[Reddyproc-users] Getting ReddyProc running with my own dataset

Efren Lopez Blanco elb at bios.au.dk
Thu Mar 26 18:23:44 CET 2015


I’ve successfully installed ReddyProc package in R. The script run fluently the dummy dataset provided (“Example_DETha98.txt"). However, I am on trouble when I try to run my own dataset (please find it attached). If I run the code in such a way that….

#+++ Simple example code for using the sEddyProc reference class +++

  if( TRUE ) { #Do not always execute example code (e.g. on package installation)

    #+++ Load data with one header and one unit row from (tab-delimited) text file
    Dir.s <- paste(system.file(package='REddyProc'), 'examples', sep='/')
    #Dir.s <- setwd("/Users/elb/Downloads/REddyProc/inst/examples")
    EddyData.F <- fLoadTXTIntoDataframe(‘EC_2010.txt', Dir.s)
    #+++ If not provided, calculate VPD from Tair and rH
    EddyData.F <- cbind(EddyData.F,VPD=fCalcVPDfromRHandTair(EddyData.F$rH, EddyData.F$Tair)) ….

I got an error message:

Error in fSetFile(FileName.s, Dir.s, T, "fLoadTXTIntoDataframe") :
  fLoadTXTIntoDataframe:::fSetFile::: File does not exist or has no read permission: /Users/elb/Library/R/3.1/library/REddyProc/examples/EC_2010.txt

Where shall I allocate my EC_2010.txt file? .../REddyProc/inst/examples?

Shall I set up anything else?


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