[Returnanalytics-commits] r3646 - pkg/PApages/R
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noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Fri May 22 03:54:36 CEST 2015
Author: peter_carl
Date: 2015-05-22 03:54:35 +0200 (Fri, 22 May 2015)
New Revision: 3646
- this is probably where these should be
Added: pkg/PApages/R/xlsx.CAPM.R
--- pkg/PApages/R/xlsx.CAPM.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PApages/R/xlsx.CAPM.R 2015-05-22 01:54:35 UTC (rev 3646)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# Add the formatted output of table.CAPM to an Excel workbook
+xlsx.CAPM <- function(Ra, Rb, p=(1-(1/12)), Rf=.03/12, wb, sheetname="SFM", title="Regression Statistics", subtitle="Since inception") {
+ # Peter Carl
+ require(xlsx)
+ # Calculate the table
+ # @TODO: Do this from manager inception instead
+ # @TODO: Get rid of leading 'X' in column names
+ x.capm = t(table.CAPM(R, as.perc=FALSE, digits=4))
+ x.dim = dim(x.capm)
+ ## Set style attributes for the spreadsheet
+ # Create a named cell style to be used for columns of ratios or percentages
+ csSheetTitle <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, heightInPoints=14, isBold=TRUE)
+ csSheetSubTitle <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, heightInPoints=12, isItalic=TRUE, isBold=FALSE)
+ csTableRowNames <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, isBold=TRUE)
+ csTableColNames <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, isBold=TRUE) + Alignment(wrapText=TRUE, h="ALIGN_CENTER") + Border(color="black", position=c("TOP", "BOTTOM"), pen=c("BORDER_THIN", "BORDER_THICK"))
+ csRatioColumn <- CellStyle(wb, dataFormat=DataFormat("0.0")) # ... for ratio results
+ csPercColumn <- CellStyle(wb, dataFormat=DataFormat("0.0%")) # ... for percentage results
+ CAPM.colRatio = list(
+ '3'=csRatioColumn,
+ '5'=csRatioColumn,
+ '8'=csRatioColumn,
+ '15'=csRatioColumn)
+ CAPM.colPerc =list(
+ '1'=csPercColumn,
+ '2'=csPercColumn,
+ '4'=csPercColumn,
+ '6'=csPercColumn,
+ '7'=csPercColumn,
+ '9'=csPercColumn,
+ '10'=csPercColumn,
+ '13'=csPercColumn,
+ '14'=csPercColumn)
+ # Create a sheet in the workbook, add the table, and format it
+ sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = sheetname)
+ addDataFrame(x.RiskStats, sheet, startRow=3, startColumn=1,
+ colStyle=c(CAPM.colPerc,CAPM.colRatio),
+ colnamesStyle = csTableColNames, rownamesStyle=csTableRowNames)
+ setColumnWidth(sheet,colIndex=c(2:x.dim[1]),colWidth=8)
+ setColumnWidth(sheet,colIndex=1,colWidth=max(nchar(rownames(x.calendar))))
+ # Create the Sheet title ...
+ rows <- createRow(sheet,rowIndex=1)
+ sheetTitle <- createCell(rows, colIndex=1)
+ setCellValue(sheetTitle[[1,1]], title)
+ setCellStyle(sheetTitle[[1,1]], csSheetTitle)
+ # ... and subtitle
+ rows <- createRow(sheet,rowIndex=2)
+ sheetSubTitle <- createCell(rows,colIndex=1)
+ setCellValue(sheetSubTitle[[1,1]], subtitle)
+ setCellStyle(sheetSubTitle[[1,1]], csSheetSubTitle)
+ # Return the whole (now modified) workbook object
+ return(wb)
\ No newline at end of file
Added: pkg/PApages/R/xlsx.Calendar.R
--- pkg/PApages/R/xlsx.Calendar.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PApages/R/xlsx.Calendar.R 2015-05-22 01:54:35 UTC (rev 3646)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Add the formatted output of table.CalendarReturns to an Excel workbook
+xlsx.Calendar <- function(R, p=(1-(1/12)), Rf=.03/12, wb, sheetname="Risk Stats", title="Risk Statistics", subtitle="Since inception") {
+ # Peter Carl
+ require(xlsx)
+ # Calculate the table
+ # @TODO: Do this from manager inception instead
+ # @TODO: Get rid of leading 'X' in column names
+ x.calendar = t(table.CalendarReturns(R, as.perc=FALSE, digits=4))
+ x.dim = dim(x.calendar)
+ ## Set style attributes for the spreadsheet
+ # Create a named cell style to be used for columns of ratios or percentages
+ csSheetTitle <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, heightInPoints=14, isBold=TRUE)
+ csSheetSubTitle <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, heightInPoints=12, isItalic=TRUE, isBold=FALSE)
+ csTableRowNames <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, isBold=TRUE)
+ csTableColNames <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, isBold=TRUE) + Alignment(wrapText=TRUE, h="ALIGN_CENTER") + Border(color="black", position=c("TOP", "BOTTOM"), pen=c("BORDER_THIN", "BORDER_THICK"))
+ csPercColumn <- CellStyle(wb, dataFormat=DataFormat("0.0%")) # ... for percentage results
+ # Create a sheet in the workbook, add the table, and format it
+ # @TODO: Fix table cell formatting
+ sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = sheetname)
+ addDataFrame(x.calendar, sheet, startRow=3, startColumn=1,
+ colStyle=list(csPercColumn),
+ colnamesStyle = csTableColNames,
+ rownamesStyle=csTableRowNames)
+ setColumnWidth(sheet,colIndex=c(2:x.dim[1]),colWidth=8)
+ setColumnWidth(sheet,colIndex=1,colWidth=max(nchar(rownames(x.calendar))))
+ # Create the Sheet title ...
+ rows <- createRow(sheet,rowIndex=1)
+ sheetTitle <- createCell(rows, colIndex=1)
+ setCellValue(sheetTitle[[1,1]], title)
+ setCellStyle(sheetTitle[[1,1]], csSheetTitle)
+ # ... and subtitle
+ rows <- createRow(sheet,rowIndex=2)
+ sheetSubTitle <- createCell(rows,colIndex=1)
+ setCellValue(sheetSubTitle[[1,1]], subtitle)
+ setCellStyle(sheetSubTitle[[1,1]], csSheetSubTitle)
+ # Return the whole (now modified) workbook object
+ return(wb)
\ No newline at end of file
Added: pkg/PApages/R/xlsx.RiskStats.R
--- pkg/PApages/R/xlsx.RiskStats.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PApages/R/xlsx.RiskStats.R 2015-05-22 01:54:35 UTC (rev 3646)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Add the formatted output of table.RiskStats to an Excel workbook
+# wb = xlsx.RiskStats.R(R=last(x.R,60), wb=wb)
+# @TODO: Wrap each table in a similar function: Calendar, etc.
+xlsx.RiskStats <- function(R, p=(1-(1/12)), Rf=.03/12, wb, sheetname="Risk Stats", title="Risk Statistics", subtitle="Since inception") {
+ # Peter Carl
+ require(xlsx)
+ # Calculate the table
+ x.RiskStats = as.data.frame(t(table.RiskStats(R=R, p=p, Rf=Rf)))
+ ## Set style attributes for the spreadsheet
+ # Create a named cell style to be used for columns of ratios or percentages
+ csSheetTitle <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, heightInPoints=14, isBold=TRUE)
+ csSheetSubTitle <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, heightInPoints=12, isItalic=TRUE, isBold=FALSE)
+ csTableRowNames <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, isBold=TRUE)
+ csTableColNames <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, isBold=TRUE) + Alignment(wrapText=TRUE, h="ALIGN_CENTER") + Border(color="black", position=c("TOP", "BOTTOM"), pen=c("BORDER_THIN", "BORDER_THICK"))
+ csRatioColumn <- CellStyle(wb, dataFormat=DataFormat("0.0")) # ... for ratio results
+ csPercColumn <- CellStyle(wb, dataFormat=DataFormat("0.0%")) # ... for percentage results
+ # Which columns in the table should be formatted which way?
+ RiskStats.colRatio = list(
+ '3'=csRatioColumn,
+ '5'=csRatioColumn,
+ '8'=csRatioColumn,
+ '15'=csRatioColumn)
+ RiskStats.colPerc =list(
+ '1'=csPercColumn,
+ '2'=csPercColumn,
+ '4'=csPercColumn,
+ '6'=csPercColumn,
+ '7'=csPercColumn,
+ '9'=csPercColumn,
+ '10'=csPercColumn,
+ '13'=csPercColumn,
+ '14'=csPercColumn)
+ # Create a sheet in the workbook, add the table, and format it
+# wb = set.xlsxWBStyles(wb) # Establish formats in the wb in case it hasn't happened before
+ sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = sheetname)
+ addDataFrame(x.RiskStats, sheet, startRow=3, startColumn=1,
+ colStyle=c(RiskStats.colPerc,RiskStats.colRatio),
+ colnamesStyle = csTableColNames, rownamesStyle=csTableRowNames)
+ setColumnWidth(sheet,colIndex=c(2:15),colWidth=11)
+ setColumnWidth(sheet,colIndex=16,colWidth=13)
+ setColumnWidth(sheet,colIndex=17,colWidth=6)
+ setColumnWidth(sheet,colIndex=1,colWidth=max(nchar(rownames(x.RiskStats))))
+ # Create the Sheet title ...
+ rows <- createRow(sheet,rowIndex=1)
+ sheetTitle <- createCell(rows, colIndex=1)
+ setCellValue(sheetTitle[[1,1]], title)
+ setCellStyle(sheetTitle[[1,1]], csSheetTitle)
+ # ... and subtitle
+ rows <- createRow(sheet,rowIndex=2)
+ sheetSubTitle <- createCell(rows,colIndex=1)
+ setCellValue(sheetSubTitle[[1,1]], subtitle)
+ setCellStyle(sheetSubTitle[[1,1]], csSheetSubTitle)
+ # Return the whole (now modified) workbook object
+ return(wb)
Added: pkg/PApages/R/xlsx.tables.R
--- pkg/PApages/R/xlsx.tables.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PApages/R/xlsx.tables.R 2015-05-22 01:54:35 UTC (rev 3646)
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+xlsx.Performance <- function (R, title, outputdir, timestamp) {
+ # Create a spreadsheet with performance and risk metrics
+ try(rm(wb)) # delete old or outdated objects in the workspace
+ # @TODO: code after this could be functionalized as xlsx.Performance()
+ # Create an Excel workbook using xlsx
+ wb <- createWorkbook() # Create a workbook object
+ # Get attributes of the data used
+ x.lastDate = tail(index(x.R), n=1)
+ ## Calculate Ex Post Risk and Returns Statistics table
+ # Create a sheet for Since Inception
+ sheetname = paste(manager," Stats", sep="")
+ title = paste(manager, "Ex-Post Returns and Risk")
+ subtitle = paste("Since inception, updated through ", x.lastDate, sep="")
+ wb = xlsx.RiskStats(R=x.R, wb=wb, sheetname=sheetname, title=title, subtitle=subtitle)
+ # Trailing n-month view of the same table
+ periods = c(60,36,24,12)
+ for(period in periods){
+ sheetname=paste(manager," Stats ", period,"m", sep="")
+ title = paste(manager, "Ex-Post Returns and Risk")
+ subtitle = paste("Trailing ", period, "-month period through ", x.lastDate, sep="")
+ wb = xlsx.RiskStats(R=last(x.R, period), wb=wb, sheetname=sheetname, title=title, subtitle=subtitle)
+ }
+ ## Calculate Calendar Returns table
+ sheetname = paste(manager," Returns", sep="")
+ title = paste(manager, "Calendar Returns")
+ subtitle = paste("Since inception, updated through ", x.lastDate, sep="")
+ wb = xlsx.Calendar(R=x.R, wb=wb, sheetname=sheetname, title=title, subtitle=subtitle)
+ ## Drawdowns table
+ ## SFM table
+ # Create a sheet for Since Inception
+ sheetname = paste(manager," SFM", sep="")
+ title = paste(manager, "SFM Regression")
+ subtitle = paste("Since inception, updated through ", x.lastDate, sep="")
+ wb = xlsx.CAPM.R(R=x.R, wb=wb, sheetname=sheetname, title=title, subtitle=subtitle)
+ # Trailing n-month view of the same table
+ periods = c(60,36,12)
+ for(period in periods){
+ sheetname=paste(manager," SFM ", period,"m", sep="")
+ title = paste(manager, "SFM Regression")
+ subtitle = paste("Trailing ", period, "-month period through ", x.lastDate, sep="")
+ wb = xlsx.CAPM(R=last(x.R, period), wb=wb, sheetname=sheetname, title=title, subtitle=subtitle)
+ }
+ ## AC table
+ ##
+ saveWorkbook(wb, file=paste(outputdir,"/",manager," Performance ",timestamp,".xlsx", sep=""))
\ No newline at end of file
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