[Robast-commits] r432 - in branches/robast-0.8/pkg/RobAStBase: R man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Mon Nov 29 18:58:08 CET 2010

Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2010-11-29 18:58:07 +0100 (Mon, 29 Nov 2010)
New Revision: 432

[RobAStBase]  additional annotation parameters for ddPlot: 
(all with reasonable defaults)

text.abline:             controls whether cutoff lines get labeled
text.abline.y:           text to be added as labels, 
                         defaults to something like "95%-cutoff = 4.32"  (4.32 the cutoff value)
adj.abline:              respective parameters for labels
text.abline.y.y:      coordinates of labels,
text.abline.y.fmt.qy: format strings for cutoff quantiles and values in labels

Modified: branches/robast-0.8/pkg/RobAStBase/R/ddPlot.R
--- branches/robast-0.8/pkg/RobAStBase/R/ddPlot.R	2010-11-24 14:15:50 UTC (rev 431)
+++ branches/robast-0.8/pkg/RobAStBase/R/ddPlot.R	2010-11-29 17:58:07 UTC (rev 432)
@@ -4,7 +4,14 @@
        cutoff.quantile.x = 0.95, cutoff.quantile.y = cutoff.quantile.x,
        transform.x, transform.y = transform.x,
        id.n, lab.pts, adj, cex.idn,
-       col.idn, lty.cutoff, lwd.cutoff, col.cutoff){
+       col.idn, lty.cutoff, lwd.cutoff, col.cutoff, text.abline = TRUE,
+       text.abline.x = NULL, text.abline.y = NULL,
+       cex.abline = par("cex"), col.abline = col.cutoff,
+       font.abline = par("font"), adj.abline = c(0,0),
+       text.abline.x.x = NULL, text.abline.x.y = NULL, 
+       text.abline.y.x = NULL, text.abline.y.y = NULL,
+       text.abline.x.fmt.cx = "%7.2f", text.abline.x.fmt.qx = "%4.2f%%",
+       text.abline.y.fmt.cy = "%7.2f", text.abline.y.fmt.qy = "%4.2f%%"){
        mc <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE, 
                                 call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))[-1])
        mc$data <- data
@@ -17,7 +24,14 @@
        cutoff.quantile.x = 0.95, cutoff.quantile.y = cutoff.quantile.x,
        transform.x, transform.y = transform.x,
        id.n, lab.pts, adj, cex.idn,
-       col.idn, lty.cutoff, lwd.cutoff, col.cutoff){
+       col.idn, lty.cutoff, lwd.cutoff, col.cutoff, text.abline = TRUE,
+       text.abline.x = NULL, text.abline.y = NULL,
+       cex.abline = par("cex"), col.abline = col.cutoff,
+       font.abline = par("font"), adj.abline = c(0,0),
+       text.abline.x.x = NULL, text.abline.x.y = NULL, 
+       text.abline.y.x = NULL, text.abline.y.y = NULL,
+       text.abline.x.fmt.cx = "%7.2f", text.abline.x.fmt.qx = "%4.2f%%",
+       text.abline.y.fmt.cy = "%7.2f", text.abline.y.fmt.qy = "%4.2f%%"){
          mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
          mc$data <- t(as.matrix(data))
@@ -30,7 +44,14 @@
        cutoff.quantile.x = 0.95, cutoff.quantile.y = cutoff.quantile.x,
        transform.x, transform.y = transform.x,
        id.n, lab.pts, adj, cex.idn,
-       col.idn, lty.cutoff, lwd.cutoff, col.cutoff){
+       col.idn, lty.cutoff, lwd.cutoff, col.cutoff, text.abline = TRUE,
+       text.abline.x = NULL, text.abline.y = NULL,
+       cex.abline = par("cex"), col.abline = col.cutoff,
+       font.abline = par("font"), adj.abline = c(0,0),
+       text.abline.x.x = NULL, text.abline.x.y = NULL, 
+       text.abline.y.x = NULL, text.abline.y.y = NULL,
+       text.abline.x.fmt.cx = "%7.2f", text.abline.x.fmt.qx = "%4.2f%%",
+       text.abline.y.fmt.cy = "%7.2f", text.abline.y.fmt.qy = "%4.2f%%"){
          mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
          mc$data <- matrix(data,nrow=1)

Modified: branches/robast-0.8/pkg/RobAStBase/R/ddPlot_utils.R
--- branches/robast-0.8/pkg/RobAStBase/R/ddPlot_utils.R	2010-11-24 14:15:50 UTC (rev 431)
+++ branches/robast-0.8/pkg/RobAStBase/R/ddPlot_utils.R	2010-11-29 17:58:07 UTC (rev 432)
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+.presubs <- distr:::.presubs
 .ddPlot.MatNtNtCoCo <- function(data, ...,  dist.x = NormType(), dist.y  = NormType(),
        cutoff.x = cutoff(norm = dist.x, cutoff.quantile  = cutoff.quantile.x),
        cutoff.y = cutoff(norm = dist.y, cutoff.quantile  = cutoff.quantile.y),
@@ -5,7 +7,14 @@
        transform.x, transform.y = transform.x,
        id.n, lab.pts, adj =0, cex.idn = 1,
        col.idn = par("col"), lty.cutoff,
-       lwd.cutoff, col.cutoff = "red"){
+       lwd.cutoff, col.cutoff = "red", text.abline = TRUE,
+       text.abline.x = NULL, text.abline.y = NULL,
+       cex.abline = par("cex"), col.abline = col.cutoff,
+       font.abline = par("font"), adj.abline = c(0,0),
+       text.abline.x.x = NULL, text.abline.x.y = NULL, 
+       text.abline.y.x = NULL, text.abline.y.y = NULL,
+       text.abline.x.fmt.cx = "%7.2f", text.abline.x.fmt.qx = "%4.2f%%",
+       text.abline.y.fmt.cy = "%7.2f", text.abline.y.fmt.qy = "%4.2f%%"){
        dots <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$"..."
@@ -64,7 +73,10 @@
       ndata.x <- fct(dist.x)(data.x)
       ndata.y <- fct(dist.y)(data.y)
+      co.x <- fct(cutoff.x)(data.x)
+      co.y <- fct(cutoff.y)(data.y)
       if(is.null(adj)) adj <- 0
       if(is.null(cex.idn)) cex.idn <- 1
       if(is.null(col.idn)) col.idn <- par("col")
@@ -84,13 +96,64 @@
       pdots$untf <- NULL
       abdots <- pdots
-      abdots$col <- col.cutoff
-      if(!missing(lwd.cutoff)) abdots$lwd <- lwd.cutoff
-      if(!missing(lty.cutoff)) abdots$lty <- lty.cutoff
+      col.cutoff <- rep(col.cutoff,length.out=2)
+      if(missing(lty.cutoff) && !is.null(dots$lty)) lty.cutoff <- dots$lty
+      if(missing(lwd.cutoff) && !is.null(dots$lwd)) lwd.cutoff <- dots$lwd
+      if(missing(cex.abline) && !is.null(dots$cex)) cex.abline <- dots$cex
+      if(missing(adj.abline) && !is.null(dots$adj)) lty.abline <- dots$adj
+      if(missing(font.abline) && !is.null(dots$font)) font.abline <- dots$font
+      if(!missing(lty.cutoff)) abdots$lty <- lty.cutoff[[1]]
+      if(!missing(lwd.cutoff)) abdots$lwd <- lwd.cutoff[1]
+      abdots$col <- col.cutoff[1]
       abdots$pos <- NULL
       abdots$untf <- dots$untf
       abdots$adj <- NULL
+      abdots <- list(abdots,abdots)
+      if(!is.null(abdots$lty)) 
+         if(is.list(lty.cutoff))  abdots[[2]]$lty <-  lty.cutoff[[2]]
+      if(!is.null(abdots$lwd)) 
+        if(length(lwd.cutoff)>1) abdots[[2]]$lwd <-  lwd.cutoff[2]
+      ab.textL <- rep(text.abline,length.out=2)
+      abtdots.x <- abtdots.y <- vector("list",0)
+      cex.abline <- rep(cex.abline, length.out = 2)
+      col.abline <- rep(if(!is.null(col.abline)) col.abline else "red", length.out = 2)
+      font.abline <- rep(font.abline, length.out = 2)
+      adj.abline <- matrix(rep(adj.abline,length.out=4),2,2)
+      .mpresubs <- function(inx) 
+                    .presubs(inx, c("%qx", "%qy", "%cx", "%cy"),
+                          c(gettextf(text.abline.x.fmt.qx, round(cutoff.quantile.x*100,1)),
+                            gettextf(text.abline.y.fmt.qy, round(cutoff.quantile.y*100,1)),
+                            gettextf(text.abline.x.fmt.cx, round(co.x,2)),
+                            gettextf(text.abline.y.fmt.cy, round(co.y,2))))
+      abtdots.x$labels <- if(! is.null(text.abline.x)) .mpresubs(text.abline.x) else
+                            gettextf(paste(text.abline.x.fmt.qx,"-cutoff = ",
+                                           text.abline.x.fmt.cx,sep=""), 
+                                     cutoff.quantile.x*100,round(co.x,digits=2))
+      abtdots.x$cex <- cex.abline[1]
+      abtdots.x$col <- col.abline[1]
+      abtdots.x$font <- font.abline[1]
+      abtdots.x$srt <- NULL
+      abtdots.x$adj <- adj.abline[,1]
+      abtdots.y$labels <- if(! is.null(text.abline.y)) .mpresubs(text.abline.y) else
+                            gettextf(paste(text.abline.y.fmt.qy,"-cutoff = ",
+                                           text.abline.y.fmt.cy,sep=""), 
+                                     cutoff.quantile.y*100,round(co.y,digits=2))
+      abtdots.y$cex <- cex.abline[2]
+      abtdots.y$col <- col.abline[2]
+      abtdots.y$font <- font.abline[2]
+      abtdots.y$srt <- NULL
+      abtdots.y$adj <- adj.abline[,2]
       adots <- pdots
       adots$col <- pdots$col.axis
       adots$lty <- pdots$lty.axis
@@ -109,8 +172,6 @@
-      co.x <- fct(cutoff.x)(data.x)
-      co.y <- fct(cutoff.y)(data.y)
 #      print(quantile(ndata.x))
 #      print(co.x)
 #      print(fct(cutoff.x))
@@ -141,8 +202,21 @@
       do.call(plot, args = c(list(x = ndata.x,ndata.y, type = "p"), pdots))
-      do.call(abline, args = c(list(h=co.y), abdots))
-      do.call(abline, args = c(list(v=co.x), abdots))
+      do.call(abline, args = c(list(v=co.x), abdots[[1]]))
+      do.call(abline, args = c(list(h=co.y), abdots[[2]]))
+      pusr <- par("usr")
+      mid.x = mean(pusr[c(1,2)])
+      mid.y = mean(pusr[c(3,4)])
+      abtdots.y$x <- if(is.null(text.abline.y.x)) mid.x else text.abline.y.x
+      abtdots.x$y <- if(is.null(text.abline.x.y)) mid.y else text.abline.x.y
+      if(ab.textL[1])
+         do.call(text, args = c(list(y=co.y*1.03), abtdots.y))
+      if(ab.textL[2])
+         do.call(text, args = c(list(x=co.x*1.03), abtdots.x,srt=90))
          do.call(text, args = c(list(ndata.x[id.xy], ndata.y[id.xy],
                                 labels=lab.pts[id.xy]), tdots))

Modified: branches/robast-0.8/pkg/RobAStBase/man/cutoff-class.Rd
--- branches/robast-0.8/pkg/RobAStBase/man/cutoff-class.Rd	2010-11-24 14:15:50 UTC (rev 431)
+++ branches/robast-0.8/pkg/RobAStBase/man/cutoff-class.Rd	2010-11-29 17:58:07 UTC (rev 432)
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@
     \code{function(data) quantile(data)}.}
     \item{\code{cutoff.quantile}:}{ Object of class \code{"numeric"}:
-      a quantile (empirical or theoretical) to plot the cutoff line; defaults
+      a probability (in [0,1]) to determine the respective quantile 
+      (empirical or theoretical) to plot the cutoff line; defaults
       to \code{0.95} in prototype;}

Modified: branches/robast-0.8/pkg/RobAStBase/man/cutoff.Rd
--- branches/robast-0.8/pkg/RobAStBase/man/cutoff.Rd	2010-11-24 14:15:50 UTC (rev 431)
+++ branches/robast-0.8/pkg/RobAStBase/man/cutoff.Rd	2010-11-29 17:58:07 UTC (rev 432)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
   \item{name}{argument for name slot of \code{cutoff} object}
   \item{body.fct0}{a call generated by code wrapped to \code{substitute} resp. \code{quote};
   the body of the \code{fct} slot of the \code{cutoff} object}
-  \item{cutoff.quantile}{numeric; the corresponding slot value for the \code{cutoff} object}
+  \item{cutoff.quantile}{numeric (in [0,1]); the corresponding slot value for the \code{cutoff} object}
   \item{norm}{an object of class \code{NormType} -- the norm/distance by which to produce
               the cutoff - value.}
   \item{nsim}{ integer: the sample size used for determining the quantiles

Modified: branches/robast-0.8/pkg/RobAStBase/man/ddPlot-methods.Rd
--- branches/robast-0.8/pkg/RobAStBase/man/ddPlot-methods.Rd	2010-11-24 14:15:50 UTC (rev 431)
+++ branches/robast-0.8/pkg/RobAStBase/man/ddPlot-methods.Rd	2010-11-29 17:58:07 UTC (rev 432)
@@ -14,19 +14,40 @@
        cutoff.quantile.x = 0.95, cutoff.quantile.y = cutoff.quantile.x,
        transform.x, transform.y = transform.x,
        id.n, lab.pts, adj, cex.idn,
-       col.idn, lty.cutoff, lwd.cutoff, col.cutoff)
+       col.idn, lty.cutoff, lwd.cutoff, col.cutoff, text.abline = TRUE,
+       text.abline.x = NULL, text.abline.y = NULL,
+       cex.abline = par("cex"), col.abline = col.cutoff,
+       font.abline = par("font"), adj.abline = c(0,0),
+       text.abline.x.x = NULL, text.abline.x.y = NULL, 
+       text.abline.y.x = NULL, text.abline.y.y = NULL,
+       text.abline.x.fmt.cx = "\%7.2f", text.abline.x.fmt.qx = "\%4.2f\%\%",
+       text.abline.y.fmt.cy = "\%7.2f", text.abline.y.fmt.qy = "\%4.2f\%\%")
 \S4method{ddPlot}{numeric}(data, dist.x = NormType(), dist.y  = NormType(),
        cutoff.x, cutoff.y, ...,
        cutoff.quantile.x = 0.95, cutoff.quantile.y = cutoff.quantile.x,
        transform.x, transform.y = transform.x,
        id.n, lab.pts, adj, cex.idn,
-       col.idn, lty.cutoff, lwd.cutoff, col.cutoff)
+       col.idn, lty.cutoff, lwd.cutoff, col.cutoff, text.abline = TRUE,
+       text.abline.x = NULL, text.abline.y = NULL,
+       cex.abline = par("cex"), col.abline = col.cutoff,
+       font.abline = par("font"), adj.abline = c(0,0),
+       text.abline.x.x = NULL, text.abline.x.y = NULL, 
+       text.abline.y.x = NULL, text.abline.y.y = NULL,
+       text.abline.x.fmt.cx = "\%7.2f", text.abline.x.fmt.qx = "\%4.2f\%\%",
+       text.abline.y.fmt.cy = "\%7.2f", text.abline.y.fmt.qy = "\%4.2f\%\%")
 \S4method{ddPlot}{data.frame}(data, dist.x = NormType(), dist.y  = NormType(),
        cutoff.x, cutoff.y, ...,
        cutoff.quantile.x = 0.95, cutoff.quantile.y = cutoff.quantile.x,
        transform.x, transform.y = transform.x,
        id.n, lab.pts, adj, cex.idn,
-       col.idn, lty.cutoff, lwd.cutoff, col.cutoff)
+       col.idn, lty.cutoff, lwd.cutoff, col.cutoff, text.abline = TRUE,
+       text.abline.x = NULL, text.abline.y = NULL,
+       cex.abline = par("cex"), col.abline = col.cutoff,
+       font.abline = par("font"), adj.abline = c(0,0),
+       text.abline.x.x = NULL, text.abline.x.y = NULL, 
+       text.abline.y.x = NULL, text.abline.y.y = NULL,
+       text.abline.x.fmt.cx = "\%7.2f", text.abline.x.fmt.qx = "\%4.2f\%\%",
+       text.abline.y.fmt.cy = "\%7.2f", text.abline.y.fmt.qy = "\%4.2f\%\%")
   \item{data}{data coercable to \code{matrix}; the data  at which to produce the \code{ddPlot}.}
@@ -53,18 +74,53 @@
   \item{col.idn}{the corresponding \code{col} argument for
                  \code{\link[graphics]{text}} for labelling the outliers.}
   \item{lty.cutoff}{the corresponding \code{lty} argument for
+                 \code{\link[graphics]{abline}} for drawing the cutoff lines;
+                 either one lty-value (one value or vector) or a list of length 2
+                 of lty-values.}
+  \item{lwd.cutoff}{(vector cast to length 2): the corresponding \code{lwd} argument for
                  \code{\link[graphics]{abline}} for drawing the cutoff lines.}
-  \item{lwd.cutoff}{the corresponding \code{lwd} argument for
+  \item{col.cutoff}{(vector cast to length 2): the corresponding \code{col} argument for
                  \code{\link[graphics]{abline}} for drawing the cutoff lines.}
-  \item{col.cutoff}{the corresponding \code{col} argument for
-                 \code{\link[graphics]{abline}} for drawing the cutoff lines.}
+  \item{text.abline}{vector of logicals (cast to length 2): shall text be added
+                 to cutoff lines.}
+  \item{text.abline.x}{text to be added to cutoff lines in x direction; if \code{NULL}
+   (default) we use ``[pp] \%-cutoff = [ff]'' where [pp] is the percentag up to 2 digits
+          and [ff] is the cutoff value up to 2 digits.}
+  \item{text.abline.y}{text to be added to cutoff lines in y direction; if \code{NULL}
+   (default) we use ``[pp] \%-cutoff = [ff]'' where [pp] is the percentag up to 2 digits
+          and [ff] is the cutoff value up to 2 digits.}
+  \item{cex.abline}{vector of numerics (cast to length 2): cex-value for added cutoff text.}
+  \item{col.abline}{vector of length 2: color for added cutoff text.}
+  \item{font.abline}{vector of length 2: font for added cutoff text.}
+  \item{adj.abline}{cast to 2 x 2 matrix (by recycling rules): adjustment values for added cutoff text.}
+  \item{text.abline.x.y}{y-coordinate of text to be added to cutoff lines in x direction;
+                         if \code{NULL} (default) set to mid of \code{mean(par("usr")[c(3,4)])}.}
+  \item{text.abline.y.x}{x-coordinate of text to be added to cutoff lines in y direction;
+                         if \code{NULL} (default) set to mid of \code{mean(par("usr")[c(1,2)])}.}
+  \item{text.abline.x.x}{x-coordinate of text to be added to cutoff lines in x direction;
+                         if \code{NULL} (default) set to 1.05 times the cutoff value.}
+  \item{text.abline.y.y}{y-coordinate of text to be added to cutoff lines in y direction;
+                         if \code{NULL} (default) set to 1.05 times the cutoff value.}
+  \item{text.abline.x.fmt.cx}{format string (see \code{\link[base]{gettextf}}) to format the cutoff value in label in x direction.}
+  \item{text.abline.x.fmt.qx}{format string to format cutoff probability in label in x direction.}
+  \item{text.abline.y.fmt.cy}{format string to format the cutoff value in label in y direction.}
+  \item{text.abline.y.fmt.qy}{format string to format cutoff probability in label in y direction.}
 The \code{matrix}-method calls \code{.ddPlot.MatNtNtCoCo},
 the \code{numeric}- and \code{data.frame}-methods coerce argument \code{data}
 to \code{matrix} --- the \code{numeric}-method by a call to \code{matrix(data, nrow=1)},
 in the  \code{data.frame}-methods by a call to \code{t(as.matrix(data))}.
+In arguments \code{text.abline.x} and \code{text.abline.y} the following 
+patterns are substituted:
+\item{\code{"\%qx"}}{cutoff-quantile in x-direction}
+\item{\code{"\%qy"}}{cutoff-quantile in y-direction}
+\item{\code{"\%cx"}}{cutoff-value in x-direction}
+\item{\code{"\%cy"}}{cutoff-value in y-direction}
 a list with items
 \item{id.x}{the indices of (possibly transformed) data (within subset \code{id.n}) beyond the \code{x}-cutoff}

Modified: branches/robast-0.8/pkg/RobAStBase/man/internals_ddPlot.Rd
--- branches/robast-0.8/pkg/RobAStBase/man/internals_ddPlot.Rd	2010-11-24 14:15:50 UTC (rev 431)
+++ branches/robast-0.8/pkg/RobAStBase/man/internals_ddPlot.Rd	2010-11-29 17:58:07 UTC (rev 432)
@@ -15,8 +15,15 @@
        transform.x, transform.y = transform.x,
        id.n, lab.pts, adj =0, cex.idn = 1,
        col.idn = par("col"), lty.cutoff,
-       lwd.cutoff, col.cutoff = "red")}
+       lwd.cutoff, col.cutoff = "red", text.abline = TRUE,
+       text.abline.x = NULL, text.abline.y = NULL,
+       cex.abline = par("cex"), col.abline = col.cutoff,
+       font.abline = par("font"), adj.abline = c(0,0),
+       text.abline.x.x = NULL, text.abline.x.y = NULL, 
+       text.abline.y.x = NULL, text.abline.y.y = NULL,
+       text.abline.x.fmt.cx = "\%7.2f", text.abline.x.fmt.qx = "\%4.2f\%\%",
+       text.abline.y.fmt.cy = "\%7.2f", text.abline.y.fmt.qy = "\%4.2f\%\%")
   \item{data}{data in \code{matrix} form (columns are observations; rows are variable
   dimensions) at which to produce the \code{ddPlot}.}
@@ -43,11 +50,37 @@
   \item{col.idn}{the corresponding \code{col} argument for
                  \code{\link[graphics]{text}} for labelling the outliers.}
   \item{lty.cutoff}{the corresponding \code{lty} argument for
+                 \code{\link[graphics]{abline}} for drawing the cutoff lines;
+                 either one lty-value (one value or vector) or a list of length 2
+                 of lty-values.}
+  \item{lwd.cutoff}{(vector cast to length 2): the corresponding \code{lwd} argument for
                  \code{\link[graphics]{abline}} for drawing the cutoff lines.}
-  \item{lwd.cutoff}{the corresponding \code{lwd} argument for
+  \item{col.cutoff}{(vector cast to length 2): the corresponding \code{col} argument for
                  \code{\link[graphics]{abline}} for drawing the cutoff lines.}
-  \item{col.cutoff}{the corresponding \code{col} argument for
-                 \code{\link[graphics]{abline}} for drawing the cutoff lines.}
+  \item{text.abline}{vector of logicals (cast to length 2): shall text be added
+                 to cutoff lines.}
+  \item{text.abline.x}{text to be added to cutoff lines in x direction; if \code{NULL}
+   (default) we use ``[pp] \%-cutoff = [ff]'' where [pp] is the percentag up to 2 digits
+          and [ff] is the cutoff value up to 2 digits.}
+  \item{text.abline.y}{text to be added to cutoff lines in y direction; if \code{NULL}
+   (default) we use ``[pp] \%-cutoff = [ff]'' where [pp] is the percentag up to 2 digits
+          and [ff] is the cutoff value up to 2 digits.}
+  \item{cex.abline}{vector of numerics (cast to length 2): cex-value for added cutoff text.}
+  \item{col.abline}{vector of length 2: color for added cutoff text.}
+  \item{font.abline}{vector of length 2: font for added cutoff text.}
+  \item{adj.abline}{cast to 2 x 2 matrix (by recycling rules): adjustment values for added cutoff text.}
+  \item{text.abline.x.y}{y-coordinate of text to be added to cutoff lines in x direction;
+                         if \code{NULL} (default) set to mid of \code{mean(par("usr")[c(3,4)])}.}
+  \item{text.abline.y.x}{x-coordinate of text to be added to cutoff lines in y direction;
+                         if \code{NULL} (default) set to mid of \code{mean(par("usr")[c(1,2)])}.}
+  \item{text.abline.x.x}{x-coordinate of text to be added to cutoff lines in x direction;
+                         if \code{NULL} (default) set to 1.05 times the cutoff value.}
+  \item{text.abline.y.y}{y-coordinate of text to be added to cutoff lines in y direction;
+                         if \code{NULL} (default) set to 1.05 times the cutoff value.}
+  \item{text.abline.x.fmt.cx}{format string (see \code{\link[base]{gettextf}}) to format the cutoff value in label in x direction.}
+  \item{text.abline.x.fmt.qx}{format string to format cutoff probability in label in x direction.}
+  \item{text.abline.y.fmt.cy}{format string to format the cutoff value in label in y direction.}
+  \item{text.abline.y.fmt.qy}{format string to format cutoff probability in label in y direction.}

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