[Robast-commits] r338 - in branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptEst: R chm
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Wed Aug 12 03:28:26 CEST 2009
Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2009-08-12 03:28:26 +0200 (Wed, 12 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 338
oops forgot about this ....
Added: branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptEst/R/getInfLM.R
--- branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptEst/R/getInfLM.R (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptEst/R/getInfLM.R 2009-08-12 01:28:26 UTC (rev 338)
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+# Lagrange Multipliers either by iteration or by optimization --- new 10-08-09
+getLagrangeMultByIter <- function(b, L2deriv, risk, trafo,
+ neighbor, biastype, normtype, Distr,
+ z.start, A.start, w.start, std, z.comp, A.comp, maxiter, tol,
+ onesetLM, verbose, warnit = TRUE){
+ LMcall <- match.call()
+ ## initialization
+ z <- z.start
+ A <- A.start
+ w <- w.start
+ iter <- 0
+ a <- 0
+ ## iteration-loop
+ repeat{
+ ## increment
+ iter <- iter + 1
+ z.old <- z
+ A.old <- A
+ ## update weight
+ if(is(neighbor,"ContNeighborhood")){
+ clip(w) <- b
+ cent(w) <- as.numeric(z)
+ stand(w) <- A
+ }else if(is(neighbor,"TotalVarNeighborhood")){
+ clip(w) <- if(iter==1) c(-b,b)/2 else c(0,b)+a
+ stand(w) <- A
+ }
+ weight(w) <- getweight(w, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype,
+ normW = normtype)
+ #print(w)
+ ## update centering
+ z <- getInfCent(L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor,
+ biastype = biastype, Distr = Distr, z.comp = z.comp,
+ w = w, tol.z = .Machine$double.eps^.5)
+ if(is(neighbor,"TotalVarNeighborhood")){
+ a <- z
+ z <- as.numeric(solve(A,a))
+ zc <- numeric(ncol(trafo))
+ }else if(is(neighbor,"ContNeighborhood")) {
+ zc <- z
+ }
+ A <- getInfStand(L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor,
+ biastype = biastype, Distr = Distr, A.comp = A.comp,
+ cent = zc, trafo = trafo, w = w)
+ ## in case of self-standardization: update norm
+ normtype.old <- normtype
+ if(is(normtype,"SelfNorm")){
+ normtype(risk) <- normtype <- updateNorm(normtype = normtype,
+ L2 = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype,
+ Distr = Distr, V.comp = A.comp, cent = z, stand = A, w = w)
+ std <- QuadForm(normtype)
+ }
+ ## precision and iteration counting
+ prec <- max(max(abs(A-A.old)), max(abs(z-z.old)))
+ if(verbose)
+ cat("current precision in IC algo:\t", prec, "\n")
+ if(prec < tol) break
+ if(iter > maxiter){
+ if(warnit)
+ cat("maximum iterations reached!\n",
+ "achieved precision:\t", prec, "\n")
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ ## shall Lagrange-Multipliers inside weight and outside coincide
+ if (onesetLM&&maxiter>=1){
+ if(is(neighbor,"ContNeighborhood"))
+ cent(w) <- as.numeric(z)
+ if(is(neighbor,"TotalVarNeighborhood"))
+ clip(w) <- c(0,b)+a
+ stand(w) <- A
+ weight(w) <- getweight(w, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype,
+ normW = normtype)
+ }
+ else normtype <- normtype.old
+ ## determine LM a
+ if(is(neighbor,"ContNeighborhood"))
+ a <- as.vector(A %*% z)
+ return(list(A = A, a = a, z = z, w = w,
+ biastype = biastype, normtype = normtype,
+ risk = risk, std = std, iter = iter, prec = prec, b = b,
+ call = LMcall ))
+getLagrangeMultByOptim <- function(b, L2deriv, risk, FI, trafo,
+ neighbor, biastype, normtype, Distr,
+ z.start, A.start, w.start, std, z.comp, A.comp, maxiter, tol,
+ onesetLM, verbose, ...){
+ LMcall <- match.call()
+ ### manipulate dots in call -> set control argument for optim
+ dots <- list(...)
+ if(is.null(dots$method)) dots$method <- "L-BFGS-B"
+ if(!is.null(dots$control)){
+ if(is.null(dots$control$maxit)) dots$control$maxit <- maxiter
+ if(is.null(dots$control$reltol)) dots$control$reltol <- tol
+ if(is.null(dots$control$abstol)) dots$control$abstol <- tol
+ }else{
+ dots$control = list(maxit=maxiter, reltol=tol, abstol=tol)
+ }
+ #print(dots$control)
+ ## initialization
+ z <- z.start
+ A <- A.start
+ p <- nrow(trafo)
+ k <- ncol(trafo)
+ A0vec0 <- as.numeric(cbind(A, A%*%z))
+ lvec0 <- seq(along=A0vec0)
+ A0log <- as.logical(cbind(A.comp, as.logical(A.comp%*%as.numeric(z.comp)>0)))
+ lvlog <- lvec0[A0log]
+ A0vec1 <- A0vec0[A0log]
+ iter1 <- 0
+ stdC <- stdC.opt <- std
+ optV <- Inf
+ risk1 <- risk1.opt <- risk
+ normtype1 <- normtype1.old <- normtype
+ normtype1.opt <- normtype1.opt.old <- normtype
+ w1.opt <- w1 <- w.start
+ z1.opt <- numeric(k)
+ optimfct <- function(A0vec){
+ iter1 <<- iter1 + 1
+# print(A0vec)
+ A0vecA <- numeric(p*(k+1))
+ A0vecA[lvlog] <- A0vec
+ ### read out current value of LM in usual format
+ A0 <- matrix(A0vecA[1:(p*k)],nrow=p,ncol=k)
+ a0 <- as.numeric(A0vecA[(p*k)+(1:p)])
+ z0 <- as.numeric(solve(A0,a0))
+ std0 <- stdC
+ w0 <- w1
+ risk0 <- risk1
+ ### determine corresponding weight
+ if(is(neighbor,"ContNeighborhood")){
+ clip(w0) <- b
+ cent(w0) <- as.numeric(z0)
+ stand(w0) <- A0
+ }else if(is(neighbor,"TotalVarNeighborhood")){
+ clip(w0) <- if(iter1==1) c(-b,b)/2 else c(0,b)+a0
+ stand(w0) <- A0
+ }
+ weight(w0) <- getweight(w0, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype,
+ normW = normtype1)
+ ### in case of self-standardization update norm:
+ if (is(normtype1,"SelfNorm"))
+ {
+ ## transport current & precedent norm outside the optimizer:
+ normtype1.old <<- normtype1
+ normtype1 <<- updateNorm(normtype = normtype1,
+ L2 = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor,
+ biastype = biastype, Distr = Distr,
+ V.comp = A.comp, cent = a0,
+ stand = A0, w = w0)
+ normtype(risk0) <- normtype1
+ ## transport current quadratic form & risk outside
+ ## the optimizer:
+ std0 <- stdC <<- QuadForm(normtype1)
+ risk1 <<- risk0
+ }
+ ### for Y_A = A Lambda - a and D
+ ### use LM A1 = (A,a) is minimizer of
+ ### (*=c, arbitrary Biasterm):
+ ## A1 -> E |Y_{A1}|_Q^2 / 2 + gamma(Q,A1,b)/2 - tr QAD'
+ ### (*=v, p=1):
+ ## A1 -> E Y_{A1}^2/2 + gamma(A1,b)/2 - tr AD' - E Y_{A1,-}^2/2
+ ###### for gamma([Q,]A,b) = E[{Y_A (1-w_b(|Y_A|_Q))}^2]
+ riskA <- risk0
+ if(is(riskA, "asHampel"))
+ riskA <- asMSE(biastype=biastype, normtype=normtype)
+ val <- (as.numeric(t(z0)%*%t(A0)%*%std0%*%A0%*%z0)/2 +
+ sum(diag(std0%*%A0%*%FI%*%t(A0)))/2 +
+ ## ~ E |Y_A|_Q^2 / 2
+ getInfGamma(L2deriv = L2deriv, risk = riskA,
+ neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype,
+ Distr = Distr, stand = A0, cent = z0, clip = b,
+ power = 2)/2 -
+ # ~ - E[|Y_A|_Q^2 (1-w_b(|Y_A|_Q))^2]/2
+ sum(diag(std0%*%A0%*%t(trafo)) ))
+ ## ~tr_Q AD'
+ ## in case TotalVarNeighborhood additional correction term:
+ if(is(neighbor,"TotalVarNeighborhood"))
+ val <- val -E(Distr, fun = function(x){ ## ~ - E Y_-^2/2
+ L2 <- evalRandVar(L2deriv, as.matrix(x)) [,,1]
+ - z0
+ Y <- stand %*% L2
+ return(Y^2*(Y<0)/2)
+ }, useApply = FALSE)
+ ## if this is the current optimum
+ ## transport some values outside the optimizer:
+# print(val)
+ if(val < optV){
+# print(list("INNEN",A0=A0,a0=a0,b=b,z0=z0,z01=MASS::ginv(A0)%*%a0,val=val,"ENDINNEN"))
+ optV <<- val
+ w1.opt <<- w0
+ z1.opt <<- z0
+ normtype1.opt.old <<- normtype1.opt
+ normtype1.opt <<- normtype1
+ risk1.opt <<- risk0
+ stdC.opt <<- stdC
+ }
+ return(val)
+ }
+ ### optimization:
+ opterg <- do.call(optim,
+ args = c(list(par = A0vec1, fn = optimfct),dots))
+# print(opterg)
+ ### read out results of call to "optim"
+ Aoptvec <- numeric(p*(k+1))
+ Aoptvec[lvlog] <- opterg$par
+ A <- matrix(Aoptvec[1:(p*k)],nrow=p,ncol=k)
+ a <- as.numeric(Aoptvec[(p*k)+(1:p)])
+ z <- z1.opt
+ w <- w1.opt
+ risk1 <- risk1.opt
+ stdC <- stdC.opt
+ ## shall Lagrange-Multipliers inside weight and outside coincide
+ if (onesetLM&&maxiter>1){
+ if(is(neighbor,"ContNeighborhood"))
+ cent(w) <- as.numeric(z)
+ if(is(neighbor,"TotalVarNeighborhood"))
+ clip(w) <- c(0,b)+a
+ stand(w) <- A
+ weight(w) <- getweight(w, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype,
+ normW = normtype1.opt)
+ }
+ else normtype1 <- normtype1.opt.old
+ return(list(A = A, a = a, z = z, w = w,
+ biastype = biastype, normtype = normtype,
+ risk = risk1, std = stdC, iter = iter1,
+ prec = opterg$convergence, b = b,
+ call = LMcall ))
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptEst/chm/ROptEst.chm
(Binary files differ)
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