[Returnanalytics-commits] r3509 - in pkg/PortfolioAttribution: R man
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Fri Aug 15 21:49:35 CEST 2014
Author: kylebalkissoon
Date: 2014-08-15 21:49:34 +0200 (Fri, 15 Aug 2014)
New Revision: 3509
Fixed documentation to reflect code and Bacon, fixed an issue with single column benchmark turned into matrix and not being made to XTS which caused a checkdata failure later on.
Added support for a single column benchmark that puts all contribution as interaction and a warning is displayed to the user that this is happening.
Modified: pkg/PortfolioAttribution/R/attribution.R
--- pkg/PortfolioAttribution/R/attribution.R 2014-08-13 20:16:30 UTC (rev 3508)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAttribution/R/attribution.R 2014-08-15 19:49:34 UTC (rev 3509)
@@ -1,372 +1,385 @@
-#' performs sector-based single-level attribution
-#' Performs sector-based single-level attribution analysis. Portfolio
-#' performance measured relative to a benchmark gives an indication of the
-#' value-added by the portfolio. Equipped with weights and returns of portfolio
-#' segments, we can dissect the value-added into useful components. This
-#' function is based on the sector-based approach to the attribution. The
-#' workhorse is the Brinson model that explains the arithmetic difference
-#' between portfolio and benchmark returns. That is it breaks down the
-#' arithmetic excess returns at one level. If returns and weights are available
-#' at the lowest level (e.g. for individual instruments), the aggregation up to
-#' the chosen level from the hierarchy can be done using
-#' \code{\link{Return.level}} function. The attribution effects can be computed
-#' for several periods. The multi-period summary is obtained using one of
-#' linking methods: Carino, Menchero, GRAP, Frongello or Davies Laker. It also
-#' allows to break down the geometric excess returns, which link naturally over
-#' time. Finally, it annualizes arithmetic and geometric excess returns
-#' similarly to the portfolio and/or benchmark returns annualization.
-#' The arithmetic excess returns are decomposed into the sum of allocation,
-#' selection and interaction effects across \eqn{n} sectors:
-#' \deqn{R_{p}-R_{b}=\sum^{n}_{i=1}\left(A_{i}+S_{i}+I_{i}\right)}
-#' The arithmetic attribution effects for the category i are computed
-#' as suggested in the Brinson, Hood and Beebower (1986):
-#' Allocation effect
-#' \deqn{A_{i}=(w_{pi}-w_{bi})\times R_{bi}}{Ai = (wpi - wbi) * Rbi}
-#' Selection effect
-#' \deqn{S_{i}=w_{pi}\times(R_{pi}-R_{bi})}{Si = wpi * (Rpi - Rbi)}
-#' Interaction effect
-#' \deqn{I_{i}=(w_{pi}-w_{bi})
-#' \times(R_{pi}-R_{bi})}{Ii = (wpi - wbi) * Rpi - Rbi}
-#' \eqn{R_{p}}{Rp} - total portfolio returns,
-#' \eqn{R_{b}}{Rb} - total benchmark returns,
-#' \eqn{w_{pi}}{wpi} - weights of the category \eqn{i} in the portfolio,
-#' \eqn{w_{bi}}{wbi} - weights of the category \eqn{i} in the benchmark,
-#' \eqn{R_{pi}}{Rpi} - returns of the portfolio category \eqn{i},
-#' \eqn{R_{bi}}{Rbi} - returns of the benchmark category \eqn{i}.
-#' If Brinson and Fachler (1985) is selected the allocation effect differs:
-#' \deqn{A_{i}=(w_{pi}-w_{bi})
-#' \times (R_{bi} - R_{b})}{Ai = (wpi - wbi) * (Rbi - Rb)}
-#' Depending on goals we can give priority to the allocation or to
-#' the selection effects. If the priority is given to the sector allocation
-#' the interaction term will be combined with the security selection effect
-#' (top-down approach). If the priority is given to the security selection,
-#' the interaction term will be combined with the asset-allocation effect
-#' (bottom-up approach).
-#' Usually we have more than one period. In that case individual arithmetic
-#' attribution effects should be adjusted using linking methods. Adjusted
-#' arithmetic attribution effects can be summed up over time to provide the
-#' multi-period summary:
-#' \deqn{R_{p}-R_{b}=\sum^{T}_{t=1}\left(A_{t}'+S_{t}'+I_{t}'\right)}
-#' where \eqn{T} is the number of periods and prime stands for the adjustment.
-#' The geometric attribution effects do not suffer from the linking problem.
-#' Moreover we don't have the interaction term. For more details about the
-#' geometric attribution see the documentation to
-#' \code{\link{Attribution.geometric}}. Finally, arithmetic annualized excess
-#' returns are computed as the arithmetic difference between annualised
-#' portfolio and benchmark returns:
-#' \deqn{AAER=r_{a}-b_{a}}{AAER = ra - ba} the geometric annualized excess
-#' returns are computed as the geometric difference between annualized
-#' portfolio and benchmark returns:
-#' \deqn{GAER=\frac{1+r_{a}}{1+b_{a}}-1}{GAER = (1 + ra) / (1 + ba) - 1}
-#' In the case of multi-currency portfolio, the currency return, currency
-#' surprise and forward premium should be specified. The multi-currency
-#' arithmetic attribution is handled following Ankrim and Hensel (1992).
-#' Currency returns are decomposed into the sum of the currency surprise and
-#' the forward premium: \deqn{R_{ci} = R_{cei} + R_{fpi}}{Rci = Rcei + Rfpi}
-#' where
-#' \deqn{R_{cei} = \frac{S_{i}^{t+1} - F_{i}^{t+1}}{S_{i}^{t}}}
-#' \deqn{R_{fpi} = \frac{F_{i}^{t+1}}{S_{i}^{t}} - 1}
-#' \eqn{S_{i}^{t}}{Sit} - spot rate for asset \eqn{i} at time \eqn{t}
-#' \eqn{F_{i}^{t}}{Fit} - forward rate for asset \eqn{i} at time \eqn{t}.
-#' Excess returns are decomposed into the sum of allocation, selection and
-#' interaction effects as in the standard Brinson model:
-#' \deqn{R_{p}-R_{b}=\sum^{n}_{i=1}\left(A_{i}+S_{i}+I_{i}\right)}
-#' However the allocation effect is computed taking into account currency
-#' effects:
-#' \deqn{A_{i}=(w_{pi}-w_{bi})\times (R_{bi} - R_{ci} - R_{l})}{Ai =
-#' (wpi - wbi) * (Rbi - Rci - Rl)}
-#' Benchmark returns adjusted to the currency:
-#' \deqn{R_{l} = \sum^{n}_{i=1}w_{bi}\times(R_{bi}-R_{ci})}
-#' The contribution from the currency is analogous to asset allocation:
-#' \deqn{C_{i} = (w_{pi} - w_{bi}) \times (R_{cei} - e) + (w_{pfi} - w_{bfi})
-#' \times (R_{fi} - e)}
-#' where \deqn{e = \sum^{n}_{i=1}w_{bi}\times R_{cei}}
-#' The final term, forward premium, is also analogous to the asset allocation:
-#' \deqn{R_{fi} = (w_{pi} - w_{bi}) \times (R_{fpi} - d)}{Rfi = (wpi - wbi) *
-#' (Rfpi - d)}
-#' where \deqn{d = \sum^{n}_{i=1}w_{bi}\times R_{fpi}}
-#' and \eqn{R_{fpi}} - forward premium
-#' In general if the intent is to estimate statistical parameters, the
-#' arithmetic excess return is preferred. However, due to the linking
-#' challenges, it may be preferable to use geometric excess return if the
-#' intent is to link and annualize excess returns.
-#' @aliases Attribution
-#' @param Rp T x n xts, data frame or matrix of portfolio returns
-#' @param wp vector, xts, data frame or matrix of portfolio weights
-#' @param Rb T x n xts, data frame or matrix of benchmark returns
-#' @param wb vector, xts, data frame or matrix of benchmark weights
-#' @param method Used to select the priority between allocation and selection
-#' effects in arithmetic attribution. May be any of: \itemize{ \item none -
-#' present allocation, selection and interaction effects independently,
-#' \item top.down - the priority is given to the sector allocation. Interaction
-#' term is combined with the security selection effect, \item bottom.up - the
-#' priority is given to the security selection. Interaction term is combined
-#' with the sector allocation effect}
-#' By default "none" is selected
-#' @param wpf vector, xts, data frame or matrix with portfolio weights of
-#' currency forward contracts
-#' @param wbf vector, xts, data frame or matrix with benchmark weights of
-#' currency forward contracts
-#' @param S (T+1) x n xts, data frame or matrix with spot rates. The first date
-#' should coincide with the first date of portfolio returns
-#' @param F (T+1) x n xts, data frame or matrix with forward rates. The first
-#' date should coincide with the first date of portfolio returns
-#' @param Rpl xts, data frame or matrix of portfolio returns in local currency
-#' @param Rbl xts, data frame or matrix of benchmark returns in local currency
-#' @param Rbh xts, data frame or matrix of benchmark returns hedged into the
-#' base currency
-#' @param bf TRUE for Brinson and Fachler and FALSE for Brinson, Hood and
-#' Beebower arithmetic attribution. By default Brinson, Hood and Beebower
-#' attribution is selected
-#' @param linking Used to select the linking method to present the multi-period
-#' summary of arithmetic attribution effects. May be any of:
-#' \itemize{\item carino - logarithmic linking coefficient method
-#' \item menchero - Menchero's smoothing algorithm
-#' \item grap - linking approach developed by GRAP
-#' \item frongello - Frongello's linking method
-#' \item davies.laker - Davies and Laker's linking method}
-#' By default Carino linking is selected
-#' @param geometric TRUE/FALSE, whether to use geometric or arithmetic excess
-#' returns for the attribution analysis. By default arithmetic is selected
-#' @param adjusted TRUE/FALSE, whether to show original or smoothed attribution
-#' effects for each period. By default unadjusted attribution effects are
-#' returned
-#' @return returns a list with the following components: excess returns with
-#' annualized excess returns over all periods, attribution effects (allocation,
-#' selection and interaction)
-#' @author Andrii Babii
-#' @seealso \code{\link{Attribution.levels}},
-#' \code{\link{Attribution.geometric}}
-#' @references Ankrim, E. and Hensel, C. \emph{Multi-currency performance
-#' attribution}. Russell Research Commentary. November 2002 \cr Bacon, C.
-#' \emph{Practical Portfolio Performance Measurement and Attribution}. Wiley.
-#' 2004. Chapter 5, 6, 8 \cr Christopherson, Jon A., Carino, David R., Ferson,
-#' Wayne E. \emph{Portfolio Performance Measurement and Benchmarking}.
-#' McGraw-Hill. 2009. Chapter 18-19 \cr Brinson, G. and Fachler, N. (1985)
-#' \emph{Measuring non-US equity portfolio performance}. Journal of Portfolio
-#' Management. Spring. p. 73 -76. \cr Gary P. Brinson, L. Randolph Hood, and
-#' Gilbert L. Beebower, \emph{Determinants of Portfolio Performance}. Financial
-#' Analysts Journal. vol. 42, no. 4, July/August 1986, p. 39-44 \cr
-#' Karnosky, D. and Singer, B. \emph{Global asset management and performance
-#' attribution. The Research Foundation of the Institute of Chartered Financial
-#' Analysts}. February 1994. \cr
-#' @keywords attribution
-#' @examples
-#' data(attrib)
-#' Attribution(Rp = attrib.returns[, 1:10], wp = attrib.weights[1, ], Rb = attrib.returns[, 11:20],
-#' wb = attrib.weights[2, ], method = "top.down", linking = "carino")
-#' @export
-Attribution <-
-function (Rp, wp, Rb, wb,
- wpf = NA, wbf = NA, S = NA, F = NA, Rpl = NA, Rbl = NA, Rbh = NA,
- bf = FALSE,
- method = c("none", "top.down", "bottom.up"),
- linking = c("carino",
- "menchero",
- "grap",
- "frongello",
- "davies.laker"),
- geometric = FALSE, adjusted = FALSE)
-{ # @author Andrii Babii
- # Function to perform the attribution analysis.
- # Inputs:
- # Rp T x n xts, data frame or matrix of portfolio returns
- # wp vector, xts, data frame or matrix of portfolio weights
- # Rb T x n xts, data frame or matrix of benchmark returns
- # wb vector, xts, data frame or matrix of benchmark weights
- # wpf vector, xts, data frame or matrix with portfolio weights of
- # currency forward contracts
- # wbf vector, xts, data frame or matrix with benchmark weights of
- # currency forward contracts
- # S (T+1) x n xts, data frame or matrix with spot rates
- # F (T+1) x n xts, data frame or matrix with forward rates
- # Rpl xts, data frame or matrix of portfolio returns in local currency
- # Rbl xts, data frame or matrix of benchmark returns in local currency
- # Rbh xts, data frame or matrix of benchmark returns hedged into the
- # base currency
- # Outputs:
- # This function returns the attribution effects with multi-period summary
- # and annualized excess returns
- # Transform data to the xts objects
- Rb = checkData(Rb)
- Rp = checkData(Rp)
- WP = wp # Save original weights in order to avoid double conversion later
- WB = wb
- wp = Weight.transform(wp, Rp)
- wb = Weight.transform(wb, Rb)
- if (nrow(wp) < nrow(Rp)){ # Rebalancing occurs next day
- Rp = Rp[2:nrow(Rp)]
- Rb = Rb[2:nrow(Rb)]
- }
- if (ncol(Rb) == 1){
- Rb = matrix(rep(coredata(Rb), ncol(Rp)), nrow(Rp), ncol(Rp))
- }
- if (ncol(Rb) != ncol(Rp)){
- stop("Please use benchmark xts that has columns with benchmarks for each
- asset or one common benchmark for all assets")
- }
- method = method[1]
- linking = linking[1]
- currency = !(is.null(dim(wpf)) & is.null(dim(wbf)) &
- is.null(dim(S)) & is.null(dim(F)) &
- is.null(dim(Rpl)) & is.null(dim(Rpl)) &
- is.null(dim(Rpl)))
- if (geometric == FALSE & linking != "davies.laker"){
- # The function makes all computations for the arithmetic attribution
- # case (except for Davies and Laker linking)
- # Compute attribution effects (Brinson, Hood and Beebower model)
- # If portfolio is single-currency
- if (!currency){
- Rc = 0
- L = 0
- } else{ # If multi-currency portfolio
- S = checkData(S)
- F = checkData(F)
- wpf = Weight.transform(wpf, Rp)
- wbf = Weight.transform(wbf, Rb)
- Rc = lag(S, -1)[1:nrow(Rp), ] / S[1:nrow(Rp), ] - 1
- Rd = lag(F, -1)[1:nrow(Rp), ] / S[1:nrow(Rp), ] - 1
- Re = Rc - coredata(Rd)
- Rl = Rb - coredata(Rc)
- Rk = Rp - coredata(Rc)
- Rfp = Re / (1 + Rd)
- E = reclass(matrix(rep(rowSums(Re * coredata(wb)), ncol(Rb)), nrow(Rb),
- ncol(Rb)), Rp)
- L = reclass(matrix(rep(rowSums(Rl * coredata(wb)), ncol(Rb)), nrow(Rb),
- ncol(Rb)), Rp)
- D = reclass(matrix(rep(rowSums(Rd * coredata(wb)), ncol(Rb)), nrow(Rb),
- ncol(Rb)), Rp)
- # Contribution to currency
- Cc = (wp - wb) * (Re - E) + (wpf - wbf) * (Rfp - E)
- # Forward premium
- Df = (wp - wb) * (Rd - D)
- Cc = cbind(Cc, rowSums(Cc))
- Df = cbind(Df, rowSums(Df))
- colnames(Cc) = c(colnames(S), "Total")
- colnames(Df) = colnames(Cc)
- }
- # Get total portfolio returns
- if (is.vector(WP) & is.vector(WB)){
- rp = Return.portfolio(Rp, WP, geometric = FALSE)
- rb = Return.portfolio(Rb, WB, geometric = FALSE)
- } else{
- rp = Return.rebalancing(Rp, WP, geometric = FALSE)
- rb = Return.rebalancing(Rb, WB, geometric = FALSE)
- }
- names(rp) = "Total"
- names(rb) = "Total"
- # Get individual attribution effects
- if (bf == TRUE){ # Brinson and Fachler (1985) allocation effect
- allocation = coredata(wp - wb) * (Rb - coredata(Rc) - coredata(L) -
- rep(rb, ncol(Rb)))
- } else{ # Brinson, Hood and Beebower (1986) allocation effect
- allocation = coredata(wp - wb) * (Rb - coredata(Rc) - coredata(L))
- }
- selection = (Rp - coredata(Rb)) * wb
- interaction = (wp - wb) * (Rp - coredata(Rb))
- # Get total attribution effects
- n = ncol(allocation) # number of segments
- allocation = cbind(allocation, rowSums(allocation))
- names(allocation)[n + 1] = "Total"
- selection = cbind(selection, rowSums(selection))
- names(selection)[n + 1] = "Total"
- interaction = cbind(interaction, rowSums(interaction))
- names(interaction)[n + 1] = "Total"
- # Adjust attribution effects using one of linking methods if there are
- # mutliple periods
- if (nrow(allocation) > 1){
- if (linking == "carino"){
- allocation = Carino(rp, rb, allocation, adjusted)
- selection = Carino(rp, rb, selection, adjusted)
- interaction = Carino(rp, rb, interaction, adjusted)
- }
- if (linking == "menchero"){
- allocation = Menchero(rp, rb, allocation, adjusted)
- selection = Menchero(rp, rb, selection, adjusted)
- interaction = Menchero(rp, rb, interaction, adjusted)
- }
- if (linking == "grap"){
- allocation = Grap(rp, rb, allocation, adjusted)
- selection = Grap(rp, rb, selection, adjusted)
- interaction = Grap(rp, rb, interaction, adjusted)
- }
- if (linking == "frongello"){
- allocation = Frongello(rp, rb, allocation, adjusted)
- selection = Frongello(rp, rb, selection, adjusted)
- interaction = Frongello(rp, rb, interaction, adjusted)
- }
- }
- # Arithmetic excess returns + annualized arithmetic excess returns
- excess.returns = rp - coredata(rb)
- if (nrow(rp) > 1){
- er = Return.annualized.excess(rp, rb, geometric = FALSE)
- excess.returns = rbind(as.matrix(excess.returns), er)
- }
- colnames(excess.returns) = "Arithmetic"
- # Select the appropriate result corresponding to the chosen method
- result = list()
- result[[1]] = excess.returns
- result[[2]] = allocation
- result[[3]] = selection
- if (method == "top.down"){ # Top-down attribution
- result[[3]] = result[[3]] + interaction
- }
- if (method == "bottom.up"){ # Bottom-up attribution
- result[[2]] = result[[2]] + interaction
- }
- if (method == "none"){
- result[[4]] = interaction
- }
- } else{ # The function takes output of the corresponding function
- # (Attribution.geometric or DaviesLaker)
- if (geometric == TRUE){
- attrib = Attribution.geometric(Rp, WP, Rb, WB)
- }
- if (linking == "davies.laker"){
- attrib = DaviesLaker(Rp, WP, Rb, WB)
- }
- result = attrib
- }
- # Label the output
- if ((method == "none" & geometric == FALSE) | linking == "davies.laker"){
- names(result) = c("Excess returns", "Allocation", "Selection",
- "Interaction")
- } else{
- names(result) = c("Excess returns", "Allocation", "Selection")
- }
- # If multi-currency portfolio
- if (currency){
- result[[length(result) + 1]] = Cc
- result[[length(result) + 1]] = Df
- names(result)[(length(result)-1):length(result)] =
- c("Currency management", "Forward Premium")
- }
- return(result)
+#' performs sector-based single-level attribution
+#' Performs sector-based single-level attribution analysis. Portfolio
+#' performance measured relative to a benchmark gives an indication of the
+#' value-added by the portfolio. Equipped with weights and returns of portfolio
+#' segments, we can dissect the value-added into useful components. This
+#' function is based on the sector-based approach to the attribution. The
+#' workhorse is the Brinson model that explains the arithmetic difference
+#' between portfolio and benchmark returns. That is it breaks down the
+#' arithmetic excess returns at one level. If returns and weights are available
+#' at the lowest level (e.g. for individual instruments), the aggregation up to
+#' the chosen level from the hierarchy can be done using
+#' \code{\link{Return.level}} function. The attribution effects can be computed
+#' for several periods. The multi-period summary is obtained using one of
+#' linking methods: Carino, Menchero, GRAP, Frongello or Davies Laker. It also
+#' allows to break down the geometric excess returns, which link naturally over
+#' time. Finally, it annualizes arithmetic and geometric excess returns
+#' similarly to the portfolio and/or benchmark returns annualization.
+#' The arithmetic excess returns are decomposed into the sum of allocation,
+#' selection and interaction effects across \eqn{n} sectors:
+#' \deqn{R_{p}-R_{b}=\sum^{n}_{i=1}\left(A_{i}+S_{i}+I_{i}\right)}
+#' The arithmetic attribution effects for the category i are computed
+#' as suggested in the Brinson, Hood and Beebower (1986):
+#' Allocation effect
+#' \deqn{A_{i}=(w_{pi}-w_{bi})\times R_{bi}}{Ai = (wpi - wbi) * Rbi}
+#' Selection effect
+#' \deqn{S_{i}=w_{bi}\times(R_{pi}-R_{bi})}{Si = wbi * (Rpi - Rbi)}
+#' Interaction effect
+#' \deqn{I_{i}=(w_{pi}-w_{bi})
+#' \times(R_{pi}-R_{bi})}{Ii = (wpi - wbi) * Rpi - Rbi}
+#' \eqn{R_{p}}{Rp} - total portfolio returns,
+#' \eqn{R_{b}}{Rb} - total benchmark returns,
+#' \eqn{w_{pi}}{wpi} - weights of the category \eqn{i} in the portfolio,
+#' \eqn{w_{bi}}{wbi} - weights of the category \eqn{i} in the benchmark,
+#' \eqn{R_{pi}}{Rpi} - returns of the portfolio category \eqn{i},
+#' \eqn{R_{bi}}{Rbi} - returns of the benchmark category \eqn{i}.
+#' If Brinson and Fachler (1985) is selected the allocation effect differs:
+#' \deqn{A_{i}=(w_{pi}-w_{bi})
+#' \times (R_{bi} - R_{b})}{Ai = (wpi - wbi) * (Rbi - Rb)}
+#' Depending on goals we can give priority to the allocation or to
+#' the selection effects. If the priority is given to the sector allocation
+#' the interaction term will be combined with the security selection effect
+#' (top-down approach). If the priority is given to the security selection,
+#' the interaction term will be combined with the asset-allocation effect
+#' (bottom-up approach).
+#' Usually we have more than one period. In that case individual arithmetic
+#' attribution effects should be adjusted using linking methods. Adjusted
+#' arithmetic attribution effects can be summed up over time to provide the
+#' multi-period summary:
+#' \deqn{R_{p}-R_{b}=\sum^{T}_{t=1}\left(A_{t}'+S_{t}'+I_{t}'\right)}
+#' where \eqn{T} is the number of periods and prime stands for the adjustment.
+#' The geometric attribution effects do not suffer from the linking problem.
+#' Moreover we don't have the interaction term. For more details about the
+#' geometric attribution see the documentation to
+#' \code{\link{Attribution.geometric}}. Finally, arithmetic annualized excess
+#' returns are computed as the arithmetic difference between annualised
+#' portfolio and benchmark returns:
+#' \deqn{AAER=r_{a}-b_{a}}{AAER = ra - ba} the geometric annualized excess
+#' returns are computed as the geometric difference between annualized
+#' portfolio and benchmark returns:
+#' \deqn{GAER=\frac{1+r_{a}}{1+b_{a}}-1}{GAER = (1 + ra) / (1 + ba) - 1}
+#' In the case of multi-currency portfolio, the currency return, currency
+#' surprise and forward premium should be specified. The multi-currency
+#' arithmetic attribution is handled following Ankrim and Hensel (1992).
+#' Currency returns are decomposed into the sum of the currency surprise and
+#' the forward premium: \deqn{R_{ci} = R_{cei} + R_{fpi}}{Rci = Rcei + Rfpi}
+#' where
+#' \deqn{R_{cei} = \frac{S_{i}^{t+1} - F_{i}^{t+1}}{S_{i}^{t}}}
+#' \deqn{R_{fpi} = \frac{F_{i}^{t+1}}{S_{i}^{t}} - 1}
+#' \eqn{S_{i}^{t}}{Sit} - spot rate for asset \eqn{i} at time \eqn{t}
+#' \eqn{F_{i}^{t}}{Fit} - forward rate for asset \eqn{i} at time \eqn{t}.
+#' Excess returns are decomposed into the sum of allocation, selection and
+#' interaction effects as in the standard Brinson model:
+#' \deqn{R_{p}-R_{b}=\sum^{n}_{i=1}\left(A_{i}+S_{i}+I_{i}\right)}
+#' However the allocation effect is computed taking into account currency
+#' effects:
+#' \deqn{A_{i}=(w_{pi}-w_{bi})\times (R_{bi} - R_{ci} - R_{l})}{Ai =
+#' (wpi - wbi) * (Rbi - Rci - Rl)}
+#' Benchmark returns adjusted to the currency:
+#' \deqn{R_{l} = \sum^{n}_{i=1}w_{bi}\times(R_{bi}-R_{ci})}
+#' The contribution from the currency is analogous to asset allocation:
+#' \deqn{C_{i} = (w_{pi} - w_{bi}) \times (R_{cei} - e) + (w_{pfi} - w_{bfi})
+#' \times (R_{fi} - e)}
+#' where \deqn{e = \sum^{n}_{i=1}w_{bi}\times R_{cei}}
+#' The final term, forward premium, is also analogous to the asset allocation:
+#' \deqn{R_{fi} = (w_{pi} - w_{bi}) \times (R_{fpi} - d)}{Rfi = (wpi - wbi) *
+#' (Rfpi - d)}
+#' where \deqn{d = \sum^{n}_{i=1}w_{bi}\times R_{fpi}}
+#' and \eqn{R_{fpi}} - forward premium
+#' In general if the intent is to estimate statistical parameters, the
+#' arithmetic excess return is preferred. However, due to the linking
+#' challenges, it may be preferable to use geometric excess return if the
+#' intent is to link and annualize excess returns.
+#' @aliases Attribution
+#' @param Rp T x n xts, data frame or matrix of portfolio returns
+#' @param wp vector, xts, data frame or matrix of portfolio weights
+#' @param Rb T x n xts, data frame or matrix of benchmark returns
+#' @param wb vector, xts, data frame or matrix of benchmark weights
+#' @param method Used to select the priority between allocation and selection
+#' effects in arithmetic attribution. May be any of: \itemize{ \item none -
+#' present allocation, selection and interaction effects independently,
+#' \item top.down - the priority is given to the sector allocation. Interaction
+#' term is combined with the security selection effect, \item bottom.up - the
+#' priority is given to the security selection. Interaction term is combined
+#' with the sector allocation effect}
+#' By default "none" is selected
+#' @param wpf vector, xts, data frame or matrix with portfolio weights of
+#' currency forward contracts
+#' @param wbf vector, xts, data frame or matrix with benchmark weights of
+#' currency forward contracts
+#' @param S (T+1) x n xts, data frame or matrix with spot rates. The first date
+#' should coincide with the first date of portfolio returns
+#' @param Forward_Rate (T+1) x n xts, data frame or matrix with forward rates. The first
+#' date should coincide with the first date of portfolio returns
+#' @param Rpl xts, data frame or matrix of portfolio returns in local currency
+#' @param Rbl xts, data frame or matrix of benchmark returns in local currency
+#' @param Rbh xts, data frame or matrix of benchmark returns hedged into the
+#' base currency
+#' @param bf TRUE for Brinson and Fachler and FALSE for Brinson, Hood and
+#' Beebower arithmetic attribution. By default Brinson, Hood and Beebower
+#' attribution is selected
+#' @param linking Used to select the linking method to present the multi-period
+#' summary of arithmetic attribution effects. May be any of:
+#' \itemize{\item carino - logarithmic linking coefficient method
+#' \item menchero - Menchero's smoothing algorithm
+#' \item grap - linking approach developed by GRAP
+#' \item frongello - Frongello's linking method
+#' \item davies.laker - Davies and Laker's linking method}
+#' By default Carino linking is selected
+#' @param geometric TRUE/FALSE, whether to use geometric or arithmetic excess
+#' returns for the attribution analysis. By default arithmetic is selected
+#' @param adjusted TRUE/FALSE, whether to show original or smoothed attribution
+#' effects for each period. By default unadjusted attribution effects are
+#' returned
+#' @return returns a list with the following components: excess returns with
+#' annualized excess returns over all periods, attribution effects (allocation,
+#' selection and interaction)
+#' @author Andrii Babii
+#' @seealso \code{\link{Attribution.levels}},
+#' \code{\link{Attribution.geometric}}
+#' @references Ankrim, E. and Hensel, C. \emph{Multi-currency performance
+#' attribution}. Russell Research Commentary. November 2002 \cr Bacon, C.
+#' \emph{Practical Portfolio Performance Measurement and Attribution}. Wiley.
+#' 2004. Chapter 5, 6, 8 \cr Christopherson, Jon A., Carino, David R., Ferson,
+#' Wayne E. \emph{Portfolio Performance Measurement and Benchmarking}.
+#' McGraw-Hill. 2009. Chapter 18-19 \cr Brinson, G. and Fachler, N. (1985)
+#' \emph{Measuring non-US equity portfolio performance}. Journal of Portfolio
+#' Management. Spring. p. 73 -76. \cr Gary P. Brinson, L. Randolph Hood, and
+#' Gilbert L. Beebower, \emph{Determinants of Portfolio Performance}. Financial
+#' Analysts Journal. vol. 42, no. 4, July/August 1986, p. 39-44 \cr
+#' Karnosky, D. and Singer, B. \emph{Global asset management and performance
+#' attribution. The Research Foundation of the Institute of Chartered Financial
+#' Analysts}. February 1994. \cr
+#' @keywords attribution
+#' @examples
+#' data(attrib)
+#' Attribution(Rp = attrib.returns[, 1:10], wp = attrib.weights[1, ], Rb = attrib.returns[, 11:20],
+#' wb = attrib.weights[2, ], method = "top.down", linking = "carino")
+#' @export
+Attribution <-
+function (Rp, wp, Rb, wb,
+ wpf = NA, wbf = NA, S = NA, Forward_Rates = NA, Rpl = NA, Rbl = NA, Rbh = NA,
+ bf = FALSE,
+ method = c("none", "top.down", "bottom.up"),
+ linking = c("carino",
+ "menchero",
+ "grap",
+ "frongello",
+ "davies.laker"),
+ geometric = FALSE, adjusted = FALSE)
+{ # @author Andrii Babii
+ # Function to perform the attribution analysis.
+ # Inputs:
+ # Rp T x n xts, data frame or matrix of portfolio returns
+ # wp vector, xts, data frame or matrix of portfolio weights
+ # Rb T x n xts, data frame or matrix of benchmark returns
+ # wb vector, xts, data frame or matrix of benchmark weights
+ # wpf vector, xts, data frame or matrix with portfolio weights of
+ # currency forward contracts
+ # wbf vector, xts, data frame or matrix with benchmark weights of
+ # currency forward contracts
+ # S (T+1) x n xts, data frame or matrix with spot rates
+ # F (T+1) x n xts, data frame or matrix with forward rates
+ # Rpl xts, data frame or matrix of portfolio returns in local currency
+ # Rbl xts, data frame or matrix of benchmark returns in local currency
+ # Rbh xts, data frame or matrix of benchmark returns hedged into the
+ # base currency
+ # Outputs:
+ # This function returns the attribution effects with multi-period summary
+ # and annualized excess returns
+ # Transform data to the xts objects
+ Rb = checkData(Rb)
+ Rp = checkData(Rp)
+ WP = wp # Save original weights in order to avoid double conversion later
+ WB = wb
+ wp = Weight.transform(wp, Rp)
+ wb = Weight.transform(wb, Rb)
+ if (nrow(wp) < nrow(Rp)){ # Rebalancing occurs next day
+ Rp = Rp[2:nrow(Rp)]
+ Rb = Rb[2:nrow(Rb)]
+ }
+ if (ncol(Rb) == 1){
+ Rb = xts(matrix(rep(coredata(Rb), ncol(Rp)), nrow(Rp), ncol(Rp)),order.by=index(Rb))
+ }
+ if (ncol(Rb) != ncol(Rp)){
+ stop("Please use benchmark xts that has columns with benchmarks for each
+ asset or one common benchmark for all assets")
+ }
+ method = method[1]
+ linking = linking[1]
+ currency = !(is.null(dim(wpf)) & is.null(dim(wbf)) &
+ is.null(dim(S)) & is.null(dim(Forward_Rates)) &
+ is.null(dim(Rpl)) & is.null(dim(Rpl)) &
+ is.null(dim(Rpl)))
+ if (geometric == FALSE & linking != "davies.laker"){
+ # The function makes all computations for the arithmetic attribution
+ # case (except for Davies and Laker linking)
+ # Compute attribution effects (Brinson, Hood and Beebower model)
+ # If portfolio is single-currency
+ if (!currency){
+ Rc = 0
+ L = 0
+ } else{ # If multi-currency portfolio
+ S = checkData(S)
+ Forward_Rates = checkData(Forward_Rates)
+ wpf = Weight.transform(wpf, Rp)
+ wbf = Weight.transform(wbf, Rb)
+ Rc = lag(S, -1)[1:nrow(Rp), ] / S[1:nrow(Rp), ] - 1
+ Rd = lag(Forward_Rates, -1)[1:nrow(Rp), ] / S[1:nrow(Rp), ] - 1
+ Re = Rc - coredata(Rd)
+ Rl = Rb - coredata(Rc)
+ Rk = Rp - coredata(Rc)
+ Rfp = Re / (1 + Rd)
+ E = reclass(matrix(rep(rowSums(Re * coredata(wb)), ncol(Rb)), nrow(Rb),
+ ncol(Rb)), Rp)
+ L = reclass(matrix(rep(rowSums(Rl * coredata(wb)), ncol(Rb)), nrow(Rb),
+ ncol(Rb)), Rp)
+ D = reclass(matrix(rep(rowSums(Rd * coredata(wb)), ncol(Rb)), nrow(Rb),
+ ncol(Rb)), Rp)
+ # Contribution to currency
+ Cc = (wp - wb) * (Re - E) + (wpf - wbf) * (Rfp - E)
+ # Forward premium
+ Df = (wp - wb) * (Rd - D)
+ Cc = cbind(Cc, rowSums(Cc))
+ Df = cbind(Df, rowSums(Df))
+ colnames(Cc) = c(colnames(S), "Total")
+ colnames(Df) = colnames(Cc)
+ }
+ # Get total portfolio returns
+ if (is.vector(WP) & is.vector(WB)){
+ rp = Return.portfolio(Rp, WP, geometric = FALSE)
+ rb = Return.portfolio(Rb, WB, geometric = FALSE)
+ } else{
+ rp = Return.rebalancing(Rp, WP, geometric = FALSE)
+ rb = Return.rebalancing(Rb, WB, geometric = FALSE)
+ }
+ names(rp) = "Total"
+ names(rb) = "Total"
+ # Get individual attribution effects
+ #if the benchmark weights are not specified allocation effect is equal to 0
+ #selection contribution is equal to 0
+ #if bm weights unknown all contribution is treated as interaction as it cannot be broken down, user is warned
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