[Returnanalytics-commits] r2572 - pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R
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Sun Jul 14 23:55:59 CEST 2013
Author: rossbennett34
Date: 2013-07-14 23:55:58 +0200 (Sun, 14 Jul 2013)
New Revision: 2572
adding optimization (sub)functions
Added: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/optFUN.R
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/optFUN.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/optFUN.R 2013-07-14 21:55:58 UTC (rev 2572)
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+##### GMV and QU QP Function #####
+gmv_opt <- function(R, constraints, moments, lambda, target){
+ N <- ncol(R)
+ # Applying box constraints
+ bnds <- list(lower=list(ind=seq.int(1L, N), val=as.numeric(constraints$min)),
+ upper=list(ind=seq.int(1L, N), val=as.numeric(constraints$max)))
+ # set up initial A matrix for leverage constraints
+ Amat <- rbind(rep(1, N), rep(1, N))
+ dir.vec <- c(">=","<=")
+ rhs.vec <- c(constraints$min_sum, constraints$max_sum)
+ # check for a target return
+ if(!is.na(target)) {
+ Amat <- rbind(Amat, moments$mean)
+ dir.vec <- c(dir.vec, "==")
+ rhs.vec <- c(rhs.vec, target)
+ }
+ # include group constraints
+ if(try(!is.null(constraints$groups), silent=TRUE)){
+ n.groups <- length(constraints$groups)
+ Amat.group <- matrix(0, nrow=n.groups, ncol=N)
+ k <- 1
+ l <- 0
+ for(i in 1:n.groups){
+ j <- constraints$groups[i]
+ Amat.group[i, k:(l+j)] <- 1
+ k <- l + j + 1
+ l <- k - 1
+ }
+ if(is.null(constraints$cLO)) cLO <- rep(-Inf, n.groups)
+ if(is.null(constraints$cUP)) cUP <- rep(Inf, n.groups)
+ Amat <- rbind(Amat, Amat.group, -Amat.group)
+ dir.vec <- c(dir.vec, rep(">=", (n.groups + n.groups)))
+ rhs.vec <- c(rhs.vec, constraints$cLO, -constraints$cUP)
+ }
+ # set up the quadratic objective
+ ROI_objective <- Q_objective(Q=2*lambda*moments$var, L=-moments$mean)
+ # set up the optimization problem and solve
+ opt.prob <- OP(objective=ROI_objective,
+ constraints=L_constraint(L=Amat, dir=dir.vec, rhs=rhs.vec),
+ bounds=bnds)
+ roi.result <- ROI_solve(x=opt.prob, solver="quadprog")
+ weights <- roi.result$solution[1:N]
+ names(weights) <- colnames(R)
+ out <- list()
+ out$weights <- weights
+ out$out <- roi.result$objval
+ # out$call <- call # need to get the call outside of the function
+ return(out)
+##### Maximize Return LP Function #####
+maxret_opt <- function(R, moments, constraints, target){
+ N <- ncol(R)
+ # Applying box constraints
+ bnds <- list(lower=list(ind=seq.int(1L, N), val=as.numeric(constraints$min)),
+ upper=list(ind=seq.int(1L, N), val=as.numeric(constraints$max)))
+ # set up initial A matrix for leverage constraints
+ Amat <- rbind(rep(1, N), rep(1, N))
+ dir.vec <- c(">=","<=")
+ rhs.vec <- c(constraints$min_sum, constraints$max_sum)
+ # check for a target return
+ if(!is.na(target)) {
+ Amat <- rbind(Amat, moments$mean)
+ dir.vec <- c(dir.vec, "==")
+ rhs.vec <- c(rhs.vec, target)
+ }
+ # include group constraints
+ if(try(!is.null(constraints$groups), silent=TRUE)){
+ n.groups <- length(constraints$groups)
+ Amat.group <- matrix(0, nrow=n.groups, ncol=N)
+ k <- 1
+ l <- 0
+ for(i in 1:n.groups){
+ j <- constraints$groups[i]
+ Amat.group[i, k:(l+j)] <- 1
+ k <- l + j + 1
+ l <- k - 1
+ }
+ if(is.null(constraints$cLO)) cLO <- rep(-Inf, n.groups)
+ if(is.null(constraints$cUP)) cUP <- rep(Inf, n.groups)
+ Amat <- rbind(Amat, Amat.group, -Amat.group)
+ dir.vec <- c(dir.vec, rep(">=", (n.groups + n.groups)))
+ rhs.vec <- c(rhs.vec, constraints$cLO, -constraints$cUP)
+ }
+ # set up the linear objective
+ ROI_objective <- L_objective(L=-moments$mean)
+ # set up the optimization problem and solve
+ opt.prob <- OP(objective=ROI_objective,
+ constraints=L_constraint(L=Amat, dir=dir.vec, rhs=rhs.vec),
+ bounds=bnds)
+ roi.result <- ROI_solve(x=opt.prob, solver="glpk")
+ # The Rglpk solvers status returns an an integer with status information
+ # about the solution returned: 0 if the optimal solution was found, a
+ #non-zero value otherwise.
+ if(roi.result$status$code != 0) {
+ message(roi.result$status$msg$message)
+ return(NULL)
+ }
+ weights <- roi.result$solution[1:N]
+ names(weights) <- colnames(R)
+ out <- list()
+ out$weights <- weights
+ out$out <- roi.result$objval
+ # out$call <- call # need to get the call outside of the function
+ return(out)
+##### Maximize Return MILP Function #####
+maxret_milp_opt <- function(R, constraints, moments, target){
+ N <- ncol(R)
+ max_pos <- constraints$max_pos
+ LB <- as.numeric(constraints$min)
+ UB <- as.numeric(constraints$max)
+ # Check for target return
+ if(!is.na(target)){
+ # We have a target
+ targetcon <- rbind(c(moments$mean, rep(0, N)),
+ c(-moments$mean, rep(0, N)))
+ targetdir <- c("<=", "==")
+ targetrhs <- c(Inf, -target)
+ } else {
+ # No target specified, just maximize
+ targetcon <- NULL
+ targetdir <- NULL
+ targetrhs <- NULL
+ }
+ Amat <- rbind(c(rep(1, N), rep(0, N)),
+ c(rep(1, N), rep(0, N)))
+ Amat <- rbind(Amat, targetcon)
+ Amat <- rbind(Amat, cbind(-diag(N), diag(LB)))
+ Amat <- rbind(Amat, cbind(diag(N), -diag(UB)))
+ Amat <- rbind(Amat, c(rep(0, N), rep(1, N)))
+ dir <- c("<=", ">=", targetdir, rep("<=", 2*N), "==")
+ rhs <- c(1, 1, targetrhs, rep(0, 2*N), max_pos)
+ # include group constraints
+ if(try(!is.null(constraints$groups), silent=TRUE)){
+ n.groups <- length(constraints$groups)
+ Amat.group <- matrix(0, nrow=n.groups, ncol=N)
+ k <- 1
+ l <- 0
+ for(i in 1:n.groups){
+ j <- constraints$groups[i]
+ Amat.group[i, k:(l+j)] <- 1
+ k <- l + j + 1
+ l <- k - 1
+ }
+ if(is.null(constraints$cLO)) cLO <- rep(-Inf, n.groups)
+ if(is.null(constraints$cUP)) cUP <- rep(Inf, n.groups)
+ zeros <- matrix(data=0, nrow=nrow(Amat.group), ncol=ncol(Amat.group))
+ Amat <- rbind(Amat, cbind(Amat.group, zeros), cbind(-Amat.group, zeros))
+ dir <- c(dir, rep(">=", (n.groups + n.groups)))
+ rhs <- c(rhs, constraints$cLO, -constraints$cUP)
+ }
+ objL <- c(-moments$mean, rep(0, N))
+ # Only seems to work if I do not specify bounds
+ # bounds = list( lower=list( ind=1L:(2*N), val=c(LB, rep(0, N)) ),
+ # upper=list( ind=1L:(2*N), val=c(UB, rep(1, N)) ) )
+ bnds <- NULL
+ # Set up the types vector with continuous and binary variables
+ types <- c(rep("C", N), rep("B", N))
+ # Solve directly with Rglpk... getting weird errors with ROI
+ result <- Rglpk_solve_LP(obj=objL, mat=Amat, dir=dir, rhs=rhs, types=types, bounds=bnds, max=FALSE)
+ # The Rglpk solvers status returns an an integer with status information
+ # about the solution returned: 0 if the optimal solution was found, a
+ #non-zero value otherwise.
+ if(result$status != 0) {
+ message("Undefined Solution")
+ return(NULL)
+ }
+ weights <- result$solution[1:N]
+ names(weights) <- colnames(R)
+ out <- list()
+ out$weights <- weights
+ out$out <- result$optimum
+ #out$call <- call # add this outside of here, this function doesn't have the call
+ return(out)
+##### Minimize ETL LP Function #####
+etl_opt <- function(R, constraints, moments, target, alpha){
+ N <- ncol(R)
+ T <- nrow(R)
+ # Applying box constraints
+ bnds <- list(lower=list(ind=seq.int(1L, N), val=as.numeric(constraints$min)),
+ upper=list(ind=seq.int(1L, N), val=as.numeric(constraints$max)))
+ Rmin <- ifelse(is.na(target), 0, target)
+ Amat <- cbind(rbind(1, 1, moments$mean, coredata(R)), rbind(0, 0, 0, cbind(diag(T), 1)))
+ dir.vec <- c(">=","<=",">=",rep(">=",T))
+ rhs.vec <- c(constraints$min_sum, constraints$max_sum, Rmin ,rep(0, T))
+ if(try(!is.null(constraints$groups), silent=TRUE)){
+ n.groups <- length(constraints$groups)
+ Amat.group <- matrix(0, nrow=n.groups, ncol=N)
+ k <- 1
+ l <- 0
+ for(i in 1:n.groups){
+ j <- constraints$groups[i]
+ Amat.group[i, k:(l+j)] <- 1
+ k <- l + j + 1
+ l <- k - 1
+ }
+ if(is.null(constraints$cLO)) cLO <- rep(-Inf, n.groups)
+ if(is.null(constraints$cUP)) cUP <- rep(Inf, n.groups)
+ zeros <- matrix(0, nrow=n.groups, ncol=(T+1))
+ Amat <- rbind(Amat, cbind(Amat.group, zeros), cbind(-Amat.group, zeros))
+ dir.vec <- c(dir.vec, rep(">=", (n.groups + n.groups)))
+ rhs.vec <- c(rhs.vec, constraints$cLO, -constraints$cUP)
+ }
+ ROI_objective <- L_objective(c(rep(0,N), rep(1/(alpha*T),T), 1))
+ opt.prob <- OP(objective=ROI_objective,
+ constraints=L_constraint(L=Amat, dir=dir.vec, rhs=rhs.vec),
+ bounds=bnds)
+ roi.result <- ROI_solve(x=opt.prob, solver="glpk")
+ weights <- roi.result$solution[1:N]
+ names(weights) <- colnames(R)
+ out <- list()
+ out$weights <- weights
+ out$out <- roi.result$objval
+ #out$call <- call # add this outside of here, this function doesn't have the call
+ return(out)
+##### Minimize ETL MILP Function #####
+etl_milp_opt <- function(R, constraints, moments, target, alpha){
+ # Number of rows
+ n <- nrow(R)
+ # Number of columns
+ m <- ncol(R)
+ max_sum <- constraints$max_sum
+ min_sum <- constraints$min_sum
+ LB <- constraints$min
+ UB <- constraints$max
+ max_pos <- constraints$max_pos
+ moments_mean <- as.numeric(moments$mean)
+ # A benchmark can be specified in the parma package.
+ # Leave this in and set to 0 for now
+ benchmark <- 0
+ # Check for target return
+ if(!is.na(target)){
+ # We have a target
+ targetcon <- c(moments_mean, rep(0, n+2))
+ targetdir <- "=="
+ targetrhs <- target
+ } else {
+ # No target specified, just maximize
+ targetcon <- NULL
+ targetdir <- NULL
+ targetrhs <- NULL
+ }
+ # Set up initial A matrix
+ tmpAmat <- cbind(-coredata(R),
+ matrix(-1, nrow=n, ncol=1),
+ -diag(n),
+ matrix(benchmark, nrow=n, ncol=1))
+ # Add leverage constraints to matrix
+ tmpAmat <- rbind(tmpAmat, rbind(c(rep(1, m), rep(0, n+2)),
+ c(rep(1, m), rep(0, n+2))))
+ # Add target return to matrix
+ tmpAmat <- rbind(tmpAmat, as.numeric(targetcon))
+ # This step just adds m rows to the matrix to accept box constraints in the next step
+ tmpAmat <- cbind(tmpAmat, matrix(0, ncol=m, nrow=dim(tmpAmat)[1]))
+ # Add lower bound box constraints
+ tmpAmat <- rbind(tmpAmat, cbind(-diag(m), matrix(0, ncol=n+2, nrow=m), diag(LB)))
+ # Add upper bound box constraints
+ tmpAmat <- rbind(tmpAmat, cbind(diag(m), matrix(0, ncol=n+2, nrow=m), diag(-UB)))
+ # Add row for max_pos cardinality constraints
+ tmpAmat <- rbind(tmpAmat, cbind(matrix(0, ncol=m + n + 2, nrow=1), matrix(1, ncol=m, nrow=1)))
+ # Set up the rhs vector
+ rhs <- c( rep(0, n), min_sum, max_sum, targetrhs, rep(0, 2*m), max_pos)
+ # Set up the dir vector
+ dir <- c( rep("<=", n), ">=", "<=", targetdir, rep("<=", 2*m), "==")
+ # Linear objective vector
+ objL <- c( rep(0, m), 1, rep(1/n, n) / alpha, 0, rep(0, m))
+ # Set up the types vector with continuous and binary variables
+ types <- c( rep("C", m), "C", rep("C", n), "C", rep("B", m))
+ bounds <- list( lower = list( ind = 1L:(m + n + 2 + m), val = c(LB, -1, rep(0, n), 1, rep(0, m)) ),
+ upper = list( ind = 1L:(m + n + 2 + m), val = c( UB, 1, rep(Inf, n), 1 , rep(1, m)) ) )
+ result <- Rglpk_solve_LP(obj=objL, mat=tmpAmat, dir=dir, rhs=rhs, types=types, bounds=bounds)
+ # The Rglpk solvers status returns an an integer with status information
+ # about the solution returned: 0 if the optimal solution was found, a
+ #non-zero value otherwise.
+ if(result$status != 0) {
+ message("Undefined Solution")
+ return(NULL)
+ }
+ weights <- result$solution[1:m]
+ names(weights) <- colnames(R)
+ out <- list()
+ out$weights <- weights
+ out$out <- result$optimum
+ #out$call <- call # add this outside of here, this function doesn't have the call
+ return(out)
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