[Rcpp-devel] Doubt about best pratices

Roberto Spadim roberto at spadim.com.br
Sat Apr 30 19:16:04 CEST 2022

Hi folks!

What's the best pratices to accept a dataframe and numericmatrix in a function?

Should I have two different methods to deal with NumericMatrix and DataFrame?
Could I convert DataFrame to matrix? What's the impact of doing this,
i.e. does the as.matrix copy dataframe data?

Thanks in advance!

Today I'm doing something like this:

void RCPP_function(const RObject &vec, const RObject &mat) {
    Rcpp::stop("mat can't be null");
  NumericMatrix variable_matrix;
  if (is<NumericMatrix>(mat))
    variable_matrix = as<NumericMatrix>(mat);
    variable_matrix = Rcpp::internal::convert_using_rfunction(mat, "as.matrix");

  NumericVector variable_vector;
  if((is<NumericVector>(target) || is<DataFrame>(target)) && !target.isNULL()){

  do something with data
  but here it's sure to be:
   NumericVector (variable_vector)
   NumericMatrix (variable_matrix)

Roberto Spadim

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