[Returnanalytics-commits] r2657 - pkg/Meucci/demo

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Sun Jul 28 21:29:59 CEST 2013

Author: xavierv
Date: 2013-07-28 21:29:59 +0200 (Sun, 28 Jul 2013)
New Revision: 2657

-added S_MaxMinVariance.R demo script

Added: pkg/Meucci/demo/S_MaxMinVariance.R
--- pkg/Meucci/demo/S_MaxMinVariance.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/Meucci/demo/S_MaxMinVariance.R	2013-07-28 19:29:59 UTC (rev 2657)
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#' This script dispays location-dispersion ellipsoid and statistic, as described 
+#' in A. Meucci, "Risk and Asset Allocation", Springer, 2005,  Chapter 2.
+#' @references
+#' \url{http://symmys.com/node/170}
+#' See Meucci's script for "S_MaxMinVariance.m"
+#' @author Xavier Valls \email{flamejat@@gmail.com}
+if ( !require( "mvtnorm" ) ) stop("mvtnorm package installation required for this script")
+### Input parameters
+Mu   = rbind( 0.5, 0.5 );
+s    = rbind( 0.1, 0.1 );
+nu   = 40;
+r    = -0.9;
+nSim = 10000;
+### Generate sample
+C    = rbind( c( 1, r ), c( r, 1));
+Ones = matrix( 1, nSim, 1);
+Y    = Ones %*% t(Mu) + ( Ones %*% t(s) ) * rmvt( nSim, C, nu );
+X    = exp( Y );
+m    = matrix( apply( X, 2, mean ));
+S    = cov( X );
+### Evaluate standard deviation on a one-dim projection (versor)
+Theta  = seq( 0, 2 * pi, pi/100 );
+nTheta = length( Theta );
+invS = solve( S );
+SDev   = matrix( NaN, nTheta, 1 );
+Radius = matrix( NaN, nTheta, 1 );
+for( n in 1 : nTheta )
+    th = Theta[ n ];
+    # versor
+    e = rbind( cos(th), sin(th) );
+    Z = X %*% e;  # projection
+    SDev[ n ]   = sd( Z );  # standard deviation    
+    Radius[ n ] = ( t(e) %*% invS %*% e )^( -1/2 );   # radius of ellipsoid
+### Compute min and max standard deviation and respective versor
+min_n = which.min( SDev );
+e_min = rbind( cos( Theta[ min_n ] ), sin( Theta[ min_n ] ) );
+s_min = SDev[ min_n ];
+max_n = which.max( SDev );
+e_max = rbind( cos( Theta[ max_n ] ), sin( Theta[ max_n ] ) );
+s_max = SDev[ max_n ];
+### Plots
+# scatter plot simulations
+plot( X[ , 1 ], X[ , 2 ] );
+# plot ellipsoid
+Scale = 2;
+PlotEigVectors = 1;
+PlotSquare = 1;
+TwoDimEllipsoid( m, S, Scale, PlotEigVectors, PlotSquare);
+# plot special directions defined by the max-min versors
+Center = matrix( apply( X, 2, mean) ) * 0.7; # de-center plot of special directions for better display
+v = Scale * matrix( seq( -1, 1, 0.1 ) );
+Ones = 1 + 0 * v;
+v_min = Ones %*% t( Center ) + v %*% s_min %*% t( e_min );
+lines( v_min[ , 1 ], v_min[ , 2 ], col = "red" );
+v_max = Ones %*% t( Center ) + v %*% s_max %*% t( e_max );
+lines( v_max[ , 1 ], v_max[ , 2 ], col = "red" );
+# plot statistics versus geometry
+Scaled_Theta = Theta / (pi / 2);
+ # plot standard deviation as function of direction
+plot( Scaled_Theta, SDev, type = "l", xlab = "theta/(pi/2)", xlim = c( Scaled_Theta[ 1 ], Scaled_Theta[length(Scaled_Theta)] ) );
+# plot radius of ellipsoid as function of direction
+lines( Scaled_Theta, Radius, col="red" ); 
+legend( "topleft", 1.9, c( "st.dev on projection", "radius of ellipsoid" ), col = c( "black", "red" ), lty = 1, bg = "gray90" );
\ No newline at end of file

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