[Returnanalytics-commits] r2862 - in pkg/PortfolioAnalytics: . R man

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Fri Aug 23 07:13:25 CEST 2013

Author: rossbennett34
Date: 2013-08-23 07:13:24 +0200 (Fri, 23 Aug 2013)
New Revision: 2862

Adding wrapper function to create efficient frontiers. Modifying *.efficient.frontier functions to return an object of class 'efficient.frontier'.

Modified: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/NAMESPACE	2013-08-23 02:36:19 UTC (rev 2861)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/NAMESPACE	2013-08-23 05:13:24 UTC (rev 2862)
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@

Modified: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/extract.efficient.frontier.R
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/extract.efficient.frontier.R	2013-08-23 02:36:19 UTC (rev 2861)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/extract.efficient.frontier.R	2013-08-23 05:13:24 UTC (rev 2862)
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
     # combine the stats from the optimal portfolio to result matrix
     result <- rbind(opt, result)
-    return(result)
+    return(structure(result, class="efficient.frontier"))
 #' Generate the efficient frontier for a mean-variance portfolio
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
     out[i, ] <- extractStats(optimize.portfolio(R=R, portfolio=portfolio, optimize_method="ROI"))
   colnames(out) <- names(stats)
-  return(out)
+  return(structure(out, class="efficient.frontier"))
 #' Generate the efficient frontier for a mean-etl portfolio
@@ -246,6 +246,85 @@
     out[i, ] <- extractStats(optimize.portfolio(R=R, portfolio=portfolio, optimize_method="ROI"))
   colnames(out) <- names(stats)
-  return(out)
+  return(structure(out, class="efficient.frontier"))
+#' create an efficient frontier
+#' @details currently there are 4 'types' supported to create an efficient frontier
+#' \itemize{
+#'   \item{"mean-var":}{ This is a special case for an efficient frontier that
+#'   can be created by a QP solver. The \code{portfolio} object should have two
+#'   objectives: 1) mean and 2) var. The efficient frontier will be created via
+#'   \code{\link{meanvar.efficient.frontier}}.}
+#'   \item{"mean-etl"}{ This is a special case for an efficient frontier that
+#'   can be created by an LP solver. The \code{portfolio} object should have two
+#'   objectives: 1) mean and 2) etl The efficient frontier will be created via
+#'   \code{\link{meanetl.efficient.frontier}}.}
+#'   \item{"DEoptim"}{ This can handle more complex constraints and objectives
+#'   than the simple mean-var and mean-etl cases. For this type, we actually 
+#'   call \code{\link{optimize.portfolio}} with \code{optimize_method="DEoptim"}
+#'   and then extract the efficient frontier with 
+#'   \code{\link{extract.efficient.frontier}}.}
+#'   \item{"random"}{ This can handle more complex constraints and objectives
+#'   than the simple mean-var and mean-etl cases. For this type, we actually 
+#'   call \code{\link{optimize.portfolio}} with \code{optimize_method="random"}
+#'   and then extract the efficient frontier with 
+#'   \code{\link{extract.efficient.frontier}}.}
+#' }
+#' @param R xts of asset returns
+#' @param portfolio object of class 'portfolio' specifying the constraints and objectives, see \code{\link{portfolio.spec}}
+#' @param type type of efficient frontier, see details
+#' @param n.portfolios number of portfolios to calculate along the efficient frontier
+#' @param match.col column to match when extracting the efficient frontier from an objected created by optimize.portfolio
+#' @param seach_size passed to optimize.portfolio for type="DEoptim" or type="random"
+#' @param ... passthrough parameters to \code{\link{optimize.portfolio}}
+#' @return an object of class 'efficient.frontier' with the objective measures 
+#' and weights of portfolios along the efficient frontier
+#' @author Ross Bennett
+#' @seealso \code{\link{optimize.portfolio}}, 
+#' \code{\link{portfolio.spec}}, 
+#' \code{\link{meanvar.efficient.frontier}}, 
+#' \code{\link{meanetl.efficient.frontier}}, 
+#' \code{\link{extract.efficient.frontier}}
+#' @export
+create.EfficientFrontier <- function(R, portfolio, type=c("mean-var", "mean-etl", "random", "DEoptim"), n.portfolios=25, match.col="ES", search_size=2000, ...){
+  # This is just a wrapper around a few functions to easily create efficient frontiers
+  # given a portfolio object and other parameters
+  if(!is.portfolio(portfolio)) stop("portfolio must be of class 'portfolio'")
+  type <- type[1]
+  switch(type,
+         "mean-var" = {frontier <- meanvar.efficient.frontier(portfolio=portfolio,
+                                                              R=R, 
+                                                              n.portfolios=n.portfolios)
+         },
+         "mean-etl" = {frontier <- meanetl.efficient.frontier(portfolio=portfolio, 
+                                                              R=R, 
+                                                              n.portfolios=n.portfolios)
+         },
+         "random" = {tmp <- optimize.portfolio(R=R, 
+                                               portfolio=portfolio, 
+                                               optimize_method=type, 
+                                               trace=TRUE, 
+                                               search_size=search_size,
+                                               ...=...)
+                     frontier <- extract.efficient.frontier(object=tmp, 
+                                                            match.col=match.col, 
+                                                            n.portfolios=n.portfolios)
+         },
+         "DEoptim" = {tmp <- optimize.portfolio(R=R, 
+                                                portfolio=portfolio, 
+                                                optimize_method=type, 
+                                                trace=TRUE, 
+                                                search_size=search_size,
+                                                ...=...)
+                      frontier <- extract.efficient.frontier(object=tmp, 
+                                                             match.col=match.col, 
+                                                             n.portfolios=n.portfolios)
+         }
+  )
+  return(frontier)

Added: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/create.EfficientFrontier.Rd
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/create.EfficientFrontier.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/create.EfficientFrontier.Rd	2013-08-23 05:13:24 UTC (rev 2862)
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+\title{create an efficient frontier}
+  create.EfficientFrontier(R, portfolio,
+    type = c("mean-var", "mean-etl", "random", "DEoptim"),
+    n.portfolios = 25, match.col = "ES",
+    search_size = 2000, ...)
+  \item{R}{xts of asset returns}
+  \item{portfolio}{object of class 'portfolio' specifying
+  the constraints and objectives, see
+  \code{\link{portfolio.spec}}}
+  \item{type}{type of efficient frontier, see details}
+  \item{n.portfolios}{number of portfolios to calculate
+  along the efficient frontier}
+  \item{match.col}{column to match when extracting the
+  efficient frontier from an objected created by
+  optimize.portfolio}
+  \item{seach_size}{passed to optimize.portfolio for
+  type="DEoptim" or type="random"}
+  \item{...}{passthrough parameters to
+  \code{\link{optimize.portfolio}}}
+  an object of class 'efficient.frontier' with the
+  objective measures and weights of portfolios along the
+  efficient frontier
+  create an efficient frontier
+  currently there are 4 'types' supported to create an
+  efficient frontier \itemize{ \item{"mean-var":}{ This is
+  a special case for an efficient frontier that can be
+  created by a QP solver. The \code{portfolio} object
+  should have two objectives: 1) mean and 2) var. The
+  efficient frontier will be created via
+  \code{\link{meanvar.efficient.frontier}}.}
+  \item{"mean-etl"}{ This is a special case for an
+  efficient frontier that can be created by an LP solver.
+  The \code{portfolio} object should have two objectives:
+  1) mean and 2) etl The efficient frontier will be created
+  via \code{\link{meanetl.efficient.frontier}}.}
+  \item{"DEoptim"}{ This can handle more complex
+  constraints and objectives than the simple mean-var and
+  mean-etl cases. For this type, we actually call
+  \code{\link{optimize.portfolio}} with
+  \code{optimize_method="DEoptim"} and then extract the
+  efficient frontier with
+  \code{\link{extract.efficient.frontier}}.}
+  \item{"random"}{ This can handle more complex constraints
+  and objectives than the simple mean-var and mean-etl
+  cases. For this type, we actually call
+  \code{\link{optimize.portfolio}} with
+  \code{optimize_method="random"} and then extract the
+  efficient frontier with
+  \code{\link{extract.efficient.frontier}}.} }
+  Ross Bennett
+  \code{\link{optimize.portfolio}},
+  \code{\link{portfolio.spec}},
+  \code{\link{meanvar.efficient.frontier}},
+  \code{\link{meanetl.efficient.frontier}},
+  \code{\link{extract.efficient.frontier}}

Modified: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/extract.efficient.frontier.Rd
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/extract.efficient.frontier.Rd	2013-08-23 02:36:19 UTC (rev 2861)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/extract.efficient.frontier.Rd	2013-08-23 05:13:24 UTC (rev 2862)
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
 \title{Extract the efficient frontier of portfolios that meet your objectives over a range of risks}
   extract.efficient.frontier(object = NULL,
-    match.col = "ES", from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.005, ...,
-    R = NULL, portfolio = NULL, optimize_method = "random")
+    match.col = "ES", from = NULL, to = NULL, by = 0.005,
+    n.portfolios = NULL, ..., R = NULL, portfolio = NULL,
+    optimize_method = "random")
   \item{object}{optimial portfolio object as created by

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