[Returnanalytics-commits] r3628 - in pkg/FactorAnalytics: . R man vignettes

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Mon Apr 13 08:38:17 CEST 2015

Author: arorar
Date: 2015-04-13 08:38:17 +0200 (Mon, 13 Apr 2015)
New Revision: 3628

Added new code to compute risk and performance measures and thier standard errors using Factor Model Monte Carlo as described in Jiang and Martin 2013

Modified: pkg/FactorAnalytics/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/FactorAnalytics/DESCRIPTION	2015-03-25 13:16:56 UTC (rev 3627)
+++ pkg/FactorAnalytics/DESCRIPTION	2015-04-13 06:38:17 UTC (rev 3628)
@@ -1,36 +1,42 @@
-Package: factorAnalytics
-Type: Package
-Title: Factor Analytics
-Author: Eric Zivot, Sangeetha Srinivasan and Yi-An Chen
-Maintainer: Sangeetha Srinivasan <sangee at uw.edu>
-Description: An R package for the estimation and risk analysis of linear factor
-    models for asset returns and portfolios. It contains model fitting methods
-    for the three major types of factor models: time series (or, macroeconomic)
-    factor model, fundamental factor model and statistical factor model. They
-    allow for different types of distributions to be specified for modeling the
-    fat-tailed behavior of financial returns, including Edgeworth expansions.
-    Risk analysis measures such as VaR and ES, as well as performance 
-    attribution for factor models (factor-contributed vs idiosyncratic returns) 
-    are included. 
-License: GPL-2
-    R (>= 3.0.0),
-    xts (>= 0.9)
-    PerformanceAnalytics(>= 1.1.0),
-    corrplot,  
-    robust, 
-    leaps, 
-    lars,
-    strucchange,
-    lmtest,
-    sandwich,
-    lattice,
-    MASS
-    testthat, quantmod, knitr
-LazyLoad: yes
-LazyDataCompression: xz
-URL: http://r-forge.r-project.org/R/?group_id=579
+Package: factorAnalytics
+Type: Package
+Title: Factor Analytics
+Author: Eric Zivot, Sangeetha Srinivasan and Yi-An Chen
+Maintainer: Sangeetha Srinivasan <sangee at uw.edu>
+Description: An R package for the estimation and risk analysis of linear factor
+    models for asset returns and portfolios. It contains model fitting methods
+    for the three major types of factor models: time series (or, macroeconomic)
+    factor model, fundamental factor model and statistical factor model. They
+    allow for different types of distributions to be specified for modeling the
+    fat-tailed behavior of financial returns, including Edgeworth expansions.
+    Risk analysis measures such as VaR and ES, as well as performance 
+    attribution for factor models (factor-contributed vs idiosyncratic returns) 
+    are included. 
+License: GPL-2
+    R (>= 3.0.0),
+    xts (>= 0.9),
+    foreach (>= 1.4)
+    PerformanceAnalytics(>= 1.1.0),
+    corrplot,  
+    robust, 
+    leaps, 
+    lars,
+    strucchange,
+    lmtest,
+    sandwich,
+    lattice,
+    MASS,
+    boot,
+    parallel,
+    doSNOW,
+    RCurl,
+    bestglm
+    testthat, quantmod, knitr
+LazyLoad: yes
+LazyDataCompression: xz
+URL: http://r-forge.r-project.org/R/?group_id=579

Modified: pkg/FactorAnalytics/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/FactorAnalytics/NAMESPACE	2015-03-25 13:16:56 UTC (rev 3627)
+++ pkg/FactorAnalytics/NAMESPACE	2015-04-13 06:38:17 UTC (rev 3628)
@@ -1,70 +1,82 @@
-# Generated by roxygen2 (4.0.2): do not edit by hand
+# Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand

Added: pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/fmmc.R
--- pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/fmmc.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/fmmc.R	2015-04-13 06:38:17 UTC (rev 3628)
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+#' @title Functions to compute estimates and thier standard errors using fmmc
+#' Control default arguments. Usually for factorAnalytics.
+#' @details
+#' This method takes in the additional arguments list and checks if parameters
+#' are set. Then it defaults values if they are unset. Currently it controls the
+#' fit.method(default: OLS) and variable.selection(default: subsets). If 
+#' variable.selection is set to values other than subsets/none then it will
+#' default to subsets. 
+#' arguments for factorAnalytics 
+#' @param  ... Arguments that must be passed to fitTsfm
+.fmmc.default.args <- function(...) {
+    add.args <- list(...)
+    if(!"fit.method" %in% names(add.args)) add.args[["fit.method"]] <- "LS"
+    if(!"variable.selection" %in% names(add.args)) 
+        add.args[["variable.selection"]] <- "subsets"
+    else {
+        if(!add.args[["variable.selection"]] %in% c("none", "subsets"))
+            add.args[["variable.selection"]] <- "subsets"     
+    }  
+    if (add.args[["variable.selection"]] == "subsets") {
+        if(!"nvmax" %in% names(add.args)) 
+            add.args[["nvmax"]] <- NA
+    }
+    add.args
+#' Select factors based on BIC criteria
+#' @details
+#' This method selects the best factors and based on the BIC criteria. It uses 
+#' the user supplied max count for max factors or defaults to half the total 
+#' number of factors
+#' @param  data Data to use for selecting relevant factors. First column is the
+#'          response. The remaining columns is an exhaustive list of factors.
+#' @param  maxfactors An upper limit on the number of factors.  
+.fmmc.select.factors <- function(data, maxfactors) {
+    # default the max number of factors to half the number of factors
+    maxfactors <- ifelse(is.na(maxfactors), floor((ncol(data) - 1)/2), 
+        maxfactors)
+    if(maxfactors > 18)  
+        warning("Max model size greater than 18. Consider reducing the size.")
+    .data <- na.omit(cbind(data[,-1],data[,1]))
+    fit <- c()
+    val <- tryCatch({
+        fit <- bestglm(data.frame(na.omit(coredata(.data))), 
+            IC="BIC",method="exhaustive", nvmax=maxfactors)
+    },
+    error = function(e) NA,
+    warning = function(w) NA)
+    if(inherits(val, "error")) {
+        warning(paste(colnames(data[1])," will be skipped. Model fitting failed"))
+        return(NA)
+    }
+    fact.cols <- colnames(fit$BestModel$model)[-1]
+    fact.cols    
+#' This is the main implementation of the Factor Model Monte Carlo method. It returns
+#' a fmmc object that contains the joint empirical density of factors and returns. This
+#' fmmc object can be reused to for calucluting risk and performance estimates along
+#' with standard errors for the estimates
+#' @details
+#' This method takes in data, factors and residual type. It then does the following
+#' 1. Fit a time series factor model to the data using user supplied selection and
+#'    fit variables or it defaults them to stepwise and OLS respectively. If any
+#'    of the betas are NA then the corresponding factors are dropped
+#' 2. If the residual type beisdes empirical is specified then it fits the
+#'    corresponding distribution to the residuals and simulates from the fitted 
+#'    distribution. The number of NA's in the simulated sample are the same as
+#'    original residuals.
+#' 3. It then merges factors and non-NA residuals for each asset to create a full
+#'    outer join of the factors and residuals. We use this joined data to create new
+#'    simulated returns. Returns together with factors define a joint emperical density. 
+#' @param  R single vector of returns
+#' @param  factors matrix of factor returns
+#' @param  ... allows passing paramters to factorAnalytics.
+#' @author Rohit Arora
+.fmmc.proc <- function(R, factors ,... ) {
+    # Check if the classes of Returns and factors are correct
+    if(is.null(nrow(R)) || is.null(nrow(factors))) {
+        warning("Inputs are not matrix")
+        return(NA)
+    }
+    factors.data <- na.omit(factors)
+    T <- nrow(factors.data); T1 <- nrow(R)
+    if (T < T1) {
+        warning("Length of factors cannot be less than assets")
+        return(NA)
+    }
+    # Start getting ready to fit a time-series factor model to the data.
+    .data <- as.matrix(merge(R,factors.data))
+    #default args if not set
+    add.args <- .fmmc.default.args(...)
+    fit.method <- add.args[["fit.method"]]
+    variable.selection <- add.args[["variable.selection"]]
+    #short term hack till factorAnalytics fixes handling of "all subsets"
+    if(variable.selection == "subsets") {
+        fact.cols <- .fmmc.select.factors(.data, add.args[["nvmax"]])
+        if (0 == length(fact.cols)) {
+            warning(paste(colnames(R)," will be skipped. No suitable factor 
+                    exposures found"))
+            return(NA)
+        }
+        factors.data <- factors.data[,fact.cols]
+        .data <- as.matrix(merge(R,factors.data))
+        variable.selection <- add.args[["variable.selection"]] <- "none" 
+        add.args[["nvmax"]] <- NULL
+    }
+    # Lets fit the time-series model
+    args <- list(asset.names=colnames(R), 
+        factor.names=colnames(factors.data), data=.data)
+    args <- merge.list(args,add.args)
+    # We do not need to remove NA's. Beta's do no change if NA's are not removed
+    possibleError <- tryCatch(
+            fit <- do.call(fitTsfm, args), 
+        error=function(e) 
+            e)
+    if(inherits(possibleError, "error")) {
+        warning(paste("Timeseries model fitting failed for ", colnames(R)))
+        return(NA)        
+    }
+    resid <- do.call(merge,lapply(lapply(fit$asset.fit,residuals),as.xts))
+    beta <- t(fit$beta) 
+    if(any(is.na(beta))) { 
+        warning("some of the betas where NA in .fmmc.proc. Dropping those")
+        beta <- beta[!is.na(c(beta)), 1, drop=FALSE]
+        names.factors <- colnames(factors.data)
+        names.beta    <- colnames(fit$beta)
+        factors.data <- as.matrix(factors.data[,names.factors %in% names.beta])         
+    }
+    # define a joint empirical density for the factors and residuals and use
+    # that to calculate the returns. 
+    .data <- as.matrix(merge(as.matrix(factors.data), resid))
+    alpha <- matrix(as.numeric(fit$alpha), nrow=nrow(.data), ncol=1, byrow=TRUE)
+    returns   <- alpha + .data[,-ncol(.data),drop=FALSE] %*% beta + 
+        .data[,ncol(.data),drop=FALSE]
+    result <- list(bootdist = list(returns = returns, 
+        factors = .data[,-ncol(.data),drop=FALSE]),
+        data = list(R = R, factors = factors.data), args = add.args)
+    result  
+#' Statistic function for the boot call. It calculates the risk or performnace
+#' meeasure by using the estimatation function in its argument list. 
+#' @details
+#' This method works as follows.
+#' 1. Get data with factors and returns.
+#' 2. Subset T rows from the data.
+#' 3. Discard first TR-TR1 of the asset returns by setting them to NA
+#' 4. calls .fmmc.proc method over the new data set to get a new joint empirical 
+#'    distribution of returns and factors
+#' 5. We use the new returns with the estimation function to calculate the
+#'    risk or performance measure.
+#' @param  data matrix of (all factors + returns of just 1 asset)
+#' @param  indices row numbers generated by boot
+#' @param  args additinal paramters needed for subsetting the data and calulating
+#'         the perfomance/risk measure.
+#' @author Rohit Arora
+.fmmc.boot <- function(data, indices, args) {
+    TR <- args$TR
+    TR1 <- args$TR1
+    estimate.func <- args$estimate.func
+    fit.method <- args$fit.method
+    var.sel <- args$var.sel 
+    fun <- match.fun(estimate.func)
+    # we just need TR rows of data
+    ind <- sample(indices, TR , replace = TRUE)
+    data <- data[ind,]
+    # discard the first (TR-TR1) portion of returns if using fmmc. For
+    # complete data TR = TR1
+    .data <- data
+    .data[1:(TR-TR1),ncol(.data)] <- NA
+    # If the data does not have dates then it cannot be transformed to xts. 
+    # So lets fake dates to make xts happy
+    .data <- as.xts(.data , order.by=seq(as.Date("1980/1/1"), by = "day", 
+        length.out = nrow(.data)))
+    # lets get a new empirical distribution of factors and returns for a new subset
+    fmmcObj <- .fmmc.proc(R=.data[,ncol(.data),drop=FALSE], 
+        factors=.data[,-ncol(.data)], 
+        fit.method = fit.method, variable.selection = var.sel)
+    # lets calculate the performance or risk estimate
+    measure <- fun(fmmcObj$bootdist$returns)        
+    measure
+#' Main function to calculate the risk/performance estimate and calculate the 
+#' standard error of the estimate using bootstrapping. 
+#' @details
+#' bootstrapping in our  case can be painfully slow, so we exploit the parallel 
+#' capabilities of boot function. All cores on your machine are used.
+#' We use the boot call from the boot library for calculating the estimate and
+#' its standard error.
+#' @param  fmmcObj object returned by fmmc proc. This is a comprehensive object 
+#'         with all data for factors and returns.
+#' @param  nboot number of bootstap samples. Not sure how many repetations are
+#'         reuired but remember bias-variance tradeoff. Increasing nboot will only
+#'         reduce variance and not have a significant effect on bias(estimate)
+#' @param  estimate.func this is a handle to the function used for calulating
+#'         the perfomance/risk measure.
+#' @param  cl A cluster for running across multiple cores
+#' @author Rohit Arora
+.fmmc.se <- function(fmmcObj, nboot = 50, estimate.func, cl = NULL) {
+    parallel <- if(is.null(cl)) "no" else "snow"
+    ncpus <- if(is.null(cl)) 1 else detectCores()
+    # length of factors
+    TR <- nrow(fmmcObj$data$factors)
+    # length of the asset returns
+    len <- nrow(fmmcObj$data$R) - 
+        apply(fmmcObj$data$R, 2, function(col) which.min(is.na(col))) + 1
+    returns <- fmmcObj$bootdist$returns 
+    factors <- fmmcObj$bootdist$factors
+    # no need to do variable selection again. So lets turn it off
+    args <- list(TR = TR, TR1 = len, estimate.func = estimate.func, 
+        fit.method = fmmcObj$args[["fit.method"]], var.sel = "none")
+    result <- boot(data=cbind(factors, returns), statistic = .fmmc.boot, 
+        R = nboot, parallel = parallel, ncpus = ncpus, cl = cl, args=args)
+    se <- apply(result$t,2,sd)
+    se
+#' Worker function that acts between the fmmc procedure and calling method.
+#' @details
+#' This method takes in data as single time series and factors as xts objects 
+#' It then calls the actual estimation procedure.
+#' @param  R single vector of returns
+#' @param  factors matrix of factor returns
+#' @param  ... allows passing paramters to factorAnalytics.
+#' @author Rohit Arora
+.fmmc.worker <- function(R, factors, ...) {
+    fmmc.obj <- .fmmc.proc(R=R, factors=factors, ...)
+    fmmc.obj
+#' Compute fmmc objects that can be used for calcuation of estimates and their
+#' standard errors
+#' @details
+#' This method takes in data and factors as xts objects where multiple
+#' time series with different starting dates are merged together. It then
+#' computes FMMC objects as described in Jiang and Martin (2013)
+#' @param  R matrix of returns
+#' @param  factors matrix of factor returns
+#' @param  parallel flag to utilize multiplecores on the cpu. All cores are used.
+#' @param  ... Arguments that must be passed to fitTsfm
+#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster detectCores clusterEvalQ clusterExport 
+#'              stopCluster
+#' @importFrom boot boot
+#' @importFrom foreach foreach
+#' @importFrom doSNOW registerDoSNOW 
+#' @importFrom RCurl merge.list
+#' @importFrom bestglm bestglm
+#' @return returns an list of fmmc objects
+#' @author Rohit Arora
+#' @export
+fmmc <- function(R, factors, parallel=FALSE, ...) {
+  ret <- NA
+  assets.count <- ncol(R)
+  if (parallel) {
+    cl <- makeCluster(detectCores())
+    registerDoSNOW(cl)
+    ret <- foreach (i = 1:assets.count) %dopar% .fmmc.worker(R[,i], factors, ...)
+    stopCluster(cl)    
+  } else 
+    ret <- foreach (i = 1:assets.count) %do% .fmmc.worker(R[,i], factors, ...)
+  result <- ret[lapply(ret,length) > 1]
+  result  
+#' Main function to calculate the standard errror of the estimate
+#' @details
+#' This method takes in a list of fmmc objects and a callback function to compute
+#' an estimate. The first argument of the callback function must be the data 
+#' bootstrapped using fmmc procedure. The remaining arguments can be suitably
+#' bound to the parameters as needed. This function can also be used to calculate
+#' the standard error using the se flag.
+#' @param  fmmcObjs A list of fmmc objects computed using .fmmc.proc and containing
+#'          bootstrapped returns
+#' @param  fun A callback function where the first argument is returns and all the
+#'          other arguments are bounded to values
+#' @param  se A flag to indicate if standard error for the estimate must be calculated
+#' @param  parallel A flag to indicate if multiple cpu cores must be used
+#' @param  nboot Number of bootstrap samples
+#' @return returns the estimates and thier standard errors given fmmc objects
+#' @author Rohit Arora
+#' @export
+fmmc.estimate.se <- function(fmmcObjs, fun=NULL, se=FALSE, nboot=100, 
+                             parallel = FALSE) {
+    est <- se.est <- rep(NA, length(fmmcObjs))
+    result <- cbind(est, se.est); colnames(result) <- c("estimate","se")
+    rownames(result) <- unlist(lapply(fmmcObjs, function(obj) colnames(obj$data$R)))
+    if(is.null(fun)) return(result)
+    cl <- NULL
+    if(parallel) {
+        cl <- makeCluster(detectCores())
+        clusterEvalQ(cl, library(xts))
+    }
+    result[,1] <- unlist(lapply(fmmcObjs, function(obj) fun(obj$bootdist$returns)))
+    result[,2] <- if(se) unlist(
+        lapply(fmmcObjs, function(obj) .fmmc.se(obj, nboot, fun, cl)))
+    if(parallel) stopCluster(cl)
+    result    
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/FactorAnalytics/man/fmmc.Rd
--- pkg/FactorAnalytics/man/fmmc.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/FactorAnalytics/man/fmmc.Rd	2015-04-13 06:38:17 UTC (rev 3628)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/fmmc.R
+\title{Compute fmmc objects that can be used for calcuation of estimates and their
+standard errors}
+fmmc(R, factors, parallel = FALSE, ...)
+\item{R}{matrix of returns}
+\item{factors}{matrix of factor returns}
+\item{parallel}{flag to utilize multiplecores on the cpu. All cores are used.}
+\item{...}{Arguments that must be passed to fitTsfm}
+returns an list of fmmc objects
+Compute fmmc objects that can be used for calcuation of estimates and their
+standard errors
+This method takes in data and factors as xts objects where multiple
+time series with different starting dates are merged together. It then
+computes FMMC objects as described in Jiang and Martin (2013)
+Rohit Arora

Added: pkg/FactorAnalytics/man/fmmc.estimate.se.Rd
--- pkg/FactorAnalytics/man/fmmc.estimate.se.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/FactorAnalytics/man/fmmc.estimate.se.Rd	2015-04-13 06:38:17 UTC (rev 3628)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/fmmc.R
+\title{Main function to calculate the standard errror of the estimate}
+fmmc.estimate.se(fmmcObjs, fun = NULL, se = FALSE, nboot = 100,
+  parallel = FALSE)
+\item{fmmcObjs}{A list of fmmc objects computed using .fmmc.proc and containing
+bootstrapped returns}
+\item{fun}{A callback function where the first argument is returns and all the
+other arguments are bounded to values}
+\item{se}{A flag to indicate if standard error for the estimate must be calculated}
+\item{nboot}{Number of bootstrap samples}
+\item{parallel}{A flag to indicate if multiple cpu cores must be used}
+returns the estimates and thier standard errors given fmmc objects
+Main function to calculate the standard errror of the estimate
+This method takes in a list of fmmc objects and a callback function to compute
+an estimate. The first argument of the callback function must be the data
+bootstrapped using fmmc procedure. The remaining arguments can be suitably
+bound to the parameters as needed. This function can also be used to calculate
+the standard error using the se flag.
+Rohit Arora

Modified: pkg/FactorAnalytics/vignettes/FA.bib
--- pkg/FactorAnalytics/vignettes/FA.bib	2015-03-25 13:16:56 UTC (rev 3627)
+++ pkg/FactorAnalytics/vignettes/FA.bib	2015-04-13 06:38:17 UTC (rev 3628)
@@ -1,169 +1,162 @@
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+title = {{Determining the number of factors in approximate factor models}},
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+title = {{Portfolio performance measurement and benchmarking}},
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+journal = {Journal of Financial Economics},
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+title = {{Risk and return in an equilibrium APT: Application of a new test methodology}},
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+title = {{A test for the number of factors in an approximate factor model}},
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+title = {{Least angle regression}},
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+ at book{hastie2009elements,
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+journal = {Journal of business},
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+title = {{On market timing and investment performance. II. Statistical procedures for evaluating forecasting skills}},
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+ at book{ruppert2010statistics,
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+title = {{Statistics and data analysis for financial engineering}},
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