[Returnanalytics-commits] r2908 - in pkg/FactorAnalytics: R man

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Tue Aug 27 22:33:59 CEST 2013

Author: chenyian
Date: 2013-08-27 22:33:59 +0200 (Tue, 27 Aug 2013)
New Revision: 2908

add function factorModelPerformanceAttribution.r and its .Rd file.

Added: pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/factorModelPerformanceAttribution.r
--- pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/factorModelPerformanceAttribution.r	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/factorModelPerformanceAttribution.r	2013-08-27 20:33:59 UTC (rev 2908)
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+# performance attribution
+# Yi-An Chen
+# July 30, 2012
+#' Compute BARRA-type performance attribution
+#' Decompose total returns or active returns into returns attributed to factors
+#' and specific returns. Class of FM.attribution is generated and generic
+#' function \code{plot()} and \code{summary()},\code{print()} can be used.
+#' total returns can be decomposed into returns attributed to factors and
+#' specific returns. \eqn{R_t = \sum_j b_{jt} * f_{jt} +
+#' u_t},t=1..T,\eqn{b_{jt}} is exposure to factor j and \eqn{f_{jt}} is factor
+#' j. The returns attributed to factor j is \eqn{b_{jt} * f_{jt}} and portfolio
+#' specific returns is \eqn{u_t}
+#' @param fit Class of "TimeSeriesFactorModel", "FundamentalFactorModel" or
+#' "statFactorModel".
+#' @param benchmark a xts, vector or data.frame provides benchmark time series
+#' returns.
+#' @param ...  Other controled variables for fit methods.
+#' @return an object of class \code{FM.attribution} containing
+#' \itemize{
+#'   \item{cum.ret.attr.f} N X J matrix of cumulative return attributed to
+#' factors.
+#'   \item{cum.spec.ret} 1 x N vector of cumulative specific returns.
+#'   \item{attr.list} list of time series of attributed returns for every
+#' portfolio.
+#' }
+#' @author Yi-An Chen.
+#' @references Grinold,R and Kahn R, \emph{Active Portfolio Management},
+#' McGraw-Hill.
+#' @examples
+#' data(managers.df)
+#' fit.ts <- fitTimeSeriesFactorModel(assets.names=colnames(managers.df[,(1:6)]),
+#'                                      factors.names=c("EDHEC.LS.EQ","SP500.TR"),
+#'                                       data=managers.df,fit.method="OLS")
+#' # withoud benchmark
+#' fm.attr <- factorModelPerformanceAttribution(fit.ts)
+factorModelPerformanceAttribution <- 
+  function(fit,benchmark=NULL,...) {
+    # input
+    # fit      :   Class of MacroFactorModel, FundamentalFactorModel and statFactorModel
+    # benchmark: benchmark returns, default is NULL. If benchmark is provided, active returns 
+    #            is used.
+    # ...      : controlled variables for fitMacroeconomicsFactorModel and fitStatisticalFactorModel 
+    # output
+    # class of "FMattribution" 
+    #    
+    # plot.FMattribution     
+    # summary.FMattribution    
+    # print.FMattribution    
+    require(xts)
+    if (class(fit) !="TimeSeriesFactorModel" & class(fit) !="FundamentalFactorModel" 
+        & class(fit) != "StatFactorModel")
+    {
+      stop("Class has to be either 'TimeSeriesFactorModel', 'FundamentalFactorModel' or
+           'StatFactorModel'.")
+    }
+  # TimeSeriesFactorModel chunk  
+  if (class(fit) == "TimeSeriesFactorModel")  {
+  # if benchmark is provided
+#     if (!is.null(benchmark)) {
+#     ret.assets =  fit$ret.assets - benchmark
+#     fit = fitTimeSeriesFactorModel(ret.assets=ret.assets,...)
+#     }
+# return attributed to factors
+    cum.attr.ret <- fit$beta
+    cum.spec.ret <- fit$alpha
+    factorName = colnames(fit$beta)
+    fundName = rownames(fit$beta)
+    attr.list <- list()
+    for (k in fundName) {
+    fit.lm = fit$asset.fit[[k]]
+    ## extract information from lm object
+    date <- names(fitted(fit.lm))
+    actual.xts = xts(fit.lm$model[1], as.Date(date))
+# attributed returns
+# active portfolio management p.512 17A.9 
+  cum.ret <-   Return.cumulative(actual.xts)
+  # setup initial value
+  attr.ret.xts.all <- xts(, as.Date(date))
+  for ( i in factorName ) {
+    if (fit$beta[k,i]==0) {
+    cum.attr.ret[k,i] <- 0
+  attr.ret.xts.all <- merge(attr.ret.xts.all,xts(rep(0,length(date)),as.Date(date)))  
+  } else {
+  attr.ret.xts <- actual.xts - xts(as.matrix(fit.lm$model[i])%*%as.matrix(fit.lm$coef[i]),
+                               as.Date(date))  
+  cum.attr.ret[k,i] <- cum.ret - Return.cumulative(actual.xts-attr.ret.xts)  
+  attr.ret.xts.all <- merge(attr.ret.xts.all,attr.ret.xts)
+  }
+  }
+  # specific returns    
+    spec.ret.xts <- actual.xts - xts(as.matrix(fit.lm$model[,-1])%*%as.matrix(fit.lm$coef[-1]),
+                                 as.Date(date))
+    cum.spec.ret[k] <- cum.ret - Return.cumulative(actual.xts-spec.ret.xts)
+  attr.list[[k]] <- merge(attr.ret.xts.all,spec.ret.xts)
+   colnames(attr.list[[k]]) <- c(factorName,"specific.returns")
+    }
+  }    
+if (class(fit) =="FundamentalFactorModel" ) {
+  # if benchmark is provided
+  if (!is.null(benchmark)) {
+   stop("use fitFundamentalFactorModel instead")
+  }
+  # return attributed to factors
+  factor.returns <- fit$factor.returns[,-1]
+  factor.names <- fit$exposure.names
+  dates <- index(factor.returns)
+  ticker <- fit$asset.names
+  #cumulative return attributed to factors
+  cum.attr.ret <- matrix(,nrow=length(ticker),ncol=length(factor.names),
+                         dimnames=list(ticker,factor.names))
+  cum.spec.ret <- rep(0,length(ticker))
+  names(cum.spec.ret) <- ticker
+  # make list of every asstes and every list contains return attributed to factors 
+  # and specific returns
+  attr.list <- list() 
+  for (k in ticker) {
+    idx <- which(fit$data[,assetvar]== k)
+    returns <- fit$data[idx,returnsvar]
+    attr.factor <- fit$data[idx,factor.names] * coredata(factor.returns)
+    specific.returns <- returns - apply(attr.factor,1,sum)
+    attr <- cbind(returns,attr.factor,specific.returns)
+    attr.list[[k]] <- xts(attr,as.Date(dates))
+    cum.attr.ret[k,] <- apply(attr.factor,2,Return.cumulative)
+    cum.spec.ret[k] <- Return.cumulative(specific.returns)
+  }
+    if (class(fit) == "StatFactorModel") {
+      # if benchmark is provided
+      if (!is.null(benchmark)) {
+        x =  fit$asset.ret - benchmark
+        fit = fitStatisticalFactorModel(data=x,...)
+      }
+      # return attributed to factors
+      cum.attr.ret <- t(fit$loadings)
+      cum.spec.ret <- fit$r2
+      factorName = rownames(fit$loadings)
+      fundName = colnames(fit$loadings)
+      # create list for attribution
+      attr.list <- list()
+      # pca method
+      if ( dim(fit$asset.ret)[1] > dim(fit$asset.ret)[2] ) {
+      for (k in fundName) {
+        fit.lm = fit$asset.fit[[k]]
+        ## extract information from lm object
+        date <- names(fitted(fit.lm))
+        # probably needs more general Date setting
+        actual.xts = xts(fit.lm$model[1], as.Date(date))
+        # attributed returns
+        # active portfolio management p.512 17A.9 
+        cum.ret <-   Return.cumulative(actual.xts)
+        # setup initial value
+        attr.ret.xts.all <- xts(, as.Date(date))
+        for ( i in factorName ) {
+            attr.ret.xts <- actual.xts - xts(as.matrix(fit.lm$model[i])%*%as.matrix(fit.lm$coef[i]),
+                                         as.Date(date))  
+            cum.attr.ret[k,i] <- cum.ret - Return.cumulative(actual.xts-attr.ret.xts)  
+            attr.ret.xts.all <- merge(attr.ret.xts.all,attr.ret.xts)
+        }
+        # specific returns    
+        spec.ret.xts <- actual.xts - xts(as.matrix(fit.lm$model[,-1])%*%as.matrix(fit.lm$coef[-1]),
+                                     as.Date(date))
+        cum.spec.ret[k] <- cum.ret - Return.cumulative(actual.xts-spec.ret.xts)
+        attr.list[[k]] <- merge(attr.ret.xts.all,spec.ret.xts)
+        colnames(attr.list[[k]]) <- c(factorName,"specific.returns")
+      }
+      } else {
+      # apca method
+#         fit$loadings # f X K
+#         fit$factors  # T X f
+        dates <- index(fit$factors)
+        for ( k in fundName) {
+          attr.ret.xts.all <- xts(, as.Date(dates))
+          actual.xts <- xts(fit$asset.ret[,k],as.Date(dates))
+          cum.ret <-   Return.cumulative(actual.xts)
+          for (i in factorName) {
+       attr.ret.xts <- xts(fit$factors[,i] * fit$loadings[i,k], as.Date(dates) )
+       attr.ret.xts.all <- merge(attr.ret.xts.all,attr.ret.xts)
+       cum.attr.ret[k,i] <- cum.ret - Return.cumulative(actual.xts-attr.ret.xts)
+        }
+         spec.ret.xts <- actual.xts - xts(fit$factors%*%fit$loadings[,k],as.Date(dates))
+          cum.spec.ret[k] <- cum.ret - Return.cumulative(actual.xts-spec.ret.xts)
+        attr.list[[k]] <- merge(attr.ret.xts.all,spec.ret.xts)
+          colnames(attr.list[[k]]) <- c(factorName,"specific.returns")  
+        }
+        } 
+    }
+    ans = list(cum.ret.attr.f=cum.attr.ret,
+               cum.spec.ret=cum.spec.ret,
+               attr.list=attr.list)
+class(ans) = "FM.attribution"      
+    }

Modified: pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/fitFundamentalFactorModel.R
--- pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/fitFundamentalFactorModel.R	2013-08-27 19:56:32 UTC (rev 2907)
+++ pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/fitFundamentalFactorModel.R	2013-08-27 20:33:59 UTC (rev 2908)
@@ -443,6 +443,7 @@
     # change names for intercept
     colnames(f.hat)[1] <- "Intercept"
     output <- list(returns.cov = Cov.returns, 
                    factor.cov = Cov.factors, 
                    resids.cov = Cov.resids, 

Added: pkg/FactorAnalytics/man/factorModelPerformanceAttribution.Rd
--- pkg/FactorAnalytics/man/factorModelPerformanceAttribution.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/FactorAnalytics/man/factorModelPerformanceAttribution.Rd	2013-08-27 20:33:59 UTC (rev 2908)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+\title{Compute BARRA-type performance attribution}
+  factorModelPerformanceAttribution(fit, benchmark = NULL,
+    ...)
+  \item{fit}{Class of "TimeSeriesFactorModel",
+  "FundamentalFactorModel" or "statFactorModel".}
+  \item{benchmark}{a xts, vector or data.frame provides
+  benchmark time series returns.}
+  \item{...}{Other controled variables for fit methods.}
+  an object of class \code{FM.attribution} containing
+  \itemize{ \item{cum.ret.attr.f} N X J matrix of
+  cumulative return attributed to factors.
+  \item{cum.spec.ret} 1 x N vector of cumulative specific
+  returns.  \item{attr.list} list of time series of
+  attributed returns for every portfolio. }
+  Decompose total returns or active returns into returns
+  attributed to factors and specific returns. Class of
+  FM.attribution is generated and generic function
+  \code{plot()} and \code{summary()},\code{print()} can be
+  used.
+  total returns can be decomposed into returns attributed
+  to factors and specific returns. \eqn{R_t = \sum_j b_{jt}
+  * f_{jt} + u_t},t=1..T,\eqn{b_{jt}} is exposure to factor
+  j and \eqn{f_{jt}} is factor j. The returns attributed to
+  factor j is \eqn{b_{jt} * f_{jt}} and portfolio specific
+  returns is \eqn{u_t}
+fit.ts <- fitTimeSeriesFactorModel(assets.names=colnames(managers.df[,(1:6)]),
+                                     factors.names=c("EDHEC.LS.EQ","SP500.TR"),
+                                      data=managers.df,fit.method="OLS")
+# withoud benchmark
+fm.attr <- factorModelPerformanceAttribution(fit.ts)
+  Yi-An Chen.
+  Grinold,R and Kahn R, \emph{Active Portfolio Management},
+  McGraw-Hill.

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