[Returnanalytics-commits] r3379 - pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/RFinance2014

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Thu May 1 07:55:09 CEST 2014

Author: rossbennett34
Date: 2014-05-01 07:55:08 +0200 (Thu, 01 May 2014)
New Revision: 3379

Removing files to prep for cleanup and reorganization to presentation directory

Deleted: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/RFinance2014/data_analysis.R
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/RFinance2014/data_analysis.R	2014-04-28 21:43:21 UTC (rev 3378)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/RFinance2014/data_analysis.R	2014-05-01 05:55:08 UTC (rev 3379)
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-##### Equity Data for Example 1 and Example 2 #####
-colors <- c(rep("blue", 15), rep("green", 15), rep("red", 5))
-sd.order <- order(StdDev(equity.data))
-# boxplot to compare return distributions
-# mar(bottom, left, top, right)
-# default: par(mar=c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1)
-        cex.axis=0.8, las=3, ylab="Returns", pch=18,
-        col=colors[sd.order],
-        main="Return Distribution\n(sorted by StdDev)")
-legend("topleft", legend=c("Large Cap", "Mid Cap", "Small Cap"), 
-       fill=c("blue", "green", "red"), bty="n", cex=0.8)
-##### edhec Data for Example 3 and Example 4 #####
-p <- 0.95
-charts.BarVaR(R[,1:3], width=60, methods=c("ModifiedES", "ModifiedVaR"), 
-              main="Relative Value")
-charts.BarVaR(R[,4:6], width=60, methods=c("ModifiedES", "ModifiedVaR"), 
-              main="Directional")
-colors <- c(rep("lightblue", 3), rep("red", 3))
-ES.order <- order(ES(R, p=p, invert=FALSE))
-        cex.axis=0.8, las=3, ylab="Returns", pch=18,
-        col=colors[ES.order],
-        main="Return Distribution\n(sorted by Modified ES (95%))")
-legend("topleft", legend=c("Relative Value", "Directional"), 
-       fill=c("lightblue", "red"), bty="n", cex=0.8)

Deleted: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/RFinance2014/data_prep.R
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/RFinance2014/data_prep.R	2014-04-28 21:43:21 UTC (rev 3378)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/RFinance2014/data_prep.R	2014-05-01 05:55:08 UTC (rev 3379)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-##### Equity Data for Example 1 and Example 2 #####
-equity.data <- cbind(largecap_weekly[,1:15], 
-                     midcap_weekly[,1:15], 
-                     smallcap_weekly[,1:5])
-market <- largecap_weekly[,21]
-Rf <- largecap_weekly[,22]
-##### edhec Data for Example 3 and Example 4 #####
-# Load the updated edhec dataset
-# Prep data for Examples 3 and 4
-R <- edhec[,c("Convertible.Arbitrage", "Equity.Market.Neutral", 
-              "Fixed.Income.Arbitrage", 
-              "CTA.Global", "Emerging.Markets", "Global.Macro")]
-# Abreviate column names for convenience and plotting
-colnames(R) <- c("CA", "EMN", "FIA", "CTAG", "EM", "GM")
-# clean up and remove the data we don't need
-rm(largecap_weekly, midcap_weekly, smallcap_weekly, microcap_weekly)

Deleted: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/RFinance2014/edhec.rda
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/RFinance2014/edhec_eda.R
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/RFinance2014/edhec_eda.R	2014-04-28 21:43:21 UTC (rev 3378)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/RFinance2014/edhec_eda.R	2014-05-01 05:55:08 UTC (rev 3379)
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-# script for data analysis
-R <- edhec[,1:4]
-p <- 0.95
-# plot the timeseries of returns
-# plot(as.zoo(edhec))
-xyplot(R, scales=list(y="same"))
-charts.BarVaR(R, width=36, methods=c("ModifiedES", "ModifiedVaR"))
-# boxplot to compare return distributions
-# mar(bottom, left, top, right)
-# default: par(mar=c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1)
-par(mar=c(10, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1)
-boxplot(coredata(R[,order(ES(R, p=p, invert=FALSE))]),
-        cex.axis=0.8, las=3, ylab="Returns", pch=18,
-        main="Return Distribution\n(sorted by Modified ES (95%))")
-par(mar=c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1)
-# head(R[,order(ES(R, invert=FALSE))])
-# head(R[,order(StdDev(R))])
-# chart.Boxplot(R[,order(ES(R, invert=FALSE))])
-# chart.Boxplot(R[,order(StdDev(R))])
-# boxplot(coredata(R), col=c(2:5), cex.names=0.8, las=3)
-# chart the distribution of returns
-for(i in 1:ncol(R)){
-  chart.Histogram(R[,i], methods=c("add.density", "add.normal"), 
-                  colorset=c("lightgray", "black", "blue"))
-  legend("topleft", legend=c("kernel density estimate", "normal"), 
-         lty=c(1,1), col=c("black", "blue"), bty="n")
-  Sys.sleep(1)
-# chart the correlation and covariance
-# from http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/corrplot/vignettes/corrplot-intro.html
-cor.mtest <- function(mat, conf.level = 0.95) {
-  mat <- as.matrix(mat)
-  n <- ncol(mat)
-  p.mat <- lowCI.mat <- uppCI.mat <- matrix(NA, n, n)
-  diag(p.mat) <- 0
-  diag(lowCI.mat) <- diag(uppCI.mat) <- 1
-  for (i in 1:(n - 1)) {
-    for (j in (i + 1):n) {
-      tmp <- cor.test(mat[, i], mat[, j], conf.level = conf.level)
-      p.mat[i, j] <- p.mat[j, i] <- tmp$p.value
-      lowCI.mat[i, j] <- lowCI.mat[j, i] <- tmp$conf.int[1]
-      uppCI.mat[i, j] <- uppCI.mat[j, i] <- tmp$conf.int[2]
-    }
-  }
-  return(list(p.mat, lowCI.mat, uppCI.mat))
-res <- cor.mtest(R)
-corrplot(cor(R), p.mat=res[[1]], main="Correlation", 
-         sig.level=0.05, tl.cex=0.8)
-# corrplot(M, method="number", bg="gray", tl.cex=0.8)
-# corrplot.mixed(M, bg="gray", tl.cex=0.8)
-# If I compare sample min variance portfolio to a ledoit-shrinkage or robust, 
-# I should use plotcov to compare covaiance matrices

Deleted: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/RFinance2014/makefile
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/RFinance2014/makefile	2014-04-28 21:43:21 UTC (rev 3378)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/RFinance2014/makefile	2014-05-01 05:55:08 UTC (rev 3379)
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# http://robjhyndman.com/hyndsight/makefiles/
-# https://www.cs.umd.edu/class/fall2002/cmsc214/Tutorial/makefile.html
-# List the R files used
-RFILES := data_prep.R data_analysis.R optimize.R optimization_analysis.R
-# Rout indicator files to show R file has run
-# R CMD BATCH will generate .Rout files after running
-all: $(OUT_FILES) slidy_presentation.html presentation.Rmd
-# Generate slidy presentation from markdown file
-slidy_presentation.html: $(RFILES) $(OUT_FILES) presentation.md
-	pandoc -t slidy -s --mathjax presentation.md -o slidy_presentation.html
-# Generate slidy presentation from markdown file
-slides.pdf: $(RFILES) $(OUT_FILES) presentation.md
-	pandoc -t -S beamer —-slide-level 2 presentation.md -o slides.pdf
-# Generate markdown file from R markdown file
-presentation.md: presentation.Rmd
-	Rscript -e "library(knitr); knit('presentation.Rmd')"
-# Data analysis script
-data_analysis.Rout: data_analysis.R
-	R CMD BATCH --vanilla data_analysis.R
-# Optimization analysis script to analyze results of optimization
-optimization_analysis.Rout: optimization_analysis.R optimize.R
-	R CMD BATCH --vanilla optimization_analysis.R
-# Run optimizations
-optimize.Rout: optimize.R
-	R CMD BATCH --vanilla optimize.R
-# Data prep
-data_prep.Rout: data_prep.R
-	R CMD BATCH --vanilla data_prep.R
-lwShrink.Rout: R/lwShrink.R
-	R CMD BATCH --vanilla R/lwShrink.R
-charting.Rout: R/charting.R
-	R CMD BATCH --vanilla R/charting.R
-# Use Rscript to run the necessary R files as an alternative to R CMD BATCH
-	Rscript data_prep.R
-	Rscript data_analysis.R
-	Rscript optimize.R
-	Rscript optimization_analysis.R
-	rm -f *.Rout
-	rm -f data_figures/*.png
-	rm -f optimization_figures/*.png
-	rm -f optimization_results/*.rda
-	rm -f *.md
-	rm -f *.html
-	rm -f cache/*
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/RFinance2014/optimization_analysis.R
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/RFinance2014/optimization_analysis.R	2014-04-28 21:43:21 UTC (rev 3378)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/RFinance2014/optimization_analysis.R	2014-05-01 05:55:08 UTC (rev 3379)
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-# Set the directory where the optimization results are saved
-results.dir <- "optimization_results"
-figures.dir <- "optimization_figures"
-##### Example 1 #####
-load(paste(results.dir, "opt.minVarSample.rda", sep="/"))
-load(paste(results.dir, "opt.minVarLW.rda", sep="/"))
-# Chart the weights through time
-png(paste(figures.dir, "weights_minVarSample.png", sep="/"))
-chart.Weights(opt.minVarSample, main="minVarSample Weights", legend.loc=NULL)
-w1 <- nvd3WeightsPlot(opt.minVarSample)
-save(w1, file=paste(figures.dir, "w1.rda", sep="/"))
-png(paste(figures.dir, "weights_minVarLW.png", sep="/"))
-chart.Weights(opt.minVarLW, main="minVarLW Weights", legend.loc=NULL)
-w2 <- nvd3WeightsPlot(opt.minVarLW)
-save(w2, file=paste(figures.dir, "w2.rda", sep="/"))
-# Compute the returns and chart the performance summary
-ret.minVarSample <- summary(opt.minVarSample)$portfolio_returns
-ret.minVarRobust <- summary(opt.minVarLW)$portfolio_returns
-ret.minVar <- cbind(ret.minVarSample, ret.minVarRobust)
-colnames(ret.minVar) <- c("Sample", "LW")
-png(paste(figures.dir, "ret_minVar.png", sep="/"))
-##### Example 2 #####
-load(paste(results.dir, "opt.dn.rda", sep="/"))
-png(paste(figures.dir, "opt_dn.png", sep="/"))
-plot(opt.dn, main="Dollar Neutral Portfolio", risk.col="StdDev", neighbors=10)
-# chart.RiskReward(opt, risk.col="StdDev", neighbors=25)
-# chart.Weights(opt, plot.type="bar", legend.loc=NULL)
-# wts <- extractWeights(opt)
-# t(wts) %*% betas
-# sum(abs(wts))
-# sum(wts[wts > 0])
-# sum(wts[wts < 0])
-# sum(wts != 0)
-##### Example 3 #####
-load(file=paste(results.dir, "opt.minES.rda", sep="/"))
-load(file=paste(results.dir, "bt.opt.minES.rda", sep="/"))
-# ES(R, portfolio_method="component", weights=extractWeights(opt.minES[[1]]))
-# extractObjectiveMeasures(opt.minES)
-# extract objective measures, out, and weights 
-xtract <- extractStats(opt.minES)
-# get the 'mean' and 'ES' columns from each element of the list
-xtract.mean <- unlist(lapply(xtract, function(x) x[,"mean"]))
-xtract.ES <- unlist(lapply(xtract, function(x) x[,"ES"]))
-png(paste(figures.dir, "opt_minES.png", sep="/"))
-# plot the feasible space
-plot(xtract.ES, xtract.mean, col="gray", 
-     main="Minimum ES Portfolios",
-     xlab="ES", ylab="Mean",
-     ylim=c(0.005, 0.007),
-     xlim=c(0.015, 0.085))
-# min ES
-       y=opt.minES[[1]]$objective_measures$mean,
-       pch=15, col="purple")
-     y=opt.minES[[1]]$objective_measures$mean,
-     labels="Min ES", pos=1, col="purple", cex=0.8)
-# min ES with risk budget upper limit on component contribution to risk
-       y=opt.minES[[2]]$objective_measures$mean,
-       pch=15, col="black")
-     y=opt.minES[[2]]$objective_measures$mean,
-     labels="Min ES RB", pos=4, col="black", cex=0.8)
-# min ES with equal (i.e. min concentration) component contribution to risk
-       y=opt.minES[[3]]$objective_measures$mean,
-       pch=15, col="darkgreen")
-     y=opt.minES[[3]]$objective_measures$mean,
-     labels="Min ES EqRB", pos=4, col="darkgreen", cex=0.8)
-# Chart the risk contribution
-#chart.RiskBudget(opt.minES[[1]], risk.type="percentage", neighbors=10)
-png(paste(figures.dir, "rb_minES.png", sep="/"))
-chart.RiskBudget(opt.minES[[2]], main="Risk Budget Limit", 
-                 risk.type="percentage", neighbors=10)
-png(paste(figures.dir, "eqrb_minES.png", sep="/"))
-chart.RiskBudget(opt.minES[[3]], main="Equal ES Component Contribution", 
-                 risk.type="percentage", neighbors=10)
-# Plot the risk contribution  of portfolio 1 through time
-png(paste(figures.dir, "risk_minES.png", sep="/"))
-chart.RiskBudget(bt.opt.minES[[1]], main="Min ES Risk Contribution", 
-                 risk.type="percentage")
-# Plot the risk contribution  of portfolio 1 through time
-png(paste(figures.dir, "weights_minES.png", sep="/"))
-chart.Weights(bt.opt.minES[[1]], main="Min ES Weights")
-# Plot the risk contribution  of portfolio 3 through time
-png(paste(figures.dir, "risk_minESRB.png", sep="/"))
-chart.RiskBudget(bt.opt.minES[[2]], main="Min ES RB Risk Contribution",
-                 risk.type="percentage")
-# Plot the weights of portfolio 2 through time
-png(paste(figures.dir, "weights_minESRB.png", sep="/"))
-chart.Weights(bt.opt.minES[[2]], main="Min ES RB Weights")
-# Plot the risk contribution  of portfolio 3 through time
-png(paste(figures.dir, "risk_minESEqRB.png", sep="/"))
-chart.RiskBudget(bt.opt.minES[[3]], main="Min ES EqRB Risk Contribution",
-                 risk.type="percentage")
-# Plot the weights of portfolio 3 through time
-png(paste(figures.dir, "weights_minESEqRB.png", sep="/"))
-chart.Weights(bt.opt.minES[[3]], main="Min ES EqRB Weights")
-# Extract the returns from each element and chart the performance summary
-ret.bt.opt <- do.call(cbind, lapply(bt.opt.minES, 
-                                    function(x) summary(x)$portfolio_returns))
-colnames(ret.bt.opt) <- c("min ES", "min ES RB", "min ES Eq RB")
-png(paste(figures.dir, "ret_minES.png", sep="/"))
-# interactive plot of risk budgets through time using nvd3
-# nvd3RiskPlot(bt.opt.minES[[1]])
-# nvd3RiskPlot(bt.opt.minES[[2]])
-# nvd3RiskPlot(bt.opt.minES[[3]])
-##### Example 4 #####
-load(file=paste(results.dir, "opt.crra.rda", sep="/"))
-load(file=paste(results.dir, "bt.opt.crra.rda", sep="/"))
-CRRA <- function(R, weights, lambda, sigma, m3, m4){
-  weights <- matrix(weights, ncol=1)
-  M2.w <- t(weights) %*% sigma %*% weights
-  M3.w <- t(weights) %*% m3 %*% (weights %x% weights)
-  M4.w <- t(weights) %*% m4 %*% (weights %x% weights %x% weights)
-  term1 <- 0.5 * lambda * M2.w
-  term2 <- (1 / 6) * lambda * (lambda + 1) * M3.w
-  term3 <- (1 / 24) * lambda * (lambda + 1) * (lambda + 2) * M4.w
-  out <- -term1 + term2 - term3
-  out
-# Chart the optimization in Risk-Reward space
-png(paste(figures.dir, "crra_RR_ES.png", sep="/"))
-chart.RiskReward(opt.crra, risk.col="ES")
-# dev.off()
-png(paste(figures.dir, "crra_RR_StdDev.png", sep="/"))
-chart.RiskReward(opt.crra, risk.col="StdDev")
-# Compute the portfolio returns with rebalancing
-ret.crra <- summary(bt.opt.crra)$portfolio_returns
-colnames(ret.crra) <- "CRRA"
-# Plot the performance summary of the returns from example 3 and CRRA
-png(paste(figures.dir, "ret_crra.png", sep="/"))
-charts.PerformanceSummary(cbind(ret.bt.opt, ret.crra), main="Optimization Performance")

Deleted: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/RFinance2014/optimize.R
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/RFinance2014/optimize.R	2014-04-28 21:43:21 UTC (rev 3378)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/RFinance2014/optimize.R	2014-05-01 05:55:08 UTC (rev 3379)
@@ -1,449 +0,0 @@
-# script used to run the portfolio optimizations
-# Examples to consider
-# Example 1: Consider a portfolio of stocks. Full investment and long 
-# only (or box) constraints. Objective to minimize portfolio variance. 
-# Demonstrate a custom moments function to compare a sample covariance 
-# matrix estimate and a robust covariance matrix estimate. An alternative 
-# to a MCD estimate is ledoit-wolf shrinkage, DCC GARCH model, 
-# factor model, etc.
-# Example 2: Consider a portfolio of stocks. Dollar neutral, beta
-# neutral, box constraints, and leverage_exposure constraints. Objective
-# to minimize portfolio StdDev. This will demonstrate some of the 
-# more advanced constraint types. Could also introduce position limit
-# constraints here in this example. 
-# Example 3: Consider an allocation to hedge funds using the 
-# EDHEC-Risk Alternative Index as a proxy. This will be an extended
-# example starting with an objective to minimize portfolio expected
-# shortfall, then risk budget percent contribution limit, then equal 
-# risk contribution limit. 
-# Example 4: Consider an allocation to hedge funds using the 
-# EDHEC-Risk Alternative Index as a proxy. 
-# Option 1 for example 4
-# Objective to maximize a risk adjusted return measure 
-# (e.g.Calmar Ratio, Sterling Ratio, Sortino Ratio, or Upside Potential 
-# Ratio)
-# I prefer doing this option
-# Option 2 for example 4
-# Objective to maximize the
-# fourth order expansion of the Constant Relative Risk Aversion (CRRA)
-# expected utility function. Demonstrate a custom moment function and
-# a custom objective function.
-# Set the directory to save the optimization results
-results.dir <- "optimization_results"
-# Load the packages
-# for running via Rscript
-# Source in the lwShrink function
-# Example 1 and Example 2 will use the crsp_weekly data
-# Example 3 and Example 4 will use the edhec data
-##### Example 1 #####
-stocks <- colnames(equity.data)
-# Specify an initial portfolio
-portf.init <- portfolio.spec(stocks)
-# Add constraints
-# weights sum to 1
-portf.minvar <- add.constraint(portf.init, type="full_investment")
-# box constraints
-portf.minvar <- add.constraint(portf.minvar, type="box", min=0.01, max=0.45)
-# Add objective
-# objective to minimize portfolio variance
-portf.minvar <- add.objective(portf.minvar, type="risk", name="var")
-# Backtesting parameters
-# Set rebalancing frequency
-rebal.freq <- "quarters"
-# Training Period
-training <- 400
-# Trailing Period
-trailing <- 250
-# Run optimization
-# Sample Covariance Matrix Estimate
-# By default, momentFUN uses set.portfolio.moments which computes the sample
-# moment estimates
-cat("Example 1: running minimum variance with sample covariance matrix 
-    estimate backtest\n")
-if(file.exists(paste(results.dir, "opt.minVarSample.rda", sep="/"))){
-  cat("file already exists\n")
-} else {
-  opt.minVarSample <- optimize.portfolio.rebalancing(equity.data, portf.minvar, 
-                                                     optimize_method="ROI", 
-                                                     rebalance_on=rebal.freq, 
-                                                     training_period=training, 
-                                                     trailing_periods=trailing)
-  cat("opt.minVarSample complete. Saving results to ", results.dir, "\n") 
-  save(opt.minVarSample, file=paste(results.dir, "opt.minVarSample.rda", sep="/"))
-# Custom moment function to use Ledoit-Wolf shinkage covariance matrix estimate
-lw.sigma <- function(R, ...){
-  out <- list()
-  # estimate covariance matrix via robust covariance matrix estimate, 
-  # ledoit-wolf shrinkage, GARCH, factor model, etc.
-  # set.seed(1234)
-  # out$sigma <- MASS::cov.rob(R, method="mcd", ...)$cov
-  out$sigma <- lwShrink(R)$cov
-  #print(index(last(R)))
-  return(out)
-cat("Example 1: running minimum variance with Ledoit-Wolf shrinkage covariance 
-    matrix estimate backtest\n")
-if(file.exists(paste(results.dir, "opt.minVarLW.rda", sep="/"))){
-  cat("file already exists\n")
-} else{
-  # Using Ledoit-Wolf Shrinkage Covariance Matrix Estimate
-  opt.minVarLW <- optimize.portfolio.rebalancing(equity.data, portf.minvar, 
-                                                 optimize_method="ROI", 
-                                                 momentFUN=lw.sigma,
-                                                 rebalance_on=rebal.freq, 
-                                                 training_period=training, 
-                                                 trailing_periods=trailing)
-  cat("opt.minVarLW complete. Saving results to ", results.dir, "\n") 
-  save(opt.minVarLW, file=paste(results.dir, "opt.minVarLW.rda", sep="/"))
-##### Example 2 #####
-portf.init <- portfolio.spec(stocks)
-# weights sum to 0
-portf.dn <- add.constraint(portf.init, type="weight_sum", 
-                                  min_sum=-0.01, max_sum=0.01)
-# Add box constraints such that no stock has weight less than -20% or 
-# greater than 20%
-portf.dn <- add.constraint(portf.dn, type="box", 
-                                  min=-0.2, max=0.2)
-# Add position limit constraint such that the portfolio has a maximum
-# of 20 non-zero positions
-portf.dn <- add.constraint(portf.dn, type="position_limit", max_pos=20)
-# Compute the betas of each stock
-betas <- t(CAPM.beta(equity.data, market, Rf))
-# Add factor exposure constraint to limit portfolio beta
-portf.dn <- add.constraint(portf.dn, type="factor_exposure", B=betas, 
-                           lower=-0.25, upper=0.25)
-# portf.dn <- add.constraint(portf.dn, type="leverage_exposure", leverage=2)
-# generate random portfolios
-if(file.exists(paste(results.dir, "rp.rda", sep="/"))){
-  cat("random portfolios already generated\n")
-} else {
-  cat("generating random portfolios\n")
-  rp <- random_portfolios(portf.dn, 10000, eliminate=TRUE)
-  cat("random portfolios generated. Saving rp to ", results.dir, "\n") 
-  save(rp, file=paste(results.dir, "rp.rda", sep="/"))
-# Add objective to maximize return
-portf.dn.StdDev <- add.objective(portf.dn, type="return", name="mean",
-                                 target=0.0015)
-# Add objective to target a portfolio standard deviation of 2%
-portf.dn.StdDev <- add.objective(portf.dn.StdDev, type="risk", name="StdDev",
-                                 target=0.02)
-cat("Example 2: running dollar neutral optimization\n")
-if(file.exists(paste(results.dir, "opt.dn.rda", sep="/"))){
-  cat("file already exists\n")
-} else {
-  # Run optimization
-  opt.dn <- optimize.portfolio(equity.data, portf.dn.StdDev, 
-                               optimize_method="random", rp=rp,
-                               trace=TRUE)
-  cat("opt.dn complete. Saving results to ", results.dir, "\n") 
-  save(opt.dn, file=paste(results.dir, "opt.dn.rda", sep="/"))
-##### Example 3 #####
-# Example 3 will consider three portfolios
-# - minES
-# - minES with component contribution limit
-# - minES with equal risk contribution
-funds <- colnames(R)
-portf.init <- portfolio.spec(funds)
-portf.init <- add.constraint(portf.init, type="weight_sum", 
-                             min_sum=0.99, max_sum=1.01)
-portf.init <- add.constraint(portf.init, type="box", 
-                             min=0.05, max=0.4)
-# Set multiplier=0 so that it is calculated, but does not affect the optimization
-portf.init <- add.objective(portf.init, type="return", 
-                            name="mean", multiplier=0)
-# Add objective to minimize expected shortfall
-portf.minES <- add.objective(portf.init, type="risk", name="ES")
-# Add risk budget objective with upper limit on percentage contribution
-portf.minES.RB <- add.objective(portf.minES, type="risk_budget", 
-                                name="ES", max_prisk=0.3)
-# Relax the box constraint
-portf.minES.RB$constraints[[2]]$max <- rep(1,ncol(R))
-# print.default(portf.minES.RB$constraints[[2]])
-# Add risk budget objective to minimize concentration of percentage component
-# contribution to risk. Concentration is defined as the Herfindahl-Hirschman
-# Index (HHI). $\sum_i x_i^2$
-portf.minES.EqRB <- add.objective(portf.minES, type="risk_budget", 
-                                  name="ES", min_concentration=TRUE)
-# relax the box constraint
-portf.minES.EqRB <- add.constraint(portf.minES.EqRB, type="box", 
-                                   min=0.05, max=1, indexnum=2)
-# portf.minES.RB$constraints[[2]]$max <- rep(1,ncol(R))
-# print.default(portf.minES.EqRB$constraints[[2]])
-# Add risk budget objective to minES portfolio with multiplier=0 so that it
-# is calculated, but does not affect optimization
-portf.minES <- add.objective(portf.minES, type="risk_budget", 
-                             name="ES", multiplier=0)
-# Combine the portfolios so we can make a single call to 
-# optimize.portfolio
-portf <- combine.portfolios(list(minES=portf.minES, 
-                                 minES.RB=portf.minES.RB, 
-                                 minES.EqRB=portf.minES.EqRB))
-cat("Example 3: running minimum ES optimizations\n")
-if(file.exists(paste(results.dir, "opt.minES.rda", sep="/"))){
-  cat("file already exists\n")
-} else {
-  # Run the optimization
-  opt.minES <- optimize.portfolio(R, portf, optimize_method="DEoptim", 
-                                  search_size=5000, trace=TRUE, traceDE=0,
-                                  message=TRUE)
-  cat("opt.minES complete. Saving results to ", results.dir, "\n")
-  save(opt.minES, file=paste(results.dir, "opt.minES.rda", sep="/"))
-# Now we want to evaluate the optimization through time
-# Rebalancing parameters
-# Set rebalancing frequency
-rebal.freq <- "quarters"
-# Training Period
-training <- 120
-# Trailing Period
-trailing <- 72
-cat("Example 3: running minimum ES backtests\n")
-if(file.exists(paste(results.dir, "bt.opt.minES.rda", sep="/"))){
-  cat("file already exists\n")
-} else {
-  # Backtest
-  bt.opt.minES <- optimize.portfolio.rebalancing(R, portf,
-                                                 optimize_method="DEoptim", 
-                                                 rebalance_on=rebal.freq, 
-                                                 training_period=training, 
-                                                 trailing_periods=trailing,
-                                                 search_size=5000,
-                                                 traceDE=0, message=TRUE)
-  cat("bt.opt.minES complete. Saving results to ", results.dir, "\n")
-  save(bt.opt.minES, file=paste(results.dir, "bt.opt.minES.rda", sep="/"))
-##### Example 4 #####
-# Simple function to compute the moments used in CRRA
-crra.moments <- function(R, ...){
-  out <- list()
-  out$mu <- colMeans(R)
-  out$sigma <- cov(R)
-  out$m3 <- PerformanceAnalytics:::M3.MM(R)
-  out$m4 <- PerformanceAnalytics:::M4.MM(R)
-  out
-# Fourth order expansion of CRRA expected utility
-CRRA <- function(R, weights, lambda, sigma, m3, m4){
-  weights <- matrix(weights, ncol=1)
-  M2.w <- t(weights) %*% sigma %*% weights
-  M3.w <- t(weights) %*% m3 %*% (weights %x% weights)
-  M4.w <- t(weights) %*% m4 %*% (weights %x% weights %x% weights)
-  term1 <- 0.5 * lambda * M2.w
-  term2 <- (1 / 6) * lambda * (lambda + 1) * M3.w
-  term3 <- (1 / 24) * lambda * (lambda + 1) * (lambda + 2) * M4.w
-  out <- -term1 + term2 - term3
-  out
-# test the CRRA function
-portf.crra <- portfolio.spec(funds)
-portf.crra <- add.constraint(portf.crra, type="weight_sum", 
-                             min_sum=0.99, max_sum=1.01)
-portf.crra <- add.constraint(portf.crra, type="box", 
-                             min=0.05, max=0.4)
-portf.crra <- add.objective(portf.crra, type="return", 
-                            name="CRRA", arguments=list(lambda=10))
-# I just want these for plotting
-# Set multiplier=0 so that it is calculated, but does not affect the optimization
-portf.crra <- add.objective(portf.crra, type="return", name="mean", multiplier=0)
-portf.crra <- add.objective(portf.crra, type="risk", name="ES", multiplier=0)
-portf.crra <- add.objective(portf.crra, type="risk", name="StdDev", multiplier=0)
-cat("Example 4: running maximum CRRA optimization\n")
-if(file.exists(paste(results.dir, "opt.crra.rda", sep="/"))){
-  cat("file already exists\n")
-} else {
-  # Run the optimization
-  opt.crra <- optimize.portfolio(R, portf.crra, optimize_method="DEoptim", 
-                                 search_size=5000, trace=TRUE, traceDE=0,
-                                 momentFUN="crra.moments")
-  cat("opt.crra complete. Saving results to ", results.dir, "\n") 
-  save(opt.crra, file=paste(results.dir, "opt.crra.rda", sep="/"))
-cat("Example 4: running maximum CRRA backtest\n")
-if(file.exists(paste(results.dir, "bt.opt.crra.rda", sep="/"))){
-  cat("file already exists\n")
-} else {
-  # Run the optimization with rebalancing
-  bt.opt.crra <- optimize.portfolio.rebalancing(R, portf.crra, 
-                                                optimize_method="DEoptim",
-                                                search_size=5000, trace=TRUE,
-                                                traceDE=0,
-                                                momentFUN="crra.moments",
-                                                rebalance_on=rebal.freq, 
-                                                training_period=training, 
-                                                trailing_periods=trailing)
-  cat("bt.opt.crra complete. Saving results to ", results.dir, "\n")
-  save(bt.opt.crra, file=paste(results.dir, "bt.opt.crra.rda", sep="/"))
-##### RP Demo #####
-cat("Random portfolio method comparison\n")
-  cat("file already exists\n")
-} else {
-  portf.lo <- portfolio.spec(colnames(R))
-  portf.lo <- add.constraint(portf.lo, type="weight_sum", 
-                             min_sum=0.99, max_sum=1.01)
-  portf.lo <- add.constraint(portf.lo, type="long_only")
-  # Use the long only portfolio previously created
-  # Generate random portfolios using the 3 methods
-  rp1 <- random_portfolios(portf.lo, permutations=5000, 
-                           rp_method='sample')
-  rp2 <- random_portfolios(portf.lo, permutations=5000, 
-                           rp_method='simplex') 
-  rp3 <- random_portfolios(portf.lo, permutations=5000, 
-                           rp_method='grid')
-  # Calculate the portfolio mean return and standard deviation
-  rp1_mean <- apply(rp1, 1, function(x) mean(R %*% x))
-  rp1_StdDev <- apply(rp1, 1, function(x) StdDev(R, weights=x))
-  rp2_mean <- apply(rp2, 1, function(x) mean(R %*% x))
-  rp2_StdDev <- apply(rp2, 1, function(x) StdDev(R, weights=x))
-  rp3_mean <- apply(rp3, 1, function(x) mean(R %*% x))
-  rp3_StdDev <- apply(rp3, 1, function(x) StdDev(R, weights=x))
-  x.assets <- StdDev(R)
-  y.assets <- colMeans(R)
-  ###
-  # create an interactive plot using rCharts and nvd3 scatterChart
-  # tmp1 <- data.frame(name="sample", mean=rp1_mean, sd=rp1_StdDev)
-  # tmp2 <- data.frame(name="simplex", mean=rp2_mean, sd=rp2_StdDev)
-  # tmp3 <- data.frame(name="grid", mean=rp3_mean, sd=rp3_StdDev)
-  # tmp <- rbind(tmp1, tmp2, tmp3)
-  # n1 <- nPlot(mean ~ sd, group="name", data=tmp, type="scatterChart")
-  # n1
-  ###
-  x.lower <- min(x.assets) * 0.9
-  x.upper <- max(x.assets) * 1.1
-  y.lower <- min(y.assets) * 0.9
-  y.upper <- max(y.assets) * 1.1
-  png("optimization_figures/rp_plot.png")
-  # plot feasible portfolios 
-  plot(x=rp1_StdDev, y=rp1_mean, col="gray", main="Random Portfolio Methods",
-       ylab="mean", xlab="StdDev", xlim=c(x.lower, x.upper), 
-       ylim=c(y.lower, y.upper))
-  points(x=rp2_StdDev, y=rp2_mean, col="red", pch=2)
-  points(x=rp3_StdDev, y=rp3_mean, col="green", pch=5)
-  points(x=x.assets, y=y.assets)
-  text(x=x.assets, y=y.assets, labels=colnames(R), pos=4, cex=0.8)
-  legend("bottomright", legend=c("sample", "simplex", "grid"), 
-         col=c("gray", "red", "green"),
-         pch=c(1, 2, 5), bty="n")
-  dev.off()
-cat("Random portfolio simplex method fev biasing\n")
-  cat("file already exists\n")
-} else {
-  png("optimization_figures/fev_plot.png")
-  fev <- 0:5
-  x.assets <- StdDev(R)
-  y.assets <- colMeans(R)
-  par(mfrow=c(2, 3))
-  for(i in 1:length(fev)){
-    rp <- rp_simplex(portfolio=portf.lo, permutations=2000, fev=fev[i])
-    tmp.mean <- apply(rp, 1, function(x) mean(R %*% x))
-    tmp.StdDev <- apply(rp, 1, function(x) StdDev(R=R, weights=x))
-    x.lower <- min(c(tmp.StdDev, x.assets)) * 0.85
-    x.upper <- max(c(tmp.StdDev, x.assets)) * 1.15
-    y.lower <- min(c(tmp.mean, y.assets)) * 0.85
-    y.upper <- max(c(tmp.mean, y.assets)) * 1.15
-    plot(x=tmp.StdDev, y=tmp.mean, main=paste("FEV =", fev[i]),
-         ylab="mean", xlab="StdDev", col=rgb(0, 0, 100, 50, maxColorValue=255),
-         xlim=c(x.lower, x.upper), 
-         ylim=c(y.lower, y.upper))
-    points(x=x.assets, y=y.assets)
-    text(x=x.assets, y=y.assets, labels=colnames(R), pos=4, cex=0.8)
-  }
-  par(mfrow=c(1,1))
-  dev.off()
-# # Calculate the turnover per period
-# turnover.rebalancing <- function(object){
-#   weights <- extractWeights(object)
-#   n <- nrow(weights)
-#   out <- vector("numeric", n)
-#   out[1] <- NA
-#   for(i in 2:n){

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/returnanalytics -r 3379

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