[Robast-commits] r52 - in pkg/RobLox: R man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Wed Feb 20 06:13:44 CET 2008

Author: stamats
Date: 2008-02-20 06:13:44 +0100 (Wed, 20 Feb 2008)
New Revision: 52

RobLox checks and installs without any errors or warnings on R version 2.6.2 Patched (2008-02-10 r44423)

Modified: pkg/RobLox/R/roblox.R
--- pkg/RobLox/R/roblox.R	2008-02-19 14:14:10 UTC (rev 51)
+++ pkg/RobLox/R/roblox.R	2008-02-20 05:13:44 UTC (rev 52)
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
         A1up <- .getA1.locsc(rup)
         A2up <- .getA2.locsc(rup)
-        effup <- (A1 + A2 - b^2*(r^2 - rlo^2))/(A1up + A2up)
+        effup <- (A1 + A2 - b^2*(r^2 - rup^2))/(A1up + A2up)
@@ -115,20 +115,20 @@
 ## optimally robust estimator for normal location and/or scale
-roblox <- function(x, mean, sd, eps, eps.lower, eps.upper, initial.est = "med", 
+roblox <- function(x, mean, sd, eps, eps.lower, eps.upper, initial.est, 
                    tol = 1e-6, A.loc.start = 1, a.sc.start = 0, A.sc.start = 0.5, 
                    bUp = 1000, itmax = 100, returnIC = FALSE){
         stop("'x' is missing with no default")
-    if(missing(eps) & missing(eps.lower) & missing(eps.upper)){
+    if(missing(eps) && missing(eps.lower) && missing(eps.upper)){
         eps.lower <- 0
         eps.upper <- 0.5
-        if(!missing(eps.lower) & missing(eps.upper))
+        if(!missing(eps.lower) && missing(eps.upper))
             eps.upper <- 0.5
-        if(missing(eps.lower) & !missing(eps.upper))
+        if(missing(eps.lower) && !missing(eps.upper))
             eps.lower <- 0
         if(!is.numeric(eps.lower) || !is.numeric(eps.upper) || eps.lower >= eps.upper) 
             stop("'eps.lower' < 'eps.upper' is not fulfilled")
@@ -140,26 +140,19 @@
         if((eps < 0) || (eps > 0.5))
             stop("'eps' has to be in (0, 0.5]")
-    if((initial.est != "ksMD") && (initial.est != "med"))
-        stop("invalid 'initial.est'")
-    if(missing(mean) & missing(sd)){
+    if(missing(mean) && missing(sd)){
         if(!is.numeric(A.loc.start) || !is.numeric(a.sc.start) || !is.numeric(A.sc.start))
             stop("Starting values 'A.loc.start', 'a.sc.start' and 'A.sc.start' have to be numeric")
-        if(initial.est == "ksMD"){
-            KSdist <- function(param, x){
-                if(param[2] <= 0) return(Inf)
-                return(ks.test(x, "pnorm", mean = param[1], sd = param[2])$statistic)
-            }
-            res <- optim(c(0, 1), f = KSdist, method = "Nelder-Mead", 
-                         control=list(reltol = tol), x = x)$par
-            mean <- res[1]
-            sd <- res[2]
-        }
-        if(initial.est == "med"){
+        if(missing(initial.est)){
             mean <- median(x, na.rm = TRUE)
             sd <- mad(x, na.rm = TRUE)
+        }else{
+            if(!is.numeric(initial.est) || length(initial.est) != 2)
+              stop("'initial.est' needs to be a numeric vector of length 2 or missing")
+            mean <- initial.est[1]
+            sd <- initial.est[2]
@@ -176,7 +169,7 @@
                 A <- sd^2*diag(c(.getA1.locsc(r), .getA2.locsc(r)))
                 a <- sd*c(0, .geta.locsc(r))
                 b <- sd*.getb.locsc(r)
-                mse <- sd^2*(a1 + a3)
+                mse <- sum(diag(A))
                 IC1 <- generateIC(neighbor = ContNeighborhood(radius = r), 
                                   L2Fam = NormLocationScaleFamily(mean = mean, sd = sd), 
                                   res = list(A = A, a = a, b = b, d = NULL, 
@@ -192,7 +185,7 @@
             sqrtn <- sqrt(length(x))
             rlo <- sqrtn*eps.lower
             rup <- sqrtn*eps.upper
-            r <- uniroot(.getlsInterval, lower = rlo+1e-5, upper = rup, 
+            r <- uniroot(.getlsInterval, lower = rlo+1e-8, upper = rup, 
                          tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, rlo = rlo, rup = rup,
                          mean = mean, sd = sd, delta = tol, A.loc.start = A.loc.start, 
                          a.sc.start = a.sc.start, A.sc.start = A.sc.start,
@@ -206,11 +199,12 @@
                 A <- sd^2*diag(c(.getA1.locsc(r), .getA2.locsc(r)))
                 a <- sd*c(0, .geta.locsc(r))
                 b <- sd*.getb.locsc(r)
-                mse <- sd^2*(a1 + a3)
+                mse <- sum(diag(A))
                 IC1 <- generateIC(neighbor = ContNeighborhood(radius = r), 
                                   L2Fam = NormLocationScaleFamily(mean = mean, sd = sd), 
                                   res = list(A = A, a = a, b = b, d = NULL, 
-                                      risk = list(asMSE = mse, asBias = b, asCov = mse - r^2*b^2)))
+                                      risk = list(asMSE = mse, asBias = b, asCov = mse - r^2*b^2), 
+                                      info = c("roblox", "optimally robust IC for AL estimators and 'asMSE'")))
             if(rlo == 0){
                 ineff <- (sum(diag(stand(IC1))) - clip(IC1)^2*r^2)/(1.5*sd^2)
@@ -240,14 +234,13 @@
-            if(initial.est == "ksMD"){
-                KSdist.mean <- function(mean, x, sd){
-                    return(ks.test(x, "pnorm", mean = mean, sd = sd)$statistic)
-                }
-                mean <- optimize(f = KSdist.mean, interval = c(min(x), max(x)), 
-                            tol = tol, x = x, sd = sd)$minimum
+            if(missing(initial.est)){
+                mean <- median(x, na.rm = TRUE)
+            }else{
+                if(!is.numeric(initial.est) || length(initial.est) != 1)
+                    stop("'initial.est' needs to be a numeric vector of length 1 or missing")
+                mean <- initial.est
-            if(initial.est == "med") mean <- median(x, na.rm = TRUE)
                 r <- sqrt(length(x))*eps
@@ -274,7 +267,7 @@
                 sqrtn <- sqrt(length(x))
                 rlo <- sqrtn*eps.lower
                 rup <- sqrtn*eps.upper
-                r <- uniroot(.getlInterval, lower = rlo+1e-5, upper = rup, 
+                r <- uniroot(.getlInterval, lower = rlo+1e-8, upper = rup, 
                          tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, rlo = rlo, rup = rup,
                          mean = mean, sd = sd, bUp = bUp)$root
                 if(r > 80){
@@ -285,7 +278,8 @@
                     IC1 <- generateIC(neighbor = ContNeighborhood(radius = r), 
                                       L2Fam = NormLocationFamily(mean = mean, sd = sd), 
                                       res = list(A = as.matrix(A), a = 0, b = b, d = NULL, 
-                                          risk = list(asMSE = A, asBias = b, asCov = A - r^2*b^2)))
+                                          risk = list(asMSE = A, asBias = b, asCov = A - r^2*b^2), 
+                                          info = c("roblox", "optimally robust IC for AL estimators and 'asMSE'")))
                 if(rlo == 0){
                     ineff <- (as.vector(stand(IC1)) - clip(IC1)^2*r^2)/sd^2
@@ -312,15 +306,13 @@
-            if(initial.est == "ksMD"){
-                KSdist.sd <- function(sd, x, mean){
-                    return(ks.test(x, "pnorm", mean = mean, sd = sd)$statistic)
-                }
-                sd <- optimize(f = KSdist.sd, 
-                            interval = c(.Machine$double.eps^0.5, max(x)-min(x)), 
-                            tol = tol, x = x, mean = mean)$minimum
+            if(missing(initial.est)){ 
+                sd <- mad(x, na.rm = TRUE)
+            }else{
+                if(!is.numeric(initial.est) || length(initial.est) != 1)
+                    stop("'initial.est' needs to be a numeric vector of length 1 or missing")
+                sd <- initial.est
-            if(initial.est == "med") sd <- mad(x, na.rm = TRUE)
                 r <- sqrt(length(x))*eps
@@ -349,7 +341,7 @@
                 sqrtn <- sqrt(length(x))
                 rlo <- sqrtn*eps.lower
                 rup <- sqrtn*eps.upper
-                r <- uniroot(.getsInterval, lower = rlo+1e-5, upper = rup, 
+                r <- uniroot(.getsInterval, lower = rlo+1e-8, upper = rup, 
                          tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, rlo = rlo, rup = rup,
                          mean = mean, sd = sd, delta = tol, bUp = bUp, 
                          itmax = itmax)$root
@@ -363,7 +355,8 @@
                     IC1 <- generateIC(neighbor = ContNeighborhood(radius = r), 
                                       L2Fam = NormScaleFamily(mean = mean, sd = sd), 
                                       res = list(A = as.matrix(A), a = a, b = b, d = NULL, 
-                                                risk = list(asMSE = A, asBias = b, asCov = A - r^2*b^2)))
+                                                risk = list(asMSE = A, asBias = b, asCov = A - r^2*b^2), 
+                                                info = c("roblox", "optimally robust IC for AL estimators and 'asMSE'")))
                 if(rlo == 0){
                     ineff <- (as.vector(stand(IC1)) - clip(IC1)^2*r^2)/(0.5*sd^2)

Modified: pkg/RobLox/man/roblox.Rd
--- pkg/RobLox/man/roblox.Rd	2008-02-19 14:14:10 UTC (rev 51)
+++ pkg/RobLox/man/roblox.Rd	2008-02-20 05:13:44 UTC (rev 52)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
-roblox(x, mean, sd, eps, eps.lower, eps.upper, initial.est = "med", 
+roblox(x, mean, sd, eps, eps.lower, eps.upper, initial.est, 
        tol = 1e-06, A.loc.start = 1, a.sc.start = 0, A.sc.start = 0.5, 
        bUp = 1000, itmax = 100, returnIC = FALSE)
@@ -23,10 +23,8 @@
         lower bound for the amount of gross errors. See details below }
   \item{eps.upper}{ positive real (\code{eps.lower} <= \code{eps.upper} <= 0.5): 
         upper bound for the amount of gross errors. See details below }
-  \item{initial.est}{ indicates which initial estimate should be used. Must be 
-        one of \code{"ksMD"} or \code{"med"}. In case \code{"ksMD"} the 
-        Kolmogorov(-Smirnov) minimum distance estimator and in case \code{"med"}
-        median and/or mad are computed, respectively. }
+  \item{initial.est}{ initial estimate for \code{mean} and/or \code{sd}. If missing 
+        median and/or MAD are used. }
   \item{tol}{ the desired accuracy (convergence tolerance). }
   \item{A.loc.start}{ positive real: starting value for 
     the standardizing constant of the location part. }
@@ -41,25 +39,29 @@
   Computes the optimally robust estimator for location with scale specified,
-  scale with location specified, or both if neither is specified.
+  scale with location specified, or both if neither is specified. The computation
+  uses a one-step construction with an appropriate initial estimate for location
+  or scale or location and scale, respectively. Valid candidates are e.g. 
+  median and/or MAD (default) as well as Kolmogorov(-Smirnov) or von Mises minimum 
+  distance estimators; cf. Rieder (1994) and Kohl (2005).
   If the amount of gross errors (contamination) is known, it can be 
   specified by \code{eps}. The radius of the corresponding infinitesimal 
   contamination neighborhood is obtained by multiplying \code{eps} 
   by the square root of the sample size. 
   If the amount of gross errors (contamination) is unknown, try to find a 
   rough estimate for the amount of gross errors, such that it lies 
   between \code{eps.lower} and \code{eps.upper}.
   In case \code{eps.lower} is specified and \code{eps.upper} is missing, 
   \code{eps.upper} is set to 0.5. In case \code{eps.upper} is specified and
   \code{eps.lower} is missing, \code{eps.lower} is set to 0.
   If neither \code{eps} nor \code{eps.lower} and/or \code{eps.upper} is 
   specified, \code{eps.lower} and \code{eps.upper} are set to 0 and 0.5, 
   If \code{eps} is missing, the radius-minimax estimator in sense of 
   Rieder et al. (2001), respectively Section 2.2 of Kohl (2005) is returned.
@@ -122,15 +124,23 @@
 # most robust
 c(median(x), mad(x))
-# Kolmogorov(-Smirnov) minimum distance estimator (robust)
-MDEstimator(x, ParamFamily = NormLocationScaleFamily(), distance = KolmogorovDist)
 # optimally robust (amount of gross errors known)
 c(res1$mean, res1$sd)
 # optimally robust (amount of gross errors unknown)
 c(res2$mean, res2$sd)
+# Kolmogorov(-Smirnov) minimum distance estimator (robust)
+(ks.est <- MDEstimator(x, ParamFamily = NormLocationScaleFamily(), distance = KolmogorovDist))
+# optimally robust (amount of gross errors known)
+roblox(x, eps = 0.05, initial.est = ks.est$estimate)
+# von Mises minimum distance estimator (robust)
+(vM.est <- MDEstimator(x, ParamFamily = NormLocationScaleFamily(), distance = vonMisesDist))
+# optimally robust (amount of gross errors known)
+roblox(x, eps = 0.05, initial.est = vM.est$estimate)
 \concept{normal location}
 \concept{normal scale}

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