[Rcpp-devel] Package does not compile on MAC when running R-CMD-check github action

Simon Zehnder simon.zehnder at googlemail.com
Sun Nov 7 12:41:04 CET 2021

Hi everyone,

I have a problem with the compilation of a package on MacOS when running
the R-CDM-check github action. On all other platforms the package compiles,
but on MacOS.

I get a problem with the shared library on MacOS:

 OE> Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘finmix’ in dyn.load(file,
DLLpath = DLLpath, ...):
  OE>  unable to load shared object
6): Symbol not found: __ZTT13ParStudentInd
  OE>   Referenced from:
  OE>   Expected in: flat namespace
  OE>  in
  OE> Error: loading failed
  OE> Execution halted
  OE> ERROR: loading failed
  OE> * removing

Here is the link to the package on github (the documentation branch):

I suspect that the reason might be somewhere in the Makevars. Has anyone
encountered a similar error when running the R-CMD-check github action on
his/her package? What might be the reason for this behavior?

I am thankful for any hint.

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