[Returnanalytics-commits] r3186 - pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/symposium2013

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Wed Sep 25 17:17:08 CEST 2013

Author: peter_carl
Date: 2013-09-25 17:17:08 +0200 (Wed, 25 Sep 2013)
New Revision: 3186

- initial commit of slide graphics based on optimization results

Added: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/symposium2013/results.HFindexes.R
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/symposium2013/results.HFindexes.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/symposium2013/results.HFindexes.R	2013-09-25 15:17:08 UTC (rev 3186)
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# Presentation of results from optimization scripts run prior to this script
+op <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
+xtract = extractStats(EqmETL.RND) # get the RP portfolios with risk and return pre-calculated
+# columnnames = colnames(xtract)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Plot Ex Ante scatter of RP and ONLY Equal Weight portfolio in StdDev space
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Done
+png(filename="RP-EqWgt-MeanSD-ExAnte.png", units="in", height=5.5, width=9, res=96) 
+par(mar=c(5, 4, 1, 2) + 0.1) #c(bottom, left, top, right)
+# Calculate chart bounds to unify with the charts below
+xlim.StdDev=c(min(c(xtract[,"StdDev"], unlist(portfmeas[,"StdDev"]))), max(c(xtract[,"StdDev"], unlist(portfmeas[,"StdDev"]))))
+ylim.StdDev=c(min(c(xtract[,"mean"], unlist(portfmeas[,"Mean"]))), max(c(xtract[,"mean"], unlist(portfmeas[,"Mean"]))))
+plot(xtract[,"StdDev"],xtract[,"mean"], xlab="Ex Ante mETL", ylab="Ex Ante Mean", col="darkgray", axes=FALSE, main="", cex=.7, xlim=xlim.StdDev, ylim=ylim.StdDev)
+grid(col = "darkgray")
+abline(h = 0, col = "darkgray")
+# Overplot the equal weight portfolio
+points(as.numeric(portfmeas[8,"StdDev"]),as.numeric(portfmeas[8,"Mean"]), col=tol8qualitative[8], pch=16, cex=1.5) # watch the order in portfmeas
+axis(1, cex.axis = 0.8, col = "darkgray")
+axis(2, cex.axis = 0.8, col = "darkgray")
+box(col = "darkgray")
+legend("bottomright",legend=results.names[8], col=tol8qualitative[8], pch=16, ncol=1,  border.col="darkgray", y.intersp=1.2, cex=0.8, inset=.02)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Plot Ex Ante scatter of RP and ASSET portfolios in StdDev space
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @TODO: add the assets to this chart
+png(filename="RP-EqWgt-MeanSD-ExAnte.png", units="in", height=5.5, width=9, res=96) 
+par(mar=c(5, 4, 1, 2) + 0.1) #c(bottom, left, top, right)
+# Revise the chart bounds to include the asssets
+plot(xtract[,"StdDev"],xtract[,"mean"], xlab="Ex Ante mETL", ylab="Ex Ante Mean", col="darkgray", axes=FALSE, main="", cex=.7)
+grid(col = "darkgray")
+abline(h = 0, col = "darkgray")
+# Overplot the equal weight portfolio
+points(as.numeric(portfmeas[8,"StdDev"]),as.numeric(portfmeas[8,"Mean"]), col=tol8qualitative[8], pch=16, cex=1.5) # watch the order in portfmeas
+axis(1, cex.axis = 0.8, col = "darkgray")
+axis(2, cex.axis = 0.8, col = "darkgray")
+box(col = "darkgray")
+legend("bottomright",legend=results.names[8], col=tol8qualitative[8], pch=16, ncol=1,  border.col="darkgray", y.intersp=1.2, cex=0.8, inset=.02)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Plot Ex Ante scatter of RP and BUOY portfolios in StdDev space
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Done
+png(filename="RP-BUOY-MeanSD-ExAnte.png", units="in", height=5.5, width=9, res=96) 
+par(mar=c(5, 4, 1, 2) + 0.1) #c(bottom, left, top, right)
+plot(xtract[,"StdDev"],xtract[,"mean"], xlab="Ex Ante mETL", ylab="Ex Ante Mean", col="darkgray", axes=FALSE, main="", cex=.7, xlim=xlim.StdDev, ylim=ylim.StdDev)
+grid(col = "darkgray")
+abline(h = 0, col = "darkgray")
+# Overplot the buoy portfolios
+points(as.numeric(portfmeas[,"StdDev"]),as.numeric(portfmeas[,"Mean"]), col=tol8qualitative, pch=16, cex=1.5) # watch the order in portfmeas
+axis(1, cex.axis = 0.8, col = "darkgray")
+axis(2, cex.axis = 0.8, col = "darkgray")
+box(col = "darkgray")
+legend("bottomright",legend=results.names, col=tol8qualitative, pch=16, ncol=1,  border.col="darkgray", y.intersp=1.2, cex=0.8, inset=.02)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Plot Ex Ante scatter of RP and BUOY portfolios in mETL space
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @TODO: Recalc chart limits for ES
+png(filename="RP-BUOYS-mETL-ExAnte.png", units="in", height=5.5, width=9, res=96) 
+par(mar=c(5, 4, 1, 2) + 0.1) #c(bottom, left, top, right)
+plot(xtract[,"ES"],xtract[,"mean"], xlab="Ex Ante mETL", ylab="Ex Ante Mean", col="darkgray", axes=FALSE, main="", cex=.7)
+grid(col = "darkgray")
+abline(h = 0, col = "darkgray")
+# Overplot the buoy portfolios
+points(as.numeric(portfmeas[,"ES"]),as.numeric(portfmeas[,"mean"]), col=tol8qualitative[8], pch=16, cex=1.5) # watch the order in portfmeas
+axis(1, cex.axis = 0.8, col = "darkgray")
+axis(2, cex.axis = 0.8, col = "darkgray")
+box(col = "darkgray")
+legend("bottomright",legend=results.names[1], col=tol7qualitative, pch=16, ncol=1,  border.col="darkgray", y.intersp=1.2, cex=0.8, inset=.02)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Plot weights of Buoy portfolios
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+Wgts = extractWeights(buoys)
+png(filename=paste(resultsdir, "Weights-Buoys.png", sep=""), units="in", height=5.5, width=9, res=96)
+chart.UnStackedBar(t(Wgts), colorset=tol8qualitative, equal.line=TRUE)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Plot contribution to risk of Buoy portfolios
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @TODO: revise for this result set
+# @TODO: add contribution to risk to portfmeas
+png(filename=paste(resultsdir, "Weights-Buoys.png", sep=""), units="in", height=5.5, width=9, res=96)
+chart.UnStackedBar(t(Wgts), colorset=tol8qualitative, equal.line=TRUE)
+# Alternatively, use table function for ES
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Plot Ex Post scatter of buoy portfolios?
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @TODO: revise for this result set
+# Calculate ex post results
+for(i in 1:NROW(RND.weights)){
+  x = Return.portfolio(R=edhec.R["2008-07::2008-09"], weights=RND.weights[i,])
+  y=c(Return.cumulative(x), StdDev(x)*sqrt(3))
+  if(is.na(xpost.obj))
+    xpost.obj=y
+  else
+    xpost.obj=rbind(xpost.obj,y)
+colnames(xpost.obj)=c("Realized Returns","Realized SD")
+png(filename="Scatter-ExPost-2008-06-30.png", units="in", height=5.5, width=9, res=96)
+par(mar=c(5, 4, 1, 2) + 0.1) #c(bottom, left, top, right)
+plot(xpost.sd,xpost.ret, xlab="StdDev", ylab="Mean", col="darkgray", axes=FALSE, main="", cex=.7,  xlim=c(xmin,xmax), ylim=c(ymin,ymax))
+grid(col = "darkgray")
+points(xpost.obj[,2],xpost.obj[,1], col=tol7qualitative, pch=16, cex=1.5)
+points(xante.sd,xante.ret, col="lightgray", cex=.7)
+points(unlist(RND.objectives[,2])/sqrt(3),unlist(RND.objectives[,1])/3, col=tol7qualitative, pch=16, cex=1.5)
+abline(h = 0, col = "darkgray")
+axis(1, cex.axis = 0.8, col = "darkgray")
+axis(2, cex.axis = 0.8, col = "darkgray")
+box(col = "darkgray")
+legend("topright",legend=rownames(RND.weights), col=tol7qualitative, pch=16, ncol=1,  border.col="darkgray", y.intersp=1.2, inset=.02)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Ex Post Results Through Time?
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @TODO: revise for this result set
+buoys.R=cbind(EqWgt,MeanSD, MeanmETL,MinSD,MinmETL,EqSD,EqmETL)
+png(filename="Buoy-Cumulative-Returns.png", units="in", height=5.5, width=9, res=96) 
+op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
+layout(matrix(c(1, 2)), height = c(2, 1.3), width = 1)
+par(mar = c(1, 4, 1, 2)) # c(bottom, left, top, right)
+chart.CumReturns(buoys.R["2000::",], main = "", xaxis = FALSE, legend.loc = "topleft", ylab = "Cumulative Return", colorset= tol7qualitative, ylog=TRUE, wealth.index=TRUE, cex.legend=.7, cex.axis=.6, cex.lab=.7)
+par(mar = c(4, 4, 0, 2))
+chart.Drawdown(buoys.R["2000::",], main = "", ylab = "Drawdown", colorset = tol7qualitative, cex.axis=.6, cex.lab=.7)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Show turnover of the RP portfolios relative to the EqWgt portfolio
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+turnover = function(w1,w2) {sum(abs(w1-w2))/length(w1)}
+# Calculate the turnover matrix for the random portfolio set:
+for(x in 1:NROW(rp)){
+  for(y in 1:NROW(rp)) {
+    to.matrix[x,y]<-turnover(rp[x,],rp[y,])
+  }
+png(filename="Turnover-2008-06-30.png", units="in", height=5.5, width=9, res=96)
+# postscript(file="TurnoverOf20101231.eps", height=6, width=5, paper="special", horizontal=FALSE, onefile=FALSE)
+op <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
+par(mar=c(4,4,1,2)+.1, cex=1) # c(bottom, left, top, right)
+seq.col = heat.colors(11)
+## Draw the Scatter chart of combined results
+### Get the random portfolios from one of the result sets
+x=apply(rp, MARGIN=1,FUN=turnover,w2=rp[1,])
+plot(xtract[,"pasd.pasd"],xtract[,"pamean.pamean"], xlab="Predicted StdDev", ylab="Predicted Mean", col=seq.col[ceiling(x*100)], axes=FALSE, main="", cex=.7, pch=16)
+grid(col = "darkgray")
+points(RND.objectives[1,2],RND.objectives[1,1], col="blue", pch=19, cex=1.5)
+axis(1, cex.axis = 0.8, col = "darkgray")
+axis(2, cex.axis = 0.8, col = "darkgray")
+box(col = "darkgray")
+# Add legend to bottom panel
+par(mar=c(5,5.5,1,3)+.1, cex=0.7)
+## Create a histogramed legend for sequential colorsets
+## this next bit of code is based on heatmap.2 in gplots package
+scale01 <- function(x, low = min(x), high = max(x)) {
+  return((x - low)/(high - low))
+breaks <- seq(min(x, na.rm = TRUE), max(x, na.rm = TRUE), length = length(seq.col)+1)
+min.raw <- min(x, na.rm = TRUE)
+max.raw <- max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
+z <- seq(min.raw, max.raw, length = length(seq.col))
+image(z = matrix(z, ncol = 1), col = seq.col, breaks = breaks, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
+par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1)) # needed to draw the histogram correctly
+lv <- pretty(breaks)
+xv <- scale01(as.numeric(lv), min.raw, max.raw)
+axis(1, at = xv, labels=sprintf("%s%%", pretty(lv)))
+h <- hist(x, plot = FALSE, breaks=breaks)
+hx <- scale01(breaks, min(x), max(x))
+hy <- c(h$counts, h$counts[length(h$counts)])
+lines(hx, hy/max(hy)*.95, lwd = 2, type = "s", col = "blue")
+axis(2, at = pretty(hy)/max(hy)*.95, pretty(hy))
+title(xlab="Degree of Turnover from Equal Weight Portfolio")
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Show CONCENTRATION of the RP portfolios?
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Basically the same chart as above but use HHI instead of turnover calc
\ No newline at end of file

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