[Rnomads-user] failed to load external entity

Wouter Greuell w.greuell at hetnet.nl
Tue Feb 14 15:54:24 CET 2017


I just began using the library rNOMADS with the aim of downloading data 
from the GFS archive.

Unfortunately, the following program does not work

rm(list=ls())    #remove all the variables from the workspace

library (rNOMADS)

arch_model <- NOMADSArchiveList ("dods")
ind <- which (arch_model$abbrevs == "gfsanl")
url_gfsanl <- arch_model$url[ind]
model_runs <- GetDODSModelRuns (url_gfsanl)

stop ()

I get the error message: failed to load external entity 
"http://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov/dods/NCEP_GFS_ANALYSIS/" However, when I 
enter this URL in Internet Explorer, the URL exists (though http is 
automatically  changed into https).

I get the same error message when I run the second example on page 18 of 
rNOMADS.pfd. Can somebody help me with this issue?

With kind regards

Wouter Greuell

Wouter Greuell
Sportlaan 56
NL 6717 LC Ede
phone: + 31 (0) 318 621395

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