[Rflptools-commits] r11 - in pkg/RFLPtools: . R inst/doc man vignettes

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Fri Oct 26 04:35:31 CEST 2012

Author: stamats
Date: 2012-10-26 04:35:31 +0200 (Fri, 26 Oct 2012)
New Revision: 11

several updates

Modified: pkg/RFLPtools/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/RFLPtools/DESCRIPTION	2012-10-25 12:00:45 UTC (rev 10)
+++ pkg/RFLPtools/DESCRIPTION	2012-10-26 02:35:31 UTC (rev 11)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Type: Package
 Title: Tools to analyse RFLP data
 Version: 1.4
-Date: 2011-01-26
+Date: 2012-10-23
 Author: Fabienne Flessa, Alexandra Kehl, Matthias Kohl
 Maintainer: Matthias Kohl <Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de>
 Description: RFLPtools provides functions to analyse DNA fragment samples 

Modified: pkg/RFLPtools/NEWS
--- pkg/RFLPtools/NEWS	2012-10-25 12:00:45 UTC (rev 10)
+++ pkg/RFLPtools/NEWS	2012-10-26 02:35:31 UTC (rev 11)
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@
 - correction of some minor bugs
 - added function linCombDist to compute a linear combination of distances
+- introduced vignettes folder
+- updated affiliations in vignette and added some explanations regarding the 
+  use of NCBI BLAST
+- added option "sep" to function "read.blast".
 ## Version 1.3

Modified: pkg/RFLPtools/R/read.blast.R
--- pkg/RFLPtools/R/read.blast.R	2012-10-25 12:00:45 UTC (rev 10)
+++ pkg/RFLPtools/R/read.blast.R	2012-10-26 02:35:31 UTC (rev 11)
@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@
 ## Read BLAST data
-read.blast <- function(file){
-    x <- read.delim(file = file,
-                        header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+read.blast <- function(file, sep = "\t"){
+    x <- read.table(file = file, header = FALSE, sep = sep, quote = "\"", 
+                    dec = ".", fill = TRUE, comment.char = "", 
+                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
     if(ncol(x) != 12)
         stop("Data in given file", basename(file), "has wrong dimension!")
     names(x) <- c("query.id", "subject.id", "identity", "alignment.length",
-                  "missmatches", "gap.opens", "q.start", "q.end", "s.start",
+                  "mismatches", "gap.opens", "q.start", "q.end", "s.start",
                   "s.end", "evalue", "bit.score")
     if(!all(sid <- x[,"subject.id"] %in% x[,"query.id"]))
         warning("The following 'subject.id's do not occur as 'query.id's: ",

Deleted: pkg/RFLPtools/inst/doc/HFU.jpg
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: pkg/RFLPtools/inst/doc/RFLPtools.Rnw
--- pkg/RFLPtools/inst/doc/RFLPtools.Rnw	2012-10-25 12:00:45 UTC (rev 10)
+++ pkg/RFLPtools/inst/doc/RFLPtools.Rnw	2012-10-26 02:35:31 UTC (rev 11)
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-%\VignetteDepends{stats, lattice, MKmisc, RColorBrewer}
-pdfauthor={F. Flessa, A. Kehl and M. Kohl},%
-pdfkeywords={RFLPtools, RFLP, BLAST},%
-\markboth{\sl Package ``{\tt RFLPtools}''}{\sl Package ``{\tt RFLPtools}''}
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-%  \begin{figure}[htbp]
-    \begin{center}
-      \includegraphics[width = #1\textwidth]{#2}
-%      \caption{\label{#1}#3}
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-\SweaveOpts{keep.source = TRUE, eval = TRUE, include = FALSE}
-\title{RFLPtools: Analysis of DNA fragment samples and standalone BLAST report files}
-\author{F. Flessa\thanks{Chair for Plant Systematics, Section Mycology, 
-University of Bayreuth, 95440 Bayreuth, Germany, Fabienne.Flessa at uni-bayreuth.de}, 
-A. Kehl\thanks{Chair for Plant Systematics, Section Mycology, 
-University of Bayreuth, 95440 Bayreuth, Germany, Alexandra.Kehl at uni-bayreuth.de} and 
-M. Kohl\thanks{Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, 
-Furtwangen University, 78054 VS-Schwenningen, Germany, Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de}\\ \\
-\includegraphics[width = 3cm]{logoUBT.png}
-\includegraphics[width = 3cm]{HFU.jpg}
-The package \pkg{RFLPtools} aims at 
-\item the detection of similar band patterns based on DNA fingerprint fragment 
-sizes (i.e. derived from RFLP-analysis)
-\item the analysis of standalone BLAST report files (i.e. DNA sequence analysis)
-In this short vignette we describe and demonstrate the available functions.
-\section{RFLP data}
-We load example data and compute the Euclidean distance ...
-res <- RFLPdist(RFLPdata)
-names(res) ## number of bands
-Of course, we can also use other well-known distances ...
-res1 <- RFLPdist(RFLPdata, distfun = function(x) dist(x, method = "manhattan"))
-res2 <- RFLPdist(RFLPdata, distfun = function(x) dist(x, method = "maximum"))
-Correlation distances
-res3 <- RFLPdist(RFLPdata, distfun = corDist)
-As we obtain a list of \code{dist} objects we can easily perform hierarchical 
-clustering ...
-<<hclust, fig = TRUE>>=
-par(mfrow = c(2,2))
-plot(hclust(res[[1]]), main = "Euclidean distance")
-plot(hclust(res1[[1]]), main = "Manhattan distance")
-plot(hclust(res2[[1]]), main = "Maximum distance")
-plot(hclust(res3[[1]]), main = "Pearson correlation distance")
-We easily can apply other functions ...
-clust4bd <- hclust(res[[2]])
-cgroups50 <- cutree(clust4bd, h=50)
-Another possibility to display the similarity of the samples are so-called 
-(dis-)similarity matrices ...
-<<sim1, fig = TRUE>>=
-myCol <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8, "RdYlGn"))(128)
-ord <- order.dendrogram(as.dendrogram(hclust(res[[1]])))
-temp <- as.matrix(res[[1]])
-simPlot(temp[ord,ord], col = rev(myCol), minVal = 0, 
-        labels = colnames(temp), title = "(Dis-)Similarity Plot")
-<<sim2, fig = TRUE>>=
-print(levelplot(temp[ord,ord], col.regions = rev(myCol),
-          at = do.breaks(c(0, max(temp)), 128),
-          xlab = "", ylab = "",
-          ## Rotate labels of x-axis
-          scales = list(x = list(rot = 90)),
-          main = "(Dis-)Similarity Plot"))
-Some bands may be missing ...
-## Euclidean distance
-res0 <- RFLPdist2(RFLPdata, nrBands = 9, nrMissing = 0)
-res1 <- RFLPdist2(RFLPdata, nrBands = 9, nrMissing = 1)
-res2 <- RFLPdist2(RFLPdata, nrBands = 9, nrMissing = 2)
-res3 <- RFLPdist2(RFLPdata, nrBands = 9, nrMissing = 3)
-<<sim4, fig = TRUE>>=
-## hierarchical clustering
-par(mfrow = c(2,2))
-plot(hclust(res0), main = "0 bands missing")
-plot(hclust(res1), main = "1 band missing")
-plot(hclust(res2), main = "2 bands missing")
-plot(hclust(res3), main = "3 bands missing")
-Another possible visualization ...
-<<RFLPplot, fig = TRUE>>=
-par(mfrow = c(1,2))
-plot(hclust(RFLPdist(RFLPdata, nrBands = 3)), cex = 0.7)
-RFLPplot(RFLPdata, nrBands = 3, mar.bottom = 6, cex.axis = 0.8)
-Comparison to reference data ...
-<<RFLPrefplot, fig = TRUE>>=
-RFLPrefplot(RFLPdata, RFLPref, nrBands = 9, cex.axis = 0.8)
-\section{BLAST data} 
-To analyze tabular report files generated with standalone BLAST from NCBI 
-(cf.\ \url{ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/executables/release}), 
-a function for reading the BLAST report files is included (\code{read.blast}).  
-Dir <- system.file("extdata", package = "RFLPtools") # input directory 
-filename <- file.path(Dir, "BLASTexample.txt")
-BLAST1 <- read.blast(file = filename)
-This example BLAST data is also available as loadable example data.
-The loaded \code{data.frame} can be used to compute similarities between the 
-BLASTed sequences via function \code{simMatrix}. This function includes the following 
-\item the length of each sequence ({\tt LS}) comprised in the input data file is extracted.
-\item if there is more than one comparison for one sequence including different parts of 
-the respective sequence, that one with maximum base length is chosen.
-\item the number of matching bases ({\tt mB}) is calculated by multiplying two variables 
-given in the BLAST output: the identity between sequences (\%) and the number of nucleotides 
-divided by 100. 
-\item the resulting value is rounded to the next integer. 
-\item the similarity is calculated by dividing {\tt mB} by {\tt LS} and saved in the
-corresponding similarity matrix. 
-If the similarity of a combination is not shown in the BLAST report file (because 
-the similarity was lower than 70\%), this comparison is included in the similarity 
-matrix with the result zero.
-<<simMatrix, eval = FALSE>>=
-res <- simMatrix(BLASTdata)
-Optionally, the range of sequence length can be specified 
-to exclude sequences which were too short or too long, respectively.
-res1 <- simMatrix(BLASTdata, sequence.range = TRUE, Min = 100, Max = 450)
-res2 <- simMatrix(BLASTdata, sequence.range = TRUE, Min = 500)
-We visualize the similarity matrix ...
-<<blast2, fig = TRUE>>=
-simPlot(res2, col = myCol, minVal = 0, cex.axis = 0.5,
-        labels = colnames(res2), title = "(Dis-)Similarity Plot")
-Alternatively, ...
-txt <- trellis.par.get("add.text")
-txt$cex <- 0.5
-trellis.par.set("add.text" = txt)
-myCol <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8, "RdYlGn"))(128)
-<<blast31, fig = TRUE>>=
-print(levelplot(res2, col.regions = myCol,
-          at = do.breaks(c(0, max(res2)), 128),
-          xlab = "", ylab = "", 
-          ## Rotate labels of x axis
-          scales = list(x = list(rot = 90)),
-          main = "(Dis-)Similarity Plot"))
-We can also convert the similarity matrix to an object of S3 class \code{"dist"}.
-res.d <- sim2dist(res2)
-After the conversion we can for instance perform hierarchical clustering ...
-<<blast5, fig = TRUE>>=
-## hierarchical clustering
-plot(hclust(res.d), cex = 0.7)
-  \bibitem{Poussier00}
-  Poussier, Stephane; Trigalet-Demery, Danielle; Vandewalle, Peggy; Goffinet, Bruno; 
-  Luisetti, Jacques; Trigalet, Andre.
-  \newblock Genetic diversity of Ralstonia solanacearum as assessed by PCR-RFLP of 
-  the hrp gene region, AFLP and 16S rRNA sequence analysis, and identification of 
-  an African subdivision.
-  \newblock Microbiology 2000 146:1679-1692 
-  \bibitem{Matsumoto96}
-  Matsumoto, Masaru; Furuya, Naruto; Takanami, Yoichi; Matsuyama, Nobuaki.  
-  \newblock RFLP analysis of the PCR-amplified 28S rDNA in Rhizoctonia solani. 
-  \newblock Mycoscience 1996 37:351 - 356

Modified: pkg/RFLPtools/inst/doc/RFLPtools.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: pkg/RFLPtools/inst/doc/logoUBT.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/RFLPtools/man/0RFLP-package.Rd
--- pkg/RFLPtools/man/0RFLP-package.Rd	2012-10-25 12:00:45 UTC (rev 10)
+++ pkg/RFLPtools/man/0RFLP-package.Rd	2012-10-26 02:35:31 UTC (rev 11)
@@ -1,73 +1,73 @@
-Tools to analyse RFLP-data
-  \pkg{RFLPtools} provides functions to analyse DNA fragment samples 
-  (i.e. derived from RFLP-analysis) and standalone BLAST report 
-  files (i.e. DNA sequence analysis).
-Package: \tab RFLPtools\cr
-Version: \tab 1.3 \cr
-Date: \tab 2010-07-20 \cr
-Depends: \tab R(>= 2.10.0), stats, utils, grDevices, RColorBrewer\cr
-Suggests: \tab lattice, MKmisc(>= 0.8)\cr
-License: \tab LGPL-3\cr
-  Fabienne Flessa \email{Fabienne.Flessa at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
-  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
-  Matthias Kohl \email{Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de}\cr
-\emph{Maintainer:} Matthias Kohl \email{Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de}
-  Local Blast download: \url{ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/blast/executables/release/}
-  Blast News: \url{http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?CMD=Web&PAGE_TYPE=BlastNews}
-  Poussier, Stephane; Trigalet-Demery, Danielle; Vandewalle, Peggy; Goffinet, Bruno; Luisetti, Jacques; Trigalet, Andre.
-  Genetic diversity of Ralstonia solanacearum as assessed by PCR-RFLP of the hrp gene region, AFLP and 16S rRNA sequence 
-  analysis, and identification of an African subdivision.
-  Microbiology 2000 146:1679-1692 
-  Matsumoto, Masaru; Furuya, Naruto; Takanami, Yoichi; Matsuyama, Nobuaki.  
-  RFLP analysis of the PCR-amplified 28S rDNA in Rhizoctonia solani. 
-  Mycoscience 1996 37:351 - 356
-  Persoh, D., Melcher, M., Flessa, F., Rambold, G.: 
-  First fungal community analyses of endophytic ascomycetes associated with Viscum album ssp. austriacum 
-  and itshost Pinus sylvestris. Fungal Biology 2010, in press.
-res <- RFLPdist(RFLPdata)
-plot(hclust(res[[1]]), main = "Euclidean distance")
-par(mfrow = c(1,2))
-plot(hclust(RFLPdist(RFLPdata, nrBands = 3)), cex = 0.7)
-RFLPplot(RFLPdata, nrBands = 3, mar.bottom = 6, cex.axis = 0.8)
-RFLPrefplot(RFLPdata, RFLPref, nrBands = 6, cex.axis = 0.8)
-res <- simMatrix(BLASTdata, sequence.range = TRUE, Min = 500)
-myCol <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8, "RdYlGn"))(128)
-simPlot(res, col = myCol, minVal = 0, 
-        labels = colnames(res), title = "(Dis-)Similarity Plot")
+Tools to analyse RFLP-data
+  \pkg{RFLPtools} provides functions to analyse DNA fragment samples 
+  (i.e. derived from RFLP-analysis) and standalone BLAST report 
+  files (i.e. DNA sequence analysis).
+Package: \tab RFLPtools\cr
+Version: \tab 1.4 \cr
+Date: \tab 2012-10-23 \cr
+Depends: \tab R(>= 2.10.0), stats, utils, grDevices, RColorBrewer\cr
+Suggests: \tab lattice, MKmisc(>= 0.8)\cr
+License: \tab LGPL-3\cr
+  Fabienne Flessa \email{Fabienne.Flessa at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
+  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at botgarten.uni-tuebingen.de},\cr
+  Matthias Kohl \email{Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de}\cr
+\emph{Maintainer:} Matthias Kohl \email{Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de}
+  Local Blast download: \url{ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/blast/executables/release/}
+  Blast News: \url{http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?CMD=Web&PAGE_TYPE=BlastNews}
+  Poussier, Stephane; Trigalet-Demery, Danielle; Vandewalle, Peggy; Goffinet, Bruno; Luisetti, Jacques; Trigalet, Andre.
+  Genetic diversity of Ralstonia solanacearum as assessed by PCR-RFLP of the hrp gene region, AFLP and 16S rRNA sequence 
+  analysis, and identification of an African subdivision.
+  Microbiology 2000 146:1679-1692 
+  Matsumoto, Masaru; Furuya, Naruto; Takanami, Yoichi; Matsuyama, Nobuaki.  
+  RFLP analysis of the PCR-amplified 28S rDNA in Rhizoctonia solani. 
+  Mycoscience 1996 37:351 - 356
+  Persoh, D., Melcher, M., Flessa, F., Rambold, G.: 
+  First fungal community analyses of endophytic ascomycetes associated with Viscum album ssp. austriacum 
+  and itshost Pinus sylvestris. Fungal Biology 2010 Jul;114(7):585-96.
+res <- RFLPdist(RFLPdata)
+plot(hclust(res[[1]]), main = "Euclidean distance")
+par(mfrow = c(1,2))
+plot(hclust(RFLPdist(RFLPdata, nrBands = 3)), cex = 0.7)
+RFLPplot(RFLPdata, nrBands = 3, mar.bottom = 6, cex.axis = 0.8)
+RFLPrefplot(RFLPdata, RFLPref, nrBands = 6, cex.axis = 0.8)
+res <- simMatrix(BLASTdata, sequence.range = TRUE, Min = 500)
+myCol <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8, "RdYlGn"))(128)
+simPlot(res, col = myCol, minVal = 0, 
+        labels = colnames(res), title = "(Dis-)Similarity Plot")

Modified: pkg/RFLPtools/man/RFLPdist.Rd
--- pkg/RFLPtools/man/RFLPdist.Rd	2012-10-25 12:00:45 UTC (rev 10)
+++ pkg/RFLPtools/man/RFLPdist.Rd	2012-10-26 02:35:31 UTC (rev 11)
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
   Fabienne Flessa \email{Fabienne.Flessa at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
-  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
+  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at botgarten.uni-tuebingen.de},\cr
   Matthias Kohl \email{Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de} 

Modified: pkg/RFLPtools/man/RFLPdist2.Rd
--- pkg/RFLPtools/man/RFLPdist2.Rd	2012-10-25 12:00:45 UTC (rev 10)
+++ pkg/RFLPtools/man/RFLPdist2.Rd	2012-10-26 02:35:31 UTC (rev 11)
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
   Fabienne Flessa \email{Fabienne.Flessa at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
-  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
+  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at botgarten.uni-tuebingen.de},\cr
   Matthias Kohl \email{Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de} 

Modified: pkg/RFLPtools/man/RFLPdist2ref.Rd
--- pkg/RFLPtools/man/RFLPdist2ref.Rd	2012-10-25 12:00:45 UTC (rev 10)
+++ pkg/RFLPtools/man/RFLPdist2ref.Rd	2012-10-26 02:35:31 UTC (rev 11)
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 %\references{ ??? }
   Fabienne Flessa \email{Fabienne.Flessa at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
-  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
+  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at botgarten.uni-tuebingen.de},\cr
   Matthias Kohl \email{Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de} 

Modified: pkg/RFLPtools/man/RFLPplot.Rd
--- pkg/RFLPtools/man/RFLPplot.Rd	2012-10-25 12:00:45 UTC (rev 10)
+++ pkg/RFLPtools/man/RFLPplot.Rd	2012-10-26 02:35:31 UTC (rev 11)
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 %\references{ ??? }
   Fabienne Flessa \email{Fabienne.Flessa at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
-  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
+  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at botgarten.uni-tuebingen.de},\cr
   Matthias Kohl \email{Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de} 

Modified: pkg/RFLPtools/man/RFLPqc.Rd
--- pkg/RFLPtools/man/RFLPqc.Rd	2012-10-25 12:00:45 UTC (rev 10)
+++ pkg/RFLPtools/man/RFLPqc.Rd	2012-10-26 02:35:31 UTC (rev 11)
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 %\references{ ??? }
   Fabienne Flessa \email{Fabienne.Flessa at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
-  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
+  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at botgarten.uni-tuebingen.de},\cr
   Matthias Kohl \email{Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de} 

Modified: pkg/RFLPtools/man/RFLPrefplot.Rd
--- pkg/RFLPtools/man/RFLPrefplot.Rd	2012-10-25 12:00:45 UTC (rev 10)
+++ pkg/RFLPtools/man/RFLPrefplot.Rd	2012-10-26 02:35:31 UTC (rev 11)
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 %\references{ ??? }
   Fabienne Flessa \email{Fabienne.Flessa at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
-  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
+  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at botgarten.uni-tuebingen.de},\cr
   Matthias Kohl \email{Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de} 

Modified: pkg/RFLPtools/man/nrBands.Rd
--- pkg/RFLPtools/man/nrBands.Rd	2012-10-25 12:00:45 UTC (rev 10)
+++ pkg/RFLPtools/man/nrBands.Rd	2012-10-26 02:35:31 UTC (rev 11)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 %\references{ ??? }
   Fabienne Flessa \email{Fabienne.Flessa at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
-  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
+  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at botgarten.uni-tuebingen.de},\cr
   Matthias Kohl \email{Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de} 

Modified: pkg/RFLPtools/man/read.blast.Rd
--- pkg/RFLPtools/man/read.blast.Rd	2012-10-25 12:00:45 UTC (rev 10)
+++ pkg/RFLPtools/man/read.blast.Rd	2012-10-26 02:35:31 UTC (rev 11)
@@ -7,17 +7,30 @@
   Function to read BLAST data generated with standalone BLAST from NCBI.
+read.blast(file, sep = "\t")
   \item{file}{ character: BLAST file to read in.}
+  \item{sep}{ the field separator character. Values on each line of the file are 
+  separated by this character. Default \code{"\t"}.}
-  The function reads data which was generated with standalone BLAST from NCBI.
-  Pairwise similarities of DNA sequences are calculated among all sequences 
-  to analyse applying Standalone Blast
-  (cf. ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/blast/executables/release/) 
-  with the parameters -m 8 -r 2 -G 5 -E 2.
+  The function reads data which was generated with standalone BLAST from NCBI;
+  see ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/blast/executables/release/.
+  Possible steps:\cr
+  1) Install NCBI BLAST\cr
+  2) Generate and import database(s)\cr
+  3) Apply BLAST with options \code{outfmt} and \code{out}; e.g.\cr
+  \code{blastn -query Testquery -db Testdatabase -outfmt 6 -out out.txt}\cr
+  or\cr
+  \code{blastn -query Testquery -db Testdatabase -outfmt 10 -out out.csv}\cr
+  One can also call BLAST from inside R by using function \code{system}\cr
+  system("blastn -query Testquery -db Testdatabase -outfmt 6 -out out.txt")\cr
+  4) Read in the results\cr
+  \code{test.res <- read.blast(file = "out.txt")}\cr
+  or\cr
+  \code{test.res <- read.blast(file = "out.csv", sep = ",")}
   A \code{data.frame} with variables
@@ -43,7 +56,7 @@
   Fabienne Flessa \email{Fabienne.Flessa at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
-  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
+  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at botgarten.uni-tuebingen.de},\cr
   Matthias Kohl \email{Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de} 

Modified: pkg/RFLPtools/man/read.rflp.Rd
--- pkg/RFLPtools/man/read.rflp.Rd	2012-10-25 12:00:45 UTC (rev 10)
+++ pkg/RFLPtools/man/read.rflp.Rd	2012-10-26 02:35:31 UTC (rev 11)
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 %\references{ ??? }
   Fabienne Flessa \email{Fabienne.Flessa at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
-  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
+  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at botgarten.uni-tuebingen.de},\cr
   Matthias Kohl \email{Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de} 

Modified: pkg/RFLPtools/man/sim2dist.Rd
--- pkg/RFLPtools/man/sim2dist.Rd	2012-10-25 12:00:45 UTC (rev 10)
+++ pkg/RFLPtools/man/sim2dist.Rd	2012-10-26 02:35:31 UTC (rev 11)
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 %\references{ ??? }
   Fabienne Flessa \email{Fabienne.Flessa at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
-  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
+  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at botgarten.uni-tuebingen.de},\cr
   Matthias Kohl \email{Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de} 

Modified: pkg/RFLPtools/man/simMatrix.Rd
--- pkg/RFLPtools/man/simMatrix.Rd	2012-10-25 12:00:45 UTC (rev 10)
+++ pkg/RFLPtools/man/simMatrix.Rd	2012-10-26 02:35:31 UTC (rev 11)
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
   Fabienne Flessa \email{Fabienne.Flessa at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
-  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
+  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at botgarten.uni-tuebingen.de},\cr
   Matthias Kohl \email{Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de} 

Modified: pkg/RFLPtools/man/write.hclust.Rd
--- pkg/RFLPtools/man/write.hclust.Rd	2012-10-25 12:00:45 UTC (rev 10)
+++ pkg/RFLPtools/man/write.hclust.Rd	2012-10-26 02:35:31 UTC (rev 11)
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 %\references{ ??? }
   Fabienne Flessa \email{Fabienne.Flessa at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
-  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at uni-bayreuth.de},\cr
+  Alexandra Kehl \email{Alexandra.Kehl at botgarten.uni-tuebingen.de},\cr
   Matthias Kohl \email{Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de} 

Copied: pkg/RFLPtools/vignettes/HFU.jpg (from rev 8, pkg/RFLPtools/inst/doc/HFU.jpg)
(Binary files differ)

Copied: pkg/RFLPtools/vignettes/RFLPtools.Rnw (from rev 8, pkg/RFLPtools/inst/doc/RFLPtools.Rnw)
--- pkg/RFLPtools/vignettes/RFLPtools.Rnw	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/RFLPtools/vignettes/RFLPtools.Rnw	2012-10-26 02:35:31 UTC (rev 11)
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+%\VignetteDepends{stats, lattice, MKmisc, RColorBrewer}
+pdfauthor={F. Flessa, A. Kehl and M. Kohl},%
+pdfkeywords={RFLPtools, RFLP, BLAST},%
+\markboth{\sl Package ``{\tt RFLPtools}''}{\sl Package ``{\tt RFLPtools}''}
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\newcommand{\code}[1]{{\tt #1}}
+\newcommand{\pkg}[1]{{\tt "#1"}}
+%  \begin{figure}[htbp]
+    \begin{center}
+      \includegraphics[width = #1\textwidth]{#2}
+%      \caption{\label{#1}#3}
+    \end{center}
+%  \end{figure}
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\SweaveOpts{keep.source = TRUE, eval = TRUE, include = FALSE}
+\title{RFLPtools: Analysis of DNA fragment samples and standalone BLAST report files}
+\author{F. Flessa\thanks{Chair for Plant Systematics, Section Mycology, 
+University of Bayreuth, 95440 Bayreuth, Germany, Fabienne.Flessa at uni-bayreuth.de}, 
+A. Kehl\thanks{Botanical Garden, University of Tübingen, Hartmeyerstr.\ 123, 72076 Tübingen, 
+Germany, Alexandra.Kehl at botgarten.uni-tuebingen.de} and 
+M. Kohl\thanks{Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, 
+Furtwangen University, 78054 VS-Schwenningen, Germany, Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de}\\ \\
+\includegraphics[width = 3cm]{logoUBT.png}
+\includegraphics[width = 3cm]{logoTueb.png}
+\includegraphics[width = 3cm]{HFU.jpg}
+The package \pkg{RFLPtools} aims at 
+\item the detection of similar band patterns based on DNA fingerprint fragment 
+sizes (i.e. derived from RFLP-analysis)
+\item the analysis of standalone BLAST report files (i.e. DNA sequence analysis)
+In this short vignette we describe and demonstrate the available functions.
+\section{RFLP data}
+We load example data and compute the Euclidean distance ...
+res <- RFLPdist(RFLPdata)
+names(res) ## number of bands
+Of course, we can also use other well-known distances implemented in function
+res1 <- RFLPdist(RFLPdata, distfun = function(x) dist(x, method = "manhattan"))
+res2 <- RFLPdist(RFLPdata, distfun = function(x) dist(x, method = "maximum"))
+Correlation distances can be applied using function \code{corDist} of package 
+res3 <- RFLPdist(RFLPdata, distfun = corDist)
+As we obtain a list of \code{dist} objects we can easily perform hierarchical 
+<<hclust, fig = TRUE>>=
+par(mfrow = c(2,2))
+plot(hclust(res[[1]]), main = "Euclidean distance")
+plot(hclust(res1[[1]]), main = "Manhattan distance")
+plot(hclust(res2[[1]]), main = "Maximum distance")
+plot(hclust(res3[[1]]), main = "Pearson correlation distance")
+For splitting the dendrogram into clusters we apply function \code{cutree}.
+clust4bd <- hclust(res[[2]])
+cgroups50 <- cutree(clust4bd, h=50)
+Another possibility to display the similarity of the samples are so-called 
+(dis-)similarity matrices which can be generated by function \code{simPlot} of
+package \pkg{MKmisc}.
+<<sim1, fig = TRUE>>=
+myCol <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8, "RdYlGn"))(128)
+ord <- order.dendrogram(as.dendrogram(hclust(res[[1]])))
+temp <- as.matrix(res[[1]])
+simPlot(temp[ord,ord], col = rev(myCol), minVal = 0, 
+        labels = colnames(temp), title = "(Dis-)Similarity Plot")
+We can also use function \pkg{levelplot} of \pkg{lattice} to display (dis-)similarity
+<<sim2, fig = TRUE>>=
+print(levelplot(temp[ord,ord], col.regions = rev(myCol),
+          at = do.breaks(c(0, max(temp)), 128),
+          xlab = "", ylab = "",
+          ## Rotate labels of x-axis
+          scales = list(x = list(rot = 90)),
+          main = "(Dis-)Similarity Plot"))
+If some bands may be missing we can apply function \code{RFLPdist2} specifying the
+number of missing bands we expect.
+## Euclidean distance
+res0 <- RFLPdist2(RFLPdata, nrBands = 9, nrMissing = 0)
+res1 <- RFLPdist2(RFLPdata, nrBands = 9, nrMissing = 1)
+res2 <- RFLPdist2(RFLPdata, nrBands = 9, nrMissing = 2)
+res3 <- RFLPdist2(RFLPdata, nrBands = 9, nrMissing = 3)
+Again hierarchical clustering of the results is straight forward.
+<<sim4, fig = TRUE>>=
+par(mfrow = c(2,2))
+plot(hclust(res0), main = "0 bands missing")
+plot(hclust(res1), main = "1 band missing")
+plot(hclust(res2), main = "2 bands missing")
+plot(hclust(res3), main = "3 bands missing")
+In function \code{RFLPplot} we have also implemented another possibility for visualization.
+<<RFLPplot, fig = TRUE>>=
+par(mfrow = c(1,2))
+plot(hclust(RFLPdist(RFLPdata, nrBands = 3)), cex = 0.7)
+RFLPplot(RFLPdata, nrBands = 3, mar.bottom = 6, cex.axis = 0.8)
+We can also make a comparison to reference data.
+<<RFLPrefplot, fig = TRUE>>=
+RFLPrefplot(RFLPdata, RFLPref, nrBands = 9, cex.axis = 0.8)
+\section{BLAST data} 
+To analyze tabular report files generated with standalone BLAST from NCBI 
+(see \url{ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/executables/release}), 
+a function for reading the BLAST report files is included (\code{read.blast}). 
+Possible steps are:

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/rflptools -r 11

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