[Returnanalytics-commits] r2419 - in pkg/FactorAnalytics: R man
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Mon Jun 24 21:50:17 CEST 2013
Author: chenyian
Date: 2013-06-24 21:50:17 +0200 (Mon, 24 Jun 2013)
New Revision: 2419
change "MacroFactorModel" to "TimeSeriesFactorModel"
Modified: pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/fitFundamentalFactorModel.R
--- pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/fitFundamentalFactorModel.R 2013-06-24 19:12:10 UTC (rev 2418)
+++ pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/fitFundamentalFactorModel.R 2013-06-24 19:50:17 UTC (rev 2419)
@@ -1,435 +1,399 @@
-#' fit fundamental factor model by classic OLS or Robust regression technique
-#' fit fundamental factor model or cross-sectional time series factor model by
-#' classic OLS or Robust regression technique. Fundamental factor models use
-#' observable asset specific characteristics (fundamentals) like industry
-#' classification, market capitalization, style classification (value, growth)
-#' etc. to determine the common risk factors. The function creates the class
-#' "FundamentalFactorModel".
-#' The original function was designed by Doug Martin and originally implemented
-#' in S-PLUS by a number of UW Ph.D. students:Christopher Green, Eric Aldrich,
-#' and Yindeng Jiang. Guy Yullen re-implemented the function in R and requires
-#' the following additional R libraries: zoo time series library, robust
-#' Insightful robust library ported to R and robustbase Basic robust statistics
-#' package for R
-#' @param fulldata data.frame, fulldata contains returns, dates, and exposures
-#' which is stacked by dates.
-#' @param timedates a vector of Dates specifying the date range for the model
-#' fitting
-#' @param exposures a character vector of exposure names for the factor model
-#' @param assets a list of PERMNOs to be used for the factor model
-#' @param wls logical flag, TRUE for weighted least squares, FALSE for ordinary
-#' least squares
-#' @param regression A character string, "robust" for regression via lmRob,
-#' "classic" for regression with lm()
-#' @param covariance A character string, "robust" for covariance matrix
-#' computed with covRob(), "classic" for covariance matrix with ccov()
-#' @param full.resid.cov logical flag, TRUE for full residual covariance matrix
-#' calculation, FALSE for diagonal residual covarinace matrix
-#' @param robust.scale logical flag, TRUE for exposure scaling via robust scale
-#' and location, FALSE for scaling via mean and sd
-#' @param returnsvar A character string giving the name of the return variable
-#' in the data.
-#' @param datevar A character string giving the name of the date variable in
-#' the data.
-#' @param assetvar A character string giving the name of the asset variable in
-#' the data.
-#' @param tickersvar A character string giving the name of the ticker variable
-#' in the data.
-#' @return an S3 object containing
-#' @returnItem cov.returns A "list" object contains covariance information for
-#' asset returns, includes covariance, mean and eigenvalus.
-#' @returnItem cov.factor.rets An object of class "cov" or "covRob" which
-#' contains the covariance matrix of the factor returns (including intercept).
-#' @returnItem cov.resids An object of class "cov" or "covRob" which contains
-#' the covariance matrix of the residuals, if "full.resid.cov" is TRUE. NULL
-#' if "full.resid.cov" is FALSE.
-#' @returnItem resid.vars A vector of variances estimated from the OLS
-#' residuals for each asset. If "wls" is TRUE, these are the weights used in
-#' the weighted least squares regressions. If "cov = robust" these values are
-#' computed with "scale.tau". Otherwise they are computed with "var".
-#' @returnItem factor.rets A "zoo" object containing the times series of
-#' estimated factor returns and intercepts.
-#' @returnItem resids A "zoo" object containing the time series of residuals
-#' for each asset.
-#' @returnItem tstats A "zoo" object containing the time series of t-statistics
-#' for each exposure.
-#' @returnItem returns.data A "data.frame" object containing the returns data
-#' for the assets in the factor model, including RETURN, DATE,PERMNO.
-#' @returnItem exposure.data A "data.frame" object containing the data for the
-#' variables in the factor model, including DATE, PERMNO.
-#' @returnItem assets A character vector of PERMNOs used in the model
-#' @returnItem tickers A character vector of tickers used in the model
-#' @returnItem call function call
-#' @author Guy Yullen and Yi-An Chen
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' # BARRA type factor model
-#' data(stock)
-#' # there are 447 assets
-#' assets = unique(fulldata[,"PERMNO"])
-#' timedates = as.Date(unique(fulldata[,"DATE"]))
-#' exposures <- exposures.names <- c("BOOK2MARKET", "LOG.MARKETCAP")
-#' test.fit <- fitFundamentalFactorModel(fulldata=fulldata, timedates=timedates, exposures=exposures,covariance="classic", assets=assets,full.resid.cov=TRUE,
-#' regression="classic",wls=TRUE)
-#' names(test.fit)
-#' test.fit$cov.returns
-#' test.fit$cov.facrets
-#' test.fit$facrets
-#' # BARRA type Industry Factor Model
-#' exposures <- exposures.names <- c("GICS.SECTOR")
-#' # the rest keep the same
-#' test.fit <- fitFundamentalFactorModel(fulldata=fulldata, timedates=timedates, exposures=exposures,
-#' covariance="classic", assets=assets,full.resid.cov=TRUE,
-#' regression="classic",wls=TRUE)
-#' }
-fitFundamentalFactorModel <-
-function (fulldata, timedates, exposures, assets, wls = FALSE, regression = "classic",
- covariance = "classic", full.resid.cov = TRUE, robust.scale = FALSE,
- datevar = "DATE", assetvar = "PERMNO", returnsvar = "RETURN",
- tickersvar = "TICKER.x") {
-## input
-## fulldata : data.frame. data stacked by dates
-## timedates : a vector of Dates specifying the date range for the model
-## exposures : a character vector of exposure names for the factor model
-## assets : a list of PERMNOs to be used for the factor model
-## Optional parameters:
-## wls : logical flag, TRUE for weighted least squares, FALSE for
-## ordinary least squares
-## regression : character string, "robust" for regression via lmRob, "classic"
-## for regression via lm
-## covariance : character string, "robust" for covariance matrix computed via
-## covRob, "classic" for covariance matrix via ccov
-## full.resid.cov : logical flag, TRUE for full residual covariance matrix
-## calculation, FALSE for diagonal residual covarinace matrix
-## robust.scale : logical flag, TRUE for exposure scaling via robust scale and
-## location, FALSE for scaling via mean and sd
-## datevar : character string giving the name of the date variable in the data.
-## assetvar : character string giving the name of the asset variable in the data.
-## returnsvar : character string giving the name of the return variable in the data.
-## tickersvar : character string giving the name of the ticker variable in the data.
-## output
-## cov.returns : covariance information for asset returns, includes
-## covariance, mean, eigenvalus
-## cov.factor.rets : covariance information for factor returns, includes
-## covariance and mean
-## cov.resids : covariance information for model residuals, includes
-## covariance and mean
-## resid.vars : list of information regarding model residuals variance
-## factor.rets : zoo time series object of factor returns
-## resids : zoo time series object of model residuals
-## tstats : zoo time series object of model t-statistics
-## returns.data : data.frame of return data including RETURN, DATE,PERMNO
-## exposure.data : data.frame of exposure data including DATE, PERMNO
-## assets : character vector of PERMNOs used in the model
-## tickers : character vector of tickers used in the model
-## call : function call
- # if (dim(dataArray)[1] < 2)
- # stop("At least two time points, t and t-1, are needed for fitting the factor model.")
- if (length(timedates) < 2)
- stop("At least two time points, t and t-1, are needed for fitting the factor model.")
- if (!is(exposures, "vector") || !is.character(exposures))
- stop("exposure argument invalid---must be character vector.")
- if (!is(assets, "vector") || !is.character(assets))
- stop("assets argument invalid---must be character vector.")
- wls <- as.logical(wls)
- full.resid.cov <- as.logical(full.resid.cov)
- robust.scale <- as.logical(robust.scale)
- if (!match(regression, c("robust", "classic"), FALSE))
- stop("regression must one of 'robust', 'classic'.")
- if (!match(covariance, c("robust", "classic"), FALSE))
- stop("covariance must one of 'robust', 'classic'.")
- this.call <- match.call()
- if (match(returnsvar, exposures, FALSE))
- stop(paste(returnsvar, "cannot be used as an exposure."))
- numTimePoints <- length(timedates)
- numExposures <- length(exposures)
- numAssets <- length(assets)
- tickers <- fulldata[1:numAssets,tickersvar]
- # dim(fulldata)
- # [1] 42912 117
- # dimnames(fulldata)
- # check if exposures are numeric, if not, create exposures. factors by dummy variables
- which.numeric <- sapply(fulldata[, exposures, drop = FALSE],is.numeric)
- exposures.numeric <- exposures[which.numeric]
- # industry factor model
- exposures.factor <- exposures[!which.numeric]
- if (length(exposures.factor) > 1) {
- stop("Only one nonnumeric variable can be used at this time.")
- }
- regression.formula <- paste("~", paste(exposures, collapse = "+"))
- if (length(exposures.factor)) {
- regression.formula <- paste(regression.formula, "- 1")
- fulldata[, exposures.factor] <- as.factor(fulldata[,
- exposures.factor])
- exposuresToRecode <- names(fulldata[, exposures, drop = FALSE])[!which.numeric]
- contrasts.list <- lapply(seq(length(exposuresToRecode)),
- function(i) function(n, m) contr.treatment(n, contrasts = FALSE))
- names(contrasts.list) <- exposuresToRecode
- } else {
- contrasts.list <- NULL
- }
- # turn characters into formula
- regression.formula <- eval(parse(text = paste(returnsvar,regression.formula)))
- ols.robust <- function(xdf, modelterms, conlist) {
- if (length(exposures.factor)) {
- zz <- xdf[[exposures.factor]]
- xdf[[exposures.factor]] <- if (is.ordered(zz))
- ordered(zz, levels = sort(unique.default(zz)))
- else factor(zz)
- }
- model <- lmRob(modelterms, data = xdf, contrasts = conlist,
- control = lmRob.control(mxr = 200, mxf = 200, mxs = 200))
- sdest <- sqrt(diag(model$cov))
- names(sdest) <- names(model$coef)
- coefnames <- names(model$coef)
- alphaord <- order(coefnames)
- model$coef <- model$coef[alphaord]
- sdest <- sdest[alphaord]
- c(length(model$coef), model$coef, model$coef/sdest, model$resid)
- }
- ols.classic <- function(xdf, modelterms, conlist) {
- model <- try(lm(formula = modelterms, data = xdf, contrasts = conlist,
- singular.ok = FALSE))
- if (is(model, "Error")) {
- mess <- geterrmessage()
- nn <- regexpr("computed fit is singular", mess)
- if (nn > 0) {
- cat("At time:", substring(mess, nn), "\n")
- model <- lm(formula = modelterms, data = xdf,
- contrasts = conlist, singular.ok = TRUE)
- } else stop(mess)
- }
- tstat <- rep(NA, length(model$coef))
- tstat[!is.na(model$coef)] <- summary(model, cor = FALSE)$coef[,3]
- alphaord <- order(names(model$coef))
- c(length(model$coef), model$coef[alphaord], tstat[alphaord],
- model$resid)
- }
- wls.robust <- function(xdf, modelterms, conlist, w) {
- assign("w", w, pos = 1)
- if (length(exposures.factor)) {
- zz <- xdf[[exposures.factor]]
- xdf[[exposures.factor]] <- if (is.ordered(zz))
- ordered(zz, levels = sort(unique.default(zz)))
- else factor(zz)
- }
- model <- lmRob(modelterms, data = xdf, weights = w, contrasts = conlist,
- control = lmRob.control(mxr = 200, mxf = 200, mxs = 200))
- sdest <- sqrt(diag(model$cov))
- names(sdest) <- names(model$coef)
- coefnames <- names(model$coef)
- alphaord <- order(coefnames)
- model$coef <- model$coef[alphaord]
- sdest <- sdest[alphaord]
- c(length(model$coef), model$coef, model$coef/sdest, model$resid)
- }
- wls.classic <- function(xdf, modelterms, conlist, w) {
- assign("w", w, pos = 1)
- model <- try(lm(formula = modelterms, data = xdf, contrasts = conlist,
- weights = w, singular.ok = FALSE))
- if (is(model, "Error")) {
- mess <- geterrmessage()
- nn <- regexpr("computed fit is singular", mess)
- if (nn > 0) {
- cat("At time:", substring(mess, nn), "\n")
- model <- lm(formula = modelterms, data = xdf,
- contrasts = conlist, weights = w)
- }
- else stop(mess)
- }
- tstat <- rep(NA, length(model$coef))
- tstat[!is.na(model$coef)] <- summary(model, cor = FALSE)$coef[,
- 3]
- alphaord <- order(names(model$coef))
- c(length(model$coef), model$coef[alphaord], tstat[alphaord],
- model$resid)
- }
- # FE.hat has T elements
- # every element t contains
- # 1. number of factors (intercept incl.)
- # 2. estimated factors at time t
- # 3. t value of estimated factors
- # 4. residuals at time t
- if (!wls) {
- if (regression == "robust") {
- # ols.robust
- FE.hat <- by(data = fulldata, INDICES = as.numeric(fulldata[[datevar]]),
- FUN = ols.robust, modelterms = regression.formula,
- conlist = contrasts.list)
- } else {
- # ols.classic
- FE.hat <- by(data = fulldata, INDICES = as.numeric(fulldata[[datevar]]),
- FUN = ols.classic, modelterms = regression.formula,
- conlist = contrasts.list)
- }
- } else {
- if (regression == "robust") {
- # wls.robust
- E.hat <- by(data = fulldata, INDICES = as.numeric(fulldata[[datevar]]),
- FUN = function(xdf, modelterms, conlist) {
- lmRob(modelterms, data = xdf, contrasts = conlist,
- control = lmRob.control(mxr = 200, mxf = 200,
- mxs = 200))$resid
- }, modelterms = regression.formula, conlist = contrasts.list)
- E.hat <- apply(E.hat, 1, unlist)
- weights <- if (covariance == "robust")
- apply(E.hat, 1, scaleTau2)^2
- else apply(E.hat, 1, var)
- FE.hat <- by(data = fulldata, INDICES = as.numeric(fulldata[[datevar]]),
- FUN = wls.robust, modelterms = regression.formula,
- conlist = contrasts.list, w = weights)
- } else {
- # wls.classic
- E.hat <- by(data = fulldata, INDICES = as.numeric(fulldata[[datevar]]),
- FUN = function(xdf, modelterms, conlist) {
- lm(formula = modelterms, data = xdf, contrasts = conlist,
- singular.ok = TRUE)$resid
- },
- modelterms = regression.formula, conlist = contrasts.list)
- E.hat <- apply(E.hat, 1, unlist)
- weights <- if (covariance == "robust")
- apply(E.hat, 1, scaleTau2)^2
- else apply(E.hat, 1, var)
- FE.hat <- by(data = fulldata, INDICES = as.numeric(fulldata[[datevar]]),
- FUN = wls.classic, modelterms = regression.formula,
- conlist = contrasts.list, w = weights)
- }
- }
- # if there is industry dummy variables
- if (length(exposures.factor)) {
- numCoefs <- length(exposures.numeric) + length(levels(fulldata[,
- exposures.factor]))
- ncols <- 1 + 2 * numCoefs + numAssets
- fnames <- c(exposures.numeric, paste(exposures.factor,
- levels(fulldata[, exposures.factor]), sep = ""))
- cnames <- c("numCoefs", fnames, paste("t", fnames, sep = "."),
- assets)
- } else {
- numCoefs <- 1 + length(exposures.numeric)
- ncols <- 1 + 2 * numCoefs + numAssets
- cnames <- c("numCoefs", "(Intercept)", exposures.numeric,
- paste("t", c("(Intercept)", exposures.numeric), sep = "."),
- assets)
- }
- FE.hat.mat <- matrix(NA, ncol = ncols, nrow = numTimePoints,
- dimnames = list(as.character(as.Date(as.numeric(names(FE.hat)), origin = "1970-01-01")),
- cnames))
- # give each element t names and PERMNO
- for (i in 1:length(FE.hat)) {
- names(FE.hat[[i]])[1] <- "numCoefs"
- nc <- FE.hat[[i]][1]
- names(FE.hat[[i]])[(2 + nc):(1 + 2 * nc)] <- paste("t",
- names(FE.hat[[i]])[2:(1 + nc)], sep = ".")
- if (length(FE.hat[[i]]) != (1 + 2 * nc + numAssets))
- stop(paste("bad count in row", i, "of FE.hat"))
- names(FE.hat[[i]])[(2 + 2 * nc):(1 + 2 * nc + numAssets)] <- assets
- idx <- match(names(FE.hat[[i]]), colnames(FE.hat.mat))
- FE.hat.mat[i, idx] <- FE.hat[[i]]
- }
- # give back the names of timedates
- timedates <- as.Date(as.numeric(dimnames(FE.hat)[[1]]), origin = "1970-01-01")
- coefs.names <- colnames(FE.hat.mat)[2:(1 + numCoefs)]
- # estimated factors ordered by time
- f.hat <- zoo(x = FE.hat.mat[, 2:(1 + numCoefs)], order.by = timedates)
- # check for outlier
- gomat <- apply(coredata(f.hat), 2, function(x) abs(x - median(x,
- na.rm = TRUE)) > 4 * mad(x, na.rm = TRUE))
- if (any(gomat, na.rm = TRUE) ) {
- cat("\n\n*** Possible outliers found in the factor returns:\n\n")
- for (i in which(apply(gomat, 1, any, na.rm = TRUE))) print(f.hat[i,
- gomat[i, ], drop = FALSE])
- }
- tstats <- zoo(x = FE.hat.mat[, (2 + nc):(1 + 2 * nc)], order.by = timedates)
- # residuals for every asset ordered by time
- E.hat <- zoo(x = FE.hat.mat[, (2 + 2 * numCoefs):(1 + 2 *
- numCoefs + numAssets)], order.by = timedates)
- colnames(E.hat) <- tickers
- if (covariance == "robust") {
- if (kappa(na.exclude(coredata(f.hat))) < 1e+10) {
- Cov.facrets <- covRob(coredata(f.hat), estim = "pairwiseGK",
- distance = FALSE, na.action = na.omit)
- } else {
- cat("Covariance matrix of factor returns is singular.\n")
- Cov.facrets <- covRob(coredata(f.hat), distance = FALSE,
- na.action = na.omit)
- }
- resid.vars <- apply(coredata(E.hat), 2, scaleTau2, na.rm = T)^2
- D.hat <- if (full.resid.cov)
- covOGK(coredata(E.hat), sigmamu = scaleTau2, n.iter = 1)
- else
- diag(resid.vars)
- } else {
- Cov.facrets <- ccov(coredata(f.hat), distance = FALSE,na.action = na.omit)
- resid.vars <- apply(coredata(E.hat), 2, var, na.rm = TRUE)
- D.hat <- if (full.resid.cov)
- ccov(coredata(E.hat), distance = FALSE, na.action = na.omit)
- else
- diag(resid.vars)
- }
- # create betas from origial database
- B.final <- matrix(0, nrow = numAssets, ncol = numCoefs)
- colnames <- coefs.names
- B.final[, match("(Intercept)", colnames, 0)] <- 1
- numeric.columns <- match(exposures.numeric, colnames, 0)
- B.final[, numeric.columns] <- as.matrix(fulldata[as.numeric(fulldata[[datevar]]) ==
- timedates[numTimePoints], exposures.numeric])
- if (length(exposures.factor))
- B.final[, grep(exposures.factor, x = colnames)][cbind(seq(numAssets),
- as.numeric(fulldata[fulldata[[datevar]] == timedates[numTimePoints],
- exposures.factor]))] <- 1
- cov.returns <- B.final %*% Cov.facrets$cov %*% t(B.final) +
- if (full.resid.cov)
- D.hat$cov
- else D.hat
- dimnames(cov.returns) <- list(tickers, tickers)
- mean.cov.returns = tapply(fulldata[[returnsvar]],fulldata[[assetvar]], mean)
- dimnames(mean.cov.returns) = list(tickers)
- Cov.returns <- list(cov = cov.returns, mean=mean.cov.returns, eigenvalues = eigen(cov.returns,
- only.values = TRUE, symmetric = TRUE)$values)
- if (full.resid.cov) {
- Cov.resids <- D.hat
- dimnames(Cov.resids$cov) <- list(tickers, tickers)
- }
- else {
- Cov.resids <- NULL
- }
- output <- list(cov.returns = Cov.returns,
- cov.factor.rets = Cov.facrets,
- cov.resids = Cov.resids,
- resid.vars = resid.vars,
- factor.rets = f.hat,
- resids = E.hat,
- tstats = tstats,
- returns.data = fulldata[,c(datevar, assetvar, returnsvar)],
- exposure.data = fulldata[,c(datevar, assetvar, exposures)],
- assets = assets,
- tickers = tickers,
- call = this.call)
- class(output) <- "FundamentalFactorModel"
- return(output)
+#' fit fundamental factor model by classic OLS or Robust regression technique
+#' fit fundamental factor model or cross-sectional time series factor model by
+#' classic OLS or Robust regression technique. Fundamental factor models use
+#' observable asset specific characteristics (fundamentals) like industry
+#' classification, market capitalization, style classification (value, growth)
+#' etc. to determine the common risk factors. The function creates the class
+#' "FundamentalFactorModel".
+#' The original function was designed by Doug Martin and originally implemented
+#' in S-PLUS by a number of UW Ph.D. students:Christopher Green, Eric Aldrich,
+#' and Yindeng Jiang. Guy Yullen re-implemented the function in R and requires
+#' the following additional R libraries: zoo time series library, robust
+#' Insightful robust library ported to R and robustbase Basic robust statistics
+#' package for R
+#' @param fulldata data.frame, fulldata contains returns, dates, and exposures
+#' which is stacked by dates.
+#' @param timedates a vector of Dates specifying the date range for the model
+#' fitting
+#' @param exposures a character vector of exposure names for the factor model
+#' @param assets a list of PERMNOs to be used for the factor model
+#' @param wls logical flag, TRUE for weighted least squares, FALSE for ordinary
+#' least squares
+#' @param regression A character string, "robust" for regression via lmRob,
+#' "classic" for regression with lm()
+#' @param covariance A character string, "robust" for covariance matrix
+#' computed with covRob(), "classic" for covariance matrix with covClassic() in
+#' robust package.
+#' @param full.resid.cov logical flag, TRUE for full residual covariance matrix
+#' calculation, FALSE for diagonal residual covarinace matrix
+#' @param robust.scale logical flag, TRUE for exposure scaling via robust scale
+#' and location, FALSE for scaling via mean and sd
+#' @param returnsvar A character string giving the name of the return variable
+#' in the data.
+#' @param datevar A character string giving the name of the date variable in
+#' the data.
+#' @param assetvar A character string giving the name of the asset variable in
+#' the data.
+#' @param tickersvar A character string giving the name of the ticker variable
+#' in the data.
+#' @return an S3 object containing
+#' \itemize{
+#' \item cov.returns A "list" object contains covariance information for
+#' asset returns, includes covariance, mean and eigenvalus.
+#' \item cov.factor.rets An object of class "cov" or "covRob" which
+#' contains the covariance matrix of the factor returns (including intercept).
+#' \item cov.resids An object of class "cov" or "covRob" which contains
+#' the covariance matrix of the residuals, if "full.resid.cov" is TRUE. NULL
+#' if "full.resid.cov" is FALSE.
+#' \item resid.varianceb A vector of variances estimated from the OLS
+#' residuals for each asset. If "wls" is TRUE, these are the weights used in
+#' the weighted least squares regressions. If "cov = robust" these values are
+#' computed with "scale.tau". Otherwise they are computed with "var".
+#' \item factor.rets A "zoo" object containing the times series of
+#' estimated factor returns and intercepts.
+#' \item resids A "zoo" object containing the time series of residuals
+#' for each asset.
+#' \item tstats A "zoo" object containing the time series of t-statistics
+#' for each exposure.
+#' \item returns.data A "data.frame" object containing the returns data
+#' for the assets in the factor model, including RETURN, DATE,PERMNO.
+#' \item exposure.data A "data.frame" object containing the data for the
+#' variables in the factor model, including DATE, PERMNO.
+#' \item assets A character vector of PERMNOs used in the model
+#' \item tickers A character vector of tickers used in the model
+#' \item call function call
+#' }
+#' @author Guy Yullen and Yi-An Chen
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' # BARRA type factor model
+#' data(stock)
+#' # there are 447 assets
+#' assets = unique(fulldata[,"PERMNO"])
+#' timedates = as.Date(unique(fulldata[,"DATE"]))
+#' exposures <- exposures.names <- c("BOOK2MARKET", "LOG.MARKETCAP")
+#' test.fit <- fitFundamentalFactorModel(fulldata=fulldata, timedates=timedates, exposures=exposures,covariance="classic", assets=assets,full.resid.cov=TRUE,
+#' regression="classic",wls=TRUE)
+#' names(test.fit)
+#' test.fit$cov.returns
+#' test.fit$cov.factor.rets
+#' test.fit$factor.rets
+#' # BARRA type Industry Factor Model
+#' exposures <- exposures.names <- c("GICS.SECTOR")
+#' # the rest keep the same
+#' test.fit <- fitFundamentalFactorModel(fulldata=fulldata, timedates=timedates, exposures=exposures,
+#' covariance="classic", assets=assets,full.resid.cov=TRUE,
+#' regression="classic",wls=TRUE)
+#' }
+fitFundamentalFactorModel <-
+function (fulldata, timedates, exposures, assets, wls = FALSE, regression = "classic",
+ covariance = "classic", full.resid.cov = TRUE, robust.scale = FALSE,
+ datevar = "DATE", assetvar = "PERMNO", returnsvar = "RETURN",
+ tickersvar = "TICKER.x") {
+ # if (dim(dataArray)[1] < 2)
+ # stop("At least two time points, t and t-1, are needed for fitting the factor model.")
+ if (length(timedates) < 2)
+ stop("At least two time points, t and t-1, are needed for fitting the factor model.")
+ if (!is(exposures, "vector") || !is.character(exposures))
+ stop("exposure argument invalid---must be character vector.")
+ if (!is(assets, "vector") || !is.character(assets))
+ stop("assets argument invalid---must be character vector.")
+ wls <- as.logical(wls)
+ full.resid.cov <- as.logical(full.resid.cov)
+ robust.scale <- as.logical(robust.scale)
+ if (!match(regression, c("robust", "classic"), FALSE))
+ stop("regression must one of 'robust', 'classic'.")
+ if (!match(covariance, c("robust", "classic"), FALSE))
+ stop("covariance must one of 'robust', 'classic'.")
+ this.call <- match.call()
+ if (match(returnsvar, exposures, FALSE))
+ stop(paste(returnsvar, "cannot be used as an exposure."))
+ numTimePoints <- length(timedates)
+ numExposures <- length(exposures)
+ numAssets <- length(assets)
+ tickers <- fulldata[1:numAssets,tickersvar]
+ # dim(fulldata)
+ # [1] 42912 117
+ # dimnames(fulldata)
+ # check if exposures are numeric, if not, create exposures. factors by dummy variables
+ which.numeric <- sapply(fulldata[, exposures, drop = FALSE],is.numeric)
+ exposures.numeric <- exposures[which.numeric]
+ # industry factor model
+ exposures.factor <- exposures[!which.numeric]
+ if (length(exposures.factor) > 1) {
+ stop("Only one nonnumeric variable can be used at this time.")
+ }
+ regression.formula <- paste("~", paste(exposures, collapse = "+"))
+ if (length(exposures.factor)) {
+ regression.formula <- paste(regression.formula, "- 1")
+ fulldata[, exposures.factor] <- as.factor(fulldata[,
+ exposures.factor])
+ exposuresToRecode <- names(fulldata[, exposures, drop = FALSE])[!which.numeric]
+ contrasts.list <- lapply(seq(length(exposuresToRecode)),
+ function(i) function(n, m) contr.treatment(n, contrasts = FALSE))
+ names(contrasts.list) <- exposuresToRecode
+ } else {
+ contrasts.list <- NULL
+ }
+ # turn characters into formula
+ regression.formula <- eval(parse(text = paste(returnsvar,regression.formula)))
+ ols.robust <- function(xdf, modelterms, conlist) {
+ if (length(exposures.factor)) {
+ zz <- xdf[[exposures.factor]]
+ xdf[[exposures.factor]] <- if (is.ordered(zz))
+ ordered(zz, levels = sort(unique.default(zz)))
+ else factor(zz)
+ }
+ model <- lmRob(modelterms, data = xdf, contrasts = conlist,
+ control = lmRob.control(mxr = 200, mxf = 200, mxs = 200))
+ sdest <- sqrt(diag(model$cov))
+ names(sdest) <- names(model$coef)
+ coefnames <- names(model$coef)
+ alphaord <- order(coefnames)
+ model$coef <- model$coef[alphaord]
+ sdest <- sdest[alphaord]
+ c(length(model$coef), model$coef, model$coef/sdest, model$resid)
+ }
+ ols.classic <- function(xdf, modelterms, conlist) {
+ model <- try(lm(formula = modelterms, data = xdf, contrasts = conlist,
+ singular.ok = FALSE))
+ if (is(model, "Error")) {
+ mess <- geterrmessage()
+ nn <- regexpr("computed fit is singular", mess)
+ if (nn > 0) {
+ cat("At time:", substring(mess, nn), "\n")
+ model <- lm(formula = modelterms, data = xdf,
+ contrasts = conlist, singular.ok = TRUE)
+ } else stop(mess)
+ }
+ tstat <- rep(NA, length(model$coef))
+ tstat[!is.na(model$coef)] <- summary(model, cor = FALSE)$coef[,3]
+ alphaord <- order(names(model$coef))
+ c(length(model$coef), model$coef[alphaord], tstat[alphaord],
+ model$resid)
+ }
+ wls.robust <- function(xdf, modelterms, conlist, w) {
+ assign("w", w, pos = 1)
+ if (length(exposures.factor)) {
+ zz <- xdf[[exposures.factor]]
+ xdf[[exposures.factor]] <- if (is.ordered(zz))
+ ordered(zz, levels = sort(unique.default(zz)))
+ else factor(zz)
+ }
+ model <- lmRob(modelterms, data = xdf, weights = w, contrasts = conlist,
+ control = lmRob.control(mxr = 200, mxf = 200, mxs = 200))
+ sdest <- sqrt(diag(model$cov))
+ names(sdest) <- names(model$coef)
+ coefnames <- names(model$coef)
+ alphaord <- order(coefnames)
+ model$coef <- model$coef[alphaord]
+ sdest <- sdest[alphaord]
+ c(length(model$coef), model$coef, model$coef/sdest, model$resid)
+ }
+ wls.classic <- function(xdf, modelterms, conlist, w) {
+ assign("w", w, pos = 1)
+ model <- try(lm(formula = modelterms, data = xdf, contrasts = conlist,
+ weights = w, singular.ok = FALSE))
+ if (is(model, "Error")) {
+ mess <- geterrmessage()
+ nn <- regexpr("computed fit is singular", mess)
+ if (nn > 0) {
+ cat("At time:", substring(mess, nn), "\n")
+ model <- lm(formula = modelterms, data = xdf,
+ contrasts = conlist, weights = w)
+ }
+ else stop(mess)
+ }
+ tstat <- rep(NA, length(model$coef))
To get the complete diff run:
svnlook diff /svnroot/returnanalytics -r 2419
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