[Returnanalytics-commits] r2284 - in pkg/Meucci: R demo man
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Tue Sep 11 15:34:29 CEST 2012
Author: braverock
Date: 2012-09-11 15:34:29 +0200 (Tue, 11 Sep 2012)
New Revision: 2284
- re-merge changes from Manan's last commit svn r2255, oiginal svn mv was somewhat broken
Deleted: pkg/Meucci/R/ButterflyTrading.R
--- pkg/Meucci/R/ButterflyTrading.R 2012-09-07 18:35:53 UTC (rev 2283)
+++ pkg/Meucci/R/ButterflyTrading.R 2012-09-11 13:34:29 UTC (rev 2284)
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-# TODO: plot efficient frontier in R
-PlotFrontier = function( e , s , w )
- # subplot(2,1,1)
- plot( s , e )
- # grid on
- # set(gca,'xlim',[min(s) max(s)])
- #
- # subplot(2,1,2)
- xx = nrow( w ) ; N = ncol( w )
- Data = apply( w , 1 , cumsum ) #TODO: Check. Take cumulative sum of *rows*. Try sapply?
- for ( n in 1:N )
- {
- x = cbind( min(s) , s , max(s) )
- y = cbind( 0 , Data[ , N-n+1 ] , 0 )
- # hold on
- #h = fill( x , y , cbind( .9 , .9 , .9) - mod( n , 3 ) %*% cbind( .2 , .2 , .2) )
- }
- #set(gca,'xlim',[min(s) max(s)],'ylim',[0 max(max(Data))])
- #xlabel('portfolio # (risk propensity)')
- #ylabel('portfolio composition')
-ViewCurveSlope = function( X , p )
- # view 3 (expectations and binding constraints): slope of the yield curve will increase by 5 bp
- J = nrow( X ) ; K = ncol( X )
- # constrain probabilities to sum to one...
- Aeq = ones( 1 , J )
- beq = 1
- # ...constrain the expectation...
- V = X[ , 14 ] - X[ , 13 ]
- v = .0005
- Aeq = rbind( Aeq , t(V) )
- beq = rbind( beq , v )
- A = b = emptyMatrix
- # ...compute posterior probabilities
- p_ = EntropyProg( p , A , b , Aeq ,beq )$p_
- return( p_ )
-ViewRealizedVol = function( X , p )
- # view 2 (relative inequality view on median): bullish on realized volatility of MSFT (i.e. absolute log-change in the underlying).
- # This is the variable such that, if larger than a threshold, a long position in the butterfly turns into a profit (e.g. Rachev 2003)
- # we issue a relative statement on the media comparing it with the third quintile implied by the reference market model
- library( matlab )
- J = nrow( X ) ; K = ncol( X )
- # constrain probabilities to sum to one...
- Aeq = ones( 1 , J )
- beq = 1
- # ...constrain the median...
- V = abs( X[ , 1 ] ) # absolute value of the log of changes in MSFT close prices (definition of realized volatility)
- V_Sort = sort( V , decreasing = FALSE ) # sorting of the abs value of log changes in prices from smallest to largest
- I_Sort = order( V )
- F = cumsum( p[ I_Sort ] ) # represents the cumulative sum of probabilities from ~0 to 1
- I_Reference = max( matlab:::find( F <= 3/5 ) ) # finds the (max) index corresponding to element with value <= 3/5 along the empirical cumulative density function for the abs log-changes in price
- V_Reference = V_Sort[ I_Reference ] # returns the corresponding abs log of change in price at the 3/5 of the cumulative density function
- I_Select = find( V <= V_Reference ) # finds all indices with value of abs log-change in price less than the reference value
- a = zeros( 1 , J )
- a[ I_Select ] = 1 # select those cases where the abs log-change in price is less than the 3/5 of the empirical cumulative density...
- A = a
- b = .5 # ... and assign the probability of these cases occuring as 50%. This moves the media of the distribution
- # ...compute posterior probabilities
- p_ = EntropyProg( p , A , b , Aeq , beq )$p_
- return( p_ )
-ViewImpliedVol = function( X , p )
- # View 1 (inequality view): bearish on on 2m-6m implied volaility spread for Google
- J = nrow( X ) ; K = ncol( X )
- # constrain probabilities to sum to one...
- Aeq = ones( 1 , J )
- beq = 1
- # ...constrain the expectation...
- V = X[ , 12 ] - X[ , 11 ] # GOOG_vol_182 (6m implied vol) - GOOG_vol_91 (2m implied vol)
- m = mean( V )
- s = std( V )
- A = t( V )
- b = m - s
- # ...compute posterior probabilities
- p_ = EntropyProg( p , A , b , Aeq , beq )$p_
- return( p_ )
-ComputeCVaR = function( Units , Scenarios , Conf )
- PnL = Scenarios %*% Units
- Sort_PnL = PnL[ order( PnL , decreasing = FALSE ) ] # DOUBLE CHECK IF I SHOULD USE ORDER INSTEAD OF SORT
- J = length( PnL )
- Cut = round( J %*% ( 1 - Conf ) , 0 )
- CVaR = -mean( Sort_PnL[ 1:Cut ] )
- return( CVaR )
-LongShortMeanCVaRFrontier = function( PnL , Probs , Butterflies , Options )
- library( matlab )
- library( quadprog )
- library( limSolve )
- # setup constraints
- J = nrow(PnL); N = ncol(PnL)
- P_0s = matrix( , nrow = 1 , ncol = 0 )
- D_s = matrix( , nrow = 1 , ncol = 0 )
- emptyMatrix = matrix( nrow = 0 , ncol = 0 )
- for ( n in 1:N )
- {
- P_0s = cbind( P_0s , Butterflies[[n]]$P_0 ) # 1x9 matrix
- D_s = cbind( D_s , Butterflies[[n]]$Delta ) # 1x9 matrix
- }
- Constr = list()
- Constr$Aeq = P_0s # linear coefficients in the constraints Aeq*X = beq (equality constraints)
- Constr$beq = Options$Budget # the constant vector in the constraints Aeq*x = beq
- if ( Options$DeltaNeutral == TRUE )
- {
- Constr$Aeq = rbind( Constr$Aeq , D_s ) # 2x9 matrix
- Constr$beq = rbind( Constr$beq , 0 ) # 2x9 matrix
- }
- Constr$Aleq = rbind( diag( as.vector( P_0s ) ) , -diag( as.vector( P_0s ) ) ) # linear coefficients in the constraints A*x <= b. an 18x9 matrix
- Constr$bleq = rbind( Options$Limit * ones(N,1) , Options$Limit * ones(N,1) ) # constant vector in the constraints A*x <= b. an 18x1 matrix
- # determine expectation of minimum-variance portfolio
- Exps = t(PnL) %*% Probs
- Scnd_Mom = t(PnL) %*% (PnL * (Probs %*% ones(1,N) ) )
- Scnd_Mom = ( Scnd_Mom + t(Scnd_Mom) ) / 2
- Covs = Scnd_Mom - Exps %*% t(Exps)
- Amat = rbind( Constr$Aeq , Constr$Aleq ) # stack the equality constraints on top of the inequality constraints
- bvec = rbind( Constr$beq , Constr$bleq ) # stack the equality constraints on top of the inequality constraints
- #if ( nrow(Covs) != length( zeros(N,1) ) ) stop("Dmat and dvec are incompatible!")
- #if ( nrow(Covs) != nrow(Amat)) stop("Amat and dvec are incompatible!")
- MinSDev_Units = solve.QP( Dmat = Covs , dvec = -1 * zeros(N,1) , Amat = -1*t(Amat) , bvec = -1*bvec , meq = length( Constr$beq) ) # TODO: Check this
- MinSDev_Exp = t( MinSDev_Units$solution ) %*% Exps
- # determine expectation of maximum-expectation portfolio
- MaxExp_Units = linp( E = Constr$Aeq , F = Constr$beq , G = -1*Constr$Aleq , H = -1*Constr$bleq , Cost = -Exps , ispos = FALSE )$X
- MaxExp_Exp = t( MaxExp_Units ) %*% Exps
- # slice efficient frontier in NumPortf equally thick horizontal sections
- Grid = t( seq( from = Options$FrontierSpan[1] , to = Options$FrontierSpan[2] , length.out = Options$NumPortf ) )
- TargetExp = as.numeric( MinSDev_Exp ) + Grid * as.numeric( ( MaxExp_Exp - MinSDev_Exp ) )
- # compute composition, expectation, s.dev. and CVaR of the efficient frontier
- Composition = matrix( , ncol = N , nrow = 0 )
- Exp = matrix( , ncol = 1 , nrow = 0 )
- SDev = matrix( , ncol = 1 , nrow = 0 )
- CVaR = matrix( , ncol = 1 , nrow = 0 )
- for (i in 1:Options$NumPortf )
- {
- # determine least risky portfolio for given expectation
- AEq = rbind( Constr$Aeq , t(Exps) ) # equality constraint: set expected return for each asset...
- bEq = rbind( Constr$beq , TargetExp[i] )
- Amat = rbind( AEq , Constr$Aleq ) # stack the equality constraints on top of the inequality constraints
- bvec = rbind( bEq , Constr$bleq ) # ...and target portfolio return for i'th efficient portfolio
- # Why is FirstDegree "expected returns" set to 0?
- # Becasuse we capture the equality view in the equality constraints matrix
- # In other words, we have a constraint that the Expected Returns by Asset %*% Weights = Target Return
- Units = solve.QP( Dmat = Covs , dvec = -1*zeros(N,1) , Amat = -1*t(Amat) , bvec = -1*bvec , meq = length( bEq ) )
- # store results
- Composition = rbind( Composition , t( Units$solution ) )
- Exp = rbind( Exp , t( Units$solution ) %*% Exps )
- SDev = rbind( SDev , sqrt( t( Units$solution ) %*% Covs %*% Units$solution ) )
- CVaR = rbind( CVaR , ComputeCVaR( Units$solution , PnL , Options$Quant ) )
- }
- colnames( Composition ) = c( "MSFT_vol_30" , "MSFT_vol_91" , "MSFT_vol_182" ,
- "YHOO_vol_30" , "YHOO_vol_91" , "YHOO_vol_182" ,
- "GOOG_vol_30" , "GOOG_vol_91" , "GOOG_vol_182" )
- return( list( Exp = Exp , SDev = SDev , CVaR = CVaR , Composition = Composition ) )
-MapVol = function( sig , y , K , T )
- # in real life a and b below should be calibrated to security-specific time series
- a=-.00000000001
- b= .00000000001
- s = sig + a/sqrt(T) * ( log(K) - log(y) ) + b/T*( log(K) - log(y) )^2
- return( s )
-HorizonPricing = function( Butterflies , X )
- r = .04 # risk-free rate
- tau = 1/252 # investment horizon
-# factors: 1. 'MSFT_close' 2. 'MSFT_vol_30' 3. 'MSFT_vol_91' 4. 'MSFT_vol_182'
-# securities: 1. 'MSFT_vol_30' 2. 'MSFT_vol_91' 3. 'MSFT_vol_182'
-# create a new row called DlnY and Dsig
-# create a new row called 'DlnY'. Assign the first row (vector) of X to this DlnY for the 1:3 securities
- for ( s in 1:3 ) { Butterflies[[s]]$DlnY = X[ , 1 ] }
-# assign the 2nd row of X to a new element called Dsig
- Butterflies[[1]]$Dsig=X[ , 2 ]
- Butterflies[[2]]$Dsig=X[ , 3 ]
- Butterflies[[3]]$Dsig=X[ , 4 ]
-# factors: 5. 'YHOO_close' 6. 'YHOO_vol_30' 7. 'YHOO_vol_91' 8. 'YHOO_vol_182'
-# securities: 4. 'YHOO_vol_30' 5. 'YHOO_vol_91' 6. 'YHOO_vol_182'
- for ( s in 4:6 ) { Butterflies[[s]]$DlnY=X[ , 5 ] }
- Butterflies[[4]]$Dsig=X[ , 6 ]
- Butterflies[[5]]$Dsig=X[ , 7 ]
- Butterflies[[6]]$Dsig=X[ , 8 ]
-# factors: # 9. 'GOOG_close' 10. 'GOOG_vol_30' 11. 'GOOG_vol_91' 12. 'GOOG_vol_182'
-# securities: 7. 'GOOG_vol_30' 8. 'GOOG_vol_91' 9. 'GOOG_vol_182'
- for ( s in 7:9 ) { Butterflies[[s]]$DlnY=X[ , 9 ] }
- Butterflies[[7]]$Dsig=X[ , 10 ]
- Butterflies[[8]]$Dsig=X[ , 11 ]
- Butterflies[[9]]$Dsig=X[ , 12 ]
- PnL = matrix( NA , nrow = nrow(X) )
- for ( s in 1:length(Butterflies) )
- {
- Y = Butterflies[[s]]$Y_0 * exp(Butterflies[[s]]$DlnY)
- ATMsig = apply( cbind( Butterflies[[s]]$sig_0 + Butterflies[[s]]$Dsig , 10^-6 ) , 1 , max )
- t = Butterflies[[s]]$T - tau
- K = Butterflies[[s]]$K
- sig = MapVol(ATMsig , Y , K , t )
- # library(RQuantLib) # this function can only operate on one option at a time, so we use fOptions
- # C = EuropeanOption( type = "call" , underlying = Y , strike = K , dividendYield = 0 , riskFreeRate = r , maturity = t , volatility = sig )$value
- # P = EuropeanOption( type = "put" , underlying = Y , strike = K , dividendYield = 0 , riskFreeRate = r , maturity = t , volatility = sig )$value
- # use fOptions to value options
- library( fOptions )
- C = GBSOption( TypeFlag = "c" , S = Y , X = K , r = r , b = 0 , Time = t , sigma = sig )
- P = GBSOption( TypeFlag = "p" , S = Y , X = K , r = r , b = 0 , Time = t , sigma = sig )
- Butterflies[[s]]$P_T = C at price + P at price
- PnL = cbind( PnL , Butterflies[[s]]$P_T )
- }
- PnL = PnL[ , -1 ]
Copied: pkg/Meucci/R/MeanDiversificationFrontier.R (from rev 2255, pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/sandbox/Meucci/R/MeanDiversificationFrontier.R)
--- pkg/Meucci/R/MeanDiversificationFrontier.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/Meucci/R/MeanDiversificationFrontier.R 2012-09-11 13:34:29 UTC (rev 2284)
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+#' This function generates the first eigen vector
+#' @param S Covariance Matrix
+#' @param A Conditioning Matrix
+#' @return e First Eigen Vector
+#' @references
+#' A. Meucci - "Managing Diversification", Risk Magazine, June 2009
+#' \url{http://ssrn.com/abstract=1358533}
+#' @author Manan Shah \email{mkshah@@cmu.edu}
+GenFirstEigVect = function( S , A )
+ N = nrow( S )
+ P = diag( N )
+ if ( qr( A )$rank > 0 )
+ {
+ P = diag(N) - t( A ) %*% solve( A %*% t( A ) ) %*% A
+ }
+ tmp = eigen( P %*% S %*% t(P) )
+ E_ = tmp$vectors
+ L_ = tmp$values
+ I = which.max( L_ )
+ e = E_[,I]
+ return( e )
+#' This function computes the conditional principal portfolios
+#' @param S Covariance Matrix
+#' @param A Conditioning Matrix
+#' @return a list containing
+#' @return E a matrix containing conditional principal portfolios composition
+#' @return L a matrix containing conditional principal portfolios variances
+#' @return G map weights -> conditional diversification distribution (square root of, not normalized)
+#' \deqn{ e_{n} \equiv argmax_{ e'e \equiv 1 } \big\{ e' \Sigma e \big\} s.t. e' \Sigma e_{j} \equiv 0 }
+#' @references
+#' A. Meucci - "Managing Diversification", Risk Magazine, June 2009 - Formula (12)
+#' \url{http://ssrn.com/abstract=1358533}
+#' @author Manan Shah \email{mkshah@@cmu.edu}
+GenPCBasis = function( S , A )
+ if ( length( A ) == 0 )
+ {
+ N = nrow( S )
+ L = rep( 0, N )
+ K = 0
+ tmp = eigen( S )
+ E_ = tmp$vectors
+ L_ = diag( tmp$values )
+ E = E_
+ for ( n in 1:N )
+ {
+ E[ , n ] = E_[ , N - n + 1 ]
+ L[ n ] = L_[ N - n + 1 , N - n + 1 ]
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ K = nrow( A )
+ N = ncol( A )
+ emptyMatrix = matrix( ,nrow = 0, ncol = 0 )
+ E = emptyMatrix
+ B = A
+ for ( n in 1:N - K )
+ {
+ if ( length( E ) != 0 )
+ {
+ B = rbind( A, t( E ) %*% S )
+ }
+ e = GenFirstEigVect( S , B )
+ E = cbind( E , e )
+ }
+ for ( n in N - K + 1:N )
+ {
+ B = t( E ) %*% S
+ e = GenFirstEigVect( S , B )
+ E = cbind( E , e )
+ }
+ # swap order
+ E = cbind( E[ , N - K + 1:N ], E[ , 1:N - K ] )
+ }
+ v = t( E ) %*% as.matrix( S ) %*% E
+ L = diag( v )
+ G = diag( sqrt( L ), nrow = length( L ) ) %*% solve( E )
+ G = G[ K + 1:N , ]
+ return( list( E = E, L = L, G = G ) )
+#' This function computes the extreme frontier
+#' @param G map weights -> conditional diversification distribution (square root of, not normalized)
+#' @param w_b a matrix containing the benchmark weights
+#' @param w_0 a matrix containing the initial portfolio weights
+#' @param Constr a list containing the equality and inequality constraints
+#' @return x a numeric containing the maximum entropy
+#' \deqn{ N_{ent} \equiv exp \big(-\sum_{n=k+1}^N p_{n} ln p_{n} \big),
+#' w_{ \varphi } \equiv argmax_{w \in C, \mu'w \geq \varphi } N_{ent} \big(w\big) }
+#' @references
+#' A. Meucci - "Managing Diversification", Risk Magazine, June 2009 - Formula (18,19)
+#' \url{http://ssrn.com/abstract=1358533}
+#' @author Manan Shah \email{mkshah@@cmu.edu}
+MaxEntropy = function( G , w_b , w_0 , Constr )
+ library( nloptr )
+ # Nested function that computes fitness
+ nestedfun = function( x )
+ {
+ v_ = G %*% ( x - as.matrix( w_b ) )
+ p = v_ * v_
+ R_2 = pmax( 10^(-10), p / colSums( p ) )
+ Minus_Ent = t( R_2 ) * log( R_2 )
+ # evaluate gradient
+ gradient = rbind( Constr$b - Constr$A %*% x , Constr$beq - Constr$Aeq %*% x )
+ return( list( objective = Minus_Ent , gradient = gradient ) )
+ }
+ local_opts <- list( algorithm = "NLOPT_LD_SLSQP", xtol_rel = 1.0e-6 ,
+ check_derivatives = FALSE , #check_derivatives_print = "all" ,
+ eval_f = nestedfun )
+ x = nloptr( x0 = w_0 , eval_f = nestedfun ,
+ opts = list( algorithm = "NLOPT_LD_AUGLAG" , local_opts = local_opts ,
+ print_level = 2 , maxeval = 1000 ,
+ check_derivatives = FALSE , #check_derivatives_print = "all" ,
+ xtol_rel = 1.0e-6 ) )
+ return( x )
+#' This function computes the mean diversification efficient frontier
+#' @param S Covariance Matrix
+#' @param Mu a matrix containing the expectations
+#' @param w_b a matrix containing the benchmark weights
+#' @param w_0 a matrix containing the initial portfolio weights
+#' @param Constr a list containing the equality and inequality constraints
+#' @return a list containing
+#' @return Weights
+#' @return Ne_s
+#' @return R_2_s
+#' @return m_s
+#' @return s_S
+#' @references
+#' A. Meucci - "Managing Diversification", Risk Magazine, June 2009
+#' \url{http://ssrn.com/abstract=1358533}
+#' @author Manan Shah \email{mkshah@@cmu.edu}
+MeanTCEntropyFrontier = function( S , Mu , w_b , w_0 , Constr )
+ emptyMatrix = matrix( ,nrow = 0, ncol = 0)
+ # compute conditional principal portfolios
+ GenPCBasisResult = GenPCBasis( S, emptyMatrix )
+ # compute frontier extrema
+ library( limSolve )
+ w_MaxExp = as.matrix( linp( E = Constr$Aeq , F = Constr$beq , G = -1*Constr$A , H = -1*Constr$b, Cost = -t( Mu ) , ispos = FALSE)$X )
+ MaxExp = t( Mu ) %*% ( w_MaxExp - as.matrix( w_b ) )
+ w_MaxNe = MaxEntropy( GenPCBasisResult$G , w_b , w_0 , Constr )
+ ExpMaxNe = t( Mu ) %*% ( w_MaxNe - w_b )
+ # slice efficient frontier in NumPortf equally thick horizontal sections
+ NumPortf = 10
+ Grid_L = .0
+ Grid_H = .9
+ Grid = c( seq( from = Grid_L, to = Grid_H, length.out = NumPortf ) )
+ TargetExp = ExpMaxNe + Grid %*% ( MaxExp - ExpMaxNe )
+ # compute diversification distribution
+ Weights = emptyMatrix
+ R_2_s = emptyMatrix
+ Ne_s = emptyMatrix
+ m_s = emptyMatrix
+ s_s = emptyMatrix
+ for ( k in 1:NumPortf )
+ {
+ ConstR = Constr
+ ConstR$Aeq = cbind( Constr$Aeq, t( Mu ) )
+ ConstR$beq = cbind( Constr$beq, TargetExp[ k ] + t( Mu ) %*% w_b )
+ w = MaxEntropy( GenPCBasisResult$G , w_b , w_0 , ConstR )
+ m = t( Mu ) %*% ( w - w_b )
+ s = sqrt( t( w - w_b ) %*% S %*% ( w - w_b ) )
+ v_ = GenPCBasisResult$G %*% ( w - w_b )
+ TE_contr = v_ * v_ / s
+ R_2 = max( 10^(-10) , TE_contr / colSums( TE_contr ) )
+ Ne = exp( -R_2 * log( R_2 ) )
+ Weights = cbind( Weights, w )
+ m_s = cbind( m_s, m )
+ s_s = cbind( s_s, s )
+ R_2_s = cbind( R_2_s, R_2 )
+ Ne_s = cbind( Ne_s, Ne )
+ }
+ return( list( Weights = Weights, Ne_s = Ne_s, R_2_s = R_2_s, m_s = m_s, s_s = s_s ) )
\ No newline at end of file
Copied: pkg/Meucci/R/MultivariateOUnCointegration.R (from rev 2255, pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/sandbox/Meucci/R/MultivariateOUnCointegration.R)
--- pkg/Meucci/R/MultivariateOUnCointegration.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/Meucci/R/MultivariateOUnCointegration.R 2012-09-11 13:34:29 UTC (rev 2284)
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+#' Generate the next element based on Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process
+#' @param X_0 a matrix containing the starting value of each process
+#' @param t a numeric containing the timestep
+#' @param Mu a vector containing the unconditional expectation of the process
+#' @param Th a transition matrix, i.e., a fully generic square matrix that steers the deterministic portion
+#' of the evolution of the process
+#' @param Sig a square matrix that drives the dispersion of the process
+#' @return a list containing
+#' @return X_t a vector containing the value of the process after the given timestep
+#' @return Mu_t a vector containing the conditional expectation of the process
+#' @return Sig_t a matrix containing the covariance after the time step
+#' \deqn{ X_{t+ \tau } = \big(I- e^{- \theta \tau } \big) \mu + e^{- \theta \tau } X_{t} + \epsilon _{t, \tau } }
+#' @references
+#' A. Meucci - "Review of Statistical Arbitrage, Cointegration, and Multivariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck" - Formula (2)
+#' \url{http://ssrn.com/abstract=1404905}
+#' @author Manan Shah \email{mkshah@@cmu.edu}
+OUstep = function( X_0 , t , Mu , Th , Sig )
+ NumSimul = nrow( X_0 )
+ N = ncol( X_0 )
+ # location
+ ExpM = expm( -Th * t )
+ # repmat = function(X,m,n) - R equivalent of repmat (matlab)
+ X = t( Mu - ExpM %*% Mu )
+ mx = dim( X )[1]
+ nx = dim( X )[2]
+ Mu_t = matrix( t ( matrix( X , mx , nx*1 ) ), mx * NumSimul, nx * 1, byrow = T ) + X_0 %*% ExpM
+ # scatter
+ TsT = kronecker( Th , diag( N ) ) + kronecker( diag( N ) , Th )
+ VecSig = Sig
+ dim( VecSig ) = c( N^2 , 1 )
+ VecSig_t = solve( TsT ) %*% ( diag( N^2 ) - expm( -TsT * t ) ) %*% VecSig
+ Sig_t = VecSig_t
+ dim( Sig_t ) = c( N , N )
+ Sig_t = ( Sig_t + t( Sig_t ) ) / 2
+ Eps = mvrnorm( NumSimul, rep( 0 , N ), Sig_t )
+ X_t = Mu_t + Eps
+ Mu_t = t( colMeans( Mu_t ) )
+ return( list( X_t = X_t, Mu_t = Mu_t, Sig_t = Sig_t ) )
+#' Generate the next element based on Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process using antithetic concept and assuming that the
+#' Brownian motion has Euler discretization
+#' @param X_0 a matrix containing the starting value of each process
+#' @param Dt a numeric containing the timestep
+#' @param Mu a vector containing the unconditional expectation of the process
+#' @param Th a transition matrix, i.e., a fully generic square matrix that steers the deterministic portion
+#' of the evolution of the process
+#' @param Sig a square matrix that drives the dispersion of the process
+#' @return a list containing
+#' @return X_t a vector containing the value of the process after the given timestep
+#' @return Mu_t a vector containing the conditional expectation of the process
+#' @return Sig_t a matrix containing the covariance after the time step
+#' \deqn{ X_{t+ \tau } = \big(I- e^{- \theta \tau } \big) \mu + e^{- \theta \tau } X_{t} + \epsilon _{t, \tau } }
+#' @references
+#' A. Meucci - "Review of Statistical Arbitrage, Cointegration, and Multivariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck" - Formula (2)
+#' \url{http://ssrn.com/abstract=1404905}
+#' @author Manan Shah \email{mkshah@@cmu.edu}
+OUstepEuler = function( X_0 , Dt , Mu , Th , Sig )
+ NumSimul = nrow( X_0 )
+ N = ncol( X_0 )
+ # location
+ ExpM = expm( as.matrix( -Th %*% Dt ) )
+ # repmat = function(X,m,n) - R equivalent of repmat (matlab)
+ X = t( Mu - ExpM %*% Mu )
+ mx = dim( X )[1]
+ nx = dim( X )[2]
+ Mu_t = matrix( t ( matrix( X , mx , nx*1 ) ), mx * NumSimul, nx * 1, byrow = T ) + X_0 %*% ExpM
+ # scatter
+ Sig_t = Sig %*% Dt
+ Eps = mvrnorm( NumSimul / 2, rep( 0 , N ) , Sig_t )
+ Eps = rbind( Eps, -Eps)
+ X_t = Mu_t + Eps
+ Mu_t = t( colMeans( X_t ) )
+ return( list( X_t = X_t, Mu_t = Mu_t, Sig_t = Sig_t ) )
+#' Fit the Ornstein-uhlenbeck process to model the behavior for different values of the timestep.
+#' @param Y a matrix containing the value of a process at various time steps.
+#' @param tau a numeric containing the timestep
+#' @return a list containing
+#' @return Mu a vector containing the expectation of the process
+#' @return Sig a matrix containing the covariance of the resulting fitted OU process
+#' @return Th a transition matrix required for defining the fitted OU process
+#' \deqn{ x_{t+ \tau } = \big(I- e^{- \theta \tau } \big) \mu + e^{- \theta \tau } x_{t},
+#' vec \big( \Sigma _{ \tau } \big) \equiv \big( \Theta \oplus \Theta \big) ^{-1} \big(I- e^{( \Theta \oplus \Theta ) \tau } \big) vec \big( \Sigma \big) }
+#' @references
+#' A. Meucci - "Review of Statistical Arbitrage, Cointegration, and Multivariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck" - Formula (8),(9)
+#' \url{http://ssrn.com/abstract=1404905}
+#' @author Manan Shah \email{mkshah@@cmu.edu}
+FitOU = function ( Y, tau )
+ library(expm)
+ T = nrow( Y )
+ N = ncol( Y )
+ X = Y[ -1 , ]
+ F = cbind( rep( 1, T-1 ), Y [ 1:T-1 ,] )
+ E_XF = t( X ) %*% F / T
+ E_FF = t( F ) %*% F / T
+ B = E_XF %*% solve( E_FF )
+ Th = -logm ( B [ , -1 ] ) / tau
+ Mu = solve( diag( N ) - B[ , -1 ] ) %*% B[ , 1 ]
+ U = F %*% t( B ) - X
+ Sig_tau = cov( U )
+ N = length( Mu )
+ TsT = kronecker( Th , diag( N ) ) + kronecker( diag( N ) , Th )
+ VecSig_tau = Sig_tau
+ dim( VecSig_tau ) = c( N^2 , 1 )
+ VecSig = solve( diag( N^2 ) - expm( as.matrix( -TsT * tau ) ) ) %*% TsT %*% VecSig_tau
+ Sig = VecSig
+ dim( Sig ) = c( N , N )
+ return( list( Mu = Mu, Th = Th, Sig = Sig ) )
\ No newline at end of file
Copied: pkg/Meucci/demo/00index (from rev 2255, pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/sandbox/Meucci/demo/00index)
--- pkg/Meucci/demo/00index (rev 0)
+++ pkg/Meucci/demo/00index 2012-09-11 13:34:29 UTC (rev 2284)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+AnalyticalvsNumerical This example script compares the numerical and the analytical solution of entropy-pooling
+ButterflyTrading This example script performs the butterfly-trading case study for the Entropy-Pooling approach by Attilio Meucci
+DetectOutliersviaMVE This example script detects outliers in two-asset and multi-asset case
+FullyFlexibleBayesNets This case study uses Entropy Pooling to compute Fully Flexible Bayesian networks for risk management
+HermiteGrid_CaseStudy This script estimates the prior of a hedge fund return and processes extreme views on CVaR according to Entropy Pooling
+HermiteGrid_CVaR_Recursion This script illustrates the discrete Newton recursion to process views on CVaR according to Entropy Pooling
+HermiteGrid_demo This script compares the performance of plain Monte Carlo versus grid in applying Entropy Pooling to process extreme views
+InvariantProjection This script projects summary statistics to arbitrary horizons under i.i.d. assumption
+logToArithmeticCovariance This example script generates arithmetric returns and arithmetric covariance matrix given a distribution of log returns
+Prior2Posterior This example script compares the numerical and the analytical solution of entropy-pooling
+RankingInformation This script performs ranking allocation using the Entropy-Pooling approach by Attilio Meucci
+RobustBayesianAllocation This script replicates the example from Meucci's MATLAB script S_SimulationsCaseStudy.M
+S_plotGaussHermite This example script displays mesh points based on Gaussian-Hermite quadrature
+S_SnPCaseStudy This script replicates the example from Meucci's MATLAB script S_SnPCaseStudy.M
+S_ToyExample This toy example illustrates the use of Entropy Pooling to compute Fully Flexible Bayesian networks
+S_FitProjectRates This script fits the swap rates dynamics to a multivariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process and computes and plots the estimated future distribution
+S_CheckDiagonalization This script verifies the correctness of the eigenvalue-eigenvector representation in terms of real matrices for the transition matrix of an OU process
+S_CovarianceEvolution This script represents the evolution of the covariance of an OU process in terms of the dispersion ellipsoid
+S_DeterministicEvolution This script animates the evolution of the determinstic component of an OU process
+MeanDiversificationFrontier This script computes the mean-diversification efficient frontier
\ No newline at end of file
Copied: pkg/Meucci/demo/HermiteGrid_CVaR_Recursion.R (from rev 2255, pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/sandbox/Meucci/demo/HermiteGrid_CVaR_Recursion.R)
--- pkg/Meucci/demo/HermiteGrid_CVaR_Recursion.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/Meucci/demo/HermiteGrid_CVaR_Recursion.R 2012-09-11 13:34:29 UTC (rev 2284)
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# This script illustrates the discrete Newton recursion to process views on CVaR according to Entropy Pooling
+# This script complements the article
+# "Fully Flexible Extreme Views"
+# by A. Meucci, D. Ardia, S. Keel
+# available at www.ssrn.com
+# The most recent version of this code is available at
+# MATLAB Central - File Exchange
+# Prior market model (normal) on grid
+emptyMatrix = matrix( nrow=0 , ncol=0 )
+market.mu = 0.0
+market.sig2 = 1.0
+market.pdf = function(x) dnorm( x , mean = market.mu , sd = sqrt(market.sig2) )
+market.cdf = function(x) pnorm( x , mean = market.mu , sd = sqrt(market.sig2) )
+market.rnd = function(x) rnorm( x , mean = market.mu , sd = sqrt(market.sig2) )
+market.inv = function(x) qnorm( x , mean = market.mu , sd = sqrt(market.sig2) )
+market.VaR95 = market.inv(0.05)
+market.CVaR95 = integrate( function( x ) ( x * market.pdf( x ) ), -100, market.VaR95)$val / 0.05
+tmp = ( ghqx - min( ghqx ) )/( max( ghqx ) - min( ghqx ) ) # rescale GH zeros so they belong to [0,1]
+epsilon = 1e-10
+Lower = market.inv( epsilon )
+Upper = market.inv( 1 - epsilon )
+X = Lower + tmp * ( Upper - Lower ) # rescale mesh
+p = integrateSubIntervals( X, market.cdf )
+p = normalizeProb( p )
+J = nrow( X )
+# Entropy posterior from extreme view on CVaR: brute-force approach
+# view of the analyst
+view.CVaR95 = -3.0
+# Iterate over different VaR95 levels
+nVaR95 = 100
+VaR95 = seq(view.CVaR95, market.VaR95, len=nVaR95)
+p_ = matrix(NaN, nrow = J, ncol = nVaR95 )
+s_ = matrix(NaN, nrow = nVaR95, ncol = 1 )
+KLdiv = matrix(NaN, nrow = nVaR95, ncol = 1)
+for ( i in 1:nVaR95 ) {
+ idx = as.matrix( X <= VaR95[i] )
+ s_[i] = sum(idx)
+ posteriorEntropy = EntropyProg(p, t( idx ), as.matrix( 0.05 ), rbind( rep(1, J), t( idx * X ) ), rbind( 1, 0.05 * view.CVaR95 ) )
+ p_[,i] = posteriorEntropy$p_
+ KLdiv[i] = posteriorEntropy$optimizationPerformance$ml
+# Display results
+plot( s_, KLdiv )
+dummy = min( KLdiv )
+idxMin = which.min( KLdiv )
+plot( s_[idxMin], KLdiv[idxMin] )
+tmp = p_[, idxMin]
+tmp = tmp / sum( tmp )
+plot( X, tmp )
+x = seq(min(X), max(X), len = J);
+tmp = market.pdf(x)
+tmp = tmp / sum(tmp)
+plot(x, tmp)
+plot(market.CVaR95, 0)
+plot(view.CVaR95, 0)
+# Entropy posterior from extreme view on CVaR: Newton Raphson approach
+s = emptyMatrix
+# initial value
+idx = as.matrix( cumsum(p) <= 0.05 )
+s[1] = sum(idx)
+posteriorEntropy = EntropyProg(p, t( idx ), as.matrix( 0.05 ), rbind( rep(1, J), t( idx * X ) ), rbind( 1, 0.05 * view.CVaR95) )
+KLdiv = as.matrix( posteriorEntropy$optimizationPerformance$ml )
+p_ = posteriorEntropy$p_
+# iterate
+doStop = 0
+i = 1
+while ( !doStop ) {
+ i = i + 1
+ idx = cbind( matrix(1, 1, s[i - 1] ), matrix(0, 1, J - s[i-1] ) )
+ posteriorEntropy1 = EntropyProg(p, idx, as.matrix( 0.05 ), rbind( matrix(1, 1, J), t( t(idx) * X) ), rbind( 1, 0.05 * view.CVaR95 ) )
+ # [dummy, KLdiv_s] = optimizeEntropy(p, [idx'; (idx .* X)'], [0.05; 0.05 * view.CVaR95], [ones(1, J); X'], [1; view.mu]);
+ idx = cbind( matrix(1, 1, s[i - 1] + 1 ), matrix(0, 1, J - s[i - 1] - 1) )
+ posteriorEntropy2 = EntropyProg(p, idx, as.matrix( 0.05 ), rbind( matrix(1, 1, J), t( t(idx) * X) ), rbind( 1, 0.05 * view.CVaR95 ) )
+ # [dummy, KLdiv_s1] = optimizeEntropy(p, [idx'; (idx .* X)'], [0.05; 0.05 * view.CVaR95], [ones(1, J); X'], [1; view.mu]);
+ idx = cbind( matrix(1, 1, s[i - 1] + 2 ), matrix(0, 1, J - s[i - 1] - 2) )
+ posteriorEntropy3 = EntropyProg(p, idx, as.matrix( 0.05 ), rbind( matrix(1, 1, J), t( t(idx) * X) ), rbind( 1, 0.05 * view.CVaR95 ) )
+ # [dummy, KLdiv_s2] = optimizeEntropy(p, [idx'; (idx .* X)'], [0.05; 0.05 * view.CVaR95], [ones(1, J); X'], [1; view.mu]);
+ # first difference
+ DE = posteriorEntropy2$optimizationPerformance$ml - posteriorEntropy1$optimizationPerformance$ml
+ # second difference
+ D2E = posteriorEntropy3$optimizationPerformance$ml - 2 * posteriorEntropy2$optimizationPerformance$ml + posteriorEntropy1$optimizationPerformance$ml
+ # optimal s
+ s = rbind( s, round( s[i - 1] - (DE / D2E) ) )
+ tmp = emptyMatrix
+ idx = cbind( matrix( 1, 1, s[i] ), matrix( 0, 1, J - s[i] ) )
+ tempEntropy = EntropyProg(p, idx, as.matrix( 0.05 ), rbind( matrix(1, 1, J), t( t(idx) * X) ), rbind( 1, 0.05 * view.CVaR95 ) )
+ # [tmp.p_, tmp.KLdiv] = optimizeEntropy(p, [idx'; (idx .* X)'], [0.05; 0.05 * view.CVaR95], [ones(1, J); X'], [1; view.mu]);
+ p_ = cbind( p_, tempEntropy$p_ )
+ KLdiv = rbind( KLdiv, tempEntropy$optimizationPerformance$ml ) #ok<*AGROW>
+ # if change in KLdiv less than one percent, stop
+ if( abs( ( KLdiv[i] - KLdiv[i - 1] ) / KLdiv[i - 1] ) < 0.01 ) { doStop = 1 }
+# Display results
+N = length(s)
+plot(1:N, KLdiv)
+x = seq(min(X), max(X), len = J)
+tmp = market.pdf(x)
+tmp = tmp / sum(tmp)
+plot( t( X ), tmp )
+plot( t( X ), p_[, ncol(p_)] )
+plot( market.CVaR95, 0.0 )
+plot( view.CVaR95, 0.0 )
+# zoom here
+plot( t( X ), tmp )
+plot( t( X ), p_[, 1] )
To get the complete diff run:
svnlook diff /svnroot/returnanalytics -r 2284
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