[Returnanalytics-commits] r2416 - in pkg/FactorAnalytics: R man
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Mon Jun 24 19:04:01 CEST 2013
Author: chenyian
Date: 2013-06-24 19:04:00 +0200 (Mon, 24 Jun 2013)
New Revision: 2416
1. ignore covEWMA.R and covEWMA.Rd
Property changes on: pkg/FactorAnalytics/R
Added: svn:ignore
+ covEWMA.R
Deleted: pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/covEWMA.R
--- pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/covEWMA.R 2013-06-24 16:57:24 UTC (rev 2415)
+++ pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/covEWMA.R 2013-06-24 17:04:00 UTC (rev 2416)
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-#' Compute RiskMetrics-type EWMA Covariance Matrix
-#' Compute time series of RiskMetrics-type EWMA covariance matrices of returns.
-#' Initial covariance matrix is assumed to be the unconditional covariance
-#' matrix.
-#' The EWMA covariance matrix at time \code{t} is compute as \cr \code{Sigma(t)
-#' = lambda*Sigma(t-1) + (1-lambda)*R(t)t(R(t))} \cr where \code{R(t)} is the
-#' \code{K x 1} vector of returns at time \code{t}.
-#' @param factors \code{T x K} data.frame containing asset returns, where
-#' \code{T} is the number of time periods and \code{K} is the number of assets.
-#' @param lambda Scalar exponential decay factor. Must lie between between 0
-#' and 1.
-#' @param return.cor Logical, if TRUE then return EWMA correlation matrices.
-#' @return \code{T x K x K} array giving the time series of EWMA covariance
-#' matrices if \code{return.cor=FALSE} and EWMA correlation matrices if
-#' \code{return.cor=TRUE}.
-#' @author Eric Zivot and Yi-An Chen.
-#' @references Zivot, E. and J. Wang (2006), \emph{Modeling Financial Time
-#' Series with S-PLUS, Second Edition}, Springer-Verlag.
-#' @examples
-#' # compute time vaying covariance of factors.
-#' data(managers.df)
-#' factors = managers.df[,(7:9)]
-#' cov.f.ewma <- covEWMA(factors)
-#' cov.f.ewma[120,,]
-covEWMA <-
-function(factors, lambda=0.96, return.cor=FALSE) {
-## Inputs:
-## factors N x K numerical factors data. data is class data.frame
-## N is the time length and K is the number of the factors.
-## lambda scalar. exponetial decay factor between 0 and 1.
-## return.cor Logical, if TRUE then return EWMA correlation matrices
-## Output:
-## cov.f.ewma array. dimension is N x K x K.
-## comments:
-## 1. add optional argument cov.start to specify initial covariance matrix
-## 2. allow data input to be data class to be any rectangular data object
-if (is.data.frame(factors)){
- factor.names = colnames(factors)
- t.factor = nrow(factors)
- k.factor = ncol(factors)
- factors = as.matrix(factors)
- t.names = rownames(factors)
-} else {
- stop("factor data should be saved in data.frame class.")
-if (lambda>=1 || lambda <= 0){
- stop("exponential decay value lambda should be between 0 and 1.")
-} else {
- cov.f.ewma = array(,c(t.factor,k.factor,k.factor))
- cov.f = var(factors) # unconditional variance as EWMA at time = 0
- FF = (factors[1,]- mean(factors)) %*% t(factors[1,]- mean(factors))
- cov.f.ewma[1,,] = (1-lambda)*FF + lambda*cov.f
- for (i in 2:t.factor) {
- FF = (factors[i,]- mean(factors)) %*% t(factors[i,]- mean(factors))
- cov.f.ewma[i,,] = (1-lambda)*FF + lambda*cov.f.ewma[(i-1),,]
- }
- # 9/15/11: add dimnames to array
- dimnames(cov.f.ewma) = list(t.names, factor.names, factor.names)
- if(return.cor) {
- cor.f.ewma = cov.f.ewma
- for (i in 1:dim(cor.f.ewma)[1]) {
- cor.f.ewma[i, , ] = cov2cor(cov.f.ewma[i, ,])
- }
- return(cor.f.ewma)
- } else{
- return(cov.f.ewma)
- }
Deleted: pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/fitMacroeconomicFactorModel.R
--- pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/fitMacroeconomicFactorModel.R 2013-06-24 16:57:24 UTC (rev 2415)
+++ pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/fitMacroeconomicFactorModel.R 2013-06-24 17:04:00 UTC (rev 2416)
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
-#' Fit macroeconomic factor model by time series regression techniques.
-#' Fit macroeconomic factor model by time series regression techniques. It
-#' creates the class of "MacroFactorModel".
-#' If \code{Robust} is chosen, there is no subsets but all factors will be
-#' used. Cp is defined in
-#' http://www-stat.stanford.edu/~hastie/Papers/LARS/LeastAngle_2002.pdf. p17.
-#' @param assets.names names of assets returns.
-#' @param factors.names names of factors returns.
-#' @param num.factor.subset scalar. Number of factors selected by all subsets.
-#' @param data a vector, matrix, data.frame, xts, timeSeries or zoo object with asset returns
-#' and factors retunrs rownames
-#' @param fit.method "OLS" is ordinary least squares method, "DLS" is
-#' discounted least squares method. Discounted least squares (DLS) estimation
-#' is weighted least squares estimation with exponentially declining weights
-#' that sum to unity. "Robust"
-#' @param variable.selection "none" will not activate variables sellection. Default is "none".
-#' "stepwise" is traditional forward/backward #' stepwise OLS regression, starting from the initial set of factors, that adds
-#' factors only if the regression fit as measured by the Bayesian Information
-#' Criteria (BIC) or Akaike Information Criteria (AIC) can be done using the R
-#' function step() from the stats package. If "Robust" is chosen, the
-#' function step.lmRob in Robust package will be used. "all subsets" is
-#' Traditional all subsets regression can be done using the R function
-#' regsubsets() from the package leaps. "lar" , "lasso" is based on package
-#' "lars", linear angle regression. If "lar" or "lasso" is chose. fit.method will be ignored.
-#' @param decay.factor for DLS. Default is 0.95.
-#' @param nvmax control option for all subsets. maximum size of subsets to
-#' examine
-#' @param force.in control option for all subsets. The factors that should be
-#' in all models.
-#' @param subsets.method control option for all subsets. se exhaustive search,
-#' forward selection, backward selection or sequential replacement to search.
-#' @param lars.criteria either choose minimum "Cp": unbiased estimator of the
-#' true rist or "cv" 10 folds cross-validation. See detail.
-#' @return an S3 object containing
-#' \item{asset.fit}{Fit objects for each asset. This is the class "lm" for
-#' each object.}
-#' \item{alpha.vec}{N x 1 Vector of estimated alphas.}
-#' \item{beta.mat}{N x K Matrix of estimated betas.}
-#' \item{r2.vec}{N x 1 Vector of R-square values.}
-#' \item{residVars.vec}{N x 1 Vector of residual variances.}
-#' \item{call}{function call.}
-#' \item{ret.assets}{Assets returns of input data.}
-#' \item{factors Factors of input data.}
-#' \item{variable.selection variables selected by the user.}
-#' @author Eric Zivot and Yi-An Chen.
-#' @references 1. Efron, Hastie, Johnstone and Tibshirani (2002) "Least Angle
-#' Regression" (with discussion) Annals of Statistics; see also
-#' http://www-stat.stanford.edu/~hastie/Papers/LARS/LeastAngle_2002.pdf. 2.
-#' Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman (2008) Elements of Statistical Learning 2nd
-#' edition, Springer, NY.
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' # load data from the database
-#' data(managers.df)
-#' ret.assets = managers.df[,(1:6)]
-#' factors = managers.df[,(7:9)]
-#' # fit the factor model with OLS
-#' fit <- fitMacroeconomicFactorModel(ret.assets,factors,fit.method="OLS",
-#' variable.selection="all subsets")
-#' # summary of HAM1
-#' summary(fit$asset.fit$HAM1)
-#' # plot actual vs. fitted over time for HAM1
-#' # use chart.TimeSeries() function from PerformanceAnalytics package
-#' dataToPlot = cbind(fitted(fit$asset.fit$HAM1), na.omit(managers.df$HAM1))
-#' colnames(dataToPlot) = c("Fitted","Actual")
-#' chart.TimeSeries(dataToPlot, main="FM fit for HAM1",
-#' colorset=c("black","blue"), legend.loc="bottomleft")
-#' }
-fitMacroeconomicFactorModel <-
-function(assets.names, factors.names, data=data, num.factor.subset = 1,
- fit.method=c("OLS","DLS","Robust"),
- variable.selection="none",
- decay.factor = 0.95,nvmax=8,force.in=NULL,
- subsets.method = c("exhaustive", "backward", "forward", "seqrep"),
- lars.criteria = c("Cp","cv")) {
- require(PerformanceAnalytics)
- require(leaps)
- require(lars)
- require(robust)
- require(MASS)
- this.call <- match.call()
- # convert data into xts and hereafter compute in xts
- data.xts <- checkData(data)
- reg.xts <- merge(data.xts[,assets.names],data.xts[,factors.names])
- # initialize list object to hold regression objects
-reg.list = list()
-# initialize matrices and vectors to hold estimated betas,
-# residual variances, and R-square values from
-# fitted factor models
-Alphas = ResidVars = R2values = rep(0, length(assets.names))
-names(Alphas) = names(ResidVars) = names(R2values) = assets.names
-Betas = matrix(0, length(assets.names), length(factors.names))
-colnames(Betas) = factors.names
-rownames(Betas) = assets.names
-if (variable.selection == "none") {
- if (fit.method == "OLS") {
- for (i in assets.names) {
- reg.df = na.omit(reg.xts[, c(i, factors.names)])
- fm.formula = as.formula(paste(i,"~", ".", sep=" "))
- fm.fit = lm(fm.formula, data=reg.df)
- fm.summary = summary(fm.fit)
- reg.list[[i]] = fm.fit
- Alphas[i] = coef(fm.fit)[1]
- Betas.names = names(coef(fm.fit)[-1])
- Betas[i,Betas.names] = coef(fm.fit)[-1]
- ResidVars[i] = fm.summary$sigma^2
- R2values[i] = fm.summary$r.squared
- }
- } else if (fit.method == "DLS") {
- for (i in assets.names) {
- reg.df = na.omit(reg.xts[, c(i, factors.names)])
- t.length <- nrow(reg.df)
- w <- rep(decay.factor^(t.length-1),t.length)
- for (k in 2:t.length) {
- w[k] = w[k-1]/decay.factor
- }
- # sum weigth to unitary
- w <- w/sum(w)
- fm.formula = as.formula(paste(i,"~", ".", sep=""))
- fm.fit = lm(fm.formula, data=reg.df,weight=w)
- fm.summary = summary(fm.fit)
- reg.list[[i]] = fm.fit
- Alphas[i] = coef(fm.fit)[1]
- Betas.names = names(coef(fm.fit)[-1])
- Betas[i,Betas.names] = coef(fm.fit)[-1]
- ResidVars[i] = fm.summary$sigma^2
- R2values[i] = fm.summary$r.squared
- }
- } else if (fit.method=="Robust") {
- for (i in assets.names) {
- reg.df = na.omit(reg.xts[, c(i, factors.names)])
- fm.formula = as.formula(paste(i,"~", ".", sep=" "))
- fm.fit = lmRob(fm.formula, data=reg.df)
- fm.summary = summary(fm.fit)
- reg.list[[i]] = fm.fit
- Alphas[i] = coef(fm.fit)[1]
- Betas[i, ] = coef(fm.fit)[-1]
- ResidVars[i] = fm.summary$sigma^2
- R2values[i] = fm.summary$r.squared
- }
- } else {
- stop("invalid method")
- }
-} else if (variable.selection == "all subsets") {
-# estimate multiple factor model using loop b/c of unequal histories for the hedge funds
-if (fit.method == "OLS") {
-if (num.factor.subset == length(force.in)) {
- for (i in assets.names) {
- reg.df = na.omit(reg.xts[, c(i, force.in)])
- fm.formula = as.formula(paste(i,"~", ".", sep=" "))
- fm.fit = lm(fm.formula, data=reg.df)
- fm.summary = summary(fm.fit)
- reg.list[[i]] = fm.fit
- Alphas[i] = coef(fm.fit)[1]
- Betas.names = names(coef(fm.fit)[-1])
- Betas[i,Betas.names] = coef(fm.fit)[-1]
- ResidVars[i] = fm.summary$sigma^2
- R2values[i] = fm.summary$r.squared
- }
-} else if (num.factor.subset > length(force.in)) {
-for (i in assets.names) {
- reg.df = na.omit(reg.xts[, c(i, factors.names)])
- fm.formula = as.formula(paste(i,"~", ".", sep=" "))
- fm.subsets <- regsubsets(fm.formula,data=reg.df,nvmax=nvmax,force.in=force.in,
- method=subsets.method)
- sum.sub <- summary(fm.subsets)
- reg.df <- na.omit(reg.xts[,c(i,names(which(sum.sub$which[as.character(num.factor.subset),-1]==TRUE)) )])
- fm.fit = lm(fm.formula, data=reg.df)
- fm.summary = summary(fm.fit)
- reg.list[[i]] = fm.fit
- Alphas[i] = coef(fm.fit)[1]
- Betas.names = names(coef(fm.fit)[-1])
- Betas[i,Betas.names] = coef(fm.fit)[-1]
- ResidVars[i] = fm.summary$sigma^2
- R2values[i] = fm.summary$r.squared
- }
-} else {
- stop("ERROR! number of force.in should less or equal to num.factor.subset")
-} else if (fit.method == "DLS"){
- if (num.factor.subset == length(force.in)) {
- # define weight matrix
-for (i in assets.names) {
- reg.df = na.omit(reg.xts[, c(i, force.in)])
- t.length <- nrow(reg.df)
- w <- rep(decay.factor^(t.length-1),t.length)
- for (k in 2:t.length) {
- w[k] = w[k-1]/decay.factor
- }
-# sum weigth to unitary
- w <- w/sum(w)
- fm.formula = as.formula(paste(i,"~", ".", sep=""))
- fm.fit = lm(fm.formula, data=reg.df,weight=w)
- fm.summary = summary(fm.fit)
- reg.list[[i]] = fm.fit
- Alphas[i] = coef(fm.fit)[1]
- Betas.names = names(coef(fm.fit)[-1])
- Betas[i,Betas.names] = coef(fm.fit)[-1]
- ResidVars[i] = fm.summary$sigma^2
- R2values[i] = fm.summary$r.squared
- }
-} else if (num.factor.subset > length(force.in)) {
- for (i in assets.names) {
- reg.df = na.omit(reg.xts[, c(i, factors.names)])
- t.length <- nrow(reg.df)
- w <- rep(decay.factor^(t.length-1),t.length)
- for (k in 2:t.length) {
- w[k] = w[k-1]/decay.factor
- }
- w <- w/sum(w)
- fm.formula = as.formula(paste(i,"~", ".", sep=""))
- fm.subsets <- regsubsets(fm.formula,data=reg.df,nvmax=nvmax,force.in=force.in,
- method=subsets.method,weights=w) # w is called from global envio
- sum.sub <- summary(fm.subsets)
- reg.df <- na.omit(reg.xts[,c(i,names(which(sum.sub$which[as.character(num.factor.subset),-1]==TRUE)) )])
- fm.fit = lm(fm.formula, data=reg.df,weight=w)
- fm.summary = summary(fm.fit)
- reg.list[[i]] = fm.fit
- Alphas[i] = coef(fm.fit)[1]
- Betas.names = names(coef(fm.fit)[-1])
- Betas[i,Betas.names] = coef(fm.fit)[-1]
- ResidVars[i] = fm.summary$sigma^2
- R2values[i] = fm.summary$r.squared
- }
-} else {
- stop("ERROR! number of force.in should less or equal to num.factor.subset")
-} else if (fit.method=="Robust") {
- for (i in assets.names) {
- reg.df = na.omit(reg.xts[, c(i, factors.names)])
- fm.formula = as.formula(paste(i,"~", ".", sep=" "))
- fm.fit = lmRob(fm.formula, data=reg.df)
- fm.summary = summary(fm.fit)
- reg.list[[i]] = fm.fit
- Alphas[i] = coef(fm.fit)[1]
- Betas[i, ] = coef(fm.fit)[-1]
- ResidVars[i] = fm.summary$sigma^2
- R2values[i] = fm.summary$r.squared
- }
-} else {
- stop("invalid method")
-} else if (variable.selection == "stepwise") {
- if (fit.method == "OLS") {
-# loop over all assets and estimate time series regression
-for (i in assets.names) {
- reg.df = na.omit(reg.xts[, c(i, factors.names)])
- fm.formula = as.formula(paste(i,"~", ".", sep=" "))
- fm.fit = step(lm(fm.formula, data=reg.df),trace=0)
- fm.summary = summary(fm.fit)
- reg.list[[i]] = fm.fit
- Alphas[i] = coef(fm.fit)[1]
- Betas.names = names(coef(fm.fit)[-1])
- Betas[i,Betas.names] = coef(fm.fit)[-1]
- ResidVars[i] = fm.summary$sigma^2
- R2values[i] = fm.summary$r.squared
- }
-} else if (fit.method == "DLS"){
- # define weight matrix
-for (i in assets.names) {
- reg.df = na.omit(reg.xts[, c(i, factors.names)])
- t.length <- nrow(reg.df)
- w <- rep(decay.factor^(t.length-1),t.length)
- for (k in 2:t.length) {
- w[k] = w[k-1]/decay.factor
- }
-# sum weigth to unitary
- w <- w/sum(w)
- fm.formula = as.formula(paste(i,"~", ".", sep=""))
- fm.fit = step(lm(fm.formula, data=reg.df,weight=w),trace=0)
- fm.summary = summary(fm.fit)
- reg.list[[i]] = fm.fit
- Alphas[i] = coef(fm.fit)[1]
- Betas.names = names(coef(fm.fit)[-1])
- Betas[i,Betas.names] = coef(fm.fit)[-1]
- ResidVars[i] = fm.summary$sigma^2
- R2values[i] = fm.summary$r.squared
- }
-} else if (fit.method=="Robust") {
- for (i in assets.names) {
- assign("reg.df" , na.omit(reg.xts[, c(i, factors.names)]),envir = .GlobalEnv )
- fm.formula = as.formula(paste(i,"~", ".", sep=" "))
- lmRob.obj <- lmRob(fm.formula, data=reg.df)
- fm.fit = step.lmRob(lmRob.obj,trace=FALSE)
- fm.summary = summary(fm.fit)
- reg.list[[i]] = fm.fit
- Alphas[i] = coef(fm.fit)[1]
- Betas.names = names(coef(fm.fit)[-1])
- Betas[i,Betas.names] = coef(fm.fit)[-1]
- ResidVars[i] = fm.summary$sigma^2
- R2values[i] = fm.summary$r.squared
- }
-} else if (variable.selection == "lar" | variable.selection == "lasso") {
- # use min Cp as criteria to choose predictors
- for (i in assets.names) {
- reg.df = na.omit(reg.xts[, c(i, factors.names)])
- reg.df = as.matrix(reg.df)
- lars.fit = lars(reg.df[,factors.names],reg.df[,i],type=variable.selection,trace=FALSE)
- sum.lars <- summary(lars.fit)
- if (lars.criteria == "Cp") {
- s<- which.min(sum.lars$Cp)
- } else {
- lars.cv <- cv.lars(reg.df[,factors.names],reg.df[,i],trace=FALSE,
- type=variable.selection,mode="step",plot.it=FALSE)
- s<- which.min(lars.cv$cv)
- }
- coef.lars <- predict(lars.fit,s=s,type="coef",mode="step")
- reg.list[[i]] = lars.fit
- fitted <- predict(lars.fit,reg.df[,factors.names],s=s,type="fit",mode="step")
- Alphas[i] = (fitted$fit - reg.df[,factors.names]%*%coef.lars$coefficients)[1]
- Betas.names = names(coef.lars$coefficients)
- Betas[i,Betas.names] = coef.lars$coefficients
- ResidVars[i] = sum.lars$Rss[s]/(nrow(reg.df)-s)
- R2values[i] = lars.fit$R2[s]
- }
- } else {
- stop("wrong method")
- # return results
-# add option to return list
-ans = list (asset.fit = reg.list,
- alpha.vec = Alphas,
- beta.mat = Betas,
- r2.vec = R2values,
- residVars.vec = ResidVars,
- call = this.call,
- ret.assets = ret.assets,
- factors = factors,
- variable.selection = variable.selection
- )
-class(ans) = "MacroFactorModel"
Property changes on: pkg/FactorAnalytics/man
Added: svn:ignore
+ covEWMA.Rd
Deleted: pkg/FactorAnalytics/man/covEWMA.Rd
--- pkg/FactorAnalytics/man/covEWMA.Rd 2013-06-24 16:57:24 UTC (rev 2415)
+++ pkg/FactorAnalytics/man/covEWMA.Rd 2013-06-24 17:04:00 UTC (rev 2416)
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-\title{Compute RiskMetrics-type EWMA Covariance Matrix}
- covEWMA(factors, lambda = 0.96, return.cor = FALSE)
- \item{factors}{\code{T x K} data.frame containing asset
- returns, where \code{T} is the number of time periods and
- \code{K} is the number of assets.}
- \item{lambda}{Scalar exponential decay factor. Must lie
- between between 0 and 1.}
- \item{return.cor}{Logical, if TRUE then return EWMA
- correlation matrices.}
- \code{T x K x K} array giving the time series of EWMA
- covariance matrices if \code{return.cor=FALSE} and EWMA
- correlation matrices if \code{return.cor=TRUE}.
- Compute time series of RiskMetrics-type EWMA covariance
- matrices of returns. Initial covariance matrix is assumed
- to be the unconditional covariance matrix.
- The EWMA covariance matrix at time \code{t} is compute as
- \cr \code{Sigma(t) = lambda*Sigma(t-1) +
- (1-lambda)*R(t)t(R(t))} \cr where \code{R(t)} is the
- \code{K x 1} vector of returns at time \code{t}.
-# compute time vaying covariance of factors.
-factors = managers.df[,(7:9)]
-cov.f.ewma <- covEWMA(factors)
- Eric Zivot and Yi-An Chen.
- Zivot, E. and J. Wang (2006), \emph{Modeling Financial
- Time Series with S-PLUS, Second Edition},
- Springer-Verlag.
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