[Robast-commits] r633 - in branches/robast-0.9/pkg: ROptEst/R ROptEst/man RobAStRDA/man RobExtremes/R RobExtremes/inst/AddMaterial/interpolation RobExtremes/man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Thu Mar 14 13:50:49 CET 2013

Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2013-03-14 13:50:49 +0100 (Thu, 14 Mar 2013)
New Revision: 633

grid-construction gains more control over the calls to optIC() and radiusMinimaxIC();
enhance documentaion for RobAStRDA (as package)

Modified: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/ROptEst/R/interpolLM.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/ROptEst/R/interpolLM.R	2013-03-13 17:38:23 UTC (rev 632)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/ROptEst/R/interpolLM.R	2013-03-14 12:50:49 UTC (rev 633)
@@ -1,42 +1,84 @@
-.RMXE.th <- function(th, PFam, modifyfct){
+.RMXE.th <- function(th, PFam, modifyfct, loRad = 0, upRad = Inf, z.start = NULL,
+             A.start = NULL, upper = NULL, lower = NULL,
+             OptOrIter = "iterate", maxiter = 50,
+             tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.4, loRad0 = 1e-3, ...){
       PFam <- modifyfct(th,PFam)
       IC <- radiusMinimaxIC(L2Fam=PFam, neighbor= ContNeighborhood(),
-                            risk = asMSE(), verbose = FALSE)
+                            risk = asMSE(), verbose = FALSE,
+                            loRad = loRad, upRad = upRad, z.start = z.start,
+                            A.start = A.start, upper = upper, lower = lower,
+                            OptOrIter = OptOrIter, maxiter = maxiter,
+                            tol = tol, warn = FALSE,
+                            loRad0 = loRad0)
       return(c(b=clip(IC), a=cent(IC), a.w = cent(weight(IC)),
                            A=stand(IC),  A.w = stand(weight(IC))))
-.MBRE.th <- function(th, PFam, modifyfct){
+.MBRE.th <- function(th, PFam, modifyfct,
+             z.start = NULL, A.start = NULL, upper = 1e4,
+             lower = 1e-4, OptOrIter = "iterate",
+             maxiter = 50, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.4, ...){
       PFam <- modifyfct(th,PFam)
       RobM <- InfRobModel(center = PFam, neighbor = ContNeighborhood(radius = 15))
-      IC <- optIC(model = RobM, risk = asBias(), verbose = FALSE)
+      IC <- optIC(model = RobM, risk = asBias(), verbose = FALSE,
+             z.start = z.start, A.start = A.start, upper = upper,
+             lower = lower, OptOrIter = OptOrIter,
+             maxiter = maxiter, tol = tol, warn = TRUE, noLow = FALSE,
+             .withEvalAsVar = FALSE)
       mA <- max(stand(IC))
       mAw <- max(stand(weight(IC)))
       return(c(b=clip(IC), a=cent(IC), aw=cent(weight(IC)),
                A=stand(IC)/mA, Aw=stand(weight(IC))/mAw))
-.OMSE.th <- function(th, PFam, modifyfct){
+.OMSE.th <- function(th, PFam, modifyfct, radius = 0.5,
+             z.start = NULL, A.start = NULL, upper = 1e4,
+             lower = 1e-4, OptOrIter = "iterate",
+             maxiter = 50, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.4, ...){
       PFam <- modifyfct(th,PFam)
-      RobM <- InfRobModel(center = PFam, neighbor = ContNeighborhood(radius = .5))
-      IC <- optIC(model = RobM, risk = asMSE(), verbose = FALSE)
+      RobM <- InfRobModel(center = PFam,
+                          neighbor = ContNeighborhood(radius = radius))
+      IC <- optIC(model = RobM, risk = asMSE(), verbose = FALSE,
+             z.start = z.start, A.start = A.start, upper = upper,
+             lower = lower, OptOrIter = OptOrIter,
+             maxiter = maxiter, tol = tol, warn = TRUE, noLow = FALSE,
+             .withEvalAsVar = FALSE)
       res=c(b=clip(IC), a=cent(IC), a.w = cent(weight(IC)),
                 A=stand(IC), A.w = stand(weight(IC)))
-.getLMGrid <- function(thGrid, PFam, optFct = .RMXE.th, modifyfct,
-                       GridFileName="LMGrid.Rdata", withPrint = FALSE){
+.getLMGrid <- function(thGrid, PFam, optFct = .RMXE.th, modifyfct, radius = 0.5,
+                       GridFileName="LMGrid.Rdata", withPrint = FALSE,
+                       upper = 1e4, lower = 1e-4, OptOrIter = "iterate",
+                       maxiter = 50, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.4,
+                       loRad = 0, upRad = Inf, loRad0 = 1e-3,
+                       withStartLM = TRUE
+                       ){
    wprint <- function(...){ if (withPrint) print(...)}
    thGrid <- unique(sort(thGrid))
    itLM <- 0
+   z.start <- NULL
+   A.start <- NULL
    getLM <- function(th){
                itLM <<- itLM + 1
                if(withPrint) cat("Evaluation Nr.", itLM," at th = ",th,"\n")
                a <- try(
-               optFct(th=th,PFam=PFam,modifyfct=modifyfct) , silent=TRUE)
-               if(is(a,"try-error")) a <- rep(NA,13)
+               optFct(th = th, PFam = PFam, modifyfct = modifyfct,
+                      z.start = z.start, A.start = A.start,
+                      upper = upper, lower = lower, OptOrIter = OptOrIter,
+                       maxiter = maxiter, tol = tol,
+                       loRad = loRad, upRad = upRad, loRad0 = loRad0),
+               silent=TRUE)
+               if(is(a,"try-error")){ a <- rep(NA,13)}else{
+                  if(withStartLM){
+                     pdim <- length(a[["a"]])
+                     kdim <- length(a[["a.w"]])
+                     z.start <<- a[["a.w"]]
+                     A.start <<- matrix(a[["A"]],pdim,kdim)
+                  }
+               }

Modified: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/ROptEst/man/internal-interpolate.Rd
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/ROptEst/man/internal-interpolate.Rd	2013-03-13 17:38:23 UTC (rev 632)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/ROptEst/man/internal-interpolate.Rd	2013-03-14 12:50:49 UTC (rev 633)
@@ -20,12 +20,25 @@
-.RMXE.th(th, PFam, modifyfct)
-.MBRE.th(th, PFam, modifyfct)
-.OMSE.th(th, PFam, modifyfct)
+.RMXE.th(th, PFam, modifyfct, loRad = 0, upRad = Inf, z.start = NULL,
+             A.start = NULL, upper = NULL, lower = NULL,
+             OptOrIter = "iterate", maxiter = 50,
+             tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.4, loRad0 = 1e-3, ...)
+.MBRE.th(th, PFam, modifyfct,
+             z.start = NULL, A.start = NULL, upper = 1e4,
+             lower = 1e-4, OptOrIter = "iterate",
+             maxiter = 50, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.4, ...)
+.OMSE.th(th, PFam, modifyfct, radius = 0.5,
+             z.start = NULL, A.start = NULL, upper = 1e4,
+             lower = 1e-4, OptOrIter = "iterate",
+             maxiter = 50, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.4, ...)
-.getLMGrid(thGrid, PFam, optFct = .RMXE.th, modifyfct,
-           GridFileName = "LMGrid.Rdata", withPrint = FALSE)
+.getLMGrid(thGrid, PFam, optFct = .RMXE.th, modifyfct, radius = 0.5,
+           GridFileName = "LMGrid.Rdata", withPrint = FALSE,
+           upper = 1e4, lower = 1e-4, OptOrIter = "iterate",
+           maxiter = 50, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.4,
+           loRad = 0, upRad = Inf, loRad0 = 1e-3,
+           withStartLM = TRUE)
 .saveGridToCSV(Grid, toFileCSV, namPFam, nameInSysdata)
@@ -46,8 +59,33 @@
   \item{modifyfct}{function with arguments \code{th} and \code{PFam} to move
        the parametric family to the point of the grid value; returns the
        moved parametric family.}
-  \item{withSmooth}{logical of length 1: shall a smoothing spline be used?}
-  \item{withPrint}{logical of length 1: shall current grid value be printed out?}
+  \item{radius}{ [for OMSE]: positive numeric of length 1: the radius of the
+                 neighborhood for which the LM's are to be computed;
+                 defaults to 0.5. }
+  \item{loRad}{ the lower end point of the interval to be searched. }
+  \item{upRad}{ the upper end point of the interval to be searched. }
+  \item{z.start}{ initial value for the centering constant. }
+  \item{A.start}{ initial value for the standardizing matrix. }
+  \item{upper}{ upper bound for the optimal clipping bound. }
+  \item{lower}{ lower bound for the optimal clipping bound. }
+  \item{OptOrIter}{character; which method to be used for determining Lagrange
+  multipliers \code{A} and \code{a}: if (partially) matched to \code{"optimize"},
+  \code{getLagrangeMultByOptim} is used; otherwise: by default, or if matched to
+  \code{"iterate"} or to \code{"doubleiterate"},
+  \code{getLagrangeMultByIter} is used. More specifically,
+  when using \code{getLagrangeMultByIter}, and if argument \code{risk} is of
+  class \code{"asGRisk"}, by default and if matched to \code{"iterate"}
+  we use only one (inner) iteration, if matched to \code{"doubleiterate"}
+  we use up to \code{Maxiter} (inner) iterations. }
+  \item{maxiter}{ the maximum number of iterations. }
+  \item{tol}{ the desired accuracy (convergence tolerance).}
+  \item{loRad0}{ for numerical reasons: the effective lower bound for the zero search;
+   internally set to \code{max(loRad,loRad0)}. }
+  \item{\dots}{ additional parameters. }
+  \item{withStartLM}{ logical of length 1: shall the LM's of the preceding grid
+    value serve as starting value for the next grid value? }
+  \item{withSmooth}{logical of length 1: shall a smoothing spline be used? }
+  \item{withPrint}{logical of length 1: shall current grid value be printed out? }
   \item{thGrid}{numeric; grid values. }
   \item{optFct}{function with arguments \code{theta}, \code{PFam},
                 and modifyfct; determines the Lagrange multipliers. }
@@ -68,7 +106,7 @@
   \code{.MBRE.th} computes the Lagrange multipliers for the MBRE estimator,
-  \code{.OMSE.th} for the OMSE estimator at radius \code{r=0.5},
+  \code{.OMSE.th} for the OMSE estimator at radius \code{radius},
   and \code{.RMXE.th} the RMXE estimator.
   \code{.getLMGrid} in a large loop computes the Lagrange multipliers for

Modified: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobAStRDA/man/0RobRDA-package.Rd
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobAStRDA/man/0RobRDA-package.Rd	2013-03-13 17:38:23 UTC (rev 632)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobAStRDA/man/0RobRDA-package.Rd	2013-03-14 12:50:49 UTC (rev 633)
@@ -7,15 +7,23 @@
 This package only contains sysdata.rda (with corresponding interpolation grids
-for speedup); it is currently used in package RobExtremes.
-The code to produce its contents can be drawn from CRAN-packages
-ROptEst and RobExtremes, more specifically: see ?.RMXE.xi (RobExtremes)
-resp. ?.RMXE.th (ROptEst), as well as the contents of the (system) folder
+for speedup); it is currently used in package \pkg{RobExtremes}.
+The code to produce its contents is split into two parts: (a) grid construction
+and (b) interpolator construction. While the code for (a) can be drawn from
+CRAN-packages \pkg{ROptEst} and \pkg{RobExtremes}, more specifically:
+see \code{?.RMXE.xi} (\pkg{RobExtremes}) resp. \code{?.RMXE.th} (\pkg{ROptEst}),
+as well as the contents of the (system) folder
 of package RobExtremes, i.e.,
-  dir(file.path(system.file(package="RobExtremes"),"AddMaterial","interpolation"))
+  \code{dir(file.path(system.file(package="RobExtremes"),"AddMaterial","interpolation"))},
+the code for (b) resides in the present package (and does not need to know anything
+about the grid construction). As it is not meant for users but rather for
+developers, it is not exported to the namespace; still, it is documented,
+see \code{?.generateInterpolators}.
 The reason to separate the rda file from the actual R packages is to
-keep the latter small while we expect this package to only need seldom updates.
+keep the latter small while we expect the present package to only need
+seldom updates.
 See also mail exchange P.Ruckdeschel - U.Ligges on R-devel---

Modified: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/interpolLM.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/interpolLM.R	2013-03-13 17:38:23 UTC (rev 632)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/interpolLM.R	2013-03-14 12:50:49 UTC (rev 633)
@@ -33,7 +33,11 @@
 .svInt <- function(optF = .RMXE.th, xiGrid = getShapeGrid(500, cutoff.at.0=0.005),
 #.svInt <- function(optF = .RMXE.th, xiGrid = getShapeGrid(5, cutoff.at.0=0.005),
-                   PFam = GParetoFamily(shape=1,scale=2)){
+                   PFam = GParetoFamily(shape=1,scale=2), radius = 0.5,
+                   upper = 1e4, lower = 1e-4, OptOrIter = "iterate",
+                   maxiter = 50, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.4,
+                   loRad = 0, upRad = Inf, loRad0 = 1e-3,
+                   withStartLM = TRUE){
              namF <- gsub("\\.th$","",paste(deparse(substitute(optF))))
              namF <- gsub("^\\.(.+)","\\1",namF)
              to <- gsub("XXXX",gsub(" ","",name(PFam)),
@@ -43,7 +47,10 @@
                   PFam = PFam, toFileCSV = to,
                   getFun =  ROptEst:::.getLMGrid,
                   modifyfct = .modify.xi.PFam.call, optFct = optF,
-                  nameInSysdata = namF, withPrint = TRUE)
+                  nameInSysdata = namF, withPrint = TRUE, radius = radius,
+                  upper = upper, lower = lower, OptOrIter = OptOrIter,
+                  maxiter = maxiter, tol = tol, loRad = loRad, upRad = upRad,
+                  loRad0 = loRad0, withStartLM = withStartLM)

Modified: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/inst/AddMaterial/interpolation/getLMInterpol.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/inst/AddMaterial/interpolation/getLMInterpol.R	2013-03-13 17:38:23 UTC (rev 632)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/inst/AddMaterial/interpolation/getLMInterpol.R	2013-03-14 12:50:49 UTC (rev 633)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-getLMs <- function(Gridnam,Famnam,xi=0.7, baseDir="C:/rtest/robast"){
+getLMs <- function(Gridnam,Famnam,xi=0.7, baseDir="C:/rtest/robast", withPrint=FALSE){
    ## Gridnam in (Sn,OMSE,RMXE,MBRE)
    ## Famnam in "Generalized Pareto Family",
-   ##           "Generalized Extreme Value Family with positive shape parameter: Frechet Family",
+   ##           "GEV Family",
    ##           "Gamma family",
    ##           "Weibull Family"
    ## xi Scaleparameter (can be vector)
@@ -12,17 +12,20 @@
    load(file, envir=nE)
    Gnams <- c("Sn","OMSE","RMXE","MBRE")
    Fnams <- c("Generalized Pareto Family",
-              "Generalized Extreme Value Family with positive shape parameter: Frechet Family",
+              "GEV Family",
               "Gamma family",
               "Weibull Family")
    if(! Gridnam %in% Gnams) stop("Falscher Gittername")
    if(! Famnam %in% Fnams) stop("Falscher Familienname")
+   Famnam0 <- gsub(" ","",Famnam)
    isSn <- (Gridnam == "Sn")
    GN0 <- Gridnam; if(isSn) GN0 <- "SnGrids"
-   GN <- paste(".",GN0,".",if(getRversion()<"2.16") "O" else "N", sep="")
-   fct <- get(GN,envir=nE)[[Famnam]]$fct
+   GN <- paste(".",GN0, sep="")
+   funN <- paste("fun",".",if(getRversion()<"2.16") "O" else "N",sep="")
+   if(withPrint) print(c(GN, Famnam0, funN))
+   fct <- get(GN,envir=nE)[[Famnam0]][[funN]]
-   if(!isSn)){
+   if(!isSn){
    ## für Gridnam != Sn ist LM für jeden xi Wert ein Vektor der Länge 13, genauer
    #           in 1:13 (clip=b, cent.a=a1.a,a2.a, cent.i=a1.i,a2.i,
    ##                  stand.a=A.a=matrix(c(A11.a,(A12.a+A21.a)/2,

Modified: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/inst/AddMaterial/interpolation/plotInterpol.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/inst/AddMaterial/interpolation/plotInterpol.R	2013-03-13 17:38:23 UTC (rev 632)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/inst/AddMaterial/interpolation/plotInterpol.R	2013-03-14 12:50:49 UTC (rev 633)
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-plotLM <- function(Gridnam,Famnam,whichLM, baseDir="C:/rtest/robast"){
+plotLM <- function(Gridnam,Famnam,whichLM, baseDir="C:/rtest/robast",
+               withSmooth=FALSE, gridRestriction = NULL, prehook={}, posthook={}, ...){
    ## Gridnam in (Sn,OMSE,RMXE,MBRE)
    ## Famnam in "Generalized Pareto Family",
-   ##           "Generalized Extreme Value Family with positive shape parameter: Frechet Family",
+   ##           "GEV Family",
    ##           "Gamma family",
    ##           "Weibull Family"
    ## whichLM  ignoriert für Gridnam == Sn
@@ -12,24 +13,58 @@
    #                                       (A12.i+A21.i)/2,A.22.i), 2, 2),
    ##                 und optIC = Y.a min(1,b/norm(Y.i)), Y.* = A.* Lambda - a.*
    ## basedir: Oberverzeichnis des r-forge svn checkouts
-   file <- file.path(baseDir, "branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/sysdata.rda")
+   file <- file.path(baseDir, "branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobAStRDA/R/sysdata.rda")
    if(!file.exists(file)) stop("Fehler mit Checkout")
    nE <- new.env()
    load(file, envir=nE)
    Gnams <- c("Sn","OMSE","RMXE","MBRE")
    Fnams <- c("Generalized Pareto Family",
-              "Generalized Extreme Value Family with positive shape parameter: Frechet Family",
+              "GEV Family",
               "Gamma family",
               "Weibull Family")
+   Gridnam <- Gnams[pmatch(Gridnam, Gnams)]
+   Famnam <- Fnams[pmatch(Famnam, Fnams)]
    if(! Gridnam %in% Gnams) stop("Falscher Gittername")
    if(! Famnam %in% Fnams) stop("Falscher Familienname")
    isSn <- (Gridnam == "Sn")
+   Famnam0 <- gsub(" ","",Famnam)
    GN0 <- Gridnam; if(isSn) GN0 <- "SnGrids"
-   GN <- paste(".",GN0,".",if(getRversion()<"2.16") "O" else "N", sep="")
-   gr <- get(GN,envir=nE)[[Famnam]]$grid
-   if(!isSn) if(whichLM<1 | whichLM>13) stop("Falsche Koordinate")
+   GN <- paste(".",GN0,sep="")
+   funN <- paste("fun",".",if(getRversion()<"2.16") "O" else "N",sep="")
+   gN <- if(withSmooth) "gridS" else "grid"
+   gr <- get(GN,envir=nE)[[Famnam0]][[gN]]
+   if(is.null(gridRestriction)) gridRestriction <- rep(TRUE, nrow(gr))
+   if(!isSn) if(whichLM!="all") if(whichLM<1 | whichLM>13) stop("Falsche Koordinate")
+   if(!isSn) if(whichLM=="all"){
+      eval(prehook)
+      par(mfrow=c(4,4))
+      for(i in 2:14)
+          plot(gr[gridRestriction,1], gr[gridRestriction,i], ...)
+      par(mfrow=c(1,1))
+      eval(posthook)
+   return(invisible(NULL))
+   }
    if(isSn) whichLM <- 1
    wM <- whichLM + 1
-   plot(gr[,1], gr[,wm])
+   eval(prehook)
+   plot(gr[gridRestriction,1], gr[gridRestriction,wM], ...)
+   eval(posthook)
+   return(invisible(NULL))
+## Examples
+plotLM("OMSE","Gamma","all", type="l", gridR=-(1:20))
+plotLM("OMSE","Pareto","all", type="l", gridR=-(1:20))
+plotLM("OMSE","Gener","all", type="l", gridR=-(1:20))
+plotLM("OMSE","GEV","all", type="l", gridR=-(1:20))
+plotLM("OMSE","Wei","all", type="l", gridR=-(1:20))
+plotLM("MBRE","Wei","all", type="l", gridR=-(1:20))
+plotLM("MBRE","GE","all", type="l", gridR=-(1:20))
+plotLM("MBRE","Gene","all", type="l", gridR=-(1:20))
+plotLM("MBRE","Gam","all", type="l", gridR=-(1:20))
+plotLM("RMXE","Gam","all", type="l", gridR=-(1:20))
+plotLM("RMXE","Wei","all", type="l", gridR=-(1:20))
+plotLM("RMXE","Gene","all", type="l", gridR=-(1:20))
+plotLM("RMXE","GE","all", type="l", gridR=-(1:20))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/man/internal-interpolate.Rd
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/man/internal-interpolate.Rd	2013-03-13 17:38:23 UTC (rev 632)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/man/internal-interpolate.Rd	2013-03-14 12:50:49 UTC (rev 633)
@@ -33,7 +33,10 @@
            optFct = .RMXE.xi, GridFileName="LMGrid.Rdata", withPrint = FALSE)
 .svInt(optF = .RMXE.th, xiGrid = getShapeGrid(500, cutoff.at.0=0.005),
-       PFam = GParetoFamily(shape=1,scale=2))
+       PFam = GParetoFamily(shape=1,scale=2), radius = 0.5, upper = 1e4,
+       lower = 1e-4, OptOrIter = "iterate",  maxiter = 50,
+       tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.4, loRad = 0, upRad = Inf, loRad0 = 1e-3,
+       withStartLM = TRUE)
 .generateInterpGridSn(xiGrid = getShapeGrid(500, cutoff.at.0=0.005),
                       PFam = GParetoFamily(), withPrint = TRUE)
@@ -60,6 +63,26 @@
   \item{GridFileName}{character; if \code{GridFileName!=""}, the pure
             y-grid values are saved under this filename. }
   \item{withPrint}{logical of length 1: shall current shape value be printed out?}
+  \item{radius}{ [for OMSE]: positive numeric of length 1: the radius of the
+                 neighborhood for which the LM's are to be computed;
+                 defaults to 0.5. }
+  \item{loRad}{ the lower end point of the interval to be searched. }
+  \item{upRad}{ the upper end point of the interval to be searched. }
+  \item{upper}{ upper bound for the optimal clipping bound. }
+  \item{lower}{ lower bound for the optimal clipping bound. }
+  \item{OptOrIter}{character; which method to be used for determining Lagrange
+  multipliers \code{A} and \code{a}: if (partially) matched to \code{"optimize"},
+  \code{getLagrangeMultByOptim} is used; otherwise: by default, or if matched to
+  \code{"iterate"} or to \code{"doubleiterate"},
+  \code{getLagrangeMultByIter} is used. More specifically,
+  when using \code{getLagrangeMultByIter}, and if argument \code{risk} is of
+  class \code{"asGRisk"}, by default and if matched to \code{"iterate"}
+  we use only one (inner) iteration, if matched to \code{"doubleiterate"}
+  we use up to \code{Maxiter} (inner) iterations. }
+  \item{loRad0}{ for numerical reasons: the effective lower bound for the zero search;
+   internally set to \code{max(loRad,loRad0)}. }
+  \item{withStartLM}{ logical of length 1: shall the LM's of the preceding grid
+    value serve as starting value for the next grid value? }
    \code{.getpsi} reads the respective interpolating function

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