[Reddyproc-users] Discussion REddyProcWeb

Thomas Wutzler twutz at bgc-jena.mpg.de
Thu Apr 9 08:56:35 CEST 2015

Dear Raibo,

please subscribe to Reddyproc-users before posting to this list
(Else we have to explicitly check a web-interface for unauthorized
posting requests.)

Standard raw Eddy data is processed to calculate one record for each
The REddyProc package expects the timestamps of records to relate to
each half-hour and hence, the timestamps to increase by half an hour:
"at least three months of half-hourly data".

See e.g. the Hour field in the provided input data example:

You need to format your data in this way before processing it with
REddyProc package.
The package noticed that the records were not formatted in this way and
notified you with the error message.

Best regards
Thomas Wutzler

Am 07.04.2015 um 05:44 schrieb Haibo Wang:
> Dear sir,
> I got a problem when I use the EddyProc with my own dataset, I do not
> know the reason of the Error, can you explained with me? Thank you very
> much!
> Here is the error information:
> Error in fCheckHHTimeSeries(Data.F[, ColPOSIXTime.s], DTS.n = DTS.n, "sEddyProc.initialize") : 
>   sEddyProc.initialize:::fCheckHHTimeSeries::: Time stamp is not equidistant (half-)hours in 439 cases!
> Calls: system.time ... initialize -> initialize -> <Anonymous> -> fCheckHHTimeSeries
> Error during wrapup: dump in  RBatch_dump
> Timing stopped at: 2.624 0.036 2.692 
> Execution halted
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