[Rcpp-devel] Can you help me with this?

Sokol Serguei serguei.sokol at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 08:44:27 CET 2022

Is your code accessible somewhere?


Le 17/03/2022 à 05:11, Arnab_ Chattopadhyay a écrit :
> I do research in the field of mathematical ecology and use R for 
> numerical computations and simulations.  Now to deal with my new 
> research problem, I have to first reproduce a numerical simulation 
> from a published paper 
> (https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/pdf/10.1098/rstb.2015.0281). 
> I`m having trouble doing this. I am telling the process briefly:
> The simulation starts with a system of 2 odes, which I have to 
> integrate for 10000 time steps and need the steady state. After that, 
> the number of variables in the system of ode may increase to 3 
> (depending on some conditions) and again I have to integrate it for 
> 10000 time steps. After that, the number of variables may be 4 and so 
> on. Each step of increasing the number of variables is called the 
> mutation steps in the language of ecology.
> Now I have to do 50000 mutation steps (each step contains ode 
> integration for 10000 time points) to get a complete data set.
> I call the functions from C++ (using Rcpp), then integrate it using 
> the RK4 method of numerical integration of ode but it is taking a huge 
> amount of time (near about 50-60 hrs) to complete the process.
> Can one suggest to me what I should do to reduce the time of the 
> simulation process.
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