[Robast-commits] r682 - branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Thu Jul 25 18:05:34 CEST 2013

Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2013-07-25 18:05:33 +0200 (Thu, 25 Jul 2013)
New Revision: 682

[RobExtremes] started with GEVFamilyMuUnknown

Modified: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/AllClass.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/AllClass.R	2013-07-23 06:13:27 UTC (rev 681)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/AllClass.R	2013-07-25 16:05:33 UTC (rev 682)
@@ -24,6 +24,12 @@
 .isEqual01 <- distr:::.isEqual01
+            contains = c("ParamWithScaleFamParameter",
+                         "ParamWithShapeFamParameter")
+         )
 # parameter of Gumbel distribution
 setClass("GumbelParameter", representation(loc = "numeric", 
                                            scale = "numeric"), 
@@ -244,7 +250,14 @@
 setClass("GEVFamily", contains="L2ScaleShapeUnion")
 setClass("WeibullFamily", contains="L2ScaleShapeUnion")
+## virtual in-between class for common parts in modifyModel - method
+setClass("L2LocScaleShapeUnion", representation(scaleshapename ="character"),
+         contains = c("L2GroupParamFamily","VIRTUAL")
+        )
+setClass("GEVFamilyMuUnknown", contains="L2LocScaleShapeUnion")
          representation(location = "numeric",
                         dispersion = "numeric"

Added: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/GEVFamilyMuUnknown.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/GEVFamilyMuUnknown.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/GEVFamilyMuUnknown.R	2013-07-25 16:05:33 UTC (rev 682)
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+## Class: GEVFamily for positive shape and mu unknown
+## methods
+           function(object, param, tol =.Machine$double.eps){
+             if (is(param, "ParamFamParameter")) 
+                 param <- main(param)
+             if (!all(is.finite(param))) 
+                 return(FALSE)
+             if (any(param[2] <= tol))
+                 return(FALSE)
+             if (any(param[3] <= tol))
+                 return(FALSE)
+             return(TRUE)
+           })
+## generating function 
+## loc: known/fixed threshold/location parameter
+## scale: scale parameter
+## shape: shape parameter
+## trafo: optional parameter transformation
+## start0Est: startEstimator for MLE and MDE --- if NULL HybridEstimator is used;
+GEVFamilyMuUnknown <- function(loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0.5,
+                          of.interest = c("scale", "shape"),
+                          p = NULL, N = NULL, trafo = NULL,
+                          start0Est = NULL, withPos = TRUE,
+                          withCentL2 = FALSE,
+                          withL2derivDistr  = FALSE,
+                          ..ignoreTrafo = FALSE){
+    theta <- c(loc, scale, shape)
+    .warningGEVShapeLarge(shape)
+    of.interest <- .pretreat.of.interest(of.interest,trafo)
+    ##symmetry
+    distrSymm <- NoSymmetry()
+    ## parameters
+    names(theta) <- c("loc", "scale", "shape")
+    scaleshapename <- c("scale"="scale", "shape"="shape")
+    btq <- bDq <- btes <- bDes <- btel <- bDel <- NULL
+    if(!is.null(p)){
+       btq <- substitute({ q <- theta[1] + theta[2]*((-log(p0))^(-theta[3])-1)/theta[3]
+                           names(q) <- "quantile"
+                           q
+                           }, list(p0 = p))
+       bDq <- substitute({ loc <- theta[1]; scale <- theta[2];  shape <- theta[3]
+                        D1 <- ((-log(p0))^(-shape)-1)/shape
+                        D2 <- -scale/shape*(D1 + log(-log(p0))*(-log(p0))^(-shape))
+                        D <- t(c(1, D1, D2))
+                        rownames(D) <- "quantile"; colnames(D) <- NULL
+                        D }, list(p0 = p))
+       btes <- substitute({ if(theta[3]>=1L) es <- NA else {
+                            pg <- pgamma(-log(p0),1-theta[3], lower.tail = TRUE)
+                            es <- theta[2] * (gamma(1-theta[3]) * pg/ (1-p0) - 1 )/
+                                   theta[3]  + theta[1] }
+                            names(es) <- "expected shortfall"
+                            es }, list(p0 = p))
+       bDes <- substitute({ if(theta[3]>=1L){ D0 <- NA, D1 <- D2 <- NA} else {
+                            loc <- theta[1]; scale <- theta[2]; shape <- theta[3]
+                            pg <- pgamma(-log(p0), 1-theta[3], lower.tail = TRUE)
+                            dd <- ddigamma(-log(p0),1-theta[3])
+                            g0 <- gamma(1-theta[3])
+                            D0 <- 1
+                            D1 <- (g0*pg/(1-p0)-1)/theta[3]
+                            D21 <- D1/theta[2]
+                            D22 <- dd/(1-p0)/theta[2]
+                            D2 <- -theta[1]*(D21+D22)}
+                            D <- t(c(D0,D1, D2))
+                            rownames(D) <- "expected shortfall"
+                            colnames(D) <- NULL
+                            D }, list(p0 = p))
+    }
+    if(!is.null(N)){
+       btel <- substitute({ if(theta[3]>=1L) el <- NA else{
+                            el <- N0*(theta[1]+theta[2]*(gamma(1-theta[3])-1)/theta[3])}
+                            names(el) <- "expected loss"
+                            el }, list(N0 = N))
+       bDel <- substitute({ if(theta[3]>=1L){ D0 <- D1 <- D2 <- NA}else{
+                            loc <- theta[1]; scale <- theta[2]; shape <- theta[3]
+                            ga <- gamma(1-shape)
+                            D0 <- 1
+                            D1 <- N0*(ga-1)/shape
+                            D2 <- -N0*scale*ga*digamma(1-shape)/shape-
+                                   D1*scale/shape}
+                            D <- t(c(D0, D1, D2))
+                            rownames(D) <- "expected loss"
+                            colnames(D) <- NULL
+                            D }, list(loc0 = loc, N0 = N))
+    }
+    fromOfInt <- FALSE
+    if(is.null(trafo)||..ignoreTrafo){fromOfInt <- TRUE
+       trafo <- .define.tau.Dtau(of.interest, btq, bDq, btes, bDes,
+                                 btel, bDel, p, N)
+    }else if(is.matrix(trafo) & nrow(trafo) > 3)
+           stop("number of rows of 'trafo' > 3")
+    param <- ParamFamParameter(name = "theta", main = c(theta[1],theta[2],theta[3]),
+                               fixed = NULL,
+                               trafo = trafo, withPosRestr = withPos,
+                               .returnClsName ="ParamWithLocAndScaleAndShapeFamParameter")
+    ## distribution
+    distribution <- GEV(loc = loc, scale = scale, shape = shape)
+    ## starting parameters
+    startPar <- function(x,...){
+        mu <- min(x)
+        ## Pickand estimator
+        if(is.null(start0Est)){
+        #source("kMedMad_Qn_Estimators.R")
+           PF <- GEVFamily(loc = theta[1], scale = theta[2], shape = theta[3])
+           e1 <- PickandsEstimator(x,ParamFamily=PF)
+           e0 <- estimate(e1)
+        }else{
+           if(is(start0Est,"function")){
+              e1 <- start0Est(x, ...)
+              e0 <-  if(is(e1,"Estimate")) estimate(e1) else e1
+           }else stop("Argument 'start0Est' must be a function or NULL.")
+           if(!is.null(names(e0)))
+               e0 <- e0[c("scale", "shape")]
+        }
+#        print(e0); print(str(x)); print(head(summary(x))); print(mu)
+        if(any(x < mu-e0["scale"]/e0["shape"]))
+               stop("some data smaller than 'loc-scale/shape' ")
+        names(e0) <- NULL
+        return(e0)
+    }
+    ## what to do in case of leaving the parameter domain
+    makeOKPar <- function(theta) {
+        if(withPos){
+           theta <- abs(theta)
+        }else{
+           if(!is.null(names(theta))){
+              theta["scale"] <- abs(theta["scale"])
+           }else{
+              theta[1] <- abs(theta[1])
+           }
+        }
+        return(theta)
+    }
+    modifyPar <- function(theta){
+        theta <- makeOKPar(theta)
+        .warningGEVShapeLarge(theta["shape"])
+        if(!is.null(names(theta))){
+            loc <- theta["loc"]
+            sc <- theta["scale"]
+            sh <- theta["shape"]
+        }else{
+            loc <- theta[1]
+            theta[2:3] <- abs(theta[2:3])
+            sc <- theta[2]
+            sh <- theta[3]
+        }
+        GEV(loc = theta[1], scale = theta[2], shape = theta[3])
+    }
+    ## L2-derivative of the distribution
+    L2deriv.fct <- function(param) {
+        sc <- force(main(param)[2])
+        k <- force(main(param)[3])
+        tr <- force(main(param)[1])
+        .warningGEVShapeLarge(k)
+        k1 <- k+1
+        Lambda0 <- function(x) {
+         y <- x*0
+         ind <- (x > tr-sc/k) # = [later] (x1>0)
+         x <- (x[ind]-tr)/sc
+         x1 <- 1 + k * x
+         t1 <- x1^(-1/k)
+         y[ind] <- (k1-t1)/x1/sc
+#         xi*(-1/xi-1)*(x[ind]-mu)/beta^2/(1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta) - (x[ind]-mu)*(1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta)^(-1/xi-1)/beta^2
+         return(y)
+        }
+        Lambda1 <- function(x) {
+         y <- x*0
+         ind <- (x > tr-sc/k) # = [later] (x1>0)
+         x <- (x[ind]-tr)/sc
+         x1 <- 1 + k * x
+         y[ind] <- (x*(1-x1^(-1/k))-1)/x1/sc
+#         xi*(-1/xi-1)*(x[ind]-mu)/beta^2/(1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta) - (x[ind]-mu)*(1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta)^(-1/xi-1)/beta^2
+         return(y)
+        }
+        Lambda2 <- function(x) {
+         y <- x*0
+         ind <- (x > tr-sc/k) # = [later] (x1>0)
+         x <- (x[ind]-tr)/sc
+         x1 <- 1 + k * x
+         x2 <- x / x1
+         y[ind]<- (1-x1^(-1/k))/k*(log(x1)/k-x2)-x2
+#         log(1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta)/xi^2+(-1/xi-1)*(x[ind]-mu)/beta/(1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta) - (1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta)^(-1/xi)*log(1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta)/xi^2 + (1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta)^(-1/xi-1)*(x[ind]-mu)/beta/xi
+         return(y)
+        }
+        ## additional centering of scores to increase numerical precision!
+        if(withCentL2){
+           dist0 <- GEV(scale = sc, shape = k, loc = tr)
+           suppressWarnings({
+             z0 <- E(dist0, fun=Lambda0)
+             z1 <- E(dist0, fun=Lambda1)
+             z2 <- E(dist0, fun=Lambda2)
+           })
+        }else{z0 <- z1 <- z2 <- 0}
+        return(list(function(x){ Lambda0(x)-z0 },
+                    function(x){ Lambda1(x)-z1 },function(x){ Lambda2(x)-z2 }))
+    }
+    ## Fisher Information matrix as a function of parameters
+    FisherInfo.fct <- function(param) {
+        tr <- force(main(param)[1])
+        sc <- force(main(param)[2])
+        k <- force(main(param)[3])
+        k1 <- k+1
+        .warningGEVShapeLarge(k)
+        G20 <- gamma(2*k)
+        G10 <- gamma(k)
+        G11 <- digamma(k)*gamma(k)
+        G01 <- -0.57721566490153 # digamma(1)
+        G02 <- 1.9781119906559 #trigamma(1)+digamma(1)^2
+        x0 <- k1^2*2*k
+        I00 <- (2*k)*k1^2*G20/sc^2
+        I01 <- (G10-k1*2*G20)*k1/sc^2
+        I02 <- [k1*2 * gamma(2k)- k1* gamma(k) -  gamma(k)-k * G11]*k1/k
+        I02 <- (2*k1*G20 -(k+2)*G10-k*G11)*k1/k/sc
+        I11 <- G20*x0-2*G10*k*(k+1)+1
+        I11 <- I11/sc^2/k^2
+        I12 <- G20*(-x0)+ G10*(k^3+4*k^2+3*k) - k -1
+        I12 <- I12 + G11*(k^3+k^2) -G01*k
+        I12 <- I12/sc/k^3
+        I22 <- G20*x0 +(k+1)^2 -G10*(x0+2*k*(k+1))
+        I22 <- I22 - G11*2*k^2*(k+1) + G01*2*k*(1+k)+k^2 *G02
+        I22 <- I22 /k^4
+        mat <- PosSemDefSymmMatrix(matrix(c(I00,I01,I02,I01,I11,I12,I02,I12,I22),3,3))
+        dimnames(mat) <- list(scaleshapename,scaleshapename)
+        return(mat)
+    }
+    FisherInfo <- FisherInfo.fct(param)
+    name <- "GEV Family"
+    ## initializing the GPareto family with components of L2-family
+    L2Fam <- new("GEVFamilyMuUnknown")
+    L2Fam at scaleshapename <- scaleshapename
+    L2Fam at name <- name
+    L2Fam at param <- param
+    L2Fam at distribution <- distribution
+    L2Fam at L2deriv.fct <- L2deriv.fct
+    L2Fam at FisherInfo.fct <- FisherInfo.fct
+    L2Fam at FisherInfo <- FisherInfo
+    L2Fam at startPar <- startPar
+    L2Fam at makeOKPar <- makeOKPar
+    L2Fam at modifyParam <- modifyPar
+    L2Fam at L2derivSymm <- FunSymmList(NonSymmetric(), NonSymmetric())
+    L2Fam at L2derivDistrSymm <- DistrSymmList(NoSymmetry(), NoSymmetry())
+    L2deriv <- EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(L2deriv.fct(param),
+                               Domain = Reals()))
+    L2derivDistr <- NULL
+    if(withL2derivDistr){
+       suppressWarnings(L2derivDistr <-
+          imageDistr(RandVar = L2deriv, distr = distribution))
+    }
+    if(fromOfInt){
+       L2Fam at fam.call <- substitute(GEVFamily(loc = loc0, scale = scale0,
+                                 shape = shape0, of.interest = of.interest0,
+                                 p = p0, N = N0,
+                                 withPos = withPos0, withCentL2 = FALSE,
+                                 withL2derivDistr  = FALSE, ..ignoreTrafo = TRUE),
+                         list(loc0 = loc, scale0 = scale, shape0 = shape,
+                              of.interest0 = of.interest, p0 = p, N0 = N,
+                              withPos0 = withPos))
+    }else{
+       L2Fam at fam.call <- substitute(GEVFamily(loc = loc0, scale = scale0,
+                                 shape = shape0, of.interest = NULL,
+                                 p = p0, N = N0, trafo = trafo0,
+                                 withPos = withPos0, withCentL2 = FALSE,
+                                 withL2derivDistr  = FALSE),
+                         list(loc0 = loc, scale0 = scale, shape0 = shape,
+                              p0 = p, N0 = N,
+                              withPos0 = withPos, trafo0 = trafo))
+    }
+    L2Fam at LogDeriv <- function(x){
+                  x0 <- (x-loc)/scale
+                  x1 <- 1 + x0 * shape
+                  (shape+1)/scale/x1 + x1^(-1-1/shape)/scale
+                  }
+    L2Fam at L2deriv <- L2deriv
+    L2Fam at L2derivDistr <- L2derivDistr
+    L2Fam at .withMDE <- FALSE
+    L2Fam at .withEvalAsVar <- FALSE
+    L2Fam at .withEvalL2derivDistr <- FALSE
+    return(L2Fam)
+#ddigamma(t,s) is d/ds \int_0^t exp(-x) x^(s-1) dx
+ddigamma <- function(t,s){
+              int <- function(x) exp(-x)*(log(x))*x^(s-1)
+              integrate(int, lower=0, upper=t)$value
+              }
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/getStartIC.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/getStartIC.R	2013-07-23 06:13:27 UTC (rev 681)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/getStartIC.R	2013-07-25 16:05:33 UTC (rev 682)
@@ -37,3 +37,42 @@
     return(do.call(getStartIC, as.list(mc[-1]), envir=parent.frame(2)))
+setMethod("getStartIC",signature(model = "L2LocScaleShapeUnion", risk = "interpolRisk"),
+           function(model, risk, ...){
+    mc <- match.call(expand.dots=TRUE)
+    mc$risk <- if(type(risk)==".MBRE") asMSE() else asBias()
+    mc$neighbor <- ContNeighborhood(radius=0.5)
+    gridn <- type(risk)
+    nam <- gsub(" ","",name(model))
+    param1 <- param(model)
+    scshnm <- scaleshapename(model)
+    shnam <- scshnm["shape"]
+    nsng <- character(0)
+    sng <- try(getFromNamespace(gridn, ns = "RobAStRDA"), silent=TRUE)
+    if(!is(sng,"try-error")) nsng <- names(sng)
+    if(length(nsng)){
+       if(nam %in% nsng){
+          fctN <- .versionSuff("fun")
+          interpolfct <- sng[[nam]][[fctN]]
+          .modifyIC <- function(L2Fam, IC){
+                    para <- param(L2Fam)
+                    if(!.is.na.Psi(para, interpolfct, shnam))
+                       return(.getPsi.wL(para, interpolfct, L2Fam, type(risk)))
+                    else
+                       return(do.call(getStartIC, as.list(mc[-1]),
+                              envir=parent.frame(2)))
+          }
+          if(!.is.na.Psi(param1, interpolfct, shnam)){
+             IC0 <- .getPsi.wL(param1, interpolfct, model, type(risk))
+             IC0 at modifyIC <- .modifyIC
+             return(IC0)
+          }
+       }
+    }
+    return(do.call(getStartIC, as.list(mc[-1]), envir=parent.frame(2)))
+    })

Modified: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/internal-getpsi.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/internal-getpsi.R	2013-07-23 06:13:27 UTC (rev 681)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/internal-getpsi.R	2013-07-25 16:05:33 UTC (rev 682)
@@ -55,6 +55,62 @@
+.getPsi.wL <- function(param, fct, L2Fam , type){
+   scshnm <- scaleshapename(L2Fam)
+   shnam <- scshnm["shape"]
+   scnam <- scshnm["scale"]
+   xi <- main(param)[shnam] #[["shape"]]
+   beta <- main(param)[scnam] #[scaleshapename(model)["scale"]]
+   #print(param)
+   #L2deriv <- L2Fam at L2deriv # .fct(param)
+   #print(get("tr",environment(get("Lambda1", environment(L2deriv[[1]]@Map[[1]])))))
+   #print(get("k",environment(get("Lambda1", environment(L2deriv[[1]]@Map[[1]])))))
+   #print(get("sc",environment(get("Lambda1", environment(L2deriv[[1]]@Map[[1]])))))
+   .dbeta <- diag(c(beta,beta,1)); .dbeta1 <- diag(c(1/beta,1/beta,1))
+   b <- fct[[1]](xi)
+   a <-  c(.dbeta%*%c(fct[[2]](xi),fct[[3]](xi),fct[[4]](xi)))
+   aw <- c(.dbeta1%*%c(fct[[5]](xi),fct[[6]](xi),fct[[7]](xi)))
+   am1 <- mean(c(fct[[9]](xi),fct[[11]](xi)))
+   am2 <- mean(c(fct[[10]](xi),fct[[14]](xi)))
+   am3 <- mean(c(fct[[13]](xi),fct[[15]](xi)))
+   A <-  .dbeta%*%matrix(c(fct[[8]](xi),am1,am2,am1,fct[[12]](xi),am3,am2,am3,fct[[16]](xi)),3,3)%*%.dbeta
+   am1 <- mean(c(fct[[18]](xi),fct[[20]](xi)))
+   am2 <- mean(c(fct[[19]](xi),fct[[23]](xi)))
+   am3 <- mean(c(fct[[22]](xi),fct[[24]](xi)))
+   Aw <- matrix(c(fct[[17]](xi),am1,am2,am1,fct[[21]](xi),am3,am2,am3,fct[[25]](xi)),3,3)%*%.dbeta
+   normt <- NormType()
+   biast <- symmetricBias()
+   nb <- ContNeighborhood(radius=0.5)
+   ICT <- paste("optimally robust IC for", switch(type,
+                      ".OMSE"="maxMSE",".RMXE"="RMX", ".MBRE"="maxBias"))
+   riskT <- if(type!=".MBRE") "asGRisk" else "asBias"
+   w <- new("HampelWeight")
+      stand(w) <- Aw
+      cent(w) <- aw
+      clip(w) <- b
+   if(type!=".MBRE"){
+        weight(w) <- getweight(w, neighbor = nb, biastype = biast,
+                          normW = normt)
+   }else weight(w) <- minbiasweight(w, neighbor = nb, biastype = biast,
+                          normW = normt)
+   res <- list(a = a, A = A, b = b, d = 0*a,
+               normtype = normt, biastype = biast, w = w,
+               info = c("optIC", ICT), risk = list(),
+               modifyIC = NULL)
+   IC <- generateIC(nb, L2Fam, res)
+   return(IC)
    res <- list(a = a, A = A, b = b, d = 0*a, w = w)

Modified: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/move2bckRefParam.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/move2bckRefParam.R	2013-07-23 06:13:27 UTC (rev 681)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/move2bckRefParam.R	2013-07-25 16:05:33 UTC (rev 682)
@@ -25,4 +25,19 @@
               CallL2Fam(IC) <- L2call
+setMethod("moveICBackFromRefParam", signature(IC = "IC",
+           L2Fam = "L2LocScaleShapeUnion"), function(IC, L2Fam, ...){
+              param <- param(L2Fam)
+              L2call <- L2Fam at fam.call
+              param <- param(L2Fam)
+              loc <- main(param)[1]
+              scale <- main(param)[2]
+              IC.cf0 <- IC at Curve[[1]]@Map[[1]]
+              IC at Curve[[1]]@Map[[1]] <- function(x) scale*IC.cf0((x-loc)/scale)
+              IC.cf1 <- IC at Curve[[1]]@Map[[2]]
+              IC at Curve[[1]]@Map[[2]] <- function(x) scale*IC.cf1((x-loc)/scale)
+              IC.cf2 <- IC at Curve[[1]]@Map[[3]]
+              IC at Curve[[1]]@Map[[3]] <- function(x) IC.cf2((x-loc)/scale)
+              CallL2Fam(IC) <- L2call
+              return(IC)})

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