[Returnanalytics-commits] r2654 - in pkg/Meucci: . R demo man
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Sun Jul 28 13:28:31 CEST 2013
Author: xavierv
Date: 2013-07-28 13:28:31 +0200 (Sun, 28 Jul 2013)
New Revision: 2654
- added more demo scripts from chapters 2 and 3 and its associated functions
Modified: pkg/Meucci/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/Meucci/DESCRIPTION 2013-07-28 11:16:20 UTC (rev 2653)
+++ pkg/Meucci/DESCRIPTION 2013-07-28 11:28:31 UTC (rev 2654)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Version: 0.2.2
Date: $Date: 2012-06-06 15:18:48 -0500 (Wed, 06 Jun 2012) $
-Author: Ram Ahluwalia, Manan Shah, Xavier Vals
+Author: Ram Ahluwalia, Manan Shah, Xavier Valls
Maintainer: Brian G. Peterson <brian at braverock.com>
Description: Attilio Meucci is a thought leader in advanced risk and portfolio
management. His innovations include Entropy Pooling (technique for fully
@@ -32,9 +32,10 @@
- dlm
+ dlm,
+ quadprog,
+ signal
- quadprog,
@@ -47,7 +48,6 @@
- psych
License: GPL
URL: http://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/returnanalytics/
Copyright: (c) 2012
@@ -86,3 +86,5 @@
+ 'FitMultivariateGarch.R'
+ 'MvnRnd.R'
Modified: pkg/Meucci/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/Meucci/NAMESPACE 2013-07-28 11:16:20 UTC (rev 2653)
+++ pkg/Meucci/NAMESPACE 2013-07-28 11:28:31 UTC (rev 2654)
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
Modified: pkg/Meucci/R/CmaCopula.R
--- pkg/Meucci/R/CmaCopula.R 2013-07-28 11:16:20 UTC (rev 2653)
+++ pkg/Meucci/R/CmaCopula.R 2013-07-28 11:28:31 UTC (rev 2654)
@@ -4,52 +4,7 @@
# fix MvnRnd function (Schur decomposition)
# fix warnings
-#' Generates normal simulations whose sample moments match the population moments
-#' Adapted from file 'MvnRnd.m'. Most recent version of article and code available at http://www.symmys.com/node/162
-#' see A. Meucci - "Simulations with Exact Means and Covariances", Risk, July 2009
-#' @param M a numeric indicating the sample first moment of the distribution
-#' @param S a covariance matrix
-#' @param J a numeric indicating the number of trials
-#' @author Ram Ahluwalia \email{rahluwalia@@gmail.com}
-#' @references
-#' \url{http://www.symmys.com}
-#' TODO: Add Schur decomposition. Right now function is only sampling from mvrnorm so sample moments do no match population moments
-#' I have sample code commented out below to implement this correctly but I require a function that returns the unitaryMatrix from a Schur decomposition
-#' @export
-MvnRnd = function( M , S , J )
- library(MASS)
- X = MASS::mvrnorm( n = J , mu = M , Sigma = S ) # Todo: need to swap with Meucci function and Schur method
- return( X = X )
- # # compute sample covariance: NOTE defined as "cov(Y,1)", not as "cov(Y)"
- # S_ = cov( Y , 1 )
- #
- # # solve Riccati equation using Schur method
- # zerosMatrix = matrix( rep( 0 , length( N * N ) ) , nrow = N )
- # # define the Hamiltonian matrix
- # H1 = cbind( zerosMatrix , -1*S_ )
- # H2 = cbind( -S , zerosMatrix )
- # H = rbind( H1 , H2 )
- # # perform its Schur decomposition.
- # # TODO: check that the result returns real eigenvalues on the diagonal. ?Schur seems to give an example with real eigenvalues
- # schurDecomp = Schur( H )
- # T = SchurDecomp
- # # U_ = unitaryMatrix??? TODO: Find a function in R that returns the unitaryMatrix from a Schur decomposition
- # # U = ordschur(U_,T_,'lhp')
- # # U_lu = U(1:N,1:N)
- # # U_ld = U(N+1:end,1:N)
- # # B = U_ld/U_lu
- #
- # # affine transformation to match mean and covariances
- # # X = Y%*%B + repmat(M', J , 1 )
- #
#' CMA separation. Decomposes arbitrary joint distributions (scenario-probabilities) into their copula and marginals
#' The CMA separation step attains from the cdf "F" for the marginal "X", the scenario-probabilities representation
Added: pkg/Meucci/R/FitMultivariateGarch.R
--- pkg/Meucci/R/FitMultivariateGarch.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/Meucci/R/FitMultivariateGarch.R 2013-07-28 11:28:31 UTC (rev 2654)
@@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
+#' Estimation of multivariate GARCH models
+#' @param returns : [matrix] (T x N) returns so rows must correspond to time and columns to assets
+#' @param demean : [scalar] specifies whether returns should be demeaned (if demean = 1) or not to estimate the model; default value is 1.
+#' @param eps : [scalar] used in enforcing a_ii + b_ii <= 1 - eps; the default value is zero
+#' @param df : [scalar] degree of freedom for the t-distribution; the default value is 500 to make it, basically, normal
+#' @return mu : [vector]
+#' @return ATMF : [matrix] coefficient matrix A-tilde (in the notation of the paper)
+#' @return BTMF : [matrix] coefficient matrix B-tilde (in the notation of the paper)
+#' @return CTMF : [matrix] coefficient matrix C-tilde (in the notation of the paper)
+#' @return Hhat : [matrix] forecasted conditional covariance matrix
+#' @note Initially written by Olivier Ledoit and Michael Wolf
+#' @references
+#' \url{http://symmys.com/node/170}
+#' See Meucci's script for "FitMultivariateGarch.m"
+#' @author Xavier Valls \email{flamejat@@gmail.com}
+#' @export
+FitMultivariateGarch = function( returns, demean = 1, eps = 0, df = 500 )
+ if (eps < 0)
+ {
+ error("eps must be a (small) positive number")
+ }
+ # Initialization
+ T = nrow( returns );
+ N = ncol( returns );
+ if ( 1 == demean )
+ {
+ mu = matrix(apply( returns, 2, mean ));
+ returns = returns-mu[ array(1,T ), ];
+ }
+ S = t(returns) %*% returns / ( T - 1 );
+ x = t(returns);
+ A = matrix( 0, N, N );
+ B = matrix( 0, N, N );
+ C = matrix( 0, N, N );
+ # Rescale Data
+ scale = sqrt( matrix( apply( t(x)^2, 2, mean ) ) );
+ x = x / scale[ , array( 1, T ) ];
+ # Estimation of On-Diagonal Elements
+ h = matrix( 0, N, T );
+ for( i in 1 : N )
+ {
+ # Likelihood Maximization
+ q = garch1f4( t( x[ i, ] ), eps, df)$q;
+ A[ i, i ] = q[ 2 ];
+ B[ i, i ] = q[ 3 ];
+ C[ i, i ] = q[ 1 ];
+ h[ i, ] = filter( cbind( 0, q[ 2] ), cbind( 1, -q[ 3 ] ), x[ i, ]^2 * (df-2) / df, mean( x[ i, ] ^ 2) * ( df-2 ) / df ) +
+ filter( cbind( 0, q[ 1 ] ), cbind( 1, -q[ 3 ] ), matrix( 1, 1, T) );
+ }
+ # First-step Estimation of Off-Diagonal Elements
+ for( i in 1 : (N-1) )
+ {
+ for( j in (i +1) : N )
+ {
+ # Likelihood Maximization
+ theta = garch2f8( x[ i, ] * x[ j, ], C[ i, i ], A[ i, i ], B[ i, i ], x[ i, ]^2, h[ i, ], C[ j, j ], A[ j, j ], B[ j, j ], x[ j, ]^2, h[ j, ], df );
+ A[ i, j ] = theta[ 2 ];
+ B[ i, j ] = theta[ 3 ];
+ C[ i, j ] = theta[ 1 ];
+ A[ j, i ] = A[ i, j ];
+ B[ j, i ] = B[ i, j ];
+ C[ j, i ] = C[ i, j ];
+ }
+ }
+ theta = garch2f8( x[ N, ] * x[ N, ], C[ N, N ], A[ N, N ], B[ N, N ], x[ N, ]^2, h[ N, ], C[ N, N ], A[ N, N ], B[ N, N ], x[ N, ]^2, h[ N, ], df );
+ A[ N, N ] = theta[ 2 ];
+ B[ N, N ] = theta[ 3 ];
+ C[ N, N ] = theta[ 1 ];
+ A[ N, N ] = A[ N, N ];
+ B[ N, N ] = B[ N, N ];
+ C[ N, N ] = C[ N, N ];
+ # Transformation of Coefficient Matrices
+ ATMF = minfro( A );
+ BTMF = minfro( B );
+ CTMF = minfro( C /( 1 - B )) * ( 1 - BTMF );
+ # Rescale
+ #C = C .* (scale * scale');
+ CTMF = CTMF * ( scale %*% t(scale) );
+ # Forecast of Conditional Covariance Matrix
+ Hhat = matrix( 0, N, N );
+ for( i in 1 : N )
+ {
+ for( j in 1 : N )
+ {
+ hSeries = filter( cbind( 0, ATMF[ i, j ] ), cbind( 1, -BTMF[ i, j ] ), returns[ , i ] * returns[ , j ], S[ i, j ] ) +
+ filter( cbind( 0, CTMF[ i, j ] ), cbind( 1, -BTMF[ i, j ] ), matrix( 1, T,1));
+ Hhat[ i, j ] = hSeries[ T ];
+ }
+ }
+ mu = matrix( mu );
+ return( list( mu = mu, ATMF = ATMF, BTMF = BTMF, CTMF = CTMF, Hhat = Hhat ) );
+#' Fit a GARCH(1,1) model with student-t errors
+#' @param x : [vector] (T x 1) data generated by a GARCH(1,1) process
+#' @return q : [vector] (4 x 1) parameters of the GARCH(1,1) process
+#' @return qerr : [vector] (4 x 1) standard error of parameter estimates
+#' @return hf : [scalar] current conditional heteroskedasticity estimate
+#' @return hferr : [scalar] standard error on hf
+#' @note
+#' MATLAB's script initially written by Olivier Ledoit, 4/28/1997
+#' Uses a conditional t-distribution with fixed degrees of freedom
+#' Difference with garch1f: errors come from the score alone
+#' @references
+#' \url{http://symmys.com/node/170}
+#' See Meucci's script for "FitMultivariateGarch.m"
+#' @author Xavier Valls \email{flamejat@@gmail.com}
+#' @export
+garch1f4 = function( x, eps, df )
+ # Parameters
+ gold = ( 1 + sqrt(5) ) / 2; # step size increment
+ tol1 = 1e-7; # for termination criterion
+ tol2 = 1e-7; # for closeness to boundary
+ big = 2; # for making the hessian negative definite
+ maxiter = 50; # maximum number of iterations
+ n = 30; # number of points on the grid
+ # Rescale
+ y = ( array(x) - mean( array(x)))^2;
+ t = length(y);
+ scale = sqrt(mean( y^2 ));
+ y = y / scale;
+ s = mean(y);
+ # Grid search
+ #[ag, bg] = meshgrid( seq( 0, 1 - eps, length = n ), seq( 0, 1-eps, length = n ) );
+ ag = outer(seq( 0, 1 - eps, length = n )*0, seq( 0, 1-eps, length = n ), FUN = "+" );
+ bg = outer(seq( 0, 1 - eps, length = n ) , seq( 0, 1-eps, length = n ) * 0, FUN = "+" )
+ cg = pmax( s * (1-ag-bg), 0 );
+ likeg = matrix( -Inf, n, n );
+for( i in 1 : n )
+ {
+ for( j in 1 : (n-i+1) )
+ {
+ h = filter( cbind( 0, ag[ i, j ] ), cbind( 1, -bg[ i, j] ), y * ( df - 2 ) / df, s * ( df - 2 )/ df ) + filter(cbind( 0, cg[ i, j ]),cbind( 1, - bg[ i, j ] ),matrix(1, t, 1));
+ likeg[ i, j ] = -sum( log(h) + (df+1) * log( 1 + y /h /df) );
+ }
+ }
+ maxlikeg = max(likeg, na.rm = TRUE);
+ maxima = which(likeg == maxlikeg); ##ok<MXFND>
+ maximum = max( maxima );
+ a = cbind(cg[ maximum ], ag[ maximum], bg[ maximum ]);
+ best = 0;
+ da = 0;
+ #term = 1;
+ #negdef = 0;
+ iter = 0;
+ while( iter < maxiter )
+ {
+ iter = iter + 1;
+ # New parameter1
+ a = a + gold^best * da;
+ # Conditional variance
+ h = filter(cbind( 0, a[ 2 ] ),cbind( 1, -a[ 3 ] ), y * ( df - 2 ) / df, s * (df-2) / df ) + filter(cbind( 0, a[ 1 ] ),cbind( 1, -a[ 3 ] ), matrix(1, t, 1 ) );
+ # Likelihood
+ if( any( a<0 )||( (a[ 2 ] + a[ 3 ]) > (1 - eps) ))
+ {
+ like = -Inf;
+ } else
+ {
+ like = -sum( log( h )+( df + 1 ) * log( 1 + y /h /df) );
+ }
+ GG = cbind( filter(cbind(0, 1),cbind( 1, -a[ 3] ), matrix( 1, t, 1 )),
+ filter(cbind( 0, 1 ),cbind( 1, -a[3] ), y * (df-2) / df ),
+ filter(cbind( 0, 1 ),cbind( 1, -a[ 3 ]), h ));
+ colnames(GG)<-NULL;
+ g1 = ( ( df+1 ) * ( y / ( y + df * h ) ) - 1 ) / h;
+ G = GG * (g1 %*% matrix( 1, 1, 3));
+ gra = apply( G, 2, sum );
+ # Hessian
+ GG2 = GG[ ,c( 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3)] * GG [, c( 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3 ) ];
+ g2 = -((df+1) * ( y /( y + df*h) ) - 1 ) / h^2 - ( df * ( df + 1 ) )*(y / ( y+df * h ) ^2 / h );
+ HH = matrix( 0, t, 9);
+ HH[ , 3 ] = filter(cbind(0, 1), cbind(1, -a[ 3 ] ),GG[ ,1 ] );
+ HH[ , 7 ] = HH[ , 3 ];
+ HH[ , 6 ] = filter(cbind(0, 1), cbind(1, -a[ 3 ] ),GG[ , 2 ] );
+ HH[ , 8 ] = HH[ ,6 ];
+ HH[ , 9 ] = filter(cbind(0, 1), cbind(1, -a[ 3 ] ),GG[ , 3 ] );
+ H = GG2 * (g2 %*% matrix( 1, 1, 9)) + HH * (g1 %*% matrix( 1, 1, 9)) ;
+ hes = matrix( apply( H, 2, sum), 3, 3 );
+ e = eigen(hes);
+ if( any(e$values > 0) )
+ {
+ negdef = 0;
+ d = min( e$values, max( e$values[ e$values<0 ] ) / big);
+ hes = e$vectors %*% diag(d, length(d)) %*% t(e$vectors);
+ } else
+ {
+ negdef = 1;
+ }
+ # Direction
+ da = -gra %*% solve( hes );
+ # Termination criterion
+ term = (da %*% gra)[1];
+ if ((term < tol1) && negdef)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ best = 0;
+ newa = a + gold^(best-1) * da;
+ if( any(newa < 0 ) || ( newa[ 2 ] + newa[ 3 ] > (1-eps) ) )
+ {
+ left = -Inf;
+ } else
+ {
+ h = filter( cbind( 0, newa[ 2 ] ), cbind( 1, -newa[ 3 ] ), y * ( df - 2 ) / df, s * ( df - 2 )/ df ) + filter(cbind( 0, newa[ 1 ]),cbind( 1, - newa[ 3 ] ),matrix(1, t, 1));
+ left = -sum( log(h) + (df+1) * log( 1 + y /h /df) )
+ }
+ newa = a + gold^best * da;
+ if( any(newa < 0 ) || ( newa[ 2 ] + newa[ 3 ] > (1-eps) ) )
+ {
+ center = -Inf;
+ } else
+ {
+ h = filter( cbind( 0, newa[ 2 ] ), cbind( 1, -newa[ 3 ] ), y * ( df - 2 ) / df, s * ( df - 2 )/ df ) + filter(cbind( 0, newa[ 1 ]),cbind( 1, - newa[ 3 ] ),matrix(1, t, 1));
+ center = -sum( log(h) + (df+1) * log( 1 + y /h /df) )
+ }
+ newa = a + gold^( best+1 ) * da;
+ if( any(newa < 0 ) || ( newa[ 2 ] + newa[ 3 ] > (1-eps) ) )
+ {
+ right=-Inf;
+ } else
+ {
+ h = filter( cbind( 0, newa[ 2 ] ), cbind( 1, -newa[ 3 ] ), y * ( df - 2 ) / df, s * ( df - 2 )/ df ) + filter(cbind( 0, newa[ 1 ]),cbind( 1, - newa[ 3 ] ),matrix(1, t, 1));
+ right = -sum( log(h) + (df+1) * log( 1 + y /h /df) )
+ }
+ if( all(like > c( left, center, right)) || all( left > c( center, right )) )
+ {
+ while( 1 )
+ {
+ best = best-1;
+ center = left;
+ newa = a + gold^( best-1 ) * da;
+ if( any(newa < 0 ) || ( newa[ 2 ] + newa[ 3 ] > (1-eps) ) )
+ {
+ left = -Inf;
+ } else
+ {
+ h = filter( cbind( 0, newa[ 2 ] ), cbind( 1, -newa[ 3 ] ), y * ( df - 2 ) / df, s * ( df - 2 )/ df ) + filter(cbind( 0, newa[ 1 ]),cbind( 1, - newa[ 3 ] ),matrix(1, t, 1));
+ left = -sum( log(h) + (df+1) * log( 1 + y /h /df) )
+ }
+ if( all( center >= c( like, left ) ) )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }else
+ {
+ if( all( right > c( left, center ) ) )
+ {
+ while( 1 )
+ {
+ best = best+1;
+ center = right;
+ newa = a + gold^(best+1) *da;
+ if( any(newa < 0 ) || ( newa[ 2 ] + newa[ 3 ] > (1-eps) ) )
+ {
+ right = -Inf;
+ } else
+ {
+ h = filter( cbind( 0, newa[ 2 ] ), cbind( 1, -newa[ 3 ] ), y * ( df - 2 ) / df, s * ( df - 2 )/ df ) + filter(cbind( 0, newa[ 1 ]),cbind( 1, - newa[ 3 ] ),matrix(1, t, 1));
+ right = -sum( log(h) + (df+1) * log( 1 + y /h /df) )
+ }
+ if( center > right )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # If stuck at boundary then stop
+ if( ( center == like ) && ( any(a<tol2) || ( ( a[ 2 ] + a[ 3 ] ) > (1-tol2) ) ) )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ # end of optimization loop
+ }
+ if( length(a[ a < tol2 ]) )
+ {
+ a[ a < tol2 ] = matrix( 0, 1, length(a[ a<tol2 ]));
+ }
+ if( ( a[ 2 ] + a[ 3 ] )> ( 1-tol2 ) )
+ {
+ if( a[ 2 ]< ( 1 - tol2 ) )
+ {
+ a[ 2 ] = a[ 2 ] + (1 - a[ 2 ]-a[ 3 ] );
+ }else
+ {
+ a[ 3 ] = a[ 3 ] + ( 1 - a[ 2 ]- a[ 3 ] );
+ }
+ }
+ # Estimation error and volatility forecast
+ #aerr=solve(t(G)%*%G);
+ tmp = ( t(G) %*% G );
+ aerr = tmp %*% solve(diag( 1, dim(tmp)));
+ hf = a[ 1 ] + a[ 2 ] * y[ t ] * (df-2) / df + a[ 3 ] * h[ t ];
+ gf = c( 1, y[ t ], h[ t ] ) + a[ 3 ] * GG[ t, ];
+ hferr = gf %*% aerr %*% gf;
+ aerr = t( diag(aerr) );
+ # Revert to original scale
+ a[ 1 ] = a[ 1 ] * scale;
+ aerr[ 1 ] = aerr[ 1 ] * scale^2;
+ hf = hf* scale;
+ hferr = hferr * scale^2;
+ aerr = sqrt(aerr);
+ hferr = sqrt(hferr);
+ q = a;
+ qerr = aerr;
+ return( list( q = q, qerr = qerr, hf = hf, hferr = hferr ) );
+#' Off-diagonal parameter estimation in bivariate GARCH(1,1) when diagonal parameters are given.
+#' @param x : [vector] (T x 1) data generated by a GARCH(1,1) process
+#' @return q : [vector] (4 x 1) parameters of the GARCH(1,1) process
+#' @return qerr : [vector] (4 x 1) standard error of parameter estimates
+#' @return hf : [scalar] current conditional heteroskedasticity estimate
+#' @return hferr : [scalar] standard error on hf
+#' @note
+#' Initially written by Olivier Ledoit, 4/28/1997
+#' Uses a conditional t-distribution with fixed degrees of freedom
+#' Steepest Ascent on boundary, Hessian off boundary, no grid search
+#' @references
+#' \url{http://symmys.com/node/170}
+#' See Meucci's script for "FitMultivariateGarch.m"
+#' @author Xavier Valls \email{flamejat@@gmail.com}
+#' @export
+garch2f8 = function( y, c1, a1, b1, y1, h1, c2, a2, b2, y2, h2, df )
+ # Parameters
+ gold = ( 1 + sqrt( 5 ) ) / 2; # step size increment
+ tol1 = 1e-7; # for termination criterion
+ tol2 = 1e-7; # for closeness to boundary
+ big = 2; # for making the hessian negative definite
+ maxiter = 50; # maximum number of iterations
+ #n=30; # number of points on the grid
+ # Prepare
+ t = length( y );
+ y1 = array( y1 );
+ y2 = array( y2 );
+ y = array( y );
+ s = mean( y );
+ #s1 = mean(y1);
+ #s2 = mean(y2);
+ h1 = array( h1 );
+ h2 = array( h2 );
+ # Bounds
+ low = c(-sqrt(c1*c2), 0, 0 ) + tol2;
+ high = c( sqrt(c1*c2), sqrt(a1*a2), sqrt(b1*b2) ) - tol2;
+ # Starting Point
+ a0 = 0.9 * sqrt( a1 * a2 );
+ b0 = 0.9 * sqrt( b1 * b2 );
+ c0 = mean( y ) * ( 1 - a0 - b0 ) %*% ( df - 2 )/df;
+ c0 = sign( c0 ) * min( abs( c0 ), 0.9 * sqrt( c1*c2 ));
+ # Initialize optimization
+ a = cbind( c0, a0, b0 );
+ best = 0;
+ da = 0;
+ #term=1;
+ #negdef=0;
+ iter = 0;
+ while( iter < maxiter )
+ {
+ iter = iter + 1;
+ # New parameter1
+ a = a + gold^best * da;
+ # Conditional variance
+ h = filter(cbind( 0, a[ 2 ] ),cbind( 1, -a[ 3 ] ), y * ( df - 2 ) / df, s * (df-2) / df ) + filter(cbind( 0, a[ 1 ] ),cbind( 1, -a[ 3 ] ), matrix(1, t, 1 ) );
+ d = h1 * h2 - h^2;
+ z = h2 * y1 + h1 * y2 - 2 * h * y;
+ # Likelihood
+ if( any( a<low )|| any(a>high) )
+ {
+ like = -Inf;
+ } else
+ {
+ if( any( d <= 0 ) || any( 1+ z / d / df <= 0 ) )
+ {
+ like = -Inf;
+ } else
+ {
+ #OJO
+ like = -sum( log( d ) + ( 2 + df ) * log( 1 + z / d / df) /2 );
+ }
+ }
+ # Gradient
+ GG = cbind( filter(cbind(0, 1),cbind( 1, -a[ 3] ), matrix( 1, t, 1 )),
+ filter(cbind( 0, 1 ),cbind( 1, -a[3] ), y * (df-2) / df ),
+ filter(cbind( 0, 1 ),cbind( 1, -a[ 3 ]), h ));
+ colnames(GG)<-NULL;
+ g1 = ( ( df+1 ) * ( y / ( y + df * h ) ) - 1 ) / h;
+ #OJO
+ g1 = h / d + ( 2 + df ) * y / ( z + d * df) - ( 2 + df ) * h * z /( z + d * df ) / d;
+ G = GG * ( g1 %*% matrix( 1, 1, 3) );
+ gra = apply( G, 2, sum );
+ # Hessian
+ g2 = 1 / d + 2 * h^2 / d^2 - (2 + df) * y / (z + d * df)^2 * ( -2 * y - 2 * df * h) -
+ (2 + df) * z / ( z + d * df) / d + 2 * (2 + df) * h * y / ( z + d * df ) / d +
+ (2 + df) * h * z / (z + d * df)^2 / d *( -2 * y - 2 * df * h ) -
+ 2 * ( 2 + df ) * h^2 * z / ( z + d * df ) / d ^2;
+ GG2 = GG[ ,c( 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3)] * GG [, c( 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3 ) ];
+ HH = matrix( 0, t, 9);
+ HH[ , 3 ] = filter(cbind(0, 1), cbind(1, -a[ 3 ] ),GG[ , 1 ] );
+ HH[ , 7 ] = HH[ , 3 ];
+ HH[ , 6 ] = filter(cbind(0, 1), cbind(1, -a[ 3 ] ),GG[ , 2 ] );
+ HH[ , 8 ] = HH[ ,6 ];
+ HH[ , 9 ] = filter(cbind(0, 1), cbind(1, -a[ 3 ] ),GG[ , 3 ] );
+ H = GG2 * (g2 %*% matrix( 1, 1, 9)) + HH * (g1 %*% matrix( 1, 1, 9)) ;
+ hes = matrix( apply( H, 2, sum), 3, 3 );
+ e = eigen(hes);
+ if( all(e$values>0) )
+ {
+ hes = -diag( 1, 3 );
+ negdef = 0;
+ }else
+ {
+ if( any(e$values > 0) )
+ {
+ negdef = 0;
+ val = pmin( e$values, max( e$values[ e$values<0 ] ) / big);
+ hes = e$vectors %*% diag( val, length(val)) %*% t(e$vectors);
+ } else
+ {
+ negdef = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ # Steepest Ascent or Newton
+ if( any( c(a==low, a==high) ) )
+ {
+ da = -((gra %*% t(gra))/(gra %*% hes %*% t(gra))) %*% gra;
+ }else
+ {
+ da = -gra %*% solve(hes);
+ }
+ # Termination criterion
+ term = (da %*% gra)[1] ;
+ if( ( term < tol1 ) && negdef )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ # If you are on the boundary and want to get out, slide along
+ if( length(da[( a==low ) & (da<0) ]))
+ {
+ da[( a==low ) & (da<0) ] = matrix( 0, dim(da[ ( a==low ) & ( da<0 ) ]));
+ }
+ if( length( da[( a==high ) & (da>0) ] ) )
+ {
+ da[( a==high ) & (da>0) ] = matrix( 0, dim(da[ ( a==high ) & ( da>0 ) ]));
+ }
+ # If you are stuck in a corner, terminate too
+ if( all(da==0) )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ # Go no further than next boundary
+ hit = cbind(( low[ da != 0 ] - a[ da != 0 ] ) / da[ da != 0 ],
+ ( high[ da != 0 ] - a[ da != 0 ] ) / da[ da != 0 ]);
+ if( length(hit[hit <= 0])) hit[ hit <= 0 ] = 0;
+ da = min(cbind(hit, 1)) * da;
+ # Step search
+ best = 0;
+ newa = a + gold^( best - 1 ) * da;
+ if( any( newa < low ) || any(newa > high) )
+ {
+ left = -Inf;
+ }else
+ {
+ h = filter(cbind( 0, newa[ 2 ] ), cbind( 1, -newa[ 3 ] ), y * ( df - 2 ) / df, s * (df-2) / df ) +
+ filter(cbind( 0, newa[ 1 ] ), cbind( 1, -newa[ 3 ] ), matrix(1, t, 1 ) );
+ d = h1 * h2 - h^2;
+ z = h2 * y1 + h1 * y2 - 2 * h * y;
+ if( any( d <= 0 ) || any( 1+ z / d / df <= 0 ) )
+ {
+ left = -Inf;
+ } else
+ {
+ left = -sum( log( d ) + ( 2 + df ) * log( 1 + z / d / df) /2 );
+ }
+ }
+ newa = a + gold^( best ) * da;
+ if( any( newa < low ) || any(newa > high) )
+ {
+ center = -Inf;
+ }else
+ {
+ h = filter(cbind( 0, newa[ 2 ] ), cbind( 1, -newa[ 3 ] ), y * ( df - 2 ) / df, s * (df-2) / df ) +
+ filter(cbind( 0, newa[ 1 ] ), cbind( 1, -newa[ 3 ] ), matrix(1, t, 1 ) );
+ d = h1 * h2 - h^2;
+ z = h2 * y1 + h1 * y2 - 2 * h * y;
+ if( any( d <= 0 ) || any( 1+ z / d / df <= 0 ) )
+ {
+ center = -Inf;
+ } else
+ {
+ center = -sum( log( d ) + ( 2 + df ) * log( 1 + z / d / df) /2 );
+ }
+ }
+ newa = a + gold^( best + 1 ) * da;
+ if( any( newa < low ) || any(newa > high) )
+ {
+ right = -Inf;
+ }else
+ {
+ h = filter(cbind( 0, newa[ 2 ] ), cbind( 1, -newa[ 3 ] ), y * ( df - 2 ) / df, s * (df-2) / df ) +
+ filter(cbind( 0, newa[ 1 ] ), cbind( 1, -newa[ 3 ] ), matrix(1, t, 1 ) );
+ d = h1 * h2 - h^2;
+ z = h2 * y1 + h1 * y2 - 2 * h * y;
+ if( any( d <= 0 ) || any( 1+ z / d / df <= 0 ) )
+ {
+ right = -Inf;
+ } else
+ {
+ right = -sum( log( d ) + ( 2 + df ) * log( 1 + z / d / df) /2 );
+ }
+ }
+ if( all( like > c( left, center, right ) )|| all( left > c( center, right ) ))
+ {
+ while( 1 )
+ {
+ best = best - 1;
+ center = left;
+ newa = a + gold^( best - 1 ) * da;
+ if( any( newa < low ) || any(newa > high) )
+ {
+ left = -Inf;
+ }else
+ {
+ h = filter(cbind( 0, newa[ 2 ] ), cbind( 1, -newa[ 3 ] ), y * ( df - 2 ) / df, s * (df-2) / df ) +
+ filter(cbind( 0, newa[ 1 ] ), cbind( 1, -newa[ 3 ] ), matrix(1, t, 1 ) );
+ d = h1 * h2 - h^2;
+ z = h2 * y1 + h1 * y2 - 2 * h * y;
+ if( any( d <= 0 ) || any( 1+ z / d / df <= 0 ) )
+ {
+ left = -Inf;
+ } else
+ {
+ left = -sum( log( d ) + ( 2 + df ) * log( 1 + z / d / df) /2 );
+ }
+ }
+ if( all(center >= c( like, left ) ) )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }else
+ {
+ if( all( right > c( left, center ) ) )
+ {
+ best = best + 1;
+ center = right;
+ newa = a + gold^( best + 1 ) * da;
+ while( 1 )
+ {
+ if( any( newa < low ) || any(newa > high) )
+ {
+ right = -Inf;
+ }else
+ {
+ h = filter(cbind( 0, newa[ 2 ] ), cbind( 1, -newa[ 3 ] ), y * ( df - 2 ) / df, s * (df-2) / df ) +
+ filter(cbind( 0, newa[ 1 ] ), cbind( 1, -newa[ 3 ] ), matrix(1, t, 1 ) );
+ d = h1 * h2 - h^2;
+ z = h2 * y1 + h1 * y2 - 2 * h * y;
+ if( any( d <= 0 ) || any( 1+ z / d / df <= 0 ) )
+ {
+ right = -Inf;
+ } else
+ {
+ right = -sum( log( d ) + ( 2 + df ) * log( 1 + z / d / df) /2 );
+ }
+ }
+ if( center > right )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ q = a;
+ return( q );
+# @param A : [matrix] an indefinite symmetric matrix with non-negative diagonal elements
+# @return XXX : [matrix] positive semi-definite matrix with same diagonal elements as A that is closest
+# to A according to the Frobenius norm
+# @note Written initially by Ilya Sharapov (1997)
+# @references
+# \url{http://symmys.com/node/170}
+# See Meucci's script for "FitMultivariateGarch.m"
+# @author Xavier Valls \email{flamejat@@gmail.com}
+minfro = function( A )
+ if( any( diag( A ) < 0) )
+ {
+ stop("Diagonal Elements Must Be Non-Negative!");
+ }else if( any( any( A != t(A) ) ) )
+ {
+ stop("Matrix Must Be Symmetric!");
+ }else if( all( eigen(A)$values >= 0 ) )
+ {
+ XXX = A;
+ }else
+ {
+ # if things go wrong make rho bigger and wait longer
+ rho = 0.75;
+ tol = 3e-6; # tolerance
+ maxj = 10; # max number of iterations
+ n = nrow( A );
+ M = diag( diag(A), ncol(A) ); # initialize with diagonal
+ oldnorm = norm( M - A , "F" );
+ oldnormj = oldnorm;
+ normj[ 1 ] = oldnorm;
+ j = 1;
+ incmax = 1e32; # just to enter the loop
+ while((j<maxj) && (incmax>tol))
+ {
+ incmax = 0;
+ for( i in 1 : n )
+ {
+ a = rbind( A[ 1:i-1, i ], A[ i+1:n, i ] );
+ m = rbind( M[ 1:i-1, i ], M[ i+1:n, i ] );
+ aii = A[ i, i ];
+ b = a - rho * m;
+ # Newton's step
+ x = newton( M, i, b, m, aii, n, rho );
+ P = sparse( diag( 1, n ) );
+ P[ i, 1:n ] = t(x);
+ # update
+ Mtest = P %*% M %*% t(P);
+ M = Mtest;
+ inc = oldnorm - norm( M - A, "F" );
+ oldnorm = norm( M - A, "F" );
+ # find maximal increment over iteration
+ if( inc > incmax )
+ {
+ incmax = inc;
+ }
+ }
+ normj[ j+1 ] = oldnorm; ##ok<AGROW>
+ incj[ j ] = oldnormj - oldnorm;
+ oldnormj = oldnorm;
+ j = j + 1;
+ }
+ XXX = M;
+ }
+ return( XXX );
+newton = function(M, i, b, m, aii, n, rho)
+ ## Newton setp
+ # Subroutine called interbally by minfro.m
+ maxit = 40;
+ eps = 1e-9; # small correction
+ # to handle singularity
+ l = 0.0;
+ MM = rbind( cbind( M[ 1:i-1, 1:i-1 ], M[ 1:i-1, i+1:n ] ), cbind( M[ i+1:n, 1:i-1 ], M[ i+1:n, i+1:n ]) ) + eps * eye( n - 1 );
+ j = 1;
+ # loop
+ while( j < maxit )
+ {
+ tmp = MM %*% MM + l * MM;
+ IM = tmp %*% solve(diag( 1, dim( tmp )));
+ #IM = inv(MM*MM+l*MM);
+ x = IM %*% ( MM %*% b - l * rho * m);
+ f = rho * rho * aii + 2 * rho * t(x) %*% m + t(x) %*% MM %*% x - aii;
+ if( abs(f) < 1e-7 )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ dfdl = -2 * t( rho * m + MM %*% x ) %*% IM %*% ( rho * m + MM %*% x );
+ # Newton's step
+ l = l - f / dfdl;
+ j = j + 1;
+ }
+ if( abs(f) < 1e-7 )
+ {
+ # converged
+ xx = rbind( x[ 1:i-1 ], rho, x[ i:n-1 ]);
+ }else
+ {
+ # didn't converge
+ xx = matrix( 0, n, 1 );
+ xx[ i ] = 1;
+ }
+ return( xx );
Added: pkg/Meucci/R/MvnRnd.R
--- pkg/Meucci/R/MvnRnd.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/Meucci/R/MvnRnd.R 2013-07-28 11:28:31 UTC (rev 2654)
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#' Generates normal simulations whose sample moments match the population moments
+#' Adapted from file 'MvnRnd.m'. Most recent version of article and code available at http://www.symmys.com/node/162
+#' see A. Meucci - "Simulations with Exact Means and Covariances", Risk, July 2009
+#' @param M a numeric indicating the sample first moment of the distribution
+#' @param S a covariance matrix
+#' @param J a numeric indicating the number of trials
+#' @author Ram Ahluwalia \email{rahluwalia@@gmail.com}
+#' @references
+#' \url{http://www.symmys.com}
+#' TODO: Add Schur decomposition. Right now function is only sampling from mvrnorm so sample moments do no match population moments
+#' I have sample code commented out below to implement this correctly but I require a function that returns the unitaryMatrix from a Schur decomposition
+#' @export
+MvnRnd = function( M , S , J )
+ library(MASS)
+ X = MASS::mvrnorm( n = J , mu = M , Sigma = S ) # Todo: need to swap with Meucci function and Schur method
+ return( X = X )
+ # # compute sample covariance: NOTE defined as "cov(Y,1)", not as "cov(Y)"
+ # S_ = cov( Y , 1 )
+ #
+ # # solve Riccati equation using Schur method
+ # zerosMatrix = matrix( rep( 0 , length( N * N ) ) , nrow = N )
+ # # define the Hamiltonian matrix
+ # H1 = cbind( zerosMatrix , -1*S_ )
+ # H2 = cbind( -S , zerosMatrix )
+ # H = rbind( H1 , H2 )
+ # # perform its Schur decomposition.
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svnlook diff /svnroot/returnanalytics -r 2654
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