[Reddyproc-users] Questions about REddyProc

Thomas Wutzler twutz at bgc-jena.mpg.de
Wed Oct 7 08:07:30 CEST 2015

Dear Heather Speckman,

 What would you say are the advantages of using REddyProc over other
> software like EddyPro?

In short: REddyProc is a collection of functions, and processing chain
that we use in the FluxNet science community. We do not want to compete
with commercial software.

- quite flexible (just functions to be called from your programs)
- you can trace and debug what is going on,
- possibility to modify features and to contribute your proposed changes
or extensions to the community

- No commercial support. Most of the community are scientists who spent
part of their time in developing the package.
- Requires a little background/beforehand learning in using the R language.

 Does REddyProc have a walkthrough example to
> aide in learning it?
After installing the package just type ?REddyProc at the R command
prompt. That opens a html-based help in your R-Editor or the browser.
You can navigate to an example where you can find a kind of walkthrough
in several perspectives in different levels of detail.

Best regards

Thomas Wutzler

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