[Rcppoctave-user] Apple Blues

Renaud Gaujoux renaud at mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za
Fri Nov 1 09:11:27 CET 2013

What type of R installation did you test this procedure with?
Ideally this would work with the plain CRAN binary, modulo adapting

As you probably know, the last line of embedded.cc (attached)
> is very important. Without it there is still a memory error!
I checked Octave source and clean_up_and_exit is a simple wrapper to
do_octave_atexit, which I call directly to skip the call to exit, which
would otherwise terminate the R session as well:


void clean_up_and_exit (int retval)
  do_octave_atexit ();
  if (octave_exit)
    (*octave_exit) (retval == EOF ? 0 : retval);

Note that I actually don't know how to effectively terminate the Octave
session. Don't know if this even possible since it currently runs in the
same thread as R (that's at least my understanding). So even after cleaning
up with do_octave_atexit(), we can still send commands to Octave which
responds fine, except if errors occurs and then a segfault sometimes come
up suggesting some thing is in a bad state. Anyway, this is not really a
big issue.

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