[Rcpp-devel] Doubt about best pratices

Roberto Spadim roberto at spadim.com.br
Sun May 1 20:17:11 CEST 2022

Very nice, thanks Dirk and Jeff

Well i think i will accept a RObject and if it's a DataFrame I convert
to Matrix and it continue working

I will benchmark the differences to understand it better.


Other two doubt and I think that's all:

1) If dataset is too big (size is bigger than ram) is there a standard
lib to use it, or should i consider that using dataframe/matrix types
will work?
2) I never used GPU in R, I used keras with python, dash and others
python libs that handle bigdata / gpu math. Is there something related
to GPU and RCpp/R? Any standard to consider?

Thanks again!

Em dom., 1 de mai. de 2022 às 03:05, Dirk Eddelbuettel
<edd at debian.org> escreveu:
> This is not a well-posed Rcpp question as
> - matrix and data.frame are _fundamentally_ two different data types
> - matrix being _one_ and only one storage type, or class, stored
>   as one vector with dimension attribute of size two for rows and cols;
>   this makes it _efficient_ and you will see a matrix type used quite a bit
>   in internal R functions
> - data.frame being a special case of the catch-all type list with each
>   column being of same length but possibly different types -- and for that
>   reason we do not have too much tooling for this 'list of vectors' in Rcpp
>   besides the basics
> So in short you may want to work out first what you want you algorithm to be
> and maybe use higher-level converters in R to accomodate.
> Dirk
> --
> dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org

Roberto Spadim
SPAEmpresarial - Software ERP/Scada
Eng. Automação e Controle, Eng. Financeira

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