[Returnanalytics-commits] r3206 - pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R
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Sat Oct 5 06:15:16 CEST 2013
Author: rossbennett34
Date: 2013-10-05 06:15:16 +0200 (Sat, 05 Oct 2013)
New Revision: 3206
adding block of code to extractObjectiveMeasures.opt.list to extract the objective_measures as is if all objectives are identical.
Modified: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/extractstats.R
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/extractstats.R 2013-10-04 04:34:01 UTC (rev 3205)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/extractstats.R 2013-10-05 04:15:16 UTC (rev 3206)
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@
#' @method extractObjectiveMeasures opt.list
#' @S3method extractObjectiveMeasures opt.list
extractObjectiveMeasures.opt.list <- function(object){
- # The idea is that these portfolios in all have different objectives.
+ # The idea is that these portfolios opt.list may have different objectives.
# Need a function to evaluate *all* objective measures for each portfolio.
# Challenges:
# - allow for different R objects across portfolios
@@ -423,57 +423,85 @@
opt.names <- names(object)
if(is.null(opt.names)) opt.names <- paste("portfolio", 1:length(object))
- # Initialize a tmp.obj list to store all of the objectives from each
- tmp.obj <- list()
- tmp.budget <- list()
+ # Use the objectives from the first element and use as the basis for comparison
+ base <- sapply(object[[1]]$portfolio$objectives, function(x) paste(class(x)[1], x$name, sep="."))
- # Step 1: Loop through object and get the objectives from each portfolio
- for(i in 1:length(object)){
- tmp.portf <- object[[i]]$portfolio
- for(j in 1:length(tmp.portf$objectives)){
- if(inherits(tmp.portf$objectives[[j]], "risk_budget_objective")){
- # tmp.budget <- c(tmp.budget, tmp.portf$objectives[[j]])
- num.budget <- length(tmp.budget) + 1
- tmp.budget[[num.budget]] <- tmp.portf$objectives[[j]]
- } else {
- # tmp.obj <- c(tmp.obj, tmp.portf$objectives[[j]])
- num.obj <- length(tmp.obj) + 1
- tmp.obj[[num.obj]] <- tmp.portf$objectives[[j]]
- }
- } # end inner loop of objectives
- } # end outer loop of object
+ # Get the objective name and type from each portfolio
+ obj_list <- lapply(object, function(x) sapply(x$portfolio$objectives, function(u) paste(class(u)[1], u$name, sep=".")))
- # This will make sure that "risk_budget_objectives" are entered last, but doesn't
- # address duplicate names with different arguments in the arguments list
- # e.g. different arguments for p, clean, etc.
- tmp.obj <- c(tmp.obj, tmp.budget)
- # Remove any duplicates
- # The last objective will be the one that is kept
- out.obj <- list()
- obj.names <- sapply(tmp.obj, function(x) paste(x$name, class(x)[1], sep="."))
- if(any(duplicated(obj.names))){
- idx <- which(!duplicated(obj.names, fromLast=TRUE))
- for(i in 1:length(idx)){
- out.obj[[i]] <- tmp.obj[[idx[i]]]
+ # If all the objective names are identical, simply extract the objective measures
+ # and build the objective_measures matrix
+ if(all(sapply(obj_list, function(u) identical(x=base, y=u)))){
+ obj_list <- list()
+ # Get the objective_measures from each element
+ for(i in 1:length(object)){
+ tmp <- unlist(object[[i]]$objective_measures)
+ names(tmp) <- PortfolioAnalytics:::name.replace(names(tmp))
+ obj_list[[opt.names[i]]] <- tmp
+ obj_names <- unique(unlist(lapply(obj_list, names)))
+ obj_mat <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(obj_list), ncol=length(obj_names),
+ dimnames=list(opt.names, obj_names))
+ for(i in 1:length(obj_list)){
+ pm <- pmatch(x=names(obj_list[[i]]), table=obj_names)
+ obj_mat[i, pm] <- obj_list[[i]]
+ }
+ out <- obj_mat
+ } else {
+ # The objectives across portfolios are not identical, we will build an
+ # objectives list with *all* the objectives and recalculate the objective_measures
+ # Initialize a tmp.obj list to store all of the objectives from each
+ tmp.obj <- list()
+ tmp.budget <- list()
+ # Step 1: Loop through object and get the objectives from each portfolio
+ for(i in 1:length(object)){
+ tmp.portf <- object[[i]]$portfolio
+ for(j in 1:length(tmp.portf$objectives)){
+ if(inherits(tmp.portf$objectives[[j]], "risk_budget_objective")){
+ # tmp.budget <- c(tmp.budget, tmp.portf$objectives[[j]])
+ num.budget <- length(tmp.budget) + 1
+ tmp.budget[[num.budget]] <- tmp.portf$objectives[[j]]
+ } else {
+ # tmp.obj <- c(tmp.obj, tmp.portf$objectives[[j]])
+ num.obj <- length(tmp.obj) + 1
+ tmp.obj[[num.obj]] <- tmp.portf$objectives[[j]]
+ }
+ } # end inner loop of objectives
+ } # end outer loop of object
+ # This will make sure that "risk_budget_objectives" are entered last, but doesn't
+ # address duplicate names with different arguments in the arguments list
+ # e.g. different arguments for p, clean, etc.
+ tmp.obj <- c(tmp.obj, tmp.budget)
+ # Remove any duplicates
+ # The last objective will be the one that is kept
+ out.obj <- list()
+ obj.names <- sapply(tmp.obj, function(x) paste(x$name, class(x)[1], sep="."))
+ if(any(duplicated(obj.names))){
+ idx <- which(!duplicated(obj.names, fromLast=TRUE))
+ for(i in 1:length(idx)){
+ out.obj[[i]] <- tmp.obj[[idx[i]]]
+ }
+ }
+ # Loop through object and insert the new objectives list into each portfolio
+ # and run constrained_objective on each portfolio to extract the
+ # objective_measures for each portfolio
+ out <- list()
+ for(i in 1:length(object)){
+ object[[i]]$portfolio$objectives <- tmp.obj
+ tmp.weights <- object[[i]]$weights
+ tmp.R <- object[[i]]$R
+ tmp.portf <- object[[i]]$portfolio
+ tmp <- unlist(constrained_objective(w=tmp.weights, R=tmp.R, portfolio=tmp.portf, trace=TRUE)$objective_measures)
+ names(tmp) <- PortfolioAnalytics:::name.replace(names(tmp))
+ out[[opt.names[i]]] <- tmp
+ }
+ out <- do.call(rbind, out)
- out.obj
- # Loop through object and insert the new objectives list into each portfolio
- # and run constrained_objective on each portfolio to extract the
- # objective_measures for each portfolio
- out <- list()
- for(i in 1:length(object)){
- object[[i]]$portfolio$objectives <- tmp.obj
- tmp.weights <- object[[i]]$weights
- tmp.R <- object[[i]]$R
- tmp.portf <- object[[i]]$portfolio
- tmp <- unlist(constrained_objective(w=tmp.weights, R=tmp.R, portfolio=tmp.portf, trace=TRUE)$objective_measures)
- names(tmp) <- PortfolioAnalytics:::name.replace(names(tmp))
- out[[opt.names[i]]] <- tmp
- }
- out <- do.call(rbind, out)
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