[Robast-commits] r69 - in pkg/RobLox: . R inst/tests man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Fri Feb 22 12:55:48 CET 2008

Author: stamats
Date: 2008-02-22 12:55:48 +0100 (Fri, 22 Feb 2008)
New Revision: 69

corrected some small errors and added rowRoblox and colRoblox.

Modified: pkg/RobLox/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/RobLox/NAMESPACE	2008-02-22 10:01:13 UTC (rev 68)
+++ pkg/RobLox/NAMESPACE	2008-02-22 11:55:48 UTC (rev 69)
@@ -18,4 +18,6 @@
-       roblox)
+       roblox,
+       rowRoblox,
+       colRoblox)

Added: pkg/RobLox/R/colRoblox.R
--- pkg/RobLox/R/colRoblox.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/RobLox/R/colRoblox.R	2008-02-22 11:55:48 UTC (rev 69)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+## Evaluate roblox on columns of a matrix
+colRoblox <- function(x, mean, sd, eps, eps.lower, eps.upper, initial.est, k = 1){
+    if(missing(x))
+        stop("'x' is missing with no default")
+    x <- as.matrix(x)
+    if(!is.matrix(x))
+        stop("'x' has to be a matrix resp. convertable to a matrix by 'as.matrix'")
+    return(rowRoblox(x = t(x), mean = mean, sd = sd, eps = eps, eps.lower = eps.lower,
+                     eps.upper = eps.upper, initial.est = initial.est, k = k))

Modified: pkg/RobLox/R/roblox.R
--- pkg/RobLox/R/roblox.R	2008-02-22 10:01:13 UTC (rev 68)
+++ pkg/RobLox/R/roblox.R	2008-02-22 11:55:48 UTC (rev 69)
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
 .onestep.sc <- function(x, initial.est, A, a, b, mean){
     v <- A*(((x-mean)/initial.est)^2-1)/initial.est - a
-    IC <- mean(v*pmin(1, b/abs(v)))
+    IC <- mean(v*pmin(1, b/abs(v)), na.rm = TRUE)
     return(initial.est + IC)
 .kstep.sc <- function(x, initial.est, A, a, b, mean, k){
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
     u <- A1*(x-mean)/sd^2
     v <- A2*(((x-mean)/sd)^2-1)/sd - a[2]
     w <- pmin(1, b/sqrt(u^2 + v^2))
-    IC <- c(mean(u*w), mean(v*w))
+    IC <- c(mean(u*w, na.rm = TRUE), mean(v*w, na.rm = TRUE))
     return(initial.est + IC)
 .kstep.locsc <- function(x, initial.est, A1, A2, a, b, mean, k){

Added: pkg/RobLox/R/rowRoblox.R
--- pkg/RobLox/R/rowRoblox.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/RobLox/R/rowRoblox.R	2008-02-22 11:55:48 UTC (rev 69)
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+## computation of k-step construction in case x is a matrix
+.onestep.loc.matrix <- function(x, initial.est, A, b, sd){
+    u <- A*(x-initial.est)/sd^2
+    ind <- b/abs(u) <= 1
+    IC <- rowMeans(u*(ind*b/abs(u) + !ind), na.rm = TRUE)
+    return(initial.est + IC)
+.kstep.loc.matrix <- function(x, initial.est, A, b, sd, k){
+    est <- initial.est
+    for(i in 1:k){
+        est <- .onestep.loc.matrix(x = x, initial.est = est, A = A, b = b, sd = sd)
+    }
+    return(est)
+.onestep.sc.matrix <- function(x, initial.est, A, a, b, mean){
+    v <- A*(((x-mean)/initial.est)^2-1)/initial.est - a
+    ind <- b/abs(v) <= 1
+    IC <- rowMeans(v*(ind*b/abs(v) + !ind), na.rm = TRUE)
+    return(initial.est + IC)
+.kstep.sc.matrix <- function(x, initial.est, A, a, b, mean, k){
+    est <- .onestep.sc.matrix(x = x, initial.est = initial.est, A = A, a = a, b = b, mean = mean)
+    if(k == 1){
+        return(est)
+    }else{
+        for(i in 2:k){
+            A <- est^2*A/initial.est^2
+            a <- est*a/initial.est
+            b <- est*b/initial.est
+            initial.est <- est
+            est <- .onestep.sc.matrix(x = x, initial.est = est, A = A, a = a, b = b, mean = mean)
+        }
+        return(est)
+    }
+.onestep.locsc.matrix <- function(x, initial.est, A1, A2, a, b){
+    mean <- initial.est[,1]
+    sd <- initial.est[,2]
+    u <- A1*(x-mean)/sd^2
+    v <- A2*(((x-mean)/sd)^2-1)/sd - a
+    ind <- b/sqrt(u^2 + v^2) <= 1
+    IC1 <- rowMeans(u*(ind*b/sqrt(u^2 + v^2) + !ind), na.rm = TRUE)
+    IC2 <- rowMeans(v*(ind*b/sqrt(u^2 + v^2) + !ind), na.rm = TRUE)
+    IC <- cbind(IC1, IC2)
+    return(initial.est + IC)
+.kstep.locsc.matrix <- function(x, initial.est, A1, A2, a, b, mean, k){
+    est <- .onestep.locsc.matrix(x = x, initial.est = initial.est, A1 = A1, A2 = A2, a = a, b = b)
+    if(k == 1){
+        return(est)
+    }else{
+        for(i in 2:k){
+            A1 <- est[,2]^2*A1/initial.est[,2]^2
+            A2 <- est[,2]^2*A2/initial.est[,2]^2
+            a <- est[,2]*a/initial.est[,2]
+            b <- est[,2]*b/initial.est[,2]
+            initial.est <- est
+            est <- .onestep.locsc.matrix(x = x, initial.est = est, A1 = A1, A2 = A2, a = a, b = b)
+        }
+        return(est)
+    }
+## Evaluate roblox on rows of a matrix
+rowRoblox <- function(x, mean, sd, eps, eps.lower, eps.upper, initial.est, k = 1){
+    if(missing(x))
+        stop("'x' is missing with no default")
+    x <- as.matrix(x)
+    if(!is.matrix(x))
+        stop("'x' has to be a matrix resp. convertable to a matrix by 'as.matrix'")
+    if(missing(eps) && missing(eps.lower) && missing(eps.upper)){
+        eps.lower <- 0
+        eps.upper <- 0.5
+    }
+    if(missing(eps)){
+        if(!missing(eps.lower) && missing(eps.upper))
+            eps.upper <- 0.5
+        if(missing(eps.lower) && !missing(eps.upper))
+            eps.lower <- 0
+        if(length(eps.lower) != 1 || length(eps.upper) != 1)
+            stop("'eps.lower' and 'eps.upper' have to be of length 1")
+        if(!is.numeric(eps.lower) || !is.numeric(eps.upper) || eps.lower >= eps.upper) 
+            stop("'eps.lower' < 'eps.upper' is not fulfilled")
+        if((eps.lower < 0) || (eps.upper > 0.5))
+            stop("'eps.lower' and 'eps.upper' have to be in [0, 0.5]")
+    }else{
+        if(length(eps) != 1)
+            stop("'eps' has to be of length 1")
+        if(eps == 0)
+            stop("'eps = 0'! => use functions 'mean' and 'sd' for estimation")
+        if((eps < 0) || (eps > 0.5))
+            stop("'eps' has to be in (0, 0.5]")
+    }
+    if(k < 1){
+      stop("'k' has to be some positive integer value")
+    }
+    if(length(k) != 1){
+      stop("'k' has to be of length 1")
+    }
+    k <- as.integer(k)
+    if(missing(mean) && missing(sd)){
+        if(missing(initial.est)){
+            mean <- apply(x, 1, median, na.rm = TRUE)
+            sd <- apply(x, 1, mad, na.rm = TRUE)
+        }else{
+            if(nrow(initial.est) != nrow(x) || ncol(initial.est) != 2)
+              stop("'initial.est' has wrong dimension")
+            mean <- initial.est[,1]
+            sd <- initial.est[,2]
+        }
+        if(!missing(eps)){
+            r <- sqrt(ncol(x))*eps
+            if(r > 10){
+                b <- sd*1.618128043
+                const <- 1.263094656
+                A2 <- b^2*(1+r^2)/(1+const)
+                A1 <- const*A2
+                a <- -0.6277527697*A2/sd
+                mse <- A1 + A2
+            }else{
+                A1 <- sd^2*.getA1.locsc(r)
+                A2 <- sd^2*.getA2.locsc(r)
+                a <- sd*.geta.locsc(r)
+                b <- sd*.getb.locsc(r)
+                mse <- A1 + A2
+            }
+            robEst <- .kstep.locsc.matrix(x = x, initial.est = cbind(mean, sd), 
+                                          A1 = A1, A2 = A2, a = a, b = b, k = k)
+            return(list(mean = robEst[,1], sd = robEst[,2]))
+        }else{
+            sqrtn <- sqrt(ncol(x))
+            rlo <- sqrtn*eps.lower
+            rup <- sqrtn*eps.upper
+            if(rlo > 10){
+                r <- (rlo + rup)/2
+            }else{
+                r <- uniroot(.getlsInterval, lower = rlo+1e-8, upper = rup, 
+                             tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, rlo = rlo, rup = rup)$root
+            }
+            if(r > 10){
+                b <- sd*1.618128043
+                const <- 1.263094656
+                A2 <- b^2*(1+r^2)/(1+const)
+                A1 <- const*A2
+                a <- -0.6277527697*A2/sd
+                mse <- A1 + A2
+            }else{
+                A1 <- sd^2*.getA1.locsc(r)
+                A2 <- sd^2*.getA2.locsc(r)
+                a <- sd*.geta.locsc(r)
+                b <- sd*.getb.locsc(r)
+                mse <- A1 + A2
+            }
+            if(rlo == 0){
+                ineff <- (A1 + A2 - b^2*r^2)/(1.5*sd^2)
+            }else{
+                if(rlo > 10){
+                    ineff <- 1
+                }else{
+                    A1lo <- sd^2*.getA1.locsc(rlo)
+                    A2lo <- sd^2*.getA2.locsc(rlo)
+                    ineff <- (A1 + A2 - b^2*(r^2 - rlo^2))/(A1lo + A2lo)
+                }
+            }
+            robEst <- .kstep.locsc.matrix(x = x, initial.est = cbind(mean, sd), 
+                                          A1 = A1, A2 = A2, a = a, b = b, k = k)
+            return(list(mean = robEst[,1], sd = robEst[,2], 
+                        "contamination interval" = round(c(eps.lower, eps.upper), 3), 
+                        "least favorable contamination" = round(r/sqrtn, 3),
+                        "maximum MSE-inefficiency" = round(ineff[1], 3)))
+        }
+    }else{
+        if(missing(mean)){
+            if(missing(initial.est)){
+                mean <- apply(x, 1, median, na.rm = TRUE)
+            }else{
+                if(!is.numeric(sd) || (length(sd) != 1 && length(sd) != nrow(x)))
+                    stop("'sd' has wrong dimension")
+                if(!is.numeric(initial.est) || length(initial.est) != nrow(x))
+                    stop("'initial.est' has wrong dimension")
+                mean <- initial.est
+            }
+            if(!missing(eps)){
+                r <- sqrt(ncol(x))*eps
+                if(r > 10){
+                    b <- sd*sqrt(pi/2)
+                    A <- b^2*(1+r^2)
+                }else{
+                    A <- sd^2*.getA.loc(r)
+                    b <- sd*.getb.loc(r)
+                }
+                robEst <- .kstep.loc.matrix(x = x, initial.est = mean, A = A, b = b, sd = sd, k = k)
+                return(list(mean = robEst, sd = sd))
+            }else{
+                sqrtn <- sqrt(ncol(x))
+                rlo <- sqrtn*eps.lower
+                rup <- sqrtn*eps.upper
+                if(rlo > 10){ 
+                    r <- (rlo+rup)/2
+                }else{
+                    r <- uniroot(.getlInterval, lower = rlo+1e-8, upper = rup, 
+                                 tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, rlo = rlo, rup = rup)$root
+                }
+                if(r > 10){
+                    b <- sd*sqrt(pi/2)
+                    A <- b^2*(1+r^2)
+                }else{
+                    A <- sd^2*.getA.loc(r)
+                    b <- sd*.getb.loc(r)
+                }
+                if(rlo == 0){
+                    ineff <- (A - b^2*r^2)/sd^2
+                }else{
+                    if(rlo > 10){
+                        ineff <- 1
+                    }else{
+                        Alo <- sd^2*.getA.loc(rlo)
+                        ineff <- (A - b^2*(r^2 - rlo^2))/Alo
+                    }
+                }
+                robEst <- .kstep.loc.matrix(x = x, initial.est = mean, A = A, b = b, sd = sd, k = k)
+                return(list(mean = robEst, sd = sd, 
+                            "contamination interval" = round(c(eps.lower, eps.upper), 3), 
+                            "least favorable contamination" = round(r/sqrtn, 3),
+                            "maximum MSE-inefficiency" = round(ineff[1], 3)))
+            }
+        }
+        if(missing(sd)){
+            if(missing(initial.est)){ 
+                sd <- apply(x, 1, mad, na.rm = TRUE)
+            }else{
+                if(!is.numeric(mean) || (length(mean) != 1 && length(mean) != nrow(x)))
+                    stop("'mean' has wrong dimension")
+                if(!is.numeric(initial.est) || length(initial.est) != nrow(x))
+                    stop("'initial.est' has wrong dimension")
+                sd <- initial.est
+            }
+            if(!missing(eps)){
+                r <- sqrt(ncol(x))*eps
+                if(r > 10){
+                    b <- sd/(4*qnorm(0.75)*dnorm(qnorm(0.75)))
+                    A <- b^2*(1+r^2)
+                    a <- (qnorm(0.75)^2 - 1)/sd*A
+                }else{
+                    A <- sd^2*.getA.sc(r)
+                    a <- sd*.geta.sc(r)
+                    b <- sd*.getb.sc(r)
+                }
+                robEst <- .kstep.sc.matrix(x = x, initial.est = sd, A = A, a = a, b = b, mean = mean, k = k)
+                return(list(mean = mean, sd = robEst))
+            }else{
+                sqrtn <- sqrt(ncol(x))
+                rlo <- sqrtn*eps.lower
+                rup <- sqrtn*eps.upper
+                if(rlo > 10){
+                    r <- (rlo+rup)/2
+                }else{
+                    r <- uniroot(.getsInterval, lower = rlo+1e-8, upper = rup, 
+                             tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, rlo = rlo, rup = rup)$root
+                }
+                if(r > 10){
+                    b <- sd/(4*qnorm(0.75)*dnorm(qnorm(0.75)))
+                    A <- b^2*(1+r^2)
+                    a <- (qnorm(0.75)^2 - 1)/sd*A
+                }else{
+                    A <- sd^2*.getA.sc(r)
+                    a <- sd*.geta.sc(r)
+                    b <- sd*.getb.sc(r)
+                }
+                if(rlo == 0){
+                    ineff <- (A - b^2*r^2)/(0.5*sd^2)
+                }else{
+                    if(rlo > 10){
+                        ineff <- 1
+                    }else{
+                        Alo <- sd^2*.getA.sc(rlo)
+                        ineff <- (A - b^2*(r^2 - rlo^2))/Alo
+                    }
+                }
+                robEst <- .kstep.sc.matrix(x = x, initial.est = sd, A = A, a = a, b = b, mean = mean, k = k)
+                return(list(mean = mean, sd = robEst, 
+                            "contamination interval" = round(c(eps.lower, eps.upper), 3), 
+                            "least favorable contamination" = round(r/sqrtn, 3),
+                            "maximum MSE-inefficiency" = round(ineff[1], 3)))
+            }
+        }
+    }

Modified: pkg/RobLox/inst/tests/tests.R
--- pkg/RobLox/inst/tests/tests.R	2008-02-22 10:01:13 UTC (rev 68)
+++ pkg/RobLox/inst/tests/tests.R	2008-02-22 11:55:48 UTC (rev 69)
@@ -73,3 +73,146 @@
 system.time(for(i in 1:100) roblox(x, k = 2))
 system.time(for(i in 1:100) roblox(x, k = 5))
 system.time(for(i in 1:100) roblox(x, returnIC = TRUE))
+## Samples
+X <- matrix(rnorm(200, mean = -2, sd = 3), nrow = 2)
+X1 <- rbind(rnorm(100, mean = -2, sd = 3), rnorm(100, mean = -1, sd = 4))
+## location: rowRoblox
+apply(X, 1, roblox, sd = 3)
+rowRoblox(X, sd = 3)
+apply(X, 1, roblox, eps = 0.06, sd = 3)
+rowRoblox(X, eps = 0.06, sd = 3)
+apply(X, 1, roblox, sd = 3, k = 3)
+rowRoblox(X, sd = c(3, 3), k = 3)
+apply(X, 1, roblox, eps = 0.06, sd = 3, k = 3)
+rowRoblox(X, eps = 0.06, sd = 3, k = 3)
+roblox(X1[1,], sd = 3)
+roblox(X1[2,], sd = 4)
+rowRoblox(X1, sd = c(3, 4))
+roblox(X1[1,], eps = 0.06, sd = 3)
+roblox(X1[2,], eps = 0.06, sd = 4)
+rowRoblox(X1, eps = 0.06, sd = c(3, 4))
+roblox(X1[1,], sd = 3, k = 4)
+roblox(X1[2,], sd = 4, k = 4)
+rowRoblox(X1, sd = c(3, 4), k = 4)
+roblox(X1[1,], eps = 0.06, sd = 3, k = 4)
+roblox(X1[2,], eps = 0.06, sd = 4, k = 4)
+rowRoblox(X1, eps = 0.06, sd = c(3, 4), k = 4)
+## scale: rowRoblox
+apply(X, 1, roblox, mean = -2)
+rowRoblox(X, mean = -2)
+apply(X, 1, roblox, eps = 0.049, mean = -2)
+rowRoblox(X, eps = 0.049, mean = -2)
+apply(X, 1, roblox, mean = -2, k = 3)
+rowRoblox(X, mean = c(-2, -2), k = 3)
+apply(X, 1, roblox, eps = 0.049, mean = -2, k = 3)
+rowRoblox(X, eps = 0.049, mean = c(-2, -2), k = 3)
+roblox(X1[1,], mean = -2)
+roblox(X1[2,], mean = -1)
+rowRoblox(X1, mean = c(-2, -1))
+roblox(X1[1,], eps = 0.049, mean = -2)
+roblox(X1[2,], eps = 0.049, mean = -1)
+rowRoblox(X1, eps = 0.049, mean = c(-2, -1))
+roblox(X1[1,], mean = -2, k = 4)
+roblox(X1[2,], mean = -1, k = 4)
+rowRoblox(X1, mean = c(-2, -1), k = 4)
+roblox(X1[1,], eps = 0.049, mean = -2, k = 4)
+roblox(X1[2,], eps = 0.049, mean = -1, k = 4)
+rowRoblox(X1, eps = 0.049, mean = c(-2, -1), k = 4)
+## location and scale: rowRoblox
+apply(X, 1, roblox)
+apply(X, 1, roblox, eps = 0.057)
+rowRoblox(X, eps = 0.057)
+apply(X, 1, roblox, k = 3)
+rowRoblox(X, k = 3)
+apply(X, 1, roblox, eps = 0.057, k = 3)
+rowRoblox(X, eps = 0.057, k = 3)
+## Samples
+X <- t(X)
+X1 <- t(X1)
+## location: colRoblox
+apply(X, 2, roblox, sd = 3)
+colRoblox(X, sd = 3)
+apply(X, 2, roblox, eps = 0.06, sd = 3)
+colRoblox(X, eps = 0.06, sd = 3)
+apply(X, 2, roblox, sd = 3, k = 3)
+colRoblox(X, sd = c(3, 3), k = 3)
+apply(X, 2, roblox, eps = 0.06, sd = 3, k = 3)
+colRoblox(X, eps = 0.06, sd = 3, k = 3)
+roblox(X1[,1], sd = 3)
+roblox(X1[,2], sd = 4)
+colRoblox(X1, sd = c(3, 4))
+roblox(X1[,1], eps = 0.06, sd = 3)
+roblox(X1[,2], eps = 0.06, sd = 4)
+colRoblox(X1, eps = 0.06, sd = c(3, 4))
+roblox(X1[,1], sd = 3, k = 4)
+roblox(X1[,2], sd = 4, k = 4)
+colRoblox(X1, sd = c(3, 4), k = 4)
+roblox(X1[,1], eps = 0.06, sd = 3, k = 4)
+roblox(X1[,2], eps = 0.06, sd = 4, k = 4)
+colRoblox(X1, eps = 0.06, sd = c(3, 4), k = 4)
+## scale: colRoblox
+apply(X, 2, roblox, mean = -2)
+colRoblox(X, mean = -2)
+apply(X, 2, roblox, eps = 0.049, mean = -2)
+colRoblox(X, eps = 0.049, mean = -2)
+apply(X, 2, roblox, mean = -2, k = 3)
+colRoblox(X, mean = c(-2, -2), k = 3)
+apply(X, 2, roblox, eps = 0.049, mean = -2, k = 3)
+colRoblox(X, eps = 0.049, mean = c(-2, -2), k = 3)
+roblox(X1[,1], mean = -2)
+roblox(X1[,2], mean = -1)
+colRoblox(X1, mean = c(-2, -1))
+roblox(X1[,1], eps = 0.049, mean = -2)
+roblox(X1[,2], eps = 0.049, mean = -1)
+colRoblox(X1, eps = 0.049, mean = c(-2, -1))
+roblox(X1[,1], mean = -2, k = 4)
+roblox(X1[,2], mean = -1, k = 4)
+colRoblox(X1, mean = c(-2, -1), k = 4)
+roblox(X1[,1], eps = 0.049, mean = -2, k = 4)
+roblox(X1[,2], eps = 0.049, mean = -1, k = 4)
+colRoblox(X1, eps = 0.049, mean = c(-2, -1), k = 4)
+## location and scale: colRoblox
+apply(X, 2, roblox)
+apply(X, 2, roblox, eps = 0.057)
+colRoblox(X, eps = 0.057)
+apply(X, 2, roblox, k = 3)
+colRoblox(X, k = 3)
+apply(X, 2, roblox, eps = 0.057, k = 3)
+colRoblox(X, eps = 0.057, k = 3)
+## some timings
+X <- matrix(rnorm(1e5, mean = -1, sd = 3), ncol = 100)
+system.time(apply(X, 1, roblox, eps = 0.02))
+system.time(rowRoblox(X, eps = 0.02))
+system.time(apply(X, 1, roblox))

Modified: pkg/RobLox/man/roblox.Rd
--- pkg/RobLox/man/roblox.Rd	2008-02-22 10:01:13 UTC (rev 68)
+++ pkg/RobLox/man/roblox.Rd	2008-02-22 11:55:48 UTC (rev 69)
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
   \item{eps}{ positive real (0 < \code{eps} <= 0.5): amount of gross errors. 
         See details below. }
   \item{eps.lower}{ positive real (0 <= \code{eps.lower} <= \code{eps.upper}): 
-        lower bound for the amount of gross errors. See details below }
+        lower bound for the amount of gross errors. See details below. }
   \item{eps.upper}{ positive real (\code{eps.lower} <= \code{eps.upper} <= 0.5): 
-        upper bound for the amount of gross errors. See details below }
+        upper bound for the amount of gross errors. See details below. }
   \item{initial.est}{ initial estimate for \code{mean} and/or \code{sd}. If missing 
         median and/or MAD are used. }
   \item{k}{ positive integer. k-step is used to compute the optimally robust estimator.}
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
   list of location and scale estimates
-  \item{mean }{Description of 'comp1'}
-  \item{sd }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  \item{mean }{ (estimated) mean}
+  \item{sd }{ (estimated) sd }
   if 'returnIC' is 'TRUE' the list also contains
   \item{optIC}{ object of class \code{"ContIC"}; optimally robust IC }

Added: pkg/RobLox/man/rowRoblox.Rd
--- pkg/RobLox/man/rowRoblox.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/RobLox/man/rowRoblox.Rd	2008-02-22 11:55:48 UTC (rev 69)
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+\name{rowRoblox and colRoblox}
+\title{Optimally robust estimator for location and/or scale}
+  The functions \code{rowRoblox} and \code{colRoblox} compute 
+  the optimally robust estimator for normal location und/or scale and 
+  (convex) contamination neighborhoods. The definition of 
+  these estimators can be found in Rieder (1994) or Kohl (2005),
+  respectively.
+rowRoblox(x, mean, sd, eps, eps.lower, eps.upper, initial.est, k = 1)
+colRoblox(x, mean, sd, eps, eps.lower, eps.upper, initial.est, k = 1)
+  \item{x}{ matrix \code{x} of data values }
+  \item{mean}{ specified mean. See details below. }
+  \item{sd}{ specified standard deviation. See details below. }
+  \item{eps}{ positive real (0 < \code{eps} <= 0.5): amount of gross errors. 
+        See details below. }
+  \item{eps.lower}{ positive real (0 <= \code{eps.lower} <= \code{eps.upper}): 
+        lower bound for the amount of gross errors. See details below. }
+  \item{eps.upper}{ positive real (\code{eps.lower} <= \code{eps.upper} <= 0.5): 
+        upper bound for the amount of gross errors. See details below. }
+  \item{initial.est}{ initial estimate for \code{mean} and/or \code{sd}. If missing 
+        median and/or MAD are used. }
+  \item{k}{ positive integer. k-step is used to compute the optimally robust estimator.}
+  Computes the optimally robust estimator for location with scale specified,
+  scale with location specified, or both if neither is specified. The computation
+  uses a k-step construction with an appropriate initial estimate for location
+  or scale or location and scale, respectively. Valid candidates are e.g. 
+  median and/or MAD (default) as well as Kolmogorov(-Smirnov) or von Mises minimum 
+  distance estimators; cf. Rieder (1994) and Kohl (2005).
+  These functions are optimized for the situation where one has a matrix 
+  and wants to compute the optimally robust estimator for every row, 
+  respectively column of this matrix. In particular, the amount of cross
+  errors is assumed to be constant for all rows, respectively columns.
+  If the amount of gross errors (contamination) is known, it can be 
+  specified by \code{eps}. The radius of the corresponding infinitesimal 
+  contamination neighborhood is obtained by multiplying \code{eps} 
+  by the square root of the sample size. 
+  If the amount of gross errors (contamination) is unknown, try to find a 
+  rough estimate for the amount of gross errors, such that it lies 
+  between \code{eps.lower} and \code{eps.upper}.
+  In case \code{eps.lower} is specified and \code{eps.upper} is missing, 
+  \code{eps.upper} is set to 0.5. In case \code{eps.upper} is specified and
+  \code{eps.lower} is missing, \code{eps.lower} is set to 0.
+  If neither \code{eps} nor \code{eps.lower} and/or \code{eps.upper} is 
+  specified, \code{eps.lower} and \code{eps.upper} are set to 0 and 0.5, 
+  respectively.
+  If \code{eps} is missing, the radius-minimax estimator in sense of 
+  Rieder et al. (2001), respectively Section 2.2 of Kohl (2005) is returned.
+  In case of location, respectively scale one additionally has to specify
+  \code{sd}, respectively \code{mean} where \code{sd} and \code{mean} can
+  be a single number, i.e., identical for all rows, respectively columns,
+  or a vector, i.e., different for all rows, respectively columns.
+  list of location and scale estimates
+  \item{mean }{ (estimated) means }
+  \item{sd }{ (estimated) sds }
+  if 'eps' is missing the list also contains
+  \item{contamination interval}{ interval for the amount of gross errors }
+  \item{least favorable contamination}{ amount of gross errors used for the computations }
+  \item{maximum MSE-inefficiency}{ maximum (asymptotic) MSE-inefficiency }
+  Kohl, M. (2005) \emph{Numerical Contributions to the Asymptotic Theory of Robustness}. 
+  Bayreuth: Dissertation.
+  Rieder, H. (1994) \emph{Robust Asymptotic Statistics}. New York: Springer.
+  Rieder, H., Kohl, M. and Ruckdeschel, P. (2008) The Costs of not Knowing
+  the Radius. Statistical Methods and Applications \emph{17}(1) 13-40.
+  Rieder, H., Kohl, M. and Ruckdeschel, P. (2001) The Costs of not Knowing
+  the Radius. Submitted. Appeared as discussion paper Nr. 81. 
+  SFB 373 (Quantification and Simulation of Economic Processes),
+  Humboldt University, Berlin; also available under
+  \url{www.uni-bayreuth.de/departments/math/org/mathe7/RIEDER/pubs/RR.pdf}
+\author{Matthias Kohl \email{Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de}}
+ind <- rbinom(200, size=1, prob=0.05) 
+X <- matrix(rnorm(200, mean=ind*3, sd=(1-ind) + ind*9), nrow = 2)
+rowRoblox(X, k = 3)
+rowRoblox(X, eps = 0.05)
+rowRoblox(X, eps = 0.05, k = 3)
+X1 <- t(X)
+colRoblox(X1, k = 3)
+colRoblox(X1, eps = 0.05)
+colRoblox(X1, eps = 0.05, k = 3)
+X2 <- rbind(rnorm(100, mean = -2, sd = 3), rnorm(100, mean = -1, sd = 4))
+rowRoblox(X2, sd = c(3, 4))
+rowRoblox(X2, eps = 0.03, sd = c(3, 4))
+rowRoblox(X2, sd = c(3, 4), k = 4)
+rowRoblox(X2, eps = 0.03, sd = c(3, 4), k = 4)
+X3 <- cbind(rnorm(100, mean = -2, sd = 3), rnorm(100, mean = 1, sd = 2))
+colRoblox(X3, mean = c(-2, 1))
+colRoblox(X3, eps = 0.02, mean = c(-2, 1))
+colRoblox(X3, mean = c(-2, 1), k = 4)
+colRoblox(X3, eps = 0.02, mean = c(-2, 1), k = 4)
+\concept{normal location}
+\concept{normal scale}
+\concept{normal location and scale}
+\concept{influence curve}

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