[Rcpp-devel] Locating an Instance of a Reference Class in the Environment

Matthew Supernaw - NOAA Federal matthew.supernaw at noaa.gov
Wed Mar 22 18:31:08 CET 2023

I'm trying to get an instance of a reference class
(vonBertalanffyInterface) from the R environment with the following code:

void SetName(vonBertalanffyInterface& v) {

    Rcpp::Environment env = Rcpp::Environment::global_env();
    Rcpp::List l = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::List>(env.ls(true));

    for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) {
        std::cout << typeid (l[i]).name() << std::endl;

        if(&v == l[i].get()){
            v.name Rcpp::as<std::string>(l[i]);

The problem is that elements in the list are of type

I'm assuming that PreserveStorage is a wrapper class. Is there a way to
retrieve the reference class from the PreserveStorage object?

Matthew Supernaw
*Scientific Software Developer*
*National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration*
*Office Of Science and Technology*
*NOAA Fisheries | *U.S. Department of Commerce
Phone 248 - 396 - 7797
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