[Returnanalytics-commits] r3313 - in pkg/PortfolioAnalytics: . R demo man

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Mon Feb 17 03:11:55 CET 2014

Author: rossbennett34
Date: 2014-02-17 03:11:49 +0100 (Mon, 17 Feb 2014)
New Revision: 3313

Adding function to chart concentration based on Peter's symposium slides along with a demo

Modified: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/DESCRIPTION	2014-02-14 03:04:37 UTC (rev 3312)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/DESCRIPTION	2014-02-17 02:11:49 UTC (rev 3313)
@@ -64,3 +64,4 @@
+    'chart.concentration.R'

Modified: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/NAMESPACE	2014-02-14 03:04:37 UTC (rev 3312)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/NAMESPACE	2014-02-17 02:11:49 UTC (rev 3313)
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@

Added: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/chart.concentration.R
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/chart.concentration.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/chart.concentration.R	2014-02-17 02:11:49 UTC (rev 3313)
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# conc.type = weight or pct_contrib for risk budget optimization
+#' Classic risk reward scatter and concentration
+#' This function charts the \code{optimize.portfolio} object in risk-return space
+#' and the degree of concentration based on the weights or percentage component
+#' contribution to risk.
+#' @param object optimal portfolio created by \code{\link{optimize.portfolio}}.
+#' @param \dots any other passthru parameters.
+#' @param return.col string matching the objective of a 'return' objective, on vertical axis.
+#' @param risk.col string matching the objective of a 'risk' objective, on horizontal axis.
+#' @param chart.assets TRUE/FALSE. Includes a risk reward scatter of the assets in the chart.
+#' @param conc.type concentration type can be based on the concentration of weights
+#' or concentration of percentage component contribution to risk (only works with risk
+#' budget objective for the optimization).
+#' @param col color palette or vector of colors to use.
+#' @param element.color color for the border and axes.
+#' @param cex.axis The magnification to be used for axis annotation relative to the current setting of \code{cex}.
+#' @param xlim set the x-axis limit, same as in \code{\link{plot}}.
+#' @param ylim set the y-axis limit, same as in \code{\link{plot}}.
+#' @seealso \code{\link{optimize.portfolio}}
+#' @author Peter Carl and Ross Bennett
+#' @export
+chart.Concentration <- function(object,
+                                ...,
+                                return.col='mean', 
+                                risk.col='ES', 
+                                chart.assets=FALSE, 
+                                conc.type=c("weights", "pct_contrib"),
+                                col=heat.colors(20),
+                                element.color = "darkgray", 
+                                cex.axis=0.8, 
+                                xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL){
+  # check the object
+  if(!inherits(object, "optimize.portfolio")){
+    stop("object must be of class 'optimize.portfolio'")
+  }
+  # extract the stats
+  xtract <- try(extractStats(object), silent=TRUE)
+  if(inherits(xtract, "try-error")) {
+    message(xtract)
+    return(NULL)
+  }
+  # get the concentration type
+  # We can either chart the concentration of the weights or the concentration
+  # of the percentage contribution to risk for risk budget optimizations
+  conc.type <- match.arg(conc.type)
+  columnnames <- colnames(xtract)
+  # Get the return and risk columns from xtract
+  return.column <- pmatch(return.col, columnnames)
+  if(is.na(return.column)) {
+    return.col <- paste(return.col, return.col, sep='.')
+    return.column <- pmatch(return.col, columnnames)
+  }
+  risk.column <- pmatch(risk.col, columnnames)
+  if(is.na(risk.column)) {
+    risk.col <- paste(risk.col, risk.col, sep='.')
+    risk.column <- pmatch(risk.col, columnnames)
+  }
+  # If the user has passed in return.col or risk.col that does not match extractStats output
+  # This will give the flexibility of passing in return or risk metrics that are not
+  # objective measures in the optimization. This may cause issues with the "neighbors"
+  # functionality since that is based on the "out" column
+  if(is.na(return.column) | is.na(risk.column)){
+    return.col <- gsub("\\..*", "", return.col)
+    risk.col <- gsub("\\..*", "", risk.col)
+    warning(return.col,' or ', risk.col, ' do  not match extractStats output of $objective_measures slot')
+    # Get the matrix of weights for applyFUN
+    wts_index <- grep("w.", columnnames)
+    wts <- xtract[, wts_index]
+    if(is.na(return.column)){
+      tmpret <- applyFUN(R=R, weights=wts, FUN=return.col)
+      xtract <- cbind(tmpret, xtract)
+      colnames(xtract)[which(colnames(xtract) == "tmpret")] <- return.col
+    }
+    if(is.na(risk.column)){
+      tmprisk <- applyFUN(R=R, weights=wts, FUN=risk.col)
+      xtract <- cbind(tmprisk, xtract)
+      colnames(xtract)[which(colnames(xtract) == "tmprisk")] <- risk.col
+    }
+    columnnames = colnames(xtract)
+    return.column = pmatch(return.col,columnnames)
+    if(is.na(return.column)) {
+      return.col = paste(return.col,return.col,sep='.')
+      return.column = pmatch(return.col,columnnames)
+    }
+    risk.column = pmatch(risk.col,columnnames)
+    if(is.na(risk.column)) {
+      risk.col = paste(risk.col,risk.col,sep='.')
+      risk.column = pmatch(risk.col,columnnames)
+    }
+  }
+  if(chart.assets){
+    # Get the arguments from the optimize.portfolio$portfolio object
+    # to calculate the risk and return metrics for the scatter plot. 
+    # (e.g. arguments=list(p=0.925, clean="boudt")
+    arguments <- NULL # maybe an option to let the user pass in an arguments list?
+    if(is.null(arguments)){
+      tmp.args <- unlist(lapply(object$portfolio$objectives, function(x) x$arguments), recursive=FALSE)
+      tmp.args <- tmp.args[!duplicated(names(tmp.args))]
+      if(!is.null(tmp.args$portfolio_method)) tmp.args$portfolio_method <- "single"
+      arguments <- tmp.args
+    }
+    # Include risk reward scatter of asset returns
+    asset_ret <- scatterFUN(R=R, FUN=return.col, arguments)
+    asset_risk <- scatterFUN(R=R, FUN=risk.col, arguments)
+    xlim <- range(c(xtract[,risk.column], asset_risk))
+    ylim <- range(c(xtract[,return.column], asset_ret))
+  } else {
+    asset_ret <- NULL
+    asset_risk <- NULL
+  }
+  if(conc.type == "weights"){
+    idx <- grep("w.", colnames(xtract))
+    if(length(idx) == 0) stop("weights not detected in output of extractStats")
+    tmp.x <- xtract[, idx]
+  } else if(conc.type == "pct_contrib"){
+    idx <- grep("pct_contrib", colnames(xtract))
+    if(length(idx) == 0) stop("pct_contrib not detected in output of extractStats")
+    tmp.x <- xtract[, idx]
+  }
+  # need a check to make sure that tmp.x is valid
+  # # Use HHI to compute the concentration of the pct_contrib_MES or concentration of weights
+  x.hhi <- apply(tmp.x, MARGIN=1, FUN="HHI")
+  # normalized HHI between 0 and 1
+  y <- (x.hhi - min(x.hhi)) / (max(x.hhi) - min(x.hhi))
+  op <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
+  layout(matrix(c(1,2)),height=c(4,1.25),width=1)
+  par(mar=c(5,4,1,2)+.1, cex=1) # c(bottom, left, top, right)
+  # plot the asset in risk-return space ordered based on degree of concentration
+  plot(xtract[order(y, decreasing=TRUE), risk.column], xtract[order(y, decreasing=TRUE), return.column], xlab=risk.col, ylab=return.col, col=col, axes=FALSE, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ...)
+  # plot the risk-reward scatter of the assets
+  if(chart.assets){
+    points(x=asset_risk, y=asset_ret)
+    text(x=asset_risk, y=asset_ret, labels=colnames(R), pos=4, cex=0.8)
+  }
+  axis(1, cex.axis = cex.axis, col = element.color)
+  axis(2, cex.axis = cex.axis, col = element.color)
+  box(col = element.color)
+  # Now plot the portfolio concentration part
+  # Add legend to bottom panel
+  par(mar=c(5,5.5,1,3)+.1, cex=0.7)
+  x <- x.hhi
+  scale01 <- function(x, low = min(x), high = max(x)) {
+    return((x - low) / (high - low))
+  }
+  breaks <- seq(min(x.hhi, na.rm=TRUE), max(x.hhi, na.rm=TRUE), length=(length(col)+1))
+  min.raw <- min(x, na.rm = TRUE)
+  max.raw <- max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
+  z <- seq(min.raw, max.raw, length=length(col))
+  image(z = matrix(z, ncol=1), col=col, breaks=breaks, xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
+  par(usr=c(0, 1, 0, 1)) # needed to draw the histogram correctly
+  lv <- pretty(breaks)
+  xv <- scale01(as.numeric(lv), min.raw, max.raw)
+  axis(1, at=xv, labels=sprintf("%s%%", pretty(lv)))
+  h <- hist(x, plot=FALSE, breaks=breaks)
+  hx <- scale01(breaks, min(x), max(x))
+  hy <- c(h$counts, h$counts[length(h$counts)])
+  lines(hx, hy / max(hy) * 0.95, lwd=2, type="s", col="blue")
+  axis(2, at=pretty(hy) / max(hy) * 0.95, pretty(hy))
+  title(ylab="Count")
+  title(xlab="Degree of Concentration")
+  par(op)
+  invisible(NULL)

Modified: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/demo/00Index
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/demo/00Index	2014-02-14 03:04:37 UTC (rev 3312)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/demo/00Index	2014-02-17 02:11:49 UTC (rev 3313)
@@ -26,4 +26,4 @@
 demo_risk_budgets Demonstrate using risk budget objectives.
 demo_roi_solvers Demonstrate specifying a solver using ROI.
 risk_budget_backtesting Demonstrate optimize.portfolio.rebalancing with standard deviation risk budget objective.
+chart_concentration Demonstrate chart.Concentration

Added: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/demo/chart_concentration.R
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/demo/chart_concentration.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/demo/chart_concentration.R	2014-02-17 02:11:49 UTC (rev 3313)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+R <- edhec[, 1:8]
+funds <- colnames(R)
+# Construct initial portfolio
+init.portf <- portfolio.spec(assets=funds)
+init.portf <- add.constraint(portfolio=init.portf, 
+                             type="leverage", 
+                             min_sum=0.99, 
+                             max_sum=1.01)
+init.portf <- add.constraint(portfolio=init.portf, 
+                             type="box", 
+                             min=0, 
+                             max=1)
+init.portf <- add.objective(portfolio=init.portf, 
+                            type="return", 
+                            name="mean", 
+                            multiplier=0)
+init.portf <- add.objective(portfolio=init.portf, 
+                            type="risk", 
+                            name="ES")
+rb.portf <- add.objective(portfolio=init.portf, 
+                          type="risk_budget", 
+                          name="ES",
+                          max_prisk=0.4, 
+                          arguments=list(p=0.92))
+# Use DEoptim for optimization
+opt <- optimize.portfolio(R=R, 
+                          portfolio=init.portf, 
+                          optimize_method="random", 
+                          search_size=2000, 
+                          trace=TRUE)
+opt_rb <- optimize.portfolio(R=R, 
+                             portfolio=rb.portf, 
+                             optimize_method="random", 
+                             search_size=2000, 
+                             trace=TRUE)
+# This won't work because opt is not a risk budget optimization
+# This should result in an error and not plot anything
+chart.Concentration(opt, conc.type="pct_contrib")
+# opt is minimum ES optimization so we can still chart it using weights as
+# the measure of concentration
+chart.Concentration(opt, conc.type="weights", chart.assets=TRUE, col=heat.colors(10))
+chart.Concentration(opt, conc.type="weights", chart.assets=TRUE, col=bluemono)
+# The concentration is based on the HHI of the percentage component 
+# contribution to risk
+chart.Concentration(opt_rb, conc.type="pct_contrib")
+# The concentration is based on the HHI of the weights
+chart.Concentration(opt_rb, conc.type="weights")

Added: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/chart.Concentration.Rd
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/chart.Concentration.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/chart.Concentration.Rd	2014-02-17 02:11:49 UTC (rev 3313)
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+\title{Classic risk reward scatter and concentration}
+  chart.Concentration(object, ..., return.col = "mean",
+    risk.col = "ES", chart.assets = FALSE,
+    conc.type = c("weights", "pct_contrib"),
+    col = heat.colors(20), element.color = "darkgray",
+    cex.axis = 0.8, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL)
+  \item{object}{optimal portfolio created by
+  \code{\link{optimize.portfolio}}.}
+  \item{\dots}{any other passthru parameters.}
+  \item{return.col}{string matching the objective of a
+  'return' objective, on vertical axis.}
+  \item{risk.col}{string matching the objective of a 'risk'
+  objective, on horizontal axis.}
+  \item{chart.assets}{TRUE/FALSE. Includes a risk reward
+  scatter of the assets in the chart.}
+  \item{conc.type}{concentration type can be based on the
+  concentration of weights or concentration of percentage
+  component contribution to risk (only works with risk
+  budget objective for the optimization).}
+  \item{col}{color palette or vector of colors to use.}
+  \item{element.color}{color for the border and axes.}
+  \item{cex.axis}{The magnification to be used for axis
+  annotation relative to the current setting of
+  \code{cex}.}
+  \item{xlim}{set the x-axis limit, same as in
+  \code{\link{plot}}.}
+  \item{ylim}{set the y-axis limit, same as in
+  \code{\link{plot}}.}
+  This function charts the \code{optimize.portfolio} object
+  in risk-return space and the degree of concentration
+  based on the weights or percentage component contribution
+  to risk.
+  Peter Carl and Ross Bennett
+  \code{\link{optimize.portfolio}}

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