- if (diff(new.entry) == 0)
- return(ranges)
- # We always add sorted ranges (x1 < x2)
- ranges[[length(ranges)+1]] <- sort(new.entry)
- # sort all ranges wrt their left limit
- v <- list.to.matrix(ranges) #do.call(rbind, ranges)
- v <- v[order(v[,1]),]
- v <- matrix(v, ncol=2)
- # combine overlapping
- y <- 1
- max <- if(length(v)==2) 1 else dim(v)[1]
- while(y < max){
- if (v[y, 2] > v[y+1, 1]){
- v[y,2] <- v[y+1, 2]
- v <- v[-(y+1),]
- max <- max - 1
- }else{
- y = y+ 1
- }
- }
- v <- matrix(v, ncol=2)
-# res <- split(v, c(row(v)))
-# names(res) <- NULL
- # return(res)
- res <- matrix.to.list(v)
- return(res)
-can.push <- function(dest, src){
- ## Used by zoom.history to check if a value is valid for push.
- ##
- ## The reason to use this function is that for each change of axis there are to events. Even they belong
- ## to the same brush box.
- last.idx <- length(dest)
- if (last.idx == 0)
- return(TRUE)
- last.entry <- dest[[last.idx]]
- if (any(sapply(last.entry, function(x)is.null(x))))
- return(TRUE)
- return(any(sapply(names(dest), function(e)any(dest[[e]] != src[[e]]))))
-print.named.list <- function(lst, prefix=NULL, sep=' '){
- ## Print a named list of values.
- ##
- ## Example:
- ## x <- list(a=1, b=2, c=c(3,4)); print.named.list(x)
- ## will print:
- ## x$a = 1
- ## x$b = 2
- ## x$c = 3, 4
- ##
- ## One can control the space before and after equality by sep.
- ##
- ## If you want a different mapping than the variable name, then use prefix argument.
- if(is.null(prefix))
- prefix=deparse(substitute(lst))
- list.names <- names(lst)
- for(i in 1:length(lst)){
- e.name <- paste0(prefix, "$", list.names[i])
- e.value <- paste(lst[[i]], collapse=", ")
- }
-parent.path <- function(){
- ## Returns the path which contains the caller's source file.
- ##
- ## The returned path is without trailig slash.
- ##
- ## e.g. if it is called in /path/to/my_script.R
- ## then the returned value is "/path/to"
- frame_files <- lapply(sys.frames(), function(x)x$ofile)
- frame_files <- Filter(Negate(is.null), frame_files)
- return(dirname(frame_files[[length(frame_files)]]))
-load.file.to <- function(filePath, destEnvironment=new.env(),
- on.not.exist=function(filePath)stop("Fehler mit checkout"))
- ## Loads an R data file into new environment
- ##
- ## Returns the environment with the data
- if(!file.exists(filePath))
- return(on.not.exist(filePath))
- # destEnvironment <- new.env()
- load(filePath, envir=destEnvironment)
- return(destEnvironment)
-get.partial.matched <- function(entry, list, errormsg=""){
- ## Checked partial matching.
- ##
- ## If the entry is in from, then the full value is returned.
- result <- list[pmatch(entry, list)]
- if (is.na(result))
- stop(errormsg)
- return(result)
-load.grids <- function(gridName, familyName, baseDir){
- # dataEnviron <- load.file.to(file.path(baseDir, "branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/sysdata.rda"))
- dataEnviron <- load.file.to("sysdata.rda")
- # dataEnviron <- load.file.to(file.path(baseDir, "branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobAStRDA/R/sysdata.rda"))
- return(load.grids.env(dataEnviron, gridName, familyName))
-expr.str <- function(expr){
- q.expr <- deparse(substitute(expr))
-get.grid.lookup <- function(gridName){
- return(paste0(".", gridName))
-get.family.lookup <- function(familyName){
- return(gsub(" ", "", familyName))
-load.grids.env <- function(env, gridName, familyName){
- grid.lookup <- get.grid.lookup(gridName)
- family.lookup <- get.family.lookup(familyName)
- # according to Sec. 5, WriteUp-Interpolators.txt
- # grid - original interpolation grids
- # gridS - smoothed grids
- lookup <- get0(grid.lookup, envir=env, ifnotfound = quote(warning(paste0("Grid '", grid.lookup, "' does not exists."))))
- lookup.family <- lookup[[family.lookup]]
- if (is.null(lookup.family))
- warning(paste0("Family '", familyName, "' does not exists for grid '", gridName, "'"))
- grid.orig <- lookup.family[["grid"]]
- if (is.null(grid.orig))
- warning(paste0("original grid does not exists for family '", familyName, "' and grid '", gridName, "'"))
- grid.smoothed <- lookup.family[["gridS"]]
- if (is.null(grid.smoothed))
- warning(paste0("original grid does not exists for family '", familyName, "' and grid '", gridName, "'"))
- res <- list(orig=grid.orig, smoothed=grid.smoothed)
- return(res)
-matlines.internal <- function(grid, grid.orig, grid.smoothed, idxCol, restriction, lwd, lty, col, xlab, ylab, main, withLegend, ...){
- if(is.null(restriction))
- restriction <- 1:nrow(grid)
- y.plot <- cbind(grid.orig[restriction, idxCol], grid[restriction, idxCol])
- y.lines <- cbind(grid.orig[restriction, idxCol], grid.smoothed[restriction, idxCol], grid[restriction,idxCol])
- x <- grid[restriction, 1]
- # par(xpd=TRUE)
- # type == 'n': no plotting
- # x <- c(xxxxxxx)
- # y <- matrix(y1; y2; y3), where y_i are vectors
- # Plotting is one x value (is the xi) and couple of y values.
- matplot(x, y.plot, type="n", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, ...)
- matlines(x, y.lines, lwd=lwd, lty=lty, col=col)
- if(withLegend)
- legend("top", c("Original", "Smoothed (gespeicherte)", "in Bearbeitung"), lty=lty, col=col, lwd=lwd)
-log.value <- function(x){
- x.name <- deparse(substitute(x))
- if(is.vector(x)){
- x.value <- paste(x, collapse = ", ")
- }else
- x.value <- x
- print(paste(x.name, "=", x.value))
-# src for function: P:\EugenMassini\robast\branches\robast-1.0\pkg\RobExtremes\R\00fromRobAStRDA.R
-# Call: .MakeSmoothGridList(thGrid=result[,1], Y=result[,-1], df = input$df, gridRestrForSmooth = gridRestrForSmooth)
-# result <- grids()[["smoothed"]] OR grids()[["orig"]]
-.MakeSmoothGridList <- function(thGrid, Y, df = NULL,
- gridRestrForSmooth = NULL){
- ############################################
- ### create internal lm-grid: lmgrid
- if(length(dim(Y))==3)
- lmgrid <- Y[,1,,drop=TRUE]
- else
- lmgrid <- Y[,drop=FALSE]
- if (is.vector(lmgrid) && !is.list(lmgrid) && !is.matrix(lmgrid))
- lmgrid <- as.matrix(lmgrid, ncol=1)
- iNA <- any(is.na(lmgrid))
- lmgrid <- lmgrid[!iNA,,drop=FALSE]
- thGrid <- thGrid[!iNA]
- oG <- order(thGrid)
- thGrid <- thGrid[oG]
- lmgrid <- lmgrid[oG,,drop=FALSE]
- ############################################
- ### Handling of df.
- ### Set of each Lagrange multiplier the same df.
- if(!is.null(df)){
- df0 <- vector("list",ncol(lmgrid))
- if(is.numeric(df)){
- df <- as.list(rep(df, length.out=ncol(lmgrid)))
- }
- }else{ # handling for NULL (create a list of NULL)
- df0 <- vector("list",ncol(lmgrid)+1)
- df0[[ncol(lmgrid)+1]] <- NULL
- df <- df0
- }
- ############################################
- ### Handling of gridRestrForSmooth
- if(is.null(gridRestrForSmooth)){
- gridRestrForSmooth <- as.data.frame(matrix(TRUE, nrow(lmgrid), ncol(lmgrid)))
- }
- if ( ( is.vector(gridRestrForSmooth) && !is.list(gridRestrForSmooth) )
- || is.matrix(gridRestrForSmooth)){
- gridRestrForSmooth <- as.data.frame(gridRestrForSmooth)
- }
- if(is.list(gridRestrForSmooth)){
- gm <- vector("list",ncol(lmgrid))
- idx <- rep(1:length(gridRestrForSmooth), length.out=ncol(lmgrid))
- for (i in 1:ncol(lmgrid)){
- if(!is.null(gridRestrForSmooth[[idx[i]]])){
- gm[[i]] <- gridRestrForSmooth[[idx[i]]]
- }else{
- gm[[i]] <- rep(TRUE,nrow(lmgrid))
- }
- }
- gridRestrForSmooth <- gm
- }
- ############################################
- ### Create plots
- for(i in 1:ncol(lmgrid)){
- gmi <- gridRestrForSmooth[[i]]
- if(is.null(df[[i]])){
- SmoothSpline <- smooth.spline(thGrid[gmi], lmgrid[gmi, i])
- } else {
- SmoothSpline <- smooth.spline(thGrid[gmi], lmgrid[gmi, i], df = df[[i]])
- }
- lmgrid[, i] <- predict(SmoothSpline, thGrid)$y
- }
- return(cbind(xi=thGrid,LM=lmgrid))
+ranges.to.indicies <- function(ranges, values){
+ if (is.null(ranges))
+ return(NULL)
+ closest <- function(y)which.min(abs(y-values))
+ indices <- sapply(ranges, closest)
+ indices <- unique(indices)
+ return(indices)
+ranges.to.grid <- function(ranges, values){
+ # converts a list of ranges to grid vector
+ idx <- sapply(ranges, function(x)ranges.to.indicies(x, values), simplify=FALSE, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
+ seq.generator <- function(x){ # generate the sequence for ranges. It may happen that the same grid value is
+ # used for an range. I.e. there is only one range. So we do not need the sequence, but just the value itself.
+ if(length(x)==2)return(seq(x[1], x[2], by=1))
+ else return(x)
+ }
+ res <- sapply(idx, seq.generator, simplify=FALSE, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
+ res <- unlist(res, use.names=FALSE)
+ res <- as.vector(res)
+ return(-res) # NOTE: take care about the Minus sign!!!
+list.to.matrix <- function(lst){
+ ## converts a list of vectors of equal length to a matrix
+ ##
+ ## list entries are mapped to rows
+ return(do.call(rbind, lst))
+matrix.to.list <- function(mtx){
+ ## converts a matrix to a list of vectors
+ ##
+ ## splits by rows
+ result <- split(mtx, c(row(mtx)))
+ names(result) <- NULL
+ return(result)
+create.list.of.empty.lists <- function(length){
+ ## Create an list of size length which contains empty lists.
+ res <- vector("list", length)
+ for(i in 1:length){
+ res[[i]] <- list()
+ }
+ return(res)
+updateRanges <- function(ranges, new.entry, round.digits=0){
+ # add rounded if they differs
+ # new.entry <- round(new.entry, digits=round.digits) # < we do not apply rounding here
+ if (diff(new.entry) == 0)
+ return(ranges)
+ # We always add sorted ranges (x1 < x2)
+ ranges[[length(ranges)+1]] <- sort(new.entry)
+ # sort all ranges wrt their left limit
+ v <- list.to.matrix(ranges) #do.call(rbind, ranges)
+ v <- v[order(v[,1]),]
+ v <- matrix(v, ncol=2)
+ # combine overlapping
+ y <- 1
+ max <- if(length(v)==2) 1 else dim(v)[1]
+ while(y < max){
+ if (v[y, 2] > v[y+1, 1]){
+ v[y,2] <- v[y+1, 2]
+ v <- v[-(y+1),]
+ max <- max - 1
+ }else{
+ y = y+ 1
+ }
+ }
+ v <- matrix(v, ncol=2)
+# res <- split(v, c(row(v)))
+# names(res) <- NULL
+ # return(res)
+ res <- matrix.to.list(v)
+ return(res)
+can.push <- function(dest, src){
+ ## Used by zoom.history to check if a value is valid for push.
+ ##
+ ## The reason to use this function is that for each change of axis there are to events. Even they belong
+ ## to the same brush box.
+ last.idx <- length(dest)
+ if (last.idx == 0)
+ return(TRUE)
+ last.entry <- dest[[last.idx]]
+ if (any(sapply(last.entry, function(x)is.null(x))))
+ return(TRUE)
+ return(any(sapply(names(dest), function(e)any(dest[[e]] != src[[e]]))))
+print.named.list <- function(lst, prefix=NULL, sep=' '){
+ ## Print a named list of values.
+ ##
+ ## Example:
+ ## x <- list(a=1, b=2, c=c(3,4)); print.named.list(x)
+ ## will print:
+ ## x$a = 1
+ ## x$b = 2
+ ## x$c = 3, 4
+ ##
+ ## One can control the space before and after equality by sep.
+ ##
+ ## If you want a different mapping than the variable name, then use prefix argument.
+ if(is.null(prefix))
+ prefix=deparse(substitute(lst))
+ list.names <- names(lst)
+ for(i in 1:length(lst)){
+ e.name <- paste0(prefix, "$", list.names[i])
+ e.value <- paste(lst[[i]], collapse=", ")
+ }
+parent.path <- function(){
+ ## Returns the path which contains the caller's source file.
+ ##
+ ## The returned path is without trailig slash.
+ ##
+ ## e.g. if it is called in /path/to/my_script.R
+ ## then the returned value is "/path/to"
+ frame_files <- lapply(sys.frames(), function(x)x$ofile)
+ frame_files <- Filter(Negate(is.null), frame_files)
+ return(dirname(frame_files[[length(frame_files)]]))
+load.file.to <- function(filePath, destEnvironment=new.env(),
+ on.not.exist=function(filePath)stop("Fehler mit checkout"))
+ ## Loads an R data file into new environment
+ ##
+ ## Returns the environment with the data
+ if(!file.exists(filePath))
+ return(on.not.exist(filePath))
+ # destEnvironment <- new.env()
+ load(filePath, envir=destEnvironment)
+ return(destEnvironment)
+get.partial.matched <- function(entry, list, errormsg=""){
+ ## Checked partial matching.
+ ##
+ ## If the entry is in from, then the full value is returned.
+ result <- list[pmatch(entry, list)]
+ if (is.na(result))
+ stop(errormsg)
+ return(result)
+load.grids <- function(gridName, familyName, baseDir){
+ # dataEnviron <- load.file.to(file.path(baseDir, "branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/sysdata.rda"))
+ dataEnviron <- load.file.to("sysdata.rda")
+ # dataEnviron <- load.file.to(file.path(baseDir, "branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobAStRDA/R/sysdata.rda"))
+ return(load.grids.env(dataEnviron, gridName, familyName))
+expr.str <- function(expr){
+ q.expr <- deparse(substitute(expr))
+get.grid.lookup <- function(gridName){
+ return(paste0(".", gridName))
+get.family.lookup <- function(familyName){
+ return(gsub(" ", "", familyName))
+load.grids.env <- function(env, gridName, familyName){
+ grid.lookup <- get.grid.lookup(gridName)
+ family.lookup <- get.family.lookup(familyName)
+ # according to Sec. 5, WriteUp-Interpolators.txt
+ # grid - original interpolation grids
+ # gridS - smoothed grids
+if (exists(grid.lookup, envir=env)) {
+ lookup <- get(grid.lookup, envir=env)
+} else {
+ warning(paste0("Grid '", grid.lookup, "' does not exists."))
+ lookup.family <- lookup[[family.lookup]]
+ if (is.null(lookup.family))
+ warning(paste0("Family '", familyName, "' does not exists for grid '", gridName, "'"))
+ grid.orig <- lookup.family[["grid"]]
+ if (is.null(grid.orig))
+ warning(paste0("original grid does not exists for family '", familyName, "' and grid '", gridName, "'"))
+ grid.smoothed <- lookup.family[["gridS"]]
+ if (is.null(grid.smoothed))
+ warning(paste0("original grid does not exists for family '", familyName, "' and grid '", gridName, "'"))
+ res <- list(orig=grid.orig, smoothed=grid.smoothed)
+ return(res)
+matlines.internal <- function(grid, grid.orig, grid.smoothed, idxCol, restriction, lwd, lty, col, xlab, ylab, main, withLegend, ...){
+ if(is.null(restriction))
+ restriction <- 1:nrow(grid)
+ y.plot <- cbind(grid.orig[restriction, idxCol], grid[restriction, idxCol])
+ y.lines <- cbind(grid.orig[restriction, idxCol], grid.smoothed[restriction, idxCol], grid[restriction,idxCol])
+ x <- grid[restriction, 1]
+ # par(xpd=TRUE)
+ # type == 'n': no plotting
+ # x <- c(xxxxxxx)
+ # y <- matrix(y1; y2; y3), where y_i are vectors
+ # Plotting is one x value (is the xi) and couple of y values.
+ matplot(x, y.plot, type="n", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, ...)
+ matlines(x, y.lines, lwd=lwd, lty=lty, col=col)
+ if(withLegend)
+ legend("top", c("Original", "Smoothed (gespeicherte)", "in Bearbeitung"), lty=lty, col=col, lwd=lwd)
+log.value <- function(x){
+ x.name <- deparse(substitute(x))
+ if(is.vector(x)){
+ x.value <- paste(x, collapse = ", ")
+ }else
+ x.value <- x
+ print(paste(x.name, "=", x.value))
+# src for function: P:\EugenMassini\robast\branches\robast-1.0\pkg\RobExtremes\R\00fromRobAStRDA.R
+# Call: .MakeSmoothGridList(thGrid=result[,1], Y=result[,-1], df = input$df, gridRestrForSmooth = gridRestrForSmooth)
+# result <- grids()[["smoothed"]] OR grids()[["orig"]]
+.MakeSmoothGridList <- function(thGrid, Y, df = NULL,
+ gridRestrForSmooth = NULL){
+ ############################################
+ ### create internal lm-grid: lmgrid
+ if(length(dim(Y))==3)
+ lmgrid <- Y[,1,,drop=TRUE]
+ else
+ lmgrid <- Y[,drop=FALSE]
+ if (is.vector(lmgrid) && !is.list(lmgrid) && !is.matrix(lmgrid))
+ lmgrid <- as.matrix(lmgrid, ncol=1)
+ iNA <- any(is.na(lmgrid))
+ lmgrid <- lmgrid[!iNA,,drop=FALSE]
+ thGrid <- thGrid[!iNA]
+ oG <- order(thGrid)
+ thGrid <- thGrid[oG]
+ lmgrid <- lmgrid[oG,,drop=FALSE]
+ ############################################
+ ### Handling of df.
+ ### Set of each Lagrange multiplier the same df.
+ if(!is.null(df)){
+ df0 <- vector("list",ncol(lmgrid))
+ if(is.numeric(df)){
+ df <- as.list(rep(df, length.out=ncol(lmgrid)))
+ }
+ }else{ # handling for NULL (create a list of NULL)
+ df0 <- vector("list",ncol(lmgrid)+1)
+ df0[[ncol(lmgrid)+1]] <- NULL
+ df <- df0
+ }
+ ############################################
+ ### Handling of gridRestrForSmooth
+ if(is.null(gridRestrForSmooth)){
+ gridRestrForSmooth <- as.data.frame(matrix(TRUE, nrow(lmgrid), ncol(lmgrid)))
+ }
+ if ( ( is.vector(gridRestrForSmooth) && !is.list(gridRestrForSmooth) )
+ || is.matrix(gridRestrForSmooth)){
+ gridRestrForSmooth <- as.data.frame(gridRestrForSmooth)
+ }
+ if(is.list(gridRestrForSmooth)){
+ gm <- vector("list",ncol(lmgrid))
+ idx <- rep(1:length(gridRestrForSmooth), length.out=ncol(lmgrid))
+ for (i in 1:ncol(lmgrid)){
+ if(!is.null(gridRestrForSmooth[[idx[i]]])){
+ gm[[i]] <- gridRestrForSmooth[[idx[i]]]
+ }else{
+ gm[[i]] <- rep(TRUE,nrow(lmgrid))
+ }
+ }
+ gridRestrForSmooth <- gm
+ }
+ ############################################
+ ### Create plots
+ for(i in 1:ncol(lmgrid)){
+ gmi <- gridRestrForSmooth[[i]]
+ if(is.null(df[[i]])){
+ SmoothSpline <- smooth.spline(thGrid[gmi], lmgrid[gmi, i])
+ } else {
+ SmoothSpline <- smooth.spline(thGrid[gmi], lmgrid[gmi, i], df = df[[i]])
+ }
+ lmgrid[, i] <- predict(SmoothSpline, thGrid)$y
+ }
+ return(cbind(xi=thGrid,LM=lmgrid))
\ No newline at end of file
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