[Returnanalytics-commits] r2839 - in pkg/FactorAnalytics: R vignettes

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Aug 20 20:44:57 CEST 2013

Author: chenyian
Date: 2013-08-20 20:44:57 +0200 (Tue, 20 Aug 2013)
New Revision: 2839

add statistical factor model section in vignette. 

Modified: pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/plot.StatFactorModel.r
--- pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/plot.StatFactorModel.r	2013-08-20 17:10:09 UTC (rev 2838)
+++ pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/plot.StatFactorModel.r	2013-08-20 18:44:57 UTC (rev 2839)
@@ -56,408 +56,405 @@
 #' @method plot StatFactorModel
 #' @export
 plot.StatFactorModel <-
-function(x, variables, cumulative = TRUE, style = "bar",
-         which.plot = c("none","1L","2L","3L","4L","5L","6L","7L","8L"),
-         hgrid = FALSE, vgrid = FALSE,plot.single=FALSE, asset.name,
-         which.plot.single=c("none","1L","2L","3L","4L","5L","6L",
-                             "7L","8L","9L","10L","11L","12L","13L"),
-         max.show=6, VaR.method = "historical",...)
-  require(strucchange)
-  require(ellipse)
-  #
-  # beginning of funciton screenplot
-  #
-  screeplot<-
-  function(mf, variables, cumulative = TRUE, style = "bar", main = "", ...)
+  function(x, variables, cumulative = TRUE, style = "bar",
+           which.plot = c("none","1L","2L","3L","4L","5L","6L","7L","8L"),
+           hgrid = FALSE, vgrid = FALSE,plot.single=FALSE, asset.name,
+           which.plot.single=c("none","1L","2L","3L","4L","5L","6L",
+                               "7L","8L","9L","10L","11L","12L","13L"),
+           max.show=6, VaR.method = "historical",...)
-    vars <- mf$eigen
-    n90 <- which(cumsum(vars)/sum(vars) > 0.9)[1]
-    if(missing(variables)) {
-      variables <- 1:max(mf$k, min(10, n90))
-    }
-    istyle <- charmatch(style, c("bar", "lines"), nomatch = NA)
-    if(is.na(istyle) || istyle <= 1)
-      style <- "bar"
-    else {
-      style <- "lines"
-    }
-    if(style == "bar") {
-      loc <- barplot(vars[variables], names = paste("F", variables,
-                                                    sep = "."), main = main, ylab = "Variances", ...)
-    }
-    else {
-      loc <- 1:length(variables)
-      plot(loc, vars[variables], type = "b", axes = F, main = main,
-           ylab = "Variances", xlab = "")
-      axis(2)
-      axis(1, at = loc, labels = paste("F", variables, sep = "."))
-    }
-    if(cumulative) {
-      cumv <- (cumsum(vars)/sum(vars))[variables]
-      text(loc, vars[variables] + par("cxy")[2], as.character(signif(
-        cumv, 3)))
-    }
-    invisible(loc)
-  }
-  #
-  # end of screenplot
-  #
-  if (plot.single==TRUE) {
-    ## inputs:
-    ## x               lm object summarizing factor model fit. It is assumed that
-    ##                  time series date information is included in the names component
-    ##                  of the residuals, fitted and model components of the object.
-    ## asset.name           charater. The name of the single asset to be ploted. 
-    ## which.plot.single       integer indicating which plot to create:
-    ##                  1     time series plot of actual and fitted values
-    ##                  2     time series plot of residuals with standard error bands
-    ##                  3     time series plot of squared residuals
-    ##                  4     time series plot of absolute residuals
-    ##                  5     SACF and PACF of residuals
-    ##                  6     SACF and PACF of squared residuals
-    ##                  7     SACF and PACF of absolute residuals
-    ##                  8     histogram of residuals with normal curve overlayed
-    ##                  9     normal qq-plot of residuals
-    ##                  10    CUSUM plot of recursive residuals
-    ##                  11    CUSUM plot of OLS residuals
-    ##                  12    CUSUM plot of recursive estimates relative to full sample estimates
-    ##                  13    rolling estimates over 24 month window
-    which.plot.single<-which.plot.single[1]
+    require(strucchange)
+    require(ellipse)
+    #
+    # beginning of funciton screenplot
+    #
+    screeplot<-
+      function(mf, variables, cumulative = TRUE, style = "bar", main = "", ...)
+      {
+        vars <- mf$eigen
+        if(missing(variables)) {
+          variables <- 1:mf$k
+        }
+        istyle <- charmatch(style, c("bar", "lines"), nomatch = NA)
+        if(is.na(istyle) || istyle <= 1)
+          style <- "bar"
+        else {
+          style <- "lines"
+        }
+        if(style == "bar") {
+          loc <- barplot(vars[variables]/sum(vars),
+                         names = paste("F", variables,sep = "."),
+                         main = main, ylab = "Percentage of Variances", ...)
+        }
+        else {
+          loc <- 1:length(variables)
+          plot(loc, vars[variables]/sum(vars), type = "b", axes = F, main = main,
+               ylab = "Percentage of Variances", xlab = "")
+          axis(2)
+          axis(1, at = loc, labels = paste("F", variables, sep = "."))
+        }
+        if(cumulative) {
+          cumv <- (cumsum(vars)/sum(vars))[variables]
+          text(loc, vars[variables] + par("cxy")[2], as.character(signif(
+            cumv, 3)))
+        }
+        invisible(loc)
+      }
+    #
+    # end of screenplot
+    #
-    if (which.plot.single=="none")
-    # pca method
-    if ( dim(x$asset.ret)[1] > dim(x$asset.ret)[2] ) {
+    if (plot.single==TRUE) {
+      ## inputs:
+      ## x               lm object summarizing factor model fit. It is assumed that
+      ##                  time series date information is included in the names component
+      ##                  of the residuals, fitted and model components of the object.
+      ## asset.name           charater. The name of the single asset to be ploted. 
+      ## which.plot.single       integer indicating which plot to create:
+      ##                  1     time series plot of actual and fitted values
+      ##                  2     time series plot of residuals with standard error bands
+      ##                  3     time series plot of squared residuals
+      ##                  4     time series plot of absolute residuals
+      ##                  5     SACF and PACF of residuals
+      ##                  6     SACF and PACF of squared residuals
+      ##                  7     SACF and PACF of absolute residuals
+      ##                  8     histogram of residuals with normal curve overlayed
+      ##                  9     normal qq-plot of residuals
+      ##                  10    CUSUM plot of recursive residuals
+      ##                  11    CUSUM plot of OLS residuals
+      ##                  12    CUSUM plot of recursive estimates relative to full sample estimates
+      ##                  13    rolling estimates over 24 month window
+      which.plot.single<-which.plot.single[1]
-      fit.lm = x$asset.fit[[asset.name]]
-    ## exact information from lm object
-    factorNames = colnames(fit.lm$model)[-1]
-    fit.formula = as.formula(paste(asset.name,"~", paste(factorNames, collapse="+"), sep=" "))
-    #Date = try(as.Date(names(residuals(fit.lm))))
-    #Date = try(as.yearmon(names(residuals(fit.lm)),"%b %Y"))  
-    residuals.z = zoo(residuals(fit.lm), as.Date(names(residuals(fit.lm)))) 
-    fitted.z = zoo(fitted(fit.lm), as.Date(names(fitted(fit.lm))))
-    actual.z = zoo(fit.lm$model[,1], as.Date(rownames(fit.lm$model)))
-    tmp.summary = summary(fit.lm)
-      which.plot.single<-menu(c("time series plot of actual and fitted values",
-                                "time series plot of residuals with standard error bands",
-                                "time series plot of squared residuals",
-                                "time series plot of absolute residuals",
-                                "SACF and PACF of residuals",
-                                "SACF and PACF of squared residuals",
-                                "SACF and PACF of absolute residuals",
-                                "histogram of residuals with normal curve overlayed",
-                                "normal qq-plot of residuals",
-                                "CUSUM plot of recursive residuals",
-                                "CUSUM plot of OLS residuals",
-                                "CUSUM plot of recursive estimates relative to full sample estimates",
-                                "rolling estimates over 24 month window"),
-                              title="\nMake a plot selection (or 0 to exit):\n")
-    switch(which.plot.single,
-           "1L" =  {
-             ##  time series plot of actual and fitted values
-             plot(actual.z, main=asset.name, ylab="Monthly performance", lwd=2, col="black")
-             lines(fitted.z, lwd=2, col="red")
-             abline(h=0)
-             legend(x="bottomleft", legend=c("Actual", "Fitted"), lwd=2, col=c("black","red"))
-           }, 
-           "2L" = {
-             ## time series plot of residuals with standard error bands
-             plot(residuals.z, main=asset.name, ylab="Monthly performance", lwd=2, col="black")
-             abline(h=0)
-             abline(h=2*tmp.summary$sigma, lwd=2, lty="dotted", col="red")
-             abline(h=-2*tmp.summary$sigma, lwd=2, lty="dotted", col="red")
-             legend(x="bottomleft", legend=c("Residual", "+/ 2*SE"), lwd=2,
-                    lty=c("solid","dotted"), col=c("black","red"))
-           },
-           "3L" = {
-             ## time series plot of squared residuals
-             plot(residuals.z^2, main=asset.name, ylab="Squared residual", lwd=2, col="black")
-             abline(h=0)
-             legend(x="topleft", legend="Squared Residuals", lwd=2, col="black")
-           },
-           "4L" = {
-             ## time series plot of absolute residuals
-             plot(abs(residuals.z), main=asset.name, ylab="Absolute residual", lwd=2, col="black")
-             abline(h=0)
-             legend(x="topleft", legend="Absolute Residuals", lwd=2, col="black")
-           },
-           "5L" = {
-             ## SACF and PACF of residuals
-             chart.ACFplus(residuals.z, main=paste("Residuals: ", asset.name, sep=""))
-           },
-           "6L" = {
-             ## SACF and PACF of squared residuals
-             chart.ACFplus(residuals.z^2, main=paste("Residuals^2: ", asset.name, sep=""))
-           },
-           "7L" = {
-             ## SACF and PACF of absolute residuals
-             chart.ACFplus(abs(residuals.z), main=paste("|Residuals|: ", asset.name, sep=""))
-           },
-           "8L" = {
-             ## histogram of residuals with normal curve overlayed
-             chart.Histogram(residuals.z, methods="add.normal", main=paste("Residuals: ", asset.name, sep=""))
-           },
-           "9L" = {
-             ##  normal qq-plot of residuals
-             chart.QQPlot(residuals.z, envelope=0.95, main=paste("Residuals: ", asset.name, sep=""))
-           },
-           "10L"= {
-             ##  CUSUM plot of recursive residuals
-               cusum.rec = efp(fit.formula, type="Rec-CUSUM", data=fit.lm$model)
-               plot(cusum.rec, sub=asset.name)
-           },
-           "11L"= {
-             ##  CUSUM plot of OLS residuals
-               cusum.ols = efp(fit.formula, type="OLS-CUSUM", data=fit.lm$model)
-           },
-           "12L"= {
-             ##  CUSUM plot of recursive estimates relative to full sample estimates
+      if (which.plot.single=="none")
+        # pca method
+        if ( dim(x$asset.ret)[1] > dim(x$asset.ret)[2] ) {
+          fit.lm = x$asset.fit[[asset.name]]
+          ## exact information from lm object
+          factorNames = colnames(fit.lm$model)[-1]
+          fit.formula = as.formula(paste(asset.name,"~", paste(factorNames, collapse="+"), sep=" "))
+          #Date = try(as.Date(names(residuals(fit.lm))))
+          #Date = try(as.yearmon(names(residuals(fit.lm)),"%b %Y"))  
+          residuals.z = zoo(residuals(fit.lm), as.Date(names(residuals(fit.lm)))) 
+          fitted.z = zoo(fitted(fit.lm), as.Date(names(fitted(fit.lm))))
+          actual.z = zoo(fit.lm$model[,1], as.Date(rownames(fit.lm$model)))
+          tmp.summary = summary(fit.lm)
+          which.plot.single<-menu(c("time series plot of actual and fitted values",
+                                    "time series plot of residuals with standard error bands",
+                                    "time series plot of squared residuals",
+                                    "time series plot of absolute residuals",
+                                    "SACF and PACF of residuals",
+                                    "SACF and PACF of squared residuals",
+                                    "SACF and PACF of absolute residuals",
+                                    "histogram of residuals with normal curve overlayed",
+                                    "normal qq-plot of residuals",
+                                    "CUSUM plot of recursive residuals",
+                                    "CUSUM plot of OLS residuals",
+                                    "CUSUM plot of recursive estimates relative to full sample estimates",
+                                    "rolling estimates over 24 month window"),
+                                  title="\nMake a plot selection (or 0 to exit):\n")
+          switch(which.plot.single,
+                 "1L" =  {
+                   ##  time series plot of actual and fitted values
+                   plot(actual.z, main=asset.name, ylab="Monthly performance", lwd=2, col="black")
+                   lines(fitted.z, lwd=2, col="red")
+                   abline(h=0)
+                   legend(x="bottomleft", legend=c("Actual", "Fitted"), lwd=2, col=c("black","red"))
+                 }, 
+                 "2L" = {
+                   ## time series plot of residuals with standard error bands
+                   plot(residuals.z, main=asset.name, ylab="Monthly performance", lwd=2, col="black")
+                   abline(h=0)
+                   abline(h=2*tmp.summary$sigma, lwd=2, lty="dotted", col="red")
+                   abline(h=-2*tmp.summary$sigma, lwd=2, lty="dotted", col="red")
+                   legend(x="bottomleft", legend=c("Residual", "+/ 2*SE"), lwd=2,
+                          lty=c("solid","dotted"), col=c("black","red"))
+                 },
+                 "3L" = {
+                   ## time series plot of squared residuals
+                   plot(residuals.z^2, main=asset.name, ylab="Squared residual", lwd=2, col="black")
+                   abline(h=0)
+                   legend(x="topleft", legend="Squared Residuals", lwd=2, col="black")
+                 },
+                 "4L" = {
+                   ## time series plot of absolute residuals
+                   plot(abs(residuals.z), main=asset.name, ylab="Absolute residual", lwd=2, col="black")
+                   abline(h=0)
+                   legend(x="topleft", legend="Absolute Residuals", lwd=2, col="black")
+                 },
+                 "5L" = {
+                   ## SACF and PACF of residuals
+                   chart.ACFplus(residuals.z, main=paste("Residuals: ", asset.name, sep=""))
+                 },
+                 "6L" = {
+                   ## SACF and PACF of squared residuals
+                   chart.ACFplus(residuals.z^2, main=paste("Residuals^2: ", asset.name, sep=""))
+                 },
+                 "7L" = {
+                   ## SACF and PACF of absolute residuals
+                   chart.ACFplus(abs(residuals.z), main=paste("|Residuals|: ", asset.name, sep=""))
+                 },
+                 "8L" = {
+                   ## histogram of residuals with normal curve overlayed
+                   chart.Histogram(residuals.z, methods="add.normal", main=paste("Residuals: ", asset.name, sep=""))
+                 },
+                 "9L" = {
+                   ##  normal qq-plot of residuals
+                   chart.QQPlot(residuals.z, envelope=0.95, main=paste("Residuals: ", asset.name, sep=""))
+                 },
+                 "10L"= {
+                   ##  CUSUM plot of recursive residuals
-               cusum.est = efp(fit.formula, type="fluctuation", data=fit.lm$model)
-               plot(cusum.est, functional=NULL, sub=asset.name)
-           },
-           "13L"= {
-             ##  rolling regression over 24 month window
-               rollReg <- function(data.z, formula) {
-                 coef(lm(formula, data = as.data.frame(data.z)))  
-               }
-               reg.z = zoo(fit.lm$model, as.Date(rownames(fit.lm$model)))
-               rollReg.z = rollapply(reg.z, FUN=rollReg, fit.formula, width=24, by.column = FALSE, 
-                                     align="right")
-               plot(rollReg.z, main=paste("24-month rolling regression estimates:", asset.name, sep=" "))
-           },
-           invisible()
-    )
-    } else {  #apca method
+                   cusum.rec = efp(fit.formula, type="Rec-CUSUM", data=fit.lm$model)
+                   plot(cusum.rec, sub=asset.name)
+                 },
+                 "11L"= {
+                   ##  CUSUM plot of OLS residuals
+                   cusum.ols = efp(fit.formula, type="OLS-CUSUM", data=fit.lm$model)
+                 },
+                 "12L"= {
+                   ##  CUSUM plot of recursive estimates relative to full sample estimates
+                   cusum.est = efp(fit.formula, type="fluctuation", data=fit.lm$model)
+                   plot(cusum.est, functional=NULL, sub=asset.name)
+                 },
+                 "13L"= {
+                   ##  rolling regression over 24 month window
+                   rollReg <- function(data.z, formula) {
+                     coef(lm(formula, data = as.data.frame(data.z)))  
+                   }
+                   reg.z = zoo(fit.lm$model, as.Date(rownames(fit.lm$model)))
+                   rollReg.z = rollapply(reg.z, FUN=rollReg, fit.formula, width=24, by.column = FALSE, 
+                                         align="right")
+                   plot(rollReg.z, main=paste("24-month rolling regression estimates:", asset.name, sep=" "))
+                 },
+                 invisible()
+          )
+        } else {  #apca method
+          dates <- names(x$data[,asset.name]) 
+          actual.z <- zoo(x$asset.ret[,asset.name],as.Date(dates))
+          residuals.z <- zoo(x$residuals,as.Date(dates))
+          fitted.z <- actual.z - residuals.z
+          t <- length(dates)
+          k <- x$k
+          which.plot.single<-menu(c("time series plot of actual and fitted values",
+                                    "time series plot of residuals with standard error bands",
+                                    "time series plot of squared residuals",
+                                    "time series plot of absolute residuals",
+                                    "SACF and PACF of residuals",
+                                    "SACF and PACF of squared residuals",
+                                    "SACF and PACF of absolute residuals",
+                                    "histogram of residuals with normal curve overlayed",
+                                    "normal qq-plot of residuals"),
+                                  title="\nMake a plot selection (or 0 to exit):\n")
+          switch(which.plot.single,
+                 "1L" =  {
+                   #       "time series plot of actual and fitted values",
+                   plot(actual.z[,asset.name], main=asset.name, ylab="Monthly performance", lwd=2, col="black")
+                   lines(fitted.z[,asset.name], lwd=2, col="red")
+                   abline(h=0)
+                   legend(x="bottomleft", legend=c("Actual", "Fitted"), lwd=2, col=c("black","red"))
+                 },
+                 "2L"={    
+                   #       "time series plot of residuals with standard error bands"
+                   plot(residuals.z[,asset.name], main=asset.name, ylab="Monthly performance", lwd=2, col="black")
+                   abline(h=0)
+                   sigma = (sum(residuals.z[,asset.name]^2)*(t-k)^-1)^(1/2)
+                   abline(h=2*sigma, lwd=2, lty="dotted", col="red")
+                   abline(h=-2*sigma, lwd=2, lty="dotted", col="red")
+                   legend(x="bottomleft", legend=c("Residual", "+/ 2*SE"), lwd=2,
+                          lty=c("solid","dotted"), col=c("black","red"))     
+                 },   
+                 "3L"={
+                   #       "time series plot of squared residuals"
+                   plot(residuals.z[,asset.name]^2, main=asset.name, ylab="Squared residual", lwd=2, col="black")
+                   abline(h=0)
+                   legend(x="topleft", legend="Squared Residuals", lwd=2, col="black")   
+                 },                
+                 "4L" = {
+                   ## time series plot of absolute residuals
+                   plot(abs(residuals.z[,asset.name]), main=asset.name, ylab="Absolute residual", lwd=2, col="black")
+                   abline(h=0)
+                   legend(x="topleft", legend="Absolute Residuals", lwd=2, col="black")
+                 },
+                 "5L" = {
+                   ## SACF and PACF of residuals
+                   chart.ACFplus(residuals.z[,asset.name], main=paste("Residuals: ", asset.name, sep=""))
+                 },
+                 "6L" = {
+                   ## SACF and PACF of squared residuals
+                   chart.ACFplus(residuals.z[,asset.name]^2, main=paste("Residuals^2: ", asset.name, sep=""))
+                 },
+                 "7L" = {
+                   ## SACF and PACF of absolute residuals
+                   chart.ACFplus(abs(residuals.z[,asset.name]), main=paste("|Residuals|: ", asset.name, sep=""))
+                 },
+                 "8L" = {
+                   ## histogram of residuals with normal curve overlayed
+                   chart.Histogram(residuals.z[,asset.name], methods="add.normal", main=paste("Residuals: ", asset.name, sep=""))
+                 },
+                 "9L" = {
+                   ##  normal qq-plot of residuals
+                   chart.QQPlot(residuals.z[,asset.name], envelope=0.95, main=paste("Residuals: ", asset.name, sep=""))
+                 },          
+                 invisible()  )
+        }  
-      dates <- names(x$data[,asset.name]) 
-       actual.z <- zoo(x$asset.ret[,asset.name],as.Date(dates))
-       residuals.z <- zoo(x$residuals,as.Date(dates))
-       fitted.z <- actual.z - residuals.z
-      t <- length(dates)
-      k <- x$k
-      which.plot.single<-menu(c("time series plot of actual and fitted values",
-                                "time series plot of residuals with standard error bands",
-                                "time series plot of squared residuals",
-                                "time series plot of absolute residuals",
-                                "SACF and PACF of residuals",
-                                "SACF and PACF of squared residuals",
-                                "SACF and PACF of absolute residuals",
-                                "histogram of residuals with normal curve overlayed",
-                                "normal qq-plot of residuals"),
-                              title="\nMake a plot selection (or 0 to exit):\n")
-      switch(which.plot.single,
-             "1L" =  {
-#       "time series plot of actual and fitted values",
-       plot(actual.z[,asset.name], main=asset.name, ylab="Monthly performance", lwd=2, col="black")
-       lines(fitted.z[,asset.name], lwd=2, col="red")
-       abline(h=0)
-       legend(x="bottomleft", legend=c("Actual", "Fitted"), lwd=2, col=c("black","red"))
+    } else {    
+      which.plot<-which.plot[1]
+      ##
+      ## 2. Plot selected choices.
+      ##
+      if(which.plot=='none')   
+        which.plot <- menu(c("Screeplot of Eigenvalues",
+                             "Factor Returns",
+                             "FM Correlation",
+                             "R square",
+                             "Variance of Residuals",
+                             "Factor Contributions to SD",
+                             "Factor Contributions to ES",
+                             "Factor Contributions to VaR"), title = 
+                             "\nMake a plot selection (or 0 to exit):\n")
+      switch(which.plot,
+             "1L" =    {
+               ## 1. screeplot.
+                 if(missing(variables)) {
+                 vars <- x$eigen
+                 variables <- 1:x$k
+               }
+               screeplot(x, variables, cumulative,
+                         style, "Screeplot of Eigenvalues")
-          "2L"={    
-#       "time series plot of residuals with standard error bands"
-        plot(residuals.z[,asset.name], main=asset.name, ylab="Monthly performance", lwd=2, col="black")
-        abline(h=0)
-        sigma = (sum(residuals.z[,asset.name]^2)*(t-k)^-1)^(1/2)
-        abline(h=2*sigma, lwd=2, lty="dotted", col="red")
-        abline(h=-2*sigma, lwd=2, lty="dotted", col="red")
-        legend(x="bottomleft", legend=c("Residual", "+/ 2*SE"), lwd=2,
-                   lty=c("solid","dotted"), col=c("black","red"))     
-          },   
-        "3L"={
-        #       "time series plot of squared residuals"
-          plot(residuals.z[,asset.name]^2, main=asset.name, ylab="Squared residual", lwd=2, col="black")
-          abline(h=0)
-          legend(x="topleft", legend="Squared Residuals", lwd=2, col="black")   
-        },                
-          "4L" = {
-           ## time series plot of absolute residuals
-               plot(abs(residuals.z[,asset.name]), main=asset.name, ylab="Absolute residual", lwd=2, col="black")
-               abline(h=0)
-               legend(x="topleft", legend="Absolute Residuals", lwd=2, col="black")
+             "2L" = {
+               ##
+               ##             2. factor returns
+               ##
+               if(missing(variables)) {
+                 f.ret <- x$factors
+               }
+               plot.zoo(f.ret)
+             } ,
+             "3L" = {
+               cov.fm<- factorModelCovariance(t(x$loadings),var(x$factors),
+                                              x$resid.variance)    
+               cor.fm = cov2cor(cov.fm)
+               rownames(cor.fm) = colnames(cor.fm)
+               ord <- order(cor.fm[1,])
+               ordered.cor.fm <- cor.fm[ord, ord]
+               plotcorr(ordered.cor.fm[(1:max.show),(1:max.show)], col=cm.colors(11)[5*ordered.cor.fm + 6])  
+             "4L" ={
+               barplot(x$r2[1:max.show])
+             },
              "5L" = {
-               ## SACF and PACF of residuals
-           chart.ACFplus(residuals.z[,asset.name], main=paste("Residuals: ", asset.name, sep=""))
+               barplot(x$resid.variance[1:max.show])  
              "6L" = {
-               ## SACF and PACF of squared residuals
-               chart.ACFplus(residuals.z[,asset.name]^2, main=paste("Residuals^2: ", asset.name, sep=""))
+               cov.factors = var(x$factors)
+               names = colnames(x$asset.ret)
+               factor.sd.decomp.list = list()
+               for (i in names) {
+                 factor.sd.decomp.list[[i]] =
+                   factorModelSdDecomposition(x$loadings[,i],
+                                              cov.factors, x$resid.variance[i])
+               }
+               # function to extract contribution to sd from list
+               getCSD = function(x) {
+                 x$cr.fm
+               }
+               # extract contributions to SD from list
+               cr.sd = sapply(factor.sd.decomp.list, getCSD)
+               rownames(cr.sd) = c(colnames(x$factors), "residual")
+               # create stacked barchart
+               barplot(cr.sd[,(1:max.show)], main="Factor Contributions to SD",
+                       legend.text=T, args.legend=list(x="topleft"))
+             } ,
+             "7L" ={
+               factor.es.decomp.list = list()
+               names = colnames(x$asset.ret)
+               for (i in names) {
+                 # check for missing values in fund data
+                 idx = which(!is.na(x$asset.ret[,i]))
+                 tmpData = cbind(x$asset.ret[idx,i], x$factors,
+                                 x$residuals[,i]/sqrt(x$resid.variance[i]))
+                 colnames(tmpData)[c(1,length(tmpData[1,]))] = c(i, "residual")
+                 factor.es.decomp.list[[i]] = 
+                   factorModelEsDecomposition(tmpData, 
+                                              x$loadings[,i],
+                                              x$resid.variance[i], tail.prob=0.05,VaR.method=VaR.method)
+               }
+               # stacked bar charts of percent contributions to ES 
+               getCETL = function(x) {
+                 x$cES
+               }
+               # report as positive number
+               cr.etl = sapply(factor.es.decomp.list, getCETL)
+               rownames(cr.etl) = c(colnames(x$factors), "residual")
+               barplot(cr.etl[,(1:max.show)], main="Factor Contributions to ES",
+                       legend.text=T, args.legend=list(x="topleft") )
-             "7L" = {
-               ## SACF and PACF of absolute residuals
-               chart.ACFplus(abs(residuals.z[,asset.name]), main=paste("|Residuals|: ", asset.name, sep=""))
-             },
-             "8L" = {
-               ## histogram of residuals with normal curve overlayed
-               chart.Histogram(residuals.z[,asset.name], methods="add.normal", main=paste("Residuals: ", asset.name, sep=""))
-             },
-             "9L" = {
-               ##  normal qq-plot of residuals
-               chart.QQPlot(residuals.z[,asset.name], envelope=0.95, main=paste("Residuals: ", asset.name, sep=""))
-             },          
-             invisible()  )
-             }  
-  } else {    
-    which.plot<-which.plot[1]
-  ##
-  ## 2. Plot selected choices.
-  ##
-      which.plot <- menu(c("Screeplot of Eigenvalues",
-                            "Factor Returns",
-                            "FM Correlation",
-                            "R square",
-                            "Variance of Residuals",
-                            "Factor Contributions to SD",
-                            "Factor Contributions to ES",
-                            "Factor Contributions to VaR"), title = 
-        "\nMake a plot selection (or 0 to exit):\n")
+             "8L" =  {
+               factor.VaR.decomp.list = list()
+               names = colnames(x$asset.ret)
+               for (i in names) {
+                 # check for missing values in fund data
+                 idx = which(!is.na(x$asset.ret[,i]))
+                 tmpData = cbind(x$asset.ret[idx,i], x$factors,
+                                 x$residuals[,i]/sqrt(x$resid.variance[i]))
+                 colnames(tmpData)[c(1,length(tmpData[1,]))] = c(i, "residual")
+                 factor.VaR.decomp.list[[i]] = 
+                   factorModelVaRDecomposition(tmpData, 
+                                               x$loadings[,i],
+                                               x$resid.variance[i], tail.prob=0.05,VaR.method=VaR.method)
+               }
+               # stacked bar charts of percent contributions to VaR
+               getCVaR = function(x) {
+                 x$cVaR.fm
+               }
+               # report as positive number
+               cr.var = sapply(factor.VaR.decomp.list, getCVaR)
+               rownames(cr.var) = c(colnames(x$factors), "residual")
+               barplot(cr.var[,(1:max.show)], main="Factor Contributions to VaR",
+                       legend.text=T, args.legend=list(x="topleft"))
+             }, invisible()
+      )
-      switch(which.plot,
-        "1L" =    {
-  ##
-  ##             1. screeplot.
-  ##
-  if(missing(variables)) {
-    vars <- x$eigen
-    n90 <- which(cumsum(vars)/
-      sum(vars) > 0.9)[1]
-    variables <- 1:max(x$k, min(10, n90))
+    }
-  screeplot(x, variables, cumulative,
-            style, "Screeplot")
-            },
-    "2L" = {
-  ##
-  ##             2. factor returns
-  ##
-  if(missing(variables)) {
-    f.ret <- x$factors
-        }
-    plot.ts(f.ret)
-} ,
-   "3L" = {
-     cov.fm<- factorModelCovariance(t(x$loadings),var(x$factors),
-                                    x$resid.variance)    
-     cor.fm = cov2cor(cov.fm)
-     rownames(cor.fm) = colnames(cor.fm)
-     ord <- order(cor.fm[1,])

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/returnanalytics -r 2839

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