[Returnanalytics-commits] r1963 - pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Fri May 25 00:56:24 CEST 2012

Author: braverock
Date: 2012-05-25 00:56:23 +0200 (Fri, 25 May 2012)
New Revision: 1963

- add objective extraction

Added: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/script.UW2012.R
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/script.UW2012.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/sandbox/script.UW2012.R	2012-05-24 22:56:23 UTC (rev 1963)
@@ -0,0 +1,1063 @@
+### For R/Finance workshop on Portfolio Analytics
+# Chicago, 10 May 2012
+# Peter Carl and Brian Peterson
+### Load the necessary packages
+# Include optimizer and multi-core packages
+# Available on r-forge
+require(FactorAnalytics) # development version > build 
+require(vcd) # for color palates
+### Set up color palates
+pal <- function(col, border = "light gray", ...){
+  n <- length(col)
+  plot(0, 0, type="n", xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1),
+    axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", ...)
+    rect(0:(n-1)/n, 0, 1:n/n, 1, col = col, border = border)
+# Use dark8equal for now?
+# Qualitative color scheme by Paul Tol
+tol2qualitative=c("#4477AA", "#CC6677")
+tol3qualitative=c("#4477AA", "#DDCC77", "#CC6677")
+tol4qualitative=c("#4477AA", "#117733", "#DDCC77", "#CC6677")
+tol5qualitative=c("#332288", "#88CCEE", "#117733", "#DDCC77", "#CC6677")
+tol6qualitative=c("#332288", "#88CCEE", "#117733", "#DDCC77", "#CC6677","#AA4499")
+tol7qualitative=c("#332288", "#88CCEE", "#44AA99", "#117733", "#DDCC77", "#CC6677","#AA4499")
+tol8qualitative=c("#332288", "#88CCEE", "#44AA99", "#117733", "#999933", "#DDCC77", "#CC6677","#AA4499")
+tol9qualitative=c("#332288", "#88CCEE", "#44AA99", "#117733", "#999933", "#DDCC77", "#CC6677", "#882255", "#AA4499")
+tol10qualitative=c("#332288", "#88CCEE", "#44AA99", "#117733", "#999933", "#DDCC77", "#661100", "#CC6677", "#882255", "#AA4499")
+####### Script WBS
+# Parse data from EDHEC or HFRI
+## Just load the data from packages
+### See script.buildEDHEC.R and script.buildFactors.R
+# data(factors)
+## Which styles?
+### Relative value
+#### FIA
+#### Converts
+#### EMN
+#### Event driven
+### Directional
+#### US Eq LS
+#### Macro
+#### CTA
+#### Distressed
+# Drop some indexes and reorder
+edhec.R = edhec[,c("Convertible Arbitrage", "Equity Market Neutral","Fixed Income Arbitrage", "Event Driven", "CTA Global", "Global Macro", "Long/Short Equity")]
+# Performance analysis of EDHEC hedge fund indexes
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# EDHEC Indexes Returns through time
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+#postscript(file="EDHEC-Cumulative-Returns.pdf", height=6, width=10,  paper="special", horizontal=FALSE, onefile=FALSE)
+png(filename="EDHEC-Cumulative-Returns.png", units="in", height=5.5, width=9, res=96) 
+par(cex.lab=.8) # should set these parameters once at the top
+op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
+layout(matrix(c(1, 2)), height = c(2, 1.3), width = 1)
+par(mar = c(1, 4, 1, 2)) #c(bottom, left, top, right)
+chart.CumReturns(edhec.R, main = "", xaxis = FALSE, legend.loc = "topleft", ylab = "Cumulative Return", colorset= rainbow8equal, ylog=TRUE, wealth.index=TRUE, cex.legend=.7, cex.axis=.6, cex.lab=.7)
+par(mar = c(4, 4, 0, 2))
+chart.Drawdown(edhec.R, main = "", ylab = "Drawdown", colorset = rainbow8equal, cex.axis=.6, cex.lab=.7)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# EDHEC Indexes Risk
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# postscript(file="EDHEC-BarVaR.eps", height=6, width=5, paper="special", horizontal=FALSE, onefile=FALSE)
+png(filename="EDHEC-BarVaR.png", units="in", height=5.5, width=9, res=96) 
+# Generate charts of EDHEC index returns with ETL and VaR through time
+par(mar=c(3, 4, 0, 2) + 0.1) #c(bottom, left, top, right)
+# charts.BarVaR(edhec.R, p=(1-1/12), gap=36, main="", clean='boudt', show.cleaned=TRUE, show.greenredbars=TRUE, methods=c("ModifiedES", "ModifiedVaR"), show.endvalue=TRUE, colorset=rainbow8equal)
+charts.BarVaR(edhec.R, p=(1-1/12), gap=36, main="", show.greenredbars=TRUE, 
+              methods=c("ModifiedES", "ModifiedVaR"), show.endvalue=TRUE, 
+              colorset=rep("Black",7), ylim=c(-.1,.15))
+# charts.BarVaR(edhec.R, p=(1-1/12), gap=36, main="", show.greenredbars=TRUE, methods=c("ModifiedES", "ModifiedVaR"), show.endvalue=TRUE, colorset=rainbow8equal)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# EDHEC Indexes Rolling Performance
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+png(filename="EDHEC-RollPerf.png", units="in", height=5.5, width=9, res=96) 
+# Generate charts of EDHEC index returns with ETL and VaR through time
+par(mar=c(5, 4, 0, 2) + 0.1) #c(bottom, left, top, right)
+charts.RollingPerformance(edhec.R, width=36, main="", colorset=rainbow8equal, legend.loc="topleft")
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# EDHEC Indexes Returns and Risk Scatter
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+png(filename="EDHEC-Scatter36m.png", units="in", height=5.5, width=4.5, res=96) 
+chart.RiskReturnScatter(last(edhec.R,36), main="EDHEC Index Trailing 36-Month Performance", colorset=rainbow8equal, ylim=c(0,.2), xlim=c(0,.12))
+png(filename="EDHEC-ScatterSinceIncept.png", units="in", height=5.5, width=4.5, res=96) 
+chart.RiskReturnScatter(edhec.R, main="EDHEC Index Since Inception Performance", colorset=rainbow8equal, ylim=c(0,.2), xlim=c(0,.12))
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+## EDHEC Indexes Table of Return and Risk Statistics
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+incept.stats = t(table.RiskStats(R=edhec.R, p=p, Rf=.03/12))
+write.csv(incept.stats, file="inception-stats.csv")
+png(filename="EDHEC-InceptionStats.png", units="in", height=5.5, width=9, res=96) 
+textplot(format.df(incept.stats, na.blank=TRUE, numeric.dollar=FALSE, cdec=c(3,3,1,3,1,3,3,1,3,3,1,1,3,3,1,0), rmar = 0.8, cmar = 1,  max.cex=.9, halign = "center", valign = "top", row.valign="center", wrap.rownames=20, wrap.colnames=10, mar = c(0,0,4,0)+0.1))
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+## EDHEC Indexes Distributions
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+png(filename="EDHEC-Distributions.png", units="in", height=5.5, width=9, res=96) 
+op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
+# c(bottom, left, top, right)
+par(oma = c(5,0,2,1), mar=c(0,0,0,3))
+layout(matrix(1:28, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE), widths=rep(c(.6,1,1,1),7))
+# layout.show(n=21)
+row.names = sapply(colnames(RND.weights), function(x) paste(strwrap(x,10), collapse = "\n"), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
+for(i in 1:7){
+  if(i==7){
+    plot.new()
+    text(x=1, y=0.5, adj=c(1,0.5), labels=row.names[i], cex=1.1)
+    chart.Histogram(edhec.R[,i], main="", xlim=c(chart.mins, chart.maxs), breaks=seq(-0.15,0.10, by=0.01), show.outliers=TRUE, methods=c("add.normal"))
+    abline(v=0, col="darkgray", lty=2)
+    chart.QQPlot(edhec.R[,i], main="", pch="*", envelope=0.95, col=c(1,"#005AFF"), ylim=c(chart.mins, chart.maxs))
+    abline(v=0, col="darkgray", lty=2)
+    chart.ECDF(edhec.R[,i], main="", xlim=c(chart.mins, chart.maxs), lwd=2)
+    abline(v=0, col="darkgray", lty=2)
+  }
+  else{
+    plot.new()
+    text(x=1, y=0.5, adj=c(1,0.5), labels=row.names[i], cex=1.1)
+    chart.Histogram(edhec.R[,i], main="", xlim=c(chart.mins, chart.maxs), breaks=seq(-0.15,0.10, by=0.01), xaxis=FALSE, yaxis=FALSE, show.outliers=TRUE, methods=c("add.normal"))
+    abline(v=0, col="darkgray", lty=2)
+    chart.QQPlot(edhec.R[,i], main="", xaxis=FALSE, yaxis=FALSE, pch="*", envelope=0.95, col=c(1,"#005AFF"), ylim=c(chart.mins, chart.maxs))
+    abline(v=0, col="darkgray", lty=2)
+    chart.ECDF(edhec.R[,i], main="", xlim=c(chart.mins, chart.maxs), xaxis=FALSE, yaxis=FALSE, lwd=2)
+    abline(v=0, col="darkgray", lty=2)
+  }
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Correlation
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+col3 <- colorRampPalette(c("darkgreen", "white", "darkred"))
+M <- cor(edhec.R)
+colnames(M) = rownames(M) = row.names
+order.hc2 <- corrMatOrder(M, order="hclust", hclust.method="complete")
+M.hc2 <- M[order.hc2,order.hc2]
+png(filename="EDHEC-cor-inception.png", units="in", height=5.5, width=4.5, res=96) 
+corrplot(M.hc2, tl.col="black", tl.cex=0.8, method="square", col=col3(8), cl.offset=.75, cl.cex=.7, cl.align.text="l", cl.ratio=.25)
+corrRect.hclust(M.hc2, k=3, method="complete", col="blue")
+M36 <- cor(last(edhec.R,36))
+colnames(M36) = rownames(M36) = row.names
+order36.hc2 <- corrMatOrder(M36, order="hclust", hclust.method="complete")
+M36.hc2 <- M36[order36.hc2,order36.hc2]
+png(filename="EDHEC-cor-tr36m.png", units="in", height=5.5, width=4.5, res=96) 
+corrplot(M36.hc2, tl.col="black", tl.cex=0.8, method="square", col=col3(8), cl.offset=.75, cl.cex=.7, cl.align.text="l", cl.ratio=.25)
+corrRect.hclust(M36.hc2, k=3, method="complete", col="blue")
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Autocorrelation
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @TODO: This is frosting, do it last
+# Optimization starts here
+# Set up objectives as buoys
+## Equal contribution to
+### Weight
+### Variance
+### Risk (mETL)
+## Reward to Risk
+### Mean-Variance
+### Mean-mETL
+## Minimum 
+### Variance
+### Risk (mETL)
+# Add constraints
+## Box constraints - 5% to 30%?
+## Rebalancing period - quarterly? annual?
+## Turnover constraints
+# Set up a starting portfolio
+## Could use the equal weight
+# Forecast returns
+## Start with pamean but don't use it in the presentation
+### Create a small weighted annualized trailing-period mean wrapper function
+pamean <- function(n=12, R, weights, geometric=TRUE)
+{ as.vector(sum(Return.annualized(last(R,n), geometric=geometric)*weights)) }
+pameanLCL <- function(n=36, R, weights, scale=12)
+{ as.vector(sum( scale*mean.LCL(last(R,n))*weights)) }
+paEMA <- function(n=10, R, weights, ...)
+{# call Exponential Moving Average from TTR, return the last observation
+  sum((12*last(apply(R,2,FUN=TTR::EMA,n=n)))*weights)
+pasd <- function(R, weights){
+    as.numeric(StdDev(R=R, weights=weights)*sqrt(12)) # hardcoded for monthly data
+#    as.numeric(StdDev(R=R, weights=weights)*sqrt(4)) # hardcoded for quarterly data
+pasd.garch<- function(R,weights,garch.sigma,...) {
+	#sigmas is an input of predicted sigmas on a date, 
+	# presumably from a GARCH model
+	as.numeric(sum((garch.sigma[last(index(R)),]*weights)*sqrt(12)))
+## Apply multi-factor model
+## Show fit
+# Forecast risk
+## Historical realized
+## GARCH(1,1) for vol? if daily data available...
+# Run each of the objective portfolios as of a Date - Dec2010?
+## Combined scatter with overlaid objectives, starting portfolio
+### Mean-variance plot
+# Construct objectives for buoy portfolios
+# Select a rebalance period
+rebalance_period = 'quarters' # uses endpoints identifiers from xts
+clean = "boudt" #"none"
+permutations = 4000
+# A set of box constraints used to initialize ALL the bouy portfolios
+init.constr <- constraint(assets = colnames(edhec.R),
+  min = .05, # minimum position weight
+  max = .3, #1, # maximum position weight
+  min_sum=0.99, # minimum sum of weights must be equal to 1-ish
+  max_sum=1.01, # maximum sum must also be about 1
+  weight_seq = generatesequence(by=.005) 
+  )
+# Add measure 1, annualized return
+init.constr <- add.objective(constraints=init.constr,
+  type="return", # the kind of objective this is
+  name="pamean",
+  #name="pameanLCL",
+  enabled=TRUE, # enable or disable the objective
+  multiplier=0, # calculate it but don't use it in the objective
+  arguments = list(n=60) # for monthly
+  # arguments = list(n=12) # for quarterly
+# Add measure 2, annualized standard deviation
+init.constr <- add.objective(init.constr,
+  type="risk", # the kind of objective this is
+  name="pasd", # to minimize from the sample
+  #name='pasd.garch', # to minimize from the predicted sigmas
+  enabled=TRUE, # enable or disable the objective
+  multiplier=0, # calculate it but don't use it in the objective
+  arguments=list() # from inception for pasd 
+  #arguments=list(sigmas=garch.sigmas) # from inception for pasd.garch 
+# Add measure 3, CVaR with p=(1-1/12)
+# set confidence for VaR/ES
+p=1-1/12 # for monthly
+#p=.25 # for quarterly
+init.constr <- add.objective(init.constr,
+  type="risk", # the kind of objective this is
+  name="CVaR", # the function to minimize
+  enabled=FALSE, # enable or disable the objective
+  multiplier=0, # calculate it but don't use it in the objective
+  arguments=list(p=p), 
+  clean=clean
+### Construct BUOY 1: Constrained Mean-StdDev Portfolio
+MeanSD.constr <- init.constr
+# Turn back on the return and sd objectives
+MeanSD.constr$objectives[[1]]$multiplier = -1 # pamean
+MeanSD.constr$objectives[[2]]$multiplier = 1 # pasd
+### Construct BUOY 2: Constrained Mean-mETL Portfolio
+MeanmETL.constr <- init.constr
+# Turn on the return and mETL objectives
+MeanmETL.constr$objectives[[1]]$multiplier = -1 # pamean
+MeanmETL.constr$objectives[[3]]$multiplier = 1 # mETL
+MeanmETL.constr$objectives[[3]]$enabled = TRUE # mETL
+### Construct BUOY 3: Constrained Minimum Variance Portfolio
+MinSD.constr <- init.constr
+# Turn back on the sd objectives
+MinSD.constr$objectives[[2]]$multiplier = 1 # StdDev
+### Construct BUOY 4: Constrained Minimum mETL Portfolio
+MinmETL.constr <- init.constr
+# Turn back on the mETL objective
+MinmETL.constr$objectives[[3]]$multiplier = 1 # mETL
+MinmETL.constr$objectives[[3]]$enabled = TRUE # mETL
+### Construct BUOY 5: Constrained Equal Variance Contribution Portfolio
+EqSD.constr <- add.objective(init.constr, type="risk_budget", name="StdDev",  enabled=TRUE, min_concentration=TRUE, arguments = list(p=(1-1/12)))
+# Without a sub-objective, we get a somewhat undefined result, since there are (potentially) many Equal SD contribution portfolios.
+EqSD.constr$objectives[[2]]$multiplier = 1 # min paSD
+EqSD.constr$objectives[[1]]$multiplier = 0 # max pamean
+### Construct BUOY 6: Constrained Equal mETL Contribution Portfolio
+EqmETL.constr <- add.objective(init.constr, type="risk_budget", name="CVaR",  enabled=TRUE, min_concentration=TRUE, arguments = list(p=(1-1/12), clean=clean))
+EqmETL.constr$objectives[[3]]$multiplier = 1 # min mETL
+EqmETL.constr$objectives[[3]]$enabled = TRUE # min mETL
+EqmETL.constr$objectives[[1]]$multiplier = 0 # max pamean
+### Construct BUOY 7: Equal Weight Portfolio
+# There's only one, so construct weights for it.  Rebalance the equal-weight portfolio at the same frequency as the others.
+dates=index(edhec.R[endpoints(edhec.R, on=rebalance_period)])
+weights = xts(matrix(rep(1/NCOL(edhec.R),length(dates)*NCOL(edhec.R)), ncol=NCOL(edhec.R)), order.by=dates)
+colnames(weights)= colnames(edhec.R)
+### Evaluate constraint objects
+# Generate a single set of random portfolios to evaluate against all constraint set
+print(paste('constructing random portfolios at',Sys.time()))
+rp = random_portfolios(rpconstraints=init.constr, permutations=permutations)
+print(paste('done constructing random portfolios at',Sys.time()))
+### Choose our 'R' variable
+R=edhec.R # for monthlies
+#R=edhec.R.quarterly #to use the quarterlies
+#R=garch.mu # to use the monthly quarter-ahead predictions from the garch
+print(paste('Starting optimization at',Sys.time()))
+### Evaluate BUOY 1: Constrained Mean-StdDev Portfolio
+# MeanSD.RND<-optimize.portfolio(R=R,
+#   constraints=MeanSD.constr,
+#   optimize_method='random',
+#   search_size=1000, trace=TRUE, verbose=TRUE,
+#   rp=rp) # use the same random portfolios generated above
+# plot(MeanSD.RND, risk.col="pasd.pasd", return.col="mean")
+# Evaluate the objectives through time 
+### requires PortfolioAnalytics build >= 1864
+MeanSD.RND.t = optimize.portfolio.rebalancing(R=R,
+  constraints=MeanSD.constr, 
+  optimize_method='random', 
+  search_size=permutations, trace=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, 
+  rp=rp, # all the same as prior
+  rebalance_on=rebalance_period, # uses xts 'endpoints'
+  trailing_periods=NULL, # calculates from inception
+  training_period=36) # starts 3 years in to the data history
+MeanSD.w = extractWeights.rebal(MeanSD.RND.t)
+MeanSD=Return.rebalancing(edhec.R, MeanSD.w)
+colnames(MeanSD) = "MeanSD"
+print(paste('Completed meanSD optimization at',Sys.time(),'moving on to meanmETL'))
+### Evaluate BUOY 2: Constrained Mean-mETL Portfolio
+# MeanmETL.RND<-optimize.portfolio(R=R,
+#   constraints=MeanmETL.constr,
+#   optimize_method='random',
+#   search_size=1000, trace=TRUE, verbose=TRUE,
+#   rp=rp) # use the same random portfolios generated above
+# plot(MeanmETL.RND, risk.col="pasd.pasd", return.col="mean")
+# Evaluate the objectives with RP through time 
+MeanmETL.RND.t = optimize.portfolio.rebalancing(R=R,
+  constraints=MeanmETL.constr, 
+  optimize_method='random', 
+  search_size=permutations, trace=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, 
+  rp=rp, # all the same as prior
+  rebalance_on=rebalance_period, # uses xts 'endpoints'
+  trailing_periods=NULL, # calculates from inception
+  training_period=36) # starts 3 years in to the data history
+MeanmETL.w = extractWeights.rebal(MeanmETL.RND.t)
+MeanmETL=Return.rebalancing(edhec.R, MeanmETL.w)
+colnames(MeanmETL) = "MeanmETL"
+print(paste('Completed meanmETL optimization at',Sys.time(),'moving on to MinSD'))
+### Evaluate BUOY 3: Constrained Minimum Variance Portfolio
+# MinSD.RND<-optimize.portfolio(R=R,
+#   constraints=MinSD.constr,
+#   optimize_method='random',
+#   search_size=1000, trace=TRUE, verbose=TRUE,
+#   rp=rp) # use the same random portfolios generated above
+# plot(MinSD.RND, risk.col="pasd.pasd", return.col="mean")
+# Evaluate the objectives with RP through time 
+MinSD.RND.t = optimize.portfolio.rebalancing(R=R,
+  constraints=MinSD.constr, 
+  optimize_method='random', 
+  search_size=permutations, trace=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, 
+  rp=rp, # all the same as prior
+  rebalance_on=rebalance_period, # uses xts 'endpoints'
+  trailing_periods=NULL, # calculates from inception
+  training_period=36) # starts 3 years in to the data history
+MinSD.w = extractWeights.rebal(MinSD.RND.t)
+MinSD=Return.rebalancing(edhec.R, MinSD.w)
+colnames(MinSD) = "MinSD"
+print(paste('Completed MinSD optimization at',Sys.time(),'moving on to MinmETL'))
+### Evaluate BUOY 4: Constrained Minimum mETL Portfolio
+# MinmETL.RND<-optimize.portfolio(R=R,
+#   constraints=MinmETL.constr,
+#   optimize_method='random',
+#   search_size=1000, trace=TRUE, verbose=TRUE,
+#   rp=rp) # use the same random portfolios generated above
+# plot(MinmETL.RND, risk.col="pasd.pasd", return.col="mean")
+# Evaluate the objectives with RP through time 
+MinmETL.RND.t = optimize.portfolio.rebalancing(R=R,
+  constraints=MinmETL.constr, 
+  optimize_method='random', 
+  search_size=permutations, trace=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, 
+  rp=rp, # all the same as prior
+  rebalance_on=rebalance_period, # uses xts 'endpoints'
+  trailing_periods=NULL, # calculates from inception
+  training_period=36) # starts 3 years in to the data history
+MinmETL.w = extractWeights.rebal(MinmETL.RND.t)
+MinmETL=Return.rebalancing(edhec.R, MinmETL.w)
+colnames(MinmETL) = "MinmETL"
+print(paste('Completed MinmETL optimization at',Sys.time(),'moving on to EqSD'))
+### Evaluate BUOY 5: Constrained Equal Variance Contribution Portfolio
+# EqSD.RND<-optimize.portfolio(R=R,
+#   constraints=EqSD.constr,
+#   optimize_method='random',
+#   search_size=1000, trace=TRUE, verbose=TRUE,
+#   rp=rp) # use the same random portfolios generated above
+# plot(EqSD.RND, risk.col="pasd.pasd", return.col="mean")
+EqSD.RND.t = optimize.portfolio.rebalancing(R=R,
+  constraints=EqSD.constr, 
+  optimize_method='random', 
+  search_size=permutations, trace=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, 
+  rp=rp, # all the same as prior
+  rebalance_on=rebalance_period, # uses xts 'endpoints'
+  trailing_periods=NULL, # calculates from inception
+  training_period=36) # starts 3 years in to the data history
+EqSD.w = extractWeights.rebal(EqSD.RND.t)
+EqSD=Return.rebalancing(edhec.R, EqSD.w)
+colnames(EqSD) = "EqSD"
+print(paste('Completed EqSD optimization at',Sys.time(),'moving on to EqmETL'))
+### Evaluate BUOY 6: Constrained Equal mETL Contribution Portfolio
+# EqmETL.RND<-optimize.portfolio(R=R,
+#   constraints=EqmETL.constr,
+#   optimize_method='random',
+#   search_size=1000, trace=TRUE, verbose=TRUE,
+#   rp=rp) # use the same random portfolios generated above
+EqmETL.RND.t = optimize.portfolio.rebalancing(R=R,
+  constraints=EqmETL.constr, 
+  optimize_method='random', 
+  search_size=permutations, trace=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, 
+  rp=rp, # all the same as prior
+  rebalance_on=rebalance_period, # uses xts 'endpoints'
+  trailing_periods=NULL, # calculates from inception
+  training_period=36) # starts 3 years in to the data history
+EqmETL.w = extractWeights.rebal(EqmETL.RND.t)
+EqmETL=Return.rebalancing(edhec.R, EqmETL.w)
+colnames(EqmETL) = "EqmETL"
+print(paste('Completed EqmETL optimization at',Sys.time(),'moving on to EqWgt'))
+### Evaluate BUOY 7: Equal Weight Portfolio
+# There's only one, so calculate it.  Rebalance the equal-weight portfolio regularly, matching the periods above
+EqWgt = Return.rebalancing(edhec.R,weights) # requires development build of PerfA >= 1863 or CRAN version 1.0.4 or higher
+### Performance of Buy & Hold Random Portfolios
+#BHportfs = EqWgt
+#for(i in 2:NROW(rp)){ #@TODO: Use foreach in this loop instead
+#  weights_i = xts(matrix(rep(rp[i,],length(dates)), ncol=NCOL(rp)), order.by=dates)
+#  tmp = Return.rebalancing(edhec.R,weights_i)
+#  BHportfs = cbind(BHportfs,tmp)
+BHportfs <- foreach(i=1:NROW(rp),.combine=cbind, .inorder=TRUE) %dopar% {
+	weights_i = xts(matrix(rep(rp[i,],length(dates)), ncol=NCOL(rp)), order.by=dates)
+	tmp = Return.rebalancing(edhec.R,weights_i)
+# BHportfs <- cbind(EqWgt,BHportfs)
+# Assemble the ex ante result data
+results.obj = c("MeanSD.RND.t", "MeanmETL.RND.t", "MinSD.RND.t", "MinmETL.RND.t", "EqSD.RND.t", "EqmETL.RND.t")
+results.names= c("Eq Wgt", "Mean SD", "Mean mETL", "Min SD", "Min mETL", "Eq SD", "Eq mETL")
+results = list(EqWgt=EqWgt,
+		BHportfs=BHportfs,
+		MeanSD.RND.t=MeanSD.RND.t, 
+		MeanmETL.RND.t=MeanmETL.RND.t, 
+		MinSD.RND.t=MinSD.RND.t, 
+		MinmETL.RND.t=MinmETL.RND.t, 
+		EqSD.RND.t=EqSD.RND.t, 
+		EqmETL.RND.t=EqmETL.RND.t)
+# evalDate="2010-12-31"
+## Extract Weights
+RND.weights = MeanSD.RND.t[[evalDate]]$random_portfolio_objective_results[[1]]$weights #EqWgt
+for(result in results.obj){
+    x=get(result)
+    RND.weights = rbind(RND.weights,x[[evalDate]]$weights)
+rownames(RND.weights)=results.names # @TODO: add prettier labels
+#RND.weights = MeanSD.RND.t[["2010-12-31"]]$random_portfolio_objective_results[[1]]$weights #EqWgt
+#for(result in results){
+#	RND.weights = rbind(RND.weights,result[["2010-12-31"]]$weights)
+#results.names= c("Eq Wgt", "Mean SD", "Mean mETL", "Min SD", "Min mETL", "Eq SD", "Eq mETL")
+#rownames(RND.weights)=c(results.names) # @TODO: add prettier labels
+### Extract Objective measures
+#RND.objectives=rbind(MeanSD.RND.t[["2010-12-31"]]$random_portfolio_objective_results[[1]]$objective_measures[1:3]) #EqWgt
+#for(result in results){
+#	RND.objectives = rbind(RND.objectives,rbind(result[["2010-12-31"]]$objective_measures[1:3]))
+#rownames(RND.objectives)=c("EqWgt",results) # @TODO: add prettier labels
+## Extract Objective measures
+RND.objectives=rbind(MeanSD.RND.t[[evalDate]]$random_portfolio_objective_results[[1]]$objective_measures[1:3]) #EqWgt
+for(result in names(results)[grep('.t',names(results),fixed=TRUE)]){
+  print(result)
+    x=get('results')[[result]]
+    x.obj=rbind(x.obj, data.frame(mean=x$"2012-02-29"$objective_measures[[1]],pasd=x$"2012-02-29"$objective_measures[[2]],CVaR=as.numeric(x$"2012-02-29"$objective_measures[[3]][1])))
+  print(x.obj)
+    #RND.objectives = rbind(RND.objectives,x.obj)
+rownames(RND.objectives)=results.names # @TODO: add prettier labels
+# END main optimization section
+op <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# NOT USED: Chart EqWgt Results against BH RP portfolios
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+postscript(file="EqWgtBHPerfSumm.eps", height=6, width=5, paper="special", horizontal=FALSE, onefile=FALSE)
+charts.PerformanceSummary(BHportfs, main="Equal Weight and Buy & Hold Random Portfolios", methods=c("ModifiedVaR", "ModifiedES"), p=(1-1/12), gap=36, colorset=c("orange",rep("darkgray",NCOL(BHportfs))), lwd=3, legend.loc=NA)
+# use clean='boudt', show.cleaned=TRUE, in final version?
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+### Plot comparison of objectives and weights 
+# > names(EqmETL.RND)
+# [1] "random_portfolios"                  "random_portfolio_objective_results"
+# [3] "weights"                            "objective_measures"                
+# [5] "call"                               "constraints"                       
+# [7] "data_summary"                       "elapsed_time"                      
+# [9] "end_t"      
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Plot Ex Ante scatter of RP and ONLY Equal Weight portfolio
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+xtract = extractStats(MeanSD.RND.t[[evalDate]])
+png(filename="RP-EqW-ExAnte-2008-06-30.png", units="in", height=5.5, width=9, res=96) 
+par(mar=c(5, 4, 1, 2) + 0.1) #c(bottom, left, top, right)
+plot(xtract[,"pasd.pasd"],xtract[,"pamean.pamean"], xlab="Predicted StdDev", ylab="Predicted Mean", col="darkgray", axes=FALSE, main="", cex=.7)
+grid(col = "darkgray")
+abline(h = 0, col = "darkgray")
+points(RND.objectives[1,2],RND.objectives[1,1], col=tol7qualitative, pch=16, cex=1.5)
+axis(1, cex.axis = 0.8, col = "darkgray")
+axis(2, cex.axis = 0.8, col = "darkgray")
+box(col = "darkgray")
+legend("bottomright",legend=results.names[1], col=tol7qualitative, pch=16, ncol=1,  border.col="darkgray", y.intersp=1.2, cex=0.8, inset=.02)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Plot Ex Ante scatter of RP and ALL BUOY portfolios
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+png(filename="Buoy-ExAnte-2008-06-30.png", units="in", height=5.5, width=9, res=96) 
+par(mar=c(5, 4, 1, 2) + 0.1) #c(bottom, left, top, right)
+plot(xtract[,"pasd.garch.pasd.garch"],xtract[,"pamean.pamean"], xlab="Predicted StdDev", ylab="Predicted Mean", col="darkgray", axes=FALSE, main="", cex=.7)
+grid(col = "darkgray")
+abline(h = 0, col = "darkgray")
+points(RND.objectives[,2],RND.objectives[,1], col=tol7qualitative, pch=16, cex=1.5)
+axis(1, cex.axis = 0.8, col = "darkgray")
+axis(2, cex.axis = 0.8, col = "darkgray")
+box(col = "darkgray")
+legend("bottomright", legend=results.names, col=tol7qualitative, pch=16, ncol=1,  border.col="darkgray", y.intersp=1.2, inset=.02)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Plot weights of Buoy portfolios as of 2008-06-30
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+png(filename="Weights-ExAnte-2008-06-30.png", units="in", height=5.5, width=9, res=96)
+par(oma = c(4,8,2,1), mar=c(0,0,0,1)) # c(bottom, left, top, right)
+layout(matrix(c(1:7), nr = 1, byrow = TRUE))
+row.names = sapply(colnames(RND.weights), function(x) paste(strwrap(x,10), collapse = "\n"), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
+for(i in 1:7){
+  if(i==1){
+    barplot(RND.weights[i,], col=rainbow8equal, horiz=TRUE, xlim=c(0,max(RND.weights)), axes=FALSE, names.arg=row.names, las=2, cex.names=1.1)
+    abline(v=0, col="darkgray")
+    abline(v=1/7, col="darkgray", lty=2)
+    axis(1, cex.axis = 1, col = "darkgray", las=1)
+    mtext(rownames(RND.weights)[i], side= 3, cex=0.7, adj=0)
+  } 
+  else{
+    barplot(RND.weights[i,], col=rainbow8equal, horiz=TRUE, xlim=c(0,max(RND.weights)), axes=FALSE, names.arg="", ylab=rownames(RND.weights)[i])
+    abline(v=0, col="darkgray")
+    abline(v=1/7, col="darkgray", lty=2)
+    mtext(rownames(RND.weights)[i], side= 3, cex=0.7, adj=0)
+  }
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# NOT USED: Plot Ex Ante scatter of buoy portfolios and weights
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+postscript(file="ExAnteScatterWeights20101231.eps", height=6, width=5, paper="special", horizontal=FALSE, onefile=FALSE)
+op <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
+par(mar=c(4,4,4,2)+.1, cex=1)
+## Draw the Scatter chart of combined results
+### Get the random portfolios from one of the result sets
+# xtract = extractStats(MeanSD.RND.t[["2010-12-31"]]) # did this above
+plot(xtract[,"pasd.pasd"],xtract[,"mean"], xlab="StdDev", ylab="Mean", col="darkgray", axes=FALSE, main="Objectives in Mean-Variance Space", cex=.7)
+points(RND.objectives[,2],RND.objectives[,1], col=tol7qualitative, pch=16)
+# This could easily be done in mean CVaR space as well
+# plot(xtract[,"pasd.pasd"],xtract[,"mean"], xlab="CVaR", ylab="Mean", col="darkgray", axes=FALSE, main="Objectives in Mean-mETL Space")
+# points(RND.objectives[,3],RND.objectives[,1], col=rainbow8equal, pch=16)
+axis(1, cex.axis = 0.8, col = "darkgray")
+axis(2, cex.axis = 0.8, col = "darkgray")
+box(col = "darkgray")
+# Add legend to middle panel
+par(mar=c(0,4,0,2)+.1, cex=0.7)
+legend("bottom",legend=rownames(RND.weights), col=tol7qualitative, pch=16, lwd=2, ncol=4,  border.col="darkgray", y.intersp=1.2)
+# Draw the Weights chart of the combined results
+columnnames = colnames(RND.weights)
+numassets = length(columnnames)
+minmargin = 3
+# set the bottom border to accommodate labels
+  bottommargin = max(c(minmargin, (strwidth(columnnames,units="in"))/par("cin")[1])) * 1 #cex.lab
+  if(bottommargin > 10 ) {
+    bottommargin<-10
+    columnnames<-substr(columnnames,1,19)
+    # par(srt=45) #TODO figure out how to use text() and srt to rotate long labels
+  }
+par(mar = c(bottommargin, 4, topmargin, 2) +.1, cex=1)
+plot(RND.weights[1,], type="b", col=rainbow8equal[1],  ylim=c(0,max(EqSD.RND.t$constraints$max)), ylab="Weights", xlab="",axes=FALSE)
+points(EqSD.RND.t$constraints$min, type="b", col="darkgray", lty="solid", lwd=2, pch=24)
+points(EqSD.RND.t$constraints$max, type="b", col="darkgray", lty="solid", lwd=2, pch=25)
+for(i in 1:NROW(RND.weights)) points(RND.weights[i,], type="b", col=tol7qualitative[i], lwd=2)
+axis(2, cex.axis = .8, col = "darkgray")
+axis(1, labels=columnnames, at=1:numassets, las=3, cex.axis = .8, col = "darkgray")
+box(col = "darkgray")
+# Use colors to group measures weight=orange, ETL=blue, sd=green
+# Use pch to group types min=triangle, equal=circle, returnrisk=square
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Plot Ex Post scatter of buoy portfolios
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Calculate ex post results
+for(i in 1:NROW(RND.weights)){
+  x = Return.portfolio(R=edhec.R["2008-06::2008-09"], weights=RND.weights[i,])
+  y=c(Return.cumulative(x), StdDev.annualized(x))
+  if(is.na(xpost.obj))
+    xpost.obj=y
+  else
+    xpost.obj=rbind(xpost.obj,y)

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/returnanalytics -r 1963

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