[Returnanalytics-commits] r3397 - pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R
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Tue May 27 23:01:31 CEST 2014
Author: rossbennett34
Date: 2014-05-27 23:01:31 +0200 (Tue, 27 May 2014)
New Revision: 3397
Organizing and reordering the extractstats file
Modified: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/extractstats.R
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/extractstats.R 2014-05-27 20:52:44 UTC (rev 3396)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/extractstats.R 2014-05-27 21:01:31 UTC (rev 3397)
@@ -10,6 +10,32 @@
+#' utility function to replace awkward named from unlist
+#' @param rnames character vector of names to check for cleanup
+name.replace <- function(rnames){
+ rnames<-gsub("objective_measures.",'',rnames)
+ matchvec<-c('mean.mean','median.median','ES.ES','ETL.ETL','CVaR.ES','ES.MES','ETL.MES','CVaR.MES','VaR.MVaR','maxDrawdown.maxDrawdown','sd.sd','StdDev.StdDev')
+ for(str in matchvec){
+ pos<-pmatch(str,rnames)
+ if(!is.na(pos)){
+ switch(str,
+ mean.mean = {rnames[pos]<-'mean'},
+ median.median = {rnames[pos]<-'median'},
+ CVaR.MES =, CVaR.ES = {rnames[pos]<-'CVaR'},
+ ES.MES =, ES.ES = {rnames[pos]<-'ES'},
+ ETL.MES =, ETL.ETL = {rnames[pos]<-'ETL'},
+ VaR.MVaR = {rnames[pos]<-'VaR'},
+ maxDrawdown.maxDrawdown = {rnames[pos]<-'maxDrawdown'},
+ sd.sd=, StdDev.StdDev = {rnames[pos]<-'StdDev'},
+ #pamean={rnames[pos]<-'mean'}
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ return(rnames)
+##### extractStats #####
#' extract some stats and weights from a portfolio run via \code{optimize.portfolio}
#' This function will dispatch to the appropriate class handler based on the
@@ -54,31 +80,6 @@
-#' utility function to replace awkward named from unlist
-#' @param rnames character vector of names to check for cleanup
-name.replace <- function(rnames){
- rnames<-gsub("objective_measures.",'',rnames)
- matchvec<-c('mean.mean','median.median','ES.ES','ETL.ETL','CVaR.ES','ES.MES','ETL.MES','CVaR.MES','VaR.MVaR','maxDrawdown.maxDrawdown','sd.sd','StdDev.StdDev')
- for(str in matchvec){
- pos<-pmatch(str,rnames)
- if(!is.na(pos)){
- switch(str,
- mean.mean = {rnames[pos]<-'mean'},
- median.median = {rnames[pos]<-'median'},
- CVaR.MES =, CVaR.ES = {rnames[pos]<-'CVaR'},
- ES.MES =, ES.ES = {rnames[pos]<-'ES'},
- ETL.MES =, ETL.ETL = {rnames[pos]<-'ETL'},
- VaR.MVaR = {rnames[pos]<-'VaR'},
- maxDrawdown.maxDrawdown = {rnames[pos]<-'maxDrawdown'},
- sd.sd=, StdDev.StdDev = {rnames[pos]<-'StdDev'},
- #pamean={rnames[pos]<-'mean'}
- )
- }
- }
- return(rnames)
#' @method extractStats optimize.portfolio.DEoptim
#' @S3method extractStats optimize.portfolio.DEoptim
#' @export
@@ -113,109 +114,6 @@
-#' @method extractStats optimize.portfolio.parallel
-#' @S3method extractStats optimize.portfolio.parallel
-#' @export
-extractStats.optimize.portfolio.parallel <- function(object,prefix=NULL,...) {
- resultlist<-object
- l = length(resultlist)
- result=NULL
- for (i in 1:l) {
- if(is.null(result)) result<-extractStats(resultlist[[i]])
- else result <- rbind(result,extractStats(resultlist[[i]]))
- }
- rownames(result) = paste("par", index(result), rownames(result), sep=".")
- return(result)
-#' @method extractStats optimize.portfolio.random
-#' @S3method extractStats optimize.portfolio.random
-#' @export
-extractStats.optimize.portfolio.random <- function(object, prefix=NULL, ...){
-# This just flattens the $random_portfolio_objective_results part of the object
- if(!inherits(object, "optimize.portfolio.random")) stop("object must be of class optimize.portfolio.random")
- # Check if object$random_portfolio_objective_results is null, the user called optimize.portfolio with trace=FALSE
- if(is.null(object$random_portfolio_objective_results)) stop("random_portfolio_objective_results is null, trace=TRUE must be specified in optimize.portfolio")
- OptimResults<-object
- l = length(OptimResults$random_portfolio_objective_results)
- nobj<-length(unlist(OptimResults$random_portfolio_objective_results[[1]]$objective_measures))
- result=matrix(nrow=l,ncol=(nobj+length(OptimResults$weights))+1)
- ncols<-ncol(result)
- for (i in 1:l) {
- if(!is.atomic(OptimResults$random_portfolio_objective_results[[i]])) {
- result[i,1:nobj]<-unlist(OptimResults$random_portfolio_objective_results[[i]]$objective_measures)
- result[i,(nobj+1)]<-OptimResults$random_portfolio_objective_results[[i]]$out
- result[i,(nobj+2):ncols]<-OptimResults$random_portfolio_objective_results[[i]]$weights
- }
- }
- rnames<-c(names(unlist(OptimResults$random_portfolio_objective_results[[1]]$objective_measures)),'out',paste('w',names(OptimResults$weights),sep='.'))
- rnames<-name.replace(rnames)
- colnames(result)<-rnames
- rownames(result) = paste(prefix,"rnd.portf", index(OptimResults$random_portfolio_objective_results), sep=".")
- return(result)
-#' Extract weights from a portfolio run via \code{optimize.portfolio} or \code{optimize.portfolio.rebalancing}
-#' This function will dispatch to the appropriate class handler based on the
-#' input class of the optimize.portfolio or optimize.portfolio.rebalancing output object
-#' @param object list returned by optimize.portfolio
-#' @param \dots any other passthru parameters
-#' @seealso \code{\link{optimize.portfolio}}, \code{\link{optimize.portfolio.rebalancing}}
-#' @export
-extractWeights <- function (object, ...){
- UseMethod('extractWeights')
-#' @method extractWeights optimize.portfolio
-#' @S3method extractWeights optimize.portfolio
-#' @export
-extractWeights.optimize.portfolio <- function(object, ...){
- if(!inherits(object, "optimize.portfolio")){
- stop("object must be of class 'optimize.portfolio'")
- }
- return(object$weights)
-#' @method extractWeights optimize.portfolio.rebalancing
-#' @S3method extractWeights optimize.portfolio.rebalancing
-#' @export
-extractWeights.optimize.portfolio.rebalancing <- function(object, ...){
- if(!inherits(object, "optimize.portfolio.rebalancing")){
- stop("Object passed in must be of class 'optimize.portfolio.rebalancing'")
- }
- rebal_object <- object$opt_rebal
- numColumns = length(rebal_object[[1]]$weights)
- numRows = length(rebal_object)
- result <- matrix(nrow=numRows, ncol=numColumns)
- for(i in 1:numRows)
- result[i,] = unlist(rebal_object[[i]]$weights)
- colnames(result) = names(unlist(rebal_object[[1]]$weights))
- rownames(result) = names(rebal_object)
- result = as.xts(result)
- return(result)
-#' @method extractWeights summary.optimize.portfolio.rebalancing
-#' @S3method extractWeights summary.optimize.portfolio.rebalancing
-#' @export
-extractWeights.summary.optimize.portfolio.rebalancing <- function(object, ...){
- object$weights
#' @method extractStats optimize.portfolio.ROI
#' @S3method extractStats optimize.portfolio.ROI
#' @export
@@ -359,6 +257,180 @@
return(lapply(object$opt_rebal, extractStats, ...))
+#' @method extractStats optimize.portfolio.parallel
+#' @S3method extractStats optimize.portfolio.parallel
+#' @export
+extractStats.optimize.portfolio.parallel <- function(object,prefix=NULL,...) {
+ resultlist<-object
+ l = length(resultlist)
+ result=NULL
+ for (i in 1:l) {
+ if(is.null(result)) result<-extractStats(resultlist[[i]])
+ else result <- rbind(result,extractStats(resultlist[[i]]))
+ }
+ rownames(result) = paste("par", index(result), rownames(result), sep=".")
+ return(result)
+#' @method extractStats optimize.portfolio.random
+#' @S3method extractStats optimize.portfolio.random
+#' @export
+extractStats.optimize.portfolio.random <- function(object, prefix=NULL, ...){
+# This just flattens the $random_portfolio_objective_results part of the object
+ if(!inherits(object, "optimize.portfolio.random")) stop("object must be of class optimize.portfolio.random")
+ # Check if object$random_portfolio_objective_results is null, the user called optimize.portfolio with trace=FALSE
+ if(is.null(object$random_portfolio_objective_results)) stop("random_portfolio_objective_results is null, trace=TRUE must be specified in optimize.portfolio")
+ OptimResults<-object
+ l = length(OptimResults$random_portfolio_objective_results)
+ nobj<-length(unlist(OptimResults$random_portfolio_objective_results[[1]]$objective_measures))
+ result=matrix(nrow=l,ncol=(nobj+length(OptimResults$weights))+1)
+ ncols<-ncol(result)
+ for (i in 1:l) {
+ if(!is.atomic(OptimResults$random_portfolio_objective_results[[i]])) {
+ result[i,1:nobj]<-unlist(OptimResults$random_portfolio_objective_results[[i]]$objective_measures)
+ result[i,(nobj+1)]<-OptimResults$random_portfolio_objective_results[[i]]$out
+ result[i,(nobj+2):ncols]<-OptimResults$random_portfolio_objective_results[[i]]$weights
+ }
+ }
+ rnames<-c(names(unlist(OptimResults$random_portfolio_objective_results[[1]]$objective_measures)),'out',paste('w',names(OptimResults$weights),sep='.'))
+ rnames<-name.replace(rnames)
+ colnames(result)<-rnames
+ rownames(result) = paste(prefix,"rnd.portf", index(OptimResults$random_portfolio_objective_results), sep=".")
+ return(result)
+#' @method extractStats opt.list
+#' @S3method extractStats opt.list
+#' @export
+extractStats.opt.list <- function(object, ...){
+ # get the stats of each optimization in a list
+ # each element in the list is an optimize.portfolio object
+ stats_list <- vector("list", length(object))
+ for(i in 1:length(stats_list)){
+ stats_list[[i]] <- extractStats(object[[i]])
+ }
+ return(stats_list)
+#' @method extractStats opt.rebal.list
+#' @S3method extractStats opt.rebal.list
+#' @export
+extractStats.opt.rebal.list <- function(object, ...){
+ # get the stats of each optimization in a list
+ # each element in the list is an optimize.portfolio.rebalancing object
+ stats_list <- vector("list", length(object))
+ for(i in 1:length(stats_list)){
+ stats_list[[i]] <- extractStats(object[[i]])
+ }
+ return(stats_list)
+##### extractWeights #####
+#' Extract weights from a portfolio run via \code{optimize.portfolio} or \code{optimize.portfolio.rebalancing}
+#' This function will dispatch to the appropriate class handler based on the
+#' input class of the optimize.portfolio or optimize.portfolio.rebalancing output object
+#' @param object list returned by optimize.portfolio
+#' @param \dots any other passthru parameters
+#' @seealso \code{\link{optimize.portfolio}}, \code{\link{optimize.portfolio.rebalancing}}
+#' @export
+extractWeights <- function (object, ...){
+ UseMethod('extractWeights')
+#' @method extractWeights optimize.portfolio
+#' @S3method extractWeights optimize.portfolio
+#' @export
+extractWeights.optimize.portfolio <- function(object, ...){
+ if(!inherits(object, "optimize.portfolio")){
+ stop("object must be of class 'optimize.portfolio'")
+ }
+ return(object$weights)
+#' @method extractWeights optimize.portfolio.rebalancing
+#' @S3method extractWeights optimize.portfolio.rebalancing
+#' @export
+extractWeights.optimize.portfolio.rebalancing <- function(object, ...){
+ if(!inherits(object, "optimize.portfolio.rebalancing")){
+ stop("Object passed in must be of class 'optimize.portfolio.rebalancing'")
+ }
+ rebal_object <- object$opt_rebal
+ numColumns = length(rebal_object[[1]]$weights)
+ numRows = length(rebal_object)
+ result <- matrix(nrow=numRows, ncol=numColumns)
+ for(i in 1:numRows)
+ result[i,] = unlist(rebal_object[[i]]$weights)
+ colnames(result) = names(unlist(rebal_object[[1]]$weights))
+ rownames(result) = names(rebal_object)
+ result = as.xts(result)
+ return(result)
+#' @method extractWeights summary.optimize.portfolio.rebalancing
+#' @S3method extractWeights summary.optimize.portfolio.rebalancing
+#' @export
+extractWeights.summary.optimize.portfolio.rebalancing <- function(object, ...){
+ object$weights
+#' @method extractWeights opt.list
+#' @S3method extractWeights opt.list
+#' @export
+extractWeights.opt.list <- function(object, ...){
+ # get the optimal weights of each optimization in a list
+ weights_list <- list()
+ for(i in 1:length(object)){
+ weights_list[[i]] <- object[[i]]$weights
+ }
+ # get/set the names in the object
+ opt_names <- names(object)
+ if(is.null(opt_names)) opt_names <- paste("opt", 1:length(object))
+ # get the names of each element in weights_list
+ weights_names <- unlist(lapply(weights_list, names))
+ # unique names in weights_names
+ names_unique <- unique(weights_names)
+ # create a matrix of zeros to fill in with weights later
+ weights_mat <- matrix(0, nrow=length(weights_list), ncol=length(names_unique),
+ dimnames=list(opt_names, names_unique))
+ for(i in 1:length(weights_list)){
+ pm <- pmatch(x=names(weights_list[[i]]), table=names_unique)
+ weights_mat[i, pm] <- weights_list[[i]]
+ }
+ return(weights_mat)
+#' @method extractWeights opt.rebal.list
+#' @S3method extractWeights opt.rebal.list
+#' @export
+extractWeights.opt.rebal.list <- function(object, ...){
+ # get the optimal weights of each optimization in a list
+ # each element in the list is an optimize.portfolio.rebalancing object
+ weights_list <- vector("list", length(object))
+ for(i in 1:length(weights_list)){
+ weights_list[[i]] <- extractWeights(object[[i]])
+ }
+ return(weights_list)
+##### extractObjectiveMeasures #####
#' Extract the objective measures
#' This function will extract the objective measures from the optimal portfolio
@@ -447,90 +519,6 @@
-#' Extract the group and/or category weights
-#' This function extracts the weights by group and/or category from an object
-#' of class \code{optimize.portfolio}. Group constraints or category_labels must
-#' be specified for this to return group constraints.
-#' @param object object of class \code{optimize.portfolio}
-#' @param ... passthrough parameters. Not currently used
-#' @return a list with two elements
-#' \itemize{
-#' \item{weights: }{Optimal set of weights from the \code{optimize.portfolio} object}
-#' \item{category_weights: }{Weights by category if category_labels are supplied in the \code{portfolio} object}
-#' \item{group_weights: }{Weights by group if group is a constraint type}
-#' }
-#' @author Ross Bennett
-#' @export
-extractGroups <- function(object, ...){
- if(!inherits(object, "optimize.portfolio")) stop("object must be of class 'optimize.portfolio'")
- # Check category_labels in portfolio object
- category_labels <- object$portfolio$category_labels
- # Get the constraints to check for group constraints
- constraints <- get_constraints(object$portfolio)
- groups <- constraints$groups
- cat_weights <- NULL
- group_weights <- NULL
- if(!is.null(category_labels)){
- cat_names <- names(category_labels)
- ncats <- length(category_labels)
- cat_weights <- rep(0, ncats)
- for(i in 1:ncats){
- cat_weights[i] <- sum(object$weights[category_labels[[i]]])
- }
- names(cat_weights) <- cat_names
- }
- if(!is.null(groups)){
- n.groups <- length(groups)
- group_weights <- rep(0, n.groups)
- for(i in 1:n.groups){
- group_weights[i] <- sum(object$weights[groups[[i]]])
- }
- names(group_weights) <- constraints$group_labels
- }
- return(list(weights=object$weights,
- category_weights=cat_weights,
- group_weights=group_weights)
- )
-#' @method extractWeights opt.list
-#' @S3method extractWeights opt.list
-#' @export
-extractWeights.opt.list <- function(object, ...){
- # get the optimal weights of each optimization in a list
- weights_list <- list()
- for(i in 1:length(object)){
- weights_list[[i]] <- object[[i]]$weights
- }
- # get/set the names in the object
- opt_names <- names(object)
- if(is.null(opt_names)) opt_names <- paste("opt", 1:length(object))
- # get the names of each element in weights_list
- weights_names <- unlist(lapply(weights_list, names))
- # unique names in weights_names
- names_unique <- unique(weights_names)
- # create a matrix of zeros to fill in with weights later
- weights_mat <- matrix(0, nrow=length(weights_list), ncol=length(names_unique),
- dimnames=list(opt_names, names_unique))
- for(i in 1:length(weights_list)){
- pm <- pmatch(x=names(weights_list[[i]]), table=names_unique)
- weights_mat[i, pm] <- weights_list[[i]]
- }
- return(weights_mat)
#' @method extractObjectiveMeasures opt.list
#' @S3method extractObjectiveMeasures opt.list
extractObjectiveMeasures.opt.list <- function(object){
@@ -632,32 +620,6 @@
-#' @method extractStats opt.list
-#' @S3method extractStats opt.list
-#' @export
-extractStats.opt.list <- function(object, ...){
- # get the stats of each optimization in a list
- # each element in the list is an optimize.portfolio object
- stats_list <- vector("list", length(object))
- for(i in 1:length(stats_list)){
- stats_list[[i]] <- extractStats(object[[i]])
- }
- return(stats_list)
-#' @method extractWeights opt.rebal.list
-#' @S3method extractWeights opt.rebal.list
-#' @export
-extractWeights.opt.rebal.list <- function(object, ...){
- # get the optimal weights of each optimization in a list
- # each element in the list is an optimize.portfolio.rebalancing object
- weights_list <- vector("list", length(object))
- for(i in 1:length(weights_list)){
- weights_list[[i]] <- extractWeights(object[[i]])
- }
- return(weights_list)
#' @method extractObjectiveMeasures opt.rebal.list
#' @S3method extractObjectiveMeasures opt.rebal.list
#' @export
@@ -671,15 +633,59 @@
-#' @method extractStats opt.rebal.list
-#' @S3method extractStats opt.rebal.list
+##### extractGroups #####
+#' Extract the group and/or category weights
+#' This function extracts the weights by group and/or category from an object
+#' of class \code{optimize.portfolio}. Group constraints or category_labels must
+#' be specified for this to return group constraints.
+#' @param object object of class \code{optimize.portfolio}
+#' @param ... passthrough parameters. Not currently used
+#' @return a list with two elements
+#' \itemize{
+#' \item{weights: }{Optimal set of weights from the \code{optimize.portfolio} object}
+#' \item{category_weights: }{Weights by category if category_labels are supplied in the \code{portfolio} object}
+#' \item{group_weights: }{Weights by group if group is a constraint type}
+#' }
+#' @author Ross Bennett
#' @export
-extractStats.opt.rebal.list <- function(object, ...){
- # get the stats of each optimization in a list
- # each element in the list is an optimize.portfolio.rebalancing object
- stats_list <- vector("list", length(object))
- for(i in 1:length(stats_list)){
- stats_list[[i]] <- extractStats(object[[i]])
+extractGroups <- function(object, ...){
+ if(!inherits(object, "optimize.portfolio")) stop("object must be of class 'optimize.portfolio'")
+ # Check category_labels in portfolio object
+ category_labels <- object$portfolio$category_labels
+ # Get the constraints to check for group constraints
+ constraints <- get_constraints(object$portfolio)
+ groups <- constraints$groups
+ cat_weights <- NULL
+ group_weights <- NULL
+ if(!is.null(category_labels)){
+ cat_names <- names(category_labels)
+ ncats <- length(category_labels)
+ cat_weights <- rep(0, ncats)
+ for(i in 1:ncats){
+ cat_weights[i] <- sum(object$weights[category_labels[[i]]])
+ }
+ names(cat_weights) <- cat_names
- return(stats_list)
+ if(!is.null(groups)){
+ n.groups <- length(groups)
+ group_weights <- rep(0, n.groups)
+ for(i in 1:n.groups){
+ group_weights[i] <- sum(object$weights[groups[[i]]])
+ }
+ names(group_weights) <- constraints$group_labels
+ }
+ return(list(weights=object$weights,
+ category_weights=cat_weights,
+ group_weights=group_weights)
+ )
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