[Robast-commits] r468 - in branches/robast-0.9/pkg: . RobExtremes RobExtremes/R RobExtremes/inst RobExtremes/man RobExtremes/src

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sun May 20 16:05:21 CEST 2012

Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2012-05-20 16:05:21 +0200 (Sun, 20 May 2012)
New Revision: 468

RobExtremes: a first version of package committed

Added: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/DESCRIPTION
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/DESCRIPTION	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/DESCRIPTION	2012-05-20 14:05:21 UTC (rev 468)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Package: RobExtremes
+Version: 0.9
+Date: 2012-05-17
+Title: Optimally robust estimation for extreme value distributions
+Description: Optimally robust estimation for extreme value distributions 
+             using S4 classes and methods (based on packages distr, distrEx, 
+			 distrMod, RobAStBase, and ROptEst)
+Depends: R (>= 2.14.0), methods, distr(>= 2.3), distrEx(>= 2.3), RandVar(>= 0.8), 
+         distrMod(>= 2.4), RobAStBase(>= 0.8), ROptEst(>= 0.8), robustbase(>= 0.8-0),
+		 evd, actuar
+Author: Peter Ruckdeschel, Matthias Kohl, Nataliya Horbenko
+Maintainer: Peter Ruckdeschel <peter.ruckdeschel at itwm.fraunhofer.de>
+LazyLoad: yes
+ByteCompile: yes
+License: LGPL-3
+URL: http://robast.r-forge.r-project.org/
+LastChangedDate: {$LastChangedDate: 2011-09-30 11:10:33 +0200 (Fr, 30 Sep 2011) $}
+LastChangedRevision: {$LastChangedRevision: 453 $}
+SVNRevision: 439

Added: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/NAMESPACE
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/NAMESPACE	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/NAMESPACE	2012-05-20 14:05:21 UTC (rev 468)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+              "ParetoParameter",
+			  "GParetoParameter",
+			  "GEVParameter")
+exportClasses("Gumbel", "Pareto", "GPareto", "GEV")
+exportClasses("GParetoFamily", "GumbelLocationFamily")
+exportMethods("loc", "loc<-", 
+              "E", "var", "IQR", "median", "kMAD", "Sn", "Qn")
+              "location", "location<-", 
+              "scale", "scale<-",
+              "shape", "shape<-",
+              "+", "*",
+              "Min", "Min<-",
+              "Range",
+              "E", "var", "IQR", "skewness", "kurtosis", 
+              "sd", "median", "mad")
+export("Gumbel", "Pareto", "GPareto", "GEV")
+export("GParetoFamily", "GumbelLocationFamily")
+export("LDEstimator", "medkMAD", "medSn", "medQn", "medkMADhybr")
+export("getShapeGrid", "getSnGrid")
+export("loc", "loc<-")
\ No newline at end of file

Added: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/AllClass.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/AllClass.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/AllClass.R	2012-05-20 14:05:21 UTC (rev 468)
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+.onLoad <- function(lib, pkg){
+#    require("methods", character = TRUE, quietly = TRUE)
+.onAttach <- function(library, pkg)
+#unlockBinding(".RobExtremesOptions", asNamespace("RobExtremes"))
+#msga <- gettext("Note: Packages \"e1071\", \"moments\", \"fBasics\" should be attached ")
+#msgb <- gettext("/before/ package \"distrEx\". See distrExMASK().")
+buildStartupMessage(pkg = "RobExtremes", msga="", msgb="",
+                    library = library, packageHelp = TRUE
+#                    MANUAL="http://www.uni-bayreuth.de/departments/math/org/mathe7/DISTR/distr.pdf",
+#VIGNETTE = gettext("Package \"distrDoc\" provides a vignette to this package as well as to several related packages; try vignette(\"distr\").")
+  invisible()
+.onUnload <- function(libpath)
+    library.dynam.unload("RobExtremes", libpath)
+# parameter of Gumbel distribution
+setClass("GumbelParameter", representation(loc = "numeric", 
+                                           scale = "numeric"), 
+            prototype(name = gettext("parameter of a Gumbel distribution"),
+                      loc = 0, scale = 1),
+            contains = "Parameter",
+            validity = function(object){
+                if(length(object at scale) != 1)
+                    stop("length of 'scale' is not equal to 1")
+                if(length(object at loc) != 1)
+                    stop("length of 'loc' is not equal to 1")
+                if(object at scale <= 0)
+                    stop("'scale' has to be positive")
+                else return(TRUE)
+            })
+# Gumbel distribution
+            prototype = prototype(r = function(n){ rgumbel(n, loc = 0, scale = 1) },
+                                  d = function(x, log){ dgumbel(x, loc = 0, scale = 1, log = FALSE) },
+                                  p = function(q, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){ 
+                                         p0 <- pgumbel(q, loc = 0, scale = 1, lower.tail = lower.tail)
+                                         if(log.p) return(log(p0)) else return(p0) 
+                                  },
+                                  q = function(p, loc = 0, scale = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){
+                                      ## P.R.: changed to vectorized form 
+                                      p1 <- if(log.p) exp(p) else p
+                                      in01 <- (p1>1 | p1<0)
+                                      i01 <- .isEqual01(p1) 
+                                      i0 <- (i01 & p1<1)   
+                                      i1 <- (i01 & p1>0)
+                                      ii01 <- .isEqual01(p1) | in01
+                                      p0 <- p
+                                      p0[ii01] <- if(log.p) log(0.5) else 0.5
+                                      q1 <- qgumbel(p0, loc = 0, scale = 1, 
+                                                    lower.tail = lower.tail) 
+                                      q1[i0] <- if(lower.tail) -Inf else Inf
+                                      q1[i1] <- if(!lower.tail) -Inf else Inf
+                                      q1[in01] <- NaN
+                                      return(q1)  
+                                      },
+                                  img = new("Reals"),
+                                  param = new("GumbelParameter"),
+                                  .logExact = FALSE,
+                                  .lowerExact = TRUE),
+            contains = "AbscontDistribution")
+###### Pareto distribution by Nataliya Horbenko, ITWM, 18-03-09
+## Class: ParetoParameter
+          representation = representation(shape = "numeric",
+                                          Min = "numeric"
+                                          ), 
+          prototype = prototype(shape = 1, Min = 1, name = 
+                      gettext("Parameter of a Pareto distribution")
+                      ), 
+          contains = "Parameter"
+          )
+## Class: Pareto distribution
+          prototype = prototype(
+                      r = function(n){ rpareto1(n, shape = 1, min = 1) },
+                      d = function(x, log = FALSE){ 
+                              dpareto1(x, shape = 1, min = 1, log = log) 
+                                          },
+                      p = function(q, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE ){ 
+                              ppareto1(q, shape = 1, min = 1, 
+                                     lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p) 
+                                          },
+                      q = function(p, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE ){ 
+                        ## P.R.: changed to vectorized form 
+                               p1 <- if(log.p) exp(p) else p
+                               in01 <- (p1>1 | p1<0)
+                               i01 <- .isEqual01(p1) 
+                               i0 <- (i01 & p1<1)   
+                               i1 <- (i01 & p1>0)
+                               ii01 <- .isEqual01(p1) | in01
+                               p0 <- p
+                               p0[ii01] <- if(log.p) log(0.5) else 0.5
+                               q1 <- qpareto1(p0, shape = 1,  min =  1, 
+                                           lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p) 
+                               q1[i0] <- if(lower.tail) -Inf else Inf
+                               q1[i1] <- if(!lower.tail) -Inf else Inf
+                               q1[in01] <- NaN
+                               return(q1)  
+                            },
+                      param = new("ParetoParameter"),
+                      img = new("Reals"),
+                      .logExact = TRUE,
+                      .lowerExact = TRUE),
+          contains = "AbscontDistribution"
+          )
+## Class: GParetoParameter
+          representation = representation(loc = "numeric", scale = "numeric", shape = "numeric"
+                                          ), 
+          prototype = prototype(loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0, name = 
+                      gettext("Parameter of a generalized Pareto distribution")
+                      ), 
+          contains = "Parameter"
+          )
+## Class: Generalized Pareto distribution
+          prototype = prototype(
+                      r = function(n){ rgpd(n,loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 1) },
+                      d = function(x, log = FALSE){ 
+                              dgpd(x, loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 1, log = log) 
+                                          },
+                      p = function(q, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE ){ 
+                              p0 <- pgpd(q, loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 1)
+                              if(!lower.tail ) p0 <- 1-p0
+                              if(log.p) p0 <- log(p0)
+                              return(p0)},
+                      q = function(p, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE ){ 
+                        ## P.R.: changed to vectorized form 
+                               p1 <- if(log.p) exp(p) else p
+                               if(!lower.tail) p1 <- 1-p1
+                               in01 <- (p1>1 | p1<0)
+                               i01 <- .isEqual01(p1) 
+                               i0 <- (i01 & p1<1)   
+                               i1 <- (i01 & p1>0)
+                               ii01 <- .isEqual01(p1) | in01
+                               p0 <- p
+                               p0[ii01] <- if(log.p) log(0.5) else 0.5
+                               q1 <- qgpd(p0,loc=0, scale = 1, shape = 1) 
+                               q1[i0] <- if(lower.tail) -Inf else Inf
+                               q1[i1] <- if(!lower.tail) -Inf else Inf
+                               q1[in01] <- NaN
+                               return(q1)  
+                            },
+                      param = new("GParetoParameter"),
+                      img = new("Reals"),
+                      .withArith = FALSE,
+                      .withSim = FALSE,
+                      .logExact = TRUE,
+                      .lowerExact = TRUE),
+          contains = "AbscontDistribution"
+          )
+## Class: GEVParameter
+          representation = representation(loc = "numeric", scale = "numeric", shape = "numeric"
+                                          ), 
+          prototype = prototype(loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0.5, name = 
+                      gettext("Parameter of a generalized extreme value distribution")
+                      ), 
+          contains = "Parameter"
+          )
+## Class: Generalized extreme value distribution
+          prototype = prototype(
+                      r = function(n){ rgev(n,loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0.5) },
+                      d = function(x, log = FALSE){ 
+                              dgev(x, loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0.5, log = log) 
+                                          },
+                      p = function(q, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE ){ 
+                              p0 <- pgev(q, loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0.5)
+                              if(!lower.tail ) p0 <- 1-p0
+                              if(log.p) p0 <- log(p0)
+                              return(p0)},
+                      q = function(p, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE ){ 
+                        ## analogous to GPD
+                               p1 <- if(log.p) exp(p) else p
+                               if(!lower.tail) p1 <- 1-p1
+                               in01 <- (p1>1 | p1<0)
+                               i01 <- .isEqual01(p1) 
+                               i0 <- (i01 & p1<1)   
+                               i1 <- (i01 & p1>0)
+                               ii01 <- .isEqual01(p1) | in01
+                               p0 <- p
+                               p0[ii01] <- if(log.p) log(0.5) else 0.5
+                               q1 <- qgev(p0,loc=0, scale = 1, shape = 0.5) 
+                               q1[i0] <- if(lower.tail) -Inf else Inf
+                               q1[i1] <- if(!lower.tail) -Inf else Inf
+                               q1[in01] <- NaN
+                               return(q1)  
+                            },
+                      param = new("GEVParameter"),
+                      img = new("Reals"),
+                      .withArith = FALSE,
+                      .withSim = FALSE,
+                      .logExact = TRUE,
+                      .lowerExact = TRUE),
+          contains = "AbscontDistribution"
+          )
+## Gumbel location family
+          contains = "L2LocationFamily")
+## class
+   prototype= prototype(withPos = TRUE),
+   contains="L2ScaleShapeUnion")

Added: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/AllGeneric.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/AllGeneric.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/AllGeneric.R	2012-05-20 14:05:21 UTC (rev 468)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+   setGeneric("kMAD", function(x, k, ...) standardGeneric("kMAD"))
+   setGeneric("loc", function(object) standardGeneric("loc"))
+   setGeneric("loc<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("loc<-"))
+   setGeneric("Qn", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("Qn"))
+   setGeneric("Sn", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("Sn"))

Added: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/AllInitialize.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/AllInitialize.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/AllInitialize.R	2012-05-20 14:05:21 UTC (rev 468)
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+## initialize method 
+setMethod("initialize", "Gumbel",
+    function(.Object, loc = 0, scale = 1) {
+        .Object at img <- Reals()
+        .Object at param <- new("GumbelParameter", loc = loc, scale = scale, 
+                             name = gettext("parameter of a Gumbel distribution"))
+        .Object at r <- function(n){}
+        body(.Object at r) <- substitute({ rgumbel(n, loc = loc1, scale = scale1) },
+                                     list(loc1 = loc, scale1 = scale))
+        .Object at d <- function(x, log = FALSE){}
+        body(.Object at d) <- substitute({  dgumbel(x, loc = loc1, scale = scale1, log = log) },
+                                     list(loc1 = loc, scale1 = scale))
+        .Object at p <- function(q, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){}
+        body(.Object at p) <- substitute({p1 <- pgumbel(q, loc = loc1, scale = scale1, lower.tail = lower.tail) 
+                                       return(if(log.p) log(p1) else p1)},
+                                     list(loc1 = loc, scale1 = scale))
+        .Object at q <- function(p, loc = loc1, scale = scale1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){}
+            body(.Object at q) <- substitute({
+                        ## P.R.: changed to vectorized form 
+                        p1 <- if(log.p) exp(p) else p
+                        in01 <- (p1>1 | p1<0)
+                        i01 <- .isEqual01(p1) 
+                        i0 <- (i01 & p1<1)   
+                        i1 <- (i01 & p1>0)
+                        ii01 <- .isEqual01(p1) | in01
+                        p0 <- p
+                        p0[ii01] <- if(log.p) log(0.5) else 0.5
+                        q1 <- qgumbel(p0, loc = loc1, scale = scale1, 
+                                      lower.tail = lower.tail) 
+                        q1[i0] <- if(lower.tail) -Inf else Inf
+                        q1[i1] <- if(!lower.tail) -Inf else Inf
+                        q1[in01] <- NaN
+                        return(q1)  
+                     },  list(loc1 = loc, scale1 = scale))
+        .Object at .withSim   <- FALSE
+        .Object at .withArith <- FALSE
+        .Object at .logExact <- FALSE
+        .Object at .lowerExact <- TRUE
+        .Object
+    })
+## Class: Pareto distribution
+setMethod("initialize", "Pareto",
+          function(.Object, shape = 1, Min = 1, .withArith = FALSE) {
+            .Object at img <- new("Reals")
+            .Object at param <- new("ParetoParameter", shape = shape, Min =  Min)
+            .Object at r <- function(n){}
+            .Object at d <- function(x, log = FALSE){}
+            .Object at p <- function(q, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){} 
+            .Object at q <- function(p, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){} 
+            body(.Object at r) <- substitute(
+                           { rpareto1(n, shape = shapeSub,  min = MinSub) },
+                             list(shapeSub = shape,  MinSub =  Min)
+                                       )
+            body(.Object at d) <- substitute(
+                           { dpareto1(x, shape = shapeSub,  min =  MinSub, 
+                                    log = log) },
+                             list(shapeSub = shape,  MinSub =  Min)
+                                         )
+            body(.Object at p) <- substitute(
+                           { ppareto1(q, shape = shapeSub,  min =  MinSub, 
+                                    lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p) },
+                             list(shapeSub = shape,  MinSub =  Min)
+                                         )
+            body(.Object at q) <- substitute({
+                        ## P.R.: changed to vectorized form 
+                        p1 <- if(log.p) exp(p) else p
+                        in01 <- (p1>1 | p1<0)
+                        i01 <- .isEqual01(p1) 
+                        i0 <- (i01 & p1<1)   
+                        i1 <- (i01 & p1>0)
+                        ii01 <- .isEqual01(p1) | in01
+                        p0 <- p
+                        p0[ii01] <- if(log.p) log(0.5) else 0.5
+                        q1 <- qpareto1(p0, shape = shapeSub,  min =  MinSub, 
+                                    lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p) 
+                        q1[i0] <- if(lower.tail) -Inf else Inf
+                        q1[i1] <- if(!lower.tail) -Inf else Inf
+                        q1[in01] <- NaN
+                        return(q1)  
+                     },  list(shapeSub = shape,  MinSub =  Min))
+            .Object at .withArith <- .withArith
+            .Object at .logExact <- TRUE
+            .Object at .lowerExact <- TRUE
+            .Object
+          })
+## Class: Generalized Pareto distribution
+setMethod("initialize", "GPareto",
+          function(.Object, loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 1) {
+            .Object at img <- new("Reals")
+            .Object at param <- new("GParetoParameter", loc = loc, scale = scale, shape = shape)
+            .Object at r <- function(n){}
+            .Object at d <- function(x, log = FALSE){}
+            .Object at p <- function(q, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){} 
+            .Object at q <- function(p, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){} 
+            body(.Object at r) <- substitute(
+                           { rgpd(n, loc = locSub, scale = scaleSub,  shape = shapeSub) },
+                             list(locSub = loc, scaleSub = scale, shapeSub = shape)
+                                       )
+            body(.Object at d) <- substitute(
+                           { dgpd(x, loc = locSub, scale = scaleSub, shape = shapeSub, 
+                                    log = log) },
+                             list(locSub = loc, scaleSub = scale, shapeSub = shape)
+                                         )
+            body(.Object at p) <- substitute(
+                           { if(!lower.tail && log.p){
+                             q0 <- (q-locSub)/scaleSub
+                             return(-log(1+shapeSub*q0)/shapeSub)
+                             }else{
+                             p0 <- pgpd(q, loc = locSub, scale = scaleSub, 
+                                        shape = shapeSub)
+                             if(!lower.tail ) p0 <- 1-p0
+                             if(log.p) p0 <- log(p0)
+                             return(p0)}
+                           }, list(locSub = loc, scaleSub = scale, 
+                                   shapeSub = shape)
+                                         )
+            body(.Object at q) <- substitute({
+                        if(!lower.tail && log.p){
+                             p1 <- p
+                             p1[p<.Machine$double.eps] <- 0.5
+                             q0 <- (exp(-shapeSub*p1)-1)/shapeSub*scaleSub + locSub
+                             q0[p<.Machine$double.eps] <- NaN
+                             return(q0)
+                        }else{
+                        ## P.R.: changed to vectorized form 
+                           p1 <- if(log.p) exp(p) else p
+                           in01 <- (p1>1 | p1<0)
+                           i01 <- .isEqual01(p1) 
+                           i0 <- (i01 & p1<1)   
+                           i1 <- (i01 & p1>0)
+                           ii01 <- .isEqual01(p1) | in01
+                           p0 <- p
+                           p0[ii01] <- if(log.p) log(0.5) else 0.5
+                           if(!lower.tail) p0 <- 1-p0
+                           q1 <- qgpd(p0, loc = locSub, scale = scaleSub, 
+                                      shape = shapeSub) 
+                           q1[i0] <- if(lower.tail)  locSub else Inf
+                           q1[i1] <- if(!lower.tail) locSub else Inf
+                           q1[in01] <- NaN
+                           return(q1) 
+                         }   
+                     },  list(locSub = loc, scaleSub = scale, shapeSub = shape))
+            .Object at .withSim   <- FALSE
+            .Object at .withArith <- FALSE
+            .Object at .logExact <- TRUE
+            .Object at .lowerExact <- TRUE
+            .Object
+          })
+## Class: Generalized extreme value distribution
+setMethod("initialize", "GEV",
+          function(.Object, loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 1) {
+            .Object at img <- new("Reals")
+            .Object at param <- new("GEVParameter", loc = loc, scale = scale, shape = shape)
+            .Object at r <- function(n){}
+            .Object at d <- function(x, log = FALSE){}
+            .Object at p <- function(q, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){} 
+            .Object at q <- function(p, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){} 
+            body(.Object at r) <- substitute(
+                           { rgev(n, loc = locSub, scale = scaleSub,  shape = shapeSub) },
+                             list(locSub = loc, scaleSub = scale, shapeSub = shape)
+                                       )
+            body(.Object at d) <- substitute(
+                           { dgev(x, loc = locSub, scale = scaleSub, shape = shapeSub, log = log) },
+                             list(locSub = loc, scaleSub = scale, shapeSub = shape)
+                                         )
+            body(.Object at p) <- substitute(
+                           { if(lower.tail && log.p){
+                             q0 <- (q-locSub)/scaleSub
+                             p0 <- -(1+shapeSub*q0)^(-1/shapeSub)
+                             p0[q0<(-1)] <- -Inf 
+                             return(p0)
+                             }else{
+                             p0 <- pgev(q, loc = locSub, scale = scaleSub, shape = shapeSub,lower.tail=TRUE)
+                             if(!lower.tail ) p0 <- 1-p0
+                             if(log.p) p0 <- log(p0)
+                             return(p0)}
+                           }, list(locSub = loc, scaleSub = scale, 
+                                   shapeSub = shape)
+                                         )
+            body(.Object at q) <- substitute({
+                        if(lower.tail && log.p){
+                             q0 <-((-p)^(-shapeSub)-1)/shapeSub*scaleSub+locSub  
+                             #q0[p>0|p< -Inf] <- NaN
+                             #q0[.isEqual01(p)& p<1] <- Inf
+                             #q0[!is.finite(p)& p<0] <- locSub-scaleSub/shapeSub                             
+                             p0 <- exp(p)
+                             q0[p0>1|p0<0] <- NaN
+                             q0[(.isEqual01(p) & p0>0)] <- Inf
+                             q0[(.isEqual01(p) & p0<1)] <- locSub-scaleSub/shapeSub 
+                             return(q0)
+                        }else{
+                           ##higher tolerance for .isEqual01
+                           tol=1e-20
+                           distroptions(TruncQuantile=tol)
+                           p1 <- if(log.p) exp(p) else p
+                           in01 <- (p1>1 | p1<0)
+                           i01 <- .isEqual01(p1) 
+                           i0 <- (i01 & p1<1)   
+                           i1 <- (i01 & p1>0)
+                           ii01 <- .isEqual01(p1) | in01
+                           p0 <- p
+                           p0[ii01] <- if(log.p) log(0.5) else 0.5
+                           #if(!lower.tail) p0 <- 1-p0
+                           q1 <- qgev(p0, loc = locSub, scale = scaleSub, shape = shapeSub, lower.tail=lower.tail) 
+                           q1[i0] <- if(lower.tail)  locSub-scaleSub/shapeSub else Inf
+                           q1[i1] <- if(!lower.tail) locSub-scaleSub/shapeSub else Inf
+                           q1[in01] <- NaN
+                           return(q1) 
+                         }   
+                     },  list(locSub = loc, scaleSub = scale, shapeSub = shape))
+            .Object at .withSim   <- FALSE
+            .Object at .withArith <- FALSE
+            .Object at .logExact <- TRUE
+            .Object at .lowerExact <- TRUE
+            .Object
+          })

Added: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/Expectation.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/Expectation.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/Expectation.R	2012-05-20 14:05:21 UTC (rev 468)
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+setMethod("E", signature(object = "Pareto", 
+                         fun = "missing", 
+                         cond = "missing"),
+    function(object, low = NULL, upp = NULL, ...){
+    if(!is.null(low)) if(low <= Min(object)) low <- NULL
+    a <- shape(object); b <- Min(object)
+    if(is.null(low) && is.null(upp)){
+        if(a<=1) return(Inf)
+        else return(b*a/(a-1))
+     }   
+    else
+        return(E(as(object,"AbscontDistribution"), low=low, upp=upp, ...))    
+    })
+### source http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ParetoDistribution.html
+setMethod("E", signature(object = "Gumbel", 
+                         fun = "missing", 
+                         cond = "missing"),
+    function(object, low = NULL, upp = NULL, ...){a <- loc(object); b <- scale(object)
+    if(is.null(low) && is.null(upp))
+           return(a- EULERMASCHERONICONSTANT * b)
+    else
+        return(E(as(object,"AbscontDistribution"), low=low, upp=upp, ...))    
+    })
+## http://mathworld.wolfram.com/GumbelDistribution.html
+setMethod("E", signature(object = "GPareto", 
+                         fun = "missing", 
+                         cond = "missing"),
+    function(object, low = NULL, upp = NULL, ...){
+    if(!is.null(low)) if(low <= Min(object)) low <- NULL
+    k <- shape(object); s <- scale(object); mu <- loc(object)
+    if(is.null(low) && is.null(upp)){
+        if(k>=1) return(Inf)
+        else return(mu+s/(1-k))
+     }   
+    else
+        return(E(as(object,"AbscontDistribution"), low=low, upp=upp, ...))    
+    })
+### source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_distribution
+setMethod("E", signature(object = "GPareto",
+                         fun = "function",
+                         cond = "missing"),
+    function(object, fun, low = NULL, upp = NULL,
+             rel.tol= getdistrExOption("ErelativeTolerance"),
+             lowerTruncQuantile = getdistrExOption("ElowerTruncQuantile"),
+             upperTruncQuantile = getdistrExOption("EupperTruncQuantile"),
+             IQR.fac = max(1e4,getdistrExOption("IQR.fac")), ...
+             ){
+        dots <- list(...)
+        dots.withoutUseApply <- dots
+        useApply <- TRUE
+        if(!is.null(dots$useApply)) useApply <- dots$useApply
+        dots.withoutUseApply$useApply <- NULL
+        integrand <- function(x, dfun, ...){   di <- dim(x)
+                                               y <- exp(x)
+                                               if(useApply){
+                                                    funy <- sapply(y,fun, ...)
+                                                    dim(y) <- di
+                                                    dim(funy) <- di
+                                               }else funy <- fun(y,...)
+                                        return(funy * y * dfun(y)) }
+        if(is.null(low)) low <- -Inf
+        if(is.null(upp)) upp <- Inf
+        Ib <- .getIntbounds(object, low, upp, lowerTruncQuantile,
+              upperTruncQuantile, IQR.fac)
+        low <- if(Ib["low"]<=0) -Inf else log(Ib["low"])
+        upp <- log(Ib["upp"])
+        return(do.call(distrExIntegrate, c(list(f = integrand,
+                    lower = low,
+                    upper = upp,
+                    rel.tol = rel.tol,
+                    distr = object, dfun = d(object)), dots.withoutUseApply)))
+    })
+setMethod("E", signature(object = "GEV", 
+                         fun = "missing", 
+                         cond = "missing"),
+    function(object, low = NULL, upp = NULL, ...){
+    if(!is.null(low)) if(low <= Min(object)) low <- NULL
+    xi <- shape(object); sigma <- scale(object); mu <- loc(object)
+    if(is.null(low) && is.null(upp)){
+        if (xi==0) return(mu+sigma*EULERMASCHERONICONSTANT)
+        else if(xi>=1) return(Inf)
+        else return(mu+sigma*(gamma(1-xi)-1)/xi)
+        }       
+    else
+        return(E(as(object,"AbscontDistribution"), low=low, upp=upp, ...))    
+    })
+setMethod("E", signature(object = "GEV",
+                         fun = "function",
+                         cond = "missing"),
+    function(object, fun, low = NULL, upp = NULL,
+             rel.tol= getdistrExOption("ErelativeTolerance"),
+             lowerTruncQuantile = getdistrExOption("ElowerTruncQuantile"),
+             upperTruncQuantile = getdistrExOption("EupperTruncQuantile"),
+             IQR.fac = max(1e4,getdistrExOption("IQR.fac")), ...
+             ){
+        dots <- list(...)
+        dots.withoutUseApply <- dots
+        useApply <- TRUE
+        if(!is.null(dots$useApply)) useApply <- dots$useApply

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/robast -r 468

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