[Returnanalytics-commits] r3233 - pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/R
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Sat Oct 19 02:21:16 CEST 2013
Author: peter_carl
Date: 2013-10-19 02:21:16 +0200 (Sat, 19 Oct 2013)
New Revision: 3233
- fixed a bug in the calc of first period of Return.portfolio
Modified: pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/R/Return.portfolio.R
--- pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/R/Return.portfolio.R 2013-10-18 20:19:39 UTC (rev 3232)
+++ pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/R/Return.portfolio.R 2013-10-19 00:21:16 UTC (rev 3233)
@@ -1,230 +1,230 @@
-#' @rdname Return.portfolio
-#' @export
-Return.rebalancing <- function (R, weights, ...)
-{ # @author Brian G. Peterson
- if (is.vector(weights)){
- stop("Use Return.portfolio for single weighting vector. This function is for building portfolios over rebalancing periods.")
- }
- weights=checkData(weights,method="xts")
- R=checkData(R,method="xts")
- if(as.Date(first(index(R))) > (as.Date(index(weights[1,]))+1)) {
- warning(paste('data series starts on',as.Date(first(index(R))),', which is after the first rebalancing period',as.Date(first(index(weights)))+1))
- }
- if(as.Date(last(index(R))) < (as.Date(index(weights[1,]))+1)){
- stop(paste('last date in series',as.Date(last(index(R))),'occurs before beginning of first rebalancing period',as.Date(first(index(weights)))+1))
- }
- # loop:
- for (row in 1:nrow(weights)){
- from =as.Date(index(weights[row,]))+1
- if (row == nrow(weights)){
- to = as.Date(index(last(R))) # this is correct
- } else {
- to = as.Date(index(weights[(row+1),]))
- }
- if(row==1){
- startingwealth=1
- }
- tmpR<-R[paste(from,to,sep="/"),]
- if (nrow(tmpR)>=1){
- resultreturns=Return.portfolio(tmpR,weights=weights[row,], ...=...)
- if(row==1){
- result = resultreturns
- } else {
- result = rbind(result,resultreturns)
- }
- }
- startingwealth=last(cumprod(1+result)*startingwealth)
- }
- result<-reclass(result, R)
- result
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Return.portfolio
-#' Calculates weighted returns for a portfolio of assets
-#' Calculates weighted returns for a portfolio of assets. If you have a single
-#' weighting vector, or want the equal weighted portfolio, use
-#' \code{Return.portfolio}. If you have a portfolio that is periodically
-#' rebalanced, and multiple time periods with different weights, use
-#' \code{Return.rebalancing}. Both functions will subset the return series to
-#' only include returns for assets for which \code{weight} is provided.
-#' \code{Return.rebalancing} uses the date in the weights time series or matrix
-#' for xts-style subsetting of rebalancing periods. Rebalancing periods can be
-#' thought of as taking effect immediately after the close of the bar. So, a
-#' March 31 rebalancing date will actually be in effect for April 1. A
-#' December 31 rebalancing date will be in effect on Jan 1, and so forth. This
-#' convention was chosen because it fits with common usage, and because it
-#' simplifies xts Date subsetting via \code{endpoints}.
-#' \code{Return.rebalancing} will rebalance only on daily or lower frequencies.
-#' If you are rebalancing intraday, you should be using a trading/prices
-#' framework, not a weights-based return framework.
-#' @aliases Return.portfolio Return.rebalancing
-#' @param R an xts, vector, matrix, data frame, timeSeries or zoo object of
-#' asset returns
-#' @param weights a time series or single-row matrix/vector containing asset
-#' weights, as percentages
-#' @param wealth.index TRUE/FALSE whether to return a wealth index, default
-#' @param contribution if contribution is TRUE, add the weighted return
-#' contributed by the asset in this period
-#' @param geometric utilize geometric chaining (TRUE) or simple/arithmetic chaining (FALSE) to aggregate returns,
-#' default TRUE
-#' @param \dots any other passthru parameters
-#' @return returns a time series of returns weighted by the \code{weights}
-#' parameter, possibly including contribution for each period
-#' @author Brian G. Peterson
-#' @seealso \code{\link{Return.calculate}} \cr
-#' @references Bacon, C. \emph{Practical Portfolio Performance Measurement and
-#' Attribution}. Wiley. 2004. Chapter 2\cr
-#' @keywords ts multivariate distribution models
-#' @examples
-#' data(edhec)
-#' data(weights)
-#' # calculate an equal weighted portfolio return
-#' round(Return.portfolio(edhec),4)
-#' # now return the contribution too
-#' round(Return.portfolio(edhec,contribution=TRUE),4)
-#' # calculate a portfolio return with rebalancing
-#' round(Return.rebalancing(edhec,weights),4)
-#' @export
-Return.portfolio <- function (R, weights=NULL, wealth.index = FALSE, contribution=FALSE,geometric=TRUE, ...)
-{ # @author Brian G. Peterson
- # Function to calculate weighted portfolio returns
- #
- # old function pfpolioReturn in RMetrics used continuous compunding, which isn't accurate.
- # new function lets weights float after initial period, and produces correct results.
- #
- # R data structure of component returns
- #
- # weights usually a numeric vector which has the length of the number
- # of assets. The weights measures the normalized weights of
- # the individual assets. By default 'NULL', then an equally
- # weighted set of assets is assumed.
- #
- # method: "simple", "compound"
- #
- # wealth.index if wealth.index is TRUE, return a wealth index, if false, return a return vector for each period
- #
- # contribution if contribution is TRUE, add the weighted return contributed by the asset in this period
- # Setup:
- R=checkData(R,method="xts")
- if(!nrow(R)>=1){
- warning("no data passed for R(eturns)")
- return(NULL)
- }
- # take only the first method
- if(hasArg(method) & !is.null(list(...)$method))
- method = list(...)$method[1]
- else if(!isTRUE(geometric))
- method='simple'
- else method=FALSE
- if (is.null(weights)){
- # set up an equal weighted portfolio
- weights = t(rep(1/ncol(R), ncol(R)))
- warning("weighting vector is null, calulating an equal weighted portfolio")
- colnames(weights)<-colnames(R)
- } else{
- weights=checkData(weights,method="matrix") # do this to make sure we have columns, and not just a vector
- }
- if (nrow(weights)>1){
- if ((nrow(weights)==ncol(R) |nrow(weights)==ncol(R[,names(weights)]) ) & (ncol(weights)==1)) {
- weights = t(weights) #this was a vector that got transformed
- } else {
- stop("Use Return.rebalancing for multiple weighting periods. This function is for portfolios with a single set of weights.")
- }
- }
- if (is.null(colnames(weights))) { colnames(weights)<-colnames(R) }
- #Function:
- # construct the wealth index
- if(method=="simple" | nrow(R) == 1) {
- # weights=as.vector(weights)
- weightedreturns = R[,colnames(weights)] * as.vector(weights) # simple weighted returns
- returns = R[,colnames(weights)] %*% as.vector(weights) # simple compound returns
- if(wealth.index) {
- wealthindex = as.matrix(cumsum(returns),ncol=1) # simple wealth index
- } else {
- result = returns
- }
- } else {
- #things are a little more complicated for the geometric case
- # first construct an unweighted wealth index of the assets
- wealthindex.assets=cumprod(1+R[,colnames(weights)])
- wealthindex.weighted = matrix(nrow=nrow(R),ncol=ncol(R[,colnames(weights)]))
- colnames(wealthindex.weighted)=colnames(wealthindex.assets)
- rownames(wealthindex.weighted)=as.character(index(wealthindex.assets))
- # weight the results
- for (col in colnames(weights)){
- wealthindex.weighted[,col]=weights[,col]*wealthindex.assets[,col]
- }
- wealthindex=reclass(apply(wealthindex.weighted,1,sum), R)
- result = wealthindex
- result[2:length(result)] = result[2:length(result)] /
- lag(result)[2:length(result)] - 1
- #result[1] = result[1] - 1
- result[1] = result[1] / sum(abs(weights[1,])) #divide by the sum of the first weighting vector to account for possible leverage
- w = matrix(rep(NA), ncol(wealthindex.assets) * nrow(wealthindex.assets), ncol = ncol(wealthindex.assets), nrow = nrow(wealthindex.assets))
- w[1, ] = weights
- w[2:length(wealthindex), ] = (wealthindex.weighted / rep(wealthindex, ncol(wealthindex.weighted)))[1:(length(wealthindex) - 1), ]
- weightedreturns = R[, colnames(weights)] * w
- }
- if (!wealth.index){
- colnames(result)="portfolio.returns"
- } else {
- wealthindex=reclass(wealthindex,match.to=R)
- result=wealthindex
- colnames(result)="portfolio.wealthindex"
- }
- if (contribution==TRUE){
- # show the contribution to the returns in each period.
- result=cbind(weightedreturns, coredata(result))
- }
- rownames(result)<-NULL # avoid a weird problem with rbind, per Jeff
- result<-reclass(result, R)
- result
-} # end function Return.portfolio
-pfolioReturn <- function (x, weights=NULL, ...)
-{ # @author Brian G. Peterson
- # pfolioReturn wrapper - replaces RMetrics pfolioReturn fn
- Return.portfolio(R=x, weights=weights, ...=...)
-# R (http://r-project.org/) Econometrics for Performance and Risk Analysis
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2012 Peter Carl and Brian G. Peterson
-# This R package is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
-# for full details see the file COPYING
-# $Id$
+#' @rdname Return.portfolio
+#' @export
+Return.rebalancing <- function (R, weights, ...)
+{ # @author Brian G. Peterson
+ if (is.vector(weights)){
+ stop("Use Return.portfolio for single weighting vector. This function is for building portfolios over rebalancing periods.")
+ }
+ weights=checkData(weights,method="xts")
+ R=checkData(R,method="xts")
+ if(as.Date(first(index(R))) > (as.Date(index(weights[1,]))+1)) {
+ warning(paste('data series starts on',as.Date(first(index(R))),', which is after the first rebalancing period',as.Date(first(index(weights)))+1))
+ }
+ if(as.Date(last(index(R))) < (as.Date(index(weights[1,]))+1)){
+ stop(paste('last date in series',as.Date(last(index(R))),'occurs before beginning of first rebalancing period',as.Date(first(index(weights)))+1))
+ }
+ # loop:
+ for (row in 1:nrow(weights)){
+ from =as.Date(index(weights[row,]))+1
+ if (row == nrow(weights)){
+ to = as.Date(index(last(R))) # this is correct
+ } else {
+ to = as.Date(index(weights[(row+1),]))
+ }
+ if(row==1){
+ startingwealth=1
+ }
+ tmpR<-R[paste(from,to,sep="/"),]
+ if (nrow(tmpR)>=1){
+ resultreturns=Return.portfolio(tmpR,weights=weights[row,], ...=...)
+ if(row==1){
+ result = resultreturns
+ } else {
+ result = rbind(result,resultreturns)
+ }
+ }
+ startingwealth=last(cumprod(1+result)*startingwealth)
+ }
+ result<-reclass(result, R)
+ result
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Return.portfolio
+#' Calculates weighted returns for a portfolio of assets
+#' Calculates weighted returns for a portfolio of assets. If you have a single
+#' weighting vector, or want the equal weighted portfolio, use
+#' \code{Return.portfolio}. If you have a portfolio that is periodically
+#' rebalanced, and multiple time periods with different weights, use
+#' \code{Return.rebalancing}. Both functions will subset the return series to
+#' only include returns for assets for which \code{weight} is provided.
+#' \code{Return.rebalancing} uses the date in the weights time series or matrix
+#' for xts-style subsetting of rebalancing periods. Rebalancing periods can be
+#' thought of as taking effect immediately after the close of the bar. So, a
+#' March 31 rebalancing date will actually be in effect for April 1. A
+#' December 31 rebalancing date will be in effect on Jan 1, and so forth. This
+#' convention was chosen because it fits with common usage, and because it
+#' simplifies xts Date subsetting via \code{endpoints}.
+#' \code{Return.rebalancing} will rebalance only on daily or lower frequencies.
+#' If you are rebalancing intraday, you should be using a trading/prices
+#' framework, not a weights-based return framework.
+#' @aliases Return.portfolio Return.rebalancing
+#' @param R an xts, vector, matrix, data frame, timeSeries or zoo object of
+#' asset returns
+#' @param weights a time series or single-row matrix/vector containing asset
+#' weights, as percentages
+#' @param wealth.index TRUE/FALSE whether to return a wealth index, default
+#' @param contribution if contribution is TRUE, add the weighted return
+#' contributed by the asset in this period
+#' @param geometric utilize geometric chaining (TRUE) or simple/arithmetic chaining (FALSE) to aggregate returns,
+#' default TRUE
+#' @param \dots any other passthru parameters
+#' @return returns a time series of returns weighted by the \code{weights}
+#' parameter, possibly including contribution for each period
+#' @author Brian G. Peterson
+#' @seealso \code{\link{Return.calculate}} \cr
+#' @references Bacon, C. \emph{Practical Portfolio Performance Measurement and
+#' Attribution}. Wiley. 2004. Chapter 2\cr
+#' @keywords ts multivariate distribution models
+#' @examples
+#' data(edhec)
+#' data(weights)
+#' # calculate an equal weighted portfolio return
+#' round(Return.portfolio(edhec),4)
+#' # now return the contribution too
+#' round(Return.portfolio(edhec,contribution=TRUE),4)
+#' # calculate a portfolio return with rebalancing
+#' round(Return.rebalancing(edhec,weights),4)
+#' @export
+Return.portfolio <- function (R, weights=NULL, wealth.index = FALSE, contribution=FALSE,geometric=TRUE, ...)
+{ # @author Brian G. Peterson
+ # Function to calculate weighted portfolio returns
+ #
+ # old function pfpolioReturn in RMetrics used continuous compunding, which isn't accurate.
+ # new function lets weights float after initial period, and produces correct results.
+ #
+ # R data structure of component returns
+ #
+ # weights usually a numeric vector which has the length of the number
+ # of assets. The weights measures the normalized weights of
+ # the individual assets. By default 'NULL', then an equally
+ # weighted set of assets is assumed.
+ #
+ # method: "simple", "compound"
+ #
+ # wealth.index if wealth.index is TRUE, return a wealth index, if false, return a return vector for each period
+ #
+ # contribution if contribution is TRUE, add the weighted return contributed by the asset in this period
+ # Setup:
+ R=checkData(R,method="xts")
+ if(!nrow(R)>=1){
+ warning("no data passed for R(eturns)")
+ return(NULL)
+ }
+ # take only the first method
+ if(hasArg(method) & !is.null(list(...)$method))
+ method = list(...)$method[1]
+ else if(!isTRUE(geometric))
+ method='simple'
+ else method=FALSE
+ if (is.null(weights)){
+ # set up an equal weighted portfolio
+ weights = t(rep(1/ncol(R), ncol(R)))
+ warning("weighting vector is null, calulating an equal weighted portfolio")
+ colnames(weights)<-colnames(R)
+ } else{
+ weights=checkData(weights,method="matrix") # do this to make sure we have columns, and not just a vector
+ }
+ if (nrow(weights)>1){
+ if ((nrow(weights)==ncol(R) |nrow(weights)==ncol(R[,names(weights)]) ) & (ncol(weights)==1)) {
+ weights = t(weights) #this was a vector that got transformed
+ } else {
+ stop("Use Return.rebalancing for multiple weighting periods. This function is for portfolios with a single set of weights.")
+ }
+ }
+ if (is.null(colnames(weights))) { colnames(weights)<-colnames(R) }
+ #Function:
+ # construct the wealth index
+ if(method=="simple" | nrow(R) == 1) {
+ # weights=as.vector(weights)
+ weightedreturns = R[,colnames(weights)] * as.vector(weights) # simple weighted returns
+ returns = R[,colnames(weights)] %*% as.vector(weights) # simple compound returns
+ if(wealth.index) {
+ wealthindex = as.matrix(cumsum(returns),ncol=1) # simple wealth index
+ } else {
+ result = returns
+ }
+ } else {
+ #things are a little more complicated for the geometric case
+ # first construct an unweighted wealth index of the assets
+ wealthindex.assets=cumprod(1+R[,colnames(weights)])
+ wealthindex.weighted = matrix(nrow=nrow(R),ncol=ncol(R[,colnames(weights)]))
+ colnames(wealthindex.weighted)=colnames(wealthindex.assets)
+ rownames(wealthindex.weighted)=as.character(index(wealthindex.assets))
+ # weight the results
+ for (col in colnames(weights)){
+ wealthindex.weighted[,col]=weights[,col]*wealthindex.assets[,col]
+ }
+ wealthindex=reclass(apply(wealthindex.weighted,1,sum), R)
+ result = wealthindex
+ result[2:length(result)] = result[2:length(result)] /
+ lag(result)[2:length(result)] - 1
+ #result[1] = result[1] - 1
+ result[1] = result[1] / sum(abs(weights[1,])) -1 #divide by the sum of the first weighting vector to account for possible leverage
+ w = matrix(rep(NA), ncol(wealthindex.assets) * nrow(wealthindex.assets), ncol = ncol(wealthindex.assets), nrow = nrow(wealthindex.assets))
+ w[1, ] = weights
+ w[2:length(wealthindex), ] = (wealthindex.weighted / rep(wealthindex, ncol(wealthindex.weighted)))[1:(length(wealthindex) - 1), ]
+ weightedreturns = R[, colnames(weights)] * w
+ }
+ if (!wealth.index){
+ colnames(result)="portfolio.returns"
+ } else {
+ wealthindex=reclass(wealthindex,match.to=R)
+ result=wealthindex
+ colnames(result)="portfolio.wealthindex"
+ }
+ if (contribution==TRUE){
+ # show the contribution to the returns in each period.
+ result=cbind(weightedreturns, coredata(result))
+ }
+ rownames(result)<-NULL # avoid a weird problem with rbind, per Jeff
+ result<-reclass(result, R)
+ result
+} # end function Return.portfolio
+pfolioReturn <- function (x, weights=NULL, ...)
+{ # @author Brian G. Peterson
+ # pfolioReturn wrapper - replaces RMetrics pfolioReturn fn
+ Return.portfolio(R=x, weights=weights, ...=...)
+# R (http://r-project.org/) Econometrics for Performance and Risk Analysis
+# Copyright (c) 2004-2012 Peter Carl and Brian G. Peterson
+# This R package is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
+# for full details see the file COPYING
+# $Id$
\ No newline at end of file
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