[Robast-commits] r513 - branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R

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Wed Sep 12 17:27:01 CEST 2012

Author: horbenko
Date: 2012-09-12 17:27:01 +0200 (Wed, 12 Sep 2012)
New Revision: 513

plotting Functions for RobExtremes and test functions

Added: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/drawPointsIC.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/drawPointsIC.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/drawPointsIC.R	2012-09-12 15:27:01 UTC (rev 513)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+##                                      ## 
+##       Function for drawing IC        ##
+##       on observations                ##
+##                                      ##
+##@x - observations
+##@IC - 1-dim influence function (object)
+##@col - color of points
+##@bg - background for semitranparence
+##@cex - scaling of points
+drawPointsIC = function(x,IC,col=NULL,bg=NULL,cex=NULL,xlab=NULL,ylab=NULL){
+##evaluation of IC on observations
+IC0 = evalIC(IC,as.matrix(x)) 
+if (is.null(col)) col = rgb(192,192,192,maxColorValue=255,alpha=0.8) 
+if (is.null(bg)) bg = c("#70707050")
+if (is.null(bg)) xlab = "x"
+if (is.null(ylab)) {ylab = numeric()
+for (i in 1:dim(IC0)[1]) ylab[i] = paste("IC of",names(L2fam at param@main[i]),"parameter")}
+for (i in 1:dim(IC0)[1]){
+##plotting IC 
+plot(x,IC0[i,],ylab=ylab[i],xlab=xlab,'l',main = ifelse(i==1,paste(IC at name)," "),col="gray")
+##plotting observations onto IC
+,pch = 21
+,cex = abs(IC0[i,]*sqrt(2))
+,col = col
+,bg = bg
+ }
+L2fam = GParetoFamily(shape = 0.7)
+IC = optIC(L2fam,risk=asCov())
+x = q(L2fam at distribution)(seq(0,1,length=50))
+##with probit transformation

Added: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/plotOutlyingness.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/plotOutlyingness.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/plotOutlyingness.R	2012-09-12 15:27:01 UTC (rev 513)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+##                                      ## 
+##    Wrapper for outlyingnessPlot.R    ##
+##                                      ##
+##                                      ##
+##projection distance
+  qfun = function(x){p0 = p(X)(x); q0 = q(X)(p0)}
+  QProj <- function(){new("NormType", name="Quantiles", fct=qfun)}
+##@x - dataset
+##@X - random variable
+##@fam - parameter family
+##@alpha - confidence level for quantile
+plotOutlyingness = function(x,X=GPareto(),fam=GParetoFamily(),alpha=0.95){
+  ##logarithmic representation (for distributions with positive support)
+  fam at distribution = log(fam at distribution)
+  ##classical IC
+  ICmle <- optIC(model=fam,risk=asCov())
+  ##parameter for plotting
+  par(cex=1,bty="n")
+##call of routine from RobAStBase  
+ ,IC.x = ICmle
+ ,IC.y = ICmle
+ ,dist.x = QProj()
+ #NormType() - Euclidean norm, default - Mahalanobis norm
+ #,dist.y = NormType()
+ ,adj = 0.1
+ ,pch = 16
+ ,col = rgb(152,152,152,maxColorValue=255)
+ ,col.idn = rgb(102,102,102,maxColorValue=255)
+ ,cex.idn = 1.7
+ ,col.cutoff = rgb(202,202,202,maxColorValue=255) 
+ ,offset = 0
+ ,cutoff.quantile.y = alpha
+ ,cutoff.quantile.x = alpha
+ ,cutoff.x = cutoff()
+ ,cutoff.y = cutoff.sememp()
+ ,robCov.x = TRUE
+ ,robCov.y = TRUE
+ ,tf.x = function(x)log(x)
+ ,cex.main = 1.5
+ ,cex.lab = 1.5
+ ,cex = 1.5
+ #,col.lab=FhGred
+ ,lwd.cutoff = 3
+ #,jitt.fac = 300
+ ,col.abline = rgb(102,102,102,maxColorValue=255)
+ ,cex.abline = 1.5
+ ,main = ""#"Outlyingness Plot"
+ ,xlab="Theoretical log-quantiles"
+ ,ylab="Mahalanobis distance"

Added: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/plotScaledIC.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/plotScaledIC.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/plotScaledIC.R	2012-09-12 15:27:01 UTC (rev 513)
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+##                                      ## 
+##       IC Scaling of axes             ##
+##                                      ##
+##@IC - influence function
+##@L2fam - L2 parametric family
+##@probit - if probit transformation should be done, otherwise is a log-transformation of x-axis
+##@xlim, ylim - plot limits
+##@xticks, yticks - ticks for plot
+plotScaledIC = function(IC,L2fam,probit=TRUE,xlim=NULL,ylim=NULL,xticks=NULL,yticks=NULL){
+## get distribution from L2-diff family
+X = L2fam at distribution
+## get L2 derivative from L2-diff family
+L2derivative = L2fam at L2deriv.fct(L2fam at param)
+## dimension of derivative
+dim = length(L2derivative)
+xgrid = seq(1e-9,1-1e-9,length=1000)
+## quantile transformation of x-scale
+x = q(X)(xgrid)
+## evaluation of IC on quantiles
+ICeval = evalIC(IC,as.matrix(x))
+ICtr = ICeval
+## set plot limits in (0,1)-cub for probit-scaled IC
+xlim = c(0,1)
+ylim = c(0,1)}
+minIC = min(ICtr)
+imin = which(ICtr == minIC)
+maxIC = max(ICtr)
+imax = which(ICtr == maxIC)
+## calculate reasonable plot limits for a non-transformed IC
+if ((is.null(ylim))&&(is.null(xlim))){
+if (!probit){
+if (dim == 1){
+  xmin = x[imin]
+  xmax = x[imax]
+  dist = numeric(length(xgrid))
+for (i in 1:length(xgrid)){ 
+  sum = 0
+for (j in 1:dim){sum = ICtr[j,i]^2+sum}
+  dist[i] = sqrt(sum)
+ }
+idist.max = which(dist == max(dist))
+idist.min = which(dist == min(dist))
+xmax.IC = x[idist.max]
+xmin.IC = x[idist.min]
+cat("\n IC takes its maximal values at",xmax.IC, "and minimal values at",xmin.IC,"\n")
+xmin = min(xmin.IC,xmax.IC)
+xmax = max(xmin.IC,xmax.IC)
+spanx = (xmax-xmin)/length(x)
+spany = (maxIC-minIC)/length(x) 
+xlim = c(min(x),max(x))
+ylim = c(minIC,maxIC)
+ }
+if (probit){
+## optimal min bias IC
+ robModel <- InfRobModel(center = L2fam, neighbor = ContNeighborhood(radius = 0.5))
+ ICmbr = optIC(model = robModel, risk = asBias())
+ sd = 2*ICmbr at clip 
+## probit transformation of IC
+ for (i in 1:dim) ICtr[i,] = pnorm(ICeval[i,],sd=sd)
+## ticks for x,y-axis
+if (is.null(xticks)) xticks = c(-Inf,-1000,-100,-10,-5,-1,-0.5,-0.1,0.0,0.1,0.5,1,5,10,100,1000,Inf)
+if (is.null(yticks)) yticks = c(-Inf,-1000,-100,-10,-5,-1,-0.5,-0.1,0.0,0.1,0.5,1,5,10,100,1000,Inf)
+if (probit){
+## transformation of ticks for x-axis
+ xax = round(p(X)(xticks),1)
+## probit transformation of ticks for y-axis
+ yax = round(pnorm(yticks,sd=sd),1)
+ xax = round(q(X)(p(X)(xticks)),1)
+ yax = round(yticks,1)
+## do ticks lie to near to each other?
+indy = !duplicated(yax)
+yax = yax[indy]
+yticks = yticks[indy]
+indx = !duplicated(xax)
+xax = xax[indx]
+xticks = xticks[indx]
+## function creating a grid on plot
+fun = function(){for(i in 1:length(yax)){
+ abline(v=xax[i],col="grey",lty="dashed",lwd=0.1)
+ abline(h=yax[i],col="grey",lty="dashed",lwd=0.1)
+ }
+## plotting 
+if (!probit){
+ plot(x, ICtr[1,], 'l', ylim=ylim, xlim=xlim, main=" ", xlab="x", ylab="IC", axes=FALSE, col=1,log="x")}
+ plot(xgrid, ICtr[1,], 'l', ylim=ylim, xlim=xlim, main=" ", xlab="x", ylab="probit(IC)", axes=FALSE, col=1)}
+##grid generation 
+## plotting all of the IC components
+if (dim > 1){
+ if (!probit){
+  for (i in 2:dim) lines(x, ICtr[i,], col = i)}
+   else{
+  for (i in 2:dim) lines(xgrid, ICtr[i,], col = i)
+ }
+## drawing the ticks and labels on the plot
+axis(side=1, at= xax, labels = c(expression(paste(-infinity)),xticks[2:(length(xticks)-1)],expression(paste(infinity))), pos=0)
+axis(side=2, at= yax, labels = c(expression(paste(-infinity)),yticks[2:(length(yticks)-1)],expression(paste(infinity))))
+L2fam = GParetoFamily(shape = 0.7)
+IC = optIC(L2fam,risk=asCov())
+##with probit transformation
+plotScaledIC(IC,L2fam,probit = TRUE)
+##without probit transformation
+plotScaledIC(IC,L2fam,probit = FALSE,xlim=c(0.01,100),ylim=c(-10,10),yticks=c(-Inf,-10,-5,-1,0,1,5,10,Inf),xticks=c(0.01,1,5,10,100,Inf))
\ No newline at end of file

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